HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Sign 20170039 - PageSI At HUNTINGTONBEACH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2000 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 TSP No. Zoi7- Exp. Date lb" TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION $74.00 CODEPROVISIONS: Section 233.04F of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO) states that a Temporary Sign Permit may be issued for up to 30 days to establish or maintain identity of a business until a permanent sign can be erected. Section 233.18 (HBZSO) states that promotional activity banners and pennants may be permitted for grand openings, special sales, change of ownership, and other similar events for a maximum of 90 days per calendar year. These types of permits are not renewable. A promotional activity banner: Shall not exceed one square foot of banner area for each linear foot of building street frontage and shall not exceed 100 square feet, whichever is less. Shall be placed only on the building wall or attached to a permanent freestanding sign. Shall not be in a condition of disrepair. Disrepair shall include torn, faded, or sagging signs. Sites with electronic readerboards and vehicle sales businesses on Beach Boulevard shall be subject to several other standards. Refer to Section 233.18 G and H (HBZSO) for further sign criteria. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: BUSINESS ADDRESS:.51?d (OM/gite 4-4/1161—SUITE #: BUSINESS NAME:8;e2.014//e1 /A/Z give"e9re APPLICANT:/46.8-1---- /464L/TELEPHONE #:'20 Z367 ADDRESS:*OD v4- CITY:STATE:-ZIP: 5YAL3 Has the business been issued a Violation Notice by Cod nforcement for temporary signs within the last calendar year? Circle One:YES Date of Violation Notice:Date of sign installation: SCHEDULEFORDISPLAYOFTEMPORARYANDPROMOTIONALACTIVITYSIGNS FROM: 1.2f 7 2. (SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE, IF APPLICABLE) TO:NUMBER OF DAYS: C5‘73/7-0/3/ TOTAL: DIAGRAM OF ALL PROPOSED TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS Indicate height, width, copy, and number of banners and pennants proposed. \garg ex&O cs ? SITEPLAN Diagram the location of all buildings, width of the business frontage, streets, driveways, general parking areas, and location of all proposed temporary signs and pennants. irArAvv-r 622 Ayr Indicate North Direction The property owner or authorized agent has reviewed and approved this request. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct.If approved, a copy of this permit must be posted on the premises during display of te r d pr ional activity signs. 67(9 27-17 Title Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED BY: 1.11 PERMIT NO.2oll-0-721 RECEIPTNO:a 22 g DATE:I nature Arnel A ustin From:Halbach, Mark <MHalbach@kimcorealty.com> Sent:Monday, September 18, 2017 12:21 PM To:Arnel Agustin Cc:Hansen, Melanie; Megan Brock; Staci Burkel; Customer Support Subject:RE:Goodwill Halloween Banners Attachments:Marina Village.pdf; Tustin Boutique.pdf Hi Arnel, Please ensure the anchoring system will secure the signs properly. With this confirmation, and the respective City approvals, you may proceed as indicated. The Landlord of course retains its' right to have the temporary banners removed by the Tenant with 48 hour notice too of course. Thank you. Mark Halbach Property Manager I Property Management —PSW Region .111 KIMCO A t A. Lt* 2429 Park Avenue I Tustin, CA 92782 (949) 252-3873 I cell: (949) 246-0685 I mhalbach kimcorealt com Bloq I Facebook I Twitter I Linkedln I YouTube From:Arnel Agustin [mailto:arnela@ocgoodwill.org] Sent:Monday, September 18, 2017 10:30 AM To:Halbach, Mark <MHalbach@kimcorealty.com> Cc:Hansen, Melanie <MHansen@kimcorealty.com> Subject:RE:Goodwill Halloween Banners Importance:High Mark, Attached are the pictures of the proposed Halloween Banners for the Marina Village and Tustin Goodwill Store locations. The Banners will be mounted on PVCframes, Installed onto the Building with Nylon String, and no wall penetrations will be made. The Banners will only be up for 30 days and be removed the day after Halloween, which is the ft. Please let me know if this can be approved and I will proceed with the respective city Banner Permits, Thanks. Arnel G. Agustin Senior Facilities Manager Goodwill of Orange County From:Halbach, Mark mailto:MHalbach kimcoreal .com] Sent:Tuesday, September 12, 2017 3:57 PM To:Arnel Agustin Cc:Hansen, Melanie Subject:RE: Goodwill Halloween Banners Hi Arnel, 1 As you know, we do not like banners and rarely approve unless for a tenant's grand opening or due to an obligation/entitlement indicated in the Lease agreement. With that said, we do enjoy helping the businesses when it's possible. Can you please have a rendering provided showing the location of the proposed sign close to scale and indicate how the banner will be installed. Any damage to the building of course must be repaired to the condition it was prior to installation. If approved, it would not be permitted for more than 30 days. Mark Halbach Property Manager I Property Management —PSW Region P. 415 KIMCG A.LTZ 2429 Park Avenue I Tustin, CA 92782 (949) 252-3873 I cell: (949) 246-0685 1 mhalbach kimcorealt com Blog I Facebook 1Twitter I Linkedln I YouTube From:Arnel Agustin mailto:arnela oc oodwill.or ] Sent:Tuesday, September 12, 2017 1:40 PM To:Halbach, Mark <MHalbach kimcorealt .com> Subject:FW: Goodwill Halloween Banners Importance:High Mark, Since Melanie is out I am forwarding this request to you, Fyi. Arnel G. Agustin Senior Facilities Manager Goodwill of Orange County From:Arnel Agustin Sent:Tuesday, September 12, 2017 1:39 PM To:Hansen, Melanie (MHansen kimcoreal .com) Subject:Goodwill Halloween Banners Importance:High Melanie, It's that time of year once again for Halloween and I am requesting your approval to hang this Halloween Banner, along with the Banner Permit from the city. Please let me know if you need anything else so that we can have your approval to move forward, Thanks. Arne! G. Agustin Senior Facilities Manager Goodwill of Orange County 410 N. Fairview, Santa Ana CA 92703 714.547.6308 ext 237 arnela oc oodwill.or maintenance oc oodwill.or ? co aoe 71NDTh ;2=11 2 -illettmsawar."W.1VA