HomeMy WebLinkAboutDirect Staff to Review Possibility and to Take to the Commun r A T FOR O"N a-I PA V. L10N :ka"w 43 TI CITY IIUIWJIRG�OU, BEACH r 6rar4.' COUNTY logythe with: ti Para of 1-dire,-i.4tiaa went for B:1 ds Did Form of, Agreemaiat EpeelficatIons 1 Form of Bon t ! q South EM Street � 't�C7 : t3 \ .,..w.a+rt.��..:r..w.r���qmqNrd•«'qp �... � n,cew.�fi��(• �.I.40 e w , lFvKe, Hi.,C,.ay d 1➢. ..,«f,.,'�,m,,, .,;f� ! � !.*�^nnvx�e� ;ww,.mw.. w�'��- ',��`�"� _ _ r� ADVERT iSEUM FOR BIDS Votice is 114reby given that the City COMM of the City of hAnji xyton Beach, Orange W anty, California , will receive bids for Al laboi , material, transportation and sorvioes for the ooAtruetion of a Beach Pavilion and Civic Anditorium located at :€1untineton beach, Orange County, California ; eagh bid to bo in ac;c;ordanae vith 22SAI, Spec;izications and. other oontract doauiyie its now cn file €it h the Cite Clork, hunt:in6ton x3c;yh, Orange County, Mi.a;,e.raia, or. with Walker And Eisen,, Moh ite cto, 437 outh Bill Street , Los Angeles , Oal fora i.a o whore they free examined and oopiez obtained upon deposit of pak aat� which deposit will be rolxnded upon the ryturn & su.od copies in good conditior €mi.thin twenty-fouk (24) hours after b:i do are ape np c?, Notice to horoby given that the above-wMonti€ned aonstraction Is: boin,,, ft nua'.med in part by the Federal Amargons, Administration of "�io rks Bi ddero aro hereby notified that pursuant to t he al at u.tes of the Steno of California. , or local lair thereto applicable, the City Cohnnil of the City ofdd �lczxi��.ngton Beech, Orange County, Omar- Ma, has t,arSoertbi��.�,ed ti,t.o gf-inyal prevalline date o per dt:am wagon, and rates for local at, holiday and ovart:ime work In they local- ity in which this wovk Is to be payformed, for each uraft or typo of workman an or msoha io needed to execute the eon,tract yhj0h will be awar ed t he .auc o 3o s f l bi d jor, preyva M i ng ra'fAtom.o so l a Laermine d aro who follows ; ?Maratory TAade 1J'i staO MOO & x"camU"val of ?'aM;tI,n6l Sand Blast Nov 'I 05 Teamsters .6215 Lab • MOM W;,^1'ds:.a 6*c r is AS,.t'a.E..ia h.a`i o:'l) 105 Truck Drivers Xb 210 62 Pa -,e 1. of Exhibit .TI (A.r)�i,�C�' I�:,,i',I.A�.d!' 5'0r� BIDS ) TRADE OR OCCUI)ATION ' Eourl r a e R8�+�5 Carpenters. (Including igUallation of Ileta7 covered . Doors & Stool Lockers ) ; C€�r aant Bays 1,.4 00 14ardvrood Floor :Layers 1.00 Window Caulkers V 10 Labprers .75 Plastid Trades Cement ana Conernte ; Coment Finishers 1.25 irz i.neora (Portable and I a t I n.1-YI 1.00 Laborers 0 75 Mixor operators .75 Cunito a Rodman 1.25 Nozze men. 1.25 Ground ;Ion 1®00 Grun Mien 1.25 MT1,xer Ide n .75 Rebound AN I:Ta so nry s masons 1.1.25 H x Y Operators 1.e00 . Hod Carriers 1.35 Plasto ring (Includine L thill g) q ' t Lastc o 1.50 2 1ast opers' Tendarc 1 5 Lathers (111011adi.rag Welders On Steel S cud E 125 Stool Trades ! -Laborers .625 bt.4,"utiR t a}��ySa..S�»y-�C:�g ypapti��'j fro;N V.6.Mal Workers � �`�'� 'q'+ - 2 C'd..A�.c 6i V_.6.[:4l b.)&i'`..-i'4.a l �d o mil.k e s k,I na l}i.�'ye i d.)g Welders can Structural steel) 1.25 Laborers $ OrnamoVal Metal, Laborers .625 teoi stuas--soo Plaster Lathing - page e 2 at J{9ni b i t 11 {g "�`!p'(' !]j�r S f E� T Sa O[,� '3'9.^� ('� ! 9 d�L"Vl'd10..5..r+.�, .�5.Li61:R���A .�. t,.At�. .,.!.e..d.bS _ r TRADE UR OCCUPATIOR Hourly Via -,e Rate Mechanical Trades lie at i na s Steamfit tern 1.25 Asbestos Workers 1.00 Ventilating--See :sheet Metal 1.125 , Plumbers Sprinkler Systems; cy Sprinll.er Fitters 1©25 Electric System Installations: Electricians 1.10 Sheet Metal €lnoluding petal Partitions ) : Sheet petal Workemi 1.1.25. Laborers • .625 .�Uarble3 , Tile an. Teirazoo I,Ta.rble Workers 1.00 Marble -Workers ' Helpers .625 Tile" Setters 1.25 Tile Setters' lielpears .80 Composition. Floor Workers, ®75 Roofinga Hoofers Laborers o625 Linoleum Salt Tile , Blackboards. . Cork Gary,,',: Soft Tile Layers 100 Window Shades and Venetian Blinds Window Shade Workers 1.00 painta:xa6 eaAd Decorating , lui.rters 1.00 Cle a hers .625 Glaziers- 1.00 :laborers .625 Ali Skilled Labor not Vnationed above 1006 . All. Unskilled Labor not mentioned above 625 1. The ratos •per hour, ina:i.cated above, ire based dpon the 16pal preva it"a n�_,; rates per .day being O t i imes the above sohed.uled rate per hour ,o _llour y rates of ppy, based upon S hoaars per d y, for a, ;i'a.RA day .or a frac;tional part of a day. The per diew wages for a fractional part of a clay shall be the appl.ioabl.e rate per hop p maltipl led by the number cif hours worked on said aay other than '°or o ert ima ,and/ok Sundays or Legal. Ebli days & They wage rate°per hour for overtime wo±k for eaoh of tho above ol. ss:i.i,'.i.cationg shall be tho hourly v trs cludted aboi , multiplied by. 1„ timos the nurrs or' of hours worked by em- . ployoes in excess of S .ours on any one c slender day other thaa Sundays and/oars Leda `4o.sidays . Pago 3e of Exhibit 11 g DVERTI SQ19ra' YOR BIDS} j '. The wage rate par hour for vaork on Sundays and/or Legal, Holidays' sha.1, be the appl.icabl.e- rate .per hour , as sched- -aled above, mu"JI ti.pl.ied by 2 times the number. of hours worked by employees on Sunday and/ Legal ga.l holidays. Sundays and/or Legl. la ol.idays as herein referred to shall be doomed to be all- Sundays, Januu€ _y First, February 'Tvjent4-3econd, May Thirtieth, July Fourth, Labor Daa�, Thanksgiving Day and DecemberTwenty- Vif th.a 4. The «age rate per hour for overtimes on Sund4y and./or legal. Holidays fcr each of the above classifications shall be the, hourly rL tO estfabli6hod fogy Sunday and/or Lega1. Holidays work, t;i.iacs 1 tho number of hours worked , in excess ofeiglat .(5) hours on Sandevy and/or Logal Holidays,. by the e#li._ pl.oyer-as , it shall. lie rr�andator,y, upon the contractor to whom the contract is- aviarded, and upon any subcon.'tr°a.ctor under him, to. pay .argot :Less than the said specified rates to all laborers, workmen, and mech- anics employed by them in the execution of the contract . Notice is also hereby given that all bidders must submit with their bids a swoin statement of thoir -financial responsibility, tech.ni.cal ability and experience, 3'ach sworn sta.tQment may be recuire'd to be furnished. before awaro. is smde to any particular bie dery Each bid shall ba made oszt son a form, to beobt;,,Uned at the office of ia.lker and Bison, Architects , 437 South Hill Street , has Vie- ®s a or .from the Ci_t � Clark, Runt i ; ttD3a ,Beach, orange Co�.antye California; shall be ace;ompanied by a cert,ifi.ed, or cashier to check or bid band for 5r.) of the amo-ant of the bid made payable to the order of the City Counc l.1,, City of Huntington Beach.,, orange County, Qal.i.forni.a, shall be sealer. and fs,led tijith the City Clerk. at Huntington Beach, Or"Wage County, Califo !ni.a, on or before November s.5 , 19379 At Ei,ghi: ovclock, la£rrrm , and vJt11 be opened and publicly road aloud at or about t~lg1it, ' o'clock, � a (P.TVld ) of that day In the Council chambers iin 'che City 11013; Building, l�zn.tingtton Beai3h, Crane(-) C€lanty, a,al,i.fo.yni.a.9 The above-mentioned ohec•Ic or bond sha,l.l, be gi von as a, guarantee that 'the bidder will exAor into tie ccntraoV if aw•aj?ded to him and will be declared forfeited if t;.ho succsessful bidder refuses to tinter into said contract after bc;i np, re(uested so to do by the City Council, City of HiuLntingt oa Beach, Qr nge County� California,, The successful bidder vr.11 be required to fizrnial* a, labor and material bond iia an amoux.t egiadj, to 50c' of the C'o raet price , and a .Fa,i.thful, Performance Bond. in ,Ixl amouzat equal to 100c of the Co�s- tracst price. said bonds to be s,)au.j,!ed from a surPefi<y company satis- factory to the CIi ty Council, llUnt:ln.gton Beach, change Cr�u.nt� , Cal- ifornia. A :list of auch znlrety cotzpanies i.r� on file V-4th the 1°ity CI,Iork , S3.unt;:ingtar,% Boach2 Ca.lifornial , o:r avitlr k,a1.kar and 131.oen, Arohi.tects, `3T South Hill Str:cite , Los �Lag3l,es ¢ californi.a., The City Couno.'11 , City of HanttiaaSten Beach,, Crange; Cis>�an'Gye Cal if ors nia, reservbs the; right to ref."east any or 'aIl bids or Iva ive aziy. in- formality in a bid. 110 bids vvill be reoteived ;)r honored 'if delivered after file day and titide atd spat forth above,, . e -Page 4 ,of Exhibit II (ADt?i�;FtITISJ�'L,,NT FOR BIDS ) No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening -thereof o DATED: �±� a California, 1937. Page 5 of �;,xhibit 11 (.ADVZRT13. ,,.'o'iirV FOR BIDS) InFORMA 1'ON FOR BI DD&RS S.SC UII NG DO CULW10T S 1. !?lane , specifications and other contract document forma will be available for examination without charge and copies may be se- cured at the office of dJal icer and Eisen, .Architedta s 437 South mill. Streets Los .Angeles, California,, , or from 1.1r. C. B. Furr$ City Clerk, City of llu.nt,ingt orx Beach, Orange County, California. D-1r SIT 4 2. A deposit of Ten Dollars (�10.00) is required of each bidder, Who desires to secure plains , specifications and other contract document forms , which deposit is a guarantee that such documents will be returned in good condition to ►-docker and 'risen, Arolai- teats, 437 South dill Street, Los Angeles , not later than '��erity� four (24 ) hours after bids on the project b.%ve been opened, and is liable to forfeiture if. sucah documents are not so returned within said time. Such :locuments are the property of Walker and ;isaen, Architects , and area loaned to the Bidder until bids are due. The dopesit shall :got be construed to be the purchase price of any part of thae3e documents.. Bidders are recAuested, should their decide not to submit a bid, to return such documents as soon as possible after such deeieion is made. 3. B:bds:, to receive cons:xderation shall be made in accordance with the following instrUct ions (a ) Bids shall be ra€ade upon the form therefor obtained at the office of 'dalker and Eisen, Architects, 437 South Hill Street , Los Angeles , or from C. it. Purr, City Clark, Cit of Huntington Beach, Orange County, Californiap properly executed :and with items filled' out ; numbers shal:A. be stated both in writing and in figures , the s i gnatur& of all perfions signing shall be in long hand. The completed form shall be without interlineations , alterations or erasures. (b) Bids shall not ceonta.in any recapitulation of the `xdoric to be done. Alternative proposals will not be considered, unless called for. No oral., telegraphic or telephonic proposals or modifications will be cox,,=,sidered. (e ) bids shall be accompanied with a certified or cashier's check, or a, bidder's bond. :for an amount not less titan. five (J) per cent of the bid onade payable to the order of the City Council, Huntington Beach, Craxiga County, California. If a bidder's bond accompanies the proposal, said bond sh€alrl be secured" from a surety company satisfactory to the Cilty Council,, Orange - County, California. ,A list of such Surety companies is on file with the City Cleiy, Huntington .Beach, Orara,go County, California, or Walker and Eisen, .A"rchitocts , 437 South Rill Street , .Loss An eles3 , California. Said check or bored shall be given as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract if awarded the irork and in case of refusal or failure to enter into said Contract g the check or bond, as the case may beR shall be .forfeited to City Council, hunting- ton Beach, Urange County, California, Page 1 0 f Exhibit I. (l:RFOXNIA.`f IOR FOR B.:DB:�R.S,) 1 x. (d) Before submitting; a bid, bidders stall carefully ex- amino the plans, read the specifications, and the forms of other contract document; , shaall. visit the site of viork, and shall fully inform themwelves as to all existing conditions and limitations, and shall include in the bid a. aa.m to cover the cost of all items included in the Contract . (e) Bids shall be delivered to the City Clerk, l.bintin ;ton Beach, Orange County, California,, on or. before the day and hour set for the opening, of bids , in 'the Advert isefr ont for Bids as published, which bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envol.ope provided therefor, and bearing the title of the work and the mime of the Bidder.. It is the Sa Z responsibility of the Bidder to see that his bid is received in proper time® Any bid received rafter the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids shall be re- turned to the bidder unopened. 'k7'I�'iHDRAi'IAL O14 BIB: 44 Any bidder mtay 'withdrgaw his bid, either personally or by telegraphic, or written request , at aiV time prior to the sohed-, uled closing time for reoeipt of bids. AOR &,,1?4,'NT A11D BOldM : 5. The form of Agreement , which ,the successful bidder, as Con tractor, will be requireft to execute, and the forms of }ponds which he will be required to furnish, .:ire included in the cones tract documbnts and should be carefully examined by the bidder. The agreement and the bawds will be exeonted in tripl.ieato. INT,,;i?Z'R!!;TAT ION OF D4RA113I4 MID BOC t3J.�IlTS : 6. If any person contemplating submitting a bid for the pro- posed contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the plans, specifica.tiona , or c;ther proposed contract doouments, or finds discrepancies in, or omiasions • from, the drawings or specifications, .he may submit to the Architects , 1.7alker and Eisen, 437 South hill Street , Los Angelo,, , California,, a written request for aan intor,?retra.tion or correction. thereof. The person submit- ting the rek1nost will be responsible for its prompt delivery . Any interpretation or correction of the px4oposed docur�eaats will be rude only by Addendum duly issued and a copy of such Addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person rooeiving a set of such .ddcuments n The Cite Council., Iluntington Beach, Orange County, California, will not be responsi.bl a :for any other explanations or interpretations, of they proposed documents , The words , "Work Per- formed" , as used, in the oontra.ct documents -shall be construed to include materials suitably stored on. the site of the project . ADD,:!1 DA OR BU7.,.;�:;l?I S: 7o Any addenda, or bul.lentins issued during the time of bidding, or .;_orminz a ,past of the doe-aftients loaned to the bidder .for the prcaparati,on of his bid, s'k>aa,ll be covered in the bid, and small be made a. part of the Con rv%3t . Pago 2 of Exhibit I. ( IIWOPU ATION FOR BIDDERS aRS ) �, STATE AND LOCAL LABOR ARD I:iA`lAR.TAL REWTRL NTS 8. Attention is called to the State and Local Labor and Mater- ial Requirements, which .form a pert of the Agreement or Speei- fioat ions, O11E,NI:NG OF BIDS 9. (a) Bids will be opened and publicly read 'aloud at the time set in the Advertisement for Bids in the Council Chambers in the City Hall Building, h nti,ngton Beach, Orange County, California. in, cases w1kere only one bid is received for a con- tract , such bid will be publicly opened and read aloud in the usual" manner. Bidders, or their representatives., and other interested persons, may be present at the opening and Treading of bids. ` (b) At the time and. place set for the opening and reading; of bids , each and every bid received prior to the sclieduled closing time for receipt of bids will be publicly opened and road aloud, irrespective of any irregularities or informalities in such bids . The public reading of each bid will include at least the following: 1, llama and address of Bidder; 2. For lump sum contracto, the lump sum base bid and the bid .for each alternative ; 3. For unit price contracts , if , a,ny, the unit price bid for each item,and the tz�ta.l,if stated; 4. The nature and amount of the security furnished with the bid. If any bid, or security furnished therewith, is irregular or in- formal, the facts will ba noted and publicly announced at the time of reading thereof. .t IVARD OR i 1,i J!tXT10N OF BI TDXa 10, The contract will bey awarded to the :Lowest responsible bid- der complying with these instructions and with the Advertiaement for Bids, The City Council of 11unti:ngton Beach, Orange County, California, however, resorves the right -to reject any or all .bids, and to waive any informality in bids received. BID�.&RS IITPERZ STED 114 LJO1 J TILIN 0141! BID: 11. No person, firm or ctorpora,tion,• sha,l.l be allowed to make or file, or bo interested, in more than or_ia bid for the same viork, u.n" ess alternative bids c±e> called for. A person, firm or Cor- porati,on, lsaho has submitted a wub-proposal to a Bidder, or who has gp,otad price; on materials- to a bi.dder,i.s not thereby disc,ual- ifiod from submitting a grub-proposa! tr quoting prices to other bidders. Page 3• of exhibit I. (IEFO1:UJ�TIW1J FOR BIDD-RS ) j , BONDS: 12. The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Agreement , vvill be required to furnish a labor and L-laterial Bond in an amount 6(1iial to fifty (50) per cent of the contract price,, and a Faithful Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred (100) percent of the contract price; said bonds shall be secured, from a surety company satisfactory to the City Council, Huntington Beach, uranp p County, California. A list of such sure- ty companies is on file viith the Are hiteot,s ,Walker & EUsen, 437 South Hill Street ,, Los 1-gngeies,Calif or nia , or with the City Clerk, Huntington Beach, Orange County, California. SMCIAL 15TOTICE: 13,, Bidders are requirea to inform themselves fully of the conditions relating to c)nstruction and labor under which the work will be or is now b,:)ing performed, and the contractor must employ, so far as possible . such methods and means in the oar- rying out of his work as will not cause any interruption or intorferenoe with any ot"Ier contractor,, ASSIGAM,&VT OF CONTRACT: 14. No assignment by tho Contractor of any contract to be entered. into hereunder or of any part thereof, or of funds to be received thereunder by the Contractor, will be r000gnIzed by the awarding authority uiilaso such assignment has had the prior approval of the awarding authority and the Surety has been given due notice of a-each assignment in writing and has consented thereto in viriting. No c.ssignmant vAll receive the approval of the awarding authority unless the instrument of assiep,.ment con- tains a clause to the effact that it is agreed that the funds to be paid the assignee under the assi6rn,.ent are subject to a prior lien for services rendered or materials supplied for the perl''ormanoe of the rwork called for in said contract in favor of all persons , firms or corporations rendering such services or supplyine such materials. OTI 'R 11E-�!UJIR'l 11TS : 15. The biddWo attention is speoif ioally directed to the requirements of the oontraot documents with reference to insur- ance, maintan.ance of facilities at the site of tile project for the use of PWA agents, th-, erection of PJqA sine and .the inspec- tion and, testing of materials., '1'L&T1;H_UL OR BIQUI-PLUIT -13 UIHIZ 11'T COiZTR!JCT1O.N OF WNY PRUJiXT , jul AFFIDAVIT , 'Ill Th"' FotUd aL:JT FuATH, 1J-U3T BE r'U, H J. 0 A.Zi:,'CUT-�J) BY _-�V,,.�ilY !,udTUi1'!,G OR SUCH -UAT-',A1ALS OR A',UIPIEUIT ZU OUAi iz�H T1 I Li'i .3 1. _L�J "'AU 06T 0-11 JINY SU13007 TR CTOR URD i' ME. 'V AY C0':T1ij.C;J20a - RROCLM44 S)UCHT Al,'�,'_�IDAVIT LL;��O JUL SUBCUilTW1CT® O)HS MID ER Hl".1 , III IK� "'A1,.TMSR, ".20 PROCUREA A Lill"; A1,'FIDA- T.U111MVIG Alv';A.RD 1110 �jjj .2U11(;1. Es PROM ANY !UINUFACTUMR OR "'IT22LI 'R OF SUC11' _,�L��CTFLICAL LAT_,iiIAL OR �U xD.Ci Tll,�'. CONDUCTOR - 101,12TLY SUBMIT ALL SUCH AFFID,k'TIT'S BY 1311M, OR 13111y SUBCO-iiTRACTOR UND�IZ 111-11 TO T1111, ovaoil. Page 4 of 3xhibit 1. I11FOR1,11VIO11 FOR BIDD�,,'RS) NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Of 1dA14LTiACTU1-U,,'H UR SU21'LIER STAT,' 0? C�ALIF01ZVIA C ount y 0 f LO S ANGELS S The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says : That lie is authorized to make , and is making, this affidavit on behalf of BRUNZELL & JACOBSON (Ell & correct name of mamifacturer or the party executing a contract or subcontract , or supplier making a proposal, bid or quotation (as thcl case may be ) , covering the saleip manufacture, installation or sup-lying of electrical material or equipment in connection with th., construction of Project no,. 1167 D-3; that said party is ,a PARTNERSHIP ( ,orporation.vartneFs hip ,etc . and that affiant is the PARTNER l- -_ _ (fitie of offlcei_--TitYtner,6 fd pr6p i 6r,etc. thereof; that said contract , proposal, bid or quotation (az the casie may be ) is genuine and nDt collusive or ehzaa; that said party hae not colluded, conspired, connived or.'agreed, directly or indirectly with. any association or -Derson,, to put in a sham bid, or that such other person shall refraln from bidding, and has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, t3ought', by agreement or collusionAth any association or person to fix the quotation, bid or price of said party or any other bidde:?, oil, to fix any ove,,*;�head, profit or cost element of said contract , proposal, bid, quotation or price thereof, as the oase may be, or of that of any other bidder; that all state- ments contained therein 41.ro trae ; and further , 'that said party has not, directly or indirectly, submitted said contract , proposal, bid .or quotation (az the caso may be ) or the price or contents thereof, or dlvulgel -information or data relative, therato , to any association of which the said party way be a member, or to any other association whatever, or to any member or agent thereof. 3ubscribe(JAnd sworn to lefore me BRUNZE.LL JACOBSON this doj of DECEDMER-, ar,y i to a,11��jor she County/ 0 LO ANGELES CALIFORNIA State 0-C MY Gwaiission &V*1-rU1Y15�-1V� 11age 5 of Exhibit I,, FOR BIDDARS) BID f0j"M Bids will be received until eiFght O 'clock, P-m- i NOV, 100 1937 , in the Council. Chambers in the City of Ludington Beachq Qran6e County, Califorr!4�, TO TIE' HOBORABLE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BMIDGIOR BAAUTI ORINK COUNTY9 CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby proposes and agrees to furnishany and all required labor, materialv transportation and services for the oonstructioA of a teach Eavilion and Civic Auditorium Building, in strict conformity with the Plans , Specifications and other contract docuzants on file at tho office of the City Clerk Huntington Beach, Orange County, California, or with Walker & Bisenv Architectso 437 South Hill Street, Los Aneples, Califorrda, for the sum of -7F 57M -"V-- FEZ7HI; (Tlig 5T asic M. The amount to be deducted from the above basic bid should oreo- ooted Douglas fir piles bo used as called for in Addenda Speci- fications under "Piling" in lieu of cement piles as specifiedo deduct the sum of DC The amottnt to be deauotal from the above IS aic bidt if all 00p- per flazhinCs, conductora an? othnr cappor work specified as copper under "Tinnine, tvid Work" :is ehanged to 24 gouge galvanized iron, Alternate The amonnt to 0o PALO deduoted from hho above Bid should the tvo forced air heating aAd ventilating anitz, togother with electrical work and gas to same, as specified, be 9mitted and in lieu MOO& six (6) Wll:,iams 157o or eqaal, of 120 feet of radiation each, with an output of 339900 B,T,U, per unit,, thormostatically oontrolned, and with safety pilots, The above are in addition to tho heaters specified for the tWo dressing rooma, In connect ion with the above, run fuel gas to looations of heators. The heaters will be placed one on each side of tho stage , one on each side of the westerly entrance, and one each on tho north an? south of room, the exact location to be as hereafter directed by architects. Add or deduct Page I of ]�,,enlbit ill (B1D FORUr) Alt ernate A: u__ The amount to be deduc-;ed rar-added, should conduit for public system be entirely omi",-ted , add-or deduct S —DOLUAR Alt eEnatyl The amount to be deduc-'P-ed from the above basic bid should all toilet fixtures on Groiind or pavilion floor, all roughing-in for these fixtures , t-hr, sewage ejector , and all work connected with the seivage ejectoa.-' , also the partjitions separating the Me"I's and vomens , toilo-lu-s on the Ground Floor (2avilion Floor) are omiti;ed. Deduct if -gm),rd.,ed the contract , the undarsi4;ned hereby aerees to sign st,'Ild contract and furn.f.sh the necessary bonds v­jithin ton (10) for the award o,' said contract day s ai 21 to begin work within ten (10) days from the dat-o of mailing of b�irittcn notice by the City Council, City of Huntington Beach, ortruiCe County, California, to cominan"le work, and agroes to coinplete the work rrithin a -period of 151 -calendar days ccmuenciiV ten (10) days from and after the dt&.e of jrLaJJiy).g of sai(t written notice. N­ i2ndersiggried has e:xr.minad the location of the proposed work 6,i,te is f,". G-liar with tl-...f-- plans, spe..-Afications and other con-- t'raet docutriout's and th(--* local conditions ott the place where the lvor. is 14,-) b-- done. .he nnde.,;rosl�;ued has checked oarefb,lly al! the above fi,,,Mres and undrarst-ands that the City Couno 11 V City of Ebjitineton Beach, Oranpe County, C, ),iforria , will not be responsible for any er- :eoa 19 -,a part of the undersigmd in making up or omission's oil t! this bid, The undersigned submits h- rawith a ourrent statement of his fi- n,'Mcial condition, of his teahnlaa- L abilAy and of his exper- lenCC ill OQnStrUOUOn V;Drko The undai,signed agrees, if awarded the contra.,( t , that thesse Shall be paid b 1. _y the under-oJ.giod, and by all suboontzract�ors under him, to all laborors, workmai ani-A mechanics employed in tbte exc-)cution 0i auch contraot or any subcontract the.t-ounder, not less than the goneral prevciling rate of peg' dlet�i viagges, and rates .for0-t?ertime d- l anegal lioli.dayo in the 1ccal-Ity in wn:�4' c'a the work is to be performed, an a see rt,:,.f,nod, and date.�'-mined, pursuant -1-C) Stage sta-tutez or local law t1tere6o app.licabIre, by the public body a- warding this contxaotj,, i ho sohodn'lo thereof being, set- f cech in tl've Contract 0"oeuments. The undorsiprieft hazeby cert-ifies that t]--,ic bid iz genuine and not sham, Or colD-Isive, or ref-,do in the interest or in behalf of any r;aroan zoz riaroin named, and that the urdersigned Las not directly U o--,, indireritly induced oy-, soU05-1-to ad -9-uy cther bidder to put in a sh,ar.,i bid , or any ot-fher 1,erso2a, A firr -p '_ oz, oorotation -to refrain from bidding, and that the urderoignod has not, -in azy manner sought by collusion to sec-are for himself an advantage over any other bidder. The undersigiied, agreas that this bid, atay not ba Withdravin for a period of thirty (30) days .after th,-,- data 9,at for the openi,,e thereof. Page 2 Of !�xhibit JIT (BID FORMI) Enclosed find Bidder's Bond, Certiflod Check o.- Cashier's Check 0.10 the Bank f or sr ry ' ch is not less than five percent (5, to I ;� 6—fliis bid—, pay,=�Jo—' the City coupwil, City of huntingtor- Beach, Urange County, California, and whicb. is givon as a guarqn- tee that the undo re i gne(� will enter into tho contract if awarded to the undersigned© ADDRESS— DAT "D TPHIS daS, c)f ti 3 of .,exhibit III BID FORM) AGREIZENT THIS AG%31LEIR , made and entered into thie _2_day of 9 November s 1937, by and between the City Council of the City ref Huntington Beach, Orange County, California, 2irst Party, sometimes hereinafter called the Oviner., and BRUNZELL and JACOBSEN —, Second Party, sometimes hereinafter called Th—er,o nt,r ac t o r WITIESSET11: That the parties 1-.ereto hove mutually covonanted and agreed, and by these presents do covenant and agree with each other, as follows: to The Contract Dognmeentp. The complete contract consists of the followliie_docum7eRa , to-wit : The Advertisement, for Bids, the Information for Bidders , the Accepted Bid, the General Con- ditions, the Agreement , the. Complete Specifications , the Con. - plate Plans and Addenda. Arq and all obligations of the First, Party and the Contractor are fully set forth and described theroin. All. of the above documents are intended to cooperate so that any work called for in one and not mentioned in the other or vice versa is to be executed the same as if mentioned in all said doc- uments. The documents comprising the complete contract are some- times hereinafter referr3d to as the Contract Documents. 2. The Mork® Said Contractor agrees to furnish all tools , equipment , appaRtus., 'La3iLities., labor and material necessary to perform and complete in a good and workmanlike rianner, the work of Conorete, marpentry, 3emont work, mill work, lathing and plastering, miseellaneo-aa iron and metal work, glass aad glazing, sheet metal viork, r0ofin,-Y, painting, Plumbing, electrical work, finish hardware, elcootrit3al fixtures, heating, in fact the Dill and entir© contents, of t'.ie "plans and. specifications, as ca.Lled for, in the manner desig.­,iated in, and in strict conformity with, the Plans and Specificatlons adopted by the City Council, City of 11,t4ington Beach, Urange County, California, vbich said Plans and pecif" cations are entitled, respectively; Beach 2avilLon and Civic Auditorium. , and which Plans and Spec,.ficationz are identified by the signatures of the parties to this a�,reeizzient . It is understood and agreed that said tools , equipment-, apparatus, facilities , labor and material shall be furnished a," 170:0k perfomed and completed aa, required 4 4- -: A AiTor4nt-irn and su-cervision It is understood and agreed that the alternates set forth as Alternates 2, 3, 4 and 5 are hereby abandoned, and that alternate #1 shall become a part of this Contract, and that the plans and specifications herein shall be amended by the addition thereto of said alternate #1. P-CVV-1-U1U(A J-11. L011W 4. Diapii,toes Pertaixl-n to Fa Should anj� die.- pate f or pute arise respecting t5e_ tRF-Value of any7j—ork done , of any work omitted, or of any extra Yj.ork which said Second Party wa ba re- quired to do , or respecting ti-je size of -any payment to said Second Party during the per. ormance of this contract, said dis.-L)ute shall be decided b$r the Azchiteots, Vlalke:,r and risen, 437 So. Bill. Street , Page 1 of Exhibit IV (AGRE'EILUIT ) AGMii1MNT THIS AMLZBIM , made and entered into this _2_9day of November , 1937, by and between the City Council of the City of huntington Beach, orange county, California, 2irst 2arty, somtimes hereinafter celled the Oviner, and BRUNZELL and JACOBSEN _., Second Party, sometimes hereinafter called the Contractor, 1h7IT12SSETJJ: That 'the parties hereto have mutually covonanted and agreed, and by these presents do covenant and agree with each other, as follows: to The Contract Dognmentz. The complete contract consists of the foll—ow"Ing documents , Zo7ivit : The Advertisement, for Bids, the Information for Bidders , the Accepted Bid, the General Con- ditions, the Agreement , the Complete Specifications , the Com- plete Plans and Addenda. Ar4y and all obligations of the First Party and the Contractor are fully set forth and described therein. All of the above documents are intended to cooperate so that any viork called for in one and not mentioned in the other or vice versa is to be executed the same as if mentioned in all said doc- uments. The documents comprising the complete contract are some- times hereinafter referred to as the Contract Documents, 2. The l.iork. Said Contractor agrees to furnish all tools , equipmentapparatus, fa.-ilities, labor and material necessary to perform and complete in a good and. workmanlike man;ner, the work of Concrete, marpentry, )omont work, mill work, lathing and plastering, misaellanaou,3 iron and metal work, glass and glazing, sheet metal work, roofin,-,, painting, plumbing, elactr."Loal work, finish hardware, el actr!�3al fixtures, heating, in fact the full and entire contents of t)'.ie plans and. specifications, as cailled for, in the manner desig:,iated in, and in strict conformity with, the Plans and. Spec ift catlons adopted by the City Council,, City of 1-11ingington Beach, urange County, Califomia, vhich said Plans and Specifications are entitled, respectively-. Beach PavilLon and Civic Auditorium, and which Plans and Spec:.f icatiorL9 are identified by the signatures of the parties to this atiyreerrient . It is understood and agreed that said tools , equipment , apparatus, facilities , labor and material shall be furnished .rA A .; k per 11. .__ `- ­1 and compl d ete as, required in said 21ans and Sp*.-. .-Zi :pe cations under 6.aa direction and survision to t.1.1 of,, and subject _e approval of the City Council, City of 11unt- ington Beach, Orange Coiznty, California , or its representatives:. 3. Coiyz;ract Prime. The First Party agrees to pay, and- the Contractor agroes to accept , in full payment for the work above agreed to be done., the si..m of FORTY-EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY- DOLLARS (ti��48 882.00 subj;_at 7-c—additi ons and deduct 1j.—rW—as /TWO provided in -she Contra-at- Documents, 4,, Disputes Pertairinvy -�#o fRXMEt for 'viork. Should any dis- pu.te arise respecting, t56 true value of any work done , of any work omitted, or of any extra work which said Second Party may be re- cralred to do , or respecting the size of any Payment to said Second Party during the performance of this contract , said dispute -shall be decided by the Azchitects, Walker and 11;izen, 437 So. hill Street Paeo 1 of Exhibit IV (AGRV'JE1L-d1T) Los Angeles , California, and the decision of the latter shall be final and conclusive. 5. Permits- Compliance with Leon. The Second -Party shall, at his expense, obtain all necessary permits and licenses , ease- monts, etc. , for the cormtruction of the project , give all neces- sary notices, pay all fees required by law, and comply with all lavis , ordinances, rules and regulations relating to the work and to the preservation of the public health and safety. RactIlioana 6 gRe b_ U Owner. The .Second 2arty shall at all times maintai Alans n proper facilltig—sand provide safe access for inspection by the First Party to all parts of the work, and to the shops wherein the work is in prepdration. 1'1here the Specifications re- quire work to be specially tested or approved, it shall not be tested or covered -up laithout timely notice to the Architects , Walker and !:risen, 437 South Hill Street , :cos Angeles , of its readi- ness for inspection and without the approval thereof or consent thereto by the latter . Should any such work be covered up without such notice, approval , or consent , it must, if required by the Architects , ',,','alker and Epis,an, 437 South Hill Street , Los Angeles ., be unaovered for examination at the Second !?arty 's expense. 7. Utra and/or Additional 17ork and Changes. Should said First Parfy—at Yn-Ft—ir�e—during,-Tl�e—progr—eas of said work request any alter6tions, deviations, additions or omissions from said Specifications or Plans or other Contract Documents it shall be at liberty to do so , and tht:) same shall in no way affect or make void tho contract, but will be added to or deducted from the amount of said contract price, as ',-#he case may be, by a fair and reasonable valuation. The estimated cost of a. .?roposed change shall be established in one or more of the followinLq, methods : (a) By an acceptable lump sum proposal from the Contractor. (b) By unit pricies contained in the Contractor's original bid and incorporated in the Contract Documents or fixed IaZy�- subsequent agreement between the Owner and the Con.- tractor. (o ) By a supple men';al schedule of P.-rices contained in the Contractor's original bid and incorporated irk the Contract Dociunonts. (d) - On a cost-plus-limited basis not to exceed a specified limit . 1.7ork oa a cost-plu-9-limited basis is defined as the cost of labor, materials, and inaurance, Plus the percentage named in the Contract Documents , if any, but in no even'; to exoeed lbl-o to cover superintendence eaner-al expanso, and profit . A change figured on this basis will stal';e the, estimated limit of total cost as a maximum. paymont by the Oivner to the Contractor for the work conteriplated by the change. No extra work shall be poz-formad or chango be made unless in pursuance of a written order from the First Party, stating that the extra work or change is aulthorizzed and no clAm for an addi- tion to the contract sum shall be valid unless so ordered. Page 2 of Exhibit IV (AGRU,;MRT ) 8® Time for Completionextension of Time. All work under thi cs ontracshallie completed witnin a period of 154 consecutive calendar days commencing 10 days from and after the notice by the First Paa,rtj to the Second -'arty to begin work. If said Second Party shall, be delayed in said work by the acts or neglect of said First Party, or its employees or those under it by contract or otherwise, or by changes ordered in the work, or b , strikes, lockouts , fire, unusual delay in transporta- tion, unavoidable canual-Aies or any causes beyong the Second. Party's control, or by delay autLhorized by the Virst Party, or by any cause which the Archi.tec:ts, Walker mid Eisen, 437 South Hill :street, Los Angeles, shall decide to justify the delay, then the time of completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Architects , 17alker and Eisen., 437 South Bill Street , Los Ange- les, may decide. This article does not exclude the recovery of damages for delay by either party under other provisions in the Contrast docu- mentso 90 1.0 of A-liens. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 398 of the 1931 a�taatutes of the State of California, no person, farm, partnership, association or corporation, or agent thereof, doing any work via a contractor or subcontractor upon any public work being done fcr or under the authority of this State, or any officer or department thereof , or sor or under the authority of any county, city, and county, city, town, tovinship, district, Cr any other political subdivision thereof or any officer or department thereof, shall knowingly employ or cause or allow to be employed thereon any alien--meaning thereby any person not a born or fully naturalized citizen of the United States - except in cases of ex- - traordinary emergency caused by fire, flood, or danger to life or property, or except to work upon public military or naval defences or works in time of war; provided,, however, that within thirty (30) dales after azW alien is permitted to viork thereon due to extraora dinary emergency, the contractor doing the work, or his authorized agent , shall file with the officer or publics body awarding the con- tract a report , verified by his oath, setting forth the nature of the said, emergency and c;ootai ning the name of the said alien and each date he was permitted to work, and failure to file said report within the saaild time shall be prima, facie evidence that no such extraordDaary emergency existed® Such contractor and each subcon- tractor shall also keep, or cause to be kept , an accurate record showing the names and citizenship of all workers employed by him, in connection r1ith the said public work, which record shall be open at all, reasonable hours to) the inspection of the officer or public body awarding the contras-,;, his or its deputies and agents and to the Chief of the Divrision of labor Statistics and Law enforcement of the State Department o ' Industrial Relations , his deputies and agents. For each violation o ' the above stipulation, said contractor shall forfeit to the City Council., City of Iiuntington Beach, orange Coud .ty, Cal.a forni a, a:9 a, penalty , the sine', of ten (10) dollars for each alien, knowingly enaploydd in the execution of this aereec+aenta by him, or by .any subdontractor Under him, for each calendar day or Portion thereof during which such alien is permitted or regiired to labor in violation of this stipulation and the provisions of said Chapter 398 of the 1 S31 Sta,tutee of the State of Califomiaa -Page 3 of exhibit I AIR iiel 10. Certain Facilities to be 2rovided and DlaLntained. The Second 75KRY'shall provide-and'Eaintain until the completion of the contract facilities at the site of the project for the use of those representatives or agents of the Federal Emergency Administrator of i-`ublio 'viorks %Ajho are assigned to the inspection of 'the project . Such facilities shall bonsist of adqq:uate quar- tors convenient to the work and for the sole use of such repres- entatives or agents. Suah quarters shall be provided with light , heat and telephone serviole, and shall be furnished with suitable table, desk and chairs. 11. §1&no. The Contractor shall f-v.rnish and erect , on the site of the project , at points and in positions to be designated by the First Party, signal in such quantity and of such dimensions as areset forth In said Specifications or other .Contract 'Docu- ments as will be designated by the First which signs shall bear the legend: "P. 1,11. A. FEDERAL E,LV,,RQ&'NCY AD15-INISTRIi.TION OF PUBLIC WORM BEACH PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIMI PROJ...,;CT NO. 1-1-67 D-S 12. Inspection and Testipa of Materials. The Contractor shall noti the First R:,,rty a sufficient time in advance of the manufacture or production of matorials , to be supplied by him under this contract, in crd--,r that the First Party may arrange for mill or factory inspection and teating of same. Any materials shipped Ily the. Contractor from the factory prior to having satisfactorily passed such testing and inspection by the First 2artys representative, or prior to the receipt of notice from said representatilra that such testing and inspection v&ll not be required,, shall not be incorporated on the job. The Contractor shall also furnish to the First Party, in tripli- cate, certified copies of all required factory and mill test re- ports. 1';. Termination for Breach etc. If the Second -Party should be adjudged--a-Wa-n-k-r-u-p-f-,,—oF-'-'-Lf—h—o should make a general assignment for the benefit of his craditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvetacy, or if lie or any of his subcontractors should violate. any of the provisiona of the contract, the Uriner may servo written notice upon him and his surety of its intention to terminate the contract ,, such notice to contain the , rea.9oms for such intention to terminate the contract , and unless within ton days after the serving of such notice , such violation shall cease and satisfactory arrangements for correction thereof be made, the con- tract shall, upon the exp1ration of said ton days, cease and termin- ate. In the event, of any such termination, the Owner shall imme- diately serve v;ritten not."Ice thereof upon the surety and the Contrac- tor, and the surety shall have the right to take over and perJL*orm the contract , provided, however, that if the surety, within fifteen days -Page 4 of Exhibit IV (AGZZ.MM.NT) after the -serving upon it of notice of termination, does not give the Owner written not ioe of its intention to take over and perform the contract , or does not commence performance thereof within thirty days from the date of the serving of such notice, the Owner may take over the work and prosecute the same to. completion by contract or by aM Other method it may deem advisable, for the ac- count and at the expense of the contractor, and the Contractor and his surety shall be liable to the Ovaier for any excess cost occas- ioned the Owner thereby, and in such event the Owner may without liability for so doing take possession of .end utilize in completing the work, such materialo, appliances , plant and other property be- longing to the Gontraotoor as may be on the site of the work and necessary therefor. 14. Uwnerls Right to Withhold Certain Amounts and make A22li- eation TheFe-of. -UnMadUi-tion to the amount which the owner may re- tain under Paragraph 33 of this Agreement until the final comple- tion and acceptance of all work covered by the contract , the uriner may withhold from payment to the Contractor such an amount or amounts as in its judgment may be necessary to pay just claims against the Contractor or any subcontractors for labor and services rendered and materials furnished in and about the work.- The Owner may apply such withhold amount or amounts to the payment of such claims in its dis- cretion. In so doing, the owner shall be doomed the agent of the Contractor and any payment so made by the uwncr shall be considered as a payment made under the contract by the Owner to the Contractor and the Owner shall not be liable to the Contractor for any such payment made in good fE.ith. Such Payment may be made without prior Judicial determination of the claim or claims. 15. Notice and Service Thereof. Any notice from one party to the other under the contract shall be in writing and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such notice or by a duly authorized representative of such ' arty, Any such notice shall not be effec- tive for any purpose whatsoever unless served in the following Plan- -nor, namely, (a) if the notice is given to the First tarty, by per- sonal delivery thereof '�Jo the City Clerk of said Yirst 2arty, or by depositing the same in the _U_nited "States mails, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the First Party for the attention of said . 011y Clerk postage prepaid and registered; (b) if, the notice is given to the Second varty, by per- sonal delivery thereof '(';o said. Second .'arty or to his duly author- ized representative at the site of -the Project , or by depositing the same in the United Statr;�s mails, enclosed in a sealed envelope, ad- dressed to said Second Party at2150 Princeton Avenue, Los Angeles ,Calif, postage prepaid and registered; _aMd­_(_o7 if the notice is given_ to the surety or any other person, by personal delivery to such surety, or other person, or by depositing the sz,�4.rrie in the United States mails, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to such surety or Person, air the case may be, at the address J-4rih surety or peo-son last communicated by him to the party givjn.�_; rzi-i, postay3 prepaid and registered. 16. Assip-nment of -ontract. Neither tba contract , D_s;r any part thereof, nor army�moneys tlue or to became due may be as- signed by the Second Partq without prior written appioval. of the First Party. Subcontractjad,, HO Part Of the contract may be sublet without t.41177prior Writtell approval of the Owner. 18. Compliance Witl.., bpecifioations of Materials . Whenever in the a ecificat- materialions, any Or Process is indicated or specified by Patent or proprietary name toad/or by name Of manufacturer, sur-h I Page 5 Of Exhibit IV (AaR-3ZIMIT) specifications shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of faoili- tating, description of the material and/or process desired, and shall be deemed to be followed bdr the wnrdp. "Or ard. tbo Can- tractor may offer any material or process which shall be equal in every respect to that so indicated or specified; provided,, however., that if the material, process or article offered by the Contractor is not, in the opinion of the Architects, equal in every respect to that specified, then. the Contractor Must furnish the material, process or article specified or one that , in t ho -opinion of the Architects, is the equal thereof in every respect. 19. Contract Securi.t . The Contractor shall furnish a surety bond (form attached)in in amount at least equal to 100, per cent of the contract price as security for the faithful per ormame of this contract . The Contractor shall also .furnish a separate surety bond (fora attached) in an amount at least equal to 50 per cent of the Contract price as security for the payment of all persons parforming labor and furnishing materials in connection with this contract. 20. Contractor's Insurance. The Contractor shall not commence work under'The�ract until he has obtained all insurance recta iced under this Paragraph and such insurance has been approved by the Owner nor shall the Contractor allow any subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been so obtained and approved. (a) Compensation insurance. The Contractor shall take out and maintain during; the life of the contract workmen's compensation insurance for all his employees employed at the site of the project and, in case any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide workmen's a ompensat ion insurance for the latter's employees, unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under the contract at the site Of the project is not protected under the workmen 's compensation statute, or in case there is no applicable workmen's comi)ensat ion statute., the Contractor shall provide, and shall cause each subcon- tractor t.o provide adequate insura nce for the protection of his employeesnot otherwise protected, (b ) Public Liability and Property Derma a Insurance. The Contrac- tor shall take out and maim aein d.uri n the li e o the contract such reablic Liability and property damage insurance as shall pro® teat him and any subcontractor performing work covered by the con- tract , from claims .for damages .for personal injury, including acci - dental death, as well as from claims for property damages, which may arise from operations under the contract , whether such opera- tions be by himself rir, by any subcontractor or any one directly or `\ indigectly employed by either of them, and, the amounts of such in® suvance shall be as follows Public .Liability insurance in an amount not less than 2,"10.000 for injuries, includi.ne i. c id0 , l death, to any one person, and subject to the Name limit for oac a person., in an amount not less than 5 20,000, on account of one: accident , and property damage insurance in an amount not less than e5,000. 22. .proof of Ca,rriaE e of Insurance, The Contractor shall fur- the07in r with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance re qui re d. Page 6 of Exhibit Ili` (A E 11UT) 22, C%alifications for Employrnenta Ito person under the age of six een 1 ) years and no person currently serving sen- tence in a penal or correctional institution shall be employed to perform any work under this contract. No person whose age or physical condition is such as to make his employment danger- our to his health or safety or to the health and safety of others shall be employed to perform any work under this con- tract : PRoVID&D, That this sentence shall not operate against the employment of physically handicapped persons, otherwise employable, where such persons may be safety assigned to work which they can ably perform. There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color or political off iliati.orn in the employmnt of persons for work on the project. All employees engaged in work on the project under the contract have the right to organize and bargain collec- tively through representatives of their own choosing, and such employees shall be free :From interference , restraint or coercion of employers in the designation of such employees ' representatives in self-organization, and in other concerted activities of such employees, for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and no person seeking employment and no person employed under this contract shall be required as a condition of initial or continued employment to join any company union or to refrain from joining, organizing, or assisting a labor organiza- tion of such person's own choosing. 23. Labor Preference and s to meat Service. With respect to all skilled, semi--skilled and unskil ed workers on the project : (a) Preference in employment shall be given to persons from the public relief rolls where such persons are available and qualified to perform the work to which the employment relates, and (b) To the fullest extent possible workers appropriate to be secured through employment services shall be chosen from list of qualified workers submitted by .local employment agencies designated by the United States Employment Servi ce: BROVIDED, That union workers,- skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled, shall not bo required to register at such local employmextt agencies but , ?.f such workers are desired by the em- ployer they shall be obtained through union locals in a customary manner which bvill insure compliance with sub-paragi°aph (a) of this paragraph. In the event , however!, that employer,,-,, who wish to employ union workers are not furnished with qualified workers by the union locals within 48 hours (Sundays and holi- days excluded) After request is .filed by the employer, all workers shall be chosen from lists of qualified workers Submitted by local agencies designated by the United States E'viployment Service, 24. Bondiscrimina,t.i,on. Except as specifically provided above, workers �;�ho are qu-alified by training and experience and who, as above outlined, are referred for work under this contract, Shall not be discriminated against on any grounds whatsoever, Page 7 of Exhibit IV (AGRE&dENT ) 25. 11ours. of Work. '!Axoept in: (a) emergencies , which are defined as unforeseen occurrences and combinations of circumstances involving the public welfare or th6 protection of work already done on the Project or which endanger lif,-, or property and call for immediate action or remedy; or (b ) Special and unusual circumstances rendering it infeasible or impracticable to require adherence to the applicable limitations of hours herein set fort:, skilled, semi skilled and unskilled workers employed to perform work on the Project under this contract shall not be permitted to work thereon more than eight (8) hours per day nor more than forty (40) hours per week; PROVIDED, That the limitqtions of .ours herein set forth shall not apply to executive, supervisory, administrative, clerical , or other non-manual workers as such. 1UP, to 11.3.16 inclusive In accordance with the provisions of Section 6b5-& of the lie Tabor Code of the State of California, within thirty (30) dziys after any laborer, workman or mcch=ic is permitted to work over eight (8) hours in one calendar day due to any suctL emergency, the Contractor doing the work, or his duly authorized agent,shall file with the City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach a report verified by his oath, setting forth the nature of the said emergency, which report shall contdn the names of the said worker and the hours worked by him on the said day; and the Cortractor, and each subcontractor, shall also keep an accurate record showing the names and actual hou.*,?s worked of all Workers employed by him in connection with the work oontamplated by this Agreement, whcih record shall be open at all reasonable houro to the inspection of th-11.5 City _of Huntington Beach C of theLabor or it-s-o-Yf'iedr-s- -andt o -the-Chie? Statistics and Law enforcement of the Department of Industrial Re- lations , his deputies or agents; and it is hereby further agreed that the Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the said City of Huntington Beach the sum of i_1 — T 4X* _T 70('(T 0 e6 ten do .' each labor6r, workman, or mechanic employed in theexecution of this contract by him or by any subcontractor under him, for each caldndar do.y during which such laborer, workman or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of this stipulation. 26. I'Llarte Rates. Pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Californid-7-0.11_local law thereto applicable, the City Council, of the City of Huntington Beach, Orange CountyD California, has ascer- Vained the general prevai ling rate of per them wages and rates 'for legal holidgy and overtims work in the, locality in which this work is to be performed, for each oraft or typo of workmen or mechanic needed to execute this contract . The prevailing wages so deter- mined are as follows: MUM, OR oCcUplITIOR Preparatory Trades Demolition & Removal of &x.1.sting Structnres: Air Compressor Operators Sand Blast Nozzleman 1.25 Sand Blast aLn­:Aan 1.25 Jack Timmer Ope,vators .85 Page 8 of Exhibit IV (AGR_:2jSiJXNT TRADE OR OCCUPATION Hourly wage Rate Chipping ha-amer Operators .85 Laborers .625 House Movers .75 Truck Drivers .75 Teamsters .625 Excavating: Laborers .75 Drillers tCaireon,, eto. ) 1.00 Shovel Operators (Mechanical ) 1.25 Shovel Firemark .80 Tractor Operators 1.00 Truck Drivers . .75 Teamsters .62.5 11ile Drivers 1.00 Pile Driver Erigineere 1.25 Carpenters (Including Installation of Metal. Covered Doors & Steel Lookers ) : Carpenters 1.00 Hardwood Floor Layers 1.00 Window Caulkers 1.10 Laborers .75 Plastic Tradas: Concrete and Cement : Cement Finishers 1.Z5 Engineers (Portable and Hoisting) 1.00 Laborers .75 Mixer Operators .75 Gunite: Rodmen 1.25 Rozzlemen 1.25 Griorand Dien 1.00 Gun Men 1.25 Mixer Men .75 Rebound Men .625 Masonry : Masons 1.125 Mixer Operators 1.00 Ho d Carri er.s 1.35 Plasterine, Including Lathing: Plasterers 1.50 13lasterers7 TEnders 1.35 Lathers (Including 17elders on Steel,. Stnds) 1.125 Steel Trades: Reinfwaing Steel: Reinforcing Steel 'Norkers .Lahorers .625 Structural & Miscellaneous Steel: Laborers .625 Structural Steel Workers (Including Welders on Structural Steel,) 1.25 Page 9 of Exhibit IV (AGBIU.0,11T) Ornamental Metal : Ornamental Iron 17orkers 1.00 Laborers Lathing--See PlIaster ec Lathing Steel. Studs--See Pla.ster & Lathing MGch&nical Trades: Heating: St ear.'If it tera 1.2-5 Asbestos Workers 1.00 jrcout- ilat ing---See Shiaet Lletal Plumbing: .Plumbers 1.125 Sprinkler Systems; Sprinkler F5""V'-t&rs 1.25 feat r'La Syztem ins'U'a-11ations : 1.io Sh(�,,It Metal (Inoluding Metal ParIvitior.3 ) Sleet E.etal Wo.t?kors 1.125 Laborers .625 Zia rb3c , Tile aud Terrazzo Marb-14.0 14or"5zvs 1100 1j41_-b16 Workerol Helpere .625 TJ.le set-(':exlol 1.25 Tile 3atts-ral Helpers, .80 Composition Floor Workars Roofers 1.00 Lab-or are .625 Linulaim Soft TIA.e, Blaokbogrds, Cork Carp ets - Sjoft* T.11le sue Vera 1.00 17'ind(yiv Shados and, Vanetiar,% Bliad.z., 'dow S'btade' 14orkers I.DO Peintizig, aiid 2ainters 111100 Cleaner i 625 Claziars .11,00 Labor-sra .611235 All Ski;; le'd Labor nat ment"Loned above l000 -Ul Unzltilled -Labor not, mentioned above .625 1. Tho ratea par hoix.-, indicatled above, are based upon the local preirailing rat-,a -per day, being 8 ti-intee the above soheduled, ratle per hour. Hourly Tates of pay, based upon M hours Pe_- dc-�y, for a full. daV or a fractional part of -a day. The per diam wales for a fractional part of a day ahall be the appliaable rate Per. 1101ar Maltiplied by the nufnber Of hour. worked Page 10 of Embibit IV '%AGRE!2.L�xT) on said day other than for overtime and/or Sundays or -Legal holidays. 2. The wage rate, per hour for overtime viork for each of the above classifications shall be the hourly rates quoted above, multiplied by -times the number of hours worked by employees 'in excess of 8 hours on any one calendar day other than Sundays and/or Legal Holidays. 3. The wage rate p3r hour for work on Sundays and/dr Legal Holidays shall be the applicable rate oer hoar, as sched- u.led above, multiplied. btu 2 times the number of hours worked by employees on Sunday and/or Legal Holidays'e Sundays and/or Legal Holidays as herein referred to shall be deemed to be all Sundays, January First, February Twenty-second., May Thirtieth, July Fourth, Labor Day,, ThanksgIvine Day and December Twenty-Fifth. 41 The wage rate par hour for overtime on Sunday and/or Legal Holidays for each of the above classifications shall be the hourly rate established ::or Sunday and/or Legal Holidays work, times 1-,?- the number of hours, worked, in excess of eight (8) hours on Sunday and/or Legal holidays, by the employees. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor and upon any suboontrac- tor under him, to Pay not leas than the said specified rates to all laborers , workmen ant' mechanics employed by theca in the execu- tion of the contract. It is hereby further agreed that the Contractor shall forfeit to the City Council of the City of Huntington 13'each, Orange County, California, as a poncUty, ten dollars ( V`10.00) for each laborer, workman or mechanic emplcyed for each calendar day or proportion thereof, such laborer, vicrkman, or mechanic is paid leas than the said stipulated rates for any work done under the contract by, him or by any subcontractor under him. The Contractor, and each sub- contractor, shall keep or cause to be kept an accurate record sh(n,ring the names and occupations of all laborers , workmen and mechanios employed by him in connection with the execution of this contract on &Dy subcontracts t1lereunder , and showing also the actual per diem wages paid to each of such workers, which records shall be open at 411 reasonable hours to the inspection of -the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,, Orange County, Cal- ifornia, a%--iarding this contract, its officers and agents, and to the Chief of the Division of Labor Statistics and Law Enforcement of thf- State Department of Industrial Relations, his deputies and agents. In case it becomes neoessary - fear the Contzaato.r or any aubco ntractor to employ on the Project 'ander this contract- any person in a trade or oocupation (except exe,3utivo, supervisory, adminiotrative, cleri- cal or other non-manml workers as such'!') for which no minimum wage rate is herein specif_Jed., the Contractor aball immediately notify the Owner who idll promtp."'.y thereafter determine the prevailing rate for such add-1:Uonal trade or occupation and shall furnish the Qon- tractor with the minimum, Pate based thercon. The minimum rate thus furnished shall be applicable as a minimum for such trade or occu- pation from the time of tj:,e initial employment of the person affected and during the continuance of such employment . (*For example, camp assistants, cooks , Policemen, storekeepers, time- keepers, watchmen, waterboys and messengers ) . Page 11 of Exhibit IV (AGRZ&=, -NT) 27. Posti 1 Llinimum Wage Rates. The Contractor shall Post at conqpicu.6-u`s-`p'o5MnT or. t site of the project a schedule show- ing all determined minimum wag© rates and all authorized deduc- tions, if any, from unpCoxid wages actually earned. on 28. 2!1pt of The Contractor and each of his , " 1'subcontracto shall pay each of ilia employees engaged in work.on the project under this contract in full (less deductions made man- datory by law) in cash and not, less often than once each week. 29 . Convict-Made 1-';atarials. No materials fiazufactured or produc6d i7a�penal or correctional institution shall be incorpor- ated into the project ux=der this contract. 30. Domestic and h'RoN2i&n Materials. Only such un-juanufactured articles, Ma—terlUls and suppli3p as have been mined or produced in the United 3tates, and only such manufaetured articles-, materials and supplies ao have been marrufactured in the United States, sub- sl"Aantially all from articles , materials or supplies minced, produced or so manufactured, as the case may be, in the United States of America, ahal`i be employed under this contract in the construction of the project . 31. Accident Prevention. 2reoaution shall be exercised at all. times —orTH-e-TFo-footion of persons (including employees) and property. The safety provisions of applicable Lauds, building and construction codes shall be observed. ;Lliachinery and equipment and other hazards shall be guarded in accordawe with the safety pro- -trisiollis of the Manial of Accident Prevention in Construction, pub- lished by the Az000iated General.. Contract--ors of America, to the extent that such provialons are not in contravention Of applicable law. 32,, Insjpoction. The Federal Emergency Adminietrator of 1"ablia 17orEF, his authorized representatives and agents, Shall be permitted by the Contractor and by each .subcontractor, to inspect all work, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, L-avoioes of m.�teriala , and other reli3vaunt data and records,, ,53. Ccnstraatlon 23 sn T12o Contractor shall submit to the First Fe—rti, achedulea of the costs aad quantities of materials and of other items, jvhiolal schedules shQ11 be in such form and shall be supported as to oorrectness by Such of the estimates upon which they are based as ',ahe First 1"arty may reciuire, The Contrac- tor Shall also submit to the Ourner the following records on forms to be supp lied 'by the Owner: Detailed .,�w;�imatel, and W on odic al Eatimateu for rartial PN..­meijt . 34. Re]*ors to U-S, D2.. art:,._Ient of Labor. The Contractor shall f a r r,L i S I K, t u 7':F1 F"-9_R IT F3­d, Tt-C'7'0 ,DepartrierZ of Labor, early as prac- ticable, th(,-,t names and a(tdressas Of' all of hj-,ci sWocontractors . The Contractor and each of h5.s subcontracto_r[_�, shall report monthly to said Departn-,,ent, not later than the 5th c�ay followinp, the close of of each aalenda4- gio.qtj�.a on forms v.-nd in aocc:-aawe with i_,ast ruct J oils tobe supplied by the uivnar, the numbr:,r of pereons directly employed under his contract who, during the Particular calendar month, were on his Pay rolls , the aegre6ace amoui:1t of each of said pay rolls , the man hours worked, and the, tot,,;tl expenditures for materials ,, which ex- penditiLres shall be i;tes..:ized® Page 12 of 1,xhibit IV (Af;r�jgciiljT) Reports to the Owner. The Contractor shall report monthly di—reSn`y—to­M7e_,JW=or, not later than the fifth day fol- lowing the close ofeach calendar month, on forms and in, aocord- ance with instructions to be supplied by the Owner, the total number of persons who were directly employed under his contract during, the particular calendar month. 36. Polls of Contractors and Subcontractors. The Con- tractor and ea=o�hIg—diibicon _T3F3_ sHa1l prepare his pay rolls on forms prescribed and in accordance with instructions to be fur- nished by the %,jner. Noy; later than the 7th day following the payment of wages, . each such Contractor shall transmit to the Owner a certified legible copy and two conformed copies of each such pay roll. Each such pay roll shall be sworn to in accordance with the "Regulations Issued Pursuant to the So--3Called Kick-Back Statute", t-ihich Regulations are herein elsewhere Set forth. The Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall submit reports on forms as and when required by the (hiner, covering the puroliases of and re- quisitions for materials;, together with such other information as may be required to deteri.Ane the progress and status of work under this contract . 37. �Project Data and Records. Promptly following the pre- paration of periodical TEy rolls of the Contractor and of each of his subcontractors, the Contractor shall. furnish the 01"iner with such number as may be required of certified copies of such pay rolls or, forms to be supplied by the Winer© Such certified copies of such pay rolls shall be accompanied by such substantial proof that all pay rolls for services rendered and materials supplied have been duly paid as he-rein required and by such other data as the Owner rray regAirs. 38. Payment . (a) Not later than the l5th day of each oai - andar montH_, t_-RZ OViner will make partial payment to the Coxtractor on the. basis of a d7aly certified approved estimate of the work performed during the preceding calandar month by the. Contractor, but the Owner will retain 10 per cent"of the amount of each such estimate 'until final completion and acceptance of all work covered by this contracto (b) The Contractor shR, 1.1 pay: (1) For all transportat:Un and utility services not later than the teontieth day of the valei,,idar month folloi-Ang that in which such services are renderel, (2,1 For all ma teria'ls �, tools , a.nd other 0''.pendible equipment , to the extent of ninety (910) per cent of the cost thereof not. later than the twentieth day of the calendar month following ng -that in which such mal-jeriaas, toollis and e�,uipment are delivered at the site of the project , and the b,,tlance of tEe co,11t thereof not later than the thirtieth day flolloviiLgg the completion of that part of the wo.rk in or on whiloh ouah natorials, tools, and eqiipment are in- corPorated or used, and To eaon of his subconti-actors, not later than the fifth day folloi!vring each payment to the Coiitractor , the respective amounts allowed the Contractor on account, of the V-j'ork performed by such siiboontractors, to the (-)xtent of each such subcontractor 's interest therein,, Vote : Retention of more than -Pago 13 of Exhibit IV (AGREIMNT) may be provided for if required by local law. 39. Compliance with Kick-Back Statute ati o-wA=Aqz ns a 1.4 gl The Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall comply with the following statute and regulations issued pursuant thereto : (1) KICK-BACK STATUTE. ' he so-called Kick-Back Statute is Public, Ro. 324, Seventy-third Congress, approved June 13, 1934 (48 Stat. 948) , and reads as follows: AN ACT to effectuate the purpose of certain statutes concerning rates of pay for labor, by making it unlawful to prevent anyone from receiv"-ng the compensation contracted for thereunder, and for othe:': purposr"so Be it enacted by the Sexv;Lte and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress asserabled, That whoever shall induce axV person employed in the construction, prosecution, or completion<of any public building, public work, or building or work financed in whole hr in part by loans or grants from the United States , or in the repair thereof to give up any part of the compensation to which he is entitled under his con- tract of employment , by -force, intimidation, threat of procuring dismissal from such employment , or by any other manner whatsoever, shall be fined not more than �5,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. See. 2. To aid in the enforcement of the above section, the 3earetary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Interior jointly shall make reasonable regulations for contractors or sub- contractors on any such building or work, including a provision that each contractor. or Bubcontractor shall furnish iveekly a sworn affidavit with respect to the triages paid each employee during the procedine- vi eg (2) REGUIATIOUS ISSUi0 PURSUAIRT TO SO-GALL-0 KICK-BACK STATUTE. Pursuant to the, provisions of 2ablic, No,, 324, Seventy-third Con- gress , approved June lea, 1934 (48 Stat. 948) , concerning, rates of pay for 14borg the Secretary of the Treaoury and the Secretary of the Interior have jointly made the Collothg regulations: Section 1. (This section quotes the Kick-Back Statute) Section 2. Each contractor and subcontractor engaged in t1ae construction, prosecution, or completion of any building or w6rk of the United StateE- or, of any building or work financed in vd�ole or in part by loans or grants from the United States, or in the -repair thereof, shall furnish each week an affidavit with res- pect to the- wages paid each employee during the preceding week. Said affidavit shall be in the following form-. STATE OF spa COUNTY OF (name of the party signing the affidavll_�_, _ __ _7Title ) , do hereby certify that I = the employee of (name of contractor or subcontractor) , riTio supervises the payment of the employees of said contractor (subcontractor)'., that the at- Page 14 of Exhibit IV (AGRI].LZ21T) tacked pay roll is a true and accurate report of the fall weekly wages due and paid to each person employed by the said contractor (subcontractor) for the construction of pro sect for the weekly pay roll period from the day of 1937; 'to the day of 193_; that no rebates or deductions7rom any wages due any such person as set out on the attached pay roll have been directly or indirectly made ; and that, to -,he best_ of my knowledge and belief, there exists no agreement or understanding with any person employed on the project , or any person whatsoever, pursuant to which it is contemplated that I or anyone else shall, directly or indirectly., by force, intimidation, threat or otherivise, ind-ace or receive ang deductions or rebates in any manner whatsoever from any sum paid or to be paid to any person at any time fox, labor performed or to be performed under the contract for the abo,Te named project, Sworn to before me this day of 1937. Section 3. Said affidavit shall. be executed and sworn to by the officer or employee of the contractor or subcontractor who supervises the payment of its employees. Said affidavit shall be delivered, within -seven days after the payment of the pay roll to which it As attached, to the Govern- ment representative in charge at the site of the particular project in respect of which it ia furnished, who shall forward the same promptly to the Federal agency having control of such project. If no Government representative is in charge at the site, such affi- davit shall be mailed within such seven day period to the Federal agency having control of the project . Section -4. At the time upon which the first affidavit with rospect to the wagee. paid to employees is required to be filed by a Contractor or subcontractor pursuant to the reqirernents of these regulations , there shall also be filed in the manner re- quired by Section 3 hereof a statement under cath by the Contractor or subcontractor, setting forth the name of its officer or employee who supervises the payment of employees, and 'that such officer or employee is in a position to have full knowledge of the facts set forth in the form of affidavit required by Seotion 2 hereof. A similar affidavit shall. be immediately filed in the event of a change -in the officer or employee who supervises the payment of employ,ees. In the event that the Contractor or subcoritractor/le ,a aerporation, such affidavit shall be executed by its president or a'vice president. In the event that the Contractor or aubcontrac- tor is a partnership, sue"a affidavit shall be executed by a member o-f the firm Section 5® The,,-.;e regulations shall be made. a pqrt of each contract executed aff;er the effective date, hereof by the Gov- ernment for any of the Purposes enuimerated In Section Z hereof. Section 6. These regulations shall become effective on January 15, 19350 (3) CONSTRUCTI01i OF PWGULLTIONS. The clause in the pay roll. affidavit which reads that the attached pay roll is a true and accurate report of the full weekly wages due and paid to each person employed by the said contractor is construed to mean: Page 15 of Exhibit IV (AGR3M1WWT) (a) wages due are the wages earned during the' pay period by each person employed by the Contractor, less any deductions required by law. (b) At the time of signing the affidavit , the wages due each employee have either been paid to him in full or are being held subject to claim by him. (c ) Such unpaid viages will be paid in full on demand of the employee entitled- to receive them. The clause 11* ""' -P that no rebates or deductions from any wages due any such person as set out on the attached pay roll have been di- rectly or indirectly made" does not apply to any legitimate deduc- tions mentioned above which enter into the computation of full weekly wages due. The "Reeulations Issued Pursuant to So-Called YAck-Back Statute" shall not be construed to prohibit deductions required by lava® 40. Xbflnitionp. The following, terms as used in this con- tract are respectively lefined as follows: "Subcontractor"; A person, firm, or corporation supplying labor and materials or labor for work at the site of the project. (b) nViork on the Project " 1Bork to be performed, including work normally done , at the location of the project . IN WITRESS YaNR330F, three identical -counter- parts of this Agreement ,, each of whi cYa shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly executed by the parties hereinabove named, on the day and year first herein written. City of Huntington Beach - st- Rarty By. nl4h o r 11 V.e e, -Mayor cial TITI-67- (SXAL) ATTEST:_ (MUt or--ized -6`Fr1cerF_ City Clerk ------Mff�ioial TV&-Ie-T- BIZUNZELL & JACOBSON and -tarty By (Autilor--e r sentative) (Official Title ) Page 16 of, Axhibit IV (AGRULaWIT) S 1, Le 4 .i F 1 C it T S C ,,f S 1 FOR A BEACH 7DAVILION .AND CIVIC AUDITOR U11 J-1 CITY OF 1MT II'GTGV BEACH O-RuUTG E COUNTY Prepared by 437 SoOulu-h Hill St. Los Angeles California Te�e.nhene TBini-y 7808 I N D E X SECTIONS llAGi'a IId /1•aX TO DUAVIIIY GS. D . p p . . . . p . p D D p 1 � G�IINERAL COIJDITIOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 PRELI AINArRY WORK. p p D D W 9 AXCAVAT I IJ G. • e p . s a s 10 C OTbCRI:TE FIORK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C ONC ZETE PILES . . p . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ALTAMNATE SYACIFICATION FOR WOOD PILING. . . 022--A REINFORCING STEEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ORNAMERTZ-L AIJD MISCELL194E0US IRON iORFL D e o 25 SIMI E .irrf'+T AL. O . o a • O . W • O p • . 0 O O O 27 CARl.S.&.Bi Rd m . O W q W . O . p . pW m W D W 0 . 30 ROOFITIG. . p . . . . . . . . . • 48 LATIUNG AND PLASTi:R.ING . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 GLASS AIID GLAZING. . . . . • . . . . . f . . p 59 PAI141`iINGO Y p . . 0 . W O q 0 . W . . . . q D 61 FORbi0 Alit IL.-U IG AND V—d4TILtLTlliG . . . . . . 67 PLUTAB I NG O 4 O q O O . O O p o S Y 0 p p 70 E L OCTR I C A1I SY STA m . . . . . . m . . . . . . . 77 LIMINGAXLLR.&' S. . W O 0 . e . . . OO D . O84 FINAl"O O p O O f O • O m 0 0 a O 4 D • i 0 0 66' INDEX TO DRAWINGS 1. Foundation Plan and Roof Framing 2. Ground Floor Plan 3. First Floor Plan 4. Elevations 5. Sections 6. Toilet Details 7. Front Entranoe Details 8. Exterior and Interior Details 9. Framing, Details 10. Truss Details 11. Standard Connee►ction Detail E-1. Electrical Plans i 1. WMRAL CORDIlIONS TIU ;7aRK IN GENERAL: Consists in the erection and construction of a tvio-story Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium. iT Li1,L1,tLY: These general conditions form a part of each separate division of these specifications. SCOF3 OF COIRRACT : The work covered by these specifications and the accompanying draviings consists of the furnishing; of all appliances , labor and materials of construction required for the erection of the build- ing hereinafter described. The General Contract shall insure the full completion of all work contained therein, excepting only such items of work as are definitely specified as being furnished by the Owner under sep- arate contract , and all appliances, labor and material needful for the proper performance of the work herein provided for, shall be furnished by and at the expense of the General Contractor, to- gether with other miscellaneous items that may not be definitely specified herein, but ttzt are obviously and reasonably recp. iced to complete a building of the type and character indicated by these specifications and. the accompanying drawings. STATE LICRVISE: All contractors bidding upon the work must be licensed under the State laws which provide for the licensing of all contractors. The Contractor performing the General Contract work on the build- ing anist be licensed and the Contractor shall see that all sub- contractors performing }cork on the building shall be licensed in accordance with the provision of the State Law,. INSUR910E: All Contractors shall carry compensation insurance, meani.ng thereby Employer's Liability Insurance and Contingent Liability insurance. The General' Contractor, in addition to the above , shall oarry all . Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance necessary for the full protection of the Contractor and Owner during the progress of the work. All such insurance shall be carried with a company or companies satisfactory to the Owner. Receipts of premiums, or statements from tl:e insurance companies stating, the work in this building is properly covered, shall be produced when and if called for by the Owner. See abuses in contract documents more specific- ally covering insurance. "The Owner shall insure Vue buildings and their enclosures against fire, for an amount sufficient to cover all vrork and materials in the building and shall keep same fully insured during the progress of the work. Policies shall be made payable to the Owner and Con- tractors as their interests may appear. The Contraotor shall notify the Owner in wtiting .from time to time of the insur- ance amounts necessary to koep all work and materials in the building fully insured. DEFINITIONS : (a) Oar: Shall refer to the City of Ibntington Beach, or its authorized representatives. (b) Architects: Shall refer to Walker & Eisen, Arahit4ots , or their authorized representatives. (a ) nA22royed": "As directed", "Proper", "Suitable", or other words of similar meaning and intent , implying exercise of judg- ment , discretion or decision to be made , shall refer to the judgment , discretion or decision of the Architects or other persons duly appointed to represent them, DRAWINGS AND S2X IFICAT IONS : The General Contractor shall be furnished with four sets of plans and specifications. Additional drawings or speoifica- tions required over and above the amounts herein stated shall be paid for by the Contractor, but shall remain the property of the Architects. Largo scale and full size detail drawings, as required by the Contractor, shall be furnished in triplicate from time to time by and at the option of the Architects, and the work shall be done and materials furnisshed in accordance therewith, insofar as they may be consistent with the signed drawings and speoi- fioations. The Contractor shall notify the Architects in writ- ing at least two (2) weeks in advance of the time v hen such details will be required, The Contractor shall bo 7es )onsible for the preservation and safekeeping of all drawings and specifications entrusted to his care, and shall return same to the Architects before the work shall be deemed fin"shed and accepted. A complete set of plans, specifications and details at all times shall be on the premises and accessible to the various foremen, the Owner, Architects, or their representatives , The drawings and specifications are intended to cooperate so that any work exhibited in the drawings and not aentioned in the specifications, or vice versa, shall be executed to the true intent and meaning tlierecf, the same as if both mentioned in the specifications and set forth in the drawings ; both being con- sidered as a part of the Contract to the same effect as though embodied in the Contract itself. I I 'n i 3 Work shoran on drawings, the dimensions of which are not Civen, shall be a,ccalstely copied accordinZ to the' scale to which the loaf?3 nes are jade; but figured dimensions in ra.11, cases shall be followed, though they may differ from the scale measurement . Should anything be omitted from the drawings or specifications necessary to a clear understanding of the work, or choul.d aa.y error or discrepancy appear in the various instruments or mis- takes in tho work clone by any trade affection the work opeci- fied herein, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to notify immediately the .architects for any action deemed necessary by them. In the event of failing to give such notice, the; Contrac- tor shall rake good any damage or defect in the work caused thereby. SBDP DiliW:CNCAS When so directed, the various Contractors shall submit carefully detailed shop drawings to they Architec0s for approval. these, shall, be submitted, in quadruplicate t0ough the office of the Odneral. Contractor , not less than two (2) weeks in advance of the time ; saaw will be naed.ed in order that work may proceed, A copy of such drawings , bearing the Architects ' seal of approval thereon, shall at all ti :yes be on the premises, It shall be distinctly understood, hywave;r, that such seal of approval shall apply only as to the c en ara.l deaign and construction of the work shown, and that the Co.ntTa,ctor only is responsible for a,l.l.dimen.- sions thereon and the ra3ults in contingent work a.ffacted. thereb,ya Under no circumstances shall the Architects ' approval constitute an accaptar.ce of anytht.n„ not in strict taccordan.ce with the plans , specifioations, contract; and l.00al or State laws. . The entire works shall be under th6 char&p, superinteradance and oontrol ors= the Arc4itectvA The Owner, the Architects and their rep=eni;a.ti9a•es ehall have full access to the work at all trees and be provided safe and sufficient facilities .for the inspection of the work. Yho rohitnots shall, as the work proersu8es, give such instruc- tions and rll.ract:ions as may be; necoosary to further delineates aand explain the drawings and specifications. Such instructions may be written, verbal or graphical., au said Architects may decide , and the ti'aork shall be done , and. materials furnished in strict ac- C3or anne therewith. a All d.i er pa.n iao , ambl.euit l es apd all quest io ns as to the true Intent ana !:eazine of the; drWASs and sp:ac ifioa,tione shall 'bey re- ferred to t ho Architects for decisions , the Contractor being hold Mapon.sib.l.e= for any ea:ro s occ:urrine throu3h misinterpreatalonY ;thin 20 houre aa.ftar .rec;ivine written notne From the Architoc3ts , the Contractor shall r :amove from the premises any and all materials condemned by the A uhiteatsq whethoT workid Or un orked, and shall, take down and romove; ail yortio s of the wozk cicaemed by the Archi- teN9 as ansou tt, impropon or y'ail in8 in any manner to conf'ozm to the drawings anci spocifications . All such viork and materials see rejected and removed iliall be replaced and reconstructed in accordance Yieretvith, at :-ao additional expense to the Owner, and before any payment t:_en tine or thereafter to 'become due is ::wade The Owner shall, at all 'aic:3e3, have the option of permitting, such defective work to stand, and in such event shall receive a credit from the Contractor in amount equal to the difference in cost t if less ) of the work as done and as specified. 6 The Architects riay re(jui.re the Co,itra.ctor to dismins forthwith any workman deemed as in,,Iompetent or improper to be employed; all work.mon, contractors and their representatives b :ping admitted to the premises for the pro:?er execution of the; work only, they hav- ine no tenanny. The Archi facts C Supe:oint,�ndent in charge of the tiork is instruc- ted to give the Contractor all desired assistance in i.nterPreting, the plans and specifications ; however , such assistance does not relieve the Contractor f:?ova any ,responsibility for the work. Any work that ,,roves faulty must be made right , irrespective of the . chiteots' Superintendent,, The fact that the Super a. �tendent has permitted fau*ity iaaork, or worn not in accordance with the plarxs and specifications to be installed , shall not prevent the Architects from insisting that all zuoh faulty work be made ri eht at no additional cost to the Owner. LRFOYIIAIICE OF CONTRACT The Contractor shard me;aa pure , lay out and diligently prosecute the work and give his personal attention a-rid supervision to same until antiroly completed., ~rhea absent , he shall leave a cocapeta ent person in ohargo of the work, vlao ,5aill be authorized to act .for him. All portion; of the work included in the Contract that ma.r be broken or dozagod by- accidont or otherwise, or b' reason of an,,/ oxise whatsoever, du,rine the time between the -tinishing of same antft thde completion cf the i%rho e L'rork, shall be carefully and neaa�tl.y repaired ov reconstructed ,and -t ie irhola left without blerna ish It is not apon the Arc;,hitects to notify the Contractor to attend to , or 1mve in rea,di'oaa , mach vaork and material s as the progress of the 'gui,:a.di.ng r_�a� require; D).rtherm.ore, the Con- tractor steal). be held responsibl.e for all delays cau. ed by his ow or his sub-�•cont:iacsto la ne lect The aa:ioo4, cozit °o.rt�� s s7aal1 set out their work correctly and at all timo ,t be responsible for the c;o2re-at location, elevat ions andpe>�3 tiod� of the-ir resoc"O ai.ve parts 0 the raork. The Canera.l- (Icsrit rao4o, however, s.hal I Dsss me iull ro sponsibillty for al,:L Work drone i1ndesr the Corn_, aot and. for any mistakes, omission or .t.mpropur oxecuti.on of the 3,,jo °k done by the sub-cont.racto a, anal shall x)ers oral_l;y a itend t ), I�Jho correction of away such mistake t,m o sion r -5_Tgi,) opor Dior.=k, 50 t ADDITION', , Ci-I IETI S AID OIJISSiOITS: Should a change, addition or omission, in the work provided for herein be ordered, the General Contractor shall not be authoriz- ed to comply therewith, unless written authority therefore is pre- viously obtained from the Architects and approved by the eublio l7orks Administration' s State Director, and the Contract shall not be deemed altered thereby, either as to the tir.,ie when the whole work shall be; complete , contract pride on work to be done, except as expressly stated in such written authority. positively no charge for extra viork will be rocognizad, except upon presenta- tion of such authorization. The execution of work especially detailed or explained, without a previous written claim for extra charge, shall constitute an acceptance by tho Contractor of. the detail or explanation as be- ing in conformity with trio provisions of the Contract. C OOP;RAT I OIL: The various contractors sha11 aetivoly cooperate regarding all parts of their work whici is in any manner related to or contin- �ent upon the work _of of Mors and shall. arrange and execute their work in such a manner at such times as will cause no delay in the progress of the building. Each Contractor shall be hold responsible for all damago to the work of other oontractoro caused by his neglect or the installa- tion of his Mork, and Wks such work or materials so damaged shall be rom,oved and made good in a satisfactory manner. Thevarious contractors t3hall 'Land reasonable cooperation to any and all trades and crafty that :Say be employed by the Owner under separate contract , durix4; the jorogress of the building, The Contractor shall bo held liable for the infringement of any and all patents All workmanship shall be su,b jact to the approval of the .Arc l-L - tects, and shall be of ;i. .nd .and quality meeting the best stan- dards of practice for eaoh particular trade employed. MATERIALS All materials shall be of new stook and tho best of the kinds and qualities spaci.iied<, �,Iaterials , the make of ,rahich is as- pecially designated, must; bo as specified, All mater'lal.s del.ivared to tho promises with the intent ion of for.,mi r, a part of the ti.,�ork, shall be considered as the property of the Owm- r, eii.d shall r;ot be ;removed c+ithout his consent . G The various contractors shall provide, whenever required by the Ardhitects , all bills, statements and vouchers showing the quality and cost of all goads and materials used, and render all due and sufficient facilities to the .iirrchitects for the inspection of same. r SUBS`�ITUTlr01'! OF _. AT RI,ALS i Within these Specifications, certain definite makes and grades of materials are specified for descriptive: purposes only® Should the Contractor desire to use materials of make or manufacture dif- ferent from those specified but of ec2aa:l grade, ho shall be at liberty to do so; however, the Architects shall be the sole jud6e as to the interprehtion of what constitutes "equal grade". BUILDING ORDIHANCES; The Contractor shall be responsible for all work and material conforming; to the buildine laws and ordinances of they State of California, and of the City of Huntington Beach, the County of Orange, and to all safety rules and orders of the Industrial. Accident Commission and the Board of ideohani.cal .engineers of the :Mate of Calif ornia, that May apply to the x-jork; anything; shown on the drawings or herein specified to the contrary notwithstanding, RECORD. 1-1 e1WITS AND INS.PECTION a The Contractor shall obtain and pay for any and all permits and inspections i:iade necessazy by work under the Contract , unless otherv,ise definitoly spca;ified a likewiso pay all fees in connec- tion with recording; cont.,?act and fili.ng 140tice of Completion. The Owner shall. ,pay for and obtain the plan check and Permit from the Engineering Division, State of California. The Contractor shall be held responsible .for all damages that rj.y result from any accident occurinG during the progress of the work, or in 'tho leaving open ol", uxaprotooted portions of the streets , or areas bol.ov.,P sidevwalks a HO shall properly protect the Viork with. streets l,igiats, provide all axcavati.ons raith propor enclosures and shall exercise care and e.iligonce in bracing and securing all pants . of the work against storttt and accident . SIGNS ; No signs of any descriptioxi shall bey permitted on the buildings Or- the Oncloai% fences, ex6lepti.ng those of tho Architecte and, the General Cont:racto., anc! such additional signs as may be designated by the Architeats and Owror. The Contra.otor shall furri h ai.g ns as described in csonstrueti.old Re ulatio):jL;, as per Paee Seven of the 2VJI & Constraction rtLgul.�ti0 a and. as afolloik�s ; The PVVA signs shall be designed, constructed, painted and let- tered in accordance with 21 A Ad r.i.nistrati on Order No. 1.54 (IM, 58562) dated July 17, 1936, copy of Which may be examined at, the office of the City Clork, City of Lunt ingtrn Beach. The Contractor shall, at his o�.,n expanse, do all on3ineej±ig required for the obtaining of ele3vationo, altitudes and grades rGUARANTEES �iy � �j and shallfaithfully preserve all survey marks and lines, The General Contractor shall be the principal of, and shall .furnish, signed by himself, any and all guarantees as called for in this specifications, and shall cause to be delivered or deliver same to the Architects before the building shall be deemed finished and acce ,ted. GdATER a All grater 'used in connection with the performance of the Contract shall be paid for by the Owner. C13JAIJIRGo The Contractor shall, from virae to time, as directed by the Archi- tocts , remove from the blinding and promises all disueed imple- ments of service and all., rubbish. and debris resulting from the zA>rk He shall likewise be re3ponsible for each sub-contractor leaving; the building and pxemiso.; in a clean and servioeab l e condition- upon completion of th«it reopoct ive viork. STORAG:] FACILITIES : The General'. Contractor shall provide the various sub-contractors ample space and facilities for the storage and he-ndline of all appliances and materials required, :for the performance of their respective worko PLAN HOirSE; The Contractor alia,l,l provide a ouitable temporary office building as directed, by the Architects for the use of the Superintendent of Construction, and the .A.rchite,3tol Inspector. fie shail also pro- vide a '�amporary toilet bui.irline, as directed for the uoe of all worluren employed on the wo ak, The Contractor shall provide adquate cffice facilities for the Public � crt?:s Administration lnspectca,. Such quarters shall be ^ar:.•veniont to the viork and for tho, sole 7-1se of the Government In{31?octo.r, a,,ad, shall be provided ,Ath I Cht , heat and telephone aQ ip t O lar L ycd shall l �a h ai t�`,* lay '. clz.airs W as T_-12AP(�RARY ,•a 1RI NG s + The Contractor shall provide service and install tomporary val.ring for all lip .ht and power required -,lux-inz3 the progress of the build - ing, also for lights in plan ho use a T�6 PORAR:�'' xi{;:G:j??1 UT i;S ; A telephonG shall be provided and maintained whero directed through- out the duration of the G'ob® T'vo �y, station tphone will be al3oi;ed. Run branch connection to o.ffipre o� PVIA Inspector. 30 2RELIMIURY WORK 10-RAL CORDITIONS : All cork included in this section shall be sub jocst to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specified - tions, and this Contractor shall read and examine thorn and all other sections , thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other contractors® WORK INCLUD M: Preliminary work consists of the removing part of cement walks lean-to sheds, women's toilet building, concrete stairs, small retaining wall at foot of bunk and such other work as will in- terfere with the construction of the building. The construct- tion of fences , canopies, guard rails , plan houses, temporary wiring„ and tolephones, signs , etc® , and such other preliminary work as shown or specified. The sash wind break 'shall remain and shall be protected by this contractor; replace any broken glass .and 'upon completion of the building the entire premises around the building shall be left in a clean and orderly condition. OLD S ER.IALS: All old materials. . taken. from above buildings, shall become the property of the contractor and shall be removed from the prem- ises XCAVATING MN M.&L. COUDITIONS: All work included in thissection shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these spy oifi- cations, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other contractors. 'WORK INCLUDEED: This Contract shall provide for all general excavations of the lot and all excavating for foundation walla, footings, piers, and all other levels to the depths shorn on drawings and the rough filling and backfilling of all excavations and areas necessary to bring all concrete floors on earth, and other levels to the indicated elevations. COOPERATION: The Excavating Contractor shall closely cooperate with the General Contractor in arranging and executing his work in such a manner and at such times. as will cause no delay in the pro- gress of work nor lack of safety while same is being installed. CRIBBING; SHORING, TliriB_,R '170RK 1M BRACING: In prosecuting the excavating, provide and perform all timber work, shoring and bracir.g necessary to retain the earth banks and prevent caving in and displacement of adjacent curbs, streets and soil, furnishing all the planking and sheet piling; that may be required for the purpose which shall be left in place until direc- ted to be removed by the Architect. All earth banks and sides of all pits , trenches and other excavations shall be most thoroughly braced and protected in a manner to prevent any settlement . All timber wort: and bracing shall be left in place until back filling; of walls is completed or until removal of same is approved by the Architects ' Superintendent . EXCAVATING: All excavations shall be cut to allow for forming, etc. , in ac- cordance with scale details and drawings, care being taken not to exceed the indicated depl.hs. Should the Contractor excavate too deep, the exogvat ione shall be carried down this additional de,)th free of charge and stall be paid for by this contractor. Founda- tions , etc, , shall be ca;cried down to such depths as may be re- quired by such extra excavating. FILLIIIG ADD BACIOILLING: :Ixcava.ted materials may be used where necessary for the purpose of filling and backfilliag. Sauce shall be free from rubbish and debris , deposited in hor:�.zontal layers, not exceeding twelve inches in thickness, and shall be well puddled and tamped to a hard, uniform surface of proper elevation. 10e r3 x : GISANING: Upon completion of work, all surplus earth, rubbish and debris resulting from the operations shall be removed from the pre- misos, leaving the site and addoining grades in a good, clean and serviceable condition without exception, i i . C O1SiCRi N i�fORK G:?LIBRAL C011DI 'IOMS : All work included in this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifioa- tions, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other Contractors, 170I1K INCLUDED: The work included under "Concrete" consists of the furnishing of all appliances, labor and material required for the farming, mixing, placing and finishing of all concrete for foundations, certain malls, floors, and exterior cement steps and other de- tails indicated on drawings or herein specified. WORK NOT INCLUIE,D: Any cradles, pits and other details in connection with the mechanical system; likeivise, hangers, sleeves and thimbles re- quired for the support and passage of pipe, duets , conduit , etc. , shall not be included under "Concretell unless sage are indicated on the Architectural or Structural drawings, or are herein specified; (a) Cement.: Shall be an approved brand of eortland Cement of American manufacture , conforming to "Standard Specifications and Seats for Portland Cement ". adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials (Serial No, C-9-30) and subsequent revisions thereof, and to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, The Contractor shall construct and maintain a satisfactory storage plaoe for the cement when delivered to the job, The size of this bin shall be sufficient to keep an ample supply of cement on hand at all tiraes in order that the progress of the work will not be impeded, and shall be so located and so constructed as to be free from dampness and moisture. Each 200 barrels of cement shall be tested in conformity with the speoifioations , as described herein. (b) Water: Shall be sufficiently clear and free from oil, acid, alkali or vegetable matter, to be suitable for drinking purposes. 12, (c jAggregate*. Fine aggregate shall be natural sand of screenings from rough gravel or crushed rook and waving clean, hard grains. All fine aggregate shall be thoroughly washed and tree from injurious amounts of dust , lumps, shale, alkali and surface coatings and organic matter. Colormetrio tAst shall show a color not darker than the standard color. Coarse aggregate shall be crushed stone or gravel having clean, hard, strong, durable , uncoated, particles free from injurious amount of soft , triable, thin+ elongated • or laminated pieces, alkali, organic or other deleter- ious matter. Teat reports from an approved Testing Laboratory shall be made of the a- re�gate, as rewired by the Architect. Such reports shall be furnished with six copies, for the Public Works Administration Inspector, Architect, Con- tractor, and others. (d) Gradi na of Fine ,Apareaate_: Fine agaregate shall. range in size from coarse to fine within the limits indicated in the following ,tables Limits of Grad ings of Fine Aggregate: Percent by WeIght Passing through 3/4 inch screen 100 Passing through 1/4 inch screen 90 to 100 Passing through, a 10 mesh sieve 65 to 85 Passing through a 50 mesh sieve 5 to 30 Passing through a 80 mesh sieve 3 to 10 Passing through. a 100 mesh sieve 0 to 5 (e) Grading, of Coarse A ram: Coarse Aggre ate shall be uniformly graded from the one quarter (1/4 inch size to maximtam size and shall range in size from coarse to fine within the limits given in the following table : Limits of grading of Coarse Aggregate: Percent by„ Weight From a range of size of particles from a 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch. Passing a 1 inch screen 100 Passing a 3/4 inch schreen not less than 85 Pao oing a 1/2 inch screen . 20 to 60 Passing a 1/4 inch screen not more than 3 13. (f) Gravel Substitute : Clean river gravel may be substituted for the aggregate specified abovo, if same passer trest of the testing labor- atory hereafter specified and gives a concrete of strength specified. The approval of the testing laboratory to the gravel shall be obtained before gravel is used. (g) Form Lumber: Shall be ?-1 Common :Douglas Fir unless otherwise specified hereinafter, free from all large or loose knots , twists, shakes, waney edges and other defects that may render it unserviceable . Form Lumber in Contact with concrete shall be SIB-2F. and all remaining form :Lumber shall be rough Douglas Fir. Large section veneer .from material. may be used, if desired. (h) 2ro2o rt ion of Cemeni; : There will be required enough cement in the mixture to produce a concrete having a compressive strength at the age of 28 days of not less than 2000 pounds per square Inch, but in no event shall the proportion of cement to aggregate be less than 1:5-1f2. Where gravel isused for aggregate, the proportion shall not be less than one part cement to 5,25 parts of gravel. (1) Consistency and Slum: The minimum slump permitted will be 6" unless the Con- tractor desires in especial oases to inoreaae the slumps and in which event , he will be required to add cement to the mixture in order to produce the rewired strength. Hater cement ratio shall not be more than 6 gallons of water, per 94l sack of cement. Surface water contained in the aggregate sholl be included as part of the mixing water. ( Str , th of Concrete : Du.rixk the progress of the work, comp resoion tests of concretes as poured in the forms will be made as indicated elsewhere. If these indicate strength less than 2000 pounds per square inch at 28 days , future work will re- Wire a change of mix as above provided at the discretion of the I rehiteots and Testing Laboratory, either in the adding of cement coriJent , less water, or change in aggre- gate or the grading -✓hereof, the primary requirements be- ing that concrete of required strength must be obtained, 14. i 1 k�a Should any of the 7 day tosts rail to give a unit com- pressive strength oj° at least 1000 lbs. per square inch, the concrete will be tentatively rejected. Should the 28 day samples of the sarae pour fail to give a compressive unit strength of at least 2000 per s ga fn. , the concrete work represented by the unsatisfactory test will. be de- finitely rejected and ordered removed, or if the concrete in question does not , in the opinion of the Architects and State Bngineer ing Department , endanger the structural stability of the bitf lding as a whole, the Architects may, at their discretion,,, allava such vork to remain., "11he minimum of 1000 lbs . per square inch at 7 days and 2000 lbo. per squaro inch at 28 days , shall in no way be considered as a .;tandard. With the materials specified and using; one part dement to five and one-half parts of aggregate, concrete testing a minimum of 2000 pounds par sq, in, at 28 days , should be obtained and should the results of the compression test not consistently run over the 2000 lbs. in 28 days, tho Contractor will be required to improve the concrete, as antlined above, without additional cost to the Owner. However, if the concrete is properly mixed with a. good quality, sizj ng, and grading, of materials and the slump recommended, this should not be necessary. (k) Llixi,.M of Concrete: Mix in approved batch machine mixer, using a volume not e.ccuedin" Manu.factuxer's rated capacity. Rotate mixer at peripheral speed of approximately 200 ft . per minute. After all materials, including water, are in drum, miA for a minimiun period of 1--1/4 minutes , and turn mixer a mini- mum of 14 &evolutions per minute. (1) Concrete Compression Tests The testing laboratory shall take from the concrete being usae, on the �io_-k sta.ndard fit° x 12" cylinders. six (6 ) compression cylinders shall be taken from the foundation concrete . Pour (4) )f such samples shall be stored under standard conditions for quality determination of whioh tv-ro (2) shall be bro:ten. at 7 days and two (2) at 28 days , and the rainainder of the specimen uhall be stored on the 'ob for c:oxnstriiction control. The Architects may require the preparation of additional specimens to meet the strength reqWirements cared fozi in thesa specifications or for other exceptional reason--, and, in such event , the 0iaaer shall stand the additional cost of these e:w,tra. cylinders. 15 r; f, All of the compression test specimens shall be made and tested in accordance with the latest requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials and "Standard Method of jUaking and Storing Specimens of Concrete in the Field". (Serial desaignation No. C-31-33 and C-39-33) in- cluding the proper otoring of and shipping of specimens to the laboratory. (m) The Testing laboratory shall do and perform all necessary work as outlined he aetofore under "Materials" and "Theory", "Proportions and Miring" in order to determine definitely .o the satisfaction of the Architects that the material specified is of the kind and quality required by the specifications . He shall likewise prepare all sieve- analyses required bj the Architects and shall furnish all necessary information or advice to the Architects in reference to the quality and gradings of the material to be used on the concrete construction work. The testing Laboratory shall be employed and paid for by the Contractor for the one test as specified above mid shall be a labor€ tory approved by tho Architects. Two (2) codes of all tests shall be sent to the California State Division of Architecture. Oneill ) copy of each report is to be fur- nished the 2ublic Works Administration Office , the Public Works Administration Inspector, Contractor, Architect , and the Architects ' Suporintendent on the Job. FORMS: All forms and false rjork shall be of auf.ficient rigidity and strength to withstand thc, maximum loads imposed upon them and shall be securely tied and well braced in a manner preventing the spreading of forms wile concrete is being poured and the Jarring of the concrete while setting. All forms shall be free from dirt, ohips and foreign matter and shall be thoroughly wet down prior to the placing; of concrete and kept wet at all times while concrete is being poured, Forms shall be free from open joints, crack: or holes which permit the escape of the tines particles of the concrete .. All forma shall be provided with removable board on the inside to permit -removal of dirt and debris from same. All forms shall be strongly clamped in suitable manner at frequent intervals as directed. FACING of Co1aC TE: Concrete shall be deposit ad in the forms as nearly as practicable In its final position to .avoid rehandling, and shall be deposited in approximately uniform .:aorizontal layers, the piling up of con- crete in the forms in suc:i.1 a manner as will ,permit the escape of +, the mortar from the coarse aggregate will not be permitted. Con- ohete shall not be thrown into the forms from such a height that the :-,ia.terial will separato. i 1 i 16. 1 4�. All concrete shall be well spaded and rooded during placing to insure good, clean contact with forms and reinforcements, and must finish free from pockets, honeycomb and voids . It is im- perativo that all steel be covered to the depths shown on the drawings. At inaccessible portions of forma, the concrete shall be assisted into Xoe by tapping or hammering the forms. CURING CONCRETE: All exposed suriaoss of concrete shall be kept moist for a per- iod of at least seven days after being deposited. IU, iOV.AL OF FORMS: Forma may be removed in not less than 5 days. CEI:T;�IIT THRESHOLDS : Run all cement thresholds as part of the cement finish floor at all locations noted on the plans. R:',TAINING WALLS Construct the retaining mulls where shown and reinforces as de- tailed. COIICRL'U& STAIRS : Construct the concrete stairs as and where shown, reinforce with 6n x 6"- 10-10 electric welded medic the upper surfa�e of stairs to have alund m or Carborundum n same n amours as directed. IIAILIhG BLOCKS AND ANCHORS : The Concrete Contractor shall provide -and install all nailing blocks, anchors, seats , -_)ocket and other details necessary for the support and proper fastening of subsequent work and shall consult with the various Dontractors , whose work is contingent upon same, and ascertain their requirements in each particular case., COIICRST:" FLOORS ON EARTH: The Concrete floors on earth shall be of indicated thickness composed of one part oeme:et to 6 parts of sand and rook, or gravel and specified abov�3, and shall be laid over a well paddled, tamped and grade 3 earth fill of proper elevation. All such floors shall have a �3mooth topping, marked off in squares as indicated on plans or ,is directed. All floors to be of thickness as called for ota plans, reinforced as detailed. Floors to be waterproofed as speoified under "Waterproofing". C."ILZ3IIT FIIIISH: (a) Floors (Cement ) : All cement finish floors shall have a monolithic topping composed of equal pa ?ts of stand and cement and troi'd-ed to a smooth and glossy surface and marked off as shown on plans. there marking is not definitely indicated or called for, the floors shall be marked in 24" squares. 17. . Cement floors in toilets, etc*, over flood joists sbal.l be laid over raembrand water-proofing furnished by others and reinforced with mesh as detailed. This contractor shall apply the finish cement floor and base,also the trough urinals, including the backs and ends. The cement finish for all toilet floors, base and urinals shall be waterproofed as specified herein and troweled to a smooth hard surface. There cement plaster wainscot occurs in all toilets, the cement base shall be run by this contractor as part of the finish cement floor. The plastering contractor will do all cement plaster wainscot above the base. PROTEX TI ON: Positively no materials of any kind shall be deposited on "green' concrete floors for a period of not lose than 24 hours after pouring. The oonbraotor shall erect barriers or. other suitable forme of protection as may be necessary to keep all crafts and trades off finished portions of the work for a period of not less than 24 hours after finishing. WAT'IRPROOFING: Exterior concrete walls of finished rooms, abutting an earth bank shall be given two coats ; both sides with R.I.W. or equal damp- proofing plaster bond paint . `b) flocar° ''u r tho 3000,U16L ' oor Zuilets and where noted in schedule shall be laid on saturated felt , and tho cement floor itself waterproofed by using Anti-hydro or Blue Label Suconem or equal, mixed and applied according to manufacturer's speci- fications. This felt is also described under "Roofing". TILO DRAIN: Furnish and install a 3" Terra Cotta the drain at foot of bank as shown on plans. The drain shall, terminate in a .dry well as noted on plans. Tile shall be covered with straw and k roc , all joints to be loose. PICI SMU CM21,T tTALK: After all exterior work for the building is finished, this Contractor shall extend existing cement wall from points where same was removed up to the building line and leave the exist- ing walk in good condition to the satisfaction of the Architects. i 18. CONCRETE PILES G:,;IJL'RAL CONDITIONS: All work included in this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these speoifioa- tions, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other 'sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other contractors. SCOPE OF 110RR: The viork of this section shall include all labor, material, equipment and appliances required to complete the furnishing and driving of all concrete piles to form the foundations for the building as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. MATERIALS, r'rORBIUNSHIP, LWS , JWD INSPECTIONS: Shall be in accordance with the provisions and requirements of this specification unless otherwise specified hereinafter. Coarse aggregate shall be free from flat or elongated particles. UNIT PRIC3S AND BASIS FOR BIDS: The actual length of piles shall be determined by that necessary to secure the bearing hereinafter specified. The measurement of each pile shall be from the tip to the level at which the pile is out off at the elevation indicated on the drawings. It is estimated that one hundred and eight (108) piles , having a total length of two thousand nine hundred sixty (2960) linear feet in place, measured. from the tip to the cut-off lines indicated on drawings, will be required. Should the total number of linear feet of piles driven when so measured, be greater or less than the total number of linear feet estimated, the contract amount s hall be ad- juoted accordingly and upon the basis of unit prices submitted in accordance with related provisions of the specifications. In no case will the Contractor be allowed payment for withdravm, broken or injured piles cr shells , nor for portions of piles re- maining above the out-off. All piles shall be twenty (201-0") feet minimum length, oast-in- place, round and uniformly tapered their full length. The least lateral dimension of each pile shall be ten (10) inches, measured at the tip, and the taper shall increase the least lateral dimen- sion at the rate of not lass than one and one-half (1Q) inches in every eight (8) feet of pile length, i 19. I a SfY/�✓ Bach pile shall be case in steel shells of ample length to develop the required bearing, the shells being left perman- ently in place and filled with concrete. The shells sY;all be sufficiently strong to withstand the pressure of the sur- rounding materials and tight enough to exclude water during the placing of concrete. Piles shall not be spaced less than as shown on drawings, and no shell shall. be filled with concrete until after all the adjacent shells within a radius of , five (5'-Ott) feet center to center have been driven to the required bearing and the shell approved by the Architects or their repreeenta- tive. DRIVING: No shells shall be driven until excavation and rough grading in the respective areas they are to occupy have been oom- pleted. They shall be driven vertically within three (3tt) inches of location, not more than one-eighth (1/8) inch per foot from vertical; and the tops brought to or out off at within two (211) inches of the elevation indicated. Shells shall be provided with proper pile cores for driving purposes. Piles shall be driven to a final penetration which will safely support thirty (30 ) tons, as determined by the formula speci- fied herein. Single acting steam hammers shall develop an energy per blow at each full stroke of the piston of at least four thousand (4000;;�) pounds . Water jets may be used in driving where the desired results can best be obtained thereby. To secure the final penetration in such oases , the jets ahall be withdrawn and the piles driven by the hammer. If a tread of water is found to exist in the pile positions which, in the opinion of the Architects or their representative might injure the conoreto Filling, methods acceptable to the Architects shall be prov4J:ded to remove this danger. HSARIBG VALULS : The safe bearing values for piles shall be determined by the following formulas: P - equals ZV111 diviCLed by S plus 0.1 for single-acting , steam hammer, and for double-acting steam 'yammers , equal 211 (t'dplus API ) divided by S plus 0.1, in which: P equals safe bearing value in pounds, W - equals weight iii pounds of striking parts of hammers, { H - equals height of fall in feet , S - equals theaueraj;e penetration in inches per blow for the last ten (10) to twenty (20) blows, 20 . wNJ.. A - equals area of piston in square inches, and p l- equals steam pressure in Founds per square inch at the hamme r. The above formula applies only when the hammer has a free fall. The penetration is at a reasonably quick and uniform rate and there is no sensible bounce after the blow. TEST :PILES The Contractor shall drive enough test piles to predetermine as far as possible the lengths of piles required to secure the specified bearing in the various areas of the work. These tests shall be made sufficiently in advance of the pile driv- ing to prevent delay in the progress of the work and to enable the Contractor to have on hand at all times, shells of proper length to meet conditions that may arise. MCORDATION OF PIIZS : The Contractor shall record in writing, the lengths of each and every pile driven (inoludi,no test piles ) , the average penetration under the last ten (10) to twenty (20) blows and sufficient computations for each such pile to determine its safe bearing capacity. Copies of such records and oomputa- tions shall be submitted to the Architects, FIVA and others as provided for in the specifications. CONO_:M FILLING: All concrete filling for piles shall be twenty five hundred (2500-) pound concrete as specified in concrete work of this specification, conveyed and placed in accordance with all applicable provisions of Section 'TConcrete Work" herein. All Reinforcement steel shall bo formed and placed in accord- ance with applicable provisions of "Concrete Work" specified herein. :each pile shall be' reinf oroed with 4-15/8 round bars extending from top down to one half depth of pile. Bars to extend into concrete beam above with standard hooks. Top of hook 3" round below top cf beam. Bars wrapped with 1/4" round spirals-3" o.o. PLACING: All such steel shall be provided with means of maintaining same properly centered in the shells during the placing of concrete filling as approved by the Architects. 21. DAISA(,D PI ES : Should any pile be damaged in the course of driving or found to be too short to develop the required resistance or otherwise- fail to conform with the contract require- ments, this pile shall be withdrawn and another driven in its -plane. It it is not possible to withdraw the damaged or defective pile , it shall be out off below the level of the cap and another pile driven as near as practicable to it. •Any pile or shell that is diverted from its proper position` in driving shall be removed, the hole filled %,,ith gravel, thoroughly tamped, and another driven as near as possible to the recuired looationo Lvery shell that has been distorted by the driving of sub- sequently placed shells, or otherwise, shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Architects or their representative. +4 Si r S 22. P AITARNATS Sparc IFI CAT ION FOR WOOD PILING (To be used in connection with Alternate Bid for same) Creosoted wood nilim: Wood piling shall be Coast Region Douglas fir, out from sound, live, firm growth trees, and shall be free from injurious ring shakes , rot , loose or unsound knots, kinks , felling or wind shakes, and damage caused by insects entering the body of the Pile. No pile with spiral grain exdeeding one complete turn in forty feet of longth will be accepted. The bark shall be removed, ends out square, and all knots smoothly dressed close to the body of the pile. The diameter of the butt shall be not less than 13" and that of the tip not leas Char, 9". No pile shall have a sarwood thickness less than 3/4", measured on the butt end. Treatment : Treatment shall be by the full cell pressure process, using Grade #11 coal--tar creosote. The retention of preservative shall be not less than 12J per cubic foot , and the penetration not less than 3/4". f i ` 22•A. REII&GIRCIUG ST -Z G_�NMUIL 0014-DITIOLE ., All cork included in th.-L-3 section shall be subject tDthe C81-1- .3RjJL CO.JL7MITI'OI4IS as att,"tobed in the 2oropart of these sr�aci- fications, and, this Contzaotor shall read and excuraine them and all ct)jlor sections, thoroughly fami""Larizine, himself with the work and its rolatio.-.1 to that of other contractors. tie ORIC DICLU'D:30: The work inoluded vmder .;he rReinforcing Steel Contract consists of the furnishing of all appliances , 'Labor and materials re- quirod for the fabricati;.,ig and placing of all reinforcement steel indicated on the d'-.0awingo, togelGhe.c with EL11 dowels , stirrups, chairs , nriesh, Spaces and other details nelessary for the proper plaoinp, of sapae and the complation of the entire work. MM.-C'MIALS: (a) Barn : Unleog, otherviise nol;ed, all rein nf oroement uhall be Struc- tural erade round doformed bare, of indicated size and shall be open hoarth stee:. rolled from now billets and c0nfo --m to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code and to the Atrziorican Societ;r for Testing Idatparials aerial designa- tion A-15-30. (b ) :{ice Reinforoew,nt wire ohall be of gauges hereinafter spealfied azzirl .911,all confor.m to the requirer_,ients of the Current Stan- dard J)pecifioations Afor Cold Drawn 3teel ',;iro for Concrete Raird-oTceuent of the; American 6ociety for TO-sting klatopials. Rk�rllal deli rnatiol., A-82-34. All mesh reird-orceinont, shall be Clinton, or equ-1, elao­ trioalIy welded fabvia (Not Gicalvani zed) of ,gave-- and f_-iosh Size indicated or. da,,avvings,, t i, �3 n: A31.1 roi_iforaecieyIt be free fftors)_ "Mill Scale " wityJ.Dut exce,-Dtion,, V3 3 T 3' - IQ_I o i nf-o re i ni-! .ng T :� Ora or , s t e c 1 t f,�)a to k 11--a 11 b e ma de "o y the Too-L_J b t y condiv-,s*"_-,ine tine v rio,,le tGoto specified unler ruConoret-e t-iork" . such tests shall be mado in --coordance wit'vi tohe -.-eLiuiroxnaents of the 7,Tniforrat Bililding Code and DeOILIS-nation A-5-30, one a-;- 3 OORIPIO"66 test being made f,,):o each 2-1/2 tDnFj ,, Steel te Ll ahall be Paid for by tiara Contra;.,tov, Copies of test reports shall be made as provided for under concrete work. B'!,'I-IDI!.-4 G: Reinf oroecient shall be formed carefully to the dimensions indicated on the drawine-3 or herein specified. The radius of the bends shall not be less than four times the least diameter of the reinforcement bar. HARKI11C, AIM SHIPIMMV : All reinforcement shah be handled and taggod with suitable identifioations marks to facilitate corting and placing and shall. be transported to the building and stored in a manner insuring no dumage to tho i.-aterial, A sufficient suDply of tagged, approved and p.,,vo'r)cr reinforcement , shall at all times be on the premises to injure no delay in the progress of the building, -PLAC IRG: Reinforoemer!, shall be at'lourately plaoed in a000rdanoe with drawings and shall be m-&-3urely tied with ii`14 Cauge wire at contact points, of freequ(«naa as directed,, Joint reinforcement shall be supported at jpr�)per height and frequent intervals upon galvanized iron "HI I ohacirs or othe:,? devices as approved,. 24. ORNAM�IUAL tdlD L1ISC]]J1-Wd,1_'10US LZON RK GINE'lRAL COUDITIOUS Rhe work included in this aeotion shall be subject to the General Conditions as attached in the forepart of tbase specifications , and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself vith his work and its relation to that of other contractors. V,'ORK I!iCL=H D: The rjork included under this h,eadine, consist s of the furnishing of all appliances, labor and materials required for the installing of all miscellaneous iron work. COOPERATION: This Contractor shall closely cooperate with the carpenter and Concrete Contractor in lDcating and installing all necessary ties , anchors, in connection with ornamental iron work, and other details required in the 3onorete' and carpenter viork for the support and proper fastening of "-,he Iron 17ork. CAREOZEARIS IRON WORK: Thi,,-, work includes all itoel and iron angles, all stirrups , joist hangers, anchors, clips, bolts, plates , ties, rods , dowels , shoes , bevel and plate washers , out washers , post oaps and bases , nuts , lags, drifts, pipe rails, stra,?s, hangers and other miscellaneous steel and iron work as shown, or required by the Oexpenter for framing his work and for anchori4ng, and securing samo to cinorete masonry, steel or other viork. All manufactured or fabr'.oated material shall be neat and vork- manliko, of sizes, shapes and d-imenoions called for. All bolts and such anchors , rod.s. , otc. , so shown shall have nuts &aid washers and shall be of not requf.'.red or neoeasary length in all cases, All of the above materfa.. shall be furnished to the Carpenter in ample time so as to ct,,use no delay 'to him or to others, All ornamental and miscellaneous Iron ivox-k -throughout of every description shall be galvanized. STEM 11LAT13 : Furnish and install the steel plate as shovwi over top of pier. All galvanizad with joints flush and bolts counter sunk. The steel plat c-5 set in mastic over 'the pica?. FLAG POLIH.' STRAPS : Furnish and JyPstall the flag pole straps as shown. The straps shall be made to hillaG and 100 cloaed for easy removal ,of pde. STEIZ' BEAM Furnish and install the steel beam as ahown. , This beam shall. be given a shop coat oz Rod -.read, 25. PIPE RA IIS : This contractor shall remove and reinstall the existing pipe rails on the existing stairs which are to be removed. These rails shall be cleaned of all rush and reset in the new locations as noted. Do all cork and furnish such new materials, etc. , as may be re- quired to fit these exiting rails to the nevi locations. All fitandards shall be set in co4cElte Reeves ,ind routed i7ith cement . emodel and rearrange arW exis " ng ron rat s t3 a000mo a e new work. PALNTI NG All the foregoing ornamental iron work :hall be washed with vinegar and shall receive one (1.) good shop coat of Red Lead Dutch Boy, or equal. 26. 31-0.11iT MTAL CQIIE.RAL C01MITIONS: All work included in this section shall be oubJect to the General Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifications, and this Contractor shall read and examine teem and all otheri; sections, thoroughly fami,.iarizing himself with the work and its relation- to that of the other oontrac4ors SCOPE OF ''d0I: The work of this section ::hall be included of all labor:,, materials equipment and appliances 3,1equired to furnish and install all sheet metal viork including sheet, metal conductors, flashing, baked enamel letters , roof drains and t.11 other sheet metal work shown or speoi- tied. L A T ZRIALS: All sheets shall be standE-rd brands of sixteen ounce copper. All nails, rivets , and similar fastenings used throughout in con- nection with copper work shall be made of copper. ..ORR ANSHIP: Shedt Metal shall be accurately worked and shaped to fit the con- ditions as indicated, required or directed. Joints shall be locked and soldered, or riveted and soldered as directed, CONDUCTOR ILUDS IJID COI,,DUCTORS : Furnish and install the conductor reads and conductors at the point s indicated on the drawings as Sheet Lietal and as detailed. All Joints of the conductor heads and conductors shall be looked and soldered. The conductor bead small b3 fitted with a one-quarter inch (1/411) mash fourteen gauge coppeV screen neatly cut to receive the conductor from above and securely soldered to the sides of the con- ductor head. The conductors shall be neit;ly fitted to the conductor heads, ri- veted and soldered; shall ''ja fitted with. slip joint into cast Iron pipe at the base. The conductor heads and th3 conductors shall be secured to the walls with copper sheet ma-aa! straps cor.formine, in details and number to the drawi.nt:,,s. 27. `\ Where roof drains connect to stect pipe drains , they shall be set with screw flanges with gaskets and made water ti�ht. Steel or 17.1. drains in walls in front elevation are ino uded in "Plumbine,0. OUTV31T BOXAS OR ROOF DRAMS Furnish and install all metal roof drains as detailed with wire basket a. 'this' Contractor shall cooperate with the 2lumber for the proper connections,, eto . ENADE-33LI0 IRON LETTERS : Furnish and install the porcelain enameled iron letters over the entranoss as shv..ni. The letters shall be made out of i,118 gauge sheet iron in solid block form, all spot welded and/or riveAed tight . Clips ahall be rielded to each letter and the letters riverted to a continuous metal plate which shall be secured and flashed to "'Itcz. ftika, The Elate shall be made in sections of each length as will allow four or five letters to be attached, After all lettere and. pl%tes pare %A,,esembled, each entire section shall receive a baked porcelain enamel finish in color as selected by the, Architects, 1"aeA unit shall be set in place and securely hold in position by pencil rod braces as directed,, Letters shall be ensameled'. on all sides and edges. OVERE'LOW 01VISTS: Furnish ar.4 install overflow outlets on the building at all drain outlets . outlets shall extend through the full thickness of the wall and oompletoly lino the opening. The top of the outlet shall be set on a line with the top of the roof flashing. On the out- side face of the wall, the top and sides of the outlet shall fin- ish one-half inch (1/2",' on the surface of the wall. The bottom of the outlet shall pro -leot one and one-half inches be- yo#d the face of the wail and shall be bent down slightly. On the inside face, the flange at the sides and bottom shall extend beyond the edgo of the opening not less than eight inches (811) . The out- lets shall be set at the time the roof is being 181d,, and in between tile layers of felt by the Roofer. METIL FLASHI-11G: Furnish and install all copper metal flashing around all window and door frames , as detailed:. Roof flashings will be furnished and installed by the Roofing Contractor, INSEECTIONS: Before completing the work, thc-. Contractor and the representative of the Architects shall aarefully examine, and, if necessary, test all sheet metalwork, ani the Contractor shall repair all sheet metal work, leaving it ia a cond.-Al.tion satisfactory to the repres- entative of the Arohiteo-;s. P.AIP I NG: Paintir:, on metal is specified under the section,, "1'aintirW,", of this Specification. 29, CARM TRY CEIIERAL CONDITIONS: All work included in this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifica- tions, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his vicr k and its relation to that of other contractors. SCOPE of i7'019; The work of this Section, shall include all labor, materials, equipment and appliances required to complete all of the wood framing, rough and finish Garpentry and mill work indicated on the drawings or herein specified. The Contractor shall do all wood framing necessary to construct the building indicated on the drawings or hereir*peoified or required to comply with the intent of the contract. The Contractor shall provide and install all intdrior and exter- ior wood finish, frames, sash, doors, and cabinet work as indi- cated on thedrawings, or herein specified or required. MATERIALS : Shall be the best of their respective kinds. STRUCTURAL LUMBER AND T1'1MR: All timbers shall be strixctural grade Douglas Fir. All lumbar shall be rl. Dimension Douglas Fir. All sheathing shall be :i. Dimension Douglas Fir Boards and sheath- All timbers and lumber shall be well seasoned, free from large loose knots , pitch pookei;s , rot , splits or any other mechanical defect which in the opin�_on of uhe Architects renders it unser- viceable. Unless otherwise shown, all exposed columns shall be rough. .TIMS31 LTYLIB R: All lumber for finish and. mill %vork shall be B & Better :Douglas Fir vertical grain, free from all knots , sap, pitch pookebs, checks or other defects which in the opinion of the Architects will render it unsuitable for use. All finish lumber shall be kiln dried.- MUD SILLS : All mud sills shall be redwood and treated as specified elsewhere and bolted to the concrete foundation walls. The sills shall be set in one (1 n) inch of cement and mortar composed of one (1) part cement to three (3) parts sands All sills shall be set level and square with all corners and intersections lapped. Bolted with 1/211 bolts 9 6'-0n cts. 1 30. TIRS'AU'D LU16BZH AND T11MI61RI All surfaces of all lumbar and timbers including nailing blocks , studs, joists , j,lates, groundes backs of door and window frames or other similar members which contact or are set close to concrete or masonry, and all lumber and timber used below the main or rpper story sl)'Ofloor, including such subs-flog, shall be pressure treated with Dolman salts, Reilley's Transparant Creosote or Chromated -"/Jine Chloride, or equal. All exposed wood after cut- ting shall be given two (2) coats of above Uu (2) hours before installation. Wher.kever necessary to out , notch, or frame treated lumber, as above -.,pecified, such mvily-cut surfaces shall be thor- oughly painted with preservative material used in the pressure or brush coat treatment. TIMRIM FRAMINC-1: The- Contraotor shall provide all necessary shoring and bracing necessary to properly and safely construct the timber work, as indicated on the drawings and herein specified. All lumber and timber f­aming shall be accurately saw-out and fitted into its respeot-.'ve position, and securely nailed, spiked, lag screwed, or bob ;ed together as indicated, specified, or directed. ITAITJ AND 32112S : Yraerever lumber or timbez is shown, specified, or required to oe nailed or spiked together, common wire nails or spikes shall be used. Nails or spikes shall be of such a length that , where joining one piece of lumber or timber to another, the penetra- tion of the nail into tho second or farther piece shall not be less than one half (1/2) the length of the nail. Kni is shall not be driven closer -together than one-half (1/2) their length, nor closer to the edge of the piece of lumber or ,timber than one-quAstar (1/4) their length, 17henever necessary to Prevent splitting, holes shall be boked for nails or spikes. The diameter of the hole shall be bored smaller than the diameter of the nail or spikes. All nails and spikes shall be galvanized. All nail heads on painted surfaces shall be set. LAG SCIZZ WS Wherever timbers are indicated, specified, or required to be fastened together with lag sorewa, the lag screws shall be screwed and not driven ix"o plaoc. Lae screws fastening timber to timber shall have a pelietration into the timber connected to of not less than m67 of the length of the lag screw measured under the head* All lag screws shall be galvanized. ROOF TRUSsiia.. The roof of recreation room shall be supported by wooden roof trusses of bowstring tYPe Arch-rib manufacture, or equal, as per details. Any Other trusses which iAll function similarly to that specified may be used, if approved by the Architects. All plates, straps, bolts, dowels , and ,metal work of any nature whatsoever shall be installed as fully detailed. All such metal work shall be galvanized, The Contractor may at his option install other makes of roof trusses provided the consent of the Architects is first obtained. The Contractor may, at his option, construct roof trusses as de- tailed. BOLTS AND ANCHORS : Wherever timbers are indicated, specified, or required to be fastened together with bolts, the timbers shall be clamped to- gethor, holes the same diameter as the bolts, bored true to line,, and the bolts driven into place with a tight fit . All bolts shall be fitted with steel plates or standard nialleable iron washers under heads and nuts as indicated or specified. All bolts and anchors shall be galvanizedA FLOOR JOISTS: Wooden floor joists shall be of the sizes indicated, spaced as detailed on drawings and laid with the crowning edge up, shall have not less than a four inch (4") bearing at all supports. Two inch (211 ) by three inch ft") cross bridging shall be pro- vided between the joist if the span is greater than eight feet (81 ) , and the distance between bridging shall not exceed eight feet (81 ) . Crow bridging shall be toe-nailed to the joist at eaoh bearing with not less than.tyro (2) eight (8) penny nails. The bottom ends of the bri#ng shall be nailed to the joist after the subfloor has been laid. All header joist over .lour feet (4f )long shall be doubled and bung on steel joist hangers. Alltibwr joists over twelve feet (127) lone shall be hung on steel joist han 'O ers All trimmer joist receiving header joist over six feet M ) lon8 shall be doubled. All hangers shall be galvanized, SUBFLOOR: All floor joists shall be solidly sheathed with one inch (Iff) by six inch (6") $13 2E. Douglas Fir laid at a forty -five degree (450) angle to the joist, driven up tight and secured to the joist at each bearing with not less than three (3) eight (a) penny nails . The joist in aub-floor shall occur only over and parallel to the bearing and shall be staggered so that there will be at least ti,,-o (2) bearing beti,,;een joints and at least two (2) boards between joints at any one bearing. 32. WOOD STUD URTITIOM AND FURRING: The studs shall be of sizes as noted and spaced sixteen inches ' (16" ) on centers , single plate at bottom and double plate at top. The plates shall be the sane width as the studs ; single plates two inches thick, nominal thickness; double plates four inches thick, nominal thickness. The joints in the upper and lower members of the top plale shall be stagprod not lace than four feet,, All wood stud partitions and wood vertical furring shall have one . (1) horizontal row of: herringbone bridging not less than two inches in thicknoza ezd the same width as the stud, fitted snugly, and spiked into the studs at mid,height, of partition or furring. 2rovide and install nnoa backing on top of top plate , wherever neaessary to receive the nailiaE of metal lath. luiZ;las at cornors aud wooil stu? partitions and wood van- tical fu�oring meet had be formed of triple otDda, or as de- tailed. Openings in wuo? stud partitions shall be formed around with double studs at each side , and double headers across the top restinc on the short studs at each end. The double header shall be placed on edge cad shall. be _cussed above, except where diagonal wall sheathing is used, Over the exterior studs and backs of all fire walls furnish and install I x 6" SIS-0 No. I Dimension Douglas Fir laid diaeonal and nailed and elplied as detailed. The sheathing shall be nailed from the bottom of foundation plates to the top of, parapet walla,, ,ilOOF SEL2,THING: TO roof joists shall be solidly sheathed vith one inch- by six inch Douglas Fir SIS, laid at a 450 and to the roof joist , surfaced side exposed, driven up tight and aeoured at Gaoh bearing as indicated. M sheathing shall be as spacified for sheathing, The JoInV.Z,, in all 'diagonal sheathing shall occur only over and parallel to the bearing and shall be staggered so that there will be at least two bearings betweeA joints and at least two boards be- tween joints at an$ one Waring, Roof sheathing over truss3a Shall be laid at right angles to the DRESSIRG ROOM ST I trusses. I I LLi Con2truot dressing room Walls as- datalled, se cared to the floor and wood framing® Construct wood louvre Venos in partitions and walls where ohown on plans. COUNTERS : Construct counter with nhelves below as detailed, with hinged panel doors above, The doors shall be hinged at top and hold in position while countor is in service,, WOODEN LADDERS: Furnish and install all wooden ladders seemed to the struc- ture where note?, T:no ladders sha*ll be constructed of 2 x 4 rails and 1 x 4 cleats , all DonClas Fir. The cleats shall be lot inbo the rails and wall nailed Uth G.1 , nails. All rood shall be sur- faced 4 sides. FS,LIT' VArnish and install beMsen tho rough and finish floors of Hhe auditorium a layer of 15 pound felt . URTILATUG GRILLES GTE: Do all Axaming to react-ve ventilating grilles, panel boards,, eW , as regaired. Concult with all other contractore as to Me and location, CAM: Furnish and install all g6tes as detailed under counter. ROOF SCUTTLES : Do all framing for scuttles to roof where shown. The opening in the aelline below shall be, finiehed as detailed with re- movable panol, etc. The scuttle cover on roof shall be made large enough to allou for the roofing materials to turn up under the cover. See detail of scuttle. SBHLVI!iG: Construst the pigeon holes in check rooms of 1 x 12 Douglas Fir. The shelves shall be let into the standards and nailed into place . All such shelving shall be oonotracted ridged and rith toe space under. Cover joints at wall withecribing mold. TOILET-STALLS : All toilets are cement plaster. WOOD RAIL: Construot the wood rail around promenade as detaileQ All standards or poets shall be ;1'1 Dimension Donglao Band sawed as :hown anA bolted to tie de= Rails shall be round wood rails run throuCh the poNts in as Tonga lon8the as practical, RIBE BRAC30 tarnish and Install band sawn knee braces of rl Dimension Douglas Fir , all as detailed in rough. material. The braces shall be blina bolted to the posts and beams above with wood pluge set into the holes over the bolts PLANK RE OR:LFLOG Construct plank floor of 2 x 6 3132E #1 Dimension Fir for deck of 2romenade, The lank shall be apaced to allow a 1/411 space between. All spik3d with galvanized spikes The face of promenade shtal be as detailed with I x IZ 0 W. ship lap, Note that paro of promenade wM have a soffit as detailedo FLOW BOMW Construct the flower boxes as detailed of clear Redwood 211 thick. The bomes Nall be 0onstruoted with bottom and end joints set in white lead pa ete and I" holes bottom for the esdype of water, The bones shall be metal lined by the Weet Motal Contractor. FIAG POLEM. Furnish and install the 'uooden I'lag, poles with base as detailed, the poles Mall be appronimately 251-0" long set in woodbase which shall be oeourely blind bolted to thestructure, The pole shall be of stock design aW made so as to be easily removed from the basa and shall he made from clear atraight grain thoroughly seasoned Douglas Fir and given a good coat of hot raw linseed oil, TRIMMUGS : (Flag Pole ) The oap block shall be 6" in diameter and 2" thick of Ligialluam Vitae vith two holes not over 3/4u diameter about 2-1/2n on centers, connected on top with a groove in which halyards are run, The cap block shall be thorongh, soaked in hot raw lin- seed oil. The ball shall be of spun copper and size ae noted and gilded with gold leaf, Th.e ball shall be *at on as copper pipe and set into the pole with white lead paete,, The haIjards ahall be of the best apaoial grade of 3/18 manila rope for WM2 P."Lrposa all watarproofed with two CoM of lead and oil, MUch and k4-et galvanized iron sleato where directed to secure the kelyarks' Construct tbac. v,�ood uaarqul3n WIted to the structure as WHIM,, 35. WOODEN FINS; Ti'urnlsh axed install the wooden fins made of 2 x 3 D.F,. moldad and secured to the frames as detailed. IRTERIOR SIBAT11111G.- The walls of the first floor above the heads of windnw-a shall be sheathed with flush I x 1211 ship IWO of Redwood or Oregon Fine as rletailod. All jointE shall be flush and all nail heads shall be siknk,7. R02B STALL DIVI;IIJONS : Furnish and install betwean all booths a, rope rail. fastened to the columns and walls with a bronze ring, The rope shall be 1-1/211 manila rope with hooks of bronze secured to each end by braiding with cord. The hooka and rings shall be; furnished with the rope and shall Match, the finish of finish hardware. UOODa—I STAIRS : Construct all wood stairs of "1-1/811 heads and 7/811 risers to platform supported upon 2 x 6 rough strings at the sides. I-VOOD211 TIMB311OLDS Furniah and install all wooden thresholds as noted on the draw- ings as detal-Dad. PROT3;XTION OF W IN WOOD FISH: -.11---- All exterior wood 'trim, 91.11e, woldal etc . , shall be protected by this Contractor with papeMand wood to the satisfaction of the Architecta until all plastering is finiehed, All such wood trim shn.1.1 receive a pri,ning coat before such protection is placed. NAILING STRI23 -iIND PLAN,): Provide and securely fasten in glace wooden nailing strips , wooden plateo, blocking, etc . , indicated on. the drawings or required to complete the, work. INTARIOR WAINSCOTS: All interior -walls of gre'and or lower floor shall have a 5 ft . wainsett of I x 4 V jointed T & G o.p. capped as detailed. Plas- tering may be omitted back of wainecot . Provide all. blocking, etc. , to receive the iiiainscot. FINISH YLOORING: The; finish floor and stia_eo- platform as noted ill 3ohedule shall have a finish floor of 1.0,116 x 2-1/4 T & G, stock, fixet grade picked for color all Ulaple floor, to be smoothed., scraped and 1a.ohine sanded and finished ijith one (1) coat of filler one coat of shellac and two. (2) coats of wax,, All o.2. floor be Stook 74t-1 1x- 4 O.P. floor, 36. WOOD AN BACKING: Provide and install wooc.en backing to receive the plumbing fixtures where and as required. I'Ultl�IidG: Provide ,and install all required vdooden furring at all points indicated or required tc conceal piping, structural metal work, or other unfinished. word:. The furring shall be constructed of trio inch nominal thickness stud; of the required width or other members as requirE d or directcal Do all f�,arring for plaster beams , parapet balls , rounded corners and such other furring as indicated on the drawings. GROUidDS : Wherever work is to be plastered, provi&e and set wooden grounds at all points where woo& trim occurs. Grounds shall be clade of Douglas Fir SIS and shall be 3/4" thick,net . Grounds shall be securely nailed to the wood backing at each stud or bearing. All interior finish and milli ork shall be as spo cified for fin- All interior and exterior wood finish, frames , sash, doors and cabinet work shall be Manufactured by skilled mechanics using standard methods of manufacture and workmanship. The panels shall be net so as to allow for free movement, incase of welling or. shrinking. All interior blood finish, sash, doors, and cabinet work shall be smoothly dressed, belt sanded at the mill and Band sanded at the building until all defacements are entirely removed. Any material sho%,jing riaclainery, sandpap.er, or other defacing marks , will be re jeoted. Capa for top of fire walls shall be of Recutoo&" INSTAI,LENG WOOD L<1111k.,1II: Interior wood finish, sa3h, doors and aa- binet work shall not he pe-mitted in the bu3.lding before same is reasonably dry. All door and. 5jindow fram3ls, interior and exterior wood finish, sc.sh, doors , cabineat wor ` and. other fixed .=den equipment and iinisaa. shall be properly inota.11ed, level, plumb and true. her�;ver re�._uired, the members shall be neatly, accurately scribed in p:Aaco, ma.intai.nin6 . ;;ll. widths of and members where- ver possible. All trim :3hal.l ., pat in full lengths' without piecing, except where t,hi: use of sin;;le eng'U'hs would be im- practicable or impossible. In genaral, piecing shall be beveled and not butt jointed. All exterior angles shall be mitred and the interior angles of t.ae moulded parts coped. All nails shall be set for putty. The surface grain and color of adjoining in- terior %-iood finish shall be selected to match and harmonize. 37. Any door and window frames, interior and exterior wood finish, sash, doors, cabinet work, and other fixed wooden eruipment and finish showing hammer marks, or other damage caused by careless- ness or faulty workmanship will be rejected, -All exterior finish shall have all joints set in white lead paste before nailing; or assembling. DOOR_ WIRDOW AND TRANSOM FRAIMS : All door and window fraries shall be of D. F. and shall be accur- ately set , plumb, level and true. The space between the frame and the nailing blocks Bind back of sill butts shall be solidly blocked and the frames oecurely anchored in place as detailed. See schedule for sizes, All door, transom and w .ndow frames shall be milled from Douglas Fir. The frames shall tie da.doed together at the Bead, transom bar housed into jambs , and all joints set in white lead paste, All sills shall be WhitE; pine., or ReCi*oC.. All window frames where shown shall be milled from the following kinds and grades of wo oil,s, in accordance with details, Heads and side jambs, parting strips , transom bars, mullions and other similar exposed mombers--Douglas Fir, as specified for finish lumber. Sills, blind stops, moulds and rather sxterior trim, clear Redwood or white pine. Sills shall be saw kerfed; head and side Jambs, sills , transom bars shall be housed together in an approved manner and the joints set in white lead paste. WOODEN SASII: Sash: All sash shall be of the type , size, thickness and detail indicated on the drawings, No. 1, clear--Sugar pine, . The stiles , rails and uraatins shall be made from solid stock, moulded to detail, and tde joints squarely out and accurately fitted. The joints betyr3en the stiles, rails and muntins, shall be mortised and tenoned; those between the stiles and rails shall be through mortised and uenoned, Wedged and pinned, and all con- tact surfaces .filled tho:?ough-Ty with evhite lead paste. All glass in exterior sa, 3h shall be bedded in putty and "putty and point" set. All gla38 in intcri.or sash shall be bedded in putty and secured in pla:3e wi E:h wood stops, WOOD3T3 DOORS : Furnish all doors shown on plans and of sizes as indicated. The stiles, rails and multins of all doors are to be i,-iadd of Douglas Fir and shall be made .from solid :took, moulded to de- tail and the joints squarely and accurately fitted. . The 3�. joints between the stiles, rails and muntins of intorior doors shall be blind mortise and tenoned or doweled as hereinafter specified for veneered floors and all joints glued up with waterproof glue. The Joints shall be through mortise and ten- oned, wedged and pinned joints between the stiles and rails of exterior doors., and all contact surfaces thoroughly filled with white lead paste. All panels shall be lam:.nated, five ply, face veneer mot lees than one-eighth inch th:.ek before sanding. Flat panels shall be not less than sevon-oixteenths inch thick before sanding. All solid doors shall bo built up of strips glued together and covered with cross band veneer on both sides. The edges of all stiles and rails shall be made in one length of solid material well doweled and glued to the core. The finish surface shall be straight grain D. F. 114" thick glued to the dross band with waterproof glue and set in press until the glue is seat and hard. All such doors shall be rude in accord with standard practice following the details a.S shown and to the satisfaction of Archi- teots. In the construction of Exterior doors as noted in schedule , all rabbets for panels , all edges of Panels , and the backs of ap- plied moulds shall be Pc.inted with white lead Paste, before as- sombline. After outtin€; and fitting, the ends of applied mould shall be similarly treated. All glass in doors shall, be bedded in putty and secured in place with wood stops. The rebates and. the backs of the stops shall be Painted black before the glass is set, The stops shall be secured -in place Witt. ovalheaded, countersunk brass screws spaced not to exceed twelve inches on centers. FITTING AIM 1JIiGIIiG DOOIS : Each door shall be accurately cut , trimmed and fitted to its frame and hardware , iv it h due €l to wane e for painter's finish and possible swelling and shrinking. The clearance at the look and hanging stiles and at the top shall not exceed one-eighth inch, at bottom shall exceed ono-quarter inch. All arrises shall be rounded to a one-sixteenth inch radius and the lock rail edges shall be slightly beveled. The screws for hardware shall not be driven; marely started by driving, ana screwed home, All doors steal i operate freely, 'but not loosely, without stick- ing or binding, without dingo-bound conditions and with all hardware properly adjix_­t:d and. funotioning EXTy�',RI OR WOOD FLUSH USH f RO JGII) : All exterior r:Qod finish shall 'be Douglas 2ir unless otliarwise specifiers, postal , knee b.?aces , etc, FLY SCR__'L;143 : Furnish and install on a-11 toilet windowa bronze fly screens set in wooden frames. Soree.as shall be hinged at top. Bronze coreens shall be given orae coat of Valspar varnish. 39. i INTERIOR FINISH: The interior finish generally consists of base and shoe, oas- ings , trim, moldings and all other interior finish shown or specified. ROUGH AND FINISH 110D TARE: All rough hardware cons .sting of nails , spikes, bolts, screws, -tacks and hinges , etc . , and chains for windows shall be gal- vanized, furnished and 4.nstalled fully in accordance with the requ irements irements of the drawings and specifications. lAirniah and install all Finish Hardware. All hardware shall be accurately fitt6d in every :instance, and with the exception of butts, all surface applied hardware such as escutcheons, c.o. door catches, etc. , shall be removed by the Contractor before the Painter's finish is applied and subsequent to oom- pletion of Painter's finishIB shall permanently replace all such hardware. FINISH 1URDWARE: The Contractor shall fm,nish and affix all finish or Builders ' Hardware. Such shall bo as per the following list , and shall be of a make and grade tipproved by the Architects. The fol.lowinG list covers all necessary finish hardware to complete the building. The numbers and symbols are taken from Catalogs of the following manufacturers : P. F, Corbin Co. macate StaW,ey Viorks Glynxt Johnson Co. Bommor Spring Hinge Go, Soss Manufacturing Co, Rite Hardware Co. These manufacturers ' catalog numbers are intended for des- cription purposes only; any other make of equal quality may be used if approved by the Architects. #1 1 set folding doors- on platform 26 ft , opening -- 8 doors 2 Pr pivots McCabe 40LI5 or equal 26 Ft . MoCabe 405 Floo:L, track or equal 26 Ft. McCabe 405 overhead track or equal 4 bottom =criers 405 or equal 40. 4 top Mide rollers 405 or equal 9 pr butts BB 101 1/2 - 4 x 4 or equal 4 bolts EB 2859 - 12" os., equal 4 bolts EB 2859 - 30t1 or equal 2 pulls SB 2973 1/2 or oqual #2 2 pair doors - pavilion to exterior 6 - 0 ;; 7 - 0x13/4 6 pr butts LB 280 A - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 2 sets panic bolts Z 02344 x ZB 02352 or equal 2 sets dummy trim as outside of 4B 02344 or equal 4 closers 4 1/2 G - 104 4 brackets G 26-4 or equal 4 kick plates PCB 02316 10 x 34 1/2 or equal 4 holders GJ111 or egaal. 2 doors gZ - iavillon to exterior 3 - 0 :y- 7 -- 0x10/4 3 pr butts EB 280 A - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 2 sets panic bolts EB 02344 or equal 2 closers 4 1/2 G 104 or equal 2 brackets G 26-4 or equal 2 kink plates LB 02316 - 10 x 34 1/2 or equal 2 holders GJ113 or equal #4 1 door �2 - exterior to dressing room 2 - 6x 7 - 0 x 1. 3/4 1 door 4 - exterior to rest room 2 - 2x7 - 0x13/4 1 door 4 - platform to dressing room 2 - 8x7 0x13/4 41. 4 1/2 pr butts BB 280 A - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 3 sets locks BB 740-520 x 0567 1/2 or equal 3 checks 3 1/2 G 103, or equal 3 brackets G335 3, or equal 1 door 7�-3 - exterior to storage 3 - 0x7 - 0x13/4 1 door 3 - pavilion to storage 3 - Cx7 - 0x13/4 1 door - exterior to storage 1 door 4 - pavilion to storage room 2 - E x7 - 0x13/4 6 pr butts M 280 - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 4 sets looks LB 740-520 x 570 1/4 or equal 4 stops SB 365 1/2 or equal ff6 1 door 4 - exterior to men Ts toilet 2 - 8x7 - 0x13/4 1 1/2 pr butts CR 280 - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 1 push plate EB 2340 - 4 x 16 out or equal 1 p7111 CR 4459 out or e qua 1 1 dead lock CR 138 1/4 x 1/LB cyl o or equal 1 check ,3 G or a gzal 1 bracket G 335-3 or equal #7 1 door 4 restroom to woraenva toilet <3 - 8 x 7 - 0 x J. 3/4 1 1/2 pr butts CR 280 - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 1 push plate EB 2340 - 4 x 16 or equal 1 pull CR 4459 or equal 42. 1 check G 3 - or oqual. 1 bracket G 335-3 or equal. #8 8 doors - Dressing rooms T & G 2 - 6x6 a 8X11/8 8 pr butts EB 101 1/2 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 or equal 8 pulls EB 9296 oil? equal 24 hoofs M 01.034 -V2 or equal 8 latches 'uB 274 or eqpal li 10 doore - tapers in women's toilet 2" concrete part. - 1 1/8" good door 10 sets hingos OR 596 x CR 0596 reverse spring or equal 10 belts Ci2 599 1/21 or equal 10 stripes CR 661 or ega.al. 10 hooks CR 2421 o3� equal #10 1 door 5 a4 p: pe space to women's toilet 2m0x7 - 0x13/4 1 p:7 butts CIS 275 m 4 x 4 x brass pica . BT or equal 1 :Latch CR 274 cr eq��l 1 paIl doors 7 - pc,vilion to exterior (center pr) 5 - 0x7 - 0xP.1/4sIab I pair doov o 9 - pavilion to exterior 6 - 0 x 7 - 0 2 1/4 slab 6 pr butts 3B280A - 5x5xbass pin FBTorequal 2 sets panics bolt et 3B 02344 x EB 02 352 or equal 2 sets dummy trig as outside s,;B 02344 no laver or equal 43. 4 olosm., G #4, or equal. 4 bracket- G -26-i, 2 hollers GJ111 o., uVal 2. hog tiers GJ-113 or equal 4 kick plates U13 ';'�2316 - 1011 x w-16th o.-P door 1 1/211 or equal #12 2 pair doors 7 - I3avilion to exterior !side pro ) 5 - 0 x 7 - 0 x 2 1/4 slab 2 Pai2 doors 8 - pavilion to exterior 8 - 0 x 7 - 0 x 2 1/4 s lab - 5 x 5 x brass pin FBT or equal Pr butts EB 280 A 8 pcan.;-o bolts 3B (:2352 or equal olooers G #-I., or equal, - set dulwq trim as outside of 02344; - no lever or equal brackets 25-4 sclidL bronze or e gac. 4 holdera GJ111 ox ecp-e,l holiIers GJ115 ox equal kick plates iM C2316 - 10" x width of door lose 1 1/21 f Or equal �r10 2 pair dooy3s 6 - pavilion to exterior 5 - c X 7 - 0 X 2 Pr butts EB 280 A - 4 1/2 x 5 x brass pin F,13T or efj�tal 0 '1362 o LT bf,.)Its JZB CL r egaal 4, Or e qual o7,.oscrs G G 06-4, or equal W-111-21. or equal 4 Vok PIcAes EB 3.0 x widt,'b. of door leso 1 1 or a qual 4; UUJI'mY trif'! 9 01!t2,ide of 02344 no lever or 44. 14 2 doors Zj toilet vest,, to exterior 3 - 0 x 7 - 0 x 1 3/4 3 pr butts EB 280 P. - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 brass pin VB-*.1 or equa I 2 Plates OR 2340 - 4 x 16 ® cut or equal 2 pulls -TT 44-59 4 x 16 - out or equal 2 dead looks -i,,'B x CR 13e 1/4 or equal 2 C-11achs G-3 ptd. alum® solid bronze or equal 2 bracl:ets G-26, 01, e(jual 1 door - toilet %7,,�st. to r en' s toilet Part., 2 - rxC- 6 pr hil,!,,es 311. 006 or P-qual, o'T equal I pall "I", 02'21'JI ) or equal r-latue 'M 27AO - 4 x 16 or equal I door 4 - toilet vest. to vamen' s toilet 2 - E x 7 - 0 x 1 3/4 1. 1/2 pr butts. "IR 26-0 - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 brass din. FBT or eq a.! - 1, --t, CR 2340 4- x 16 or eqm I�p dhecL, G- #3, or ecjaa" 9. brac, Ilct G 355-3, or e qq�aal 17 1 door ,4 - ma-.,n' s toi let to restroom 2 - 8 x 7 - 0 x 1 3/4 I door 4 - mn' s toilet to smoking room 1 2 - 8 x 7 - 0 x 1 3/4 pr butts 'M 280 - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 brass pin -FBT or eqL",, l 2 hulls M-, 4459 or aclual 450 2 plates OR 2540 - .1 x 16 or equal 2 check,, G §5, or wjlm 2 brachey: : G 335-3, or equal 1, door 4 - pavilion to smoking room 2 - 6x7 - 0x13/4 l door 3 '- paAli.on to rest2 oom 3 - 0 x 7 0 x 13A 3 pr butts 731B 260 - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 brass pin FBT or equal 2 pulls :73 4450 or .qual 2 plates EB 2340 - .1 x 16 or equal 2 t,1101,1cS G §3, or equal. 2 bracketa G->335, or equal. ;1.9 6 trahsons sash A 5 fA AT D * to n H •9rx• 88 t4 1JF c.1 d- to 4Y �y 29 pr butts BB 101 I/2 - 3 x 3 or equal 29 ca ibb,-s -,1:B 2278 1/2 or equal 58 011e 7 ns RB 200 1/2 - 12" or equal, „ 20 2 transom sash B toilets G; AA rz D toilets 5 -or butts CR 1.01 1/2 - v x u or equal R.P rat p.]ie 1s, C.R 2278 1/2 or equal 10 chains 1,3B 200 1/ ., 12" or equal 46 n-21 4 top hinged doors at concession counter 6 pr butts EB 101 1/2 3 x 3 or equal 4 fasts EB 00-164 1.1 or equal 4 friction stays G0325 or equal ,,-22 2 hinged gates & flaps at check: room and concession 2 sets hinges 711 £ommer or equal. 2 pr Soss hinges 112 or equal ;-23 5 top hinges doors at stage e 1/2 pr butts LAB 101 1./2-2 1/2 x 2 112 or equal 5 lifts EB 9296 or equal 5 small Itite friction catches or equal w 24 miscellaneous 6 master keys cyl. locks 4 poles and hooks 1.06 4 hangers TM 1290 c+r equal., Moto special Hardware, on plans , for folding, stage doors. Conclusion of Hardware : The above list is inteaded as descriptive of the hardware to be used. Should addiV.onal hardware be needed, not specific- ally itemized and noted on above list , the Contractor shall furnish and affix same , it being understood that such hard- ware shall be similar :.n tape, design and finish to that noted above. I i i i ti 470 ROOFING GMIMaL CUIDITIONS: All work included in this section shall be sub-eat to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifica- tions and this Contraw;or shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work ana its relation to thE,t of other contractors. .;OLY_ All work included under this Section of s-peclficctions consists of the furnishing of all appliances, labor and materials required for installing a compo,-,,dtion roof all over roof surfaces of the building, so Indicated; also If-oE aiietur zoilet and vlash room floors, All v!.,ork under the ]too-fink; Contract be executed by a Con- J- L,ractor acceptable to the J"IrcIALtects and duly authorized by the ur-any facturer rifl-ilose roo"ing materials are, used. Before Xo0filig COI!t:MCt is executed tul-e Co.­,trf�.ctor shall file wit-h the a lettez of ay.�proval of Roofing Contractor fro,n the 1.00finZ iranufacturers, whose products are to be used. The mahufacturer of roc ling materials shall be a recognized manufacturer of -noof inC Materials, rho sha UL b e a-DProved by the .irchitects In wrIting. INSPECTION: Before work, the i'Loofine, Controctor Shall Inspect all surfaces -'Uhat are; il--o receive roofing, flashing, reglets and other thot same are in ever.y way satisfacto- ry Is D and" aosare h M3e If U_ U-Iia� -,,ror)er instaIL-at."Lon of his v�orh. Vie sh notify 11 ry "or 4 a y the General Coiatractor for correetion of any dofects 11-.1 workmlansbip or materials that may prove detrimejital to the installation of such rcof';.iie; natericlls. :Iftar such inspection that-,00fing Con- -ter tractox, s.,.z:117. be held r-us-.-onsible for any defects i�_,.t may la v,­pear in his work. ,1111 work <wid materivals, installed ander the Vtoofilig Contract shall be sab-oct to the InspecAlon.,, direc-tion and sa-pervision of the insi-?cctor for the rnahaffactdrer of -the roofing materials. PR,'BPAEATICIT: f�li surfaces to receive, roofing s' 11. be thoroughly dry alid swe.-t clean ana. smooth before uatcrialls are ay.plled. IIMTBRATB AI Ter All flat roof decj%s and inclines of less than _J'OLLr inches (4") to the foot shall be co* ercd with al composition roof as follors: 480 The roofing must be specification roofing of the vitalized type with the surface double coated. i:aeh layer must sleigh forty pounds (40#) to each one hundred and eight (108) square feet* Roils must bear the first quality brand labels , company furnish- ing same. The cementing materials to be asphalt or recognized asphaltic composition of the best grade. The finished roof must include the following materials : One (1 ) layer of 6 lb. rosin sized dry sheet. Two (2) layers of forty pound t40{r) vitalized roofing over entire roof. One (1) extra layer in angles, sharp valleys and out- lets. Seventy pound t 70,) Asphalt or approved asphaltic com- positi on t o each one hundred t 100) sq.ft . of roof area. Three hundred pounds (300#) clear, dry, roofing sand of approved size to each one hundred (100) square feet of ?goof area. Special fabric seal outlets, pipes , vents, and edges. trlashings at walls and counterflashing may be 24,; galvanized iron as de- tailed, lower edge doubled where clamping roofing and well secured in reglets and properly caulked. Flashings shall be of copper and shall be furnished and installed by Roofing Contractor. Cement all layers of roofing togethul* wit-11 :cot asphalt . Turn up walls four inches (411) at high points and eight inches (811) at low points. Side lap not less t:'ian t�ago -J ac-li s (try) and lap four inches (4f1) . UaLl solid to prevent Movement . Apply twenty Bound of c:::npouxnd f.:)Ar s:iva;?,D batweon all layers and fifty poung (.54") per .9gaa.re on top for gravel. As- phalt applied hot 3:0 F. to 4000 . Gravel ov ro%ck to b ) hard, dry, clean and size one-f,aurth inch (1/411) to one-half inch (1/2") Seal outlets , pipes , vent°3, and roof edgeo -Vii „ay:iG raith asphaltic compound or Flaeat i ne. All roofa on steep inclines or inclines of four inches (41r) to the foot or mare shall be laid as follows: The roofing must be speci 'ication roofing of the vitalized type with the surface double eciated. The first, laver of smooth roofing must weigh fort;;* pounds to the one hundred and eight (108) square feet, and the top layer of T.iineral surfaced roofing, must weigh eighth-five poun+ia i OjU to tlii: once hundred and eight (108� square feet and have a smooth two inch (2.") Selvedge edge. Rolls rust bearthe first qual.lty brand labels of manufacturer furnishing same. The cementing material to be Asphalt Grade B. The finished roof must include the follow ink; materials : One layer of 6 lb. Resin sized dry sheet. One (1) layer of forty pound (40A) vitalized roofing over the entire area. One (1) layer of eighty--five pound (85 j) vitalized miner- al surfaced roofing over all, 49. One ( 1) extra layer of forty pound (40- ) roof ing at angles and shapr valleys. Twenty pound (20 r") Asphalt to each one hundred (100) square feet between layer.s. Special fabric seal all outlets, vents and edges, counter- flashing to be as specified above for flat roofs. Cement all lap]ers of roofing together evenly with hot asphalt. Turn up walls aour incl..es (fir") at high points and eight inches ($11) at low points. Side lap not less than tt.,o inches (2") , end lay. four inches (4") ?fail solid to prevent movements, .lpply twenty pound (20;; ) "of asphaltic compound er square foot be- tween all layers, al;plying hot at 3500F. to 400� F. real out- lets, gents and ;pipes r ith <Isphaltie compound. The top layer of I.iineral surfaced roofing to be black, greet_ or red special rolled in t ranules. she seams must be well cemented, nailed but nith- out nail heads exposed. Layers must be uniform avid IaZ7 flat. On flat dec s where inclines is less than four inches 4") to the foot, applr� one additional layer of forty (40;j=) pound roof-. ing and tr'ney pounds (20-1 of asphaltic compound to the square in addition to .above materials. -iUl rjof laid over wooden sheathing shall have a dry sheet of 10 paper. All flashing and counterflashing and etc., shall be furnished and installed by roofer. .1fter the metal counter flashingsha.ve baen, installed and the cement mlDrtar -pointing has thoroughly scat and become dry; begin— ning at ca point tr2o inches M,') above the counter flashing and extendi}ig clown to txae roof luxe the 'aoofizig Contractor shall a?-ply a heavy coating of Fibre hoof Coating. i urnish any minor :��lading required to r.;�a ka a thorough waterproof job, ' A - +an.+n�raw.:�=m�.w.wm - .A.11 fire walls shall be covered with various la.;yers of roofing and carried up and over top of rough parapet and under the finished cap. All exposed inside faces of par pet walls shall be covered with rock surfaced roofing, The roofixig contractor slia.11 notify the oofiirg Manufacturer in amide time before st4rting the roof to have their inspector on the job contiv uousl'y during the time the roof is being laid. C`RTI TC `aT' C.F C©-'.;:' W IC17: 3ezore r oof i ng w ill be accepted, the ro ofing c ontra ctor shall furnish three ( ) copies of a written statement from the manu factu.rer those materials are to be used stating that the roofing contractor received their written endorsement prior to commencing the r:ark, and thz;t the de h to be covered was inspected by the mmnufacturer' s Inspectcr,, before, during , and after roofing was a--plied and that roof as installed is in accordance with these specifications and the manufacturer' s requirements for roofs of this type. ',lithout the above statement the roof will not be accepted* 500 Contractors before tak.ire the work gill w scertain in advance f rom manufacturer whose Materials they intexld using as to rhether they will furnish such statem. nt as outlined. above. Furnish and install a memmbrane waterproofia.g composed mteri;roCT_ ing composed of two layers of 15;r felt turned up on alltall sur- faces and cement together with hot asphalt and then given a floor coat. I an membrane up and in bask of urinal stalls as detailed. This Membrane shall be laid under all cement finish floors of toilet rooms of first, oc main, floor.& GUAFA14TEE: The General Contractor shall furnish a guarantee on roof, fleshings and conductors, against leaks of any nature whatsoever for a period Cif one �ii vaMrs. The Iorjr. of (=q%rp.ntcAA sxhsO.1 be acceptable to the Arehit ect s 5Y� xwl r or.11: included in th.f.s section shall be subject to the Ge,1-toral Conditions as 'at4tached in the fore.rart of these spec- 1-Acations, and this Contractor shall read and examine them aiid all other sections , thoroughly f ami liar i zing, himself tUth his vork and its relation to that of other Contractors. SCOPE (,F The work of this section shall include all Iabor materials, scaffolding, equipment tind appliances necessary to complete all Interior and exterior lathing and plastering, metal lath and plaster toilet" stalls with accompanying steel studs, and all other plaster vvoxq: shown on the drawings or herein spe- cified. "­-.nace back of wood wainscot will not be lathed and plastered. Ceiling of AlLditorium under truss portion and ceil- ing of Pavilion proper will not be plastered. Shall be of the best of the several kinds and in all cases meet the approval of thc.- Architects,. (a) lath-,,. All metal "Lath used for inbrior plastering where hereafter specified as metal ]a th sha 1.1 be large diamond mesh weighing not "Less than three and four-tenths (3.4) pounds -,,er sqtuare ,,iarcl after expanding and paintingo 1. 2he uesh of the lath shall be a-,r.-pro.­.imatcly 3/811 x ­/4" in size and the lath shall be -iainted alter expansion rith a paint that will resist corrosion, and the action of alhali and limeo 2. ','he lath shall be coat and exi-)anded from uniform gauge, o­.en hearth bearing steel; col-'per molybdenum iron or 'iuxe iron sheets com.rlying with the -folloin.,ing :-cquircments : If co-1--lper bt aring metal is used , the co-:-r.er con- tent s.hall ')en.,)t less t1!L.n two-tenths of one cer cent (0.2)'0) and not more than three-ter. of f one ner cenl-. (0.3,'J) by weight. Other im-purities shal-I not e::cee'd seventy-five hundredths ofone per cent (0 ,;75/'J') by weight. if 1,:ol37bdenUr.1 Iron is used,, the co-,-;-,jer content s:jall not be less than four tenths of one per cent (0.4,i) and not be more thou five-tenths o-;'_' one per cent (0 .53) by we-igh"tl. the Liolybdenam content shall not be less than six hundredths of one per cent (0.06j') and riot more than ten hundredths of one per cent (0,.10%) by velght, the total imipurities shall not e-cceed twenty-five hundredths of one per cent (0 ,25;07) by weight. If pure iron metal is used it ,;11,all be ninety-rilm and eight tenths per cent (99.0) pure iron by reiSht . (b) Plasterboard: Plasterboard used for the interior ;portions of the build- ing shall becomposed of not less than 757 of noninflam- mable materials and not less than 3/8" thick., and pro- vided with a mechanical ley bond on the fade thereof. Any plasterboard Droposed to be used bust first be ar- roved in writing by the Architects, (c) Steel Fabric: The steel fabric for exterior stucco work shall be teel@- crete or equal weighing not less than 3/.6 pounds per square yard° All steel fabztc shall be backed with felt weip,,hing not less than 15 ,ounds, :.ell nailed with nails as specified. (d) Corner Beads: All corner beads shall be made from steel or iron sheets and shall be galvanized by the hot dip process. Sra ll nose beads shall be twenty-six gauge and shall be of the exnmded ring or the solid flange type . `l.'he wing or flange shall n. t be less than two and one--quarter inches wide. The metal that holds the expanded wing to the rail of the bead sha 11 be a rdninum of three-eighths inch ride at each Point of contact, (e) Base Screeds: Furnisha dnd install at all -oints between cement plaster and Hardwal l a metal base screed as detailed, (f) Iiesh: The mesh reinforcement for toilet s ta.11 --:art it i ons shall be 1/2" mesh galvanized hardware clot#° (g) Channels : For toilet partitions shall be 3/4" cold rolled. (h) Tying; Viire: All wire for fastening together the metal framing for toilet stalls shall be sixteen gauge galvanized double annealed steel tie wire. All wire used for tying the lath toget--car small be eighteen gauge galvanized double annealed steel tie hire. ( i) Nai.is: All mails used to secure metal lath to wood vertical surfaces for inter?ior shall be six penny barbed, galvanized con1p.on nails. =ill nails used to secure cor,:y:osition lath to wood sur- faces for interio ^ pla.stc rin shall be galvanized barbed roofing nails not less than two inches long made of tr:elve gauge steel tire, having a head three-eighbu inch in diameter. 55. All nails used to secure rare fabric, expanded metal, or other metal reinforcement to rood surfaces for exter- ior plaster shall be rude of twelve gauge steel wire and shall have a head three-eighths inch in diameter. The nail shall be fitted with a steel furring device having four prongs to grip the reinforcement and secure it in position not less than one-fourth inch from the rood surfaces. The nail and the furrii.ig device shall be galvanized; i-ai is used over solid sheathing shall be one and one-quarter inches long. Nails used over studs shall be tro inches long. ( j) Sands: ,9nd shall be clean, screerea sham send, containing not more than five per cent (51l by vo lu;.le of clay loans organic ratters, or silt, and shall be 1-,roperly graded for plastering, ( k) Cep. C;e sent for exteriox ;Master shall be a. domestic brand of _- ortla.nd Cement &Dnformi.ng to the standard s :ecif.ica. tions and tests for -.ortland Cement A.S.T.I.I. Designation C-9-30. CeMent for plaster wainscot as noted on drawings shall be tf Leenes". or equal4 ( 1) G�-sure Plaster: All Gypsum Plaster shall be a standard brand similar to i1rden, IJm;,ire, Blue Dielaond or equal.. 10 Storage: Gypsum i laster shall be delivered and stored in the storeroom or rooms on the site in such a m. nner which will i-•rotect the -r�laster from dampness, (m) Plaster of Pariso All plaster, of _ar is, if used, shall be a standard brand complZ7 iax4 with the "Standard S_eclfications for Calcined Gypsum A.S.a.I.I. Designmtion: C-23030, number one size as defined in Section "D" thereof. 01F °TliL LATH .�iZD CCI:._20S?1 I ON TATH: All com-losition lath sh� ll be well nailed to all joists and. studs rith nails as specified and spaced not over 1211 cts. { 'ihe joints shall be staggered Lind leaving a small s-pace between each sheet. T.Ietal lath shall be. a�1l.lied i. ith the long d?mension of sheet across the furring channels or studs, e:ids of sheets shall be staggered one above another. Lathing shall commence at the top of i;artition or furring, end shall be carried down, the edge of the lower .sheet la-pping over the ui;per sheet. 54m The Zathing Contractor Shall provide anc install all plaster- board furring ovcr rood studs, pilasters, and other detaUs, and wherever necessary, for the concealment of pipes, conduits, r.hetner shown on drari] ;s or not, etc. , in the va lls and partitions. JLt points or corners whoxe plasterboard r'arLtions contact ex- terior walls, a stri L) lath shall be rent into corner from flour to ceiling and nai led to the walls over the 1.)Iastera board. i,un a 12" strip of lath bent over ceiling lo the wall lath on all sides at le,Lst U" . the furyiiig for all no-w work az shotm on the drawings shall be covered zith metal lath as s-.ecIfied.> Ile lath shall foll6r, the profiles as detaile(L and shall be sec.,rely nailed to the mood framing. Smell nose corner beads s]aa ll. be installed over all exterior vertical plastered corners, from the to-!-. of the base to the: ceil .ngs, and on a.11 ex ;ernal :angles of -plastered beams , sof- fits, or. jaribs , On all. L nterior plastering. Corner beads small. be si,t �ilumb and shall form true arri:es 4.or the plaster, s1a ll ":)e rigidly fastened in glace at the ends and securely nailed to ;-.e Tarrii:g as herein s ;ecified. she nails shall occure in each wing of the be4 d and sha l be s--Faced not to exceed traige in':hes on centers. Corner beads shaft be neatly mitered and doweled r,ith c lose-ff.tted joi l,ts at all All extea Lor cement l,a 3ter on the exte:-,,i o'r of the shall be dog e• over step; ;-fa.bri.c as s eci:iieC. herai.nbefore. Hood gr o+✓nes b c� i;.r avided. aid set, as specified under Ca.rporitry., ::'urnish all .information nec:, ssa,r7 'to insure the setti-,.g of t'rLa grounds in the r.ro;:e�° to r�_t ivn, and of the pro?;er thi.chness for th;; i.nd: of plaster specified. Fa.ilare on the of the plr: s;t,rer to furnish such information at tho required ti .e, will necessitate his rectii:ying such in,- corn°Ea-et work av maZJ be Uistalled. to sui conditions, without extra comet. 2 r.rt+sw�;s .isli.� ....N.,.,..�..:�....,�.,.�..: ..�.,�.,-......«.tee....,..... .......,,.D,V., The walls und. oeil.i.ngs of all rooms no-t,vd in schedule .are to be lathed r.ith -jp last c:rboand. and plastered. i she toilet stall l,arti.tio -Is :and ot?-cr s.paces as doted. in � schedule: s'l'al,l be s £= c .n lathed and .:1..a atered with cement plaster, includ..nz t,,11 toilet, oor T�%?z inscot. i 1 ThA remainder of the interior of the building as noted on schedule, excepting ceiling of main portions of auditorium and pavilion which are not plastered, shall be lathed with composition lath and plastered with "psum plaster, sand finish. Uote the low portions on both sides of Recreation Hall shall have plaster ceilings. The Pavilion ceiling will not be lathed and plastered. Wall back of wainscot in Pavil- ion need not be plastered. Solid plaster toilet partitions shall be built up as detailed. A cement finish wainscot 7 ft. high shall be carried around all toilets. Auditorium to have a cement wainscot. R0 , : The cement urinals, finish floors and cement base in all to-im let rooms and elsewhere noted as cement plaster finish will be dorte by 'the concrete contractor, but this contractor shall do all. other cement plaster finish not specified to be done under the concrete specifications. PAR&H BACKING Install a laminated wadoc-proof paper with dibres embedded back of all anterior metal latch which is to be cement plastered. MIXITI G OF PLASTER A D AP 0LICATIONS: The materials shall be mixed and applied in strict accordance with the printed directians of the manufacturer. The ingre- dients shall be thoroughly mixed together, and no more shall be mixed at any time than can be used within one-half hour after mining. No materials shall be allovied to remain in the mixar and mixing bones over ni yht . All plaster shall be measured in calibrated boxes or suitable measuring devices to assures the correct proportioning of materials. A13111.,ICAT IO11 OF ROUGH COAT?S: INT ERI OR The ooratch. coat of cement plaster shall consist of one part Plastic 2ortla,nd Cement Euid three and once-half parts sand, measured by volume, shall'_ thoroughly cover the base on which it is applied, and shall be applied with sufficient pressure to ob- tain a good. key. Where plaster is applied on metaal lath, it - sh°all be well forced lirc}ugh all. :spaces or openings in the lath va form a good me0har_aca.'- key. The surface of the scratch coat shall be thoroughly; scored, comae}d, or scratched, in two directions at approximately right angles to each other, i�a a mariner to form furrows or channels in tho noat.R in order to foxm a good raeohanical bond for the . seoond coat. T.Iie oo.ratch coat (.f cement plastet: shall be in place not less than, ten days befo e: the second coat is applied thereto, and shall be kept4 moist during the fiaost twenty-four (24) hour period. The broarr. coat of cement. plaster shall consi.at of one part plastic Portland Cement and four marts sand measured by volume applied as specified above and broousd to form a key for the finish coat. 56. 1 3 s The scratch and brown coat r, Gy-cum -faster over plasterboard shall consist of two is sand and one part gyps= plaster measured by volume, �o which shall be added not less than four pounds of fiber to each cubic yard of mortar, evEdy distributed through the mortar . he co:-t chi ll be rodded to a straight, true, and even surface grid brought to the thickness of the grounds less not more than one-sixteenth inch, and shall be hroomed to form a key for the finish coat. A-PLICA:TION 0_7 1 IBIS H COA . The finish :oat of gypcam plaster (sand : finish) shall consist of one part unfibered gypsum plaster a+iid one part sand measured by volume. The finish coat shall be brought to the full thick- ness of the grounds and given a sand finish, using a brush and carpet float, leaving it in perfect condition, free from cracks, cat faces, or other imperfections. :the finish coat of cement plaster shall consist of three parts lime putty two parts. Ce- nt and three parts sand measured bj vo lame. This coat small be arpl_ed as soon as the brown coat has dried. If the sucthi is too great, the brown cost shall be sprinkled lightly with clean water from. a clean brush. I'he plaster shall be brought to the full thickness of the grounds and trowelled until the surface is smooth acid true and free from lair cra:.cs. i�ltly sprinkle r,ith water from a brush, uhile tro�:ellin�. °°ork top and bottom of the call at the same time to avoid joining. 1l11. interior p asteririg shall be finished to true planes, z:ith- out i.r:iperJectiuns and square lath adjoining cork, and shall :Form proper foundation. for wooden trim, taint and other finish- ing Matekaksc All interior plasteri:-jE t;x�ich does not cor ply with the require- rionts of these specifications shall be removed and replaced with plasteri ig L=hich complies E,ith the specifications in every y respect. Before the painting i�- started, all damaged portiins of the in- terior plastering, shall be repaired as 3irected by the repre- sezita,tiv(-, of the =:rchi sects. :'111 patching and repairing shall be neatly and accurately clone and shall exactly ;;.etch the finish of the adjoining work. Upon cor..pletion of the in- terior pl,asterizig, the interior of the building shall be thoroughly cleaned of Gl'l surplus plastering iaterlals and debris, i,,h ch shall be remo•v-ed from the cite, T; ?1.sTF.3? INTERIM. All rug plaster as shotin sly? 11 be run with a rutty finish to follow rrofi les as detailed. All run work sba ll. be straight, true and even withal alters neatly made to the satisfaction of the Architects. 5'7. t All exterior surfaces of the building, except ti-le back of parapet galls shall be plastered. After the walls have been passed by the xircnitects, apply a scratch coat of cement plaster as specified above. The follow- ing coats shall be a.)pliedas hereinafter specified. The second or brown c.:wt shell c:)nsist of one part plastic :-ortland cement ana four parts sand measured by volume, ..axed with water in a batch mixer to the proper c.:nsi:•teney. The plaster shall be ap_.lied c,ith sufficient pressure to create t ood bond with the fabric. Mien this cost has stiffened sufficiently it shall be dry floated with a wooden float and lightly and evenly cross scratched to form a good Mechanic 1 bond for the :finish coat. .,s soon as the plaster aT%pears to be drying out, it shall be thoroughly sprinkledp The plaster shall be thoroughly spriiikd- led thereafter every mornLng and evening i or three days, then allowed to dry uniformly for at least ten days before the finish is @.!!plied. �'he finish coat mull bo of stucco finish. 1�ubmit sarxvl.e oa color and finish for �Irchitects a.-,z oval before starting the wvak© :UK y T,!1 'T:2? TIXT ERI`R: Do all run plaster on tie exterior of the buildiig as shown and detailed. J1611 run w ork shall f ollow the prof les as wi 11 be d.etai le dR straight trua and even to the satisfaction of the :'xhitects. The stall, 'partitions sj:.all be constructed of 3/4" cold rolled steel channels s-paced vertically 16" on center and with 3/4t° channels laid flat 21 -C" on comers, all wired together at the in ersections. The ve Itcal channels shall be embedded into the concrete floor and all work done as detailed. Over both sides of the channels :tr etch 1/2" wire mesh galvanized hard- ware cloth. .'he mesh shall be wired to the studs not more than 12" centers. '�'he dire cloth shall be extended onto the walls and made secure. -11tz CHIITG ,IND GL=T i ITG All damaged portions of the exterior plastering shall be re- paired as directed by i;he representative of the irchitect. All patching and repairing shall be neatly and accurately done and shu11 exactly match the finish of the adjoining work. + U,,on co..-:letion of the exterior plastering, all roofs, decks, hu.ndings, platforms, ramps, stems, and the building site shall be thoroughly cleaned of all surl-lus p�asteriilg materials and debris, which shall be removed from the school site% 580 GL&SS AND GLAZING GT',VE1�Tj CQTDITI(.: S: .till work included In this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifications and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other section, thoroughly fwrAliarizing hip-self with his pork and its relation to that of other contractors . I.:A3MRIAW) j'IID ..(IlZIA.IMI IP: .-Il glass si-all be a standard donestic brand of clear, flat drawn, double strength A. quality sheet glass. :ill glazing may be done at tiie mill or on the job, at the oi)ti,::n of the contractor. -till glass shall be graded. Bach piece of Glass shall be labeled showing the name of the manufacturer and the grade or quality thereof. The Contractor shall submit to the Architect for a�:proval dupli- cate samples of processed glass, rolled figured sheet glass, ribbed or obscure wire Mass, and other special glass specified for the wcrk• "_hese samples shall be large enougl to fairly Illustrate the figured pattern, design or finish. after approval. one sample will be .retained by the Architect, -the other returned to the Uontractor. ­ny material not conforming to the approved sam- ple will be rejected and shall be immediately replaced with ac- ce ;tab le r:klz ter is 1. All mirrors shall be ni ade of polished plate glass one-fourth inch thief., seeonc' silvering quality. j l l mirrors shall have all edges cut straight grid true and painted black or gray. the silvering shall be of nitrate of silver hermetically sealed v.1th an imper- vious -rotective coc.ting of copper electrically fused to the silver and finished with a, coat of s,.ecial com- osition hard paints A11 r:iirrors small be guaranteed against silver oxidation, and sksl.l have anufacturer' s label on the face and identification stamp on the back. 2111 mirrors shall be set in 16 gauge brass chromium plated frames complete r°ith self as detailed.. 1 l i : 1:11 putt;7 shall be a standard brand complying with the "Standard Si)eclfica.tions of ::ure Linseed Oil 1utty :for for Glazing" A.S.ol. Designation: D-317-33, sha11 not be caked or hardened in the con- ta-iner, rafter working in the hands shall have hood, plastic qual- ity without sticking tc the hands, and shall r,ork readily and smoothly under the knife without crumbling or cracking. .fter being moulded in place, ,it' shall hold its shape until. sets, .'I11 rutty for Glass Set in good shall be natural color, complying with the "Standard Specifications for -ure Linseed Oil Nutty for Glazing, " A. S.T.H. Designation: D-317-33 for Class B, mbite lead 'whiting putty. 59, a GLA"D!G: All glass shall be set true and tight b:? shilled glazers. All glass in doors and transoms shall be bedded in putty and secured In place with stops as specified for doors in vood finish, All glass in exterior wooden sash shall be bedded in putty- point and putty set as specified. Glass set in doors shall be set with wood molds and back puttied, All glass throughout shill be set with zinc glazing l.'oints. This contractor shall replace all brolen ,lass and lights and leave all glass in first class condition to the satisfaction of $he Architects. CLlizi TJING Upon completion of the entire building this contractor shall furnish professional uLadon crashers to clean and 1,o lish all Class throughout, removing all paint spotq signs, etc ., to the satisfaction of the Architects, c�J y P.BI 01113RAL CONDIT IONS: .All work included in this seotion shall be subjeot to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these Spe.oifica- ;.ions, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other seotions, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other contractors. SCOPE OF WORK: Except as hereinafter otherwise speoified, all labor, materials, equipment , permits and services, necessary for furnishing and installing the complete painting and finish, shall be included In this contract. The shop and hold coat on all other metal work in the -building such as ornamental metal, miscellaneous iron, sheet metal, will be applied by the Contractors furnishing these materials. There shall be no painting on brass bronse work. 17ORK RE(UIRr:D: It is required that this Specification shall cover the painting throughout the building on wood, metal or other aurfaaes, as regmired, to make a thoroughly complete job in every respect , whether every item is herein specifically mentioned or not . ; here items are not mentioned, they shall be finished the same as specified for similar work. Tba Painting Contractor, to avoid all possible confusion, shall examine the specifi.catioas for the various trades and shall thoroughly familiarize h:Lmself with all of their provisions re- garding painting and he €hall understand that all materials in- stalled throughout the building, which necessitate painting and which are left unfinished shall be painted under this Contract. This contract shall include any back priming of trim or finish woodwork. PAVILION GROUDD FLOOR: The interior plastered wells or' the Pavilion on Ground Floor will not be painted. ITARD17100D FLOORS: The hardwood floor finial. is specified under the Carpentry work. PROTECTION OF WORK: The Contractor shall furx:ish and lay drop cloths in all areas where painting is being cone , to protect floors and other work from damage during the prosecution of his work. ', Slo 'there it becomes necessary, in order to execute his own work, for the Fainter to remove temporary covering pl :eed by other Contractors in any branch of the work, he shall replace same in a prover mariner. In case the-se coverings cannot be replaced the i-ainter shall protect the cork in some other satisfactory manner. all P-terials used in the building shall be stored where directed by the -.rcial.tects. Oily rags and waste must be removed from the building every night as under no circumstances will they be allowed to accu- mulate. Tj sr rr i =] The ]:Ater small be responsible for any dana,ge done to the wort: of other Contractors , repair,.ng.. same to the satisfaction of the -).rchitects and he shall at his own expense, replace any materials damaged to such an extent that they cannot be restored to their original condition. At the completion of the wori., this Contractor shall clean off all paint spots, oil acid -twins Prim floor, woodwork, glass, hardware, etc. , and leave the entire building in -:.,erfect d.ondi- tion as far as his worl: is conarned% SCAFFOLDI i,G The -'ainting Contractor dull provide all scaffolding, staging, etc., regUired for the pro-oer execution of his work, Scaffolding shall be p",-aced so as not to i ,terfere with the i;.ork of others, should U. be necessary to move a scaffold to permit of the installation of other wort~., the scaffolding shall be m-v'ed without additional expense to tree Owner. MAT SJ�i1.A LS a All naterials required for painting shall be delivered in un- broken packages, bearing the brand and name of r�,anufa cturers and shall be suboect to inspection and approval. :111 i:�terials shall be ordered sufficiei:tly in advance to be on the job when needed and shall be delivered at the building in suffiaiejit ga4ntitios so that the vork will not be delayed. No clai#L by the Contra( for cotscerning the unsuitability of any mteriwl s__ecif Ied or ilia inability to produce first class work with same will be entertained, unless such claim is nude in c.riting to the Jlrch .tests bel:ore the contract is signed. 1. All st;:?to lead ha1.1 be strictly _ure carboDa.te of lead, Old Dutch process or equal. 2. Zinc paste shall be pure oxide of zine ground in pre lin- seed oil, XX Rev JerseS, 21inc or equal® 3. Oil shall be pure thoroughly settled linseed oil and sha 11 conform to the specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials for materials of t«is Lind. 'his Oil shah, be rar, or boiled as required to produce the best results. 4. loll turpentine sha.lL b^ of the best grade of ;pure gum spirits of turpentine. 5. Driers used shall Ix) the pzdluct of tin apt' owed manufacturer and shall conform to the Standard `recifica.tIons x20 of UnAed Mates Government. 6. S ta.iiis shall be Vr. :'. Fuller° s Sherwin VJ'Lliiums Co. , or e clue.I o 7. Allpure colors shallbe �,. Fuller' z.lasury or equal. 8. Filler shell be bes': grade of paste: wood filler. 9. Shellac shall be b le ached white gum she lla. a and shall be dissolved in alcohol in the proportions of i.our -,rounds of shellac to one gallon oT alcohol by measure. -`ill alcohol shall be pure grain alcohol of 188 proof end shall conform to the United States Internal ;;evetiue Vormula ,,-I for specially de- natured al®hol. 10. All paint used sha .l be brUiided ready mixed paint or sami- lc.ste la int, as manofa.c-cuxed by ;puller, Shc,yvin 1,1111.1ams or equal. 1.1. All varnish shall be W. s. Ful , w Ittsburg, Sherwin 0:111- iam s, or equal. 12. �atty shall be ccml�osed of white Lead base, mixed with Linseed oll and whiting, to the proper consistency and colored to match stain. itashable tdal.l r'aint : Y1.11 Na.sha.ble wall paint to be I. 'I. Fuller' s Pittsburg or equal, applied over a Figment wall seal as manufactured by the parti cola~: wall paint manufacturer; Sergi-gloss or flat as de- sired, i,iL�TT1G o The OontracLor shall be as^i;ned a room or space in which to m-,x and store all :hater ina is No empty containers of s.ny sort of description bearilig the name or brc.nc cif any manufacturer shall be brought upon the oremises for tIze M..xing of sa-hint unless labels are cancelled and con- tainers are clew_ ly nar.Lad as 'to cone-E'nts. riming coot for wood whall be mixed in the y roportions of 4 gallons of pure boiled linseed oil to 2 gallons turpentine to each :'QUO i_bs. of lead. : 11 other paint shall be mixed CC Ord.ing to manufacturer' s directions and of colors selected by till :architects . l'o distillate shall be alloyed upon the -?:remise:, exce."t by s_� ecial arc iitect approva'!,, 0 ,.aHKI:IAid`�IiIP All r:orhmanship s_.all le of the fiery best, tnith all paint evenly spread and smoothly flowed an without run or sagging, Ill sap rood and knots shall receive a thin coat of shellac after priming coat. .111 inside and outside zoo3.:,orh shall have all nail holes and imperfections putticd up after the first coat of paint 'and the rutty for work 'where a finish is called for shall match the color of the finished wooduorkm If the surfaces are not in pro :,er s,T.pe for painting the Con- tractor shall notify the 1i-rchitects before -croeeeding with the work otherwise he will be held responsible for any poor work caused by improper surfaces. 'The application of the first coat of In int by this C :ntractor shall be construed as an acceptance by him of the responbibility for the base. All surfaces to which paint is to be aj:plied shall be dry and clean. Ile pa inting shall be done outside, in extreme cold, frosty, foggy, or damn weat;.er. Ho painting shall be done in Tasty rooms. If required by the t rchiteets the minter shall sprinl:le floors, etc., to lay the dust. No coats of paint shall be applied on eit -,,ir net or damp sur- faces and Jn no case, unless the -.receding coat 16 dry and. hard. -I1 sarfaces before priming; shall be thoroughly cleaned of all c, irt, oil, grease, rust, scale and other foreigva nutter. This cleaning ^hall be done with sand paper, steel scraper, or n;ire brush there Necessary. 1;11 met�:.l surfaces sll.c_,il.l be first reached r:ith benzine to re- move any dirt or grease before applying materials* �111 motallic surfaces r'here solder flaids have been used- shall be thoroughly cleaned ;;.ith bensol before an;? paint is "af,-r;lied. All .r:ain't shall bo overly :p,-read and shall be thoroughly brushed out . ,ll s;alvi n i zed. iron rock sh al l be cleared c:ith vinegar before T)a lnt is a-:p lied -,11 finish woodzork for stain and varnish shall be sronged 1'.it1 Clean tii't7ter and allozedl to dry and sa,nrz;�a,r:ered before stain- ing. . 11. edges of all wgod door and sash shall be pa.i -Ited ;° ith two coats of A aint There the -Laces of the doors and sash are painted. .Ljiis norh s:zll be done in all cases after the doorshave been fitted and Lire ready for f.ina,l hanging, Ido toilet receptacle shall be used for washing brushes. All rags must be removed from promises u on completion of each days work* The Contractor shall submit samples of all -painted v.ork, var- nished cork,, and other items that are called for to the Archi_ tects for their a•_,_.roval before jroceeding frith the t:orke -PRIMING: The Contractor shall prime all wood frames aryl, sash, also all exterior moulds, parapet caps, eta . , with one coat of paint of color selected on all surfaces, both surfaces exposed and those that will be concealed after the installation of the frames . All interior finish woodwork for stain and varnish finish shall be primed on the back and on all surfaces which will be con- oealed, after erections with one heavy coat of stain of color selected. .All interior and exterior finish woodwork for painted finish shall be primed on all surfaces with one coat of color selected by the Architects. OUTSID 3. �JOOD1�tORK: All outside woodwork throughout the entire building shall re- Iceive, in addition to tLe priming coat , two coats of ;prepared paint of colors selected. OUTS ID3 i;I TAL WORK: All metal work on the exterior of the building, but excepting bronze, bake enamel letters, and copper, in addition to the priming coat shall be given t io t2t coats of lead, and oil paint. Exterior galvanized iron s?aall be thoroughly cleaned with vine- gar to remove grease before painting. The first coat of pain on all galvanized iron. sidall be an approved galvanized iron primer. WROUG.fR' IRON: Exterior wrought iron su;cfgces, unless otherwise specified herein, shall first receive a coat of Pioneer Red Lead or equal, followed by two coats of paint . INTERIOR VIQOIAVORX: .All wood interior finish, unless otherwise specified, shall be stained, filled, shel?ac,ced a.nd varnished two (2) coats. ROUGH 114TERIOR 1100D;-,DRKo .All rough exposed woodwork in both, floors, including trusses, rafters, beams, posts, ,jc,ists, sheathing, eta. , shall be 9prayed t9vo coats of oil sta.in,colors as selected b Architects. hipla sheathing on walls of aucitorium shall be s ained and ahe lacke� l goat. IN OR 2AI NTAO W ODWORY a All interior good surface4s noted, on schedule to be painted shall be given a priming coat of Lead and oil and two coats of washab]a wall paint, color as directed by the Architects. IIM,,'RIOR Iti OAI, ++ORK: All interior metal work, excepting where bronze or aluminum, shall be painted same as interior woodwork. 65. FLOORS: Floors are specified under "Carpentry Work". WALLS AND C-ULINGS : All plastered walls and ceilings, axoepting walls in Pavilion, shall be given a coat of pigment wall meal and one coat of washable wall paint , color as selected by the Arohitacts. Pavilion toilets the same. CONCLUSION OF PAINTING: This Painting, work shall include all and everything necessary and fully complete the punting and finishing whether ja rticu- larly described or not, excepting the plastered walls of the Ground Floor or Pavilion throughout the interior portion there3f will not be painVed. Toilets and washroom, hovrever, shall be painted as specified above, f r 66. FORCED AIR HEATING AND VZWTILATING aZIERAL CORDITIONS: All work included in this section shall be sub jeot to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these Speeifiea- tions , and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other oontraotors. SY3Ti;, is The system of heating and ventilating as described in these specifications is intended to shoti,ti and describe a complete sys- tem of thermostatically oontrolled forced air heating and venti- lating accomplished by deans of gas-;fired forced air uxt heater, blower, motor , filters, thermostat, valves, ducts registers and grilles, all as hereinafter described. Should any omissions oo- our, necessary for the completion of the system, the Heating Contractor is to ,furnish same without additional cost to Owner. INSTALLAT IOR: The Heating Contractor s;�all provide all labor and materials necessary for the installation of the system, complete inevery detail and in strict accordance with all State, County and local ordinances and with the drawings and the following ape oificat ions, removing all rubbish from the premises, turning over the system in a neat , clean condition, ready for use, and explaining the operation in all details to the Architects or Owner. ORDIUNCE AND MUM : : The State, County and local ordinances shall be followed and where any discrepancy exists between plans and specifications, these ordinances shall bo in force. This Contractor is to pay for all permits and Inspootors required under these ordinances. 17ORK BOIL I14CLUDED: The followi np, is a list cif work not included in these Specifica- tions: 1. Gas supply lines to furnace. 2. Line voltage wiring for 110 or 220 volts. 3, 17ater lines to Y.umidi fying unit , if re;aired. 4. Excavating. 5. Cutting and notching of woodwork. 6. Holes, chases, eta . , in concrete. FORCED AIR UNIT TEES Provide, install and conrsot up complete two (2) No. U-6 Mueller, or equal, Unit Heaters. &ash of these unit IBaters shall have an air capacity of 4,000 o. f.m. and 2020500 B.T.U. per hour A.G.A. Rated heating capacity. 67. • "he units shell be constructed with a heavy gauge rust-proof sheet steel outer casing with baled enamel finish both inside and outside. The combustion channber to be constructed of gray cast iron, sealed gas tight. Lan shall be quiet o-perating naltiblt,de, Vee-belt driven with a quiet operating single phase motor. •,he entire unit shall be furnished ruith complete underwAters° approved autocrat i c controls, consisting of V-15 gas valve, bonnet limit control, two safety pilots, room thermostat, all to be wired on a 3-position switch which controls Tinter heat- ing, summer ventilation operation. The entire unit is to b3 guaranteed quiet in operation and to be al,;;:roved by the American Gas Association. The entire unit is to lye guaranteed quiet in operation and to be approved by the American Gas Association, V^iP,S: The vents shall be 2-6" Vents and shall be constructed of Enderle and Galv., or equal., as required by local ordiiiaiicese rent stag: shall have a minimum area of u8 square inches each. Horizontal vent connections shall be- graded to rise not less than one inch per foot of length between furnace and vertical stackv Hori- zontal vent connections must not exceed the height of the verti- cal stack. '`Ai D lITT: 11GS:. I ± All warm air ducts and :fittings shall be made of first grade 100-pound coke tine or galvanized iron, Orimped and fitted air- tight between furnace outlets and register openings d horizontal ducts and fittings to be, covered with 1/4 inch corrugated Air- Cell asbestos paper. A;_1 seams to be covered path 3 inch strips ob plain 8-pound asbestos Taper all Air-Cell and plain asbestos to be pasted on in a i�ea.t and 7workimnlik..e manner. All riser stac_'s and fittings shall be of the same material as the heat ducts, but shall all be covered z i th tl:o lagers of 8-pound asbestos paper pasted on in a. neat and secure manner. lettings shall be of a design having minimum internal frictional resist- ance. :wets to be prov`.ded and installed true to line a grade, and in locations and of sizes as shoran. Velocity through ducts not to e.�ceed 600 F.P.1Ia All ducts to be securely and rigidly hung and braced so as to prevent any vibration. QU-..J? ADD FRESH AIR DUCTS, AIM aITTII:GS: Same specifications as for the warm air ducts and fittings vith the exception of omitting the covering. Fresh air ducts to t.. made of best quality galvanized steel sheets with slip joints in the direction of the air flow; rectangular ducts to have standing seams, and rUi a ducts to be stiffened by angle irons where necessary. 68. 4 Ducts up to 18" largest side No. 26-gauge. Ducts up to 30" largest aide -- No. 24-gauge. Ducts Ip to 60" largest side -- No. 22-gauge. Ducts to be of sizes and run as per drawings. ►�Li�I.I ALM REGISTERS; All warm air registers to be stamped steel of approved design, of sizes and set as shown on schedule. 10",LURIT AIR GitILL S': All return air grilles if placed in side walls, to be of fabri- cwted type finished as specified. SCHEDUT,E OF ItFGIr:T-""iS GRIDLES AND DUCTS: Warm Air ReS. return Air Grille 1-14" x �30" Fabri- 1-14" x 30" Fabrica- oated Grille for ted Grille for'each each furnace at 6' -G" furnace at the base- Height each furnace. board each furnace. B'i,I,AII101:,G 2M ADiUSTIItiG: This contractor shall balance, adjust, and then test the system, making all necessary adjustments to obtain correct amount of air to each room on system. GU.AIUUITEE: This contractor shall guarantee the entire system, when completed. to be free from any and alldefects and. shall guarantee the fur- nace and all equipment against defective materials and workmanship for a period of one year; alwo that the system is capable of heating the looms�'o v_ch the warm air pipes lead to a tempe- rature of 70 F. , with an outside temperature of 40bF., and five (5) changes per hour to each room. i 69. PLUKBIN G GAMRRAL CONDITIONS: All work included izi this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifica- tions, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other Contractors. SCOPE OF WORK: This shall include all labor, materials, tools and appliances and transportation of same, that may be required to furnish and install all the plumbing;, drainage, water supply, plumbing fix- tures and gas, all w.i. or steel conductors, etc. , in the build- ing as called for on the drawings , and as specified. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The sanitary drainage system for the new building shall be car- ried to the present sewer, at a point near the Pier and existing ments toilet and connected therewith. Exterior roof leaders shall discharge to the ground, as shown, and are under "Metal Work", j'Vater service for this br,.ilding shall connect to existing water main on the pier. Gas service for this building shall connect to gas main in the street. These connections shall be made by the Plumber, complete. LIAT&RIAIS AND WORSMANSHIP: Shall be the best of the several kinds. 11EMITS IIISP13CTI ON AND SERVICE ChARGES: The -Plumbing Contractor shall obtain and pay for any and all per- mits and inspections required for this work and file with the Architects the eertificatas of inspection issued by Municipal Authorities. This Contractor-shall pay all services, connection charges and permits required for the 3omplete service connection for water and gas.. It being the intention that the services for water be connected to the existing servica in the pipe rail on edge of pier. ORDINANCES: All plumbing and gas fitting shall be made completely in accord- ande with the rules and regulations of the City of lbantington Beach and should the manner of installation, as shown or specified, be in conflict with such requirements, it shall be the duty of the :Plumber to notify the Architects of such discrepancy, but he shall nevertheless be required to make the installation as required by ordinance without additional cost to the Uwner. 1 l 70. 4j0 ;, SU,2ORiS 1='0R _IPHS All horizontal piping shall be supported with the proper fall a-,-.on galvanized iron rod hangers or brackets of design aTproved by the Architects. Vertical runs of cast iron pipe shall be supported at intervals of five feet (51 ). Water su ,ply lines shall be supported at intervals of ten feet ( 101 ) . The main server from first floor fixtures shall be connected di- rectly to the existing serer as specified. The sever from fixtures of the ground floor shall be run to the ejector and hence to the existing miin seater. All to be C. I. pipe 4" diameter. Cleanouts shall be provided in allviaste 111--_es 'where lines change direction and at such points as will make the system easily acces- sible for c lean i•ng; e lean_ut locations shall be approved by the .:rehiteets before any cleanout-s are actually installed. :i.RCS: All fixtures in accordance with the CrdLnance aball be independ- ent IS trait le d. _I C IL-11MEZ S: Provide twelve--inch ( 12") air chombers at all fixtures; ton of such air chambers to be not less than six inches ( 0) above faucets. :provide all a.Lr chw.nbers necessary to insure no h.-mmering in pipes. SCILI WASTES, VENTS:. The Tauber shall run a'Ll soil, waste and vent lines concealed In walls, rartitic'ns, farred ceiling; spaces and beneath floors, In ai i)roved locations. a111 horizontal soils and wastes shall ;je ,,)rovided with stmida.Ld fall of not less than one-fourth inch ( l/4" ) in twelve inches ( 12") , necessary cleanouts in accessible 1a.ces and all angles shall be formed with long sweep curve bend fittings and "Y" branciio-s. ,11I fixt�:res shall be vented into stachx of .-ro;-car size, ,shall be collected into i:ipes in the attic srace and extende(l� through roof to Ordinances height, and shall be lead flashed aS hereinafter s- eeified. The size of soils and tastes shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Plumbing C rdinan ces, .7 '.ZCSED t i 011 h: All exrosed piping and sittings for the various fixtures shall be of solid brass, chros:iiam plated. Fee the following specifica- tions covering "Plumbing; Fixtures". r sifter 'work has been "roughed-inn, same shall be plugged, filled with water to top, tectod and made tight in the presence of the - lambing Inspector and >o the satisfaction of the Owl er' s repre- ser!tativee r1O Y P PIPTS, r ITTI:'GS AND Vi).LVES: Pipe for all cold rater vent and gL. - shall be standard weight galvanized steel pipe of the Dational Tube Company' s or equal manufacture. All y:ipe for hot water shall be standard weight, Byers or .:ending or equal, genuine wrought iron. Valves and flanges shall be of Standard Walworth Manufacture, or equal with best grade of vast iron fittings. Fittings for iron pipee sham be galvanized beaded malleable iron, one and one-fourth inch ( 1-1 4") and below, and tough grey cast Iron one and one-half inch ( 1-1/211) and above. Pipes for drains, waste and soils shall be standard weight dipped cast iron of the Central foundry Company" s or equal. All fittings shall be of type and shape suitL.ble for the work to be performed. S 11 AMTE SHUT-OFF V1ibVES: Every supply to each fixture throughout shall be provided with separate control valves without exception. See the followir-Ig srecifications covering "Plumbing Fixtures". HO'" MliteR GY S"M: From heater location marhed on -olcns run hat cater piping-to all fixtured in concession stand. Beater to be installed by others, G;,!` .::I1,I_I G All gas TIpe shall be of required sized installed in strict con- formity with the rules and regulations of the Gas Company and Munie.al Ordinances, and inspection certificates shall be filed with the jirchitects before the work shtt1l be deemed finished and accepted. �y Gli' 113RE4IC �Jo This contractor shall cause to have installed two separate gas meter services, one Meter service for all gas Piping in the concessi.:)n booth and the other to furnish g-.s to the hot air . heaters, gas plate locctions and elsewhere noted . The gas mains shall be Large enough to sa f-ply ample gas to all fixtures . All fees, c,hlarges and cast for such Meters shall be lei.d for by this contractor. :.1eters shall be located at directed by the Utility Company supplying gas. F Tjjl,.7?HTIIG CO!,-7A110j: The '-,lumber shall furnish lead collars and sleeves for all vents and extensions of ripe through roof surfaces. These shall be set by the roofing Contractor. Such lead collars and sleeves mall be of four pound (4 lb. ) lead extending out eight inches (811) on to the roof surface and shall be carried up to the top of the liipe w d be turned in securely* 72 Hei€,ht of Fixtures: Toilets I3it Lavatories Fls,l; LINES 2QTD HCSF Stand pipes shall be p Laced at left end of hose rack recess. Valves shall be 2" heavy. f inished chromium plated and; pattern hose valve with soft rubber disc. . Each hose outlet hshall be rsovided s�ith Sham, ani; Jars, or equal., chromium plated hose racy;, with loose hose rack nipples and Underwriters' yellor. label, unlined linen hose, vi`ah brass chromium plated couplings and not - files, lengths as callers for on dra.wln6so SILIa COCM: Sill cocks shall be 5/8" loose key type, whenever called for on drawings. "Exterior cocks on building shall have long shank_ valves with access fro::. outsic e of building. Va,Yves and ;piping shall be installed when walls are in course of construction. :itT�.i OIDITIC G r': V:IL'y'l� FU.Mish and install on house side of gas meter, an automatic gas -valve on gas service ce main . Automatic valve shall be =Fire-,-wake type, -as nwafactured by Rational Safety Valve Corporation, or equal, and. shall be cor.plete With autorhatic ball shut-off' manual throw-off, and emergeno: 7 quick opening valve, size 1-1/2't� CGITCRr LED VALV715, IT110. A. l valves for toilets and other Fixtures stall be concealed within the i':al.ls or :furring; alloying only the handles to protrude. This sha.11 apply to wl 1 f ixt tires rhLn re -:rac ti C,I, + Fv-tJJ`"f17 iG I: IPE: Furnishand install over all urinal troughs a 3/41"brass pipe with 1/16" diameter holes drilled in a straight line at the bottom and. connected to the flush tank. _he pipe shall be full length of the urinals secured to ther,all with T. .eaa.vy brass ripe clamps the.• ends of the io ipJe to be capped . The c la mi-)s shall be bolted to the ci.':. with brass bolts with the nuts so Fixed that removal will be mPlossiblre® ,T Y PIPE: IZ -2 he contractor shall remove the ripe rail on pier to a point as directed and r aroate tl,v water supply which runs in the pi-pe rail, all as directed. Do Lill worh required and furnish all materials necessary to co.::plete the ins tallat*ion of the water line in the nen location ana reconnecting; it to the existing pipe rail, also all wore, required to co-2plete the yipe rail where the rail and building meet. `: CI<,.F M .CONDUCTORS- All concealed oond-.aotors shall be pure wrought iron or steel pus jwialll.ed by this contractor ant to drain aoroas sidewalks to curbs. 4w y .111 exposed piping and f ittiligs of every n ture, e xeept 'Jig those which are chromium plated, shall be thoroughly cleaned andI.n.inted two ( 2) coats of lead and oil,, tint as directed. Il iliiGT' :i!'7 "IT i'CI�2'S Hangers for fixtures shall be lag scrers or expansion bolts, not less than 1/4`t in diameter, all w be E;alsra.nized. in no case shall i,L oden ploys be Rsed . CUT TIT:G: The Plumber s1k:11 do no cutting of concrete or mood. The Gen- enil Cont:ructor is regc,ired to do all cutting for all the mechanics. Chases madrl� for the '-lumber by the General Contractor will be filled with coment bS the General Contractor. ille Plumber shall, at a time in advance of the work, furbish detailed in- struction to the General C.,n tractor as to his requirements for openings, recesses and chases in walls, partitions. framing or openizigso °'hould furnishing this iiiformation be neglected, de- layed or incorrect, and additional cutting is :found to be reclaired, the cost of sane will te. charge to the A:Iumber. No studs, plates, etc. , in sheathed wallf or partitions will be allowed to be cut TI LPS: Every fixture, unless cthervise specified, shall be u�:p lied t"i th a, cast brass trap. All urii'ial aid floor drains, shall have standard we igllt cast ix on "P" traps. K_ CE I"G Proy,er ba.cl.ing must be iiistall.ed for ha.ngin- of plu.,JbIiig i.ixtures Lit the ii <e the xoug:nrg in is done. The roughing in shall I;rocee;d as soon as the building is ready to receive it, and it ,hall be corm-feted end tested before the bu.ilcling is -rea.dy for lathing. rlliz'n QI` Individual branches to fixtUres sfiall be as follo ts: Fixtures: Cold H t Sezer �reiit ,. (where P�1<7re sIl G�sn) Urinals 1/2" to an�� 4" 2 ' Toilets 'p 4" 211 Laibatories 1 2" 211 1-1/2gII Hose Rack :r` Sill Cocks Sink / 4 't 2" 211 2n Heater 3/4„ i/G� 75. DliAW114 GS: It is the intention of these plans and specifications to euver a complete plumbing; installationg using; pipe of proper size and . grading to furnish the necessary amount of water and. gas to the several fixtures . The Plumbing Contractor shall, upon receiving the 1?lumbing Corr tracst ., .furnish to the pia chit acts for approval three seta of plumbing diagrams giviriE. the runs and. sizes of all pipes re- quired to instal-16 comp.l o to a first class plumbing system. After the Architects halve approved the shop drawings , the A-lumb- Ing Contractor shall follow euoh approved drawings and install al.l work a: t horin thereon" DESCi�1PP IO I OF FIXTMES Finish BRASS: Finish brass of similar type shall be of one approved manufacture throughout building. All finish and exposed brass throughout shall, be chromium plated. PAVILION OR GROUND FLOOR 4Y0I,'�Td�S Ttil�'TS; "STIMl:RD" F-3086 side inlet bowl with integral seats trapway to pass 2-1/411 balls Watrous ImDerial 4%34 OP .flush valve, bolts and Gape, or equal,, LAVATC RIE'S e "STj'JYDARD" P 867 "HUAG�14iz 20x18T' enameled wall lavatories , fit- ted with CJ? cook hole corer on lelft-hand side, Chicago Faucet Co. ss 1333 Naiad slog-closing faucet , slip joint angle ,top, tubing sup- ply, and 1®1./2TT CP LA repil trap, or egZaalu DOOR DR-4114S ALSO FOR Tom;BALLS: F-50 FLemine 3" .malleablo avast iron floor drain, or equal. 1,04HtS T01 ETS : Toilets game as Viomen's `.voile ts. Lavatory same as ivomehfa , FIRST F.,aCOR WOMITS TOa.'i.A:a TOILE TS Toilets came as specif'ia,;. above, LiLVATORIES: Lavatories same as speci)Uecl above.. DRA I113: F-50 2" Fleming drain E:s specified above. CONCESSIONS SINK: "STANDARD" P-7020 - 24X20" "ACID-RESISTING" enameled flat rim sink, K-759-Y ANSC strairar, Chicago 1444 CP swing spout faucet leas soap dish, .1-1/2" CP LA "P" trap, or equal. DRINKING FOUIMAINS: "STANDARD" Vorio - F-629-D Vitreous china Drinking Fountain, DI­809 Regulator, concealed trap and loose key straight stop, or e dual. ST ORAAGZ ROOM SLOP S:CM: "STANDARD" 2-7201 - 22 x 2011 enameled roll rim slop sink on enameled inside 15-7298 trap standard, Chicago Faucet ,''305 CP faucet, or equal. IAVATORIZS : "STANDARD" P-3905-11 "SU,,MVONn 19xl7 tY enameled shelf-back lav- atory, complete, as shown, with CP .fittings, and 1-1/2" CP LA "Ptt trap, or equal. TOILETS: Toilets as above speoifia.d. LAVATORIES: Lavatories asTcn's aba specified. ROSE FAUCETS: As indicated on plans. .arovide remouabl.e 'keys. SEWER EJECTOR: "ECONOMY", or equal, 4" .son-clog sump pump submerged type ejector 50 gallon capacity per J:.nute standard depth 6 e-0", 42" inside diameter complete unit motor` switch base and co WMer,or equal. URIVAI. IMUSH TANKS: Shall be enameled iron "ti;TAIdDAHD" P-9285 - i;2 tank complete with top supply automatic f-ttings, or equals GAS HEATERS Place in dressing room. on First Floor and dressing room in Base- ment , one Williams x'darmolat©r, or equal, f 55 with 105 sq.ft. of radiation, 24600 B.T.U. per unit , commercial finish. 76. FIXOTRIC AZ SY ST MT Gam':4MAL C011 DITIONS: A'�11 cork included in this section shall b- subject to the Ge_!er .l Conditions as attached in the forepart of these spec- ifications, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, t1woughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other Contractors. The c,:ork included undei. this heading consists of the furnish- inc of all a r,rliances, labor and ".:ateriu is necessary for the installation of the dectrica.l system ccmpleto with conduit, iv-ire, outlet boxes, snitches, panel boards, lighting fixtures, and other details noted •._•n drawii!gs or herein s ,ecified. CODE RU a,RS: All word, and Materials shall be in Dill accordance with the ' rules of ti,e - ational card of r"ire Underwriters and all ether Boards or Departments having jrisdictions The Contractor shall procure all the necessary ar,d usual permits and certificates for till cork installed by hi-.:, ;nay all fees aiid charges con- nected therer,ith, and deliver same to the Architects before his wort: c;i?1 be deemed finished and accepted, G--I I ME: ;L 3i.i!'Cii,3jTICZSS: (a) Service: The entire sister.,i sYa11 be in all ways satisfactory to the Service CorApany, o.id. all labor and :rater ials nec- essary to secure le appro`�a 1 of such company shall be furnished and Installed by this Contr4.ctor, whether or not s -.ocified or shown on drawii)gs . All services charges 'to be paid by th e Contractors (b) Construction: The entire r,iring distributer-E system, including feeders, shall be in conduit and sh-all be run concealed where possible. (c) 13rection: This Contractor shall furnish the -,ervices of an el.per- i onced foreman, who s'?ka ll be c oils taint ly in charge of the work, during iiLstallationo .DIJii7I::G S: The drawings shove the ap roxi.zte location of outlets, suit- cries, -n nel board and ether electric�.l ap-�;aratus but the permanently determined upon iocaatio= of these r.-.terials, shall be sub. ect to the approval of the .irch.itects, zho reserve the right and privilege to make any reasonabl changes in the lo-- cati: ns indicated, prior to the instal lat ion of this material, and r;ithat extra cost to the Caner. 77, -, MTIi CAL DIAG"iS: This Contractor before starting the work shall furnish the _�rcnitects for their approval an electrical layout showing the size and runs of all w1ring and conduits for light and _rower fm heat=. r*%fter the .architects have approved such diagram tf:e Electrical Contractor shall follor this approved layout in every detail. Lcc S SSIBILITY: This Contractor shall inform himself regarding; any peculiar- ities and limitations of the space available for the instal- lation of his xnorI: and shall see that all his equipment, such as junction and i.u11 boxes, switches and controls and other a-r y:aratus as may be necessary to be reamed from t .i .e to time for operation and mail-Alenance, are made quickly and easily accessible. . .i.l...l. t1�,..: (a) V#'ires and Cables: All eeire Arid cablcs shall be nabirs:_aw, or equal, code wire. No srnaIler wire ti..an „ 12 B E: S garage sha11 be used; al'! t.ire larger than ,i-3 B & S must be stranded. (b) Conduit: All conduit shall be galvanized metal tubing of a; roved manufacture, of sines meeting requirements of Ordinances and I+ational Elect:^ic Code. ( o) Outlet Boxes: Shall be of starspeiL steel type of not less than 14 B �: S gauge with remova.b:re cover. .hey shall be thoroughly and heavily galvanized and of a;„•:roved make. Each outlet box szz,ill bo of size and form adaptable for its particular locu.tion, for the hind of fixture to be used, an(", for the arrc.11p'ement of, and connection to, conduit and structure. :'hey shall admit of being readily set a.nd :firmly joined. .[;ails shall not i>✓ Usedin any manner vaha.tsoever on inside of outlet boxes. The cover shall admit of belj.g re.^ruved v:ith,:.ut disturbing the rest of the outlet box of any conduit connection. , All c9.11 and eel ling .fixtures, and out let poxes sha 11 be provided ti i.th fixtt.re stud. ,Lll boxes shall be provided with plaster rings were required. (d) Panel Hoard Cabinets: Each pa11el board small be placed in a suitable enclosing box of w.^;,roved manufacture. Same shall be constructed of galvanized sheet metal. lanel boards shall be flush type. e 76.0 _ .amp (e) Eangers and Supports The conduit of smaller sizes shn.11 be securely fastened by galvanized iron clamps or clips of ample wei ght to hold conduit in -place. In case of heavy conduit as two inches (2") and above, if aced, shall be supported by ,wrought iron rods, firmly secured to the structure. Strong supports shall be used to hold in place all panel, junction and bull boxes. ''these boxes are to be independ- ently supported to the building structure by suitable framing so that they r;ill3ely entirely on these supports and not upon any conduit enter-Lig same o (f) Disconnect 'twitches: All switches of t is nature used in the Electrical "System shell be of heavy •construction built of cold rolled or drop forged copper of not less then 98p conductivity, .these switches shall be suitable enclosed and of the externally operated type. (g) Local Switches: All local wall switches shall be ten amperes 12.5 tiolt , sii.g le pole, Bryant `i umb ler key stvi tch t;ape, or equal; switch plates, coil-lenience outlet plates, . shall be brass, (h) Insertion Receptacles: All insertion rece ,tacles shall be of at least ten ( 10) amperes, 1 colt c3apacity .. i11 single wall insertion receptac_es s7liall "Je Bryant Catalog No. 790, or equal, set ten inches ( 10") above floor, a{ce_rt there noted or required otherwise . (i } Panel Boards: All ;?anel boards t;iroughout shall be of the single -:..lug fine safet:7 type, iwith one door and trim. 1=11 steel or iron parts of panel boards and switches shall be gal- vanized. 1111 pone is shall stave 1 sure 1000 watt cir- cuit. Panel boardB and switch boards shall be built b; one of the follov.Lng manufwcturers; Square D or equal Diamond _3lectrie Company or equal, Prank. Ad=s Compan y ny or equal iJestingh,3use Electric Company or equal Bcn;amin Electate Company or equal ( j } 2uses Provide and install after testing a eor:plete set of all fuses necessary. Yuses both cartridge and plug type shall be of the Union, Economy, or Indicutor G multiDle fuse, or equal. 79. F y l JOR xi TAY�iil P (a) In General : The I,iwin Light ervice ,Switches and disconnect switches for the various feeders shall be located on the main switchboard in "tore Room chore indicated on Plans. (b) 1`lacing o-f ;dire anI Cables: No wires shall be pulled until after all conduit acid outlet boxes are j:ermanently in elate and approved. No fish hires or strings shall be inserted before conduit is Dista.11ed. Pbvclered soapstone only shall be used as a lubricant where necessary. ( c) TadGing- of Wire and Qables: Where two or more circuits run to, or throur-h a single outlet box, the w1res shall be plainl`v ..arI:ed for fixture connections. •ill feeders and ruins shall be tagged in all ;gull boxes and in panels to wIUch they connect. All tares shallbe sufficien"G Iy long at ends for convenience in making connections r'ith fixture hiring, sockets, receptacles and outlets. (d) Plaoing, of Conduit : All conduit shal be run conemled in the wa? '_s, parti- tions, furred spaces, old in floors and cellhigs where possible, etc., while same �.re in the process of erec- tion, and shall be of such size and so installed tir::t the required conductors may be drawn in without injury or excessive strain. Conduit in ceiling of Amditor- ium shall 1XI run ext:osed on lower truss member and in pavilion on bottom ro4gh floor Conduits shall be sufficiei.tly braced or anchored to nroj,,er137 resist displacement while vires are bring a l led and uhere enter irzg panel boxes, support boxes and outlet boxes, shall be secured. iji place by galvanized lockouts and bush.in-7s. ``eal each end of coach conduit t ith 1. isene.r Seals or equal as soon as I lased to -prevent filling v i th f ore i gn material. All corrdiaits shall be dry a,iid clean before tires are pulled. Pha ends of all conduit and rvhere screwed into outlet boxes shall be reamed off of finished free kom burrs or sharl) cutting edges. All conduits end cares run to locations noted on plans for neon or other signs shall be run to locations shown. the rvires shall be nulled to points noted, of required size, sealed and capped with watertight fittings, etc. , as directed® ao. ( k) Joint in conduit: Shall be made liquid and gas t1 .Iht tith an a-,-,Droved moil- tkrs-proof iroal y�reservizlgs insulating �;aint. This �Bsllt shallAso be used to cover any iron in !this system from 'which the coating has been se-:urz�:ted or removed. Running threads are absolutely prohibited; use Lriel:son joints, t; w r couplirjgs or equal. f 1) Joints in Wire : All stranded condu-30tors shall be furnished with finished forged tube co-pper col:nection lugs, drilled or reamed the full diameter of tze bare conductor. -In all pull boxes .and cable support boxes each condud;or of each feeder shall be taped with asbestos tare and tlien painted with a silicate of soda. In no case shall *�Dints in brunch ckcuits be left for the Fixture tiontra Dtor to make. Joints in branch cir- cuits and in solid conductors shall be :Western Union Type or equal. All joints shall b(3 ;.ade mechanically strong before soldering and must be carefully soldered zithout the use of acid and taped ::ith a covering of Ghonit:e Compound tape or equal. to 1a thickness equa l tD that of the in- sulation and there with a covering of Hanson, or equal, Adhesive lane in tt:,o ( 2) layers. (m) laihting This Contractor shall paint all ex;posed conduit frames, supports, panel and pull boxes, t co (2) good costs of lead and oil,, tint: as directed, (n) Telephone: Fo provisii-n for tDlephone wires or conduit is contempla- ted In t his contra,t. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYS`s12i: Run con ult 1:o_r__PE=G addr6ss aja4eul. There shall be two mi ci oth.;ne outlets,- one on the main stage in the Y�-udltorium, installed in center of the stage, one foot from fro ,t edge flash withf`Loor. The other shall be installed in tzhe rise of the top step of the outside y.latform. `-hese conduits hall termini:>te in one :clash type outlet box (4x4x2) in the panel. Board oom, on the sough wall. Three sneaker outlets ,s;za ll be provided in the Auditoriun on the top floor, one each sid.n of the ttage 4-1/2 feet from the ores- cinnium arch, and 15 fefat from the ZLuditorium floor, and one in the center of the arch 17 feet from the floor. These boxes shhall be of the standard flus;l tjpe conduit box. One conduit shall co ,nect to each of the ';hrec outlet boles in "series" fashion. S2o A fourth speaker outlet box is to be provided in the south fire- wall of the roof ( inside edgefbciiig roof) midwaj from each side of roof. These conduits shall be of the 3/4 inch size and shall terminate alongside the microphone outlet box Di the Pend. Board room. One 110 volt outlet plug shall be lrovided alongside the other boxes in the Panel Board room and shall be on a se :ara to ly fused line. Two shelves shall be ,rrovided on the south wall of the _ane 1 Board room, one 22 inches from the floor, the other 40 inches frora the floor. These shelves shall be 16 inches long and 14 inches wide. The bottom edge of the outlet plugs in the -anel Board room shall be 42 inches from the floor. The antermaa shall be of the all wave ECA Spiderweb tyre ;,-9685 moan;ed on supports , poles or towersp 15 feet high (minimum) and 2/7 feet apart, furnished and installed by t lis contractor. The lead-in ce ire may be run in 1f 2 inch conduit from any -oint convenient on the roof and shall terminate in a standard outlet box alongside the other outict uoz_es in the I'allel Board Room. It is the intention to install conduit only for Public Address System. OUT12TS FOR IMATERS : Run outlets to heater locations and of capacity as oalled for in Heater Specification, iltE011 LIGHTING: Run the circuits for Reon Lighting as shown on Wiring Plan and switch from main tablet board, FO OTLI GET S Install footlILht receptacles as shown on Plans, operated from panel board and in a bright metal trough as detailed; installed by Electrioal Contraotor. i t 1 iYe ,.. r,_x;,v .�,"•+'tea,„k,p All worr: included in this section shall by sab,:ect to the General "%n- ditLons as attached in the fore,:wrt o- these silecificationsO :. ild this Contractor shall read and e xa-mine the.- wad all other section, thor.- OaCli1y himsel:. ::7ith hls w.orh• and its relation to til-t of otiier %ontra,r to,_ s,> hio C...nt ractor shall wid install all of the follo7:ing licht- inf; fixtures connec"U'ad coi,,. leto exce-o j"I n7 for lie light bulbs,. 7_.;.,or- f" L a,a_zi _Aitrarice 2 B a,chots r'eybcrg Co. „=I137 Ox. Brass or equal 1 Oeilinr- ..eyberg Co. « 1142 Cx,. Brass or equal %v=. ? >>)n 18 Oeilin� Atwood 406Z�mBrass cano-j:y and ho'.d.er,, r1clid brass chain, : hoenix c ._cr.s s unit 555 16 x 10 x 6 Ba.. 'fir onz e or e C:l).#,:r. 1 ;nt-r s 1 2 Ce ili..tE ::eNber g Co. ., 1138 Ox. 3ra cs or cgtlil i ^ntrys ^, 4 2 Cei.li-Tt _lurie ': AtrYood :4055-Brass folder with . hoenix glass unit _ 555 12 x 8 x 6 or equal :est 1:oom 2 Cej_li_ne_ ileyberg Co. ,. 1138 Ox. 31-ass or equal ll Mc .-l�i lr�l+ 2 S4 i4 Sr It rr IT it IF :-ens storage 1 i'orc� k:e;�less ohnInauldirTg ,: 1622 or eg�_al 2 ±t IF IT IT It au I di 11g IT or equal �Or`ce rr IT IT rt if Paulding IT or equa.l I latfo5�m 2 IT Plume Atwood „ 4055 Brass holder e4.ith .. hoenix ;lass unit; .; 355 16 x 6 or equal Auditori,am 1.2 lleyberg Co,,. ,;-1140 or. equal IT It 14 IT ?1 ,-1141 or equal A:romellade 4 3ra.ci:ets 't " "11�9 or equal Colic ession 2 Celli.ne_ . lame a, Atwood „4055 Brass hol�er c:ith unit_- oenix glass unit _ 555 14 x $Q x 6 or ectUa 140m. Tloilc;ts I game as above test room l " Sa.m as above `. torage IT Bore Leylcvs John L. lauld.ilig 1622 or equal. Dress. it-.00m 1 " Plume (a Atwood „ 4055 Brass holder with hae2?Ix glcass tua t 555 14 x 8L x 6. or equal `cooking 1 IT .Is above exce-:t 1611 class ,,:ens t 6i. let 1 " As above, 1.4" g'ass Vesta ra on. end; of le i4 T.lt�yZiG`r Co a is a cc 11 `8 Cx. Brass or equal! Platform 2 't ' lume .". 1)tvoud , 4055 Brass holder w1th Phoenix Glass unit -555 16 x 10 x 6 or e(I ua.1, F1C.t'i: _:corn 1 '' ::fad:e as above except 1.4`1 G''_Iasr'~. i '7,4 t EXIT LIGETS: Install conventional Exit Lights over doors in auditorium in ac- cordance with Urdinance, operated from tablet board and with .Exit signs as approved by erc:hfte,r�ts. COI CLUSION OF FWURES: Shpuld any fixtures be lacking in the above list to provide a fixture for each and every outlet in the building, as shown on pl#ns, the Contractor shall provide such fixture, of type, grade and finish corresponding to those described above. 85. y F I N A L S This Contract shall include everything for the construction and completion of the building (Pavilion and Civic Auditor- ium) as shown or specified, excepting only the following items: 1. Gas plates in Pavilion. 2m Chairs arA Chair Trucks 30- Hot water heater in concession 4. Telephoners 5. Light bulbs 6. window shades 7@ Sidewalke on public streets, excepting repairs of same 84 Neon tubes on exterior of building 9. Pdablic ad.dreas system and wiring (Conduit only to be installed) 10. Water, du%ring construction 11. No heating is contemplated in Pavilion on Grounc, r`loor 12. 'No fly screens are contemplated, except in toilets and lavatories. T H E E N D P.A.E. I hereby certify that these specifications are in accordance with the Riley Act, Zng neer14, — -?�A 86. PERFORWIMS BOBD 0( XIdO'! ALL :I13,17 BY T'Ili:S3 1 MITS: That i7IiMAS l the City Council, City of IIuntingto%%each,• Urange y. State+ of California, by Resolution No. passed NO 29 th , 193„?�, has awarded t o gnated as t e ff2rincipal", a contract for con- structing a Bea -Pavilion and Civic Auditorium; and YJ RuAc), sa A erinoipal is required under the terms of said contract to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said contract ; NOW TI1 FO '' . we, the i'r inc ipal, and THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE UOMPANY , Sure y, re held M firmly bound unto the City Counc i, CiTy of llmnt i ngto n Seal. '\\Lwange County, California herei haft e. ��,6�,p11 the Owx�ar", in the. pe�.laal. sum of FORTY EIGHT HiOUSAND EIGhW UNDRLD A EIGHTY 4 ,580. . .*,, , lawful money of the United a es, or t he payment: of vi iah sum well and truly to be made, we blad,, ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors' jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. 1'H.,'. CONDITION OF TEES OBLIGATION IS SUCII, that if the above bounden Principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by - and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and agreements in the said contract and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part , to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all res- pects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indem- nify and save harmless the City Council, City of Bunting'ton Beach, Orange County, California, its officers and agents, as therein stipulated, then this obl.� ,ation shall become null and void; other- wise, it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. And the said Surety, for value receiver, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change , extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed there- under or the specifications accompanying the same abi,l in any wise affect its obligations on this . band, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change ,. extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. IN WITNESS V1113RMF identlaal counterparts of this instrument , each of which shall for all purposes be deemed an orig- inal thereof, have been duly executed by the -Principal and Surety- above named, on the 1st day of December 193 BRUN7ELL & JACOBSON ino pal By 't'l OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY Page 1 of .EMIT Y �i' + " ante of �tnlifnrnin nn. (90utdY dos Angel s On this.-.. 1st day of..........December ....................---- .-------------------------------------------------A.D. 193...... 7 before me, JOSMIH CHA'MS HOOK a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J01UT P. LYNCH , Attorney-in- Fact of THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in and who executed the within instrument, and he acknowledged the same, and being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the said officer of the Company aforesaid,and the seal affixed to the within instrument is the corporate seal of said Company, and that the said corporate seal and his sig- nature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Junta set my hand and affixed m official seal at my office in the City ofLOS AF GEI.E 5, County of LO S, AN G" the day and year first above written. ----- ........................................................./ C ... Notary Public in and for the County of State of California My Comminiorz Expires,duty 15'1941 . 1 LABOR AND mATERIBL BOND KNOW ALL 113N BY THE RB SEBTS, that %VMpS, the City Caancil, City of liz1 i�jn�,t i.A on Beach., :�ra�sga Countyy, State of California, by Resolution No. 7720 passed NOVEMBER 29th , 1937, has awarded to ere na ter designated as M .erinc pa ", a oontract for con- structing a Beaah 2&rilxon and Civia Audi-vorivaq and; VaMRZAW , said Principal is required to furnish a bond in connection with said contract, providing that if said xrincipal, or any of his or its sub-contractors, shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies or teams used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any viox'k or labor done thereon of any kind, the Surety on this bond will pay the same to the extent hereinafter set forth; HOW, TM4REFOiG- , We, the Principal and THE OHIO CASUALTY { INb'URANCE 03DMPA14Y , as Sure y, are held and firmly bound unto a City Connoll., C ty of ihntingtton Beaoh, Orange County, California, heroina 3er called the Owner, in the penal sum of TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FORTY ONE DOLLARS ( 24.441.00 , lawful money of tHe URted S ates, for the payment o —Wbioh sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselvesm our heirs, executors, administra- tors, and successors, jointly and coverally, firmly by these Ares- ants. TM, C014DITION OF THIS 02LIGATION IS SUCL., that if said Prin- cipal, his or its heirs , executors ,, administrators , successors , or assigns, shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies or teams used in, upon for ,or about the perform- ance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, as required by the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of Califorrnia ent:liwlyd ",Pa x:at to secure the Fayment of claims of persons employed by contractors upon public works , and the claim of persons who furnish materials, supplies, teams , implements, or machinery used or consumed by such contractors in the performance of such work, and prescribing the duties of certain public officers with respect theretort, approved. Llay 10, 1919, as amended, and provided that the persons, companies or corporations so furnishing, said materials, provisions , provender, or other supplies, teame, appliances' or power used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be executed or per- formed, or any peraaa, o ompa_nj or smrporau.ion ro,-Ating or hiring teams or implements or machinery or power for or contributing to the same, or any person ZJbo supplies both work and materials ttLere- for , shall have complied with the provisions of said Act then said 3uxrety V-133.. pa., vh J4110 ixi or to an amount nc;t exceeding the amount hercinabove set forth, and also will pay in case suit is brought upon this bond, such reasonable attorney's fee, as shall be fixed by the court, awarded and. taxed as in the above mentioned Statute provided. Page 1 of Exhibit VI t J BOR AND iIAT&RIAL BOND) ftA e , This bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file clalrs wider said Act, so as to,' give a right of action to them or their 'assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. And the said Surety, for value reoei.ved, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change , extension of time, alteration or addi- tion to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed' thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any suo h change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contrast or to the work or to the specifications. IN 7ITR0133 VA71 ��'0F identical counterparts of this instrument , each of whicrshia-11 for all purposes be deemed an or- iginal thereof, have been duly executed by the PrVoc. 1 and Surety above named, on the 1st day of Deo�mer 9 193 . BRUNZELL. Sk- JACOBSON Prinoipal By T,g OHI 'ASUALTY INSUIZANCE COUPAl Surety XrEVIMIX-lam-ZART. Page 2 of Exhibit VI (LABOR AIID MATARIAL BUD #tntr of tQnitfornin on Tountg ofLOS Amm S. On this.................t.................day of........----......---• ------. AQPq lb r _- ---- -------_----A.D. 193..T, before me, s JOS PH MIRLES HOOK a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared JOHN P. LYNCH , Attorney-in- Fact of THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in and who executed the within instrument, and he acknowledged the same, and being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the said officer of the Company aforesaid, and the seal affixed to the within instrument is the corporate seal of said Company, and that the said corporate seal and his sig- nature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereu set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the City of LO S NGELT`ry my ofLO S TGT S the day and year first above written. ------------- --- ---- ... Notary Public in and for the County f ,Vv rmnm?'5s ;'on Expires,illy IS,194; State of California V1.w,_ erni -ss Sheet -_1... of-A.... sheets. clfttsvloea&-tl-3W "BN FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC.WORKS California PERIODICAL 16 ADS ERIODICAL ESTIMATE -FOR PARTIAL- PAYMENT NO: __;�____ __-__- DOCKET NO. __1 :_? y For the period ApTll_1_z---lg-38------------ to 2Pp l_-__N0_!_ 1_938-------- inclusive. T pe of project _______________ Mun�ieipal Pavilion Location Huntirgton__Beaeh-__-_--_-__ State California________________________ Civia_-Audit orium Borrower's name and address ----_C_l17__Of__HLlYI 211 �021_B88Ch�____-_________-___ Symbol No- ____________________________ ---------Cal ifor nia----------------------------------,--------------------------------------------------- Contract No. -----------i name and address _BRUNZ _-&-sT,&C"-0-5Qf______________________________ Estimated cost, $-__--_-________-_.__ _---_-- 2150__Print eto--_---- ue:_ISO$__ gel�,9�__CaT_i o mla---------- Contract price, $_0M_?__.40___ ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) Estimated physical Item percent completed No. Units or lump sum Detailed estimate This estimate To date Uncompleted Period To date Percent Percent 2 Number 108 - 0 _ - -. 108 - 0 - 00 00 4 Sq,Ft. Cu.Yde. 270 5.40 270 - 0 - 21,10 00 sq.Ft. 8000 1200 8000 �- 0 - 15 00 Lbs. 20000 0: 20000 -- 0 .. o0 lbs. 9000 0 - 9000 - 0 — o0 9 LBO 135 r 01 61645� 195`0 � v . .�, 00 10 L.Sum. 95 .� .1 8 5% 45 11 Sq. 1 _ 95 95 55#9 to 12 L.Sum o5� 10 - 65� 100 13 L.Sum _ — ;5%-14 L.Sum 0 50 r 35 ;01 1 Squares 96 — 0 +► 96 — 0 •- 100 r Sq.Yds, 4000 2000 2400 1600 50 6o 1? L.Sum - 0 - - 0 �- 18 Sq.Yds. 3830 1915 3638. 191.5 50 95 19 L.Sum 20°Jo IO 0°o - 0 - 20 100 20 L.Sum 95% 95A 5% 95 95 21 L.Siam — 0 5 22 L.Sum — 0 — — 0 - 23 L.Sum — 0 _ 0 _ 4 Q 10 — 2 L.Sum 0 a o 5 .m .. 0 0 5 I00 2� L.Sum — 0 0 i REMARKS—MATERIALS STORED w 0 w e f F C J - CHAffGE ORDERS _ I Estimated percent o Y u I completed No. Additions! Deductions This estimate � To date µ Unused balance Period To date 1 Percent - Percent $ $ _ $ S— — 1 5176.62 ° - o - 1F35.32 5176.62 - - 0 - - 20 loo 3 a 366.30 - o - 366.30 - 366.3o - a 0 - - 100 100 I s. Total, 5542.92 - o J14ol.62 1_ 554a•92 - 0 - _ 100 Less deduction orders, fiotal—Ohanae orders, J Section 9 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935,reads as follows: "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any false statement in connection with any application for any project,employment,or relief aid under the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting for the benefit of any person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro- priated by this joint resolution,or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,by means of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation,or boycott, deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts so to do,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year,or both." Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,-provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years, or both, for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made "any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause to be made or used any false * * * account, claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATION OR THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE To the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that all items,units,quantities,and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sheets Nos. of this Periodical Estimate are correct; that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents between _-__Gitv---Of Huntingti OY!__Beueh______________________and (Borrower's name) BR ZFiISi CC JACOBSOI�T _ dated _________________________ approved by the State Director, and all change orders approved by the (Contractor's name) State Director;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this estimate and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: ( ' 44- �9� (a) Total due based on the{ ----- ---------------------------------------------------------- $ -*- - .9-0---------------- - - 1 lump sum contract))) ¢ (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract----- --------------------------------------------------------------- -----5-=�`.92------------------------------ (c) Total earned,original contract and additions (sum of a and b)_________________________________________ __46-#53V_.a2------------------------------ (d) Total percentage retained including this estimateZQ f_0-f__*4 5-10.82---------------------- ----*,G-53-88------------------------------ (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage____________ __Aj_*US 1.4.._9*________________________-____ f Total previously received(from last estimate ,_ 3 . 5 ______________ (9) Balance due this payment on contract and additions______________________________________________________ $-----V 144 •69_______-____________________-_ 1. (h) Advance on materials stored this period----------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0 r (i) Total amount payable this estimate------=------------------------'-------------�--------------------------- $------ -•449­- - ------------------------------ I further certify that all just and lawful bills against -------3gUN=---&_JA_G_OBaQX------n-------------"--------for labor, material and ,•- _ �. (Contractor's name) expendable equipment employed in the'performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. I Construction Regulations. _ Contractor_BB. _�TAQ43/`.z4 L------------------------ ----- Place -2150_-�inoe_ an__A.Y.erim_eL---------_-------------'-.--------- BY ----- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - ------- . ------------------ �// - Title P81 t11�'V; -- -- =-- — — Date - _1-'► �-33" - - , - - CERTIFICATE OI, 'THL,3ORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENQINFEER.OR ARCHITECT IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement'df work performed and material supplied by the contractor,and that the contractor's certified statement of his account and the amount due him is:correct and just, and that all work and material.included in this Periodical L'stimate have been performed and supplied in-full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents and change orders appio t1v byitt}e Sf �irector. tiro�,�'� .�? s (��• �� .. � � - .' Name------- ��/ ° - ------ r _ - -=-- - --- - - ---- Place -- Los'__Ang el es >l- Calforn a-- - --------------- pd6t--—--°r- & ' ty En sneer-_= _ Date- X �-'�---- 3 - - ----------------- CERTIFICATE OF`THE`PUBLIC WORDS ADMINISTRATION ENGINEER INSPECTOR IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by the contractor, 11 just and i lawful bills against him�fo�leber;rnateria�,-a ?-: ndah�1_e, pn3en�en '� �nerf�m�n�P f t,i + rr� dance- with-!Para-graph IL,12_P-W AA-eonstrvctiion-Re�ons,that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been inspected by me or my duly authorized assistants and have been found to comply with the terms and conditions of the construction contract documents and change orders approved by the State Director. Name--------------- .-- '`: =` -------------- Place-----------H=- t r1 t 911_B-ea_01L-i---C41if'_S21'_ ULL - -- Title R e s id_ent__Engi v e e r---I ns?J e e t o r---------------------- Date---------- �--K ---� ----IS[5-$------------------------------------------- -- ,---- •Rtrikv not n"mhrr.,ter�nnlira hlr I ' Total physical percent complete, 6 33 3.86 i AMOUNT Estimated monetary Item Unit price percent completed No. Detailed estimate This estimate To date Unused balance Period To date Percent _ Percent 2 �37��•00 - 0 � 733.00 - o - 100 3722.00 - 0 - 100 3 1400 .00 -- o - 1400 .00 - 0 - 100 4 :1150 :00 - 0 - 11.50 .oa o zoo 26o331.00 52.02 2661.00 0 0 -� 2 100 914.00 _ 109.95 733.00 �- 0 15 100 914.00 0 100 - 1205.00 �- 0 120 5.00 0 -• 100 9 11395.00 - 0 - 1139 5.00 - o - loo la 55 2.00 2502.90 5z83.90 278.10 45 95 11 19g5.00 199.50 1 9.50 1795.50 10 10 l2 1 5.00 - 0 - 1�5.00 - 0 - 100 13 3141.00 1099.35 1099.35 4 •6 35 i 14 610 .00 - 0 -- 2305.00 35 5015 617.00 .. 0 - g.05-0017.b0 - 0 - 100 1s 14 95-00 0.00 735.00 882.00 588.00 50 6o 1? - 0 - - .0 85.00 18 4504.00 2252.00 4278.8o 225.20 50 95 19 95�.00 39.80 199.00. - 0 20 100 20 90 .20 90 .20 47.8o 95 95 21 1517.00 - 0 - 1441.15 75.85 95 22 23 607.00 - 0 - - 0 - 6b4.00 24 1764.00 88.2o 1764.00 - 0 5 100 2 159 .00 - o - - 0 - 1596.00 2-927.00 - 0 - 0 - 27.00` 7 A I I I I Totals, 1 48882.00 7986.92 40995.90 7886.10 16.3 33.86 Total-Change orders, 5542.92 14o1.62 5542.92 - 0 - 20 100 Materials stored,if allowed,- 0 - Grand total, 54424.92 9388.54 46538.8V1 7886.10 N.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING]FFICE 16-4256 0 ti AW April 21, 1936 )fit`. X, A. GO4Wjn Doetet mo, iif.i ' T«- Act. . ion Vlraetor, to Pay. ► Au4ltmrlt , 12,11 ems Bldg., flunti ton luaallj, San rmnol oo, "11fornia. Doer birs lemm be advised that the City Tr"eurer of this City did on the 20th 4ay of April., 30)8, deposit an &1ditional 4lmODD.00 on awount of t e Protect, Ilerewith excerpts from 1 irtutes of the City Cot mil a thori, : C and dlrectIrse the posit* Youre very truly, t ► +wwwr * t haa. Apses; :A i, 1936 Z"wn mt and =& oga"ate v) w4d at It roko imtim by tw abunallmm sad and aLrost", " %he am to am's US Oenwal rMOA to O*n"XVAIM V.W.A!�1!674*86* wyum put MA +tried O motim tr T Ar, t7 Of OTvzsftt city Of Bm t" r C" the dtar O 93 OUr cit"A Of Ow a M # hwtbat tha Od r &t4 from 91ma" *t tlwl= 064ndu Ot "U � . Of AprUoIt i _ U are tm Me mod Pw harAm r of the City #WWUAI of the OMW of Han ikon boachr didlfo CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TREASURER'S RECEIPT `? 6928 ----------------------- Huntxington.Beach, Cali ., --Ved of : of General ------------------------------------ _ ____ ___________ $, Fourteenth Street, Ocean to Palm Gas Bond Fund ------- ---------- ----------------- $ i I i--------- California Avenue ------ -- - $ ! --I--- -- _Music and Promotion __--__ _-_ -_ !---: Orange Avenue, Lake to Eleventh ------ I I L II Library ----------- •- --------- $ I---- -- "---�- �...: Eleventh Street - ----- -- -- ----- --- $---- ---- ----I Street Improvement Fund ------------- .._ Sixth Street Wharf, I. & R= -------- -------- ==----- ----- $ { � Walnut Avenue, First to Eleventh ------ $---- - I -I---- Sewer, I. & R. ----- ----- --- --- $ I ! -1---- -- Eighth Street --- =--- --- -- ------- $ -I---- --- ---- Gas No. 1, I. & R. ----------------- $ -I---I { i I---- .FourteenthStreet, Palm to Main -------- I i I I $-- -� -- - Gas No. 2, I. & R- ----------------- -------------- $ I I I -I I---- Seventh Street ------ ------ $ ! ---- --- City Hall, I. & R -- --- ------ ---- $ ---!---- - I- Palm Avenue -------- -------- - - - -- $----I---- ---- ------- Public Hall I. & h, - ________ _________________ $ .i_-. 1 I- .--.... Orange Avenue Eleventh to 23rd __-_-_. $.._-,I -__I Municipal Bonds, 1923, 1. & R- ------------ $- I - i Twelfth -Street - ----_ Wharf Repair Bonds, 1930, I. & R------- $ Walnut Avenue,, Seventeenth to 11th-- $_.._ ,L- Wharf Extension Bonds, I: & R. $ I I I I ;i Olive Avenue .-__..___ _.i._._ -- -- Street Impr. Revolving Fund ---------------- $ _.I..._I....Ilj.- I__-I_... East Side Sewer, 19-B . .------------------------- $ ...I.._ I ___ -- I_ I I i I - Third Street, I. & R. - -- -- ------ - -- '$ I I --I I --� Thirteenth Street ----- - -- - -- --- $ i �- -- -- 1- 1 I I I _ _, I I Fifth Street, I. & R- ------------------------------ '$ ! Huntington Avenue ------- -- ------ $ I I---- ----i (. I I i I I ----- - - I I ---I Tenth Street, I. & R- ------------ --------------- $ ! I ++ I I Sewer, Geneva et al ------- -------- ---------- $ I---I----I I 4 f I I L...I--_. .._I. Fifteenth Street, I. & R. -- ------ $ -1 I I I---- Sewer, 24-B ---- ----- -- --- ------- $ I I �.. ----------- iI II Sixteenth Street, I. & R- ------- ------------ $ !---- ---- ----I---- --- - ------------- - ------- ------------ ----- ------ $ I----I --- --I----`---- 1III I ( + iI -- ----- - I -i ------- ------- - ------ ----- -- ------ $- - I --- -- I I - - $ I I-`- I--- !._..� Total........................................ I I' I " = ''"' --- - --�-�'-' `- -- ----- - ------ - - - - ---- ---------- - - --- - - -- -- ---'--- -- -- - - --- ` ' .. . ---- - ---- -- --- - - ---- -- ----- -- ----- - --- ----- -- ------------- ------- --- ------- ------ . -4..2 =--------1, 7. ---- �------------ ----- - -- --- �'"--- -�- -- ------ -- - ------- - - ----- --- ;= ' t'' i - --------- ------ -------- ------- --- - -- ---- ----- - --- - _ !w '- ----------- --- ---- -------------- ---- -- -- ---- --- -- ----- - --- --- -- - - ---- ---- - ---- --- -- -� -- - ` } " � i. CFI " r crisp "i City --Treasurer.- CMU, B ORDER ,r3 Docket Calif. No. 1167-DS App1. No. Dated: March 28, 1938 Name of Project : BEACH PAVILION kiSiD CIVIC ,iUDITORIUM Location: HUMINGTON BA!iCH, ORA14G.:; COUNTY, CALIFURMA To: BRUNZELL JM JACOBSON General Contractors 2150 Princeton Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes to the Plans and Specifications : 1. The dry well shown on the drawings is, to be omitted. 144 S cuare Poet of Redvood O tia35„00 H . . 0.40 2 Cubic Yards of excavation is �1.00 . . 2.00 2 Cubic Yards of Rock '" v1.50 . . . . . . . 3.00 Labor 2.99 w13.39 Plus : Compensation and Tax 14cp . .�1.87 Bond 1- o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 2_n17 CR1DIT . . w15.46 R&jSON FOR CIhjI4 Gy: Drain was run to culvert. Requested by Architects. 2. Size of cantilever girders on youth side is to be changed from 81, x 16" to 811 x 14". Difference of 174 S4. Ft . 5r75.00 I;i 00 013.05 Plus : Compensation and Tax C 14j `i.83 Bond a,. 1-k� .20 2.03 C1W;DIT . . . . . . . . v15.08 REASON FOR CI t NG.,:: Lumber was ordered from Seattle, and to avoid delay. Rec1uested by s,rchiteets. 1. 3. Rough in for sink, as per estimate from Hickman Bros. . . w23.64 Plus: Profit and Overhead 151co • • • . . . • = .55 Bond ti.: l ;� .3�5 3.90�... ADDITION ;a27.54 REASON FOR CHANG&: A pink alas required. Requested by City 3rigineer. 4. Additional reinforcing, antl.e iron supports above gall ad- Joining stairs to beach: Ankle Iron & Bolts �,17.08 Compressor & Drilling by ADSCO 21.30 Blacksmith work 3.75 24 hours Common labor 0 7 V per hr. 18.00 16 hours skilled labor ,.' '1.00 por hr. 16.00 '.7elding 1.50 17.63 Plus Compon,ation & Tax on "34.00 C, 1410 4.76 Overhead & Profit, 15;., 12.36 Bond 1- a 1.44 ADDITIOR . . . . . w 96.19 REASON FOR ClUNG2: To add greater strength. Requested by Trustees and k&rchitect. 5. Install metal flashing on top of beams and cvintilever bracl.ets , as per instructions of Architects . . . . . olp'.00 Ylus: Over l.80 �a-c�;;,d & Yx of it, 1.5;� . , . . . 4'� Bond, 1�,J • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 2.01 LDDIT�t -t�T 7l�+�� � IO • . . . . . • . . 14.01 REASON FOR CLANG : To better waterproof. .requested by architects. a� M 6. Mop r:ith tuaterproofing compound, Floatine, or similar substance on the sides and around the flashing of the cantilever beers and bracr:ets, under the direction or the .architects. • • . • a • • • • e • • • • o _ r • • ":130.00 -Plas Overhead w Profit . . . . . . . : 04.50 Bond, .52 5.02 ADD I TI 0Td 35.02 RBA,13021 FO?: CIIMR-3: To better n-aterproof.. I.equested by ,architects, 7. Install 1 x 8 finish Oregon_ ?ine rith moulded edges on sof 'c't of all trusses. . �45.73 Plus: Compensation & Tax 14, 2.80 Overhead & _'rofit 7.28 Bond , ; .85 10.93 :ODIti IOIT V56.66 R'BASOIT FOE Cti .ITGT: To Present a better appearance e Eequested by Trustees . 8. .:lddltiona.l windor-s in 1-t ilion 11, mouth .all: 1 Double. --rame: 2-016" x 51 , Millwork ti 15.00 Carpenter Labor 14.00 Fainting 8.00 1'lashing 1.00 Hardr=are 0.00 41.00 Plus: C ompensa ti on w Tax 14, �-4.24 Overhead Profit, 15,j 7 .45 Bond, lu,o .77 y 10 .46 ADDITIONAL :a51.46 ICI..3011 FOE CILUTG^: 10 provide additional light. Requested by Trustees. 3. 9. .,all adjoining Stairs to .3each, 8" x 3' x 7' 14 Ga. Ft. Concrete ; .34 Cu. -Zt. 4A.76 42 Sq. Ft. Forms .22 sq. ft. 9.24 �14.00 Plus: Overhead ;. rofit, 15, �2.10 Bond, 1 ;-,0I .25 2.35 1jDDI?I OJT . 0 016.35 R EASCId POI, CIL-IITG7';: To retain sidettall. to be installed by C1:ners of property. +:equasted by Trustees. 10. SULIP. To convert unit specified so that same will pump 150 G.P.::. against 11 ft . head . . In., 0 Plus: Overhead & Profit, 15,0 . . . . 4�12.83 Bond, 10,0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 1 4.11 0DITIGI: 99.61 I?Et�SOZI F(TR CiLi?aGE: To provide more positive action. hequested by -rchitect. 11. PL:dST,I BO; D &; ;. ,,TAL L1 TH. Change mil of plasterboard from 2" nails sraced 12" on centers, to 1-178" co*,-,Por bearing blue nal,ls 4" on centers at each stud. 'he heavy mesh specified to be changed to 3 .4 cop-per bearing lath over cornices moulds. NO MITU - FIO Cl l'DIT. 13 :�SOIi T..'OI; OIL-1 1G7: 2hhe me' 1 lath trill bind better over cornices ": moulds. Requested by -,rchitects. C0N tUCT z UE, SHALL BI Ea;TENDED VI'0 (2) U-MMUZ. 4. a CYiti u Gl' -,BOW CILUTIG"is -iDDI T IOT; Change I:umber 1 15.45 2 15.0A 3 $27.54 4 9G.19 5 14.01 6 7 5G.66 8 51.46 9 16.35 99.61 1� ....._. ._.._. ..._.�_.,...... 39f� .84 w 30.54 BET1-1,DDITIONS . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . $366.30 PLUS 'UZC Alin"Voul"'AL Y.,JA -- 6,0 _ 21.98 TOTAL OF THIS CHAIIGF ORDER .. . . . . . $3,88.28 C I TY OF HUNTING T ON B_.,tiCII WAL11:7M AND E "111; '1RC I11-2701:l /��r a '[ `lmy or e c I1t1 "u V% Y .� ,i:ll ill E. A. LIY.liNS luit n� ne rue oral nngineer T. : BFiUT1lr'?,I� AIM JiiC OLBaGI+ By y ulerE Ueneral Contractor I hereby certify that the above changes are In accordance frith the ':iley Act. E. A. -VAIMS, otruc Ural Engineer 4 5. RESOLUTION NO. 804 A RE-c],OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ',THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AGCXPTING TIM BEACH PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM AND AUTHORIZING THIS E)XGUTION AND RECORDING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION THEREFOR. WISIUrAS, a Public works Administration Project was approved and a contract let for the construction of a Beach Pavillon and Civic Auditorium, and further identified as Public Worsts Administration Docket No. P.W.A. 1167-rDO, and WlFatFAS, the said oontra+ot has been performed and said Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium completed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and approved change orders, and to the satisfaction of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, NOS $ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDFJW- that said Beach tavilion and Civic Auditorium be, and is hereby accepted, as of the 26th day of May, 1936, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the time between the contract completion date and the date of the adoption of the acceptance be and is waived and no des assessed; and that the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach be and they are hereby authorized to execute and record a Notice of completion. PA:is D ANT) ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, this 26th day of May,, 19319. M. U. McCallen Mayor ATTEST: C. R. FURR City lerk. 1 c _ STAU OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange fps. City of Huntington Beach I, C. H. MIR the duly elected$, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach and -officio Clerk of the City Council of said City of Huntington Beach,, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of they City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Is five, that. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by then affirmative vote of more than a majority of all ,the members of said. City Council at a regular adjourned me,et ing of the City Council held oh the 26th day of Uay, 1936, by the following vote: AM: Councilmen: Uorehouse, Chaamness, Henr +c son, UoCa llen NOES: Councilmen: None ABBE : Councilmen: Talbert C. R. PURR City Glerk and ex-o f e o er of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California. STWU OF CALIFORNIA County of drange 8= City of Huntington Beach i, C. R. FUaIRI, the .duly elecsted, qualified and actin City Clerk of the City of Huntington Heoch, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and aorreat copy'"of"Resolution Ito. 804 of the City Council of said City at their regular adjourned meets held on the 26th day of May, 1936. WITNFZS my I'vand and seal of the said. City of Huntington Beach, G # ".rntia�, this., tics` 2S�b day of ;fie 1939• ity Clerk-and ex-off iaio er of they City Council of they City of Huntington Beach, California. M.C. RICHARDS �Me B. H. OSBORN Telephone �, ` Telephone Long Beach 647-43 Long Beach 831-59 LONG BEACH FLOORING COMPANY, Inc. 247 QUINCY AVENUE , LONG BEACH , CALIFORNIA Aurel1 a t• I-% 193R. Brunzell & Jacobson and or Citv of Huntington Beach re Civic Auditorium Ball room Floors We hereby guarantee the finish on floors as follows: Ankerito on wings, and Pratt & Lamberts' O'Keene on dancing surface applied according to manufacturer' s specifications against defective materials and work- manship, for a period of one year from date of in- stallation, July 159 1938. LONG BEACH FLOORING CO Inc z September 279 1939 The Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. , Hamilton, Ohio. Gentlemen: We have you" inquiry of September 12th, 1938 P relative to Bonds *,101934 and 101935, BrunZell and J'aoobson, construction of a beach pavilion and olvic auditorium for the City of Huntington Beach,, California. Please be advised that the above named building mW accepted by the City Coungil of the City of Huntington Beach at 'a regularly adjourned meeting thereof held on the 26th day of mv,, 19311, Certain defects in the floor construction developed shortly after .this time which were repaired by the above named contractors satisfactory to the City of Huntington Beach but they have failed to furnish the city with a satisfactory one year's guarantee as promised by them. Therefore , the City Attorney has ordered this office not to accept cancellation of bonds until satis- factory guarantee has been received from Brunsell and Jacobson, Yours very truly. C '.h US R. FUR;P alty MR EXTRA QRDFIR � Docket Calif. No. 1167-DS Appl. Do. Dated April 1.8, 1938 NAM OF -AIM CT: BLACH PAVIL101.1 AND CIVIC AUDIO OR1UM` LOCATIo.W: 11914TUGTC}I4 BZACII, ORARG-& COUE7TY, CALIT OR141 , To: BRUIUOLL ALD JACOBSON General Contractors 2150 Princeton. Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized to make .the following changes to the plans and specifications. 1.. All, windows in the easterly elevation, that is, on the street front , are 'to be glazed in. Sol.ite obscure glass. The additional price is : $24.00 " Profit and overhead 3.60 - 7e2 7.�60 Bonin 1.N c .41 TWAL 2 Mo REASJi1 FOR CHANGE: To avoid necessity for venat ian. b1_i.n€is and requested by owno,�?. 2. ' The sheathing of the side vialls� on the i.nt erior of" the Aaadi.-toriilm is to be carried out above the beam to intersect wit1_ the 'roof sheathing•, The additional cost is : Sheathing to the underside of roof sheathing boards : 720 Lineal lf. . 1 x 1.20 clear. d..f. run to detail �82.80 Sal.es Tax 2.48 TOTAL for Materials 08 .2E Carpenter Labor 53.45 TOTAL for Materials and Labor %, 38.76 Profit and Overhead., 15 0 20.81 157 Bond, 1. a 2.43 REASO11 FOR CHAIME: To present a better appearance. Requested bj owner.. 3. The men's toilet and women's toilet on the elr floor are to have a Spanish the floor as made by the Valencia Spanish Tile Company, 4031 Elenda Street , Culver City, California. The urinal in the men's toilet is to be entirely formed of tile grit;y the back 41-6" high of tile, returning both side walls Pa. 2 18" more or less. All floors to be properly laid on concrete base -prov:6'.ded by the contractor. This is to be complete with base and. cove. It is not the Intention, however, to run the base around .�he intermediate toilet petitions or stalls as these exe cer-xc;nt plaster ond area carried to the Moor. The additional cost of this is : Urinal 660.00 Mlen's Toilet floor 168, base and cove 69,237.00 Uadie's toilet .door 224, base and cove, 92, 316.00 V Plus Tr o f it 15�6 91.95 Bond la- o 10.57 TOTAL 15. RE,ASO11 FOR CIMIRM: To present more scmitary appearance. Requested b;; oinner. 4. Omit all rope enclosures on the floor with hardware and fixing a acre. C 'DI`i8: Rope and hardware, divisions bet►oen booths in Auditorium: (,'redit 24.00 Bond 1 o .36 RZASO: 20A ChAT;G&: Requested by owner. 5. Omit roof hatch. Credit �12.00 B o i i d 1 r a .18 . 1"tEASO �1 POA CIi1NM: Recfaested by architects Flu 1 Addition Credit 1. 028.01 2• 162.00 3. 715.52 4. sl-�24.36 5. 12.18 TOTAL �VUS-763 TOTAL Less credits : 36.5• Net additions : Plus are hit octural fee 6cj1 53 TOTAL OF THI6 ClaRG;], ORDER: �921.12 page AM CITY Or HUMINGTON BLACH WAI,K -M AID iUSS14 , ARCHITECTS 4&&L�� or c o HARRY OVARMUR E. A. E VA14S city Engine.er ruo Uirba lkig 1 neer BRUNZELL AND JACOBSON By Clerk Uneril Contraotor I hereby certify that the above changes are in accordance with the Riley Act . S ructural Bngineer Form No.P.W.C.A.21-Ca D. O.Voucher No. ---------------------- Form approvedl PUBLIC VOUCHER—PAYMENT OF ___ Comptroller General U.S. - Contract No. ___ __ _____�- �___ October 19,1935 FINAL GRANT Requisition o. '3 z�'°`"��' ocket No. ---- --�/ L� +�-5----- FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS ------- -----------14----------------------- (Date) PAID BY Appropriation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE UNITED STATES, Dr., CITY OF HUNTINQ'rO�-$,, _______________________________ To ------------ ---- -------------- ------------------ ' ACTdPOS$ _-- a_` ----. �� liunting#aa Beach, "lif. ------------- ----- (For use of Paying Officer) f =='- -'---------------------------------- .�� 1 Projefnfor - -- - ` b S" Project Symbol No. - Offerod----f---_ _�___ �__ Plans, specifications, and estimates approved ___L ----- Requnal payment of grant based on°45 percent of the actual cost of the project,but in no case to be in excess of the gl:ant all I Ae,tual cost of project Loan Grant %of total cost Previous payment_ Amount of this payment $ $ $ I cERTIFy that the above is a true statement of the cost of the project above mentioned,in accordance with the plans and speci- fications heretofore approved therefor under the above offer and acceptance covering the grant, and in amounts stated above; that the work upon said project has been performed in accordance with said plans and specifications; that no claim has been presented to or payment made by the United States for the items for which payment is claimed; and that these and all other conditions prece- dent to the payment of the grant imposed by the terms of the above-mentioned offer and acceptance have been met and performed. CITY OF KUNUNGW14 6444 , Pa.v tic -- -4 1- - -- -�- � ---- Pe1L—_ � Title _V�e1 1------------------------- I cERTIFY that the workmanship and materials covered by this requisition have been inspected by me and conform to the engineer- ing and architectural requirements of the plans and specifications. _-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enyineer Inspector. Approved: --------------------------------"----------------------------------- Approved: --------------------------------------------------------------------- ,State Director. State Engineer Ins•ector. (Additional statements by Department, (Accounting classification) (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Establishment, if deemed necessary) Differences - ------------ ------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------ Account verified; correct for--------- g _________________ ______ ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------ ----- I; (Signature or initials)---------------------------------------------------- -"-- --------------------- --- ------ — I ! I MEMORANDUM -- --- ---- ------------ Paid by check No- ________________ dated ------------------------------- 19------- for$---------------------------�On Treasurer of the United States in favor of the payee named above. Penalty for False Certification.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years.or both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements ' ' : or use or cause to be made or used any false s ' ' account, claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ° ' *"relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. N.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1A—Gass a> P.W.A.Form No.168 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS (Revised 4-22-36) CERTIFICATE OF PURPOSES AND STATEMENT OF PROJECT COSTS Requisition No.3_—Final____{Grant Name of applicant Beach ---------------- Docket No. 0Ba,1 '_�.�.6 - (APPLICANT DO NOT USE) Address ---C3ty Hall, untin�ton-Beach,--alif------------------------ Contract No. ----------------------------- Municipal Beach pavilion and Auditorium Type of project---------------------------------------- Date -------------------=---- 1938_ O. P. No. --------------------------------- (See reverse for instructions pertaining to entries in columns shown below) The following is the status of the above project as of the dates indicated. The funds requisitioned on the accom- panying form, P. W. C. A. _2.1._4_______-____ will be expended for the purposes shown in column 4, subject to changes (21-B,21-C,or 22) approved by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works. PREVIOUS P.W.A. COSTS.INCURRED AMOUNT SII IL LATEST APPROVED GRANT-LOAN REQVISI- y^ CLASSIFICATION LATEST REQUISITION � ESTIMATE' TIONS OR PAYMENTS ®F _ _t1,r3 V Jww______ (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (C) 1. PRELIMINARY EXPENSES-------------------3501-`ice_--------------------------- --------107!_ZO--- -----W-7 OLZ ----- TOTALS----- .. - --350#0Q------ -- ----------------------- ------------------ --------1Q7.20--- - 10_ !o?9------ 2. LANDS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND 0 — EASEMENTS ----- - ---- . - ---- ----- - -- --- -- --- ---- --- - ----- - -- -- -- - --- -- --- ! . T , -46- ---��a-5�9!24- - 50*017 v1�3. CONSTRUCTION - -- 55fV4M-�-- - 3.Q'2 ���4 512 4. - ENGINEERING, ETC.: Engineering Fees-------------------------------------- Architectural Fees________________________ 3* 91. 1 3 491.41 Applicant's Forces----------------------------------------- 925•00 025-00 TOTALS-------------------------------�,931,2-9------------------------_,T_-------------------- -4 -- 1La 41_--, --4-"-� 1_-- 5. LEGAL, ADMIN., ETC.: LegalFees------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- _------- Legal Costs =----------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------=------- -------------------------- ------------------------- Admin. and Overhead---------- ------- ----- - - - - -- ---------- - �l TOTALS________________________----------2SJQ#_l 0-_,---------------------- -.__--_______-_..--_________-- ______-__;___-5-17-__,-------------5A7___ 6. INTEREST----'-" ------- ----- ---- ------ -- !- --- - - ---- - - ------ ---- --- ------------- 7. MISCELLANEOUS ----21V#11L - -0- IL GRAND TOTALS------------ --6o R 6.oo----10-� 7��5 ------�`�212.T6-- --�'_� •o�--- -5 : ,!•f ___ FUNDS RECEIVED AND DISBURSED APPLICANT P.W.A.LOAN P.W.A.GRANT TOTAL Fonds required and allotted____________________________________ ___29,669 Qo_ ✓• 23� 6-aQo 52, 2_5.QQ--- Funds deposited and source------------------------------------ ---37 M4 16 I---- ------------------ --18 t 243-54-- -55 037-7a--- Fund's disbursed, per dolumn 6, above--------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -54-t-44573--- Balance in Construction Account—Applicant's books_____________________________________________________________________________ ___ ________9L1!71 Total outstanding checks--------------------------------------' =-----.- Balance in Construction Account—Depositary's books---------------------I------------------------------------------------------------ --------9 J7 16-5194 }),CERTIFICATE- OF APPLICANT The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the .purposes set forth in the•approved-.,application-a,nd estimated cost-of-the project;-except=as the same shall have--been revised, amended, modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now requested, when advapced will be used for the-purpose or-purposes stated in.column 4 on the.reverse.of this form, aild that.all in£or- ina'tion'containedin this P. W.'A,'For"i 168 is tru , c rrect, and complete ;'- ti-`7! 1fUIf]t -:c' •;.,;�, =. --•._, �. �M. _.___ •. _.. ,.. _ - . .� �� ; .. 1 _ Subscribed :in 'sworn 6 before me' this____________ ______ t .. •�;:jl[ i� �. -' +' ,y"+rxy •�'=1•�` ______ ______ __ __ __ -__-_------------ -_ t - w da o _-- __-- _ __-- . 193 at ' (N,.p applicant) ! - -- yW-t -------•---- - --- ----- _( (State)' (S' tur f d u herized officer) _ y�� _ - �", �"i '� F" - as;lY[,v l ;r (T1 le o 0 cer c r,., [SEAL] --- - -------------- ----------------- . 1 = `TY.. P i` �'` .. #.Fk'a..3x-ir .eLlc'•.. (Notary Public) 1 d. `t 4 �'r_f x • d ai 71. `as +:�; ._, ..?.; ;:,a #�' ' i...v''Sr-`9r'4rS" .,.. .. Pl!:AL� l�Iy commission expires ---__ -_ ----s_ '-- --a--__-, 193-_-• a PENALTP_FOR FALSE CT..R,TIFICATION.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides La penalty of not,more thaq$10,000,or imprisonment of not more than 10 Years,or both,f?f,knowingly-and-willfully making or,caPsii�to be made"any:false or fraudulent statements. '_.' _*::..:or use or cause t6-be made of usedany.false,.;�*a*.�*. account,ciait6,certificate,affidavit,or deposition.knowing'tbtiih ne to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ! relating to any',matter within the j4is$iction of any governmental>department'or agency. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY We'certify that-t1�C��truction Account of the above.named applicant ha,s been credited with deposits total'- ins 7 _ �� n -June- _4th_, i-93_�- and had.a credit bclance of 3___� l.s_ _ _ at the close of busm ss __ J__ 4, ---- ----- -- =--------- --- -------------- --- -- x - (Place) (N e%f depositary)' /174 (Date) i (Ti le) BANK`SErAL� , > Y �.....• }. .,. iA Yw t e.?:• t, yi Iv+3.. APPROVALS 'FQR- FEDERAL. EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC .WORTS. -- APPROV)b . y;y - ResijWeEngineer,Inspector. ' '� S't¢te Engzneerj'Inspebtor i ------------------------------------------- -----1 193--- -------'-------- ------------- -----, 193--- (Date) _Date). ----- ------- I ----- --- ----- - "y�c _ rs. '-- y Stdte 712TCCtror {. t ; (:r.� d i.l I -"• w *; ... ob-c:.Gt� -- - - --- -- - -- ---- 93- - 193 -- _ -- , 1 '•"1 1C '.. a.!, r 'Cs a._.�(�ate). "-' �..1rF7 *• € �I, �,"Pt`.T - f { 1{Date) (., lr-P .i zs3'j .�-C:'. :ijf )'��, f 1.._.. ,a I i'.ixli{o IN3TRUCTION3 1 The'summarimlion of costs as described in columii`I shall be in accordance With'the standard clas'sificatiorrof accounts prescribed by-P,W:-A<(Administrative—Cider 1'45):' <. s a; 2. Entries in column.2 shall be.based upon the most 'ecent esfimate'of project coifs as approved'bq PC W.A.through the State Director. iesiin coluinnt3�shall consist of the aggregate:of all previous loan and/or,graiit paymentsbr requisitions,according to their statiis,las follows: - 3i Eiiti (a),IT,%p,#jments received on prior requisitions then show items regtested on pending requisitions. ('U) If payments receved o- all prior requisitions tlienFshowpitems euppoFting such pay�in il(c) If the situation is a combination of(a)and(b) then the figure shown shl llTbe determined accordingly. . 4rEntri'es'in coluxn 'lishall suppRi lthe�ainouiit currently req�dsitioned,as covered by+Fpinl>P.W.C.A.21-B,21-C,or 22. 5.Entries in column 5 shall cover all costsY(paid}nnd unpaid)incurred on the project as�f"the date of the requisition,or as o[the closing date.of tlre,appltcant's last accounting' period. f:Entries(iri columni6•shill reflect actual dis6ilisements-only-for the period coinciding-viith.that covered by column 5. �'J ; [ Z.Entries opposite"Funds Required and Allotted"must at least equal the total of the latest approved estimate as shown in column 2. Entries'for" Funds,.Deposited and Source"must be subdivided.according to source of.funds,and their sum must equal the total funds deposited: The succeeding entries are self-explanatory- ZL,,,,.1. $.If more detailed instructions are required,.address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A„Washington,D.C. r(,,jIf't'- U.S.GOVERNMENT PR 1p,1I yNNG OFFICE+'Y�' t 4 g tx�7`• " 17 r} g'� ryr' t r'I rs�r { '.•.%' '.+.1[ f _'a.,r.`n'r -, -�'t:•-4 ¢.'�_(t'L-!'•c jY1.3aILL.1.. •y..,,� !Ts.t ', .!' ! I�AS.' (. La ',{«...7kt ;..J _1 1. .. k r.. ...,.:� L'ii.`f� Ci N•- .. w•1 � .l .:.,�x_...3'_,n - If (t�.l.%:._i. .. I FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO San Francisco,California. May 26, 1938. Ad_min:100:NS, Docket No.Calif.1167-DS Construct Beach Pavilion & Civic Auditorium, Huntington Beach, Orange County,Celif. Mr. C. R. Furr, City Controller, City of Hunt ington Beach, j Orange County, Calif. Dear Sir: In conformity with your request of May 19, 1938, relative to Final Grant Requisition, we are enclosing the following forms to be filled out by you: 1 Original and 8 copies of PICA 21-C - Final Grant 1 " " 9 it " ?;M Form 168 - Certificate of Purposes (revised 4/22/36) 1 " " 4 copies PVtJR.F Form 106 - Statement Concerning Construction You have already received Project Change No.8-Proj.-4, dated April 26, 1938, showing latest approved estimate. Please prepare the following: 1. Original and 8 copies of P-.'VCA 21-C (making two runs through the typewriter so that all copies will be .legible), signing the original and 2 copies; 2. Original and 9 copies of PUk Form 168 (making two runs through the typewriter so that all copies will be legible), executing the original and 2 copies; 3. Original and 4 copies of Form PTRF 106, executing the original and. 2 copies. Please retain one unsigned copy of each of the above forms for your own files. Please forward the following to this office: 1. One signed original, 2 signed copies and 5 unsigned copies of Form PINCA 21-C; 2. One signed original, 2 signed copies, plus 6 unsigned copies Of Plf%'A 168; I Mr. C. R. Furr - City Controller 5/26/38. 3. One signed original, 2 signed copies, and 1 unsigned copy of PINRF Form 1,06. If you desire advice in the preparation of these requisition forms, it is suggested that you consult the Project Auditor,PiA, as- signed to your project, regarding whom you may write to Mr. H.R.Munson, Regional Project Auditor, P.VT.A. Room 400 Civic Auditorium, San Francisco. Yo very tru ly, K. A. GOI?V IN., f' Ac ti.ng. Regional Director. For the Administrator. Enclosures. 1 cc T,Zunson 1 / FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS REGIONAL DIRECTOR IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO 1210 Hewes Building Elvis: CAT:em �P San Francisco, California Docicet : Cal ife116 -DS a Pavilion 7 June 28th, 1938 _Huntington Beach, Calife City of Huntington Beach Walker & Eisen, Architects 437 South Hill Street Los Angeles, California Dear Sire: We have not received the final periodical estimate (I-23) in the amo mt of $55,569.27 for Brunzell & Jacobson, Principal Contractors on the above designated project. The last Periodical Estimate (I-23) submitted did not take into consideration credit change order (the last issued) in the amount of $5e34, Please have this h-23 prepared (itemized),proherly signed, and submit to us as soon as possible. Your vier e trt�l� o K. A. DPd ..e7lonal Director For the Administrator 1 i i July 7, 1938 Brunzell & Jacobson, 2150 Princeton Ave. , Los Angeles, California Ge3,,tl.enen t a meeting of he City Council held July 5th, the City Clerk was directed to write you to furnish the city with a 41,000.00 surety bond guaranteeing the correction of the defects in the municipal pavilion dance floor, s,�me to be held by the city until the floor has been repaired to the satisfaction of the City Council and the City Lngineer of the City of Huntington Beach. j The City Councilmen were of the opinion that if tjis is. done it will not be necessary to delay your final payment for the work.. e would, however, ask that you refer to our letter of June 6th asking that you prepare in the usual way your final statement, 1-23, taking into account Change Carder No. 6. This will be necessary before the - P.W.A. will release final grant payment to the city and i must be done before this office can release your final check. Yours very truly, CRF :H rr, My lark Itr I BRUNZELL JACOBSON GENERAL CONTRACTORS 2150 PRINCETON AVE, NOrmandle 4542 LOS ANGELES JulY 5 193,8 Long Beach Flooring Company 247 Quiney ltven�.e twng Beach , California He : Huntin ton Beaoh Pavilion and �yIF Au=dtorium Gentlemen: li*,'e have written to you on three previous occasions , June 4 , June and June 23, 1978 , about the serious condition of the floor at the Hunting- ton ,Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium. Up to date , this condition has not been remedied. ';�e received a letter from Walker & Eisen, the architects for this project , on June 30 , 10-8 , in which they say that these defects developed less than t�,ree days after the building, %,t s accente6. Acoordizi,g to your verbal agigreement you promised to correct this floor right after June 1 , anti get a %.•ritten O*Kp frcm kxa Overmeyers the City Bngineer of hun&ington Beach, and f orv;ard -it to us. In 'Walker & Eisen's letter of June ,,0 , -be the City of untie ton beac1., , they sta- ted that they , as, the architects , would. refuse to sign our final payment reque .t uhtil this floor condition is entirely re_med.ied. 'oe , as the Gene-ral Contractors for this project , will have to see that the de- fectg in the floor are remedied: imnimeaiately. ire Eisen feels that the cupping of the floor will at least req.Ldxe, rese.raping. If you do not have this condition remedied by Friday , July 8 , 1.97)8 , and send. us a written notification to this effect , we will hz2vo, to 'take this matte.- into our own hands and bz�;.,ve some other, floorizi6 company Correct this floor; and chart)e the costs to you, holding you- financially respon- sible for anything in connection with the floor. job. 'ours very truly , BRUDZELL & JACOBSON by oc Val ker 2isentin 't'I �. gt City o 'un on Beach,/ i P. A. EISEN A. R. WALKER WALKER AND EISEN ` ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building -437 South Hill Street LOS-ANGELES v I Telephone TRinity 7808 ••1;� June 30, 19 38 City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, California. Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of letter this day sent to Brunzell and Jacob- son. Vie had hoped that this matter might not develop into a sit- uation. As we have informed you, we have visited the P.W.A. in San Francisco, and fully advised them of the fact, and their sug- gestion, --although unofficial -- should be followed, and I might add that it is likewise my suggestion, that since these defects occurred three days after the acceptance of the building and were due to causes which could not have been foreseen and provided for, that you have your Attorney notify Branzell and Jacobson. and like- wise their bondsman that you are withholding any further payments to them of any nature w1m tsoever, until this condition is ade- quately and completely taken care of, The P.Y' ,A. in San Francisco likewise wn1d appreciate receivilz P copy of this letter.. They are very vitally .interested themselves in this matter, and it is entirely likely t&t they will not honor any certificates until they have received notice from me that these conditions of which I advised them have been entirely remedied. I think that these matters should be cleared up immediately for your own protection as well as that of the contractor, as it is entirely possible that it may have serious consequences in your receiving the last portion of your Grant. The above are simply suggestions on my part as your Architects. Your City Attorney will undoubtedly advise you further , and in more detail as to the best legal position for you to assume. I might further add that from my own standpoint as Architect of the building, whether legally supported by law or .not and whether it receives your concurrence or not, I shall For my own part refuse to sign any further certificates or delmnds for any payments whatso- ever until this condition is entirely remedied. Yours very truly, HAZIER AND ETSEN, ARC141TECTS By PAE:EH cc ; Brunzell. and Jacobson s P. A. EISEN A.R.WALKER WALKER AND EISEN ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building-437 South Hill Street LOS ANGELES Telephone TRinity 7808 June 30., 19ZO r Brunzell end 4soobooho 2150 Prineeton Aver Los Angeles, California. Gentlemen: Ue have notified ,you ou J s� of a very aerjoue floor condi- tion ion aeon the mw anditorimat MitUngton Beaoh.. Tile floor ovo ite entire $roe is both bulging and axppitg# so stated In letter of J o We had advised y of this bathqd by i t ter, end had oiled that thisUer mightinto e si etion lit ether words, we believe thathis T shoo :d r eo iv ede end prompt and i ed,i neYeas know-, I had oor efforts visit jobme fully a e is 4nditiona, aid I vd 0 de-to es 000urred three d4yo s er ld a ad are eendi ie s tba t could not he seen etd pV Vided :for as the time of 0600ptanoe. re vj find that sow ks e g by a nd that °his eon itie hos received very mod. Ore at ion t the prompt a e 0 s matter etniddle Moms ` ��ss ' a o has gone down end 'taken P i s � s the cadge$ o 6li VO the P e 4- e i pt:j � . no one,,, o f possiblyha i i ed end paid a seriOU sla e i M o and passeOtter very lightly* �7 find that the Oitr of H-antjMton Senehboa been subject to greet oriticiam on necount of the badly cupped condition of the floors also due to the faOt that. U16 floor,* while temporarily re- lieve-d by the stove mentioned methodat hoe grestly swollen is greater extent it promillett ploops in froijt of the doore, and the llole afraji2 qannot be tolerated, end should not be 1110 ed to go On ad lcau so It has, 'Ue ore very Meh, disappointed- Chet -hi •to3v woo not jlor diod a *Tr)0. Si 00 i'!U' 'was neat. '00 Ore 3'n0 0s'* i`g setters to the City Of yantington Beeoh in order that they MaY gVell tbamselves of wbotever remedies art possible render the o anaes. P. A. EISEN A.R.WALKER WALKER AND EISEN ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building-437 South Hill Street LOS ANGELES Telephone TRinity 7808 Bra azell nad ;eoobton Page Tv f,r 00 Volker and Eisen June 30, 1938. We feel tbat -the buildirW of the floor will have to be oorrooted at OD00.0 eaa the oupping will at least require, resoraping, Very truly yours,, P A IT, wt BY fil-ty of )tantiAgtion Bevah ,tea -• .A UMM101f OP 7.: CITY GAMNUL .OP THE MT �r ING RATE OF IRAWIM rod ri°ZH CMFT on T7PEor % OR 2ECRUIC NEEPW IN THE COESTRUCTION BZ-".CH PAVILM AND CIVIC AUDIT=UM Itil THE T Y HUNT190TOn REACH AM, the CUY Council of the City of Huntington Beaeb bna conduetod a hearing for tho purpose of catablizhIng the geneml p e-vall ng rato of fez la thlo locality for rX- men needed to the oonstruction of a Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditerito In the City of Ruatington Bea eh,, and has C nolder 3 ideAco prosented.0 U WkWOR.D BE IT n P D O that the QM7 G.'ell of tho City of Huntlrv3ton Bc"Lch cl c 2e by fIndo establich and detemine that the general pre7all,Uig rate of wea r- t a laaliy for ftrkmea noeded In the eoc.tion of acrid Pavillon and Cirlo , �ditor -m utthin the City of RuntlaSton beach, and to deneral pre ll ng r Ac off legal hoI. ,y, eat a a,, � Prowatory, Trades Structures: Air, orosaor Oyemtora Sand Blaot OunMea Jqcjq er Gpe=toran Labwere o Eck Dien �� er - . 525 Drinera (Calsoon a. ) a010 Shovel pemtor s a ) 1- Tractor I to .00 tr r sera Pile Drivere 1.00 Pale Driver Engincere I a 5 mm OR OvaWgION Carpenters (including Inatz-1.1.1 na o Metal Covered Dooms ::teed. Lock ): Oarpenters 1.00 Hard-000d Floor Layers 1.00 window "Ike" 1..1 Laborers -7 eotic Trades. Conerata and Op-meat Cement Finlahers 1.25 Busineeirs (Portable and e` latin 1.0-0 Lagers .75 Mixer. Operators -7 I e Rodmen 1.25 Nozzelmen 1.2 Ground Een 1.00 Gun Ron 1.25 Mixer Uen « .5 25 Rebound den a=4 1.125 Ixer Operators 1.00 Hoed Carriers 1.35 Plastering nc ,ud ng nth Plaoterars 1.50 PLazterers I Tenders 3.35 Lathery (In ludjrZ -Veldera on Steel Studs) 1. Steel des-. lnforo � Reinforcing Steel Workers 1 2-5 Laborerse . 5 tik�,�F,L�F Ural. S ruetur.-i tee . " rs ( nclu41n eidetirs can: 1�r atura .. ,;tech �. 35 Orm-!ental Meta; Orntment al Iron li'lloeXera 1.00 Laborers .625 Lathing a Plaster & thlnS;. Steel Studs a, See Plaster Lathing.- Stecmf 1.25 Asbestos Morkers3a .. 2. `C ' on e Rate +a it -- Sheet- Metal*. +r :> .te1-125 Sprinkler Sy ° as, Sprink-lar Fittere 1-25 Sheet Ketal (Including Mete: Partitions). et meta. rVorkem . . Z5 Warble, Tile, and Vey z - Marble Workers 1.00 amble woYs Uelperro, . 5 Ult Setters UO Setters' Helpers CokpositionFloor Coo era aooting-$ ftoters Laborers .625 Linoleum Tile, Blackboards, CCar-petat Soft Tile- Uayers Window h, es and VersetL= BlIa Wtndov S.Mde workere 1.00 Painting and Decorating! paintore 1.00 Uindow � rs .625 . 00 Laborers p 25 All ZkAlled Labor not mentioned above 1.00 1. Ito .rates per haur,, in4loated above, zed upon she l ,I prevailing ra o L 3 �. the 4. . echedulfA rate homed Hourly rates of pad, Dased Upon, 'ho-I'Ma per dzq, for a tall day or, a fractional jArt Of b The per dito mges for a part of a ilay mall be the upplioable rate per liour -a-iultiplied by the aw ber of hours —.0exed on saidday ex,- theA for overtimeand/or Suadays or Legal Hol rate ptr hour for overtime vork, for aaah of the above shall be t1w hourly ca e quoted. above-0 aultiplied by lj times the number of hoary weted by V_xp e e e of on any one anlendar day Other than Z$v%days. and/or, Legal MolUlays.. 8 The rysee rate per howe for r on Stind.tWs andlor Holidays s . ll be the poe rate 'per hour,, scheduled abov rultiplied, by 2 times the ntnber of h—ours woeked by employees or, Sung y n4j r Legal Holl-days. Sundays and/or Legaal Holidays as here in re erred to shall be deemed o be all Smdaya,, Javuar* Firs' - Peery Two-anty-seconds, Uay kart:leth, Jule Fourths, i bor Day,, ha a giNi Day amid December Tventy-fifth. The wase rate per �ur tor overt.'Ume on Sand an4/car Leg Al Holidays for each of the above classifleations hall be the bourly rate established for Sun -or Legal HoUdays word:, tim.e lid they number of hours worked, in excess of eight hours on Sunday and/or Legal e llda-ys by the employees. —j Paused and adopted by the �1' C+ unoll of the Cityof Huntington B&aeb,, California,, at a regularly adjaumed meeting, th raot -held Or, the 13th daY of October, 1937. er Y* STATE OF CALIMR91A, colanty Ot orange City bf ftatllngtan akeh." I, 0. R. FUruls City Clerk d ex-otftolo Clerk of tbe City Ciouna 1. o he '01 jy of Huntlubtkton Bea c , do hemby ce-it I y that 'isle fore.going Resolution was reed to the Cif Council of said City. at a rag rly adjourned -meetIng € f "Id Citj Coil held on tue 13th Uy of o o ', 1- 3 ., and was 'by said city council Psased an adopted y the, follow rote,, No= counc ilme , Nona. ENT Councilmen: None city ' 'iM ei•-a ii k of the City CaLM011 Of the City of HuMlngt ec r CalLfornia ,. ST-n-E or m.f.ir-ORNIA', County of Orange,, A ty of Huntitngton Beadlh r �� R,. l :: .� f ay d -Aetl Cite and. offielo perk c the City. :Cou of t attached and foreggolw, t o No. Y157 m rit it ed.. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY' r TILE CITY Of HU ST.- TUT "N9PAL PIRMIAILINOF-IM. OF V , S FOR EkMt GRAFT OR, TYPE OF WOMMAN 0A 9 S ED IN E CONS 1� 0H �'� BrACR PAVILION = .D CIVIC AUDITORIUM IN THE CITY O UIGT5W�P BEAD I s a true.t. correat, said cozpared oopy of the orb 'Re o t ion . sad ' • edbpted ` y the City Counoll of the Clty, ,of Runtington each at, a regularly adjou °rved m*etlng of za,14 pity Council held on the 13th bay of O t r, 1937, Wick AesoluxtlOn is all file, wn4 of record. `I y hand 4nd tha seal of the SaidC-Ity of Huntingtoa Beacho Callf craiat thIS 1 th d. October * 7- » + * counall the City of the C of t Deputy . F r comty of Orange On this 15th dgy rf October , before me,. w- .F. ,� `' '6".-bite 1n ails ror Said Countyand Stag, p ly appeared HiTlen kiwvn t to be the whose nme to u r . to the foregoing instrument and > f r:�c l e a that shy extettted the same. _ 4 W1TNX,;5S my liand and off icial seal. n r� .v Notary4 .f State. . Ar COUNCILMEN INGTD,y M. M. McCALLEN, Mayor qDR Ar �� T. B. TALBERT,.Councilman \UGC Fp L. S. CHAMNESS, Councilman Z A. L. HENRICKSON, Councilman U 0 City of Huntington Beach A. W. MOREHOUSE, Councilman o �rra�LT� F - Q California OFFICIALS yC eij 19b9iP' C. R. FURR, Clerk-Controller BAYARD BUTCHER, Treasurer COUNTY GP RAY H. OVERAKER, Attorney C. P. PATTON, City Judge H. A. OVERMYER, Engineer and Supt. of Streets tad H. L. GRANT, Chief of Police May 26, 1938 J. K. SARGENT, Fire Chief Honorable Mayor & Councilmen, City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, California. Gentlemen: This letter is to certify that we will install the sewer ejector motor as soon as it arrives, same having been telegraphed for today from San Francisco, and complete this portion of the work in accordance with plans and specifications. We will also complete the cleaning up and touching up the paint this afternoon and tomorrow. Yours very truly, BRUNZBLL & JACOBSON, .Contractors BY: t / f c o P Y l i TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, A PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION PROJECT was approved and a contract let for the construction of (name �of structure) and further identified as Public Works Administration Docket No. (Give docket and unit (if any) , and whereas, the said contract has been performed and said (Name of structure ) completed in accordance with the plans , specifications, and approved change orders, and to the satisfaction of the (Board of Trustees , Suxpervisors, or governing body for the Grantee and give Grantee' s official name) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED THAT SAID (Name of structure ) - "BE AND IS HEREBY ACCEPTED" , as of date BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the "TIDE BETWEEN THE CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE A�,.'D THE DATE OF THE ADOPTION OF THE ACCEPTANCE BE AND IS WAIVED, AND NO DAMAGES ASSESSED." And that the (President , Secretary or Clerk) of this (same as above) be and is hereby authorized to sign a "NOTICE OF COMPLETION" and to certify to copies of the above "RESOLUTION OF ACCEPTANCE" . On motion of , seconded and carried, the above resolution was adopted. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution passed at a _(Regular or Special) meeting of the (same as above) held on day of �1938. SIGNED DATE (Designate whether presi- dent , Secretary or Clerk) CHANGE ORDER #2 Docket Calif. No. 1167DS Appl. No. Dated: March 7*h , 1938. Name of Project: BEACH PAVILION A11D CIVIC AUDITORIUM Location: NUNTINGTOff BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY., CALIFORNIA To: BRUNZELL AWD JACOBSON General Contractors 2150 Princeton Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes to the Plans and Specifications. ELECTRICAL CHA17GES 1. Omit the one 150-watt outlet in the ceiling of the Rest Room in Pavilion, as Room is reduced in size by Heater Room. 2. The lights in the ceiling of the Pavilion floor are to be grouped in circuits and switched from main switchboard. Gen- erally., the outlets are to be grouped for convenience in switching, so that the outside outlets are on one switch and the central outlets upon one or two switches, as the case may be,, it being the intention that each circuit or group is to be controlled by one switch. 3. The vestibule lights upon the north side are likewise to be switched from this main switchboard, and not from local switches, as shown on Plans. 4. The four 200-watt outlets placed on promenade at a point approximately eight feet (81) above the promenade floor are to be operated by one switch from panel board on matnoor audi- torium floor. 5. The 150-watt outlets in the ceiling of the low roof portion of the building on each side of the main auditorium are to be operated with each circuit switched from main tablet board on auditorium floor and not by local switches, as indicated on drawings, excepting that one outlet opposite East entrance and the one outlet in North vestibule, shall be in local switches as shown. 6. The exit light switches are to be grouped and controlled by one switch front tablet board, and shall comply with Ordinance governing sane. 7. The ceiling outlets in the ceiling of the auditorium are to be grouped into circuits with each circuit switched from tablet board. B. Remove one base receptacle from rear wall of stage and place on exterior off and above open promenade eight feet (81) above floor at southwest corner of building. 9. The two exterior lights of 75 watts each on each side of the northerly main entrance are to be' operated by separate switch from tablet board. 10. The two (2) outlets in ceiling of stage are to be con- trolled by one switch from tablet board and not by a local switch. 11. The two (2) floor plugs in the auditorium shall be placed one -on each side of column. 12. Omit one of the 500-watt outlets for sign lighting of marquee on side entrance, and place the remaining SOO-watt outlet in the center back of the letters and switch, together with the one 500-watt outlet on the northerly main entrance, on one switch from tablet board. 13. The main switchboard and meters are to be changed to a position on the wall of the northerly storage room on the pavilion floor at a point satisfactory to the lighting company and arranged for connection to conduit service. The conduit service will be run to this tablet board by the lighting com- pany or the owners. 110 14 galvanized conduit 19.13c 21.04 .10 11.00 2 1:'- ells & couplings 112.89c 2.26 .40 .80 330 ;%�2 IBC wire 58.ZOm 19.117 , 1-3/4 5. 78 Mdse. 42.47 17.58 12 3.07 21.65 Labor 21.65 64.12 Comp. Ins. , P 6 L, Labor Tax 1.69 Sales Tax 1.27 67.08 10% Overhead 6. 71 73. 79 10% Prof it 7.38 Sub-contractor's Bid 81.17 Change main tablet board to comply with above. 2. A All local control switches to have bakelite plates. Excepting for the above described changes, all of the require- ments of the General Flans and Specifications are to remain in ,full ,Force and e,,rf ect. Change requested by irchitects and City Council of the City of Huntington .Beach. No extension of° time to contract. TOTAL OF ABOVE CHANGES . . . . . . . . . . . #81.17 Contractor 's 15% 12.18 Plus Bond Premium 1.42 �94.77 Plus Architectural Fee - 6% 5.69 TOTAL OF CHANGE ORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.46 CITY OF ,,H/UIdTINGTON BEACH WALKER &I D EISEN9 ARCHITECTS By Y � By Mayor Architect HARRY "I'VERC,Y.OR E. A. VAIIS Cif Engineer Structural Engineer S o BRUNZELL ALTD JACOBSOi r By City Clergy: Contractor I hereby certify that the above changes are in accordance with the Miley Act. E. A. EVAWS, Structural Engineer I i 8n Y'Revised 7-28-36) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE NO. --------- To __________--City of Huntington -ch------- ------------------------------ Docket No. (Name) Type of ---------- - -- City Hall, Huntington Beach,-Calif. ------------------ Project ---------Pavilion------------ (Address) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbol No. ----------------------------- (Address) Brl ______________ Contract No. _1__(Goneral)------- Contractor -------unze------ 1_oa_Jacobso�l______________________________-- (Name only) Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated June 7, 1938 , requesting approval of the following contract change: LATEST SCHEDULED COST CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ESTIMATE FROM— THIs CHANGE To— (2) (3) (4) (5) 1. Preliminary, 350.00 350.00 350.00 2. Land and right-of-way, 0 0 0 0 a. Commitments 55,574.61 -5.34 55,569.27 3. Construction, 55,764-71 b. :estimated items 0 0 4. Engineering, 3,931.29 3,931.29 31 931.29 5. Legal and administrative, 200.00 200o OO 200,00 6. Interest, 0 0 0 7. Miscellaneous, 210.00 210,00 210.0o TOTAL, 6o,456.00 60,265.90 -5,34 6o,260.56 Calendar days -- NEW COMPLETION DATE NO change Description of change: Three items of changes as described by Ovmer's request attachad. Awarded Contract amount -';48,882.00 Changes, including this change 6.q687.27 TOTAL V55,569.27 This Contract Change is approved. The Public Works Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional funds necessitated by y approved change. o Date ----Jane--��-- 38--------------------------------- --------------= "--/.---------- - 2-------------------------- Brv7.n T. Smith All requests for change, whether approved or disapproved, shall be recorded. Res. rug. Insp. y Orig. Ov dr; cc Di�^Le En ,; c�R . ��r. • cc Reg. Aid. • cc.RE c Be rev rse si e a ee a fo1�descripti an ex131anataon o change) U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-4694 To: K. A. Godwin BE: ENG: RFS; mn Acting Regional Director Docket: Calif. 1167-DS 1210 Hewes Bldg. , City of Huntington Beach San Francisco, Calif. Pavilion Huntington Beach, Calif. Revised estimate of the cott of project , in connection with cha nge order No. 6, dated May 25, 1939. OWNERS SCHEDULED COSTS Classification Owner's Estimate From This ChanEe To Preliminary 350.00 -0- 350.00 Land and R/W -0- -0- -0- Construction 55s773.61 Credit 5.34 55a768.27 Engineering 4,016.55 -000 4,016.55 Legal & Administrative 200.00 -0- 200.00 Miscellaneous 210.00 -0" 210.00 TOUL A 60,550.16 Credit 9 9.3 60.944 Funds Available Loan -0- Grant 23,456.00 By Owner 0 000.00 $77-1417• -00 Owner adds Jan. 19, 1238 5,000.00 Jan, 21, 1,000.00 a Apr. 18, 1900000 a a May 19, " -- 94:16 Total to date 60,550.16 �- City on r® ler CHATdG ORDER #6 .ter r Docket Calif. No. 1167-DS Appl. 110. Dated May 25, 1938 NIUE OF PROJECT: B ACB; PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM LOCATION: MITINGTON B-TACA, OtR -T1G3 COMITY, CALIFORNIA TO: BRUNZ M.',LL A:.TD JACOBSON General Contractors 2150 Princeton Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes to the plans and specifications. 1. The finish of hardwood floors to be changed from as specified to 1 coat shellac - 1 paste wax. Polished with steel wooling machine and powered wax finish. 110 credit, no extra. Change requested by City of Huntington Beach. - Reason for change---Reoom. endation of flo6ring Contractor . 2. Credit for hardwa-e as per the following: Item ;HIV 3 Pr. Butts, 10 280 A 4j" x 41-" changed to M 1820A 4" x 3?.L" 2 only G3 Checks changed to GZ 4.75 Item FV 3 Pr. Butts, 3B 280A 4-:P1 x Q-" changed to SB 1820A 32" x 31" 2.55 Item #VII 1j Pr. Butts, CR 280 ,�A-t" x 4• " changed to Bid 5100A 3 " x 32" 1 check G3 & Bracket changed to G2 & Bracket 2.37 sub—total 9.67 . Pa e 2 sub-total forward VO 9.67 Item #X 1 Pr. Butts, CR 275 4" "x 4 charged to 182OA Via" x 3'j" .38 Item #XI 6 Pr. Butts, :,-:.B 280A 5" x 5" changed to BB 5100A 4•j" x 4-1-" Q .70 4.20 Item JXII 12 Pr. Butts, XB 280A 5" x 5" changed to BB 5100A 4�2-" x 0" .70 8.40 Item #XVI 1' Pr. Butts, CR 280 W x 4 " changed to BB 5100A 3�. " x .3 " CR 2.37 1 cheek G3 Changed to G2 Item #XVII 3 Pr. Butts, M B 280 4*" x 4 " changed to BB 5100A 3J-" x 3,2 2 Cheeks G3 changed to G2 4. 75 Item #XVIII 3 Pr. Butts, wB 280 44j" x 4 " changed to BB 5100A 3_A-" x 3 " 2 Checks G3 changed to G2 4.75 Item #XXV 1j Pr. Butts, EB 280 4�" x 4 " changed to 1820A 3A-r x 3'ff 1.27 �35.79 3. Two speaker boxes at the east end of auditorium wall as ordered by the City of Huntington Beach J lump bum price of 315.00 each • 30.00 Bond .45 XTRA 30.45 TOTAL CR DrT THIS CB11,11G3 ORD R 5.34 4w her Page S No ohange in oompletion time of Contraot. Reason for Change: Requested by City of Huntington Beaoh. C _1 B CH LALKTR AIM I LAN ARCHIT CTS By B,y —C - Paeyor Archi teo HAR O'rl4m f.. y. A. WAS 1 y .resin ruc ura sng Weer / BRUNLt, L MID JACOBSON l� By y clkerE ?"re-ron rac or I hereby certify that the above charWes are in aeoordenee with the Riley Aot. !.. A. :wane, o ruotura 3ng;ineer : to 1porm No.19t sed 7-28-36) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE No------ ENG*RFS mm To -----GI-Ty--O-F-- M1TI1jGT01,j--B.Eff, H ----- -- -- ----------- ---------- Docket No. --C-a]iI&-11 67-"Ds(Name) Type of -ta- - - -- ----- - ----- ------ -- Project ------Pavdlioz------------- - - - ------ - - - - -- --------- -------- Symbol No. ------------------------------ Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated --Januar7_19-8-19-38-------- requesting approval of the following project change: APPROVED ESTIMATE CLASSIFICATION F nom— Tins CHANGE To— (3) (4) 1. Preliminary, 350000 00 350,00 2. Land and right-of-way, 00 00 00 3. Construction., 49,081.00 5,176*62 542257,62 4. Engineering 3,615000 310660 3,925.60 5. Legal and administrative, 200*00 00 200,00 6. Interest, 00 00 00 7. Miscellaneous, 210,00 00, 210*00 TOTAL, 53,456#00 5*487,221 58,943.22 Description of change: Owner adds the sum- 0-6 $5o487*22 share of the cost of the project as evidenced by revised estimate dated December 3&0, 1937, submitted to Public Works Administration by letter dated January 21, 1938* This Project Change is approved, The Public Wor'Ks Admi-nistration, in approving any change, assumes Do obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the ext�TA to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no r Eesenta.tion concerning any additional funds-p:6cessitatect,4y any approved chanq. Date ----------------J ----- --------- -------- N? Aa ng Regional sp aRT f o 6 N All requests or change, whether approved or disapprovecor(% -11-10 0 ell i (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanation of change) U.5.GOVERNMENT PRI./G OFFICE 16-5197 OrizaOmer, 1 Architect., 1 Eng,Div., 1 R.E*140 1 Rego-ProjeAude, 1 FILE M FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS -eTIAT'E-® T'@f Z- REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO San Francisco, California ENG.RFS m. Docket: 'Calif a 1167mDS January 26, 1938. City of Huntington Beach Pavilion Huntington Beach, Calif* Walker & Eisen, Architects 437 South .Hill Street Los .Angeles, California Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 19, 1938 relating to Owner's Change Order No® 1, in connection with the above identified projecte The above referenced to Change Order Noe 1 was received by this office in part on Jarm ry 5, 1938, transmittal letter dated January 4, 1938e The balance of the data (statement of funds available and revised estimate) was not received by this office until January 22, 1938, .Owner's transmittal letter dated January 21, 1938• The Change Order is approved as of (PWA Form No, 84) our {Contract Change No. 4 ® (1-1) ® 1, dated January 26, 1938. Very truly yours, K. A. GODWIN, Acting Regional Director, For the Administratore Dated: December 30, 1937. CRANGiO, ORD04R WO. 1 Docket Calif. Do. 1167-DS Appl. Do. Name of .2roject : Bi. W11 PAVIL101i i�11D CIVIC i�UDITOAIV1'1 Location: OiiLiiiG� COUWY, C!�LIPURi' A To : BRUVZ.;JLL hRD JAC OBS J1i General Contractors 215.0 2rinceton Avenae Los lingeles , California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes : 1. ELaVAT I0;1 O ' ���yVILTUi� i�tiO4R The elevation of the pavilion or lower floor is to be, raised in eievati.on, six inches (611) , that is, to be raised from elevation-as shown on flans of fourteen feet eight and three-quar- ter inches (141@8-3/4i1) , to fifteen feet two and three-quarter � (15 'm2--3/4!1) inches. This will result in reducing the story height between t he finish floors from f ourtee n feet seven inches (14 1-711) as shown on present drawings , to fourteen feet one inch (14f-1i1) . Do all necessary filling under floor to accommodate new elevation. 'xll concrete beams to be accordingly raised. Change requested by City .:1ngineer, City of 1�intinf ton Beach. DEDUCT C tu"DIT. . . . .y 27.30 2. LOCA IOU OF BUILDING ixi.-D -0hVILIOkd 2LOOi% , 115 2lt iZOVIS.VA'D 21.21: The location of the building is to be moved terenty- four feet (241-011) more or less farther from the pier, to points as now indicated by City �,:ngineer, and as shovin on Revised clan-- She at 10. The floor of pier is to be extended over this twenty...; four foot (241-0 C1) space , as folly detailed. 1111 concrete to have 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 mesh in same. ' The stage, together with exterior steps , on the pavilion floor is to be entirely removed. the framing of the build- ing, however, is to remain the same as shown on original plans. Install doors across this end of tho building as . shown on revised plan, aheet 10. The outside doors, that 'is , doors marked '111" are to have panic bolts of same type, design, and finis h P ,J as spe eified. The inside doors , that is , tile. Five (5) doors marked P110" are not to have -Lx;nie bolts, but are to liave top and floor bolts, and locks. Install all changes to the electrical wiring, as indicated on Revised Plans. Cba.nge requested by City Council, City of Wntington Beach. JVIDDITI OUAL COST. , . . . . . . . v2831.84 3. i.":TJ NI1JG ILL,, 131Z'JES Pa A14D I;T18C. CHAiJ M: On account of the building being moved twenty-four feet (20-011) more or less from the pier, the intervening space be- tvveen the pier and building on .a Lino with the retaining mall in the storage room is to have a retaining wa l with earth fill against same as per detail accompanying this change order. The cement fleet . at pier level and to the nor of ti_e reta ning wall to rest on this earth fall, and south of this xetalning wall to be of ti<<iber construe tion, as detailed on 6heet r10. A drain is to be provided with galvanized grille over s€a..,:ie to a cement trap, and carried through cisYht inches (8".) cement pipe to the large thirty-inch (3011) drain existing at or about the location Where toilets were a'emoved. !' In connection with this work, this retaining wall is plastered; also portions of the pier where toilets were re- _`-moved, are to be plastered and repatchod and finished in the saner -. manner as is existing concrete work on the present pier, in order to - leave all of this va or k in a neat and workmanlike rwnner. where the smal:L :shed roof at the south end of the pavilion and against the: pier is out into., same shall be repatehed and joined to the pavilion in a thorou ;h and workmanlike manner. The entire floor of the twenty-four foot (241-011) space between the pavilion And the piers for the entire frontage of the 'Xvilion is to be paved with cecient . Thi:, refers to the beach level. Change requested by City engineer, City of rua.ntington Beach. ADDITIOML COST. . . . . . . . o . . . 4. ROUTI UG Oi," C 0,11DUCTORS: The conductors at the easterly corner of the build- ing :narked to be carried to the curb is to bo run to beach sand on south side of curb to walk. The conductor on the pier side of the elevation is to be carried down and run to the thirty inch (30Tt) drain at beach level, hereinbeforel referred. t.o. Change requested by City engineer, City of Bunt ingt on Beach. ADDI T I OVAL C06 T. . . . . . . . . . . . yr 50.00 r a" 5. LOWMIDIG PIP. : ,4�40 The lovier member of the pipe railing on the pier is a U900 inch .(Z") live galvanized iron water pipe. Such water Z)ipe to be rerouted underneath the pier across the front pavilion and then to join with the pipe upon the railing at the south end of the pavilion. Change requested by City Angineer, City of Iantington Beach. ADDI 'IU.4..,L COST. 84.,99 6. ZaU;!ImIO!i 01? Si;k.,',!I 1}tT. 2U iWI VI LOCA'TIOU Ur? BUIIZ,114G: The four inch (411) seiver is to extend across face of new retaining vviall and is to be securely affixed to wall. Change required by reason of change of loc at ion of baiiding. ADDIT1014" COST. . . . . . . . . . . . ; 50.44 ;$ 7. CIIAIIG.,,' TO FUIRIUCA: The gas heater shown as being located in the Hest Room. on the first floor is to be placed in the Sanitor's Closet on the pavilion floor. To accommodate same, this Janitor's 8loset is to be enlarged three feet (3'-0") in %vidt h. Change requested by iirchitect, ADDI'tIOL"L C05T. �,. 75.89 8. ►70JD YILIIIG, TUNS ADD ANCHORS: The top of wooden piling to be secured to oonorete beams , as per details accompanying this Jrdor. Change requested by Jngineer. ADVITIOI .L COST. , 511.59 TOTAL 02 iLBOV;; ADDI I01M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S9203.92 LLSSWDUCTIOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27.30 sr31176M 21us i,rohiteot 's Pee - 6,0 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 310.60 MUND TOTAL .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . 50487.22 Completion time is extended two (2) weeks. - - 3 � i r "dr �P �ii�r4 Is } Statement from City Auditor sYlowina funds are availablo Aocom- panies this Order. CITY OF MCOINGTOR I3. h'dH S � N •`i::CTS By mayor -.r A,ro eo ilkmtY .=Y.IFt ii. :+ViiI�S City ZrjoL nc er rnotur ] veer A BIIUN:ALL IW J'CODSON By ME y MOErtraotor I hereby oertify that the above ohangos are in a000rdanoe with the Alley Act. ra.o ur :;ng neer - 4 a c�nt�n�us-��,�o"o•G � r 2� do'er 1 -. �.�'- F� spac►r►g and C C•G �s .N f. - Gorsc. KCTA%P4 m6- �lY �.w �� �r �rp1f si'rut ho C40"9 6 14n a e exc(ref as shown. No t han�t 3 a , on 40 r�ln f 6 ce r^4Ltif 3" strapeaZ6 pile na burr . Pie SmcT, Ate► �i 311 if A P,iQ PAN r� yq- i d MT PAY A0 4 � o STOP)AC—er- 2 M Gi2unir,1 Wall See. Data f,,*" i'Q t�in fio axTan� vl � PLAN -- Rf-TA 1 N ( & W"..l. �T � who ob►;f5to, ni� xth:gin �wctbv w .,So►sjs j: � •� ' ~ � Varla g w�f4, g 10 firm f'1pr t) .ct g Qa <74. • S�op�r+g :Trot as du tQ,(e d Sw l cn 'rse a64 rt St.GT i o m A%-A` ru 4 fpos►t, end c� Wc� S►rr;J tar . A*A4A- qo9 P.W.A.Form No.84 (Revised 7-28-36) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE N®._7-1�-3-------------.----- ENG.s.AQAskk To -------------City_-af--Hunting_ton-Beach------------------------------------- Docket No. __-- (Name) Type of -------------------z/-a-Walker_-&-Eisen_,-_Arehitects--------------------------- Project ---Favlliena----------------- (Address) ------------------ 3?--S.-Bill-Streeh,--Lo --Angeles*--California---- Symbol No. ___.____________________------ (Address) Contractor --$rU"41-1-4k--JaoobSoZ---------------------------------------------- Contract No. --1--------------------- (Name only) Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated March 28, 1938 , requesting approval of the following contract change: I - LATEST SCHEDULED COST CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ESTIMATE FROM— i THIS CHANGE To— �1) (3) (4) (5) 1. Preliminary, 350.00 350,00 350400 2. Land and right-of-way, 100 .00 I 000 a. Commitments 54,153.39 366,30 54,519.69 3. Construction, 54#764.71 b. Estimated Items .00 000 4. Engineering, 3,931.29 30931.29 3,931.29 5. Legal and administrative, 200.00 200.00 200.00 6. Interest, i ,00 .00 .00 7. Miscellaneous, 210,00 210,00 210.00 TOTAL, j 59#456,00 58,844.68 366,30 59,210.98 Calendar days 14 (from 6-4.38) NEW COMPLETION DATE June 18, 1938 Description of change: Eleven minor changes, as fully described by ownervs request attached. Awarded Contract Amount $480882,00 Changes, including this change 5,637,69 Total $54,519.69 This Contract Change is approved, The Public Works Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional funds necessitated by any approved change. 'w Date ___--------April 19a 1938----- K. A. GODWIN Orig.-Owner; 1 cc File; 1 cc Dir.Eng Div Wash.; $°tom Regicina� 1}lreaty All requests for change,whether approved or a,sapproved, shall be recorded. 1 cc Munson; 1 cc R .I. , se reverse side if needed for description and explanation of c an�rc J'.l W. BOURNIER µ'" •• O.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-4694 Assistant Regional Director Huntington Beach, California EXCERPTS FROM MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL "City Hall, Monday March 28th, 1939 "Pursuant to adjournment of March 14th, the City Council met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Warner. Councilmen present: darner, Morehouse, Talbert, Henrickson. Councilman C hamnese arrived at 7:45 P.M. Councilmen absent: stone. Change Order "Mr. Eisen, architect of the beach pavilion, appeared before., No. 3 - the Council and presented Change Order No. 3 and, on motion by C3hamness seconded by Henrickson, Change Order No.. 3 as recommend4a and presented by Mr. Eisen was accepted and approved by the City Counoll. Motion put and carried unanimously and on motion by H enrickaan seconded by Chamness, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorised to execute Change Order No. 3 on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach. �► +► * * �► N N e w M $on notion by Henriekson seconded by Chamness, the Co*#cil adjourned. C. Ro FURR i y er and ex-o c o irk of the City Council. WILLIS H. WARNER r ATTESTS C. R. PURR City Clerk* STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange ss City of Huntington Beach I, Co R. FURR, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing`' s a true and correct excerpt from Minutes of the City Council of said City, at their regularly adjourned meeting held on the 26th day of March, 1939, which Minutes in full are on file and of record. WITNESS my hand and seal of the said City of Huntington Beach t s the 5th day of April, 1. . a City GDOrk and ex-Officio Clerk o the City Council of the City of Huntin gton Reach, California. CHARW OH= r13 . +- Docket Calif. No. 1167-DS App1. 110. Dated: March 28, 1938 Name of Project : B24CH PAVILION ,ND CIVIC aUDITORIUM Location: HU92INGTON BEACH, ORAUG�& COUNTY, CALIFURUTA To: BRUN' AND JACOBSON General Contractors 2150 Princeton Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized to make the f ollovi i.ng changes to the Plans and Specifications : 1. The dry well shown on the drawings is to be omitted. 144 Square Feet of Redwood G. 5�35.00 M . . : 5.40 2 Cubic Yakds of 3xcavation U' �1.00 2.00 2 Cubic Yards of Rook k-" �1.50 3.00 Labor 2.99 w13.39 plus: Compensation and 'Tax j 14�0 . .4A.87 Bond 31 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .20 Cr' ;DIT 15.46 Rom.MN FOR CIhAN GO': Drain ryas run to culvert. A. Requested by Architects. 2. :size of cantilever Sirders on south side is Ito be ehariged from 8" x 16" to 81, x 14rr. Difference of 174 Sq. Ft . O y775.00 M ,l3.05 Plus: Compensation and- Tax C- 14cp 6w1.83 Bond 1 1) .20 2.03 ,.. C1WDIT15.08 REASON FOR CIIt:I1G ;: Lumber was ordered from Seattle, and to avoid delay. Requested by Architects. 659658 41 • d .r I 3. Rough in for sink, as per estimate from Hickman Bros. Plus: Profit and Overhead 15j13.55 Bond �..' lijo .35 `90_„_ ADDITION o 7 .54 REASON FOR CIIANGE: k gink ryas recuired. Requested by City Lngineer. 4. Additional reinforcing, anC.l.e iron supports above wall ad- Joining stairs to beach: Angle Iron & Bolts 1117.08 Compressor & Drilling; by AUSCO 21.30 Blacksmith work 3.75 24 hours common labor 0 7ur4 per hr. 18.00 16 hours skilled labor 1.00 per hr. 16.00 :Jelling 1.50 77.63 Plus : Compensation & Tax on .,�34.00 14;0 4.76 Overhead & Profit , 15;j 12.36 Bond 1 1.44 ADDITION . . . . . . . 96.19 REASON POR CHAUG : To add greater strength. requested by Trustees and architect. 5. Install metal flashing on top of beams and cantilever brackets , as per instructions of Architects $12.00 Plus Overhead & Profit , 15(1 . . . . . 11.80 Bond, 1 .21 2.01 ADDITION . a 14.01 REASON FOR C11;1NG�: To better waterproof. -requested by trchitects. 6. Liop with udterprooring compound Floa.tine, or similar substance on the sides and around tie flashing of the cantilever bear-is and brackets, under the direction of the .architects. 30 .00 Plus Overhead , Prof it .Z ..• . '. . : 4)4.50 Bond, 1 ',b .. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. . 52 5002 ADDITION 35.02 REASON FO;. CHANGE: To better waterproof. i.equested by Architects. 7. Install 1 x 8 finish Oregon.Tine with moulded edges on soffct of all trusses. e • . . . • . e 41r 4346.73 Plus: Compensation & Tax Mo . .:. a 02.60 Overhead Profit . .15�.. . . ._., 7.26 Bond, to 11 ip 0 .1 0 0 0 0 wo • . .$5 10.93 ts. DI IO • - • • e. r . . . S5.6.66 REASON FCC: CILIUM",: To present a better appearance . Requested by 'Trustees. 8. Additional c indoors in :?avilion y�"110 mouth :all: 1 -Double rarre: 2-01 6" x 51 , millwork 4:15 .00 Carpenter. Labor 14.00 .ainting 8.00 21ashing 1.00 Hardva.re 3.00 04.1.00 Plus: Compensation & Tax I, 14,',j� z'2.24 Overhead 4' Profit, 15,5 .45 Bond, l ,o .771O .46 iODI s IONAL . 51.46 REASON FOI G1U1TGT: To provide additional light. 1-1equested by Trustees. 9. Nall adjoining Stairs to Beach, 8" x 3' x 71 : 14 Ca. Ft. Concrete �.34 Cue Yt. �4.76 42 Sq. Ft. Forms .22 sq. ft. 9.24 014.00 Plus: Overhead 3s --:rofit, 15,J 02.10 Bond, l i0 .25 2.35 1IDDITI0I1 016.35 REASON I1'0i: 0H;LT7GE: To retain si deva lk to be installed by Owners of property. Requested by Trustees. 10. SUIJP. To convert unit specified so that same will pump 150 G..P.:.:. against 11 ft . head Plus: Overhead w 2rofit, 15,o . . . . $12.83 Bond, 1o,'0 1.28 14.11 .%DDI NON . 4 99.61 IMUZOP F0.2 CILI' GE: To provide more positive action. hequested by -rchitect. 11. PL,1STMIU B0:LiD & ,177TAL LATH. Change nail of plasterboard from 2" nails spaced 12" on centers, to 1*-1/8" copper bearing blue nails 4" on centers at each stud. The ho vy mesh specified to be changed to 3.4 copper bearing lath over cornices E moulds. NO MTRA - 110 C:P:EMIT. IM iSOIi POR CILUTG':: the ,metal lath trill bind better over c,:.,rnices w moulds. Requested by architects, 0OUTTRAC`l' TUE, SHALL BE BXTTWDED TWO (2) 11M a,I a 4. }a T W ALS Gl' -'L3CV"j 1ni i11J1M iS.* IDDI a'IO2 Ci ?D IT Chan`e i:umber 1 �, 15.46 2 15.0r' 3 d27.54 4 96.19 5 14.01 6 3b.02 7 56.66 8 51.46 9 16.35 10 99.61 11 w396 .84 N 30.54 ZMT POD I T I OITS . . . . . . . . . EMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . 0366.30 PLUS ,UZC llI "C TUl,'kAL Y aT _ 6,0 _ 21.98 TOTAI, OF THIS CNAIjGE ORDER .. . . . . . 0388.28 CI'i'Y OF HUT:TINGTOii B7110II V ALi:' � �2yD. ��I1; lziCIiT CT:' By .�i���- 13zi mayorxTtrhi ec I . . OIL'' iTa `''i E. A. M01S i ty !• i r W er @2�truc .ng lneer 1 BRUIr?..ETZ ll11D JAC OLS ` 7 Q_ 3y ; a 6ral Contrac Tor I hereby certify that the above changes are in accordance with the ,iley Act. EA . E AT4 ruc: ural .engineer j 1 t W. Fo.miFor a pro e A. 21.: PUBLIC VOUCHER—PAYMENT OF ADVANCE D. O. voucher No. ________________------ Form approved by Comptroller General U.S. December 5,1936 AND INTERMEDIATE GRANTS contract No. --_-_------------------------- ✓ ~ fi" Requisition No. _ r d9 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS iw Docket Rom• Docket No. - _ v i.5� k ti ADr ----- (Date) PAID BY I Appropriation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE UNITED .STATES, Dr., }, y of fluntirigton 41eaeh To ------------------------------------- --- --- Address-- g, y 1t --1' y G r' . ' 3 Fi ----- (For use of Paying Officer) -p--- --- ----- ---�--- ------ `-'--------- ---" ----- ---------- I I,a't$Y3'icipal Beach cavil ion and Auditorium - Project Symbol No. ------. Project------- ---------- ---- ------- ------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- - - October 13,o D60 Offer accepted _ _________ ________ ______ _ _______ Plans, speclfieations, and estimates approved ____ ___ t____ o oond Requisition for* ______________________________ advance payment on account of the grant, being -----------. 5--------------% of the estimated cost of the project, in accordance with certificate of purpose (P. W. A. Form No. 168) attached hereto, as follows: Total estimated cost of Loan Grant 35______%of total cost Previous payments Amount of this payment project i Approved: I certify that the above is a true statement. ------------------------------------------------------------ (Payee)----------------------------------------------------------------- Engineer Inspector. (Per)----------------- --------- (Title)--------------------- i Approved: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Approved: -------------------------------------------------------------------- State Director. State Engineer Inspector. (Additional statements by Department, (Accounting classification) I (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Establishment, if deemed necessary) M, Differences----------------------------'----------------------------I------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------- - - Account verified; correct for_________ $--------------------------------- (Signature or initials)------------------------------------------------------ MEMORANDUM Paid by check No_ ________________ dated ------------------------------- 19-------for $--------------------------fOn Treasurer of the United States ll in favor of the payee named above. 'First,Second,Third,or Fourth. NOTE.—Final Requisition to be made on Form 21. Penalty for False Certification--Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements . ' ' or use or cause to be made or used any false . • ' account, claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ` ' "'relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE le^431i I P. Orin No.163 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Vie''' e-Ed 4-22-36) CERTIFICATE OF PURPOSES AND STATEMENT OF PROJECT COSTS Requisition No. G- 1 ran " - t Name of.applicant-------------------------------I -- ------------ ------ ------ Docket No. -- "' 0--- --- (APPLICANT DO NOT USE) Hunt�►�D�,", n B �0 *alfb -- - Contract To ----------------------------- -------------------------------- TypoAddress - -- =---------------- --- - of project Date D - ' ---- 1�J3_ .O..P.,:(See reverse for instructions pertaining to entries in columns shown below). - - The following is the status of the above project as of the-dates indicated. The funds requisitioned on the accom- panying form, P. W. C. A. ------2_2__p_-_-_____-_ will be expended for the purposes shown in column 4, subject to changes (21-B,21-C,or 22) approved by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works. PREviovs P.W.A. Cos xcuRRE �IovxT Issvus LATEST APPROVED C)RANT-LOAN REQUISI- +Y► CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATE TIONS OR PAYMENTS Tu13 REQUISITION AS O _ ___ S OF-_ : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (U) 1. PRELIMINARY EXPENSES--------------------r�_ i --------------------------------------------------- --------- 7« ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------- -----------�A----,------------- - --7i r1►V!*(�r .. 'hOTALS--- ------------- ----------- ----- ---- - - ------ ----------- ---_ - ----- --`-- ------- 2. LANDS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND yrX 'EASEMENTS-------------------------------------`----------------------------- 3. CONSTRUCTION------------ --------------- -- ------ -- -1 #9 ```--- --50-9ry W�0;4 _ �J09t,f; --- ,342*411 74 4. ENGINEERING, ETC.: f,� f EngineeringFees ------ --------- i► t_r' - ---------------------------------- ----------------- i Architectural Fees____________________________________ 1 .2 00 Applicant's Forces---------------------------------------- I "� '' ' •oo .,.. ,TOTALS--- ---- ---y---- --, /! 'lr -- ---' - ----- -- - ---- - - --- - ��'' `^-If'-d_ __ _. ."""'Mvt,':7^' 5. LEGAL, ADMIN., ETC.: - _- LegalFe6s-------=-=------ ----- ------ --- ---- - -I- - ----- ------- -=— ------- ---- -- --- ----------- -------------------------- Legal Costs-- =----=-------- = - = = - - - -=----------------------- 2 Admin. and Overhead-------------------- - -------------------------- - 5 a 2 . r�ry TOTALS--=-- --- -- ----^-- -- ' --- -- -- - __- ,K i - �. INTEREST-- ------ --------- - - ----- --- _ --------------- + XX 7. Mis CELLANEOUS-----------------------------------------------------4-------------- -- ----------------------- ------------------------ GRAND TOTALS---- -------- J_""+' s�_� ----:0�'_ 310- \J----- --- i_539 i 4! -_Z7 o 9_171 ! 89 - FUNDS RECEIVED AND DISBURSED APPLICANT P.W.A.LOAN P.W.A;CHANT TOTAL ws; 45, w Funds required and•allotted - -------=------ ---- ---- -36_,,_(�--- ,. ------'r- - --- -- *",r# RP % ,J'6t ' Funds deposited and source------ ------- ---- -- - - ---- -1�� I disbursed, per column 6, above ---------------- -------------------------- Funds i Balance in Construction Account—Applicant's books_______ ___ _______ ___ __ --_ ______ Total outstanding checks---- -------- -------- -------- ---- - ------ ---"----- --- -- - ------- ------ - -:- - - I-ti$yt@ 21 Balance in Construction Account—Depositary's books------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- f 16-5194 I, CERTIFICATE OF APPLICANT The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the purposes set forth in the approved.application and estimated cost of the project; except as the same shall have been revised, amended, modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now requested, when advanced, will be used for the purpose or purposes stated in column 4 on the reverse of this form, and that all infor- mation contained in this P, W. A. Form 168 is true, correct, and complete, Subscribed and sworn to before me this----7th--------- (lay.'of -----------APz_]938------------------------- 193---, at Czt�T__Of__I3�tt1t_� n eon_ ea4hL--------------------------- (Name of applicant) Hurst in ton' Beach Orange Calif B -- -- --------------�� ----------------- ---- --- ------------------------- y --------------------------------------------------------------- - (Placo) (County) {State) (Signature of duly authorized officer) __------------------------ CitY__Clerk----------------------------- (Title of offices) [SEAL] -------------------------------------------------------------'-------' (Notary Public) [SEAL My commission expires----------------------------------, 193---• PENALTg FOR FALSE CERTIFICATION.Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years;or both,for,knowingly and'willfally making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause-to be made or used any false * * * account,claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement * * —relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY We certify that the Construction Account of the above-named applicant has been credited with deposits total- in s _ __�t Oil.00 and had a credit balance of$___..Z"__� �a �� _:at the close of business __UlVt! � �_____, 193 _ Huntington Beach branch - gHunt^zn ton Beach,_Calif ----___-_ uritv_.F_�:�s __�'_la-ti-ones__5ank__of--L-o-s--Angeles-- (Place) (Name of depositary) -----------Awl--l-"'-h.l930-------- 193--- By ---'-------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------- (Date) (Title) [BANK SEAL APPROVALS FOR FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORDS APPROVED.: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resident Engineer Inspector. State Engineer Inspector. ---------------------- -------------•------------, 193--- ----------------------- ------- !-------------, 193--- (Date) (Date) --------------------- ------------------ --------------- --- State Director. --------------------- -------- --------------- --- 193 - (Dated - ----------------------- -------------- 193--- (Date) INSTRUCTIONS 1. The summarization of costs as described in column I shall be in accordance with the standard elassification.otaccounis prescribed.by P.W A.(Administrative Order 145),, 2.Entries in column 2 shall be based upon the most recent estimate of project costs as approved by P.W.A'-through'the State Director. 3.Entries in column shall consist of the aggregate of all previous loan and/or grant payments or requisitions,according to their status,as follows: - (a) If no payments received on prior requisitions,then show items requested on pending requisitions. (b) If payments received on all prior requisitions,then show items supporting such payments. (c) If the situation is a combination of(a)and(b),then the figure shown shall be determined accordingly, 4.Entries in column 4 shall support the amount currently requisitioned as covered by Form P.W.C.A.21-B,21-C,or 22. - 5.Entries in column 5 shall cover all costs(paid and unpaid)incurred on the project as of the date of the requisition,or as of the closing date of the applicant's last accounting period. 6.Entries in column 6 shall reflect actual dishursements only for the period coinciding with that covered by column 5: 7.Entries opposite"`Funds Required and Allotted"must at least equal the total of the latest approved estimate as shown in column 2. Entries for"Funds Deposite'and Sourer:"inust he subdivided according to source of funds,and their sum must equal the total funds deposited. The succeeding entries are self-explanatory. &.I:more detailed Instructions are required,address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A„ Washington,D.C. U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-5194 A i -,To.Pa •pprooveded A by. ri-a3 arm a PUBLIC VOUCHER--PAY ENT OF ADVANCE D. O. Voucher No. ____________________ Comptroller General U.S.August 26,1035 �' AND INTERMEDIATE GRANTS Contract No. ________ Requisition No. FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Docket>No. (>ate) PAID BY Appropriation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TxE UNITED STATES, Dr.,, //�jfj�To ---- ------ ------- ------ ---- ---- ` --------------- Project � (For use of Paying Officer) Address - ii LL_� !I�l_GG�y�! t,!Jn✓ >_ d .t/Lt3/t�,tA 1�, "m' - - -------------------- Project Symbol No. ----------------------- /r' t Offer accepted_ U(`i _____t- ____ Plans, specifications, and estimates approved ______t__ > ---------- Requisition for* ___ _______ advance payment on account of the grant, being _______`3` _______________%o of the estimated cost of the project, in accordance with certificate of purpose (P. W. A. Form No. 168) attached hereto, as follows: Total estimated cost of Loan Grant project %G of total cost Previous payments Amount of this payment 53 ,gV1 2. 2-3, f�f�,� ' J3 nor. v ;2 - � Approved: I certify that the above is a true statement. ------------------------------------------------------------- (Payee)------------------------------------------------------------------ State Director. (Per)------------------------------------- (Title)--------------------- (Additional statements by Department, (Accounting classification) I (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Establishment, if deemed necessary) Differences--------------------------------------------------------------------- Account verified; correct for--------- $----------------------------.______ (Signature or initials)---------------------------------------------------_--- I A Paid by check No_ ________________ dated _________ f On Treasurer of the United States 19______,for 8__________________ l in favor of the payee named above, *First,Second,Third,or Fourth. NOTE.—Final Requisition to be made on Form 21. Penalty for False Certification.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause to be made or used any false * * * account, claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudu'ent or fictitious statement ' ` "'relating to any matter within the Jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. G.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1e-4317 J P.w m rro.]ss FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS ( is d M22-3s) CERTIFICATE OF PURPOSES AND STATEMENT OF PROJECT COSTS Requisition-No. � -�'-�-''-�-�--- --- _ or an Docket No. - --n - hame ofaPpllant ---------- (APPLICANT(APPLICANT DO NOT USE) Address _ d4__� n _ le _ - - - d ---.,.:Contract No. --- -------- - -- = - Type o ft 'I� f'ploject lft A ------s-- -- ate =--- 19A .O P. No. -.---- ------ -- --- -- -------- (See reverse for instructions pertaining to entries in columns shown below):The following is,the status of the above project as of the dates indicated. The funds requisitioned on the accom- panying form, P.-W.-C.-A: _�� -------- will be expended for the pu-rposes-shown in-column 4, subject to changes. (21-B,'21-C,or 22). - approved by the Federal Emergency Ad ministration*of Public Works. PREVIOUe P.W.A. COSTS INCURRED AMOUNT DISBURSED LATEST APPROVED GRANT-LOAN REQUISI- CLASSIFICATION Tins REQUISITION „ESTIMATE .TIONS.OIC PAYMENTS - _ AS-OF f.C_____1_ `<Y. A8 (2) (3) (4) (51) A 1. PRELIMINARY EXPENSES_________________ �` - ___ _ __ -------------------------'---------------------------- -----------------'------------'----------------- -----`----------------- -------------------------- -TOTALS-- _ t_c_ __ ____ ��:_--------- - ________ ________ -}.-� •�/� 9 2. LANDS, RIGIITS-OF-WAY, AND ...'EASEMENTS<-'----------------------------------=`--------------------------------`------------------r--------------------- - S. CONSTRUCTION- --- -�- / - — — - 4. ENGINEERING, ETC.: If %� Engineering Fees---- ' ------------------------------------- ------------------------- ArchitecturalFees------------ - ----- ------ -------- --------- ------- --------------------------- Applicant's Forces________ ________ ---------------- Zk TOTALS---- - --- --- - ------- -- ------ ---- -------- ---- - - - - ------- - - `-`-��= -- - - 5._LEGAL, ADMIN., ETC.: LegalFees-------------- -- =' =- -- -- =--- -------- -, --- - ---- --- ------------ -------------- 1 egal Costs -- — - --.---- -. - Admin. and Overhead-------- -------.--- G--- �--- - --- ----- --- `-47 z DTAI g -`---- ----- --- -- ---- --- G. INTEREST _ —may/ 7. 1VIISCELLANEOIIE —--- -- ---- —-- - --- ----- ------ --- GRANDTOTALS--_ ------ ----- ----f ------ ------------- -------- --F-- ------e -- -`..- FUNDS. RECEIVED AND DISBURSED APPLICANT P.W.A.LOAN P..W:A.GRANT TOTAL uird ___-----__re a] ott - [ IFunds --- - - XoAz Funds deposited and source----------- - -- ------------ - r ---------- . , 7►7cf; Funds'dis6ursed,;per`column`6,''above__=-: ------i._-_-- _ _ _ _---- -------- ------------ -------- ----- --- - Balance iri.Construction'Account—Appliealit's books ___:=t_- '_____ _ __--------------_------------------------------------ _ Total outstanding checks- ----- ---_--- ------ - --- -- - -- - -- ---- — - --- , .. Balance in Construction Account—Depositary's books ,___ ,._ _!� ' 16-5194 CERTIFICATE OF APPLICANT The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the purposes set forth in the approved application and estimated cost of the project; except as the sane shall have been revised, amended, modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now requested, when advanced, will be used for the purpose or purposes stated in column 4 on the reverse of this form, and that all infor- mation contained in this P. W. A. Form 168 is true, correct, and complete Subscribedand sworn to before me this___________________ day of-- --- -=-=---- =- ---, 193-- at --------- -------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------- (Name of applicant) -- ----------=------------- B5 - (Place) -----(County) authorized----------------- (State) -- -- - - -- ------ (Signature of duly a - ) ------------------------------------ ofiicor -------------------------------------------------------------------------. (Title of officer) [SEAL] ------------------------------------------------------- - (Notary Public) [SE Ll My commission expires----------------------------------, 193---. PENALTY FOR FALSE CERTIFICATION.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not mare than 10 years,or both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause to Pie made or used any P-1se * * * account,claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ° " —relating to any matter witMn ;ie jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY We certify that the Construction Account of the above-named applicant has been credited with-deposits total- ing$________________________ and had a credit balance of$-----__---------'_------ at the close of business - ___-_______ -_- 193--- -----------------------------------------------------------=----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Place) (Name of depositary) ------------------------- -=---------=-------t 193--- By ------------------------ (Date) ------------------------------------ (Title) BANK SEAL APPROVALS FOR FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED: ------------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------- ----- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- Resident Engineer Inspector. State Engineer Inspector -- -------------------- 193--- -------------------------- ------=------------ 193--- (Date) (Date) ---------------------------------- - ------ ---------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ State Director. ---------------------------------------------- , 193 -- ----------------------------------------------, 193--- (Date) - (Date) ------- -- _'+=-r-Tom.-.- - INSTRUCTIONS 1. The summarization of costs as describer)in column I shall be in accordance with the standard classification of accounts prescribed by v.W.A.(A3mi111strative Order 145). 2. Entries in column 2 shall be based upon the most recent estimate of project costs as approved by P.W.A.through the State Director. 3.Entries in column 3 shall consist of the aggregate of all previous loan and/or grant payments or rcq:ua sitions,according to their staters,as follcws: (a) if no payments received on prior requisitions,then show items requested on penning requisitions. _ (b) If payments received on all prior requisitions,then show items supporting such payments. (c) If the situation is a combination of(a)and(b),then the figure shown shall be determined accordingly. 4.Entries in column 4 shall support the amount currently requisitioned as covered by Form P.W.C.A.21-11,21-C,or 22. 5.Entries in column 5 shall cover all costs(paid and unpaid)incurred on the project as of the date of the requisition,or as of the cloning date of the applicant's last neccun>irg period. 0.Entries in column 6 shall reflect actual disbursements only for the period coinciding with that covered by cohimn 5. .. - 7. Entries opposite "Funds Required and Allotted"must at least equal the total of the latest apprcved estimate as shown in cof2:nn 2. Ertr'cs for"Funds Deposited and Source"must be subdivided according to source of funds,and their sum must equal the total funds deposited. Thy succooding entries are szlf-explanatory. 8.If more detailed instructions are required,address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A.,Washington,D.C. u.S,GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-51C4 A FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE DIRECTOR OFFICE OF ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building, San Francisco,California. IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO March 18,1938. Admin:190:HL Docket No.Calif.1167-DS Mun.Pay. & Auditorium Huntington Beach,Oranze County,Calif. Mr. C. R. Farr, City Clerk, Huntington Beach, Calif. Dear Sir: In compliance with your request of March 18, 1938, relative to Intermediate Grant Requisition, we are enclosing the following forms to be filled out by you: 1 Original and 8 copies of Form PWA 21-B - Public Voucher 1 " 10 It It it PWA 168 - Certificate of Purposes (4/22/36). Please refer to Proj. Change Order No. 3-Proj.-2, dated January 26, 1938, already forwarded to you, showing latest approved estimate. Please prepare the following: 1. An original and 8 copies of Form. PWCA 21-B (making two runs through the typewriter so that all copies will be legible), signing the original and 2 copies; 2. An original and 10 copies of 11RA Form No. 168 (making two runs through the typewriter so that all copies will be legible), signing and acknowledging the origi- nal and two copies. Please retain for your files one unsigned copy of each of the above documents and forward to the Resident Engineer Inspector, at your pro- ject, the following : 1. One signed original, 2 signed copies and 5 unsigned copies of Form PWCA 21-B; 2. One signed original, 2 signed copies and 7 unsigned copies of PWk Form 168. If you desire advice in the preparation of the requisition forms, it is suggested that you consult the Project Auditor (PINA) assigned to your pro- ject, regarding whom you may write to H. R. Munson, Regional Project Auditor, FKA., Room 400 Civic Auditorium, San Francisco. At any rate, please notify h1r. Munson of the date on which you expect to have your Intermediate Requisition 14r. C. R. Farr - 2. 3/18/38. ready for filing. Your vepj truly, r ,7 c KA A. GO Acting Re 'oval Director. For the Administrator. Enclosures. 1 cc Munson T ' . ; : s goats". k " �► 4W ad SAWN . 77 Lam Now MIR r ct in, :eg'i n l Director Docket: Calif. 11 7-DS 1210 Hevres fildg. ity Of Runtin ton teach Huntington Beach., Calif. vi s d eatimatt of .t ry cost of- pro eot in c nnaetior, with h�.ngo oT.d*r No." 3, t*d rch 280 1,938. OWMIS SOHVDULZD OOSTZ Land and /t - Legal A . d rALs t z- ,t ire . 200.00 200.00 TOTAL: ., �� iJ�v�a s,) � - b?��• � � 59.431.96 .. Funds AvailabIt 3,456. ? er adds Jl,. 191 1,938 5,000.0 n Jam. 21., " 12000.00 Totni to date 591456,00, `" vitpntz �.lsr P .R Cohn No.lss FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS (Revise4 4-22-36) r CERTIFICATE-OF PURPOSES AND.STATEMENT OF PROJECT COSTS $•IT WOW(G r r 4 rq CO r c e" T � Re ll�blt�Ons 1�0 '$ C'a i IT pue¢zrc¢saua uLG zrourLc gc zcaa rrriluiLrma o{p Op ry, c I4Ivr Poa4 ,M ,�' "inu�.Ca s {-. q - Grant, �orsAcm,;wsaP,PG' nP9xsggGg;a zqm Co a? w o q?.',Ce q Ffti i mu r a¢cdrrdA CTrG Tot rr{snnTa e r o,.Ica9 p rr cor r aira ar(rtn uCLiva obbmigo-,,,;1;lup I;GdrJ�mq :( ...;.yil a u .;Gd {yrr. e��yrr,,iPTI;a3 sbb•�.or:c.ry I.a`tiriraCs ro.i F.,:�.san.7 ev ..*�g�..o o ).,pis../�{9 9eyre.;fjycCot:i.Ir� extei Al P6fC'1%00 baljk� Ur's'iVc w uc c G utvcux� �r r �_ s Iz - Docket No- -------------- ------------------ t.•,i'8/{LIGa T8r C4rrSiLCI43 C g8q. f{IIrD?q)rur,(PyLr. tlrx a TILejo ga a "I JC-at rw' tii SS.S(11' cf.a:. Ad1d�"�3$?cG�urzr r bt tsuy-, --- --i r j ore k= �_f f� Contract No. - ---------------------- --- - -- --'- t ) id.Cis C I.r¢iGu,aa ¢ouapr s r¢itlu ri{(u)uuq ¢ir rirr irfi(T Pilo Nirasil ,, ge,Pr,zvua re) rr:ncczarl,p'd.• . tP) Rg;C r?rrrr l Cz'x.Ge q au rll bs:roL G iCielrla Cpo o n r raua"rrrbb Lr?nrY uei bcrl uxr ur rs) uo i.a3strcr CB �r -" A` 'eT1R V l o{W-f yrP ' �]$� rr '� �3rae � � vg�,I,`wr�r ;�u_ rr. 3: r ,U 7 P •No .z - - - -- - - - - - 'Ty 'llf icsr ear colsrurrr?;epuli Fr+pxfaGq rrbou rpe utor�q :r'ev6i'serliiPsif+�t4'ER'lififtS r'hPTi LtAP'Zh3 e�.rdubolduriYlblsFib ii'bleliuW)➢ ,a <..s:c- The following is the status of the above project bAW-1th6ldiffes indicated. The funds requisitioned on the accom- pa Wif ..._oses shown incolu nJ -b" tto chan esP si1 approved. by the Federal Emergency Administration of'Public Works. LATEST APPROVED { PREvIOVs P.T .A. ,�$� GA)wJ4VM4<9&SI REQMSI D _ AMOUNT DISBU)L9FD CLA88I1ICATION ____...._.-iL8TIMAT&. _-........-TION9'OR-P#I`MENT9 -..__.THIS-REQVISITI04,._._., ..-d9 OF8• NCVR$y _�. _._.d9..OF`' — _.f(_�A___.. _C1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SO0L4 (6) 1. .PRELIMINARY ExPENsEs_____________ �0� �e P� �'� �7 � � r �--W -------------------•--------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- -------------- — y----------- �] �ti Y ��t . . TOTALS' — ------ - --- -- --- 2. LANDs, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND bTSOEMENTs ------- ---- ----- --------------------------------- ------------------ ---- --"--------------------)( a n c LAW ED F H I 3 OJ T r).Mx 8 v � _ 4. ENGINEERING„ETC.: EngineeringFees ---------------------------------------------------=------------------------------ ------------------- (Tiy ITArM$Qcural Fees - l ------"------- Applicant's;Forces------------------------------ '6 e) - _1-;- ------- --- Ld� -- -------- - - -- r17oIH) - t ---- --- --------- ----- tJ` u r r - TOTALS__--•- ----- -- f— --- - ---- --- ---- - --- — - --- - �--- - -- ---- --" _ i 5.x .FjGAL�_ADMIN.,.ETC _ Ti'ra "i ilrtr 75r FJ CCf r FT £Id( q v S1°___.a) C C➢I�tU(=r—Legal•Fees - i -f p 1 a4` �l {�,s{ fray (;due r.rTGf�(�rr3cr�tTfi oL_tp!31 zrTOM_I7`_7ITS( md�i) r a'lil art t a T nr--'� ou •d� Y X Admin. and Overhead ----- ---------- ------------ — o{ma RUF.1`LLT.U6'x7¢Sri gGbaL¢IAGrr¢OL URGUC rccoIIu''a is ,c g,i g s's ane'oL c gar o W 1 _n Cou¢n(u slu? gurrrgrtieu oL 1lc¢r{orca•vMfMl/c uC r EIr+F�rP l c:A rxngC cL xe 7Ci+l cr C t 7lrz rpra sgact { sib' •B C Ui4 1C q ,CI KIIV+^Tr�CP+�a {o . AGZfbi`0L ;.AV11 LfA 1Y1I(r:MI1=A ,"i rr e. Yzi 1 E. I 'V OYi dfcvfou 3L at CFG OLruxa sd Gogs 9�vwou- qrq z Argrca g vrrr ri n o{uo rut a {irseu pT3'71rr 1 oc To xLe.ac z.'sr:r O. VaT ruore 41e•au I{f --- --- - - - - — 1VIISCELLANEOTTS------ -------------------— --------- ---- -- - _ .S311 c� - y - 2 - - 34 GRAND"TOTALS--------------------A------------•---------'-------------------I----_'-d---------�--- --- --- - ,. t --- - ------- tltl>-FD-NDS-­REC­EI­VED AND DISBURSED — APPLICANT__._.._. P.W.A:LOAN._-_.,. 7A. RANT...-. TOTAL (blec- . ----- ( orxn a) (aCn cl rI i s r Funds required'and,allotted-`—= -------------------- -- -------------- --- --- -- `i-_" - --"------ .!l / 1 — ( LIMM of r[ Fri (� -; - -__... _r I ands, eposited and source s Funfdiscuie4 �pe� o u'mni6�aloe oar ur( frrJr2 v G T t.CPTOTT 4Io 'PJn G IJ 1' T 07'rr )r 7 �%Iif f (OT I£tc j e 1T iq (OTTTI)'(Q p 6 f �� f }R s 1T -- ----- Y ,F-T r -- + (', , )b e )( E; Of wl. )0?Fi <.(Tful FT (`01iffulf •I (>)3 f1, 1(e i,c( rrs I(Tt j"IrxF)J C? r (� lY r>'.'-- IJIC(fF T,F(ll 01, Ot1F6LIr fe( (� :r7T a((� FJTiC.� FTbbj,o,,,Gq lT,1)E lTIlI3jIt 4:T'T)( �lTf�aClEif, � c lr l (}J �11 U;dfir Gft,;•i7 �t�Itpeta i1*)64Mk8ta�Iz Balance in Construction Account—De osi��YLbe8 OI'..blrzli0aa)e { 'fie>(:� ITC>T(rT) Ia id l 6( A 1 tr(- �1 O P r LT1Tjo rrhla�r2:g-up cc�i, rlr(,a fpj't. ti a.•,� f i 5 6 1 r p tary s bQ tv ,Tti`3ic �,i aF - ---- ------- ------ ----- i------- ----- 7- 16-5194 CERTIFICATE OF APPLICANT The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the purposes set forth in the approved.application and estimated cost of the project; except as the same shall have been revised, amended, modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now requested, when advanced, will sae used for the purpose or purposes stated in column 4 on the reverse of this form, and that all infor- mation contained in this P. W. A. Form 168 is true, correct, and complete, Subscribed and swo ii to before me this ;a clay of - - --- =' `- A ---- ---- ---, 193- =� at - -- --- ---= ' ir€✓ '(_ - =-_ f--- - " (Name of apphcan03 ------------- -- --------- ----- -#-�yr,�-- -- ------ ---------- By -------- ------------------ ---------------------- -------- - -------- (Place) (County)�f (State) (Sigiiatiire,y%Vuly authorized officer) (Title of officer) [SEAL] -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Notary Public) [SEAL] My commission expires------------------------------------ 193___. PENALTY FOR FALSE CERTIFICATION.Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 year©,or both,for knowingly and willfully making'or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause to be made or used any false * * * account,claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement * * *"relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY We certify that the Construction Account of the above-named applicant has been credited with deposits total- ing J-16-0-4±CX,_-__;n_and hid a credit balance of at the close of business-__ _1 1___ ----- 193_ Z. � f ----- ----- ------------ ----------------- --- ---- ----------- --- ---- - --- --- - - ------ (Place) {! (Name of depositary) r �p�t--- 1�----- --------- 193 By-�_ __-_-_ y -___ ______ __ _____ ____ __ _____ __________ d�D,W) (Title) [BANk% SEAL] i APPROVALS FOR FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED: ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resident Engineer Inspector. State Engineer Inspector. -----, 193--- -----------------------------------------------Y 193--- (Date) (Date) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------=--------------------------------------- State Director. -, 193--- --- ----------------------------------- 193--- (Date)_. (Date) INSTRUCTIONS 1.The summarization of casts as described in column 1 shall be in accordance with the standard classification of accounts prescribed by P.W.A:(Administrative Order 145). 2. Entries in column 2 shall he based upon the most recent estimate of project costs as approved by P.W.A,through the State Director. 3.Entries in column 3 shall consist of the aggregate of all previous loan and/or grant payments or requisitions,according to their status,as follows: (a) if no payments received on prior requisitions,then show items requested on pending requisitions. (b) If payments received on all prior requisitions,then show'items supporting such payments. (c) If the situation is a combination of(a)and(b),.then the figure shown shall be determined accordingly. 4.Entries in column 4 shall support the amount currently requisitioned as covered by Form P.W.C.A.21-B,21-C,or 22. 5.Entries in column 5 shall cover all costs(paid and unpaid)incurred on the project as of the date of the requisition,or as of the closing date of the applicant's last accounting period. 6.Entries-in column 6 shall reflect actual disbursements only for the period coinciding with that covered by column 5. 7.Entries opposite "Funds Required and Allotted"must at least equal the total of the latest approved estimate as shown in column 2. Entri,es for"Funds Deposited and Source"must be subdivided according to source of funds,and their sum must equal the total funds deposited. The succeeding entries are self-explanatory. S.If more detailed"instruction are required,address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A.,Washington,D.C. U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16--5194 " �T U- .fit "1 -F a� Recgw front the iP'"trn mter the Rog ej-o lmtttred Adkk.A;original i tGer;o rehkk-gppears Fm � `a i - - --- --- we �-Ov- ------------ (ft"ture of addxewWo iqq Igo No. ..r . . ... . �scatPosl ara7 f1�ue ,' or C 'f October 16, 1937. Federal Rmergency Administration of Public Works, State Ui.l ector 605 Washington Building, Igoe Angeles , Calif. Legal: MWT--nb RE.- Bucket No. Calif. 1167- DS Applicant d City of Huntington Beach Protect; Municipal Building. Gentlemen.; In accordance with terms and conditions of acceptance of grant to aid in construction of Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium, we enclose three certified copies of Items: 1 «- Resolution No. 787, entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CIF' HUNTING- TON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GE}LFVR L PHGVAIL- ING RATE OF ViAUS FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMAN OR MECHANIC NEEDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE B1 EACH PAVI.L1014 AND CIVIC .AUDITORIUM IN THE CITY OF --HUNTINGTON BEACH" 2 '"tracts from tiie minutes of a r ;-ular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, held can the 13th day of October, 1937. Yours very truly, �t 0. R. Farr, City Clerk, By Deputy. y. c Form 3806 (Rev.Jan.21,1935) P (POSTMARK OF) ' Receipt for Registered Article No._--______._.________ -, Registered at the P t Office indicated in the Post Ark fi_ aT Fee paid___1 57—cents Class postage__h lleclared value 19 d charge paid,$_________-_ OCT ' - 1 Return Receipt fee__ _- Spl.Del'y fee------- ___ n+ October Po 6' tJelivery restricted to addressee: 37 d• in person_________,or order_ _ _____ Pec Paid____-_____ t�3, '� .�e, Accepting employee will lac' 1 itials in space indicating restricted delivery. POSTMASTER,pe _ __ _ _ _ ______________ (MAILING OFFICE) The sender should its t e name of the a dr, ee on back hereof us xn identification. Preserve nd submit this receipt in ease of inquiry or applica'on for indemnity. Itegietry Fees and Indennity.—Domestic registr fees range from 15 cents for indemnity not exceeding$5 up to 51 for indemnity not exceeding$ .00. The fee on domestic registered matter without intrinsic value and for which indemnity is no paid is 15 cents. Consnit postmaster as to the specific domestic registry fees aad suro. 11 and to the registry fees chargeable on registered Federal ede y,*�y+gyp Emergency ® i n{s t mt&on pxrrel-post$1.20. eI for foreign countries. as n d in one registered C.O.D.n ail, gm date E' ,k:tW.1wd*b J. i W U ai °5 cents to$1.20. Indemnity claims must we filed wit in one year(C.O.U.six months)from date State of mailing. U.5.GOVERNMENT PRINTIN OFFICE c5-e852 805 Washington Building, Los Angeles, Calif. Legal: Ut -nb BE. Docket No. Calif. 11 7.-D Applicant; City of Huntington Beach Projects Municipal Building. Gentlemen: In accordance with terns and conditions of acceptance of grant to aid in construction of Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium, we enclose three certified copies of Items: 1 Resolution No. 787, entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTING- TOV BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GE14LF1 vL PREVAIL- ING RATE OF WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMAN OR MECHANIC XLEDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BEACH PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM IN THE CITY OF HUNT.INGTON BEACH" . 2 Extracts from the minutes of a re-ulcer adjourned Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, held on the 13th day of October, 1937. Yours very truly, C. R. Furr, City Clerk, By Deputy. �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK FEDERAL_EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLICWORKS REGIOISAL DIRECTOR - IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO 1210 Heaves Building Sign Francisco, California ENG: `AQA:ra Docket No. Calif. 1167-DS April 21, .1936 Pavilion Huntir_gton .Beach, California 'City of. Hunt ington Beach C. R. Furr, City Clerk Huntington Beach;. California Gentlemen: ?,Ve acknowledge receipt of your 'letter dated March 16, 1938 -and received by us April 20, 1938, in which.you request .that permission to pay :employees .by check be granted to the fol- lov-in.g employer .Principal Contractor:, Brunzell Jacobson Type of Work.- General_ Classes of Employees: All classifications Permission is- hereby granted to pay the- above 'designated ' employees by check :from-the cormencement of the work provided such method of payment involves norisks to said, employees and further provided that-arrangements are made immediately 'to cash the °checks of such employees as so desire without inconvenience -and expense to them. This permission is "revocable 'at any time. Very truly yours,. K. A. GODNIN Acting Regional Director - By• (I 6' — �A�.9„rya- , • J. W. BOURNIER Assistant Regional Director For the Administrator , Original and 11 cc to applicant 1 cc REI 1 cc Munson 1 cc_ ffalker & Eisen �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify that the following described Insurance Policies have been issued by the American Motorists Insurance Company, and are in force on this date: Name of Assured............. ------ pI4 Address -*aar',W v- y� F.'� rf s 4 arr�t sera y t"+ '� rr�9 ..... .,.� r c� KIND POLICY EXPIRATION NUMBER LIMITS DATE WORKMENS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION LOCATION OF OPERATIONS . Covozo,ng, all operatl000 of Sta-to of California. otn* Beach 24avilion, and 3.0 k r s fmod and agreed the policy 14, imild4 'this endoft-e—ment 10 g�a»! �fi _ aahe y not be cancelled nor the amountof overage theroof reduced nt1*1 afterreceipt by, the Insured of r tag notice off' such can lla ti re ion in' In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said Policies the American Motorists Insurance' 6ompany will notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation, but the Com- pany assumes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. I Dated this........... `---- -------------day of...................... 1 '�f ` ---------------------- --------193..... . AmE-Rican moTo-RisTs Insu.R.Anci Com pan4 t Off° H tin '�o S ; ra Issued to .. ......... ng u " � ' Address - - ---------- By .. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE - CMS 4-37 4M PRINTED IN U.S.A. ' . 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify that the following described Insurance Policies have been issued by the American Motorists Insurance Company, and are in force on this date: Name of Assured.............. --- 1 ! ftWW in .:.. _Aft Address ' ;sts� a ^£s A a 9 ;ear$#ad?n s.s+I ;ram .� . r ... ,._ ... , e_.. � a_w a; . KIND POLICY EXPIRATION NUMBER LIMITS DATE WORKMENS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITYx - PUBLIC LIABILITY �• .rrt •� - � m $ ��A r ` PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION LOCATION OF OPERATIONS 0sg all a . ma of Sftlfo' ot VCQ Who Assurod, Jdba � . U61 00 my not be aznoMea nor two 1 was �Worowf . toed u t yo After, rerwipt W the, nod ti 00VOMP a In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said Policies the American Motorists Insurance Company will notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation, but the Com- pany assumes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. Datedthis__.. ........... -----day of...------..............--- ------.............................. Amfmican M=Rim Insu.Rance ComPAnw Issued to ------------ ..... Address BY - - Q .................... AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CMS 4.37 4M PRINTED IN U.S.A. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify that the following described Insurance Policies have been issued by the American Motorists Insurance Company, and are in force on this date: Name of Assured w ----•---------- ----•-----•-------- -------------------------------- Addressx ?Ieke ' " t * .----ni •-.Yr 9"kq. Yesie'�9'W tYe+.a¢. .AYI�"^mvr,Me .-.. .-..... .... .. KIND POLICY EXPIRATION NUMBER LIMITS DATE WORKMENS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITYft,14 PUBLIC LIABILITY P�tix - ' � S • wx a ' I PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION LOCATION OF OPERATIONS 1 !1 & � � m vaau Vne 1P . vwmw trasx .'D *tom' taw%e . v ^ ` 19'a nor 016 .not t v ga' tutroor xwtodt4 UMS1 o ''-` a a4 o ' O s ' 1.14" noel e suok, radootiou to In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said Policies the American Motorists Insurance Company will notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation, but the Com- pany assumes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. - Dated this------.. day of---- ------------------- - V" � ' f, --------------•--•-----------••--• Am€4ticAn moTo-Rim Inswa-Anc€ Company 1 � 0o - Issued to ............ ...................^-•--- -4006 xy �.t � I Address ...-- - B . AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CMS 4-37 4M PRINTED IN U.S.A. I _ �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Hereby Certifies ..that the following described policy has been issued and is in full force and effect. i Name of Assured. `w,-.-. C..B ..... 3AC B Address of Assured -----.No ----- t`j? y! raup............................................................ City............. ...............•...............••...........-State..-------------- , 3 "r, rol .................... Policy period from------•--• t : . nar....Z' : ... �?........ to - 1' r..... ..-........ PublicLiability Limits....... M 3i::=-r¢ .....................................•-••---.....------•-----........--•--•-•----•-----------....---•--•-------......-----------................ Property Damage Limits................ REL K------------------.........--•-----•-------..........---•------•-••---------.....-----------------------......----------------- ....I"...1......._..._ PLC- 1 � ; Ovaers =d contr,:,Ctarls c rxt ngoat O 'It Pal rnber = �� •� y _. Z . t . Ya 10/cos 0 — Pope--r ug-3 �`��� r1�:1�• Location Covered.. t9&11DPTION-IIF OPERATIONS, WORK OR PREMISES COVERED i Classification Code No. k e Oil tIr Ctiwig. Note: h 1)0.11-c cov�°'-red by this Certificate is not ;abject.. t c c "ati r re(luctl a in twroat�t ' the ur r an ti . ; ,--- �kifter r cei -t of writter. notice of ci ncellation by the laser d. In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said policys, the GENERAL CASUALTY COM- PANY OF AMERICA will make evert effort to notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change::or cancellation, but the GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA undertakes no respon- sibility by reason of any failure so to do. Dated this ---------------rTjc=------------------------------------------------day of----•-----•-••---•I*; {4pav x f ra n 19----37--- GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA This Certificate issued to: i PRESIDER? Huntington Baser I � f0r &I. Countersigned b I ----------------------•--•--------------------- Authorized Agent. FORM L-412C 5M 5.36 t l� i CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OFAMERICA SEATTLE, WASHINGTON I Hereby Certifies that the following described policy has been issued and is in full force and effect. Name of Assured............-0. Rt3UZ LL...and.... LEX...JACOBS0iis...db ....BB.W1.r:E,L...& JACOBSON Address of Assured ......No.................r1 .0....pxincetnn Avenue........................................................... City-------------Las...m_gP_.1.e.s---------•------------------------------------State-----.....------.._Ca.i�'orn_ia----•------------......_........--------- Policy period from C October 3 7................. o ---- the ... th_ e - ` .s 8 PublicLiability Limits............ EP.-.BEI.,4 ..........................._.........---...........................---•--......------------------•---• PropertyDamage Limits................i23EE...B `'L41 ---•.......--•••..............••...... --...............------------•......------------.---.......-----------------•-- PLC�-2081 - Ovners and Coxatractor's Contingent Li-bility - Limits �.111it`a' PL �. E���•[J — . �� .2900. L .�--••cxi`�:"';� 3t `��L'1��'i'Y'.S_..�ix=;i l,i�:'�:. '�'�'....._... f JQper y ray ge 5/ s • Location Covered. ---•-- Ju 1 P , -i 1*tin...�r:�.i.-...01-vi-c _ t�cf.itor-4 v:^' �?t i •gt•on L we s c 139&IASR 4"OPERATIONS, WORK OR PREMISES COVERED Classification Code No. Any and all work in connection t-: th general i contracting. � i Note. The policy covered by this Certificate is not subject I to cancellation or reduction in amount by the Insurer until five (5) days after receipt of written notice of cancellation by the Insured. t In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said policys, the GENERAL CASUALTY COM- PANY OF AMERICA will make every effort to notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation, but the GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA undertakes no respon- sibility by reason of any failure so to do. Dated this --------------�Pnd-•--------------------------------------------day of--------------------DGC-enib r-------------------- 19...�� GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA This Certificate issued to: i t---- RESIDENT ...�iity.�f �LI�3��17g�t"2t'--��f3.C�J---------------- I1untingtcn Beach. California ----------------••-. Countersigned by Authorized Agent. FORM L-412C 5M 5.36 ` ... . cs -1 A"s NT-rido ,.a ," f ��, itRm DOOM Air, g /$i�{�"M M '1'WLLrtYWhW�',*R*++iM.� wlf0'�tWr � �)1Y•:W%ttf4lYM�fl`�YfM^„`KIW Fi+' .N OWN is lb''A all-rime z. 4 eomi t +lhr i',W.' of 'K:-,d t b,z1h ,tX'�'i. 1jftr'E.wt,j k-un .iuff tz..ir iomp'Welatson iM = 000011?4 os`,�r' if,'�k''?,+5a %,lh 61= i" 0040'fl of �..SY'si^=-4�t°Rw# tm vlll atfs4ov . all ��'SYy�d� � ';i�6�+R7+#MF'�R*;+v�I•F'N �� {�"'. ... .. -4NwiMrM`Xnw'.�RSMY.'TwM+ liM�ay:Y�'rAPo�P. . ROM�l'4�54 Tuts 91'tA +•� �'Nl�� W 4 'Wa Pik r—0�"4:`41*6 �K y, .0 1. 'Bk�N'F^��-.��.M+ � %�v 'f y��F " iic ojrsout#4 tor ts fire 10:012 001 Nmlo i - �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK Tot X. 4. Godwin 1 4.U,1 IAt # i mat, ewss U1 ' t City of huY#t LnutOA "A Cra"1400, Calif. A I *s""U o 4f Cho *It of "p j e , Lot 11 of ion � ;YTD aw w � P=A'4 ;9s^iR 4F a��we a+a 8!'#-`#�f�S+kN41Y��r.a i►���� #►w�►�::1�'�l��dF Mb?i���� ,»p� ;:,��.��";+;.�h-.:,,d,�fiv +�!'�,�m;�,•t�u ;s'"At: co Land am al -0- ...;f««. edit 5. 4 ' . Nn4 Lour#. y " 33 .—W- M aan. 0!1 S000w00 Toteil to 4LA',4x,# "ro H C Ht"MG 3 ORDER _g6 Docket Calif. 'I10. 1167-DS Appl s T10 Dated May 259 19v8 NAITE OF PROJECT: 373AMI PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM.. LOCt31TION: MJUTI NGTON BEACH, UR.9:.NG 3 COUNTY, CALIF ORNIA TO: BRMIZ�,ML JD JAC OB3011 General Contractors 2150 Princeton Ave nae Los Angeles, California Y'oii are hereby authorized to rake the following changes to the plans and specifications. 1. The finish of hardwood floors to be changed from as specified to "= aoat,_Sshellac�.. ,lcpaste /w- axi , < Polis i d with ,steel i o.oling.(macha nte__,and,.powdred wag fini-sh. .A�A���7YAA�i�JY�A�� �d����A�� �X�IY.Ah7Y16I1�1GA��iD t<o credit, no extcan Change requested by City of 1.untington Beach. Reason for change.--.teco timendation o:_ flodrijg Contractor . 2. Credit for hardwa::°e as per the following: Item #IV 3 Pr® Butts, 3B 2330 A ��n x 41 changed to B 1820 n, 3p tt x Ott 2 only G3 Checks i3hanged to G2 r: 4,75 Item xv Pro Butts, EB 2330.•A 4•�tt x 4,:.n changed to 3B 1820A 3�- x 31" 2.55 Item #VII 1VL Pro Butts, CR ?.SO 4'n•14 x 4.ativ changed to BB 5100A 1 check G3 & Bracket changed to G2 & Bracket 2437 sub-total 9.67 I Page 2 sub-total forward 9.67 Item r�`X 1 Pro Butts, Cat 2'75 411 x 4" changed to 1820A' 3 j" x .38 Item #XI 6 Pr. Butts, MB 280A 5t1 x 511 changed to BB 5100A 4:j" x 4111 11 .70 4.20 Item #XII 12 Pr. Butts, - B 280A 5f6 x 511 changed to BB 5100A 4- 11 it 41-11 .70 8.40 Item „XVI 1 Pr. Butts, C8 280 4211 x 4.,s1 chen6ied to BB 5100A 3; i1 x 3°j" Chi. 2.37 1 check G3 Changed to G2 Item JXVII 3 Pr. Butts, -6B 280 Q-11 x 4j" changed to BB 5100A 3n it x 311 2 Checks G3 changed to G2 A. 75 Item #XVIII 3 Pr. Butts, B 280 491 x 44i1 changed to BB 5100A 3 a 48 x 3n f1 2 Checks G3 changed to G2 4.75 Item #XXV 12 Pro Butts, SB 280 4 t1 x 4P chaffed to 1820A 3n t1 x 3�11 1.27 5. 1 yg 9 3. Two speaker boxes at the east end of auditorium wall as ordered by the City of Huntington Beach lump sin price of '15.00 each " 30.00 Bond .45 EXTRA 30.45 TO iL GR 3:912 '211I l'M"siG3 ORDER. W .... ..... ...-z°7 tom.... x Page iIo change in completion time of Contract. Reason for Change: Requested by City of Huntington Beach. CITY OF HMTTIiT�TO o B134ACH 'tip LK-1M i1:14.� .jr ,u1� ARC HIT 3CTS XV By By T,Tayor Archi tee HARRY O' 1, ;,TYTR 3. A. LVANS City ngineer Structural miner ATTEST: BiiMIRZ aLL /.tl�.il ACOBSOI1I By i i y Mirk /C nere Contrector I hereby certify that the above chaxiges are in �accord.ance with the Riley Act. '.�. . Van-a, atructura !'ng ineer �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN INGTQ WILLIS H. WARNER, Mayor T. B. TALBERT, Councilman Q �RPORgTF f 9 L. S. CHAMNESS, Councilman /fie //`` Huntington A. L. HENRICKSON, Councilman L7C'D _�_ • �{City ®f p-�untingto y Beach A. W. MOREHOUSE, Councilman �,/ 1 1 lY Ll 6�\rll j t p Q �y OFFICIALS CaclifOrnla C. R. FURR, Clerk.Controller 190 A C RAY H. reasurer N Attorney C UTY P '., C. P. PANN, City Judge H. A. OVERMYER, Engineer i and Supt. of Streets H. L. GRANT, Chief of Police lid,I Vox 1 ;"T 6th to � Loa M 10% reffronoo IX* 114 on „ City 0 0 ; " .: ~ "Sy trar# 11 �Iy 4 ft0 O . wakott . 1S so= gave& Asada Lm AA man it ulAU ' A : mom By omw MAW* ', o. 9Ion 0 10 000 Apaii jAv 3400 ally MWIRIM uw t "iy lit , ; `a uw 11 ., 1938 11 order at 7 s3U P. * tW WAyor w t 71�t ; � fte ale* t a" 're" Quote order X0 . for Pirmasilon n by xxe, U%$ , .,, Qhmntspw A by god on the Ica Clark Old lea Ial.. AT61 i xxty stath Y Of ftntulcwn. the city rk of Bi ci t; � .Feat. , do horiby WAS ghat the . ; a tm# and, city' iz + ur . . of the Said Oity, of HuntingtOA eo IM 40 O m « of t o xe city 00umail o ` ity of ,tip ,, x, WVOMU. t 1930 14WAh ksW. AUAUV ftntinston ,Door atrt dosve of havloml bat* of Wo A � ova, o t,* Thu ant All take aaro O Twx net' ot . ' s I 'I�`�1'�"�!��E�'lm$?�'1yl flit' �:,11N�1.�'�i'i�EIS :Y�:'��. �$t�IP'• °1$ 'l4�1!ffi`�P iM'�4i:��2'� CIA"�P 'i fit: '�';�3#�, ''+�".4�9f��'i�4}'��V'�td�:�$'�+����`�6QH'� !A i 3T '��r„ao 'x,'`nwst �`t"°J{� `_t_���7,..�kY�ai�rs}�Y'YG%"�`'�n'�'°-`+��PY"S �ie��MiitlM -TO�i�,3i_,..e f�sy,:.�'ya�.i��=,ate..^ y""='t�tr-•;n1 P.W..A.Form No.84 (Revised 7-28-36) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE NO......9-1-4----- ----------- ENG s AQ,A s gp To ___City_ of_Huntington_Beach -----------------.___ Docket No. __9'k!i_f__9__11_67—DS--- (Name) Type of --__ _--c�o_4�alker_8:_Eisen _Architects,__________________________________ Project ---------- lign----------- ----------------------------— --------437_South_Hi11_Stre et,-_Los_,Angeles�_California-------- Symbol No- _____________________________ (Address) Contractor ----------------- -and__sla4Ol-9-m--------------------------- Contract No- ------------I--------------- (Name only) Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated April 18,1938 , requesting approval of the following contract change: LATEST I SCHEDULED COST CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ESTIMATE FROM— Tnis CHANCE To— (2) (3) (4.) (5) 1. Preliminary, 350.00 350.00 350.00 2. Land and right-of-way, 0.00 0.00 0.00 a.Conmitments 540519,69 868o99 550388.68 3. Construction, 550764.71 b.Estimated .IteQns 0.00 0.00 4. Engineering, 3*931.29 3*931*29 3,931.29 5. Legal and administrative, 200,00 200,00 200,00 . 6. Interest, 0.00 0.00 . 0000 7. Miscellaneous, 210.00 210000 210_CO I TOTAL, 60�456.w g 2_1_0.98 868094- �— 60 07Qe97 Calendar days NEW COMPLETION DATE Description of change: Five items of Change in Construction ,as described on Owner's instruction to Contractor, attached. ,Awarded Contract Amount 480882,00 Change, including this change 6,506.68 Total 550388,68 This Contract Change is approved. The Public Works Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same may be paid out of f ds ressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional f. 'f eeasit y a approved change.. Date ------- --- a3C-4, 1938--- --------- --- ------ 's /, `_/� -fJ- --- -- - ---- ------------- g;l A. GOD VV N."`Acting Re gi ona iec°Q°o, All r uests for change, whether approved or disapproved, shall be recorded. (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanation of change) u.8.6 v NNENT PRINTING oFFICE 16-4694 0 . 0vszer, ac: Eng.Div.g REI, Munson, File, uuftt'.. : tin rCalifornia ti; �.t amm Or THE - a ' ODUNMI *City Hall, Umday April 1 t , 1939 ftmuant to adjournment, of Apra. 11th, 19 . the Ut COMOU Met d to ardor at ji Pad;, by Uayor Womollumn Aorehouse arrived at 7:15 P.M-) The Clerk raj '.We Order entitled Zxtra Qr4or 14o. Calif*Dooket n ' - * dalted April 18,: 1,936 and, can notion bY Counellumn Ommoss seom y Counollmm Talbert,, Order go. 4 t turd., Uotim put and Garr,le gu ly On m6tlan tq Talbert asoortdod by lumanebal t1m Council s -a 'i : d r f the City council. Pity Cl ere. STATE OP CALMMIA aty Huntington Z, 0. R. 1W . the 4uU Ole t . q,"lified and t city Clowk of the City of Utintingtou iSe ,, 40 hereby oortify that the above and foregmirig in a tme and correct frm Uimtes of the City tkmnall Of 8"41 sty at twit ;,vWxlszUI adjoumed meetoing hold on the 18th . O U, 1938. whiah limos in full are on file and at wA ham al of the "Id z", , �. ►t th&:Uity QouwilOf tbo City ( tington ..+0 ! $. .,..:s.:xav:.s:r .t,..aia;.i.,.. ...,:,- .i,,:.. o..a..M rv:fttawy,vs M'M:+o-.v, ,.y,: ": n..s«.r w.. < +,,,, k ,�'nc •'�3i . .. , _ ._w. r ... +. i,n.... K r«.,u..,«.u'w,`.x'FSiMx rw..✓fishx-�4= r.f+ .-ril! ' CHANGE Docket Calif. No. 1167-DS Appl. Ao. Dated April 18, 19348 I-VULTE& OF 2ROJACT: BUGH PAVILIOA AUD CIVIC A33ITORIM11 LOCATION: DUUTINGTON BAACH, MAW COUTY, CAL IMMIA TOt BRUB�'XML AND JACOBSON General Contractors 2150 2rincaton Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes W the plans and specificationz. 1. All windows in the aasterly elevation, that is, sin. the street front , are to be glazed in Sol ite obscure glass. The additional price W : $24.00 Profit and overhead 3.60 1`12 rb 6 Bond 1j TOWAMIL REASO i IFOR CHANGO: To avoid necessity for venetian blinds and reqaested by owner. 2. The sheatLing of .the side walls on the irterior of the Auditorium is to be carried out above the beam to intersect with the roof sheathing, Tie additional cost is: Sheathing to the anderside of roof sheathing boards : 720 Lineal Ft . I x 12, clear. Wo run to detail Salen Tay. 2.48 TOTAL for 1-Taterials 0 ra Carpenter Labor 53.45 TOTAL for Haterials and Labor 01U73-07771-26 20.81 Profit anti Overhean in-S 15 19m 4. Bond, 11 2.43 �16Z TOUL plum `-T 1h 1-6-2.Mo REASON FOR CHAUGN: To present a better appearance. Requestecl by owner. �Qqp 3. The men's toilet and women's toilet on tne floor are to have a Spanish tile floor as made by the VAlonaia Spanish Tile Company, 4031 Menda Street , Go_Lvar City, California. The urinal in the men's toilet is to be entirely formed of tile with the back 41-6" high of tile, returning both Mae walls H { 1811 more or less. All f loors to be p-roperly laid on concrete base provided by the cont2actor. This is to be complete with base and cove. It is not tha titention, however, to run the base around the intermediate toilet ,')etit.,".ons or atalls as these are cement plaster and are carried to the floor. The additional cost of this is ; Urinal 4?60.00 11e.n,Ys Toilet flour 168, base and cove 69,237.00 Lathe's toilet floor 224, bate and. cove, 92, 31:6.00 Bond 1.j--p 10.57 TOTAL REASOE FOR CI-_dTI : To present more sanitary appearance Requested by ovvrner. 4. 0::d t all rope encl.s wires ern. the ��°�oo� with hardware and fixi ng same. CUB DITS: Roe and hardmaare, divisions betweea booths in Auditor.-',um: credit 24.00 Bond .36 5. Omit roof hatoho Credit �,l2.00 Band 1 ,; or 8 II�+ I g+�? REASON `Oiz C ).L'Li i,: Requested by architects TOTALS OF ABOITZ CIARCi7S Addit ion Credit 162.00 715.52 4. Fa 5. 12.18 TOTAL � ..bU TOTAL Zg. Ness credits ; 36.54 Net add it ions :. PIns, are hit ectural fee 6dS 5?0 33 TOTAL OF TITS C ARCS ORD 1�921..12 P$...a C I OFFit NTING'TOU, B3"ACH V' LKER ARD EIS' r�, ARCHITECTS Iday or HARR 07,3RMY:3R E o A. AVAVS . y n ;x xz �r. tonic �mml `1 g neer i BRUILIZZL iliD J`COBSON l�l,/ B� , I C 06C ra ral- oi��o ?car I hereby certify that the above changes are in. accordance with the Haley Act . A.form No.194 -�... ;(Revised 7-28-36) _ FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE No. -_--_____ ENG: :ami To -----Clt�s_of_Iiuntington-Beach----------------I --- ------------- -- Docket No. (Name) --------- Type of ------ _&-Eisen.-Architects--------------- ----------------- Project __Pav_i_U0 --------------- (Address) ---------487-_South-Hi11--.Street,_Los_Angeles,_ California-_---.-- Symbol No. ------------------------- ----- (Address) - Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated -4-2I-38---- ------------------ requesting approval of the following project change: — APPROVED ESTIMATE CLASSIFICATION FROM— Txis CHANGE To— (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Preliminary, 350.,,00 I 350,00 2. Land and right-of-way, 00 (I 00 3. Construction 54i764.71 � 10000.00 { 55,764.71 4. Engineering, 3*931.29 30931.2.9 5. Legal and administrative, 200.00 20000 6. Interest, 00 00 i. Miscellaneous, 210.00 210.00 TOTAL, $59,456.00 I $1s000.00 `$64,,4-56.00 Description of change: Records the addition by Owner of $1,000.00 to project funds, as, per Resolution of April 11, 1938, attached. Funds Avai.laols Grant $230456.000 By Owner, 11-16-37 30,000.00 it tt 11 1-19-38 5,000.00 it it 1-21-38 10000.00 ft a 4-11-38 1 000.00 Total 60,456.00 This Project Chan e is ` g recorded, The Public Works Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the.same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional funds necessitated by any approved change. K. A.- G&IIN, A,cti.z}g-Re tonal Director Date __Api ----------------------- By ---- -- - --- --------- J. TNT O TIER, Assistant '*NMD�*2CX All requests for change, whether approved or dis rove , s a e recorded. Regional Director (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanation of change) U.S.GOVERP.MENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-5IA�/ Orig. to Ownor;r1 cc Eng. Div,; 1 cc REI; 1 cc Reg. Proj. Aud.; 1 cc File. ,i r Form No.P.W.C.A.21-C / D. O.Voucher No. ______________________ Ce Pt'a„BPGen�;II,S. PUBLIC VOUCHER October OI: Contract No. --- October 19,1935 FINAL GRANT ��. Requisition 1Vo. ------_ __y_________ Dockex,No. - 1`'�' <'t ------ FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS �@ ' ---------- , ls_ (D to PAID BY Appropriation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE UNITED STATES, Dr, v,r To -----= ------------ - j=---- -- --- -Y ---=" =- -- i_ -------------------- Address --- f1 - � t- `----- ----fPL---px-A{,Try f ?r - a�Ld "�s ti E�----- -- (For use of Paying Officer) - - -- - r j C�- ..G F1F. :AJ`TF ::.it"!9. tlt't a. £�x3" Project- -- - `= Project Symbol No. ------------------------ ------------------------- Offer n' - - - accepted __ _�= __ �__� f Plans, specifications, and estimates approved_____'l ------ `_ -------- Requisition for final payment of grant based on 45 percent of the actual cost of the project, but in no case to be in excess of the grant allotted. Actual cost of project Loan Grant ___%of total cost Previous payments Amount of this payment 13 $ $ $ $ $ I CERTIFY that the above is a true statement of the cost of the project above mentioned, in accordance with the plans and speci- fications heretofore approved therefor under the above offer and acceptance covering the grant, and in amounts stated above; that the work upon said project has been performed in accordance with said plans and specifications; that no claim has been presented to or payment made by the United States for the items for which payment is claimed; and that these and all other conditions prece- dent to the payment of the grant imposed by the terms of the above-mentioned offer and acceptance have been met and performed. Payee---- -�y---D _-U _Jf j,? f?1 ,� c Per ----------------------------------- Title I cERTIFY that,the workmanship and materials covered by this requisition have been inspected by me and conform to the engineer- ing and architectural requirements of the plans and specifications. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Engineer Inspector. 1 f Approved: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Approved: -------------------------------------------------------- ., __ s SIN,e Director. State Engineer Inspector. (Additional statements by Department, (Accounting classification) (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Establishment, if deemed necessary) Differences----------------------------- - - - - - ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------ --- -------- Account verified; correct for_________` $_____________________ --- (Signature or initials)--------------------------------------------------- It is hereby certified that all requirements of the offer and acceptance covering the grant have been fulfilled by the applicant and that all documentary evidence required by the offer and acceptance has been received, examined, and found to be satisfactory, and has been filed at____________________________________________________________and payment is authorized. (Insert location) a SIGN Approved for$ _____________________ ORIGINAL ONLY FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS, 3a By------- -----------------------------,-------- — -- — — ----- --------- ---- ---- --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- i Assistant Administrator. F.ieeutine Officer. j J Paid by check No. ________________ dated:_____________________________, 19______,for$__________________________ On Treasurer of the United Statesin favor of the payee named above. i Penalty for False Certificaton.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or both,for knowingly and willfully malflng or.causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements • ' • or use oncause to be made or used any Use • • ' account, claim,certificate,affidavit,or'deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or Betitious statement ' ' "<'"ielating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. F U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 18--48aB , FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Regional Director 1210 Hewes Building San Francisco, Calif. February 4, 1938 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO ENG:AQA:cm Docket: Calif.1167-DS Municipal Pavilion Huntington Beach, Calif. City of Huntington Beach, City Hall Huntington Beach„ California Dear Sir: This office acknowledges receipt of the following list covering subcontractors as proposed by Brunzell & Jacobson, Principal Contractors. Permission is hereby granted to you to authorize Brunzell & Jacobson, Principal Contractors, to sublet the work described to the subcontractor listed. Subcontract No. Subcontractor For Amount 1-1-F John H. Clary Cement $234.93 Finishing Very truly yours, K. A. GODViIN, Acting Regional Director BY: J. W. BOURNIER, Assistant Regional Director For the Administrator co: REI P'-'A. EISEN A. R.WALKER WALKER AND EISEN ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building-437 South Hill Street LOS ANGELES Telephone TRinity 7808 December 7 1 9 3 7 It . Harry Overmyer City Engineer Huntington Beach, California Dear hr . Overmyer: We are enclosing herewith letters received from the Acting Regional Director , in which approval of the Contract Documents is given. As you will see from these letters, the Contractor may now start work. Kindly give proper notice to the Uontractor, as required, sending two copies of said notice to the Acting Regional Director, P.W.A. We will deliver to you tomorrow the Contract Documents referred to in letters from B. &A. bearing their approval. We will also send to you all drawings now in our office, excepting five sets, which we will keep for reference . Very truly yours, ULKER AND EISEN, ARCHITECTS 1 FEE: ER By Enc . TOA �MAA LRyr oko e• � FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Region No. 6 ACTING REGIONAL, DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building San Francisco, California December 6, 1937 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO ENG:RFS:ami Docket Calif. 1167-DS City of Huntington Beach Beach Pavilion (Civic Auditorium) City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, Calif. c% Walker & Eisen 437 South Hill Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: In order to expedite the approval of sub-contractors on the above designated project and insure their proper clear- ance prior to their appearance on the site, it is requested that hereafter whenever a sub-contract or a group of sub- contracts is let, the information relative thereto be iminediate- ly communicated to the Resident Engineer Inspector assigned to the project who will enter it on our.Form No. 17-c in order that the approval of this office may be expedited. Each sub-contractor must carry the character and amount of insurance called for in the contract between the owner and the contractor. It. is. necessary that all of the insurancere- quired of the subcontractor be,procured by you and.,presen-l.e`,d .. to .the-Resident Engineer Inspector at the same time as your'::, request for the approval ,of the award of the sub-contract.','. Yours very truly, K. LA. GODWIN Acting Regional Director For the Administrator cc: REI a FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Region No. 6 ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building San Francisco, California December 6, 1937 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO ENG:RFS:ami Docket Calif. 1167-DS City of Huntington Beach Beach Pavilion (Civic Auditorium) Huntington Beach, Calif. City of Huntington Beach c% Walker & Eisen 437 South Hill Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt by this office October 4, 1937, of two sets of executed. Contract Documents and three conformed sets thereof as hereinafter listed, covering the contract between the City of Huntington Beach and Brunzell and Jacobson for the construction of the above designated project: Advertisement for Bids ' Information for Bidders Bid Form (blank) Agreement Specifications Performance Bond Labor and iVlaterial Bond Plans under separate cover The above mentioned contract documents are hereby approved. You are therefore authorized to order the contractor to commence work. Two copies of your notice to the contractor to Commence work should be sent to the Acting Regional Director, P.W.A., whose address is 1210 Hewes Building, San Francisco, Cdlifornia. Such copies should be mailed at the time the notice to the con- tractor is mailed. Work should not be commenced by the contractor, however, until the representative of the Acting Regional Director, P.W.A., has arrived on the site of the project. In case this representative has not arrived on the site of the project by the City of .�`. Huntington Beach - 2 - December 6, 1937 . time the contractor desires to commence work, you should telephone or telegraph this office to that effect., When the contractor actually starts work on the project, please advise 'this office of the date thereof promptly. In-giving notice to the contractor to start work, it is essen- tial -that you consider the requirements of the Government and of the construction contract as to the time of completion -of the project, so that the contractor shall be fully informed that the project must be completed in any event:by the date of completion fixed by the Government for the project. IfV'e are returning to you herewith two approved executed counter- - 4 part sets of the contract documents; one set is to be retained by you and the other set is to be delivered by you to the contractor. Very truly yours'. }K. :A.' G©DWIN Acting Regional Director • For the Administrator Enclosures: 1 cc Munson 1 cc REI i FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS 1210 Hevres Building, IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO San Francisco, California.. December 6, 1937 ENG:RFS:ami City of Huntington Beach Docket Calif. 1167-DS c% Walker & Eisen City of Huntington Beach 437 South Hill Street Beach Pavilion (Civic Aud.) Los Angeles, California Huntington Be�ch, Calif. Dear Sir: For your information and guidance, vrc present an ou-tlino of procedure in securing labor for your project and you- shoulc, seo that contractors cmploycd for your pre; ect arc fully infonnc�i of this proccdurc. 1. GET?E_RAL - - (a) The procedure o utlir_c below fDr the rcforral of labor to P171l non-Foc,oral pro11 1, govorncd by PV1!. Form No.230 has boon approved by the Public Vi�Torks _'.(I.rairdstration anc'. the United;States mployincrt Service. 2. ,-'TPLOY..ET T S ,i.VICE -- 0,1) ?:h,::no v c;r an amploycr of labor desires i ors D s appropria=to, to be sucurcc` through the omployncnt service, he rill request such p:;rsons from offices desicnatec'. by the United States L:nploynont Serr•ico. He will indicate the nurabor and the exact classifict7_tion of the persons required. (b) The agency dcsignr.-.ted by the United States 'Employment Service, when filling requisitions for labor, swill give prefurencc in omployraent to perso�:s fro:m, the public reliuf rolls. (c) Introc?ueti:>n earn, Form U.S.E.S. 320, ;gill be used for makir_g such ruforrals. The iduntific_-ttion nuiaber of this rofr,,rred worker shell be cntc;rcd ira_r;~.i tcly after such workor's r_cjnc. (1) For the purpose of ir-u icating which p;_;rsons aro from tho public rulicf rolls, the local omploymont of ficc vdll s t«iip or othcrwis!; sh:)w on the face of cc:.ch capy of Form U.S.E.S. 320, a, large "C" vilwn rcforring such persons. The certificati )n nizibcr of relief pk)rsons will be prucoc:ec: by ttho lottcrs "C-0' <-nc' will be entoro( o---, the .fr>ra r_ftur the titlo of the positiJ t. (2) F,nii U.S. .5. 320 when user. for the rufcrral of n-)n-rolicf persons ail' not bear the large; "C", nor will it bcc_r oho certification ntunber prccu%0o:'. by thu letters "C-Tr". (FL-R-28--P.1 R-28 11/1/37) F " J of ., 3. DISTRIBUTION— (a) One copy o! Form U.S.i.S.320 will be delivered to the contractor by the person referred. If the person so re- ferred is accepted for o_mploymont, the -contractor will retain a copy of Form' U.S.;.S. 320 in his files (b) If the referred person is rejected by the contractor, .the Form U, S.L.S. 320 :~rill be roturned by the contractor to the office designated by the United States tEmploymart Service. (c) A'socond copy of Form U.S.F.S. 320 will be mdiled by the. of- fice d`esi rated by the United States %ploynent Se rvice to tro Public I:Vorks A( m.iristratior_ Resident Injir_cer Inspector. `4. USES 320 - PWA-L -- (a) Periodically the omployment o,_'ice will sub_M to the; contractor Ti�Form USES - 320 - P''lz-L lists showing tho names. of persons rcforred, the id nci ficat'ion numbors,_ the r efurred. persons= Occu- pational classifications and certification numbers, if such .exist. (b.) The contractor will indicate in the last column. of Form USES - S20 P I-L the .yeppt ar_.co or rejection of cock person nrsicd, on the form. He will return the form to thy; offjcc' dnsQnntoj by. tho United States Employment Service. 5.' UNION LOCALS -- .(w) Persons appropriate to be secured through union locals may be secured in a customary mannc,r rl ich will insure prefer once in omploymer_t to members of the union from the public relief rolls there! such persons, arc ovailablo and.quaiifio& to perform the work to which the emplo went relates,. (b) Urrless otherwise provided in construction contracts, referral cards are .net roquircd for union mQ bers who are employed in thy.; Gusto nary ma nnor Yours vc;ry truly, Aet ir_g Redo naa Director. . For the Administrotor. (FL-R-28-2 R-28 11�1�37) i FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS.. ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 -Hewes Building San Francisco, California IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO January 14, 1938 ENG:CAT:ami Docket Calif. 1167-DS Beach Pavilion-Civic Aud. Huntington Beach, Calif. City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, California Gentlemen: Re: Subcontractors' approval This. office aclmowledges receipt of the following list cover- ' ing subcontractors .as proposed.by Brunzell & Jacobsen, Principal Contractors. Permission is hereby granted to'you to autliorize Brunzell 8c Jacobsen, Principal. Contractors, to; sublet 'the wore described,to the subcontractors listed. Subcontract No. - Subcontractor'-, For Amount 1-1-D Trojan Steel Inc. Rein. Steel $872.00 " 1-1-E Sha=el Electric Co. Elec. Work $2250.00 Very truly yours, 4111 ,/ + K. A. `GODSNIN - Acting' Regional Director . For the Administrator. 1 cc RE I / FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS 6T*T-&-DIRE -FOR OFFICE OF ACTING REGIONAL,'DIRECTOR 1210 HeT Te s Building, San Francisco, California January 7, 1938 7N REPLY PLEASE REFER TO G: CAT:mn Docket:Calif.1167-DS 'Beach Pavilion-Civic Aud. Huntington Beach,Cali-f.-. mot' City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, California. Re: Subcontractors Approval . Gentlemen. r This office acknowledges receipt of the following list covering subcontractors as proposed by Brunzell &. Jacobson, principal contractors. Permission is hereby granted to you to authorize Brun- zell & Jacobson, principal contractors,. to sublet the work described to the subcontractors listed. ld Subcontract No. Subcontractor' For mount 1-1-A Ansco Construction Co. Pile $3,102.00 Driving 1-1-8 " " " Conc.Cutting 450.00 Excavation. 1-•1-C Hickman. Bros.Inc. Plumbing 3,200.00 Very truly yours,, e 'K. A. GODTMN ('Acting Regional Director For the Administrator. t� ec R.E.I. J A G'-:W JIM i MJ T THIS AGRZE1',,2WT, made and entered into as of this day of October, 1937, by and BETWEEN CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated as CITY, A D 17ALKER & EISEN) 437 So. Hill . Stil, Los Angeles., Calif. , a co-partnership, hereinafter called the Architect. V11TWESSETH: 17HERSASP the City intends to erect a BEACH PAVILION and CIVIC AUDITORIUM in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California. WOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Architect, for the concidera- tions hereinafter named, agrees as follows: The Architect agrees to perform, for the above-named wiork, professional services as Architect. The City agrees to pay the Architect at the rate of six per cent (6%), hereinafter called the basic rate., computed upon the cost and as more fully described hereafter. The parties hereto further agree to the folloting: ARTICLE 1: The Architects' Services. The Architect's professional oervices consists of the necessary conferences, the preparation of preliminary studies, working drawings, specifications, large scale and full size detail drawings as determined necessary by them only; the drafting of forms of proposals and contracts; the issuance of certificates of payment; and keeping of accounts, the general ad-miniotration of the business and supervision of the work. It is not incumbent upon the Architects to furnish shop details, models, or patterns. 1. PRELIMINARY SKETOHES16 This service includes the necessary conferences, inspection and study of the building site, preparing studies of floor plans and elevations, and preliminary estimate of cost. S. WORKING DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATION: This service provides the necessary information for obtaining bids., letting contracts and constructing the building. This includes the preparation of floor plans, elevations and interiors, large scale and full size archi- tectural and structural details, complete typewritten specifications and the furnishing of five (5) complete sets of blue prints and speci- fications. 3. SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION: This service includes the obtaining of competitive bids from reputable general contractors, pre- paration of contract documents., the general supervision and inspection of the work, the approval of all bills for payment to the Contractor, the keeping of accounts and exercising of all usual precautions to protect the City's interests during the entire building operation. The Architect endeavors to guard the City against defects and deficiencies in the work of contractors, but does not guarantee the per- formance of their contracts. The supervision of an architect is to be distinguished from the continuous personal superintendence to be ob- tained by the employment of a clerk of the works. When authorized by the City, a clerk of the works, acceptable to both City and Architect, is to be engaged by the Architect at a salary satisfactory to the City and paid by Architect,— the City shall re- imburse the Architect monthly for salary payments advanced such clerk of works. ARTICLE 2: The Architeotts Fee. The fee payable by the City to the Architect for the performance of the above services is the percentage hereinbefore defined as the bas16 rate, computed upon the cost of the work in respect of which such services have been performed, subject, however, to any -2- modifications growing out of these conditions of agreement. ARTICLE 3: Extra Services and Special Cases. If after a definite scheme has been approved, the City makes a decision which, for its proper exe- cution,, involves extra services and expense for changes in or additions to the drawings, specifications or other documents, or if the Architect is put to labor or expense by the delinquency or insolvency of the City or the Contractor, or as a result of damage by fire, he shall be equit- ably paid for such extra service and expense. The Architect will endeavor to use such materials and to incorporate in their structural engineering and mechanical engineering drawings and specifications, such systems, forms., materials, and methods as may to them seem most practical and appropriate. If, at any time after the drawings are finished in pencil, ready for tracing, the City desire substitutions or changes in or of such systems, forms, materials and methods, and if the substituting thereof should entail extra labor and cost to the Architects, they shall be re- imbursed a stnA equivalent to actual drafting cost plus overhead, for such additional work; provided however, that before entering into any work or changes that will require additional cost, the City shall be notified in writing of such necessity. ARTICLE 4: PaMents Whether the work be executed or whether its execution be suspended or abandoned in part or whole, payments to the Ai'qhitect on his fee are to be made as follows. Upon completion of the preliminary studies, a sum of Seven Hundred dollars (5700.00), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Upon completion of specifications and general working drawings (ex- clusive of details ) a sum sufficient to increase payments on the fee to 60% of the rate or rates of commission arising from this agreement, com- puted upon a reasonable cost estimate on such completed specifications and drawings, or if bids have been received, then computed upon the low- est bona fide bid or bids, or approximately Sixteen Hundred Fifty Dollars, less any payments previously made. Upon completion of approximately one-half of the construction work, a sum sufficient to increase payments on the fee to eighty per cent (80%) of the rate or rates of commission computed upon the contract price, less all payments previously made. Upon completion of the entire woZk, the balance to complete pay- ments on the fee computed upon the total contract price. No deduction shall be made from the Architect 's fee on account of penalty, liquidated damages, or other sums withheld from payments to dontractors. ARTICLE 5: The City's Decision. The City shall give thorough consideration to all sketches, drawings, specifications, proposals, contracts, and other documents laid before him by the Architect, and whenever prompt action is necessary, they shall inform the Architect of theirdeciBione in such reasohable time as not to delay the work to the Architect. ARTICLE 6: Survey, Borings and Tests. The City shall furnish the Architect with a complete and ' accurate survey of the building site, giving the grades and lines of streets, pavements •and adjoining properties; the rights, restrictions, easements, boundaries, and contours of the build- ing site, and full information as to sewer, water, gas and electrical service. The City is to pay for borings or test site and for chemical, mechanical, or other tests when required. ARTICLE 7: Abandonment of Project. Should this project be abandoned or de- layed, for any reason, after the undersigned has been authorized to pro- ceed, there shall then be due and payable to the undersigned the part of the fee proportionate to the amount of work completed to date of said abandonment or delay, based on the payments outlined above. ARTICLE 8: Preliminaxy Estimates. When requested to do so, the Architects will make or procure preliminary estimates on the cost of the work and will endeavor to keep the actual cost of the work as low as may be con- sistent with the purpose of the building and ,with proper workmanship and material, but no such estimate can be regarded as other then an approximation. ARTICLE 9: Definition of the Cost of the Work, The words "The Cost of the Work" are ordinarily to be interpreted as meaning the total cost to the City incurred for the execution of the work, not including Architect' s fees or carrying charges, but including elevators, lighting fixtures and hardware, if purchased separately, and any fixtures or partitions or landscaping, designed by him. No deduction shall be made from the Architect 's fee on account of penalty, liquidated damages, or other sums withheld from payments to Contractors. Should the building be constructed under a contract with the contractor or contractorsproviding for a fixed fee, with a guaranteed excess cost and with a savings clause, or other form of contract providing for a bonus to the contractor for any savings under the agreed cost of the work the Architect 's fee shall not be reduced on account of the decreased cost of the work,, accruing by reason of the operation of such savings or bonus clause; neither shall the Architect's fee be reduced by -reason of a time bonus clause, but shall be computed on the maximum amount of the contract. ARTICLE 10; OwnershiR of Documents. That all plans, specifications, maps, estimates and reports, including amy preliminary data or report, shall be at all times the property of the City, and at the conclusion of the work herein contemplated, they shall be delivered to said City, ARTICLE 11: The Rules for "Professional Practice of Architecture", as adopted by the American Institute of Architects, shall govern the services as herein proposed to be rendered. IN WITNESS TMEREOF, the City has caused its corporate -name and seal to be hereunto annexed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereto duly authorized., and the Architect has hereunto set his hand eas of the day and Year in this Agreement first above written. CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, MAYOR ATTEST. City Clerk iJALKER. A19D EI N, ARCHITECTS By Archi t P. W. 76500-176 FEDERAL EMERGENCY CY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Washington, D. C. , Dated: ;L9 193� Docket No. Calif. 1.167-DS. City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, Orange County, California. 1. Subject to the Terms and Conditions (PTA Form No. 230) which are made a part hereof, the United States of America hereby offers to aid in financing the construction. of a municipal beach pavilion grid aai.aitorium (herein called the "Project") by making a grant to City of Huntington Beach (herein called the "Applicant") in the amount of 45 percent of the cost of the Project upon completion, as determined. by the Federal Emergency Adminis- trator of Public Works, but not to exceed., in any event, the sum of $231456. 2. By acceptance of this Offer the Applicant covenants to begin work on the Project as early as possible but in no event later than ten weeks from the date of this Offer and to complete such Project with all practi- cable dispatch, and in any event within eight months from the commencement of construction. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal' Emergency Administrator of Public Works By— f�G �� For the A strator. Form No.P.W.C.A. 21-B `- Form approved by PUBLIC VOUCHER—PAYMENT OF ADVANCE D. O. Voucher No. ______________________ Comptroller General U.August 26,1935 AND INTERMEDIATE GRANTS Contract No. __________ __ __ _____ _ Requisition No. ____ � FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS equiDocke NO. '_ (Date) PAID BY Appropriation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE UNITED STATES, Dr., alty Of gunftM�on Beach Address City , '} tl't,1 4, -Beach, Fi 7r. 'i� (For use of Paying Officer) --------------------- - - --- -- - - -------------- --------------- Project - ---Municipal- Bewh Pavilion d A 5 Itor*9 - - - Project Symbol No. - Deco 60 193 . Offer accepted_ ___October------------------------_A_ _ ___ Plans, specifications, and estimates approved ---------------------------------------------- Requisition for* ______________________________ advance payment on account of the grant, being ------------------------------% of the estimated cost of the project, in accordance with certificate of purpose (P. W. A. Form No. 168) attached hereto, as follows: Total estimated cost of Loan Grant __%of total cost Previous payments Amount of this payment project 53vA58.00 Roue 230456.0) 139031® 140 s 131v031.00 Approved: I certify that the above is a true statement. - --- - - - - --- - - - - - (Faye -" ----= ----i ;31 State Director. (Pe / (Title) ► (Additional statements by Department, (Accounting classification) I (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Establishment, if deemed necessary) Differences__________________________________ ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ i Account verified; correct for_________ $---------------------____________ (Signature or initials)------------------------------------------------------ t MEMCDMANDUM Paid by check No. _______________, dated ------------------------------- 19-------for -------------------------- On Treasurer of the United States in favor of the payee named above, 'First,Second,Third,or Fourth. NOTE.—Final Requisition to be made on Form 21. Penalty for False Certification.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or � both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * ' or use or cause to be made or used any false ' ' ' account, claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ' ' ""relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. N.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1e-4317 .Form No.168 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS wised 4-22-36) CERTIFICATE OF PURPOSES AND STATEMENT OF PROJECT COSTS Requisition No._____Qnfr'_______ _ Grant Name of applicant ___< __ ------------ Docket No. - --- . Qj,Y 13 i3- Ai E'`E► fS ; ioff-" fir" --- ------- ----------- (APPLICANT DO NOT USE) Address _ _• _ per_ Contract No. ________________ • : �.+1'�J -�i���a--�3�•7.�i� cd�t7t-" c�zIia--�,��,$as+��fu.��--------=--- ------------- Type of pro,'�(1,t• g-� .L %�_ _ _� Date ___ _ 193__ O..P. I`To. ________ ____ twr„ �25, - 7----- --------------- ----- �nft_7,- .• - (See reverse for instructions pertaining to entries in columns showelow) The following is the status of the above project as of the dates indicated. The funds requisitioned on the accom- panying form, P. W. C. A. :___22�B___`_____ will-be expended-for"the purposes shown in coluiii,il-4,-subject to changes _ (21-)3;%21;C,or22) _. _. approved by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works. PREVIOUS P.W.A. LATEST-APPROVED GRANT-LOAN REQUISI- COSTS INCti RREU AMOUNT DISRIIRSED OLASSIFICATION THIS REQUISITION - - � ESTIMATE T10N9 OR PAYMENTS - AS OF A9 OF p_ (1) (2) (3) (4) (6 CJ�gr$ KJ°�e7tD 1. PRELIMINARY EXPENSES ca i/.L14 - --------------------------------------------------- ------ 1 Z- ---- -------- 11210 TOTALS------------'--------------Ar'' --------- --------------- `d- g.}- --- ------- - -.. °:�--- _ - 2. LANDS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND -�EASEMENTS--------- ---'---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ 3._CONSTRUCTION_________________________ y Engineering n Fees- 3 6 5� - s = = = 4. ENGINEERING, ETC.: w� oQD-- --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- Architectural Fees__________________________ _1,916._69 __ 1 _916.69. Applicant's Forces 00 75-.00 --------------------------------------------------- --75.- ------ ----- ------------ -- - n e _ TOTALS-- -------- --- ---- - ,"; - =F' " ----- -------- -- ------ - ---- ----- --- r'= .? .. -- ---- ----'�--- -7--- -- 5. LEGAL, ADMIN., ETC.: Legal Fees = ----------=--------------=--------------------------=-= - - Legal Costs - - - - -----------------------------=------------------------------------------------ -- - -------------------- - - Admin. and Overhead — ' ,�/� _-------------------------- ------------------ TOTALS----------=----------'------ }_iw ia-�--- -------- ---- „ _ -------- ------------- -- --------- -.g.---- �� 1Xi: 6. INTEREST------------------- --------------s-- _ - _ .(q--a-- — — tn --- ------ ------- — — —--- -- --- ----------- -- �ei'------------ --------------a��------- 7. 1VIIBCELLANEOIIS---------------------------ram, Eli-fY f------------------------------------------- ---------�-.4--------------- i.X------- GRAND TOTALS----------- --- ----------------------- w Ate y A _ FUNDS RECEIVED AND DISEUItSED APPLICANT P.W.A.LOAN T.Iv.A.GRANT TOTAL Funds required and-allotted--------_____ _ p1z__ __ ___ap _se ; h - Funds deposited and source------------------------------------ - $ ------' ........ Funds disbursed, per column 6, above------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - � - Balance in Construction,Account—Applicant's books_________________________________________________________________ _ ---e7 .EA�9 04L Total outstanding checks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =------ f --- Balance in Construction Account—Depositary's books__________________________________________________________________________________P!F,_PPF�� Is—sls: CERTIFICATE' OF APPLICANT • . . The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the purposes set forth in ,the;approved!application and estimated cost of the project; except as the same shall- have been revised, amended, modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now requested, when a.dy4lleed,.will.be used for the purpose or purposes stated in column 4 on the reverse of this form, and that all infor- miifioncontained in tliis'P. W: A.Torm 168 is true, correct, and complete, '"';'SAacribed and swiTorn to before me this*----1j�---------- day of -=-----January------------------------------------------- 193.8_, at Ci -° --- - t io _Beach-- -----.--------------- _ '(1�Tame of applicant) Huntingt6wBe' ch, Or n , ] na --------- ---- g ----- ---- - --- --------- ----- (Place) (County) (State) -- - -------------- -- -- ----------- (Signature of duly authorized officer) City Clerk - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Title of officer) [SEAL] ---------------- „ _- - ----------(Notary Public). •"'. ". . SEAL My commission expires----------------------------------- 193---. PENALTY FOR FALSE CERTIFICATION.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of,not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or both, ow for kningly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements `* * or useor cause to be made or used any false * * * account,claim;certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ,* * —relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. . CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY We'dertify that-the Construction Account of the above-named applicant has been credited with deposits total- ing s_ a14®------�®____and had a credit balance of$_----t ��!94 at the close of business _` '___ _______, 1938 Beach Branch Huntington Beach `• -------- Security--First_ Wation43__P4A _.0ff Lob------ (Place) (Name of depositary) January Zia An _ - - g®les ---------- ---------------------- 193- -. - By -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Date) (Title) Manav [BANK SEAL .• a µ" APPROVALS FOR FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED:* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------ Resident Engineer Inspector. State Engineer Inspector. -------------------------------------------------- 193--- ------------------------------------------------ 193--- (Date) .'... i(Date) ------------------------------------------------T------- ---=-=-=-------=-- ----------------------------------- --- -- -- --- State Director. --- ------- ---- ----------, 193 - -- ---- ------------- -------- ------ '----- 193--- (Pate) (Date) Date :. INSTRUCTYONS ,.. :.The summarizatiomof costs as--described-in column 1 shall be in accordance with the standard classification of accounts prescribed-by P.W.A.(Administrative Order 145).' - 2. Entries in column 2 shall be based upon.the mast recent estimate of project costs as appioved by F.W.A,through the State Director. S.-Entries-in column 3 shall consist of the aggregate of all previous loan and/or grant payments or requisitions,according to;their status,as follows: (a) If no payments received on prior requisitions,then show items tequested on pending requisitions. - (b) If payments received on all prior requisitions,then show items supporting such payments. (c) I€the situation is a combination of(a)and(b),then the figure shown shaft be determined accordingly. .. - i- - �4.'Elntries-in ccluinn 4 shall support Else amounE currently requisitioned as covered by Form P.W.C.A.21-B,21-C-,or 22. 5.Entries in column 5 shall cover all costs(paid and unpaid)incurred on the project as of the date of the requisition,or as of the closing date of the applicant's last accounting period. .. _ - - 6.Entries 1n column 6.shall reflect actual disbursements and for the p lseriod'coincidiztg with-that-codeied"by column 5. 7:Entries opposite'"Funds Required and AIlotted"must at least equal the total of the latest approved estimate as shown in column 2. Entries for"Funds Deposited and Source"must be subdivided according to source of funds,and their sum must equal the total funds deposited. The succeeding entries are self-explanatory. S.If more detailed instructions are required,address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A.,Washington,D.C. U.i.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1e-5194 . I December 1, 1937 i Bayard Butcher, City Treasurer, Main & Ocean, Huntington Beach, California. Dear Sir: At the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council held November 29th, 1937, a motion was made by Councilman Henrickson seconded by Councilman Chariness authorizing and directing; the City Treasurer. and City Clerk to transfer from the General Fund the sum of $30,000.00 to a Fund to be knotTs as " Construct- ion PVIA, Calif. 1167-DS" ® The motion was put and carried unanimously® For your information the purpose of this action is pursuant to requirements of the PWA for financing the new beach pavilion and civic auditorium. You will please have this transfer made as of December 1st, 1937® By Order of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at its regular adjourned meeting held on November 29th, 1937 Yours very truly, CRF-.h City Clerk - .t r ' P.W.Form I-98 Sheet ____ _ of___ __ sheets. (R0v1sed8 636 _Y_.; _... Yit—abo8 FEDERAL, EMERG NCY ADMINISTR)�TION OF PUBLIC;WORKS l PER101)Mt STIMATElFOR RT[AL-PAYMENT JNO __ - i Fo the pinod ____ „� _______ to_ _ __ _ ______, inclusive. I Type of project --- -- -- va! ft-v Ion Lo�ation --- ------ St to ---- - _ ' - --------- i 44 r 'Boxrower'I name and addres _ __ ' __ _ 3 _ ;� Symbol No. ___________� I --- --- Contract No. y ' -----� Co tract lr's name and addr ss ___._______-____ _ ,# , __________ 4 - -- Estimated cost $ ---- - -----------j - lfl�!l _ _ 1 _ Contract ,j - - - ----= -- - �r - price --- -- 40 ESTIMATED NUMBS* OF UNITS (Quantity) Estimated p hysical percent completed Item, Unite or lump sum °1I Detailed estimate This estimate To date { Uncompleted Period ITo date I • , I + Percent ,Percetet . Y40 225 ► 7 sK i - - - _. ._-_ ._.. — - acr _.... ..._ ..___ -.- . .1?._._ i r c ac ona ( rra "rz ecro +,o i t C I�1+SL'$ C)YS?")FYS?, I c£Harr rrl<,r.'cicstr h to 2 1201 . E � a} fi t REMARKS—MATERIALS STORED CHANGE ORDERS Estimated percent completed No. Additions Deductions This estimate To date Unused balance Period To date $ $ Percent Percent Total, Less deduction orders, Total—Change orders, xe—azse �l r� i Section 9 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935,reads as follows: "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any false statement in connection with any application for any project,employment,or relief aid under the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting for the benefit of any person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro- priated by this joint resolution,or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,by means of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation,or boycott, deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts so to do,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year,or both." . •�i�-f. Yy;i Fi :: x•r.nn:Ittif,:-:74ii�nl"k?',�1';i r.r �,i.-... . ecti-on-3-5-of-the-Criminal-Code,-as-amended,-prov'des-a-penalty-ofnot-more than$10;000-or-imprisonment of-nat-more-than-l-0-years, or both, ,L`JCIc,�;Oran' ii 1 forfnowingf. and willfully making or causing to be made "any false or fraudulent statements or use or cause to be made or used any fals `* "--accou f—claim` certificate; affidavit r de osition knoann a same to contain an .fraudulent or-fictitious statement-q� ' , q P . Yrelang to any matter wrth�n the jurisdiction of any go A rnmental department r agency. CE8' I.CATION=OE:'TIL CQN.TT�A (2 IS-DULY.�IUTHORIZE D REPRESFNi7IVE , To the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that all items,units,quantities, and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sheets Nos: of this Periodicail Estimate are correct that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms and + Q ' lB�+fdI � F p g contract documents between __...______ ____________ and ondttions of the corres ondin construction (Borrower's name) ____ __ °_ + � dated _________________________ approved by the State Director, and all change orders approved byi the (Contractor's name) I i State Directot;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this-I'stirnate and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: �a) Total due based on the ' l lump sum contract - $- 1 '. fib) Total additions beyond scope of contract------------------------------------------- --------- ----------- - - ' !(o) Total earned,original contract and additions(sum of a and b)----------------._....____..._-__._..._..------- ............ ,96 M,._____-__-,.____,._____,___.. (d) Total percentage retained including this estimate_____-3. -_of__ ' ..2_________ ___________ __.___._ (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage________' ____-_ _•___________________________, i (f) Total previously received (from last estimate)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---. ------- - --_--- -- --� ,(g) Balance due this payment on contract and additions___________..______________.______-__.._______.______.__ ---------- •___._ �h) Advance on materials stored this period period_______ _____________________________i__________________________ ! _ '- - (r) Total amount payable this estimate------------- -----------_-_---_------_--- $------------- I----------- I 1 further certify that all just and lawful bills against ____------•----- C XM_ __J,�Q S _____________________----or labor,: and (Contractor's name) I I expendable equipment employed in the performance!of said contract havelbeen paid in full in accordance with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. Con tructionlRegulations. I Contractor III I Place Q__ i4 __ j y -------- I-- ------ -- B _- ; I Title ----------i------- - - -------------------- Date ------ CERTIFICATE OF THE BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT IN CHARGE I ! I certify(that I have verifiedlthis Penodlical Estimate,and that to the best lof my knowledge and belief it is,a true and correct statement of dvork u l Y� _- - - a3i'r: v.y.-i•r I xn,.....A perf rmeti'and materidl+snppl ed by the contractor,and that the contractor'slcertified statement of cis accou"W'. the amount due him is coArect and just, andff th t all work and material included in this Periodical Estimateihave been performed ind supplied in full accordance with the terms and Icconditi of the corresponding c ru tion contract documents and change orders approved by the State Director. I s t, i i x.q Nam , II e y i -------- - -- ---- -:z 1 -- --- ---- 1 5 - MP ace Ti�l Y /7 p a e - � i---- ate +ii� h -/ - �+w '-- I ` ------ --- ! CERTIFICATE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS AD IANIST1tATION ENGINEER !INSPECTOR IN CHAR&t �.. ,_ I certify hat I have verified'this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best�f my knowledge and b�lief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied b1r the contractor,t •' r of all just;and ° *Para- �arur;r. ceU=s;rthat�li w0t anima erial i eluded ill tflis Penodi al Esfimat`e 1ia`v'e`been inspected b me`or, my P ;bier _- -.-. _._ �. - --.. _ ...._._... .- -- dui adtHdrized assig'ants and h ve been found to comply,with the terms and conditions of the construction contract documents,,aTi chi zge_orders °97PLOL1Li.I, ir.•a;;,.t••r:-app owed by he State Director.I LFrnzr�al t,r,r.Cca�:cowb { j ,Fr Nari}e------- - - 1- --- - - - --- ------------- ---- Plate------ Title___ �g� - - Q -------------- Da e- -� r M•+1�'R----------i--- --- --------------`---- °Strike out number not applicable. Total physical percent complete, .L _ AMOUNT Estimated monetary Item Unit price percent completed _ No, Detailed estimate This estimate To date - Unused balance Period To date $ Percent Percent 100 100 3 1400. 1050. 105C. 11350. YS 75 0 y *,tom Imis 3E 5 fi. 38596. Totals, 16 .i.ii Total—Change orders, Materials stored,if allowed, Grand total, 488820 U.S.GGV.449.%Tj21IC, 16-42,16 / r P,W.Torus 1 Sheet Z------ of 1----- sheets. (Revised 8-C-35). y F'E'DERAL, EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION PUSUC WORKS i.: .torn ia PERIODICAL ESTIMATE FOR PAR71AL PAYMENT NO. -- ---------- DOCKET H0. --- -' -------- For the period *" t3 ., _ �_ _ E �' r_ ---__ Lc�'-- _ __-- _--- - ----, inclusive. �' pe of project _ _--_---- c-av Location'[_4? _ _ --- --------- State Aj�:rorn I larl Borrower's name and address * _ _ mt_ IP _CI-x ' Symbol ItiTo. ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Contract No. -- `--------------------- Contractor's name and address _ asL: S3 - -- ------------------------------------- Estimated cost, $--------------------- 4yenme_ �.�S:v#��r#� i_ 1li> California-------------------------------------------- Contract price; "00 -- ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) —I Estimated physical Item percent completed No Units or lump sum - Detailed estimate I This estimate To date Uncompleted Period To date Percent Percent a bfir 1,08 � � � lob 00 1100 1 vtt: j Ou- Yee. 2 I A. 8000 Lbs, 20000 ky-si-Ii1 . ?0 L.Suz Aoi 11 $q. Ft, 951 951 12 L. Ua j '75A 25.Ai 7 75 13 L-4uth 14 L k ,. 0 ? 3560 17 L-Sum ! - L.Sux I , . 22 L* j 23 Ls I Z 60 �80 I I i i LL REMARKS—MATERIALS STORED ox,e RIDERS CHANGE O Estimated percl_r` completed' No. Additions k Deductions This estimate To date Unused balance �,. riod'' To date `` — Percent Percent 1 5176-U2 —p— 41dl.30 4141.� ��,5.32 00 b0 � k . f ! 1 i . I I i � I I i i Total, 4.ci A,a ps Less deduction orders, Total—Change orders, is—rasa Section 9 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935,reads as follows: "Any person who krowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any false statemert in connection with any application for any project,employment,or relief aid under the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting fcr the benefit of any person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro- priated by this joint resolution,or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,by means of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation,or boycott, deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts so to do,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year,or both." Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10;000 or imprisonment of,not more than 10 years, or both, for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made "any false or fraudulent statements * * " or use or cause to be made or used any false c e * account, claim, certificate, affidavit,cr deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATION OF THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS .DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE To the best of my knowledge and belief,I certify that all items,units,quantities,and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sh-ects Nos.1 of this Periodical Estimate are correct; that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents between SIt�__of__Unti tan Beach and ---------------------------------------- (Borrower's name) _____ ?, c7 'T __ __�I, ,'t?� 1` ____, dated ------------------------- approved by the State Director, ar_d all change orders approved by the (Ao�n'tractor's name) State Director;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this estimate and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: (a) Total due based on the Jill�XyT3 s� 1W,1Et lump sum contract}--------------------------------------------------------------- $--2247M)_.3L ---------------------------------- (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----41A 3.•-3r� - (c Total earned,original contract and additions 26 88•U 2 ) ..(sum of a and b)---------------------------------------- -------� --- --- ---------------------------------- (d) Total percentage retained including this estimateol__Q-f__-4__2-658_8-_E62---------------------- 26-5 •-8 -- -- ------------------------------------ (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage------------ 2 AQ 29 r_ 6 ---------------------------------- (f) Total previously received(from last estimate)_________________ Z L l •16 (gf) Balance due this payment on contract and additions______________________________________________________ $---_I_._3}1.6•FO ------------------------------------------ (h) Advance on materials stored this period--------------------------------------------------------------------- x - - - (i) Total amount payable this estimate---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $--- 1 6, 6-o------------------------------- I further certify that all just and lawful bills against -BRU -MT,,_-&--JAG03a0X_---__-------------------- - *_ ___-____for labor, material and • (Contractor's name) - expendable equipment employed in the performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance wiih *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. Construction Regulations. Contractor-----riR1 iTy!_7.7�T _- --zl�(i_ .�i -- ------------------------- Place a 50_ _x_i n ---------------------------------------- By By----- --- -- - - - - ------------- �_s�r nga = 1szr - Title ----------------2aT- - ------------------------------------------------------ Date ----- CERTIFICATE OF TII;; BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER. OP ARCHITECT FN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by the contractor,and that the contractor's certified statement of his account and the amount due him is correct- and just,and that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been performed and supplied its full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding constructs n contract documents arid change orders appfoveA by the State Director. Name----- - - ----- - - ---------------------------------- Place---- Q __'_ [i - al �ornia --- - - ----, ___ --- - ----------------------------- Engeer_---- Date------Title_R i?3i- 19x8_ CERTIFICATE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ENGINEER INSPECTO?F IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by the contractor,t '__w. ry vidence of payment by thA cnnfrar4nr of �tt ; mot and Wit1 ar- that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been inspected by me or my duly authorized assistants and have been found to comply with the terms and conditions of the construction contract documents and change orders approved by the State Director. « � '� - ------------- Place Name---------------oc -------------��--- -- --------------- 7 Title->T� - �e rz<�r � ` � �'� ' ire-Sp_.-Cji�3 ------------------- Date-----.�W:c r-oh --�! • �- _ - - `Strike out number not applicable. - Total physical percent complete, 22.25 45,92 AMOUNT Estimated monetary Item - Unit price - percent completed No. Detailed estimate This estimate To date Unused balance Period To date $ $ percent- percent 1 733.00 ?33.00 100 2 3722.00 3722.00 100 3 140Cey3-00 1330 .00 70 .00 95 ' 4 11 0-00 1.150 i00 100 2661 .00 2848.98 52.02 98 73x.0 - 23.05 109-95 5 "j 914.00 914.00 - 100 t5 1205.00 964.00. - .108 .50 ,. 120 .50 80 90 9 113 5.00 8546.25 54 -. 25 2848.7 75 75 10 55 4.00 111.24 1,11 -24 5450 7 2 2 11. 1g 5.00 1995•00 12 1 5.00 123.75 123.75 41.25 75 75 13 31.41 -00 3141-00 14 610 .00 610 .00 19 617.00 617.00 1 14 01.00 73 50 73.50 13 6.50 5 5 1 5.00 5.00 1 4504.00 4504 .00 19 19 •000 1951.00 20 95 .00 95 .00 21 1517.00 75.85 1441.15 5 22 154.00 1 4.00 23 667.00 697.00 24 176 .o o 19-58.4c� 14.11..20 35 2& 6o 8o 25 159 .00 1596 M 2b 27.00 27.00 i Totals, j,8882.00 -lo87�, .14 22A.47-32 - 26d-44+68 22,2- -4 2 Total-Change orders, 5176 15 4 I rl.30 --41 1-30 _ 10-35_s3-:y80 Materials stored,if allowed, Grand total, r> A 1 T4 A ^3 , 274 P v -Q U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING.JFFICE `16-`5ti P,W.Form1-23 Sheet ---of--- - sheets. (Revised 8-6-35) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Californi& PERIODICAL ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. -----3--------- DOCKET HO. For the period J VxKPA;_ff---i_t---1-938---- to rtbTjArlv--- inclusive. T project maple.oilp%T pa-fr3:16A--------- Location jguqt State ----------------------------------------------- iAg�on Beach .......... California and Auditorium 7------------------------ Borrower's name and address ---City---o-f__HuiitA,ngt_g� _-Beach-,--Ca-l.-*Lf-ornia Symbol No. ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------ Contract No. ------1-1-------------------- Contractor's name and address PRUN-ZELL jACOB-S-ON--------------------------------- Estimated cost, $---------------------- ---------215Q__�Aqeton Avenue, Los Angeles , California §889-.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract price- -- -------------------- ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) Estimated physical Item Units or lump sum percent completed No. Detailed estimate This estimate To date Uncompleted Period To date Percent Percent 1 L.Subs 100 100 2 Number lo8 lob 100 3 Cu.' -Y&S- -300 6o 285 - 15 95 4 Sq- Ft- 5000 1250 5000 lflo Cu. Yds. 270 265-60 4-40 g8 55q* Ptlo 8000 68o-o 1200 , - 5 lbs. 20000 20000 100 Lbs. g000 7200 8loo goo 8o 96 9 BTFBM. 135 101-25 . 101-25 g•75 75 75 10 L.Sum 2% 2% % - 2 2 11 Sq. Ft. 951 951 12 L.Sum 75% 75% 25% 75 75 13 L.Sum 14 L.Sum 1� Squares 96 96 10 Sq. Yds. 4000 200 200 38-00 5 5 19 L.Sum 1 Sq. Yda 3830 3830 19 L.Sum 20 L.Sum 21 L.Sum 5% 95% 5 22 L.Sum 23 L.Sum 24 L.Sum 6o% 8o% 20% 6o 8o 29 L.Sum 2 L.Sum FE1MdARKS—MATERIALS STORED Dane CHANGE ORDERS _Estimated.percent; completed No. Additions Deductions This estimate To date Unused balance Feri,d% -To data Percent Terrent 1 5176.6"2- -�0- 4141.3(3 4141.3 10 35.3 Z 80 $tl i Total, - _ 10 73 2 O 0 Less deduction orders, Total—Change orders, 16---4256 1py � sR Section 9 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, reads as follows: "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any false statement in connection with any application for any project,employment,or relief ak• under the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting for the benefit of any person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys approve priated by this joint resolution,or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,by means of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation„or boycott, deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts so to do,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned='nof'ihc+b litiaf I'year;or bofh"z Section WbFthirCfiminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty'.�wof not-more than%0;000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years, or both; for knowingly and willfully making_or causing to be made "any false or fraudulent statements * *' * or use or cause to be made or used any false * 6�slhceourit`,Icliiiiii er'tificate, affidavit, or deposition,knowing th same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement relatinr,_to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. - _CERTIFICATI-ON'OP THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS DUI.'' AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE To the best of my knowledge+and-belief;-I certify that all items,units,quantities,and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sheets Nos. . of this Periodical!Estimate are correct;,that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms j City of Untington Bea ah and conditionsiof the corresponding construction contract documents between _____________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------and JS pp GO B OE (Borrower's name) BRUN ________- dated ------------------------- approved by the State Director, and all change orders approved by the 4(ontractor's name) State Director;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this estimate and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: (a) Total due based on the _ lump sum contract (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----4141- - - - (c) Total,earned, original contract and additions (sum of a and b).------------------------------------------ 265 '62___._.._._ (d) Total percentage retained including this estimate_ _4 f__ _2�54 o62__ 26 _.86___ 220 (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage --------- ___ _J,7 7_'__ ----------------------------------- (, ) ,previously received (from last estimate)___________________ ; 41_ 3_ .1 f Total (g) payment on contract and additions_________________________________.__ 16s6 Balance due this $-____ (h) Advance on materials stored this period---------------------------------------------------------------- + ter,-,' - - - �... (i) Total.!amount payable this estimate______________ - - __----- 16, ----------------------------- I further certify that all just sail lawftiT bills against __ RUNZEU---_____ _-_ __ for labor, material and • t,, ,.. .a - .:. �'t„.,.. .� (Contractor's name) 7 expendable equipment employed in:the�jperfg5mance of said contracthave been paid in full in accordance with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. Construction Regulations. •'i E Contractor_ ---------------------------- Place 4�. _ .k 2�.nc et oa .�9,v ' - �^1 -_- By •----------- - ------------------------------- ------5--Via . ---__--D.---itp Al -------------- - ----- ---------------- } l ' - - -- - - --- t ». Tit)e' ---------- ----- --- - --- •x- v-' eta t s ',� ° �* --------------------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF=TI& BORRO'aIER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER OR ARCHI$EC! IN CHARGE I�ify that I have verified this�eriddieal,Estimate,and that to,the best of my,knowledge and belief it is a•trud'.and correct statement of work perfotrngd and material supplied by,the.;contractor, and,that the contractor's certified statement of his aiccou,ri't andAhe amount due him is correct and just,,and that all work and material included in this Period�al Estimate havej,beenaperformed and §npplied ih-full accordance with the terms and cox}ditions of the corresponding con u '0 ntract documents and thane dErs-a roved b e Sta WA 0 Name -' • ----------------- - 4— - ---------4--------------------- Place -_ � ¢_ es,__`{r '£3 I1 , f --------- - > Title - ----- - � R F3�}8 f�--"�,.�,�; -*-- �---.a�7 _,,.. �' Date .,.. ��---- ------ --- - - --------- --------- -- -- ---- '1" �.: CERTIFICATE!OF•;THE PUBLIC FORKS ADMINIS'TRATIOX-V TGINEER INSPECTOR IN CHARGE 1 certify that I have verified this Periocjical,Estimate,and that to the best of My,kiioiyiedge and belief it is a true and correct statemcn; of work peroo med and material supplied by;t1 a contractor,t _ nd _. apurn but a r T ,.that all work-and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been inspected by .me or my JICQ duly authorized assistants and have been found to comply with the terms and�corlebitions of the construction contract documents''a3ld c1Yalt tirders approved by__t _State Director. - =- = am - - -- ---------- --- --------- Place - - Title I_ Pkk A-09-r - - �-------------------- Date RM r0h, - °9trike.out number not applicable. _____---_-- - —- + -- - Total physical percent complete, -..AP Item - _ Estimated monetary - - - percent completed- . - No. -_Unit price - -. _. . - - Detaile3,estimate _ Tlus.estimate' i.. _ To date - Unused balance Period.. ..To.date Percent Percent 74 1 0 . 4 I 1150-GO, il�0.00 2.00 85.6 AX.-24 .111 199500 s}z i 1{�_� t 1 _ e ® , i Icy. ' !14 .167 is .0 COS — *"I 15 ' I 17.00 .00 is .00 . � ! I f - wog _ - . A564-00 154-00 24 ® � � 0,. . ,�r it # .00 27000 i Totals, i _ - - Total—Change orders, 4 � f I 41 1P a 10a - Materials stored,if allowed,.— Grand tc�ai, U->.GOVERNMENT'PRINTING OFFMCE.• 'lG-4256 Section 9 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, reads as follows: "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any false statement in`connection with any application for any project,employment,or relief aiG under the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting for the benefit of any person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro- priated by this joint resolution,or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly, by means of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation,or boycott, deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts so to do,or assists in so doing,shalt be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned:notvmore,than F year,or both,". Section 33.of the,Criminal Code,ass amended,provides a penalty of.not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years, or both; for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made "any false or fraudulent statements * °' * or use or cause to be made:or used any false � +;* •rTr.;,accouat,claim,-,certificate, affidavit, or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement' relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATYOiV"OF'TI3E CONTRACTOR OR HIS DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE To the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that all items,units,quantities,and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sheets Nos. of this Periodical Estimate are correct;;that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents between' -- a � s� -- - - - - - __ __ --- --- - -- -- - - - ____and (Borrower's name) . o dated ------------------------- approved by the State Director, and all change orders approved by the (Contractor's unme) State Director;;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this estimate and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: g� (a) Total'due based on the _ ______._.._ $_____________ 574�t.._a_1. sum contract} ------------- - --- -- ------------------------- lump (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract------------------------------------------------------ -------------- ---------------------w----0- ��t?`----------------------------- (c) Total earned, original contract and additions (sum of a and b)_________________________________________ --------------115{0_i ___.______________-__ (d o al {, )„ ,,9� percentage retained including this estimate__ __S3�___ �Q� Ci_______.._____..__..__ __.___�.� s_ �______ o Total O - ',due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage____________ ---._____.----1041-5i1-6_____________________ (f) Totahpreviously received (from last estimate)_____________________________________________________..________ --------------_ (�) Balance due this payment on contract and additions--------------------------------------------------------- $----------------4567♦47--------------------- (h) Advance on materials stored this period---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- .------ -----`-]D' ry �,q (i) Total amount payable this estimate-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $---------------- 1''► d - I further certify that all just and lawful bills against ___ 7.Fla.__ ir_ ` Sy___________________________________ for labor, material and (Contractor's name) expendable equipment 'employed; in the performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. Construction Regulations. Contractor �f. - d'N- -- -------------------------- Place ---------- ------------------------- By ----------------- - - --- - -- ---------------- ------------------ --------------------- Title'---------- � - - ------------------------------------------ Date ------------F4bx%, r�--�r - � CERTIFICATE OF THE BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by the,coil'tract'or, and that the contractor's certified-statement of his account and the amount due him is correct and jus$;•land that all work and material included'in this Periodical Estimate have been performed and supplied`in full accordance,with thei terms and conditions of the corresponding construction'eon d um, itchange ordersapprove'd by the tate Director. '.., WALKER & El' 10. � : } , Name ' _ _- -_` ' _'- _ Place-Ai 14 �+ 11 o Title ' ��. !�t Date �� °-�±, L' i CERTIFICATE, OFt THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ENGINEER INSPECTOR IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimatie,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work perfo med an material supplied by the contractor, "` la men 4 a- i_-- r -cq c^jr:IIa—.c j nr•I-::r.._ gr y -IJ } ns that pall work and material included in this Periodlca'1_Estimate Have been inspected by me or my .,duly�u l ltiz d assls ants and have been found to com 1 with the terms and conditions of the construction contract documents.and char e,,,or&rs t t�C1f1*t r $ approved by lrhe State Director. 12 Nam- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Place RunVnat _t R$rxi Date ---------- . .,r Strike out number not applicable. .. . Total physical percent complete, ! AMOUNT Estimated monetary Item - ! - - - - - - '• - - - .percent_completed - - Nm 'Unit price - . - I Detailed estimate I This estimate o date ._ T.Jra cd balance- Period To date Percent Percent -00 733-00 4 1150 .00- 29 -50 .1150 .00, j I 25 I 10 i �3�,.0 .05 € ,2 a05 1 .95 11d .00 g14-0 q1.4-00 ; j 100 -10:0 24 1- .0 � I �644� $aZ..75- 0 I -,14 1 1-20 _ _1.5 i -`""`'! I i Totals, r= Total—Change orders, jMaterials ..toned 1f mellowed; - -. U.:S.GOVERN r4 ENT'PR I NTING OFFICE 16—•1256 _ ' A* - Section 9,ofythe-Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, reads as follows: "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any false statement in connection with any application for any project,employment,or relief ai& .. under,the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting for the benefit of any,person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro•' priated by this joint'resolution,'or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,-by'rneans of any fraud,.force,threat,intimidation,or boycott;- ,deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or�attempts So to do,,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty' of a misdemeanor and shall be,fined not more than'$2,000.or imprisoned not more than 1 year,or both.". Section,35 of the.Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years, or botlij fci,knowingly,and willfully making or causing to be.made ,any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause to be madc`�,pr used any false ,',* L* account,claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement * * x rt ,relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATION OF THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE" - To o the best of my knowledge'and L•elief;I certify that all items,units;quantities;and prices of.work and'material`shown on the f ce of Sheets Nos. of this Periodical Estimate are correct; that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms City 01, Runt and conditions of the corresponding construction-contract documents between ______ __ __ ____ _____ __________ ______ ________________and (Parrower's name) .__-__-BRUT?_ ZLAiE__ __JAC03304______- dated _____________ _ _______; approved by the State Director, and all change orders approved by the (Contractor's name) State Director;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of.the period covered hg t`nis estimate and that no part of the".total amount payable this estimate"has been received: a Total due based on the tl6 ?ktl�aa _ ^ s .� O ---------- - ----------- --- -- 15-- - -- - -------------------------- lump{ sum contract - - - - - - - (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract--------------------- ------- ------- -------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- --- - ----=------------ po (c) Total.earned, original contract and additions (sum of a and b)// _1570 18___________ ___________Q 1157eG__________________ _-----------____ ____t�------------------------- (d) Total percentage retained including this estimate_ _ _10 of --- ___ _,._-,.___.._ - ________-_ ____..___ __ _______________. 1-0413-16 (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained per centage____________ ------------------------------------------------ a _s (f Total previously received from last estimate 45 ) P Y ( ) -- - - -- -- - -- - - - -- --- -- (g). Balance due this payment on contract and additions_ _________ __ _ __ $_____ _____4561-47 __ ___ ______ (fa) Advance on materials stored this period----------- -----------------------------------------------------=----- --------------- e----- ----- (i) Total amount payable this estimate--------- -- - - - - - - - - $ ;-- - � "- ' a' -- ___for labor, material and 1 further certify that all dust and lav�ful bills-against __ __ __ _____ ____ _ _____ _________ ________ __ _____________ - - (Contractor's name) ' 'expendable equipment employed in the performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. Construction Regulations. Contractor_ - -a +1— Place 5Q "YYY #� --- --- - ------------------------------- ace----- By -------- ----- - --- = - - - ---- ---------- Las- An#4 ,_0 S,_ 4 x V rV i A b itIe --- ----- ; - - -- Date ---- - W° 3------------- - - CERTIFICATE OF THE BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT IN CHARGE I certify,.that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed,anti"-material suppliedby the contractor, and that the contractor's certified statement of his account and the amount due.him is correct and just `and that all work and material.included in this Periodical Estimate have,been.performed and supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of-the corresponding construction con` d cu is and change orders` pproved by t Director. WAL ER & Fick _m f its Name*----- - -- - ------ - - =_- - -- -- - ----- `- Place-- ---- "e ` $ {# � t;. * #I3- - -- Title + - _ - -``- _ ire __ ' Date OM } - - - '- ---- -- CERTIFICATE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS .ADMINISTRATION ENGINEER-INSPECTOR.IN CHARGE I certify that I' have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the,best of my knowledge and.beliefitsis�,a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by the contractor,th ,.laau"iirlu3xtst' - ,.Para-- g'taoil'11' ,12,P. W.A.yr^:s<:ac5i -He rat ;that.all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been inspected by me or iny. luly61it`iorized assistants and have been found to comply with the terms and conditions of the construction contract documents.and.change,-oraers approued,bytheState Director. f Name-- --- - �! ��'� Z!'L"✓--- X $�£r 1 3 s-Cal ti#' - - - -- - - -- ----= Place _ - ii Title . ► -_net%o_IRf------ --- - - �'��'� - - -- _ Date +► irLe"outnu-noer,� --'- . -. ----- - - - --- .°c ,not apPIicabte. - _ - __ _ -- - I ' Total physical percent complete, I. " - AbrrJIINT - --- Estimated monetary Item - - . .. - - - .- - _ ,...percent completed 'No, Unit price . --_-- 4 ----- _ 1— Detailed es t mate� This `t Hate T _ 'du date � - Unused t7a1•xnce - I Per-iodr_�,'So date 2 Pcrc sl ' '.ai 0 } g }• 901 7. s 'q d» ff'±N� I +*(v �'.A -6 .3a ygy4fi+y&# J_ b F :It r d f f �.�pp5a 3 L,o.Be .a 00 I I I i I i a Total •'Tetal—change orders, '1 arenals dosed if. Mowed;: bran( t6tal ._.-_..i - - •_---� - __ ._..-. - i • I -._,! _* 7. " - - - - Y_''. '6.S.-GOVEHN1fEHT P I1ITIKG OFFICE -15-4256 _ P.W.Fora,I-23 'Sheet __� ____ of__ r__ sheets., ..(Revised 8-6-35) FEDERAL. EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION -OF PUBLIC WORKS. Califorr"Aa PERIODICAL ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT NOo ----------------- DOCKET NO ---- — -- Ja.n ary 1, 1938 e ea—luar 31; �'93 _ , inclusive.8 !�TYPe of�p�j ec For the period --- to----------------------------------- ---------------- I and, toriw Location------ ------ ---------------------------�-s---p� State ----y---- ----*--------y-�----------�--- -------- ----- --- - -, - =---------- ------------- .city. o :Ciunt�.neten iC3�}C�.�ib. g :�I -€.ixtor±da' • -r -------------- Borrower's name and address ---- - -- - -- --- ------------ ------- -- -- - - ----- ------ ------ Symbol No. ---------------------------- -------------=------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------------------------- Contract NO. ---------=---------------- Contractor's name and address _ 'li' _ `' '°'C -- ------ -------- -------------- ---------- Estimated cost, ---- $-------------- ------ Verue � 1os- En eleaa Gel !or� 8882-00 --- ------- ------ — ---- ------- ----- - --------- ----- -- ----- - -------------_ Contract price, $-- --.T------------- ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) I' Estimated physical • Item U - percent completed Units or lump sum No. • - - Detailed estimate- .This estimate To date - Uncompleted Period To date - I - • Yercevrt- erceut y 1 . lam 100 fJ 100 3 0u. yd2 �010 285 . 15 I U 95 2q 100 -4 a - - a id • -i 5 4 E;itY.. FS._s..L.,i.1.0.. ��.- _ I Son i ' I I I I I i i I '1 II " I I REMARKS—MATERIALS STORE,D 4i4: ' CHANGE ORDERS Estimated percent completed I I No. I Additions Deductions This estimate To date Unused balance Period To date Percent Percent I I k I _ I I , I Total, Less deduction orders, `I Total—Change orders, — .10-4256 I'. 6P.yPom I-23 ..eet --- --- of------ S'a - -- � � sheets. FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS - ` •+� i ESTIMATE FOR 'PARTIAL-�A� E�� ��a - -------------- PERIODICALe DOCKET� H®o --- -------- ' . for the period --- - ---- ----- - ------ to --- - ----= ---- -----------r inclusive. s TyPe of,prgJect.-r = Location -- ------- - - ---- ------------- State - ----=------------- ------ ---------------- --------------- -------- lt of Euntlujsto each, Cali.ores =-- 13orrower,'s name and address _ _____ _-__ ______, Symbol No. ________ ' --------------- - --- -------------------------_----- - ---- ----- ----- Cc No. - ----------------------- - ----- ------------------ ------- � Contra t N Q:o:ltractior's name and address - -.___-- ___-- _ --: ---------- Estimated•cost, $------- -----.=----:- -------------- - ----------- ----- ---- 15 1r-a O AmGr ae, Los Auze az" �; li:Nr l � s�3Q: . ------ ----------------- ----- - - --- ---------- --------------------------- --------- Contract price, - - ----. -- ------- f ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) Estimated physical - ,percent completed Item Units or lump sum _No. — Detailed estimate This estimate To date Uncompleted' Period To date +, Percent Percent a qq I 00 285 1-5 270 I 900 " : $ iREMARKS—MATERIALS STORED I I I I I i I I I i I I I I I I - I I I i I � CHANGE ORDERS Estimated percent completed I No. Additions Deductions This estimate To date Unused balance Period To date Percent Percent i I I I I i I I 1 I Total, I - Less deduction orders, Total—Chan--e orders, I _ __._. 1E-4256 P. A. orm No.194 ( evi d 7-28-38) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE No.___3«Pxo�eat•.3� To ------------City- of_ Huntington Beaoh--------------------------------------- Docket No. ____Calif* 1167-_DS_ (Name) Type of --------- - ---a�_®__Walkex__Fc-Eisen, Architeots----------------------------- Project ------Pavilion----------- (Address) ---------------437_-South Fail1_Streeter Los Angeles, California- Symbol No.__ Not ree®ivied) (Address) Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated __November--16A 1937 requesting approval of the following project change: APPROVED ESTIMATE CLASSII'ICEiTIOY PRox— Tais CIIA`Gr, To— (g) (2) (3) (4) 1. Preliminary, 350.00 —o— 350.00 2. Land and right-of-way, -0- z, 3. Construction, ,00 8 47 750.00 1 331 I 8 1 ,0 � , ,081.00 I 4. Engineering, ` %615.00 -o- 30615.00 5. Legal and administrative, I 200*00 «o• 200*00 6. Interest, 000• . aco- —0- 7. Miscellaneous, 210*00 —o� 210,00 - TOTAL, $52,125.00 $10331000 $531,456-.,00 Description of change: Owner adds as of letter from Ce R. Farr, City Controller, dated November 16, 1937, the sum of $1,331. Funds Available Login. •.o- Grant 25,456.00 by Owner �2280'669.00 ID Grant base 5g,:125.00 Owner adds 10331.00 , Total to date §53,456.00 \J a �! '„ ^r15 rA This Project Change is approved. The Public Works Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional f necessitated by any approved change. Date - --lYav�mber--20�--1H'�7----------------- --- s e/r- �-N-= or�T - - -------- RfO A-L----]---- --�--- All requis or change, whether approved or discPP od siha� Tedeedd. DIECTOR (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanation of change) U.S.GOYERNNENT RINTING OFFICE 16-5397 Orig: lot File;; 2 Rego Proj. Auditor; 1 REI: 1 Dire Enge Dive (Wash.) P. A. EISEN A. R.WALKER WALKER AND EISEN ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building-437 South Hill Street LOS ANGELES Telephone TRinity 7808 j November 24,19 37 City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, Calif. Gent 1 emen: We have received approval from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works of your Resoluti-on to accept the low bid, copy of vh ich is enclosed. We j are also including copy of Project Change Order #1. • I The instructions require that (1) you mail a certified copy of the Resolution accepting the lowest bid to the P.W.A. , but since you have already prepared and adopted such Resolution subject to P.W.A: approval and it has now been approved by the P'.-W.A. , I presume the copy you went becomes automatically approved and answers the purpose. (2) Notice of Award of Contract must be given in writ- ing to the successful bidder, and one copy of this Notice of Award is to be sent to the State Director of P.W.A. This can be done by any authority such as Clerk,,, etc . (3) Execute two sets of the (ontroot Documents , together with bonds, and have three additional sets filled out, complete with copies of bonds, but which need not be signed; in other words, they are tdrmed. "conformed copies :, All of these sets--five in all--are to be sent to the State Director, Y. I.A. , and when he has examined sale , he will authorize you to proceed with the construction. In connection with the above contracts , it will be neces- sary to incorporate an Addenda slip on the Contract to the effect that all alternates are abandoned excepting the use of Alternate #1, which Alternate #1 is to be incorporated in the Contract. Yours very truly, WALKER and EI SEN, ARCHITECTS- _- PAE:EH By Eno. FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS usaton X046 YIXV 'os IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO San fig. 4 . 0 CA s saml of F: . B o on 07 smth ,11-tu sit UM Thu ' t* "Iwip t of ymr Uftw o r 16,0 .1SYy oerUfted ooples of TabuUtl= of Sidra I by you ab m *=m1wd by this # Tew pro* t A-1, Nov, I th 2rtmaoll *vd 111 o, IWO From A CaUftrAU In # AS Soft ra ways ftu 0*. c 3, Uzi*. Wilk mmdmuu thereto,, se i # and Vie. , � of by wo wn sr & you win be uthort"d to pro. V:t We nat* ow . * to owputo. fts t # ottention to ow ftlao sad t wwo aw rovistsumt smat mul .,-.� � . '. .uutU you ' A . gat o - : av fumso per" $ U ot tug so t t allotment Very t ra# i ► A* 60 MIN so "Imm For ► + 4xd# " C 0 P Y -- FOR CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PWAOo rm Igo. 214 Q PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION r APPLICANTS REPORT (This report to be brought up to date on the first of each month and also when a change occurs--and sent -to the State Director of the Public Works Administration of your state in duplicate) DOCKET ".0al1: f-a--IL1612`"�---- LOAN-------------------------'----------------------------- GRANT- t0,45-i-o- ----------------------- APPLICANT fz:l'TY f'I�--IRM111 TOR- 1=1------ . . ESTIMATED COST- TYPE OF PROJECT__ nx 1r► n , _ Contract o a a �' `.z� ' �. Yt c� -- ---Y - -- 4 REPORT NO.--------- '----- ---- --------- DATE OF REPORT Q01Qb1 0T_.22a_-93 ESTIMATED DATE ACTUAL DATE 1. Notice of Allotment A09rLat.25, .: _? 2. Receipt of Offer Oato ba _ 3--- - Offer Accepted - -----------------•- Oct-�tber 134a 10,T' 4. Architect or •Engineers authorized to proceed with Plans --------------------- -------- Gotobek..5- -. s,& 5. Final Plans and Specifications to November 4., 1936 be completed and submitted 'to St to Dire for - --. -- Sk? re C113I' i ie f1C Q13@ 6. Advertising for first construction bids to start 43 �3$1 ?" z _y-�_'_'w ' `� F ,f-,�}e�21 7.. First bids to' be opened 11t34r ? '� ,_ fi -•---------- - - ---------- 8. First construction contract awarded lfl'tT`oM '7 ______ _ _______________ 9. Construction-to Start PoVM .16,_W37 --------------------------------- 10. Project -to be' completed . ..............................- . . 11. Submission of Advance Grant Requisition ------------------------------ ------------------------------ (over) ESTIMATED DATE ACTUAL DATE 12. Applicant's funds to be made available (when derived from sources other than P.W.A. ) -----------------= = 4 ` = -------- 13. Bond transcript to be submitted to State Director ------------ --------------- ------------------------------ 14. First 'Loan Requisition to be submitted to State Office ---------------------------- ----- ------------------------ 15. Elbction to be held .............................. ----._.-------------_-------.- REMARKS: -------- ------------- vim Signature Date _ •-------------- --�' - ------------- ------------- Title �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK P.W.A.Form No.84 ,, -...-.(Revised 7-28-36) .. .. .. FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINIS`CRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE NO.4 ENG.R,TS mm To -------CITY_QE_IiEII INGT0N__BEACH-------------------------------------------- Docket No. __Cal1t#__jU7m 1S-- (Name) Type of -------410-i+9alker__�c-E3 en,--Arahits tt�s`-- -=- -- -------- ----- ----__. Project --------paxiuon------------- (Address) ---------- 437-Snu33 1-�tret,dre-Las_ nge3es*--Ca1i£ozia---- Symbol No - -------= ____ -------- - (Adss) Contractor -_ ----B ------ runzal.l-&-Z a"oobson ------ -- - -------- ---- -- Contract No.L - Ge_ _ner-aa�-------- (Name only) Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated January 4 & 21, '1930 requesting approval of the following contract change: LATEST SCHEDULED COST CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ESTIMATE - FRom— THIS,CHANGE To— (2) (3) (5) 1. Preliminary, 350�00 350000 ' 350e00 2. Land and right-of-way,` 00 00 00 00 a,Commitments 48,882e00 5,176.62 54,058e62 3. Construction, 54,257e62" beEstimated Items 00 00 00 4. Engineering, 30925a60 34,925„60 00 31925e60 5. Legal and administrative;. - ` 200e0C) 200000 00 200e00 6., Interest, 00 00 ' 00 00 7. Miscellaneous, 21040 2.10.00 00' 270_rsn TOTAL, 58 943" R Calendar days -14 after May 21 1938 NEw COMPLETION DATE June 4j,' 1238, Description of change: (I) Raise ;ground floor of Building 6" by reducing 1st story ceiling height 6" add fill below floor• : Deduot from contract pride ` (••) 2?s30 (2) Move building 24' inland, :extend pier to west,. change floor plan as shown by Blueprint 'sheet #10,add to contract price 2,831sg4 (3) Construct retaining walls from pier to new building location, provide drain and pave beach level to pier, width of building, add to contract 1,599.17 pri (4) Reroute rain water conductors . 50*00 (5) Reroute water pipes 84,99 (6) Extend sewer line to new building location 50e44 - (?) Change location ofkheater in Janitor's Closet iy5e8� `(8) Anchor strut beams to-piles' 511 59 _: _1 Add to contract.time to edn lets for. this change i ', p ange 14 dayse The above listed changes to conform to Owner's Change Order +l, dated December 30, 19370 and accompanying Blueprint sheet 11o. 10, dated December 23, 1937, attached hereto* This Contract Change is approved* (SEE OVER) The Public Work's Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same maybe paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional funds necessitated,by any approved change. Date ----:_Janary-?fr-123& --- = --------- -- =-- .. -Y- ---'---- --- a--- �,—t'------ K:f .:GOitVi2N, Acting All requests for change,whether approved or disapproved, shall be recorded:Regional Directors (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanatfl®n of change) U.S.GOVERNNI E,4 PRI ,MG!0"j CE 16-4W4 : OrigeOwner, 1 ac Ardhe,. 1 EngoDive$. 1 R Eele, 1 Reg.ProdeAud,, I FILE P.W.A.Form No.8 (Revised 7-28-36) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC FORKS CONTRACT CHANGE NO.,y ENG.RFS.,n= To --__G�LTX__4F__HUMI.T_07:QZL_BFAG-tt--------------------------------------------- Docket No. _Cal_if�_1 67�•TJ�--- (Name) Type of ---------0/o--Walker__&__Eiaen.__Ar±phi_tects----------------------------------- Project -------Davili_on-------------- (Address) ---------- ornia-------- Symbol No. ----------------------------- (Address) - Contractor --------------------Brunzell_&_J&co son_____-_____________-________ Contract No. 1.__(General�-_-__-- (Name only) ,resolution Receipt is acknowledged of your communicatioxdated November 15, 1937 , requesting approval of the following contract change: LATEST SCHEDULED COST CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ESTIMATE FROM— Tais CHANCE To— (2) (3) (4) (5) 1. Preliminary, 350*00 350000 00 ? 350000, 2. Land and right-of-way, 00 00 00 00 a. CoTmaitmenta 00 48,882,00 480882900 3. Construction, 49,081.00 be Estimated Items 450350*00 (.•) 45#350*00 00 4. Engineering, 30615,00- 30615*00 00 3861..5000 5. Legal and administrative, 200eOO 200,00 00 ?00000 6. Interest, 00 00 00 00 7. Miscellaneous, 210*00 210.00 OA 910*0 L_ TOTAL, e9 . Calendar days 164 after 0,eoember 8, 1937NEw COMPLETION DATE Ygy 211, 19.58 Description of change: Memorandum pertaining to General Contract for building construction in the amount of $480882*00, approved by Public Works Administration November 20, 1937; contract time to complete 154 Calendar Days, co-.gmencing 10 days after notice from Owner to Contractor to commence construction work, whicsh notice in this, case is dated December 8, 19379 Actual construction work started December 14, 1937. There is no bonus or forfeiture clause in the contract re- lating to aottml completion date* This Contract Change is approved* The Public Works Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically make no representation concerning any additional funds necessitated by-any approved change. Date --------Ja �-- 6,__l9 8�--------------------- -- -=---�- .---�"----`---- ---L.-I-_--------------K. A. GODV�tN; Acting s . All requ is for change,.whether approved or disapproved, shall be.recorded,,Regi onal Directors (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanation of change) Y.S.GOVERNMENT P TING OFFICE 16 3e94 Orig,Ownero, 1 Arohe, 1 Eng*Dive, 1 R.E.I,, 1 Reg,Proj,,:adep 1 FILE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TREASURER'S RECEIPT X? 6778 j Iuntington_Beac ,I Calif + L,f` _ 19, - Received of - ------ ----- - ------- Dollars _I General ---------- ------------------ ---------------------- $ I----1--- ' I-= ---- Fourteenth Street, Ocean to Palm .-- $----I- -I--- -- Gas Bond Fund ----------------------------- ---------- $--- I_._-! --I__.-I.-_- __-. California Avenue Music and Promotion ------- - ----- $----I----� -.-I----I----�--- Orange Avenue, Lake to Eleventh ------ $----i- --I----I - 1----I- I Library ----------- --------- --------- $ i --I { -I- I Eleventh Street ---- -- -- '- --- $- --I --- - I -- .. Street improvement Fund -------------------- ; __ Sixth Street _-_.__ _ -_ I � 1I II I Wharf, I. & R- ---------- ---------- --------- ------ $. . ___. ..--I i.-_ Walnut Avenue First to Eleventh ------ $ - i .. I... ---- Sewer, I. & R. --------- --- ------------------ $----!--- - I i I---. Eighth Street J I I - I I I Gas No. 1, I. & R. - - --- $--- 1 ! I 1 I---- Fourteenth Street, Palm to Main ------ $--- 1 -I I I i k Gas No. 2, I. & R. ......... I I I ---- -- ---------- $ --� I ---- Seventh Street --------- - ----- ------ -- $ -I IIII I City Hall, I. & R- ------ ---- - ------------------ $--- ! ! I I---- Palm Avenue ------ ------------------------------ $ IIIII IIIII ..Public Hall, I. & R_ _____ __________-------------- $__,_I Orange Avenue, Eleventh to 23rd -------- $--.. Municipal Bonds, 1923, I. & R. --- ---;-- $- ! -- ----I Twelfth Street ---- -------- ---- $ �- i --- Wharf Repair Bonds, 1930, I. & R------- $---- _...I _.'_._.1-__.I-:-_ Walnut Avenue„ Seventeenth to 11th-- $---- I I I Wharf Extension Bonds, 1930, L & R. $---1 I----I----1----I---- Olive Avenue -------------------------------------------- $ P g $-- I ---I----� ---- ---- East Side Sewer, 19-B Street Im r. Revolving Fund ---------------- ---- -- -- ----------- $----i--- i --- -- -I---- ---- Third Street, I. & R. -------- --------------- $ - i= I i I---- Thirteenth Street ----- ------ $----I -- - Fifth Street, I. & R- ----- $ 1- I (--..I---- Huntington Avenue ----------- ----------------- $----1 ! Tenth Street, L & R. ---- ------ - --- $ I II I----II----II --- Sewer, Geneva et al ------- ---------- ---------- $--- II II II -li Fifteenth Street, I. & R. -- -- -- ----- $ 1 I I --I---. Sewer, 24-B ------- ------------------------------------ ! 1..._ I�e�n�"Er�et�an P�'�--CAGIF' 116'7�° nr� Sixteenth Street, I. & R; --- ---------------- $ 1 I -- ----I ---- ------------------------•----- ------ ---- J ---- -- - ------------- $ - ! !---- -- I---_I---- - ----------------------------- ---- $----I�1-- -- I_ l ------ - --------- - ------------ ----- --- ----- -- -- - $ -- I !---- Total------ --------- -- . . I --------- -----�-r - - --- ----- - ---- --- ------ - --- ---- - - -- -- - - ----- ------ -- -- - ------- -------�" rt= - " . �a - ----- ---- - 41 ------------ ( / ,/ - �... 'f --- ---- -- -------------------------- --------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -- ' ` - r;� ---- - .- - - ---- - ----= - ------ - ------- - --- --- --- ----- -- ----- ----- '------ --- --- -'l gAYARD BUTC-iE , '' ` - ---- 111 CrCi3.`3-� City Treasurer • ._.. �:d .tea. �..: NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the contract heretofore awarded by the City Council of the _ Ci ty of Huntington Beach,' California to Brunzell and Jacobson who were the contractors thereon for .doing the following work to wit: The construction of _a Beach Pavilion and Civio Auditorium and further identified as Public Works Administration Docket No P.W.A. 1167..DS,- in the City of Huntington Beach, That said building was completed by said contractors according to plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach,, and that said building was accepted by the City Council of the . City of Huntington Beach at a regular adjourned meeting thereof held on the 26th day of May. 1938: That upon said Contract The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company was surety for the bonds given by the said contractors as required by law. Dated at Huntington BeachCalifornia this the 26th day of May31939. . y Cleric—and ex—officio .State of California,, Clerk of the City Council of the County of Orange as City of Huntington Beach,0alifornia: City of Huntington Beae4 I,� C R Furr,' the duly elected,'qualified and acting City Clerk and ea-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,10alifornia,'do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION and know the contents thereof,' and that same is true of my own knowledge, and that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly and regularly ordered to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County by said City Council: Dated at Huntington Beach,'10alifornia this the 26th day of May,1939 ' ------------- City Clerk e3t.-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,'California. 04��2.,BID; Ratio + "�' `,• '1 » - Loa.. Glee, Oal:if`orni~a. •i1atio bit. j 1:�00 A1tti4 ' +* #2 . • ♦ . . . . . 8 ,00 Alternate . 66 too A l� rnae . 337.00 The bid was avempaniod by a bidder; a bond in the amount of 3,Cx0a 0a, Britten *p�► Fidelity and Deposit Comps of Uaryland. Harry Fr►i.+eda=, 4310 W*et Vernon AVO. , .Los Ar1,006.00 ales, California. '9t� bid 3.. . !0 Altegyr{n: e « 600 c Altermnate «. .' . • .7000.00 The bid was aecompani.ed by a bidder' s . bond in the amount of 63,500«00, vritten by Royal. Indemnity Company of ,New York. .6"1�.b�i ley. IT24 S. Vermont Ave, ;: Los Angeles 2l California. Aitt mat 0 . _ « . . .- *192.00 Alternate # . . . . . « . . . . . MOO EEC)Alternate .. « . Alternate « t POGO T" bid was accompanied by a bidder' s bond in c amount of S :q0Q... 0, mitten by Uaaaadhueette Bonding Insuranoe Company, BoAto r Mass, R. i J. 1 D&UML y.0. x 530 Hyde -Par Station, �e gele�s,/ytC'�a-lifornia. Bis; .i id . . . . . . . . . « . . . . . . . u . . 56*00 Al�ty yernat�deg « • . ,31 000,OCR iIG7r' 4e .' • ♦ • '• M • • f ♦ . • • • • • 0 St Alternate,* 790,00 Alternate » . f 0.00 Alternate #5 550.00 The bid was accompanied by a bidder' bond in the mount of 3,EJ60-06,. .e'ritten by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company of . f#artfo :, connetti*%AO W. X. Allen, 745 W. 14th St. , long Beaoh, California. , Alternate #1 # U00600 Alternate #2 . . . • 0 . 70.00 Alternate « ♦ . « a .00 �►lteirnatee • .nC Alternate #5 1,6 0.00 The bid was aactapanied by a bidder's bond in the amount of 3,5E0.00, Britten by U. a. Fidelity & Guaranty CorkpWiq of Baltimore, yl�►A« . '4pfobn �Yly�,,( aS►oi ne, , ri"i aV.Box �, Qt +n:; +rove, California. 00 . asic Alternate #1 « . . . 2, •C ! Ai t;ernate #2 . 0 . 0 . . 10310. . Alternate # • . • . . • » . . ..402•00 Alternates . , . • 59,.00 . Alternate #5 . . . . . . . . . . •1:703• ' The bid waa acoompanied by a bidder' s bonCL in the amount of 5,000.00, written by Royal. Trie*entaity Company, liew York. Brurzoll & Jaoobsenj 215,0 Princeton Avenues '& ► Aneles, California. 0#50"882.00Alternate #1 2,0C)O.00 Alternate #2 8 .00 �.��.ternte#y{ . . . . . . • • • • • • • • To/11f,•.y.•{fix Alternate H Z f i • : � 64:W0 Alternate 05 . . • . • 1.,495.00 The bid was &ccompanl ad. by a.bidden s bend In the amount of $3,000.00, written by .Uaesaehuseat to Bonding #,nd Insuzmnae Company, Boston, Stark $ Id, 922 Worth Marto-n St. , Santa Ana, California. Bads bid . . . . . . . . . . . . .• .$56,6000-00 AIternat ee #1 . i • » . M00i,*09 Alternate #2 . . . . . . . .. . 18200il Alternates " • . » 360.E The bid wed ace mtpanlesd by a biu.de►r' s bond In the Mount of 4,000.00. vritten by Roya.3! Indemnity Company, New Yorit. 0. T. ltow, 949 West Hlf hl.and St. ,_ Santa Ana, 0all:fipmia. Baca bill . . .%iu,296.00 A.1te rn^t# #1 . . • • • . • 3,830-00 Alter fa't0 1' • • • • • • . 112.00 A.1t a rns.t a #3 395.,•€�0 l t b t.�t r6 • . . • . . . . . . • . i • 0.00 Altelrnat# • . . . . . • . . 11 270*0Q' The bid wave aaoa>apanlod by a bidder' s bond, in the amount of 3,500•00, written .by Itaryland CasUa.l'ty Company of baltimare. Atl,aa Construction Company, 34) Congress St• , PO4adeana, California. Basle bid. f • . . w . 530300.00 Alternate #1 • • . . . 3,�00.00 Alternate # 600.00 Alt ernat a � . • • • 100•ob Alternate #5 • . i . ` . � ,EaOfl. The bid was aocompana�ed ,by biud:er' s "onto In the amount of $5:000.00, written by rUel. ty and Deposit Compa..ny cif Maryland. Thereon Mean*, 103 1 Thies St. , Santa bras, 0ali.fernia: Unto b1a • . . • • • . s r . • • • #54,20!5.00 Alternate #2 . 0 0r 165,00 Alternate 00 Alternates �.00. Alternate # •_..• • . . . • • 1 , .0f3' The bid was accompanied by bicider' s yoAd in the amount of $4,000.00, ' writt'en by Royeael. Indemnity Oampany of Nov .York. 7 , -Califoxr►ia.Idd$et �n St. , Hurt 1hauit . e sle , 62 i utx Basle . 2 e7 4 Y Alternate #1 . . . . . . . . . . . .3,19 .tea Alternates #2 . . . . .. . . . . . . . 00 Alternate: # . . . . . • . . . • • 0.0 Alternate #4. . . . . . . . . . • . �d•00 Alternate #5 . . • • • • . . . Y • • •l, 00 The bid was aeloompanied by. bidder' s bond IA the amount of 3,000.00, written day U. Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Baltimore Ud. {W. a a Saser�, 371 0erritosAve. ,Av Long Beae�h.-, Cal050-00 l�rq}o^�rnla• basi,a bid • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .4500?V0 Alternate #1 Alttrnaty #3 . . . . . . . . . . Altex to # . . . . . . . . . . . ?90100 27-00 Alternate #5 . . . , . . . 3,7IS•00 The bid was accompanied nieed by biddor'a bond in the amount of 04,000.00, written .c;y U. B. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. , Ba'23timore, Ud. 'tom. T. LQeooh,, l'1q g. tSniolCt fit. Faea► lena, Caicer .ie . ,Baal* Bid: . . . . . . . , . ;216.0 Alternate #1 Altez atee , • 80.a0 Alternate # • , 6 ; Alternate • • . • • . . • • • • •C� Alternate l,� Q• POOO-00- Dutf & VaTlditnhoogen Compan)r, 733 W• 14th S%: , Lang Be 4613, Calif. . Baia b1 . . . . 4,,517t-00 Altesrnate� #1 Y •. .2,105.60 Alternate . . . • • . . . . 3 0 00 Alternate 10.00 00 Alternate #5 . • • . . . • • • • • .1,8 • ��//.��Jjf(B}��))i�.[[����((/�/115)�►as as onpan:le by oertified, ehe .in. the Mount t of w`). w 3 •. Mot M. MOR dkm I of su t WAR Epp v i""OTO IT �# TXU4* Uri - -on " votes o v* ". stoil, LOI* .. 1 �. 1.10 Plastic, T* �*4 0$" Wl4 �l :,lye ' O; " " ► . j TVAIX MR P to TsndAvs 0 � � ) I1 Stool " c : i'Auf OTC izz too -tyw Sto's Work + t� xs' °tiro . ` I 'Workers (Xnaluftvz Uftotur,411steel) ..00. Lath!, 40 Plasi g A J40tUW sot tal ( dots Metal -Walked* '. LOW Itaftir lb a ? 114W.6 Sortoro, selpors stUre Tide Ulters'` r ftof nl at) * Tile,, 131aekbdazda. Qo.Tk OsapatoeZ x All 8kAll, IA r * t *,d ab,* * + of :; 111 "VW on mod. UY, . i Or to s �:. -lof theVe k � ! * s U �• f � damp . a * .� r 177 I %old t a its 441 " � � ` ► . i I e'ky' der;l Wergency Adminiatration of Public Works, Stats Director, IQ WoXet No. : Calif. 116ins Am licantr City of Huntington Beach Municipal Building Gentlemen., n avc-or4ance with terms and conditionsof' acceptanceof arant to old in construction of Beach Pavilion and Civid AuditorW4 we enclosethree cert1fled noples of items Resolution Now 786y entitled O RESOLUTION Cl1 T OF HUNTINGTON B44CHTO AID BY WAY OF01RANT AND CIVIC AUDIT011Ws 2 Extract8, frl= .the minut-es of a regulap adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Galifoinia, held on the 1 t i air of October, 1937. Mr. Eisen, of the firm of Walk eland EWA, rchitcct n mill contact your officO with respect to preparation of f nQ plangand eppelficatiDW any, the, Yours very truly, By Deputy, . tom, •�- � w '�_. . .�-�"`���^,,,. � - �• Form 3506'(ttor.ian.21,IiJ35) .�� Receipt for'Registered Article No ---- _--_- Registered at the Post Office iridie t d inthe Fee paid a� cen s Class postage_ ---------- Declared valuo __ _ Fureharge paid,$._ __ ee - Return Rpipt fee 6p1.Dol'y fee__ _ ___ -Delivery restricted to addressee: in person---------,or order--------- Fee ----------- Acceptingpai A employee will Milsn space \-indicating retricted deliveryOctober 1 1a � POSTMASTER,per__ _ (PdA*LING-0FFICE>. '1 be 7 should write the mo of the add ea r b. k e f i fe t h at n Preserve ii 1_ U t this receipt in i:ase of fnquiiy or a,pplicatio r mde a n a Registry Fees and Imiernnity—*Dcar estic registry fe rang,from 1" n s foc,,. de ❑ty �t sc,d ng$ p to$1 f indemnity act e c ding$1 00 f k e f on 10 e tic reR ster d rriitt"r Federal s* � ithout intrinsic lug and for whirh de y i not n rl i tcents:,",to rgr.jt po tmaseg i d i •$�"==F tho p-c fi.d e tic mtry.fees ands h gee a I t ho registry-t y f Atcha x alil reg t r d parcel-post packages for forcign,countries. Nees ,dom�.:. tic rcgistered•CSrO D.mil raug(;4rorrr, State' '•,_ Director,t� ccuts to$1.20. Indemnity claims ust he filed within y r(C.0'.l) i ont! ):fromdat, t ,6+cd Directwi of mailing. 180 Wa6h�.�'° ton ulld�njS,BU.S.GOYERNM PRINTING OICE e5-6852 A�aj a k� akxAi 4. . Los Angeles, Calif Dooket No Cal if a 1 . ' -Ds Vroject: Municipal Building n Accor4ance. k7ith ter ins and condit tons of adeeptPpi e of grant to acid In construction of Beach P47—Mor. anal 01,via Auditorium: we enclose three coi-t-If . d cople ,of iteme 4 1 Resolution i t n' led 11 �i t��,U O AGOLPTIM _1Z OFF-10. UP THZ UNITED STAtEs, O THE OF I d ' 3 A TO 1D B WAY i� GRANT AND CIVIC UDI a ORIM" e mExtraxts frofavthe min,11tee of a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington 11�5ach, California, held on the 13th day of October, 1937. o Eisen, of the f im of Walker and Eisen: Architeots vill contact t your office with respect o preparation of fink finall. Diane,_ and 8pec if teat I-ons and. advert cement for bid-a. Deputy.Yours very trulyq BrACK TO AID By 6J k r tPtH Z FIRPMCIN HE '�$S M! OVAC PAVILIMN AND BeIt reso1vt4 by the. City Council of the City, of Hunt3.!" giant e*lcha California- eet.ion 1. Tha the o f*Wr of t1 e Un"Ite tolq of e -to the City -of HuntlrZtorx Beach. .to ald, 4y way -f rams in financing the. eonatruotion of BeachPavilion ,and; GiVia P.uditorjum, a, copy: of tahich offer reads. as- folio �)r PUBLIC W07IMS October- 2, 1937 'NO' '1167-DO 10 City, .Of, iuntington Beach, Huntington Beach,, Orange County, California. to- ub, .ecet to the orms and Coalitione ('rWA or'M o. 230) hi h are Leda a part- hereof., the Unit, ea Statea 'of m er e retry offs're to aid, in- T inwicing, the can- truction:.of -a municipal beach, p vijion and and toriiza- (herein called the "Project') by making a. rturit to pity. of' ftntIn o,a Beach (herein called the the mount of 45 per corm' of th& cosh of the ro jeet Upon eo q�let io , as determined by the, Federal Emergency, Aftinis r for of Public Yorke, 'fur, not to 6xae6d.V in any evant., the sum of $23,456. . By acceptance of tress Offer the Applioant exxantz o begin work on the 14 roject early- as-possible but in n (-,,,vent later than ten gee f royn. the date. of this Offex, and to complete ouch, Project vith all pr ct icablo diepa ch. and in any, event w1thin eight months From the commencement- of eonstru6tion:. r a NI ' R 'SW AUMICA Federal i-aiva . of PulAic Works E. f. Clark .. ^` �awa•swA✓M�'+"n+.e- N4awri•wgwtM[F+s�.++fiMayer•�i+,+,r$.RN�`y e, and t A ii " all roapects a o p' d agrees trt alblde b the tems and ondi o a. ralat3kiIS;- to eh grant a co,)ylich temis. and conditlana were an e to: 'the t,�8 ffer- and - pa thereof® o at . t j ri d and, Ureeted forthwith, sand to Q� Pederal AdminiatmotiOn Of 'UL-1 0- IVorks three certi fled pi o '(iQ9 f4 d+& 47k es+ t ere B.ied p 6s off,+ h ppc ' edjngs -of 'b i z regular adjourned. : 1m o Z IOA r o" in conmeation wit.-h, aceeDtarae oj saia o ff° as may b requeated by t�he red e rr A. irin of Public 4o my T BY n 'vm _, County of Orange City of Hun incSeach , ca R. City 1 eVIC and clo Clem. of tom: City, C i . of tlA City- of, Hue.Ington Dea,dh, do hereby oertify. that tie fo.-eigoing Resolutionwan o the 0-Ity Co unall said City of � �� � adjourned meet-109 hold On the 13th any. of O tr , 19 7 W14w war . a by ai ,i and adopted by the fol i AYES Cou-neAtImen Morehouse, Ch- Talbert Uenrielk0on, Warner NO ABSUIT. Councilmen None ler of CI Mort X-0 tio the City Cowlcil, of the city of Hu-ntinr,,;t-00) each, Ca-liforni STATZ, OF -eninsm �-,: County of 24 cw. , FOR, the epot- ' ualln i�' apt Vk and e�tmoff olo :U 'sxO -MY 0MCII " ° a , � a to jr that the above aW forepDA9 le a true W Mveft O r A 61 u—i - .104 6 w1hich wnz peozad and adoptQ bald on the 3 f October, 193V Ddted lhishe- 14th daY of Onto . r e ' ;.0 MY Counbil,of- the is tounty of Orange, of Hun !UWA Bead On, thlo I&A wy of Oetobli, 1931 . `ory 0010 K Nand,,. nqtary Public in and for said. o y .:. w' to me to be the pers6n Mose name � to me Wat Meyted same + ; AM= MAIM OfAcia set- MWIT saidurtt y State. IONT110TON -BUOR AUTHORIZISSxFILIVU Q Ag IVICYQUIVISTR OF Pus t w DWI � 8 P*3 i� '9` < t A ab s h ..a C�,.e � a�P 3 Sxf 4•� `,� ira� a i d byqheytv 000had of 'to, oily ,�. he A berevy a4hortmed to exesub and' Ale A VW-nic.ipal vorpoxytiou; to the U SO of Apprica for IT Qaobi 'ba and .be 1z ;p.a tky .gori y ,arwd, dire6ted So- nt slrl a wAVO�,:� . all she United' Stajes ,:. ,.,., nneCUOC3 with the PommeO QKNOPW a . , rQuist m . j `of the r yntington Deash hold the o June, TAW ". : ., t ,t Vo bat t Ratolutics was wood to the MY, COM6011 of 010 Ohm or 'MmltjAstap Reach., i regular Weatigg' beld - ma. theAst 44Y of surer. 1131, and was by ,01 1 CYO GUSO . �pzm& any oted QAQ . AWAY Drunzoll Jacobson, 2150 Prinaoton, Los Angoles, California. . Gentlemen: Ploaae be advise- t .re, this da 18001 t of Hobos frorm the edtml. Itmergency Administration of 123.0 Hewss Bulldlngv San Franalseo, to the *tie A , M t $ t doomments betwesn youra*lfwid thtCite of Hun tin th for the w t o f - B l v- I .ion M' Auditorium have been approvod and accepted by the Aating Regional Direotori You are hereby notified, that ycP4 PAY u w, be oompletodto acoordanto with tht provisions your contract on or Wore * o 1936 and In any overt not aor lt .leap is o and .. after date of oommenaftent of i WOriC. you a r` advised, h o that r " not o e �� ", � l 1 ep- r n t off` the Aoting, R one . `. tox, l° under e u t* mount of' IAa- umnem a6l.led rMr kph the cxamtrat;t between arid. Youm very truly, TS The City counail off' city" of HIMItington Copses of V o Calf tarni .4 above- to AoUng RiSlotial D"Irsetor, ?WA. I nopy to Walkor 1,08 00 . , O L! November 30th,1937 Brunzell and Jacobean 2150 rincetot Ave Los Mig les,, ali:r Gentlemen;e'men;- . Tease- be advised that you ha e been. , aEded the contract for conStruction of a pavilion at Huntin ton ach, alifornia in accordance with P W A Docket Calif 11 -DSt at your b d of $500882.00 less Altor te 'N6 I.making a net bid of 0 19892.00 for the completed wear: in a c6rdance with contract to be executed. herewith we hand you TMEE (3) copies of Contract documents and thre-e certified copies of Resolution No r99 awarding you the contract, You may retain 1 c©p7 of the contract document. and 1 copy of the Resolution 14o .750 to be filed with your bonding agent. The other contract doe-menta to be executed by you. and returned together with, the 2 copies of Resolution No 790 to be executed by tho City of Huntington Leach and forwarded to the P W A office at San Fzanciseo for th tr approval kindly furnish u-q with 2 r4ditio cep yes of g�oirr bonds in addition to the required nu- er o MR-1- :r ALS, &.11 of which we are required to furnish to the P W A. By order of the City Council, Yoixrs very truly We hereby acknowledge receipt of the above Cha" R Purr, City Clerk this the day of c Z2�-�, 1937 Brunzell and Jacobson By s FEDERAL EMERGENCY t1 IINISTR.�TIOTd OF -TLIC ORKS STATE DIRECTOR 805 Tasningtorl Sail _ing Los angels, California February 6, 1937. FIl"A.TCE Re: Financial. Inform .tion on Grant Only hp::�lication. Ao�licant: City of Huntington Beach Docket No. Calif.1167 Willis H. Warner, Mayor City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, .California. Dear Sir: It is essential to a further consideration of the application .mentioned above that we be furnished financial inform- ation definitely indicating that the applicant has or will.have funds available to p<.y its share of the cost of the -:project. We. are therefore enclosing herawith three (3) copies of PWA Form No. 218 (Financial Information Supplied by Applicant for Grpnt Only). Please co-:plete the said form promptly and for-- Ward th:; samo, with the substantiating documents referred to there- in, in duplicate, to the State Director as soon as possible. This letter is not to be regarded n.s nn assurz-nce that. an allotment will be made for the projoct, as the financial inform- ation requested is intonded solaly to aid us in our consideration of the an--)lication. - j Very trul oars, -' A. D. :7ILDER= State Director (California) For .the Admi' istra.tor. Stencil No. L.A. - 19 No. 113 2-4-37 . FWA FORM NO. 218 FEDERAL EI' ERCri:.i'CY ADUINI RATION OF PUBLIC Feb ;,�193___,_ L53 Huntington Beach,_ California _ ity eta F11.TANCIAL ITSF''ORTAA.TI0I1 SUPPLIED BY APPLICA11'T FOR GW IT ONLY STATE Calif STATE FILE 1400, 1167 � ;. .�.. .�,�LC ..�T City of HuntingtonB each 2. PROPOSED METHOD OF' F'IITA1 CrI G THE PROJECT `dotal estimated coot of project �.. O�OQ. Less the amount of P.W.A. erant recluestu d— .Balance of funds to he furnished by appl i cant from sources other than Government 3. STATE FRO MilCH OF THE F'OLLOriING SOUIMS TlIE 'APIPLICAJIT'S F°CaITDS ARE TO BE FUFs•TI:G1-11ED A!TD TH.: Ai.5OUMT TC) BE MRIVED FROJJ E.AWH SOURCE; Cash on hand yes 24 0.00 Sale oP Securities Future Reuerue s or ece opts,,,, , 4. IF APPLICA14TIS IFUNDS ARE TO BE PROVIDED PROM CASH 0' HAND (a) in %xiha.t account (general-, t ui.lding,etb. are: the funds no ► on, deposit available General L(b) Submit a ogrLjfi;ed st ,'tO_*Ient� .f`on the b)an.k:.. hicl: �8_--deRq ltory eaf 0'ubh=fund Indicati.n that the argot At shoe above is available at the time of application in the account indicated. (c) Submit a dopy of resol,uti.on making approjpr ation for this project. _ r o 0 4 r t o AFFIDAVIT t. COROP 00 Wi11Is H arner v be lng first, duly sworn, aye; 1. That the affi.a.nt has been authorized by the above-named applicant to furnish financlU i.nformati.on to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works to suppart the apD11- cation of said applicant, dated = 9 3b- ' 2. That the Information supplied on the above -form and in the attached: exhibits and statements is true, correct, and complete to the best of his knowlediSe and belief. Scorn to before me this ....._,�.dad' of 19� My eommi,ssi on empires. 196— _1qo ta.ry �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MAP ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MAP ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK (s) 'lacing of vat let '3oxes: Special cure shall be tx.l.en to set all boxes correct, square, and true t: ith the building finish. "Lhe edge of the Cover shall finish flush with the plaster or other finished :surfaces. The exact loc&.tion of all outlets ans sr^itches in finished rooms shall be obtained fr:_M the :,rellitects mid inal read; ustnient Mode of boxes, if necessary, to give pro -.or centering.(f) Placing Panel, Jun{;tion and l all Boxes: ^he panel, junction and pull boxes are to be independently supported to the building structure by strong, Brought iron construction, and these boxem must be so ^ut . uy, that they will rely ent rely- on these sun-ports, and nut aeon any conduits enterLng same. (g) s: ?he height of allwill fixtures outlet boxes shown on drawings or herin t3pecified, shall governs and where such heights are not covered therby, the matter shall be referred to the j�rchitects for decision. All insertion reee ?tacle outlets shall be located just above the baseboard, except clhere otherwise noted on draw- ings or herein spec-ified. All switch boxes shall be celitered four feet six inches (41 -6" ) from the fi wished floor. ihere heig.at of receptacle outlets from floor is not given on dr� wings, they s2vall be located as directed, (h) Electric _eters: This contractor shall cause tivo d.separate electric service rieters to be. installed. "ne meter shall control all light outlets in the con,3ession booth and also lne lading the signs above. The :)ther muter shall control all other elec- tric outlets. (1 ) sa*ororts Outlet boxes lxl securel;, fsstened. in phce with suitable strata i.ro), ian,,:ers and sa-1-ports . Locknuts on conduit shall clot 3e c ',nsidered as fulfilling ti_is rep• quire.rient. ( j) ?lacina_ of Local. ",Pitches and Insertion 21u s: Local switches sha:.l to installed In such a ,osition that they shall bear evelnly and truly and be secured on the axis of tlhe suppor`.;ing members, Under no circumstances shall wooden wedges, shims or bloc's be used in trussing up 1=1 swi.tches6 Should outlet boxes, in any case, come too fur back of the finished surface, recess boxes and screws of the length of reach b .Dx shall be used, and each shall have either a brass ring or a. length of brass tubing of such a size, as to form a shoulder at exactly the I.roper point to reta 11, the switch in position. s