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December 10, 1932
City of Huntington Beach
2000 Main St.
Huntington Beach, Ca 92648
Attn: Alicia M. Wentworth
Charter Amendment ratified by the electors of the
at the election held on November 2, 1982
were filed in this office December 9, 1982
and given Charter Chapter No. 26
Certification Officer
Enclosing copy of charter amendments as will
appear in the statutes. Please notify this
department if any changes.
We are also enclosing second set of charter amendments
forwarded to this office which are not needed.
the collection of City taxes by county officers, or unless the City
Council by ordinance provides otherwise. Council, appoint such deputy or deputies to assist him or -act for him,
at such salaries or compensation as the Council may by ordinance or
4 prescribe.
(h) Have charge of all City elections. resolutionP
(i) Perform such other duties consistent with this Charter as Section 312. VACANCIES, FORFEITURES AND REPLACEMENT.
may be required by ordinance or resolution of the City Council.
(a) Vacancies. A vacancy in the City Council or in any other
The City Clerk may, subject to the approval of the City Council, office designated as elective by this Charter, from whatever cause aris-
appoint such deputy or deputies to assist him or act for him, at such ing, shall be filled by appointment by the City Council.
salaries or compensation as the Council may by ordinance or resolution
prescribe. (b) Forfeiture. If a member of the City Council is absent from
all regular meetings of the City Council for a period of thirty con-
Section 311. CITY TREASURER. POWERS AND DUTIES. The City secutive days from and after the last regular City Council meeting
Treasurer shall have the power and shall be required to: attended by such member, unless by permission of the City Council ex-
pressed in its official minutes, the office shall become vacant. If
(a) Receive on behalf of the City all taxes, assessments, an elected City officer is convicted of a crime involving moral turpi-
license fees and other revenues of the City, or for the collection tude or ceases to be an elector of the City, the office shall become
of which the City is responsible, and receive all taxes or other money vacant. The City Council shall declare the existence of such vacancy.
receivable by the City from the County, State or Federal governments, Any elective officer of the City who shall accept or retain any other
or from any court, or from any office, department or agency of the City. elective public office, except as provided in this Charter shall be
deemed thereby to have vacated the office under the City government.
(b) Have and keep custody of all public funds belonging to or
under control of the City or any office, department or agency of the (c) Replacement. In the event it shall fail to fill a vacancy
City government and deposit or cause to be deposited all funds coming by appointment within sixty days after such office shall become vacant,
into his hands in such depository as may be designated by resolution the City Council shall forthwith cause an election to be held to fill
of the City Council, or, if no such resolution be adopted, then in such vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.
such depository designated in writing by the City Administrator, and
in compliance with all of the provisions of the State Constitution Section 313. CONFLICT OF INTEREST, NEPOTISM.
and laws of the State governing the handling, depositing and securing
of public funds. (a) Conflict of Interest. The City Council shall adopt or ap-
prove rules and regulations regulating conflicts of interest and pro-
(c) Pay out moneys only on proper orders or warrants in the moting fair dealing in all City business.
manner provided for in this Charter.
(b) Nepotism. The City Council shall not appoint to a salaried
(d) Prepare and submit to the Director of Finance monthly written position under the City government any person who is a relative by
reports of all receipts, disbursements and fund balances, and shall blood or marraige with the third degree of any one or more of the
file copies of such reports with the City Administrator and City members of such City Council, nor shall the City Administrator or any
department head or other officer having appointive power appoint any
relative of such person or of any Council member within such degree
(e) Perform such other duties consistent with this Charter as to any such position. This provision shall not affect the employment
may be required by ordinance or resolution of the City Council. or promotional status of a person who has attained a salaried position
with the City prior to the existence of a situation contemplated by
The City Treasurer may, subject to the approval of the City this provision; however, Council members or officers with appointive
powers in such a situation shall disqualify themselves from all deci- use its uncontrolled discretion and its action shall be final and
sions affecting the employment and promotional status of such person. shall not depend upon any particular showing or degree of proof at
the hearing, the purpose of which is to allow the City Council and the
ARTICLE IV 1 City Administrator to present to each other and to the public all per-
APPOINTIVE OFFICES AND PERSONNEL tinent facts prior to the final action of removal.
Section 400. CITY ADMINISTRATOR. COMPOSITION, TERM, ELIGIBILITY, Section 401. POWERS AND DUTIES. Except as otherwise provided
REMOVAL. in this Charter, the City Administrator shall be responsible to the
City Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the City.
(a) Composition. There shall be a City Administrator who shall Without limiting this general grant of powers and responsibilities, the
be the chief administrative officer of the City. City Administrator shall have the power and be required to:
(b) Term. The Administrator shall be appointed by the affirma- (a) Appoint, promote, demote, suspend or remove department heads,
tive vote of at least a majority of the members of the City Council officers and employees of the City except elective officers. However,
and serve at the pleasure of the City Council; provided, however, that no department head shall be appointed or removed until the City Admin-
the person occupying the office shall not be removed from office except istrator shall first have reviewed such appointment or removal with
as herein provided. the City Council and have received approval for such appointment or
removal by a majority vote of the full City Council.
(c) Eligibility. The Administrator shall be chosen on the basis
of executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference (b) Prepare the budget annually, submit it to the City Council,
to actual experience in and knowledge of accepted practice as regards and be responsible for its administration upon adoption.
the duties of the office as herein set forth. No person shall be
eligible to be appointed City Administrator or Acting City Administra- (c) Prepare and submit to the City Council as of the end of
for while serving as a member of the City Council nor within one year each fiscal year, a complete report on the finances of the City, and
following the termination of membership on the City Council. annually or more frequently, a current report of the principal admin-
istrative activities of the City.
(d) Removal. The City Administrator shall not be removed
from office during or within a period of ninety days next succeeding (d) Keep the City Council advised of the financial condition and
any municipal election at which a member of the City Council is elected. future needs of the City and make such recommendations as may seem
At any other time the City Administrator may be removed only at a reg- desirable.
ular meeting of the City Council and upon the affirmative vote of a
majority of the members of the City Council. At least thirty days (e) Maintain a centralized purchasing system for all City
prior to the effective date of removal, the City Administrator shall offices, departments and agencies.
be furnished with a written notice stating the Council's intentions
and, if requested by the City Administrator, the reasons therefor. (f) Prepare, administer and enforce rules and regulations
Within seven days after receipt of such notice, the City Administra- recommended to and adopted by the City Council governing the contract-
tor may by written notification to the City Clerk request a public ing for, purchase, inspection, storage, inventory, distribution and
hearing before the City Council, in which event the Council shall fix disposal of all supplies, materials and equipment required by any
a time for public hearing which shall be held at its regular meeting office, department or agency of the City government.
place before the expiration of the thirty-day period above referred 1
to. The City Administrator shall appear and be heard at such hearing. (g) Be responsible for the compliance by the City with the laws
After furnishing the City Administrator with written notice of the in- of the State pertaining to the City, the provisions of this Charter
tended removal, the City Council may suspend the Administrator from and the ordinances, franchises and rights of the City.
duty, but his compensation shall continue until removal as herein
provided. In removing the City Administrator, The City Council shall (h) Subject to policy established by the City Council, exercise
c-]?_ c-13
control of all administrative offices and departments of the City and the approval of such withdrawal at a regular or special election by
of all appointive officers and employees except those directly appoint- a majority of the voters voting on such proposition. The system shall
ed by the City Council and prescribe such general rules and regulations comply with all other provisions of this Charter.
as he may deem necessary or proper for the general conduct of the ad-
ministrative offices and departments of the City under his jurisdiction. Section RETIREMENT SYSTEM. The City shall participate. in a
retirement sysstete m.
(i) Perform such other duties consistent with this Charter as may
be required by the City Council. Council shall establish such boards, commissions and committees as are
deemed necessary for the orderly functioning of the City. All such
Section 402. ACTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR. During any temporary
a boards, commissions and committees shall report directly to the City
absence or disability of the City Administrator, the Assistant City
Administrator shall serve as Acting City Administrator. During any
temporary absence or disability of both the City Administrator and
the Assistant City Administrator, the City Administrator shall appoint ARTICLE V
one of the other officers or department heads of the City to serve as ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS
Acting City Administrator. In the event the City Administrator fails
to make such appointment, such appointment may be made by the City Section 500. REGULAR ORDINANCES. ENACTMENT, ADOPTION,
Section 403. PERSONNEL. In addition to the City Council, a City (a) Enactment. In addition to such other acts of the City
Clerk, a City Treasurer, a City Attorney and City Administrator, the Council as are required by this Charter to be taken by ordinance,
every act of the City Council establishing a fine or other penalty,
officers and employees of the City shall consist of such other offi-
cers, assistants, deputies and employees as the City Council may pro- or granting a franchise, shall be by ordinance. The enacting clause
of all ordinances shall be substantially as follows: "The City Council
vide by ordinance or resolution. The City Council shall establish
such reasonable compensation and fringe benefits as are appropriate
of the City of Huntington Beach does ordain as follows:." No order for
by ordinance or resolution for such offices, officials and employees the payment of money shall be adopted or made at other than a regular
or adjourned regular meeting. Upon introduction and second reading,
except as herein provided. an ordinance shall be read by title only. Unless a higher vote is
required by other provisions of this Charter, the affirmative vote
The City Council shall maintain by ordinance a comprehensive of at least four of the City Council shall be required for the enact-
personnel system for the City. The City Administrator, Assistant
City Administrator and any officers designated as elective by the ment of any ordinance or for the making or approving of any order for
Charter shall be exempt. The system shall consist of the estab- the payment of money. All ordinances shall be signed by the Mayor
lishment of minimum standards of employment and qualifications for and attested by the City Clerk.
the various classes of employment and procedures to be followed in
advancement, demotion, suspension and discharge of employees included (b) Adoption. A regular ordinance shall be adopted only at a
Ldithin the system, as the City Council shall determine to be for the regular or adjourned meeting held no less than five days after its
best interest of the public service. The ordinance shall designate introduction. In the event that any ordinance is altered after its
the appointive officers and employees who shall be included within introduction, it shall be finally adopted only at a regular or ad-
the system. By subsequest ordinances the City Council may amend the journed regular meeting held no less than five days after the date
system or the list of appointive officers and employees included with- it was so altered. The correction of typographical or clerical errors
in the system, provided, however, that once included within the
shall not constitute the making of an alteration within the meaning
system, no officer or employee shall be withdrawn therefrom (unless of the foregoing sentence.
the office or position is actually abolished or eliminated) without
(c) Publication. The City Clerk shall cause each ordinance to
c-14 c-15
be posted in three places designated by the City Council within the
City and to be published by title with a brief summary at least once Section 502. RESOLUTIONS. The City Council may act by resolution
within fifteen days after its adoption in a daily, semi-weekly or or minute order in all actions not required by this Charter to be taken
weekly newspaper, published in the County or the City and circulated by ordinance.
in the City, which is selected by the City Council for that purpose.
Section 503. PUBLISHING OF LEGAL NOTICES. The City Council shall
(d) Amendment. The amendment of any section or subsection of cause to be published all legal notices and other matters required to be
an ordinance may be accomplished solely by the re-enactment of such published by law in a daily, semiweekly or weekly newspaper published
section or subsection at length, as amended. in the County or the City and circulated in the City which is selected
by the City Council for that purpose. No defect or irregularity in
(e) When Effective. Every ordinance shall become effective proceedings taken under this section shall invalidate any publication
thirty days from and after the date of its adoption, except the follow- where it is otherwise in conformity with this Charter or law or ordinance.
ing, which shall take effect upon adoption:
(1) An ordinance calling or otherwise relating to an FISCAL ADMINISTRATION
Section 600. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the City shall be
(2) An improvement proceeding ordinance adopted under some from July 1 to June 30 unless otherwise established by ordinance.
special law or procedural ordinance relating thereto;
(3) An ordinance declaring the amount of money necessary At such date as the City Administrator shall determine, each board or
to be raised by taxation, or fixing the rate of property taxation, commission and each department head shall furnish to the City Adminis-
or levying the annual tax upon property. trator, personally, or through the Director of Finance, estimates of
the department's, board's or commission's revenue and expenditures for
(4) An emergency ordinance adopted in the manner provided the ensuing fiscal year, detailed in such manner as may be prescribed
in this Charter. by the City Administrator. In preparing the proposed budget, the City
Administrator shall review the estimates, hold conferences thereon
(f) Codification. Detailed regulations pertaining to any subject with the respective department heads, boards or commissions as necessary,
and comprehensive codifications of valid ordinances may be adopted and may revise the estimates as may be deemed advisable.
by reference, with the same effect as an ordinance, in the manner set
forth herein; however, such regulations and codifications need not be Section 602. ANNUAL BUDGET. SUBMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL.
published in the manner required for other ordinances, but not less The City Administrator shall submit the proposed budget to the City
than three copies thereof shall be filed for use and examination by Council at least sixty days prior to the beginning of each fiscal
the public in the office of the City Clerk prior to adoption. Ordin- year. After reviewing the proposed budget and making such revisions
antes codified shall be repealed as of the effective date of the as it may deem advisable, the City Council shall hold a public hearing
codification. Amendments to the code shall be enacted by ordinance. thereon at least days prior to the beginning of each fiscal
year and shall cause to be published a notice thereof not less than ten
Section 501. EMERGENCY ORDINANCES. Any ordinance declared days prior to said hearing. Copies of the proposed budget shall be
by the City Council to be necessary as an emergency measure for the available for inspection by the public in the office of the City Clerk
immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, and at least ten days prior to said hearing.
containing a statement of the reasons for its urgency, may be adopted
in Liu, manner provided in Section 500 except that. ,uch crnerCtency Section 603. ANNUAL BUDGET. PUBLIC HEARING. At the time so
ordinance may be introduced, enacted and adopted at one and the same advertised or at any time to which such public hearing shall from time
regular or special meeting and shall take effect immediately upon to time be adjourned, the City Council shall hold a public hearing
adoption if passed by at least five affirmative votes. on the proposed budget, at which interested persons desiring to be
c-16 heard shall be given such opportunity.
Section 604. ANNUAL BUDGET. FURTHER CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION. Dollars of the assessed value of taxable property in the City, except
At the conclusion of the public hearing the City Council shall as otherwise provided in this section, unless authorized by affirma-
further consider the proposed budget and make any revisions thereof
tive vote of a majority of the electors voting on a proposition to
that it may deem advisable and on or before the last day of the fis- increase such levy at any election at which the question of such addi-
cal year it shall adopt the budget with revisions, if any, by the tional levy for municipal purposes is submitted to the electors. The
affirmative vote of at least a majority of the total members of the number of years that such additional levy is to be made shall be speci-
Council. Upon final adoption, the budget shall be in effect for the fied in such proposition.
ensuing fiscal year. Copies thereof, certified by the City Clerk,
shall be filed with the City Administrator, Director of Finance, City
Treasurer and the person retained by the City Council to perform the (b) There shall be levied and collected at the same time and in
the same manner as other property taxes for municipal purposes are
post audit function, and a further copy shall be placed, and shall levied and collected, as additional taxes not subject to the above
remain on file in the office of the City Clerk where it shall be avail-
limitation, if no other provision for payment thereof is made:
able for public inspection. The budget so certified shall be repro-
duced and copies made available for the use of the public and of de- I. A tax sufficient to meet all liabilities of the City of
partments, offices and agencies of the City. principal and interest of all bonds and judgments due and unpaid, or
Section 605. ANNUAL BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS. From the effective to become due during the ensuing fiscal year, which constitute general
obligations of the City; and
date of the budget, the several amounts stated therein as proposed
expenditures shall be and become appropriated to the several depart-
ments, offices and agencies for the respective objects and purposes 2• A tax sufficient to meet all obligations of the City for
the retirement system in which the City participates, due and unpaid
therein named; provided, however, that the City Administrator may
or to become due during the ensuing fiscal year.
transfer funds from one object or purpose to another within the same
department, office or agency. All appropriations shall lapse at the (c) Special levies, in addition to the above and not subject to
end of the fiscal year to the extent that they shall not have been the above limitation, may be made annually, based on City Council
expended or lawfully encumbered. approved estimates, for the following specific purposes, but not to
exceed the following respective limits for those purposes for which
At any public meeting after the adoption of the budget, the limits are herein set forth to wit: parks and recreation and human
City Council may amend or supplement the budget by motion adopted services not to exceed $0.20 per One Hundred Dollars; libraries not
by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the total members to exceed $0.15 per One Hundred Dollars; promotional interests and
of the City Council. cultural affairs not to exceed $0.07 per One Hundred Dollars; and
civil defense and disaster preparedness not to exceed $0.03 per One
Section 606. DETERMINATION OF CITY TAX RATE. The City Council Hundred Dollars. The proceeds of any special levy shall be used for
shall prescribe by ordinance for the assessment, levy and collection
no other purpose than that specified.
of taxes upon property which is taxable for municipal purposes. If
the City Council fails to fix the rate and levy taxes on or before Section 608. VOTE REQUIRED FOR TAX MEASURES. No tax, property i
August 31 in any year, the rate for the next preceding fiscal year tax or other measure whose principal purpose is the raising of revenue,
shall thereupon be automatically adopted and a tax at such rate or any increase in the amount thereof, shall be levied, enacted or
shall be deemed to have been levied on all taxable property in the established except by ordinance adopted by the affirmative vote of at
City for the current fiscal year. least five (5) members of the City Council; provided, however, that
any tax levied or collected pursuant to Section 607(b) of this Charter
Section 607. TAX LIMITS. shall be exempt from the minimum voting requirement of this section.
(a) The City Council shall not levy a property tax for munici-
pal purposes in excess of One Dollar annually on each One Hundred apply Y , permit, or any other r
fee or charge whose principal purpose is to pay or reimburse the City
for the cost of performing any regulatory function of the City under
its police power in connection with the City's duty to preserve or of adequate rates or charges, for restrictions upon further indebted-
maintain the public peace, health, safety and welfare. ness payable out of the same fund or revenues, for restrictions upon
transfer out of such fund, and other appropriate covenants. Money
This section shall not apply to any user or service fee or
charge provided such fee or charge is directly related to such use or placed in any such special fund for the payment of principal and/or
service, is charged to the user or person receiving such service, and
interest on any issue of such bonds or to assure the application there-
is to pay or reimburse the City for the costs of providing such use or of to a specific purpose shall not be expended for any other purpose
whatever except for the purpose for which such special funds were
service. established and shall be deemed segregated from all other funds of the
This section shall not apply to any fee or charge relating to any City and reserved exclusively for the purpose for which such special
fund was established until the purpose of its establishment shall
franchise or proprietary function of the City. have been fully accomplished.
Section 609. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX. The City Council shall
Section 612. SALE OF PUBLIC UTILITY. No public utility now or
not levy a tax on the transfer or conveyance of any interest in real hereafter owned or operated by the City shall be sold, leased or other-
property unless authorized by the affirmative vote of a majority of wise transferred or disposed of unless authorized by the affirmative
the electors voting on a proposition submitted to the electors to
votes of at least a majority of the total membership of the City
authorize such tax at a general or special election. Council and by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the
Section 610. BONDED DEBT LIMIT. The City shall not incur an in- electors voting on such proposition at a general or special election
debtedness evicenced by general obligation bonds which shall in the at which such proposition is submitted. '
aggregate exceed the sum of 12 percent of the total assessed valuation,
for purposes of City taxation, of all the real and personal property Section 613. EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS. Except as hereinafter
provided, the City shall be bound by a contract only if it is made
within the City. in writing, approved by the City Council and signed on behalf of the
No bonded indebtedness which shall constitute a general obliga- City by the Mayor and City Clerk or by a City officer designated by
tion of the City may be created unless authorized by the affirmative the City Council and only upon direction of the City Council. Excep-
vote of the majority required by law of the electors voting on such tions to this procedure are as follows:
proposition at any election at which the question is submitted to the
(a) By ordinance or resolution the City Council may authorize
electors. the City Administrator or other officer to bind the City, with or
Section 611. REVENUE BONDS. Bonds which are payable only out
without a written contract, for the acquisition of equipment, mate-
of such revenues, other than taxes, as may be specified in such bonds, rials; supplies, labor, services or other items included within the
may be issued when the City Council. by ordinance shall have established budget approved by the City Council, and may impose a monetary limit
a procedure for the issuance of such bonds. Such bonds, payable only upon such authority.
out of revenues, shall not constitute an indebtedness or general obli-
(b) By ordinance or resolution, the City Council may provide a
gation of the City. No such bonds payable out of revenues shall be
issued without the assent of the majority of the voters voting upon method for the sale or exchange of personal property not needed in the
the proposition for issuing the same at an election at which such prop- City service or not fit for the purpose for which intended, and for
osition shall have been duly submitted to the registered voters of the the conveyance of title thereto.
City. (c) Contracts for the sale of the products, commodities or
It shall be competent for the City to make contracts and cove- services of any public utility owned, controlled or operated by
nants for the benefit of the holders of any such bonds payable only the City may be made by the manager of such utility or by the head
from revenues and which shall not constitute a general obligation of
of the department or City Administrator upon forms approved by the
the City for the establishment of a fund or funds, for the maintaining
c c-21
Charter Chapte ?6 - City of Huntington Be 'z
(Filed with the Secretary of State December 9, 1982)
Section 300 is amended to read as follows
TERMS. The elective offLcers of the city shall c1ornsist of a
City Council of seven members, a City Clerk, a City Treasurer
and a City Attorney, all to be elected from the city at large at
the times and in the manner provided in this Charter and who
shall serve for terms of four years and .until their respective
successors qualify.
Subject to the provisions of this Charter, the flyemembers
of the City Council trr office at the time this Charter takes ef-
fect shall 'continue in office until the expiration of their re-
spective terms and until their successors are elected and qualt-
tae�+Hee's-are-eleA�ed-ae-}�eNe1Na£be�-yeavlde�}� Dour members or the
City Council shall be elected at the general municipal election
held in ApPl171966, and each fourth ,year thereafter. Three mem-
ber's of the City Council shall be elected at the general municipal
election held in ApPlI 1968, and each fourth year thereafter. No
person shall be elected as a member of the City Council' for more
than two consecutive terms and no person who has been a member for
snore than two years of a term to which some other person was
elected a member shall be elected to the City Council more than
one further consecutive term.
Subject to the provisions of this Charter. , the City Clerk,
City Treasurer and City Attorney in off ce at the time this
Charter takes effect shall continue in office until the expira-
tion of their respective terms and the qualification of their
successors. A City Clerk and City Treasurer shall be elected
at the general municipal election held i_n App11T1968, and, each
fourth year thereafter. A City Attorney shall be elected in
At*1131966, and each fourth year thereafter.
The terra of each member of the City Council, the City Clerk,
the City Treasurer and the City Attorney shall commence oil the
first Monday following his election. Ties in voting among candi-
dates for office shall be settled by the casting of lots.
Section 700 is amended to read as follows:
Section 700. GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. General- munici-
pal elections shall be held in the city on the seeendfirst
Tuesday after the 'first Monday in- ApepllNovember in each even-
numbered year.
Certified to be a true copy by Robert P. Mandic, Jr. , Mayor and
Alicia M. Wentworth, City Clerk
Date of Special Municipal. Election: November 2, 1982
Cott' Of
Huntington Beach ,
Ere ®f `
CVu�Ty 6� i
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' 1
l. j
Incorporated, February 17, 1909
(Election February 9, 1909; 94 votes cast for
incorporation and 25 votes against)
Charter Election Certified
Res. 773 Results 5/3/37..............................5/17/37
Amendment.... .1/27/49
Amendments............................................ 5/9/49
Revised............................................... 5/l/50
New Charter...........................................2/10/66
Amendments.................. .... ......1/18/71
Amendment............................................. 6/5/75
' Amendment (Consolidation - November)...............
Section 100. Name
Section 101. Seal
Section 102. Boundaries
Section 103. Powers of City
Section 104. Construction
Section 105. Intergovernmental Relations
Section 200. Council-Administrator Form of Government
Section 300. City Council, Attorney, Clerk and Treasurer.
Section 301. Powers Vested in City Council
Section 302. Compensation
Section 303. Meetings and Location
Section 304. Quorums, Proceedings and Rules of Order
Section 305. Presiding Officer
Section 306. Mayor Pro Tempore
Section 307. Non-interference with Administration
Section 308. Official Bonds
Section 309. City Attorney. Powers and Duties
Section 310. City Clerk. Powers and Duties
Section 311. City Treasurer. Powers and Duties
Section 312. Vacancies, Forfeitures and Replacement
Section 313. Conflict of Interest, Nepotism
Section 400. City Administrator. Composition, Term,
Eligibility, Removal
* Section 401. Powers and Duties
Section 402. Acting City Administrator
Section 403. Personnel
Section 404. Retirement System
Section 405. Boards, Commissions and Committees
Section 500. Regular Ordinances. Enactment, Adoption,
Publication, Amendment, When Effective and We, the people of the City of Huntington Beach, State of California,
Codification do ordain and establish this Charter as the fundamental law of the City
Section 501. Emergency Ordinances a of Huntington Beach under the Constitution of the State of California.
Section 502. Resolutions
Section 503. Publishing of Legal Notices ARTICLE I
Section 100. NAME. The municipal corporation now existing and
Section 600. Fiscal Year known as the City of Huntington Beach shall remain and continue to exist
Section 601. Annual Budget, Preparation by the City Administrator as a municipal corporation under its present name of "City of Huntington
Section 602. Annual Budget. Submission to the City Council Beach."
Section 603. Annual Budget. Public Hearing
Section 604. Annual Budget. Further Consideration and Adoption Section 101. SEAL. The City shall have an official seal which may
Section 605. Annual Budget Appropriations be changed from time to time by ordinance. The present official seal
Section 606. Determination of City Tax Rate shall continue to be the official seal of the City until changed in the
Section 607. Tax Limits manner stated.
Section 608. Vote Required for Tax Measures
Section 609. Real Estate Transfer Tax Section 102. BOUNDARIES. The boundaries of the City shall con-
Section 610. Bonded Debt Limit tinue as now established until changed in the manner authorized by law.
Section 611. Revenue Bonds
Section 612. Sale of Public Utility Section 103. POWERS OF CITY. The City shall have the power to
Section 613. Execution of Contracts make and enforce all laws and regulations in respect to municipal affairs,
Section 614. Contracts on Public Works subject only to such restrictions and limitations as may be provided in
Section 615. Granting of Franchises this Charter or in the Constitution of the State of California.
Section 616. Independent Audit
Section 104. CONSTRUCTION. The general grant of power to the
ARTICLE VII. ELECTIONS City under this Charter shall be construed broadly in favor of the City.
The specific provisions enumerated in this Charter are intended to be
Section 700. General Municipal Elections and shall be interpreted as limitations upon the general grant of power
Section 701. Special Municipal Elections and shall be construed narrowly. If any provisions of this Charter, or
Section 702. Procedure for Holding Elections the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid,
Section 703. Initiative, Referendum and Recall the remainder of the Charter and the application of such provision to
Section 704. Nomination Papers other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.
any of its powers or perform any of its functions and may participate
Section 800. Transition in the financing thereof, jointly or in cooperation, by contract or
Section 801. Definitions otherwise, with any one or more states or civil divisions or agencies
Section 802. Violations thereof, or the United States or any agency thereof.
(Amended Charter effective December 9, 1982)
c-2 c-3
Section 301. POWERS VESTED IN CITY COUNCIL. All powers of the
ARTICLE II City shall be vested in the City Council except as otherwise provided
FORM OF GOVERNMENT + in this Charter.
Section 302. COMPENSATION. The members of the City Council in-
municipal government provided by this Charter shall be known as the eluding the Mayor shall receive as compensation for their services as
Council-Administrator form of government. such a monthly salary in the sum of One Hundred Seventy-five Dollars
ARTICLE III per month. In addition, each member of the City Council shall receive
reimbursement on order of the City Council for Council authorized trav-
eling and other expenses when on official duty upon submission of item-
Section 300. CITY COUNCIL, ATTORNEY, CLERK AND TREASURER. TERMS. ized expense accounts therefor. In addition, members shall receive
such reasonable and adequate amounts as may be established by ordinance,
The elective officers of the City shall consist of a City Council of which amounts shall be deemed to be reimbursement to them of other rou-
all to be elected from the City at large at the times and in the man-
seven members, a City Clerk, a City Treasurer and a City Attorney, tine and ordinary expenses, losses and costs imposed upon them by virtue
ner provided in this Charter and who shall serve for terms of four of their serving as City Councilmen.
years and until their respective successors qualify.
Subject to the provisions of this Charter, the members of the
(a) Regular Meetings. The City Council shall hold regular meet-
City Council in office at the time this Charter takes effect shall ings at least twice each month at such time as it shall fix by ordinance
continue in office until the expiration of their respective terms
or resolution and may adjourn or re-adjourn any regular meeting to a
and until their successors are elected and qualified. Four members date and hour certain which shall be specified in the order of adjourn-
of the City Council shall be elected at the general municipal elec-
ment and when so adjourned each adjourned meeting shall be a regular
tion held in April, 1966, and each fourth year thereafter. Three
meeting for all purposes. If the hour to which a meeting is adjourned
members of the City Council shall be elected at the general munici- is not stated in the order of adjournment, such meeting shall be held at
pal election held in April, 1968, and each fourth year thereafter.
the hour for holding regular meetings. If at any time any regular meet-
No person shall be elected as a member of the City Council for more ing falls on a holiday such regular meeting shall be held on the next
than two consecutive terms and no person who has been a member for business day.
more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected
a member shall be elected to the City Council more than one further
consecutive term. (b) Special Meetings. A special meeting may be called at any time
by the Mayor, or by a majority of the members of the City Council, by
Subject to the provisions of this Charter, the City Clerk, City written notice to each member of the City Council and to each local
Treasurer and City Attorney in office at the time this Charter takes newspaper of general circulation, radio or television station requesting
effect shall continue in office until the expiration of their respec-
notice in writing. Such notice must be delivered personally or by mail
tive terms and the qualification of their successors. A City Clerk
at least twenty-four hours before the time of such meeting as specified
and City Treasurer shall be elected at the general municipal election in the notice. The call and notice shall specify the time and place
held in 1968, and each fourth year thereafter. A City Attorney shall of the special meeting and the business to be transacted. No other
be elected in 1966, and each fourth year thereafter. business shall be considered at such meeting. If any person entitled
to such written notice files a written waiver of notice with the City
The term of each member of the City Council, the City Clerk, the Clerk, it may be dispensed with. Such waiver may be given by telegram.
City Treasurer and the City Attorney shall commence on the first Mon-
This notice requirement shall be considered fulfilled as to any person
who is actually present at the meeting at the time .it convenes. In the
day following his election. Ties in voting among candidates for, off- event of an emergency affecting the public peace, health or safety, a
ice shall be settled by the casting of lots.
special meeting may be called as provided in this section with less than
twenty-four hours written notice by the Mayor Pro Tem in the Mayor's
c-4 c-5
absence or by any member of the City Council in the absence of both manner as violations of this Charter are punishable. The City Council
the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem provided that the nature of the emergency shall have the controlof all legal business and proceedings and all
is set forth in the minutes of the meeting. property of the legal department, and may employ other attorneys to
take charge of or may contract for any prosecution, litigation or other
(c) Place of Meetings. A11 regular meetings shall be held in legal matter or business.
the Council Chambers of the City or in such place within the City to °
which any such meeting may be adjourned. If, by reason of fire, flood (c) Rules of Order. The City Council shall establish rules for
or other emergency, it shall be unsafe to meet in the place designated, the conduct of its proceedings and evict or prosecute any member or
the meetings may be held for the duration of the emergency at such other person for disorderly conduct at any of its meetings. Upon
place within the City as is designated by the Mayor, or, if he should
adoption of any ordinance, resolution, or order for payment of money,
or upon the demand of any member, the City Clerk shall call the roll
fail to act, by a majority of the members of the City Council.
and shall cause the ayes and noes taken on the question to be entered
(d) Open Meetings. All regular and special meetings of the City in the minutes of the meeting.
Council shall be open and public, and all persons shall be permitted
to attend such meetings, except that the provisions of this section Section 305. PRESIDING OFFICER. At the Council meeting at which
shall not apply to executive sessions. Subject to the rules govern- any Council member is installed following any general or special munic-
ing the conduct of City Council meetings, no person shall be denied ipal election, and at any time when there is a vacancy in the office of
the right to be heard by the City Council. Mayor, the City Council shall meet and shall elect one of its members as
its presiding officer, who shall have the title of Mayor. The Mayor
Section 304. QUORUMS, PROCEEDINGS AND RULES OF ORDER. may make and second motions and shall have a voice and vote in all its
proceedings. The Mayor shall be the official head of the City for all
(a) Quorum. A majority of the members of the City Council shall
ceremonial purposes; shall have the primary but not the exclusive re-
constitute a quorum to do business but a lesser number may adjourn sponsibility for interpreting the policies, programs and needs of the
from time to time. In the absence of all the members of the City City government to the people, and as occasion requires, may inform
Council from any regular meeting or adjourned regular meeting, the the people of any major change in policy or program; and shall perform
City Clerk may declare the same adjourned to a stated day and hour. such other duties consistent with the office as may be prescribed by
The City Clerk shall cause written notice of a meeting adjourned by this Charter or as may be imposed by the City Council. The Mayor shall
less than a quorum or by the City Clerk to be delivered personally serve in such capacity at the pleasure of the City Council.
or by mail to each Council member at least twenty-four hours before
the time to which the meeting is adjourned, or such notice may be dis- Section 306. MAYOR PRO TEMPORE. The City Council shall also
pensed with in the same manner as specified in this Charter for dispen- designate one of its members as Mayor Pro Tempore, who shall serve in
sing with notice of special meetings of the City Council,
such capacity at the pleasure of the City Council. The Mayor Pro Tem-
pore shall perform the duties of the Mayor during the Mayor's absence
(b) Proceedings. The City Council shall judge the qualification or disability or at the Mayor's request.
of its members as set forth by the Charter. It shall judge all elec-
tion returns. Each member of the City Council shall have the power to Section 307. NON-INTERFERENCE WITH ADMINISTRATION. Except as
administer oaths and affirmations in any investigation or proceeding otherwise provided in this Charter, no member of the City Council shall
order, directly or indirectly, the appointment by the City Administrator,
pending before the City Council. The City Council shall have the power
and authority to compel the attendance of witnesses, to examine them or by any of the department heads in administrative service of the City,
under oath and to compel the production of evidence before it. Sub- � of any person to any office or employment, or removal therefrom. Except
poenas shall be issued in the name of the City and be attested by the for the purpose of investigation and inquiry, the members of'the City
Council shall deal with the administrative service under the jurisdic-
City Clerk. They shall be served and complied with in the same man-
ner as subpoenas in civil actions. Disobedience of such subpoenas, . tion of the City Administrator solely through the City Administrator,
or the refusal to testify (upon other than constitutional grounds),
and no member of the City Council shall give orders to any subordinate
shall constitute a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable in the same
(e) Approve the form of all contracts made by and all bonds and
of the City Administrator, either publicly or privately. insurance given to the City, endorsing his approval thereon in writing.
Section 308. OFFICIAL BONDS. The City Council shall fix by ord- (f) an Prepare and all p y proposed ordinances and City Council res-
inance or resolution the amounts and terms of the official bonds of olutions and amendments thereto.
all officials or employees who are required by this Charter or by ord-
inance to give such bonds. All bonds shall be executed by responsible (g) Devote such time to the duties of his office and at such
corporate surety, shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney, place as may be specified by the City Council.
and shall be filed with the City Clerk. Premiums on official bonds
shall be paid by the City. A blanket bond may be used if it provides (h) Perform such legal functions and duties incident to the
the same protection as the required separate bond would provide. execution of the foregoing powers as may be necessary.
In all cases wherein an employee of the City is required to fur- (i) Surrender to his successor all books, papers, files, and
nish a faithful performance bond, there shall be no personal liability documents pertaining to the City's affairs.
upon, or any right to recover against, the employee's superior officer
or other officer or employee or the bond of the latter, unless such Section 310. CITY CLERK. POWERS AND DUTIES. The City Clerk
superior officer, or other officer or employee is a party to the act shall have the power and shall be required to:
or omission, or has conspired in the wrongful act directly or indirect-
ly causing the loss. (a) Attend all meetings of the City Council, unless excused, and
be responsible for the recording and maintaining of a full and true
Section 309. CITY ATTORNEY. POWERS AND DUTIES. To become and record of all of the proceedings of the City Council in books that shall
remain eligible for City Attorney the person elected or appointed shall bear appropriate titles and be devoted to such purpose.
be an attorney at law, duly licensed as such under the laws of the
State of California, and shall have been engaged in the practice of law (b) Maintain separate books, in which shall be recorded respect-
in this State for at least three years prior to his election or appoint- ively all ordinances and resolutions, with the certificate of the
ment. The City Attorney shall have the power and may be required to: Clerk annexed to each thereof stating the same to be the original or a
correct copy, and as to an ordinance requiring publication, stating
(a) Represent and advise the City Council and all City officers that the same has been published or posted in accordance with this
in all matters of law pertaining to their offices. Charter.
(b) Prosecute on behalf of the people any or all criminal cases (c) Maintain separate records of all written contracts and
arising from violation of the provisions of this Charter or of City official bonds.
ordinances and such state misdemeanors as the City has the power to
prosecute, unless otherwise provided by the City Council. (d) Keep all books and records in his possession properly in-
dexed and open to public inspection when not in actual use.
(c) Represent and appear for the City in any or all actions or
proceedings in which the City is concerned or is a party, and repre- (e) Be the custodian of the seal of the City.
sent and appear for any City officer or employee, or former City off-
icer or employee, in any or all civil actions or proceedings in which (f) Administer oaths or affirmations, take affidavits and any
such officer or employee is concerned or is a party for any act aris- depositions pertaining to the affairs and business of the City and
ing out of his employment or by reason of his official capacity. certify copies of official records.
(d) Attend all regular meetings of the City Council, unless , (g) Be ex officio Assessor, unless the City Council, has availed
excused, and give his advice or opinion orally or in writing whenever itself, or does in the future avail itself, of the provisions of the
requested to do so by the City Council or by any of the boards or general laws of the State relative to the assessment of property and
officers of the City.
c-8 c-9
of the total members of the City Council.
City Administrator and at rates fixed by the City Council.
Section 615. GRANTING OF FRANCHISES. The City Council shall
Section 614. CONTRACTS ON PUBLIC WORKS. Except as hereinafter by ordinance regulate the granting of franchises for the City.
expressly provided, every contract involving an expenditure of more
than Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000) for the construction or improvement
Section 616. INDEPENDENT AUDIT. The City Council shall provide
(excluding maintenance and repair) of public buildings, works, streets, for an independent annual audit of all City accounts and may provide
drains sewers, utilities, parks and playgrounds, and each separate for such more frequent audits as it deems necessary. Such audits shall
purchase of materials or supplies for the same, where the expenditure be made by a certified public accountant or firm of such accountants
required for such purchase shall exceed the sum of Twenty-five Thousand who have no personal interest, direct or indirect, in the fiscal affairs
Dollars ($25,000), shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder after of the City government or any of its officers. The Council may, without
notice by publication in accordance with Section 503 by two or more requiring competitive bids, designate such accountant or firm annually
insertions, the first of which shall be at least ten days before the provided that the designation for an articular fiscal
Y P year shall be
time for opening bids. made no later than thirty days after the beginning of such fiscal year.
As soon as practicable after the end of the fiscal year, a final audit
The City Council may reject any and all bids presented and may and report shall be submitted by such accountant to the City Council,
readvertise in its discretion. After rejecting bids, or if no bids one copy thereof to be distributed to each member. Additional copies of
are received, or without advertising for bids if the total amount of the audit shall be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk where
the contract or project is less than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars the shall be available for inspection b the general
Y p y g public, and a
($25,000), the City Council may declare and determine that in its opin- copy of the financial statement as of the close of the fiscal year
ion, the work in question may be performed better or more economically shall be published in the official newspaper.
by the City with its own employees, or that the materials or supplies
may be purchased at a lower price in the open market, and after the ARTICLE VII
adoption of a resolution to this effect by the affirmative vote of a ELECTIONS
majority of the total members of the City Council, it may proceed to
have said work done or such materials or supplies purchased in the Section 700. GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. General municipal
manner stated without further observance of the provisions of this elections shall be held in the City on the first Tuesday in November
section. in each even-numbered year.
All public works contracts exceeding the sum of Twenty-five Thou- Section 701. SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. All other municipal
sand Dollars ($25,000) may be let and purchases exceeding the sum of elections that may be held by authority of this Charter, or of any law,
Thousand Dollars ($25,000) may be made without advertising for bids if shall be known as special municipal elections.
such work or the purchase of such materials or supplies shall be deemed
by the City Council to be of urgent necessity for the preservation of Section 702. PROCEDURE FOR HOLDING ELECTIONS. All elections
life, health, or property and shall be authorized by at least five shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Code
affirmative votes of the City Council. of the State of California, as the same now exists or herafter may be
amended, for the holding of municipal elections, so far as the same are
Projects for the extension, replacement or expansion of the not in conflict with this Charter.
transmission or distribution system of any existing public utility
operated by the City or for the purchase of supplies or equipment Section 703. INITIATIVE, REFERENDUM AND RECALL. There are hereby
for any such project or any such utility may be excepted from the reserved to the electors of the City the powers of the initiative and
requirements of this section by the affirmative vote of a majority referendum and of the recall of municipal elective officers. The
provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California, as the
same now exists or hereafter may be amended, governing the initiative
and referendum and the recall of municipal officers, shall apply to
the use thereof in the City so far as such provisions of the Elections (g) "Person" includes firm and corporation.
Code are not in conflict with the provisions of this Charter.
° Section 802. VIOLATIONS. The violation of any provision of
Section 704. %OMINATION PAPERS. Nomination papers for candi- this Charter shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable upon
dates for elective municipal office must be signed by not less than conviction by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500) or by
twenty nor more than thirty electors of the City. imprisonment for a term of not exceeding six months or by both such
fine and imprisonment, and each day that any such violation continues
ARTICLE VIII shall constitute a separate violation.
Section 800. TRANSITION. Elective officers and elective officers
whose offices are made appointive of the City shall continue to hold
such offices until the completion of their current terms and the elec-
tion or appointment and qualification of their respective successors
under this Charter. All boards, commissions and committees presently
in existence shall continue to act in accordance with their original
grant of authority until such time as the City Council adopts appro-
priate ordinances pertaining to their activities or for one year,
ohichever occurs first. All lawful ordinances, resolutions, rules
and regulations, and portion thereof, in force at the time at the
time this Charter ta!<es effect and not in conflict or inconsistent
herewith, are hereby continued in force until the same shall have been
duly repealed, amended, changed or superseded by proper authority.
Section 801. DEFINITIONS. Unless the provisions or the context
otherwise requires, as used in this Charter:
(a) "Shall" is mandatory, and "may" is permissive.
(b) "City" is the City of Huntington Beach and "department"
"board," "commission," "agency," "officer," or "employee" is a
department, board, commission, agency, officer or employee, as the
case may be, of the City of Huntington Beach.
(c) "County" is the County of Orange.
(d) "State" is the State of California.
(e) The masculine includes the feminine and the feminine
includes the masculine.
(f) The singular includes the plural and the plural the
City Charter
T'heyhyst"caCfiCe may
lof Of
contain. the ortgtna
C(S) of,
for examyCe, yroyosed
amendments, ..Pubt'tc
fearing notices or
booklets, but t"'n aCCcases
they are exact dupttcates
of this eCectroniowcfiCe.
BOND ACT OF i982.This act provides
for a bond Issue of $200,000,000 to "
provide funds for financing housing.
ER$ BOND ACT OF 1882. This
® act provides for a bond issue of
$200,000,000 to provide funds for
financing housing.
0 6 Permits Legislature authorizing larg- - o ,
er percentage Investments In specified YES ® Reorganization of Seal Beach School Dis- e� o
types of common stock, Prescribes trict such that the entire territory of °'""°"..• o
fiduciary investment standards: Fiscal im- Cl
Q' pact: If implemented, could result irr NO ® the district becomes a part of Los YES ® "� d a
opportunities for increased earnings, ac- Alamitos Unified School District;and �.«�•"
anted b at the same time, the entire territory of
com annaaMc�"a°,rc c
p y greater risk to the partici- Seal Beach School District is removed from NO
pating funds, which could entail capital the Huntington Beach Union High School
[= losses to the funds.
Allows Legislature to exclude con-, MAKE A RtACa INK 1
struction of specified fire sprinkler YES t;::3 CITY ®F H11�9TINGTON BEACH
or alarm systems from "newly con- Tit'E RED Y01I1116 10J
structed" definition. Fiscal impact: No Shall Huntington Beach City Charter P9ARRIDi ►EN �OYI
impact until implemented. When imple- Sections 300 and 700 be amended
® of pro: Unknown local government loss to change the date for general munic- To vote your ballot, u
of property tax revenues and increased NO ® L YES
appraisal costs. Unknown Increased state
ipal elections from the second In g pen furnished at
Tuesday in April to the first Tuesday after
C� costs to offset revenue losses schools, the first Monday in November of each NO ® Make a mark to fill it
community colleges, and, possibly, other even-numbered year, to be consolidated
p local governments. Minor increased state with the statewide general election?
taxax deductions. in any office or mess
t tax revenues due to lower property to vote. On this samp
boxes are printed in
t1EMPORARY TRANSFER OF, FUNDS BY official ballot the voti
LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FOR MAINTE- printed in red. it is i
NANCE. Changes limit and repay- YES
ment bases from accruing, "taxes" in the red voting b
to anticipated "revenues". Fiscal impact: make a black mark w
0 No direct fiscal impact. As described by NO
Analyst, it could reduce interest costs of to fill in most of the
L7 borrowing agency and, conversely, reduce use a bail point pen 0
Interest normally otherwise earned by
[� nonborrowing agency. pen except the one It
SCHOOLS. Authorizes provision of For persons voting in 1
textbooks on a library-type loan YES
basis to nonpublic school pupils not fold the ballot c
under specified conditions. Fiscal impact: - OU vote. leave it flat
No impact until implemented. When im- NO ® you
plemented, state annual costs could ex- eurity folder, and refu
® ceed $4 million for similar program to officer at the polling E
1980-81 in grades K-8, and $1 million in
grades 9-12 Unknown administrative costs. You may use the marl
'® TICE COURTS. Legislature may pro- date, but you must al
vide for unification of courts within Y
a county after county electors' ma- box following any-nam
Jority vote. Fiscal impact: No Impact until
® implemented. When implemented, state YES ® INSTRUCil0lti
and/or county increased salary and re-
tirement costs for Judges elevated, and NO • ® To vote for a candidal
unknown administrative costs or savings,
which could vary substantially between ties of the Supreme C
counties, tics,Court of Appeal;
® Court of Appeal, mal
BEVERAGE CONTAINERS. Requires each fill in the red voting
have refund value of five cents or "Yes", to the right e
more that must be paid on return of YES
empty container. Fiscal impact: Net candidate. To vote agi
fiscal effect cannot be determined, Could NO C=I make an ink mark to i
be reduced litter cleanup and solid waste
disposal costs and an unknown Increase or box after the word �P
® decrease in tax revenue collections. See
Analyst's estimate for discussion of the name of that eani
variables, To vote for any othei
NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Requires Governor YES ® selection, make an I
12 write President urging proposal to the red voting box 1
Soviets to Jointly halt nuclear weap- NO
ons testing, production, and develop- candidate's name. W,
® ment. Fiscal Impact: No direct fiscal candidates for the sar
effect, elected, make an ink
WATER RESOURCES. Adds statutes
regarding interbasin conservation red voting box to the
13 programs, allowed instream appro-YES. didate for the office fl
priations,Stanislaus River water uses,
® and critical groundwater overdraft regula- to vote, not to exce
tion, Fiscal Impact: Overall fiscal effect number of candidates
cannot be determined. Could result In
$1.48 million annual costs for 6 years to NO ® Use the marking pen t,
State Water Resources Control Board;-1 1.- Of any qualified writ
....�...-.... .,/mt..t.a-..Iv.. . 4 fm.