HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Sign 20180006 - PageCITYOF HUNTINGTONBEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2000 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 TSP No. Exp. Date /1/2.°1 HUNTINGTONBEACH TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONALACTIVITY SIGNPERMIT APPLICATION $83.00 CODE PROVISIONS: Section233.04FoftheHuntingtonBeachZoningandSubdivisionOrdinance(HBZSO)statesthat a TemporarySign Permitmaybeissuedfoi upto 30daysto establishormaintainidentityof abusinessuntilapermanent signcanbe - erected. Section233.18(HBZSO)statesthatpromotionalactivitybannersand pennantsmaybepermittedfor grandopenings, specialsaies,changeof ownership,andothersimilareventsfora maximumof90dayspercalendaryear. These typesofpermitsarenotrenewable. ApromotiOnalactivitybanner: Shallnot exceedonesquarefootofbannerareaforeachlinearfootofbuildingstreetfrontage and shallnot exceed100squarefeet, whicheverisless: .Shallhe placecconlyonthebuildingwallorattachedto apermanentfreestandingsign.._ C.Shallnotbein aconditionofdisrepair. DisrePairshallincludetorn,faded,orsaggingsigns.• k :•;., •- Siteswithelectronicreaderbbardsaid vehiclesalesblisineigesOnBeachBouleVardshallbe subjectto several oilier standards. RefertCoSection233.18G andH (HBZSO)forfurthersigncriteria. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: BUSINESS ADDRESS: 1131 O1 A.\.)SUITE#:I(32- BUSINESS NAME: 3- APPLICANT:LS1 TELEPHONE #: 1C-33 '2-S-1 SbcY1 .1.61 ADDRESS: ricvi erec-,-0,•Bk&-x-1 CITY:STATE:04 ZIP: Cag-.1 1 Has the business been issued a Violation Notice by calendar year? Circle One:YES forcement for temporary signs within the last DateofViolationNotice:Dateofsigninstallation: SCHEDULE FOR DISPLAY OF TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS FROM:TO:NUMBER OF DAYS: 1 2. (SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE, IF APPLICABLE)TOTAL: DIAGRAM OF ALL PROPOSED TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS Indicate height, width, copy, and number of banners and pennants proposed. (°firms` rr Sa1/4,\A's Pe3-/uC r fvs"13 St,(0 8' SITE PLAN Diagram the location of all buildings, width of the business frontage, streets, driveways, general parking areas, and location of all proposed temporary signs and pennants. Z Indicate North Direction The property owner or authorized agent has reviewed and approved this request. ereby certify that the above information is true and correct.If approved, a copy of this permit must be posted on the premises during e..,adisplay of te ry an r motional activity signs. r.,..,-E-,•ak.06ct.t-4)-c2tr aKZ,B(l e si ure Title Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPkbVED BY: -CAM PERMIT'NO.: (1-°1b-c'c'a' RECEEPTNO:367 3 DATE: €2)7,4I, a*,