HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Sign 20170016 - PageCITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 2000MAINSTREET HUNTINGTONBEACH,CA92648 (714)536-5271 TSPNo. 1421/oto Exp.Date/ I() 1.1 HUNTINGTONBEACH TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION $74.00 CODEPROVISIONS: Section233.04FoftheHuntingtonBeachZoningandSubdivisionOrdinance(HBZSO)statesthataTemporarySign Permitmaybeissuedforupto30daystoestablishormaintainidentityofabusinessuntilapermanentsigncanbe erected. Section233.18(HBZSO)statesthatpromotionalactivitybannersandpennantsmaybepermittedforgrandopenings, specialsales,changeofownership,andothersimilareventsforamaximumof90dayspercalendaryear.These typesofpennitsarenotrenewable.Apromotionalactivitybanner: Shallnotexceedonesquarefootofbannerareaforeachlinearfootofbuildingstreetfrontageand shallnotexceed100squarefeet,whicheverisless. Shallbeplacedonlyonthebuildingwallorattachedtoapermanentfreestandingsign. Shallnotbeinaconditionofdisrepair.Disrepairshallincludetorn,faded,orsaggingsigns. SiteswithelectronicreaderboardsandvehiclesalesbusinessesonBeachBoulevardshallbesubjecttoseveralother standards.RefertoSection233.18GandH(1-113ZSO)forfurthersigncriteria. COMPLETE l'HE FOLLOWING: -1-turkiip,J6TW 7264-7 BUSINESSADDRESS:SUITE#: BUSINESSNAME:F -sk) APPLICANT:F -TELEPHONE#:71 - 62-4-7 220 ADDRESS:'1,.0 lie CITY:-A •STATE:ZIP: IUOLt HasthebusinessbeenissuedaViolationNoticebyCodeEnforcementfortemporarysignswithinthe last calendaryear? CircleOne:YES DateofViolationNotice:Dateofsigninstallation: SCHEDULE FOR DISPLAY 0 TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVTTYSIGNS FROM:4 TO:7 ItO (17 NUMBEROFDAYS: 101+4s_ I. 2. (SEEATTACHEDSCHEDULE,IFAPPLICABLE)TOTAL: DIAGRAM OF ALL PROPOSED TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS Indicate height, width, copy, and number of banners and pennants proposed. 0 A-H-4411vine,,+ SITEPLAN Diagram the location of all buildings, width of the business frontage, streets, driveways, general parking areas, and location of all proposed temporary signs and pennants. 'RA,+6 A-14-0,x-Lwt Indicate North • Direction The property owner or authorized agent has reviewed and approved this request. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct.If approved, a copy of this permit must be posted on the premises during display of temporary and promotional activity signs. Cliengag&4tVefrD Si ature Title Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVEDBY: \._\C PERMITNO.: 1 fr rot(e RECEIPT NO: OC 0 DATE. •IA• Plan Zone 2 From:Pearly D o a n [ p e a r l y d 7 5 @ y a h o o . c o r n ] Sent:Tuesday, A p r i l 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 1 1 : 3 8 A M To:Plan Z o n e 2 Subject:Fwd: S c a n n e d D o c s Attachments:Hair S t o r e - W a r n e r D a l e - T e m p o r a r y B a n n e r . p d f ; A T T 0 0 0 0 1 . h t m Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From:Jaime J o n e s < - o n e s r i v e r r o c k r e . c o m > Date:April 11,2017 at 10:39:43AM PDT To:Pearly Doan < earl d75 ahoo.com> Subject: RE: ScannedDocs Hi Pearly: Your banner isapproved. Pleaseseeattached signed approval. Best, Jaime Jaime Jones Assistant Property Manager CA License #02028059 RiverRock Real Estate Group 100 Bayview Circle, Suite 2600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (P) 714.689.1973 1(F) 714.556.2358, efax 714.597.6332 www.riverrockREG.com "Success covers a multitude of blunders." George Bernard Shaw A please consi d e r t h e e n v i r o n m e n t b e f o r e p r i n t i n g t h i s e m a i l Notice to recipient: This e-mail is only meant for the intended recipient of the transmission, and may be a confidential communkation or a communication privileged by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please notify us immediately of the error by return e-mail and please delete this messagefrom your system. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. ‘. 1 From:PearlyDoan [mailto: earl d75 ahoo.com] Sent:Monday,April 10, 2017 10:35 PM To:JaimeJones Subject:Fwd: ScannedDocs Hi Jaime, Please review this banner and let me know if it ok so I can bring down to city Thanks. Pearly.. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From:Marvin Chau <marvin.chau hotmail.com> Date:April 10,2017 at 9:32:56 PM PDT To:Pearly Dom < earl d75 ahoo.com> Subject: Scanned Docs Sent from Outlook Mk-o,‹Vin e,k(0..i.n SA,.UnderNewvianagement.••Hair Cut $2.00 Off-r)- Chemical $5.00 Off;Shampoo'rcluded,MEN!RAIRCII111$HIGHIGHT4H,PERliAlltSVICOMIOG1145 -76- OMANIOI4/.AvisONKINGwawa!• •-Art,i4:1•1,ti""keffM MV6kc-\€\ r e \ e , 1 + ;A-e flan Wirwr Ave Wa'n.r AV:"!- Wd' f l e l AV.!Wiricr A v . 7 Wn-ner A v e ProHuirDesigns Leonardo'sSulon Welgreens lntercoostalFunding Kings M M A I Cn kr) S R W A Y : - i ; R e : ; t a v u n t s p Bill's(lameru P h o t o L a b Fabulous UniqueGifts&Decor DDMTuning Cleber 3so" 0 " Sebuti:Jniu l t u l i a n B i s t n .$is f MernmokCapitol 'Corporation(ATM) rn AC_V-IkA.k v,5 ,4-€?IanWarnerAve WarnerAveoWarnerAveWarnerAveWarnerAveProHairDesignsLeonardo'sSalonWalgreensKing'sMMA0IntercoastalFunding0GCr)st BWAYeRestaurants3co"triflLPJd()Bill's (-mere PhotoLabOAbsolutely FabulousUniqueGifts8 DecorDOMTuningSebatianrsItalianBistr(3o1-1r.%CleberJiu-Jitsu"Merrimak CapitaliOlCorporation(ATM)To.a-cV,C-;