Deferred/Continued to:
Approved ❑ Conditionally Approved ❑ Denied WE'D City rk's igna e
Council Meeting Date: 7/16/2007 Department ID Number: 07-042
SUBJECT: Approve the Sanitary Sewer Management Plan Development Plan and
Issue,Funding Source,Recommended Action,Alternative Action(s),Analysis,Environmental Status,Attachment(s)
Statement of Issue: The State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006-0003
requires local governing board approval of the Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP)
Development Plan and Schedule.
Funding Source: No funding is necessary for this action.
Recommended Action: Motion to: Approve the General Waste Discharge Requirements
(WDRs) Sewer System Management Plan Development Plan and Schedule dated
September 30, 2002.
Alternative Action(s): Do not approve the General Waste Discharge Requirements
(WDRs) Sewer System Management Plan Development Plan and Schedule dated
September 30, 2002 and direct staff on how to proceed.
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
(ii) Organization.The SSMP must identify: ❑ Overall organizational chart,including Engineering Staff to prepare Org. Chart by SSMP completed by
(A) Administrative and maintenance
governing body January 1,2003 September 30,2005
positions responsible for implementing
measures in the SSMP program,including
lines of authority by organization chart or
similar document;and
(B) The chain of communication for ✓ SSO Emergency Response Plan SSO Emergency Response Plan details chain SSO Emergency
reporting SSOs, from receipt of a of communication. Response Plan due
complaint or other information including by January 1,2003
the person responsible for reporting
SSOs to the Regional Water Quality
Control Board,Orange County Health
Care Agency,and State Office of
Emergency Services (OES)if the
discharge is 1,000 gallons or larger.
(iii)Legal Authority.The SSMP shall include ✓ Sewer use ordinance that defines and Municipal Code 14.36 requires the review Legal Authority due
legal authority,through sewer use ordinances, controls discharges to the collection and approval by the City to insure proper by July 30,2004
service agreements or other legally binding system,connections from inflow sources use.
documents,to: such as;sump pumps,roof leaders,yard
(A) Control infiltration and connections from and stairwell drains or any other materials
inflow sources; that adversely affects the performance of
the collection system. Municipal Code 14.36 requires the review
(B) Require that sewers and connections be ✓properly designed and constructed; Design and construction specifications and approval by the City to insure proper
based on current engineering and design and construction methods.
(C) Ensure proper installation,testing,and construction practices All permitted sewer construction is inspected
inspection of new and rehabilitated ✓
sewers (such as new or rehabilitated City Specifications,which supplement the by City Inspectors.
collector sewers and new or rehabilitated Greenbook.
service laterals); ❑ A grease control program for commercial, City is currently participating both monetarily FOG Control
(D) Limit fats and greases and other debris, industrial,and institutional users that and as a member of the FOG Steering Program due by
which may cause blockages in the sewage combines source and field control to Committee. (See item viii) 12/30/04
collection system. reduce SSOs caused by the discharge of
FOG to the collection system.
(E) Implement the general and specific
prohibitions of the national pretreatment El to be added identifying the City
program under 40 CFR 403.5. as a collection Agency with pretreatment
by the OCSD.
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WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
(iv)Measures and Activities: In order to ❑ List of dedicated staff and material Under the direction of the current Preventive
provide an adequate and appropriate SSO resources (equipment and spare parts) Maintenance Operations Manager, Maintenance
reduction plan, the SSMP must address the needed to operate and maintain the system maintenance staff currently maintains an org Program due by
elements listed below that are appropriate and assets so the intended function chart with duties and a current list of 06/15/03
applicable to the dischargers system and (conveyance capacity)is maintained. equipment and spare parts. (Submit to
identify the person or position in the ✓ Engineering by January 1,2003)
organization responsible for each element: Complete and accurate set of maps of the
collection system that is available for The City currently maintains maps of its
(A) Provide adequate operation and management,operation and maintenance collection system through its GIS system
maintenance of facilities and equipment; of the collection system and an established under the direction of the Deputy Director
(B) Maintain an up-to-date map of the process to maintain and update map of of Public Works and the Engineering staff.
collection system showing all gravity line the collection system including,all gravity Digital Maps currently available to
segments and manholes,pumping lines and force-mains,manholes,pumping Engineering Staff with hard copies to
facilities,pressure pipes and valves,and facilities, siphons and other Maintenance Staff.
stortnwater conveyance facilities;
(C) Maintain relevant information to establish Capacity Evaluation
✓ Update the Sewer Master Plan to identify In the Summer of 2002 the City updated its
and prioritize appropriate SSMP activities any capacity issues with special attention Sewer Master Plan and will evaluate priorities Program due by
(such as the immediate elimination of dry 07/30/05
weather overflows or overflows into given to that infrastructure in close accordingly.
sensitive waters,such as public drinking proximity to sensitive environs.
water supplies and their source waters, ❑ A proactive maintenance program that Maintenance staff currently adheres to a
swimming beaches and waters where consists of a balance of planned and planned maintenance schedule. (Submit to
swimming occurs,shellfish beds, scheduled preventive/predictive Engineering by January 1,2003)
(D) Outstanding National Resource Waters, maintenance (pumping station electrical
National Marine Sanctuaries,waters and mechanical systems,hydraulic and
within Federal,State,or local parks,and mechanical cleaning,inspection and
water containing threatened or condition assessment,Rights-of-Way and
endangered species or their habitat),and Easements,etc.) and corrective
identify and illustrate trends in overflows, maintenance by staff and contractors.
such as frequency and volume; ✓ Capacity management program that
In the Sumner of 2002,the City updated its
(E) Routine preventive operation and provides an accurate, current capacity Sewer Master Plan,which includes potential
maintenance activities by staff and analysis of the system and compares to capacity deficiencies. (Engineering Staff to
contractors;including a system for capacity needs. prepare a priority list by June 1,2003 or
scheduling regular maintenance and sooner) Sewer Rehab. Plan
cleaning of the collection system with due by 09/30/05.
more frequent cleaning and maintenance
targeted at known problem areas.The
Preventative Maintenance (PM)program
should have a system of tracking work
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WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
orders and assessing the success of the
PM program;
(F) Establish a program to assess the current
capacity of the collection system owned
by the discharger or where the discharger
has operational control;including ❑ System condition assessment,based on City has video inspected over 40% of its
diversions of urban runoff to the sewer priorities established through a structured System. Beginning October 1,2002,our
system and control of infiltration and asset management plan. Inventory of video inspection program will be resumed in
intrusion during both wet weather events defects that require periodic preventive order to provide for a Sewer Rehabilitation
and dry weather periods; maintenance to maintain capacity. Plan to be prepared by Engineering Staff.
(G) Identify and prioritize structural Prioritized list of defects been that require
deficiencies and implement short-term spot repair,rehabilitation or replacement
and long-term rehabilitation actions to to restore capacity. Program for short and
address each deficiency.This shall include long term repair,rehabilitation or
a rehabilitation plan including schedules replacement.
for the entire system.As with the PM
program,sewer rehabilitation and By Ordinance 3504,the City must annually
replacement is crucial for the prevention ✓ Analysis of financial resources necessary evaluate its Sewer Service User Charge.
of spills.Among the provisions that to operate,maintain and execute short and
should be specified in this section is the long term repair,rehabilitation or
need to direct rehabilitation and replacement program identified and
replacement at sewer pipes which are at funded.
risk of collapse or prone to more
frequent blockages due to pipe defects.
The program should also include regular
visual and TV inspection of sewer pipes
and a system for assessing and ranking
the condition of sewer pipes. Finally,the
rehabilitation and replacement plan
should include a financial plan that
properly manages and protects the
infrastructure assets;
(I� Provide training on a regular basis for
staff in collection system O&M and Operations Manager shall investigate
monitoring and determine if contractors' ❑ Training program for City Operations and requirement of Certification for existing and
staff are appropriately trained; Maintenance staff and assurance of
training by the contractors engaged by the future employees. (Recommendation by
June 1,2003)
city to for performance of O&M
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WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
(I) Provide equipment and replacement parts ❑ Inventory of replacement parts. Maintenance Staff to provide Inventory to
inventories including identification of Engineering by January 1,2003
critical replacement parts.
Q) Establish an implementation plan and ❑ Public education program focused on
schedule for a public education outreach reducing residential disposal of FOG Engineering Staff to coordinate public
program that promotes proper disposal outreach with recommendation by June 1,
of grease and fats. 2003.
✓ Established procedures to investigate
(K) In accordance with County of Orange's (service request) and assist in the SSO Emergency Response Plan currently
Drainage Area Management Plan, mitigation of discharges from private details private property response.
establish a plan for responding to SSOs property.
from private property that discharge to
public right of ways and storm drains,to
prevent discharges from SSOs to surface
waters and storm drains;and
(L) Develop a plan and a schedule for ❑ FOG program to monitor the City is currently participating both monetarily
providing an analysis of alternative maintenance of commercial industrial and as a member of the FOG Steering
methods of disposal for grease and fats, g
and an implementation plan and schedule and institutional source control systems Committee,and will incorporate the tools
for providing adequate disposal capacity (grease interceptors, traps,skimmers,) developed from the study to establish
for grease and fats generated within the maintenance and disposal of FOG from appropriate control methods to reduce FOG
sewer system service area.This plan shall these sources. in the collection system (See item viii.)
include an evaluation of the feasibility of
using sludge digesters at the OCSD
treatment plant for grease disposal and
treatment,recycling,and rendering,and
other disposal alternatives.
(v) Design and Performance Provisions: Ensure the following:
(A) Develop design and construction ✓ Design and construction specifications as The City currently maintains Supplemental
standards and specifications for the well as inspection,based on current Specifications to the"Standard Specifications
installation of new sewers,pump stations engineering and construction practices for Public Works Construction" or better
and other appurtenances;and for known as the"Green Book"as well as
rehabilitation and repair of existing sewer Design standards for its Sewer Infrastructure.
(B) Develop procedures and standards for
inspecting and testing the installation of
new sewers,pumps,and other
appurtenances and for rehabilitation and
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 10
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
repair projects.
(vi)Monitoring,Measurement and Program ❑ Annual evaluation and update of the Updates and evaluation to be performed by Annual update due
Modifications SSMP. maintenance and engineering staff by September 30, of
(A) Monitor the implementation and,where amendment identifying any revisions to the each year.
appropriate,measure the effectiveness of SSMP.
each element of the SSMP;
(B) Update program elements,as appropriate,
based on monitoring or performance
(C) Modify the summary of the SSMP
program,as appropriate,to keep it
updated and accurate and available for
audit at all times.
(vii) Overflow Emergency Response Plan: ✓ SSO Emergency Response Plan City enacted Administrative Regulation 808 SSO Emergency
The dischargers shall develop and implement effective January 1,2002,which describes the Response Plan due
an overflow emergency response plan that Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Procedures. by January 1,2003
identifies measures to protect public health
and the environment.At a minimum,this
plan should include the following:
(A) Ensure proper notification procedures so
that the discharger is informed of all
SSOs in a timely manner (to the greatest
extent possible)
(B) Ensure that all overflows (including those
that do not discharge to waters of the
State) are appropriately responded to,
including ensuring that reports of
overflows are immediately dispatched to
appropriate personnel for investigation
and appropriate response;
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 11
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
(C) Ensure immediate notification to the ✓ SSO Emergency Response Plan City enacted Administrative Regulation 808 SSO Emergency
public,health agencies and other effective January 1,2002,which describes the Response Plan due
impacted entities (e.g.,water suppliers) of Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Procedures. by January 1,2003
all overflows.Report all SSOs to the
Regional Water Quality Control Board
and the Orange County Health Care In addition,the City currently has on hand
several portable generators for the express use
Agency,and report to the State OES if
of its 28 sewer lift stations.
the overflow is 1,000 gallons or larger.
The SSMP should identify the public
health agency and other officials who will
receive immediate notification;
(D) Ensure that appropriate staff and
contractor personnel are aware of and
follow the plan and are appropriately
(E) Provide emergency operations, such as
traffic and crowd control and other
emergency response;and
(F) Take all reasonable steps to contain
sewage and prevent sewage discharges to
surface waters and minimize or correct
any adverse impact on the environment
resulting from the SSOs,including such
accelerated or additional monitoring as
may be necessary to determine the nature
and impact of the discharge.
(G) Develop and implement a plan for the
use of portable aerators where complete
recovery of the sanitary sewer overflows
is not practicable and where severe
oxygen depletion in existing surface
waters is expected.
(H) Develop and implement a plan to
respond in a timely manner to spills and
other emergencies. Collection system
staff should be able to respond to a
sewage spill in less than an hour from the
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 12
Analysis: In 2002, the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) issued
Order No. R8-2002-0014 which required the City to develop several programs to prevent
sanitary sewer overflows. The final deliverable to meet this Order was the development of a
Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP) which was completed on September 30, 2005.
An intermediate deliverable, the SSMP "Development Plan and Schedule," which described
how the City would meet the various other deliverables and their associated due dates, was
also prepared and submitted to the RWQCB on September 30, 2002.
In 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board issued Order No. 2006-0003, which is
substantially verbatim to the RWQCB Order, to cover the entire state. By virtue of the City's
compliance with the RWQCB Order, only minimal effort is required to meet the requirements
as stipulated in the State's Order. The State Order requires that the SSMP Development
Plan and Schedule be approved by the local governing board, while the RWQCB Order did
not. Therefore, the previously prepared Development Plan and Schedule is being submitted
for approval to meet this requirement.
Strategic Plan Goal:
(1-1) Improve the City's plan for funding and completing infrastructure needs, and develop
strategies for resolving crucial infrastructure problems to preserve the physical foundation of
the community and enable the community's value to grow.
Public Works Commission Action: No action necessary.
Environmental Status: Not applicable
NumberCity Clerk's
Page . Description
1. General Waste Discharge Requirements Sewer Management Plan
Develo ment Plan and Schedule
-2- 7/2/2007 11:32 AM
ORDER NO. R8-2002-0014
SEPTEMBER 30, 2002
Prepared By:
The table below has been prepared to translate the Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Sewers (Order No. R8-2002-0014), into a list of deliverables
to facilitate understanding of the requirements.This document is meant to serve as a comprehensive status checklist for Departments within the City of
Huntington Beach,which are affected by the conditions of this Order.
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
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2. Discharges Caused by Severe Natural ✓ SSO Emergency Response Plan City enacted Administrative Regulation 808 SSO Emergency
Conditions effective January 1,2002,which describes the Response Plan due
✓ Sewer Master Plan,which identifies Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response by January 1,2003
The Regional Board may take enforcement redundant systems and potential areas of Procedures.
action against the permittee for any sanitary Inflow/Infiltration.
sewer system discharge caused by natural
conditions,unless the permittee demonstrates In the Summer of 2002,the City updated the Capacity Evaluation
through properly signed,contemporaneous Sewer Master Plan including an I/I study, due by July 30,2005
operating logs,or other relevant evidence which identifies potentially deficient sewer
that: infrastructure. Each component will be
further evaluated as part of our Capital
(i) The discharge was caused by severe natural Improvement Plan.
conditions(such as hurricanes,tornadoes,
flooding,earthquakes,tsunamis,and other
similar natural conditions);
(ii) There were no feasible alternatives to the
discharge,such as retention of untreated
wastewater,reduction of inflow and
infiltration,use of adequate backup
equipment,or an increase in the capacity of
the system.This provision is not satisfied if,
in the exercise of reasonable engineering
judgment,the permittee should have
installed auxiliary or additional collection
system components,wastewater retention,
adequate back-up equipment or should have
reduced inflow and infiltration.This
provision is also not satisfied if the agency
does not undergo a periodic or continuing
planning to identify and correct problems.
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 2
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
3. Discharges Caused by Other Factors ❑ Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) Through adherence to the WDR, the City SSMP completed by
For SSOs other than those covered under this can establish an affirmative response. September 30,2005
section, the permittee may establish an
affirmative defense to an action brought for
noncompliance if the permittee demonstrates
through properly signed,contemporaneous
operating logs,or other relevant evidence
(i) The permittee can identify the cause of
the discharge event;
(ii) The discharge was exceptional,
unintentional,temporary and caused by
factors beyond the reasonable control of
the permittee;
(iii) The discharge could not have been
prevented by the exercise of reasonable
control,such as proper management,
operation and maintenance;adequate
treatment facilities at OCSD two regional
treatment plants or collection system
facilities or components (e.g.,Adequately
enlarging treatment or collection facilities
to accommodate growth or adequately
controlling and preventing infiltration
and inflow);preventive maintenance;or
installation of adequate backup
(iv) The permittee took all reasonable steps to
stop,and mitigate the impact of,the
discharge as soon as possible.
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 3
V DR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
4. Burden of Proof No Action Required
In any enforcement proceeding, the permittee
has the burden of proof to establish that the
criteria in this section have been met.
5. In an enforcement action,it shall not be a
defense for the discharger that it would have
been necessary to halt or reduce the
permitted activity in order to maintain
compliance with this Order.
6. Upon reduction,loss,or failure of the ✓ SSO Emergency Response Plan City enacted Administrative Regulation 808 SSO Emergency
sanitary sewer system resulting in a effective January 1,2002,which describes the Response Plan due
sanitary sewer overflow,the discharger Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response by Januaryl,2003
shall,to the extent necessary to maintain Procedures.
compliance with this Order,take any
necessary remedial action to:
(1) Control or limit the volume of sewage
(2) Terminate the sewage discharge as rapidly
as possible,and
(3) Recover as much of the sewage
discharged as possible for proper
disposal,including any wash down water.
The dischargers shall implement all remedial
actions to the extent they may be applicable
to the discharge,including the following:
a. Interception and rerouting of sewage
flows around the sewage line failure;
b. Vacuum truck recovery of sanitary sewer
overflows and wash down water;
c. Cleanup of debris of sewage origin at the
overflow site.
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 4
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
7. The discharger shall properly fund, ❑ Sewer System Management Plan Funding and training to be reported in the SSMP completed by
manage,operate and maintain,with SSMP. September 30,2005
adequately trained staff and/or
In the Summer of 2001, City Ordinance 3504
contractors possessing adequate was adopted to implement a Sewer Service
knowledge skills and abilities as
User Charge for the maintenance and repair
demonstrated through a validated of Sewer Infrastructure.
program at all times, all parts of the
sewage collection system owned and/or 8 out of 10 City sewer maintenance workers
operated by the discharger. hold certifications for wastewater collection
systems through CWEA.
8. The discharger shall provide adequate ✓ Sewer Master Plan,which evaluates In the Summer of 2002,the City updated the Capacity Evaluation
capacity to convey base flows and peak capacity. Sewer Master Plan including an I/I study, due by July 30,2005
flows,including wet weather related which identifies potentially deficient sewer
events to the minimum design criteria as infrastructure. Each component will be
defined in the dischargers System further evaluated as part of our Capital
Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan, Improvement Plan.
for all parts of the collection system
owned or operated by the discharger.
9. The discharger shall take all feasible steps ✓ SSO Emergency Response Plan City enacted Administrative Regulation 808 SSO Emergency
to stop, and mitigate the impact of, effective January 1,2002,which describes the Response Plan due
sanitary sewer overflows in portions of the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response by January 1,2003
collection system owned or operated by Procedures.
the discharger.
10. The discharger shall provide notification ✓ SSO Emergency Response Plan City enacted Administrative Regulation 808 SSO Emergency
to the OCHCA and the Regional Board so effective January 1,2002,which describes the Response Plan due
that they can notify parties with a Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response by January 1,2003
reasonable potential for exposure to Procedures.
pollutants associated with the SSO.
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 5
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
11. The discharger shall develop and ❑ Sewer System Management Plan Engineering staff will be responsible to SSMP completed by
implement a written plan,a Sewer System gather the required information and compile September 30,2005
Management Plan (SSMP), for the report. A Draft SSMP with available
compliance with these waste discharge information shall be prepared by June 1,
requirements and make it available to any 2003 or sooner.
member of the public upon request in
12. The essential elements of the SSMP are ❑ Sewer System Management Plan The City currently has in place the majority SSMP completed by
specified below. If the discharger believes of the components required. Those September 30,2005
that any element of this section is not components,which are not complete, shall
appropriate or applicable for the SSMP be noted below with anticipated time frame
program,the program does not need to for completion.
address it,but the SSMP must explain
why that element is not applicable.The
Regional Board will consider the quality
of the SSMP,its implementation and
effectiveness in any relevant enforcement
action,including but not limited to any
enforcement action for violation of the
Clean Water Act,the Basin Plan
prohibition,or these waste discharge
requirements.The SSMP must include
the following components,with the
exception of non-applicable components,
as discussed above:
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(i) Goals.The main goal of the SSMP is to ✓ Prepare an SSMP Development Plan and This document SSMP Development
prevent SSOs and to provide a plan and Schedule Plan due by
schedule for measures to be implemented to September 30,2002
prevent SSOs.
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 6
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
first call. The system should be capable of
meeting this response time ay or night,
every day of the week.The system must
own or have ready access to spill and
emergency response equipment such as
vacuum trucks,hydroflushers,pumps,
temporary bypass hoses,and portable
(viii) Fats,Oils and Grease Control Program. ❑ FOG Control Program. City is currently participating both monetarily FOG Program due
Prepare and implement a grease,fat,and oil and as a member of the FOG Steering by 12/30/04
source control program to reduce the amount of Committee,and will incorporate the tools
these substances discharged to the sewer developed from the study to establish
collection system.This plan shall include the appropriate control methods to reduce FOG
legal authority to prohibit discharges to the in the collection system.
system and identify measures to prevent SSOs
caused by fats,oils,and grease blockages of Upon release of Ph. 1 FOG Study,begin to
sewers.The elements of an effective grease evaluate"tools"with report to P.W.Director
control program may include requirements to by June 1,2003.
install grease removal devices(such as traps,or
preferably,interceptors),design standards for Prepare"Draft"FOG Control Program
the removal devices,maintenance requirements, incorporating Legal Authority and submit to
BMP requirements,record keeping and P.W.Director by September 1,2004
reporting requirements.An effective grease
control program must also include authority to
inspect grease producing facilities,enforcement
authorities,and sufficient staff to inspect and
enforce grease ordinance.
(A) The grease control program shall identify
sections of the sewer system subject to
grease blockages and establish a cleaning
maintenance schedule for each section;
(B) The program shall develop and
implement source control measures, for
all sources of grease and fats discharged
to the sewer system, for each section
identified in(A) above.
ix System Evaluation and Capacity ❑ Capacity Evaluation Plan,which In the Summer of 2002,the City updated its Capacity Evaluation
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 13
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
Assurance Plan:Prepare and implement a prioritizes CIP relative to sensitive Sewer Master Plan,which includes potential Plan due by
capital improvement plan that will provide environs. capacity deficiencies. (Engineering Staff to 07/30/05
hydraulic capacity of key sewer system prepare a priority list by June 1,2003 or
elements under peak flow conditions.At a sooner)
minimum,the plan must include:
(A) Evaluation.Steps to evaluate those
portions of the collection system,which
are experiencing or contributing to an
SSO discharge caused by hydraulic
deficiency.The evaluation must provide
estimates of peak flows (including flows
from SSOs that escape from the system)
associated with conditions similar to
those causing overflow events,estimates
of the capacity of key system
components,hydraulic deficiencies
(including components of the system
with limiting capacity) and the major
sources that contribute to the peak flows
associated with overflow events;
(B) Capacity Enhancement Measures.
Establish a short-and long-term capital
improvement program to address
identified hydraulic deficiencies including
prioritization,alternatives analysis,and
(C) Plan Updates.The plan must be
updated,at a minimum annually, to
describe any significant change in
proposed actions and/or implementation
schedules.The updates should include
available information on the performance
of measures that have been implemented.
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 14
WDR Reference Deliverables Notes Due Dates
(x) SSMP Program Audits.As part of the ❑ Report of Audit of SSMP with level of Engineering Staff shall coordinate with Annual update due
SSMP,the permittee shall conduct an internal compliance and deficiencies,and maintenance staff to prepare the Audit by on September 30,of
audit,appropriate to the size of the system programs to eliminate deficiencies. an annual basis to be included with the each year.
and the number of overflows,and submit a annual update.
report of such audit, evaluating the SSMP and
its compliance with this subsection,including
its deficiencies and steps to correct them.
(xi)Communications.The discharger should ❑ Establish communication plan for the Engineering Staff to recommend
communicate on a regular basis with dissemination of requested information to communication plan(by January 1,2003)
interested parties on the implementation and interested parties.
performance of its SSMP.The
communication system should allow
interested parties to provide input to the
discharger as the program is developed and
G:\Engineering Division\Broussard\Sewer\RWQCB\WDR\HB SSMP Development Plan.doc 15
SUBJECT: Approve the Sanitary Sewer Management Plan
Development Plan and Schedule
Ordinance (w/exhibits & legislative draft if applicable) Attached ❑
Not Applicable
Resolution (w/exhibits & legislative draft if applicable) Attached ❑
Not Applicable
Tract Map, Location Map and/or other Exhibits Attached ❑
Not Applicable
Contract/Agreement (w/exhibits if applicable) Attached ❑
(Signed in full by the City Attorney) Not Applicable
Subleases, Third Party Agreements, etc. Attached ❑
(Approved as to form by City Attorney) Not Applicable
Certificates of Insurance (Approved by the City Attorney) Attached ❑
Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact Statement (Unbudgeted, over $5,000) Attached ❑
Not Applicable
Bonds (If applicable) Attached ❑
Not Applicable
Staff Report (If applicable) Attached ❑
Not Applicable E
Commission, Board or Committee Report (If applicable) Attached ❑
Not Applicable
Findings/Conditions for Approval and/or Denial Attached ❑
Not Applicable
Administrative Staff ( ) ( )
Deputy City Administrator (Initial) ( )
City Administrator (Initial) ( )
City Clerk ( )
RCA Author: T. Broussard:jg