HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Sign 20180022 - PageCITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2000 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 TSP No. Exp.Date(VCIfir314 HUNTINGTONBEACH TEMPORARYAND PROMOTIONALACTWITY SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION $83.00 CODEPROVISIONS: Section233.04FoftheHuntingtonBeachZoningandSubdivisionOrdinance(HBZSO)statesthata TemporarySign Permitmaybe issuedforupto 30daysto establishormaintainidentityofabusinessuntilapermanentsigncanbe erected. •Section233.18(HBZSO)statesthatpromotionalactivitybannersandpennantsmaybepermittedforgrandopenings, specialsales,changeof ownership,andothersimilareventsforamaximumof90dayspercalendaryear. These typesofpermitsarenotrenewable. Apromotionalactivitybanner: Shallnot exceedonesquarefootof bannerareaforeachlinearfootofbuildingstreetfrontageand shallnotexceed100squarefeet,whicheverisless. Shallbeplacedonlyonthebuildingwallorattachedto apermanentfreestandingsign. Shallnotbeina conditionofdisrepair. Disrepairshallincludetorn,faded,orsaggingsigns. SiteswithelectronicreaderboardsandvehiclesalesbusinessesonBeachBoulevardshallbe subjectto severalother standards. Referto Section233.18GandH(HBZSO)forfurthersigncriteria. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: BUSINESS ADDRESS:()5S.a I(SI.10),SUITE #:10a BUSINESS NAME: Gyeait C11. APPLICANT: )CLYa ADDRESS:21-1 e\INAS CITY: Has the business been issued a Vio ion tice by Code Enforcement for temporary signs within the last calendar year? Circle One:YES NO Date of Violation Notice:Date of sign installation:-2- SCHEDULE FOR DISPLAY OF TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS FROM:G-mtg TO:9 4- -NUMBER OF DAYS: 1.anne. TELEPHONE #: 911-L193 STATE: CA z113:_3_2iO3 2. (SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE, IF APPLICABLE)TOTAL: DIAGRAM OF ALL PROPOSED TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS Indicate height, width, copy, and number of banners and pennants proposed. 6 Date DATEb fl x Feet 3 \Yeekl 3S Feet ) \ - SITE PLAN Diagram the loca ion of all buildings, width of the business frontage, streets, driveways, general parki g areas, `rand location of all proposed temporary signs and pennants. ckaseJ 60es'S poldiS )\ X— Gieui dispS /Val Indicate North Direction The property owner or authorized agent has reviewed and approved this request. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct.If approved, a copy of this permit must be posted on the premises during display temporary and promotional activity signs. r")Ow e( ature Title FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVEDBY:PERMIT NO.: 615/RECEIPT NO: 41(0 EXAMPLE DIAGRAMOF ALLPROPOSEDTEMPORARYANDPROMOTIONALACTIVITYSIGNS Indicate height, width, copy, and number of banners and pennants proposed. 2' 0 " 12' 0" 0 Note: B a n n e r s h a l l not e x c e e d o n e square f o o t o f a r e a for e a c h f o o t o f building s t r e e t frontage Frontage 24' 0" SITE PL A N Diagram the location of all buildings, width of the business frontage, streets, driveways, general parking areas, and location of all proposed temporary signs and pennants. proposed banner Indicate N o r t h Direction 4 12'V Parking