HomeMy WebLinkAboutSexual Harassment Policy - Direct City Attorney To Prepare D Administrative Regulation Page 5
Office of the City Administrator
8. Dissemination of Policy: This Policy will be disseminated to all elected officials, officers,
members of advisory boards, commissions and committees of the City of Huntington
Beach and all managers, supervisors, and employees.
I have read and understand the Harassment in Employment Policy, AR 412. 1
understand that harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, religious creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, sex,
sexual orientation, or age will not be tolerated by the City of Huntington Beach.
Date: act
Printed Name: �� Q�� /i '� s ✓
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator
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City Council Interoffice Communication
To: Honorable City Council Members
From: Connie Boardman, Mayor
Date: October 13, 2003
Subject: H-Item, October 20th City Council Meeting - Sexual Harrassment
The City currently has a sexual harassment policy that applies to employees of the City.
Administrative Regulation 412 describing this policy is attached. The City Council, and
members of city boards, commissions, committees, & task forces do not currently fall
under this policy.
Since the City Council and the board, commission, committee & task force members
interact with citizens and employees, I believe it is important that they be covered under
the City's policy in this area.
To that end, I am asking that the City Council request that the City Attorney prepare the
appropriate documents to assure that the City Council and those who serve on City
boards, commissions, committees and task forces are included under the City's sexual
harassment policy.
The City Council requests that the City Attorney prepare appropriate documentation to
assure that the City Council and all those who serve on a City board, commission,
committee, or task force included under the City's sexual harassment policy.
Xc: City Administrator
City Clerk
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Z'MP4=34SEACH Office or the City Administrator
Number: 412
Sections: 1_g
Effective Date: March 1, 1991
Revised Date: October 5, 1999
SUBJECT: Harassment in Employment Policy
1. Puroose.
1.1 This Administrative Regulation is to establish a City policy regarding the
prohibition or harassment in the work place and/or while engaged in any activity
on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach.
1 .% This policy is to fully Inform all DepartrTe, t Heads, managers, supervisors and.
employees of the City, that any form of harassment in the workplace will not be
tolerated or condoned.
1 .3 To inform employees of their rights if the. believe they have been a victim of
harassment and,
1 To provide a means for prompt reporting and full and eiiective Investigation c,
complaints and provide� for remedial ac::cn acalnst those who engage In
harassment as prohibited by this regulation.
2. ,\utnori��. Section 401 , Huntington Eeach City Charter. Title VII of the United States
Civil Rights Act. Guidelines or the Equal Employr- ent Opportunity Commission and the
Ca!ifornia Fair Employment and Housing Commis_ cn. A violation of this policy may not
be a vitiation of State and/or Federal law.
3. Aoclication. This regulation applies to all depar-ments and employees or the City of
Huntington Beach.
4. Definition or Harassment. Harassment can consist of virtually any form or combination
of verbal, physical, visual or environmental conduct. It need not be explicit, nor even
spec directed at the victim. Sexually harassing conduct can occur bet•Y�een
people or the same or different cienders. Sexual "l;arassment may be quid pro duo or
the result of a hostile work environment. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
4.1 Verbal: Inappropriate or offensive remarks, S!urs, fakes, or Innuendoes based cn
race, religious creed, color, naticr;al cricin, c..cestri, physica! handicap, !c4l
Administrative Regulation
Office of the City Administrator
condition, marital status, sex, sexual orientation or age. This may include, but is
not limited 'to: inappropriate comments regarding an individual's body, physical
appearance, attire, sexual prowess, marital status, pregnancy, sexual
orientation, unwelcome flirting, demands for sexual favors, verbal abuse,
intimidation of.a sexual nature, or sexist, patronizing or ridiculing statements that
convey derogatory attitudes about a'particular gender.
4.2 Phvsical: Inappropriate or offensive touching, assault or physical intererence
with free movement when directed at an individual on the basis of race, religious
creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition,
marital status, sex, sexual orientation or age. This may include, but is not limited
to, kissing, pa`ting, lingering or intimate touches, grabbing, massaging, pinching,
unnecessarily brushing aside or blocking another person, whistling or sexual
Visual or N/Vritten: The display or circulation of offensive or derogatory visual or
written material related to race, religious creed, color, national Origin, ancestry,
physical handicap, medical Condition, marital status, sex, sexual orientation Or
age. This may include, but is not limited to, posters, notices, bulletins, cartoons,
drawings, graiiltl, reading materials, computer graphics Of electronic media
c c Sexual Harassment:
A. Quid pro quo occurs when subbmission to sexual conduct is explicitly cr
Implicitly made a condition of a Job, a Job benefit or the absence .of a Joe
B. Romantic or sexual relationships be-Neen supervisors and employees ar_e
discouraged. There is an inherent imbaiance of power and potential for
exploitation in such relationships. The relationship may Create an
appearance Of impropriety and le-,--'; to charges Of, favoritism byotnef
employees. A welcome romantic or sexual relationship may change, with
the result that conduct that was once welcome, becomes unwelcome and
4.5 environmental Sexual Harassment: Wer.'< environment that is permeated with
sexually oriented talk, innuendo, insults or abuse not relevant to the subject
matter or the Jeb. A hostile environment can arise from an unwarranted focus on
sexual topics or sexually suggestive statements. An environment may be hostile
I, unwelcome sexual behavior is directed specifically at an individual or if an
individual merely witnesses harassment in his or her immediate surroundings-
The determination of whether an environment is hostile is based on the totality c'
COndI=C[, [1e
the Circ�'mStnces, Including such factors as the frequency of the
Administrative Regulation page J
Office of the City Administrator
severity of the conduct, whether the conduct is humiliating Or physically
threatening, -and whether the conduct unreasonable interreres with an
individual's work.
4.6 Definition of * Emolovee: An employee shall be defined as any individual,
regardless of classification, employed by the City of Huntington Beach or
volunteers working under the supervision of the City.
5. Policv. Harassment of an applicant or employee by a manager, employe, supervisor
or c;:-worker on the basis of race, religious, creed, color, national origin, ancestry,
physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, sex, sexual orientation or ace is
prohibited and will not be tolerated. All employees shall report any conduct, which Fits
the definition of discriminatory harassment to any supervisor or the Personnel Director.
6. ReS0OnsibiIity. The City Administrator, Department Heads and their designate
representatives shall be responsible for iri,^lem entation of this policy against
harass e.^.t in the workplace and aii emplcvees shall coccerate With ar.v inv=stigaticn
of any alleged act of discriminatory harassment.
Comolaint Procedure. An employee Who has been harassed on the job should infor;n
his/her employer, its agents or supervisors or the Personnel Director of the alleged,
harassment. The employee may first notify- any of the following persons: his/her
Super-`/isor, his/her departrnent he2C. the City A.-J;minlstrator. These oiilciaiS will treat
the Complaint confidentially and Ifiimc^.lat:!;/ fci`TJafd cn;/ Viriti2n C-rnp{aim to th:e
Personae! DlreCiOr.
To acc3mmodat9 the unicue nature or 1har2ssm._=nt complaints, a process Is providec.
for ii e primary purpose of resolution of a complaint at the earliest possible date.
Elements of this process are as listed below.
Upon notification of a complaint, the investigator ;riff:
%.i UCtify the appropriate depart tment head 0.f the CCrlp12'lnt and authorize the
investigation of the complaint and supervise and/or investigate the complaint. All
investigations should be conducted as con:"dentially as possible and will include
interviews with:
The complainant.
The alleged haraSSer.
C. -'.ny other persons the Investigator roans reason to belleve have re!e`/ant
;Knowledge CCncerl'ling the Complain,:, such as witnesses and `j ctiimS 0'
similar conduct.
Administrative Regulation Page
Office of the City Administrator g
D. Review tactual information gathered through the investication to determine
whether-the alleged conduct constitutes ;arassment; giving consideraicn
to all factual information including the nature of the verbal, physical, visual
or sexual circumstances surrounding the conduct and the circumstances in
which the alleged incidents occurred.
7.2 Report the results of the investigation and any determination to appropriate
persons. including the complainant, the alleged harasser, the supervisor,
department head, Personnel Director and the City Administrator.
7.3 If it is determined that harassment occurred, recommend to the department head
that appropriate disciplinary and remedial action be taken. The appropriate
action will be commensurate with the severity of the offense.
7.A Reasonable steps will be taken to protect the victim and other potential victims
from further harassment to include a follow-up within three months of any
reported incident of discriminatory harassment to determine 1,vhe er ti,c victim
has been subject to any further prohibited conduct.
7 Under no circurristance5 shall there be retaliation in any form . against an
employee who has made a complaint of discriminatory harassment or who has
cMvided informs ation as a witness to an incident of alleged harassment. .
I iowever, employees can be notified that the Department has the right to tare
disciplinary action acainst employees who make false claims with malice.
7.0 Accreoriate action will be taken to remiedy the victims loss, If a;;i, wi;ic'l
resulted from the harassment.
a. Dissemination or Policy. This regulation will be disseminated to III ma,nacers
supervisors, and employees. Employees who have questions about their rights and
oblications set forth herein should contact his/her department head, Personne!
Director. etc.
Ray Si ver uate
City Administrator
With my signature below, I acknowledge receipt of AR412 and have read its contents.
Name (Print) Date
Signature Title
fJ Administrative Regulation Page 5
Office of the City Administrator
8. Dissemination of Policy: This Policy will be disseminated to all elected officials, officers,
members of advisory boards, commissions and committees of the City of Huntington
Beach and all managers, supervisors, and employees.
I have read and understand the Harassment in Employment Policy, AR 412. 1
understand that harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, religious creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, sex,
sexual orientation, or age will not be tolerated by the City of Huntington Beach.
Printed Name:
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator
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FWAdministrative Regulation Page 5
Office of the City Administrato.
8. Dissemination of Policy: This Policy will be disseminated to all elected officials, officers,
members of advisory boards, commissions and committees of the City of Huntington
Beach and all managers, supervisors, and employees.
I have read and understand the Harassment in Employment Policy, AR 412. 1
understand that harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, religious creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, sex,
sexual orientation or age will not be tolerated by the City of Huntington Beach.
Date: ./ i
Printed Name: [ a CJ �U� j7L-,JdA
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator
wo ,<5�
Ite �h �
AR412 CP
r, Administrative Regulation Page 5
Office of the City Administrator
8. Dissemination of Policy: This Policy will be disseminated to all elected officials, officers,
members of advisory boards, commissions and committees of the City of Huntington
Beach and all managers, supervisors, and employees.
1 have read and understand the Harassment in Employment Policy, AR 412. 1
understand that harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, religious creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, sex,
sexual orientation, or age will not be tolerated by the City of Huntington Beach.
Date: of
(Sig d) oc 7r
Printed Name: JJG�Q.riP /p , ,rQ .c,
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator
nistrative Regulation Page 5
rice of the City Administrator
8. Dissemination of Policy: This Policy will be disseminated to all elected officials, officers,
members of advisory boards, commissions and committees of the City of Huntington
Beach and all managers, supervisors, and employees.
have read and understand the Harassment in Employment Policy, AR 412. 1
understand that harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, religious creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, sex,
sexual orientation, or age will not be tolerated by the City of Huntington Beach.
Date: 4�
Printed Name: C'�yarCLES ltJ. ..�C'M/f/b
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator
Administrative Regulation Page 5
"Office of the City Administrator
8. Dissemination of Policy: This Policy will be disseminated to all elected officials, officers,
members of advisory boards, commissions and committees of the City of Huntington
Beach and all managers, supervisors, and employees.
I have read and understand the Harassment in Employment Policy, AR 412. 1
understand that harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, religious creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, sex,
sexual orientation, or age will not be tolerated by the City of Huntington Beach.
Printed Name x
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator
C--- I
Administrative Regulation Page 5
Office of the City Administrator
8. Dissemination of Policy: This Policy will be disseminated to all elected officials, officers,
members of advisory boards, commissions and committees of the City of Huntington
Beach and all managers, supervisors, and employees.
1 have read and understand the Harassment in Employment Policy, AR 412. 1
understand that harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, religious creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, sex,
sexual orientation, or age will not be tolerated by the City of Huntington Beach.
6�-�- zlt Date:
Printed Name:
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator
t Administrative Regulation Page 5
Office of the City Administrator
8. Dissemination of Policy: This Policy will be disseminated to all elected officials, officers,
members of advisory boards, commissions and committees of the City of Huntington
Beach and all managers, supervisors, and employees.
have read and understand the Harassment in Employment Policy, AR 412. 1
understand that harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, religious creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, sex,
sexual orientation, or age will not be tolerated by the City of Huntington Beach.
(Signe )
Printed Name: �� 1�+ art
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator
AR412 (D
Administrative Regulation Page 5
Office of the City Administrator
8. Dissemination of Policy: This Policy will be disseminated to all elected officials, officers,
members of advisory boards, commissions and committees of the City of Huntington
Beach and all managers, supervisors, and employees.
I have read and understand the Harassment in Employment Policy, AR 412. 1
understand that harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, religious creed,
color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, sex,
sexual orientation, or age will not be tolerated by the City of Huntington Beach.
Date: 1 It as
Printed Name:
Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator
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