HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-20Minutes City Council/Public Financing Authority City of Huntington Beach Monday, May 20, 2019 4:00 PM -Council Chambers 6:00 PM -Council Chambers Civic Center, 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 A video recording of the 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM portions of this meeting is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at www.surfcity-hb.org/government/agendas/ 4:00 PM -COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALLED TO ORDER -4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey , Delgleize, and Hardy None ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS (Received After Agenda Distribution) Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental communications received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet: Study Session Item No. 1 (19-224) -2 items 1) a PowerPoint communication entitled Public Works Department 201912020 Capital Improvement Program (GIP) received from Travis Hopkins, Interim Assistant City Manager; 2) a PowerPoint communication entitled Fiscal Year 201912020 Proposed Budget 'Shaping the Future' received from Gilbert Garcia, Chief Financial Officer. PUBLIC COMMENTS PERTAINING TO STUDY SESSION I CLOSED SESSION ITEMS (3 Minute Time Limit) -None STUDY SESSION 1. 19-224 Discussion of Fiscal Year 2019/20 Proposed Budget, Finance Commission actions, discussions and recommendations; Capital Improvement Program (CIP) continued to June 3rd. Gilbert Garcia, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), jointly presented a PowerPoint Presentation with Lori-Ann Farrell-Harrison, Interim City Manager, entitled City of Huntington Beach -Fiscal Year 201912020 Proposed Budget -Shaping The Future, with slides entitled: FY 2019120 Proposed Budget; Police Department Management Staffing; FY 2019120 Proposed Budget-Police (2); Background on Lieutenant Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 2 of 22 Position; Excerpt From Agreement Between the City and the HBPD Police Management Association October 22, 2018; Succession Planning; Case In Point: Huntington Beach; Challenges to Replenishing Talent; Succession Planning (2); Citywide Succession Planning Efforts (2); Succession Planning (3); Future Budget Challenges -Big Independent Cities Ex cess Pool (BICEP) (4); Finance Commission Actions, Discussions and Recommendations; Finance Commission (6); and FY 2018119 Proposed Budget. Councilmember Posey and CFO Garcia discussed recommendations included in the presentation as proposed by the Finance Commission, and Councilmember Posey expressed concerns , describing some of the actions as "over-stepping " authority. Mayor Pro Tern Semeta referred to recommendations made by the Finance Commission in the budget presentation as "suggestions ," describing the recommendations as within their scope of duties at a time when the City is tasked with identifying cost savings and considering new revenue sources . She added that it is ultimately the Council 's decision on what actions to take. Councilmember Hardy offered an understanding for Councilmember Posey's concerns, and shared some of her own about the Finance Commission's outsourcing recommendations . Councilmember Delgleiz e stated her opinion that some of the Finance Commission's recommendations have caused undue concern for staff, and provided support for Councilmember Hardy's comments regarding outsourcing . She also discussed her expectations that the City provide opportunities for staff to move up in their careers . Councilmember Carr stated her opinion that the Finance Commission recommendation to outsource the IS Department is a partisan deci sion , and asked that the Council review and refine the scope of the Finance Commission . Mayor Peterson stated that City Council determines policy and approves or denies recommendations made by any commission . Mayor Pro Tern Semeta and Interim City Manager Farrell -Harrison discussed the best practices process for a Request for Proposal (RFP) to outsource a department or any department function . Coun ci lmember Carr stated her support for ensuring actions by the Finance Commission are City Council directed . Councilmember Brenden stated his support for the Council to remove some of the ambiguity to the Finance Commission purpose by refining their authority, and asked that staff come back with better language options for the applicable parts of the Municipal Code. Councilmember Brenden shared details on police staffing including defunded and refunded positions as related to the defunded Police Lieutenant position . Councilmember Posey expressed his opinion that the proposed Police Department budget appears to skew historical staffing levels. Police Chief Robert Handy explained that the Management Partners findings reported that a number of the Department issues were relate d to lack of management and supervisory positions . Councilmember Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 3 of 22 Delgleize and Chief Handy discussed that there is a staff shortage at nearly every level within the Department. Councilmember Carr confirmed with Chief Handy that the agreement made last October with the Police Management Association (PMA) requires the defunded Police Lieutenant position be refunded before any more rank and file officers can be hired. Councilmember Brenden and Human Resources Director Michelle Warren discussed staff development opportunities that are provided to encourage staff to gain supervisory, leadership and managerial skills so they can be prepared for moving up within the City . At the present time there are not any retention tools available for staff that may be considering retirement. Councilmember Brenden stated that based on the Strategic Plan agreed to earlier in the year, the Council is expecting a report by October 1 on Succession Planning , but it appears to him this budget is moving forward with Succession Planning without waiting for the upcoming report. Councilmembers Delgleize and Hardy discussed with Director Warren that there isn't yet a citywide or global plan for Succession Planning , and Councilmembers Delgleize and Hardy suggest that is needed before considering succession plans for just a couple of departments. Councilmember Posey and Director Warren discussed hiring policies related to current employees vs. external applicants. Councilmember Carr expressed her opinion that there should be a Study Session report on citywide Succession Planning before any department's Succession Plans are approved through t he current budget process. Councilmember Delgleize asked that there be a staff report at least quarterly to update Council on the efforts being made towards developing a Succession Plan. Mayor Peterson expressed the need to see a Succession Plan that trains and prepares staff to be qualified to step into a position vacated through retirement. Interim Manager Farrell-Harrison explained that the current Department Succession Plan changes being presented are unique and are needed to stabilize the affected departments where there could be high risk for these single-classification situations , and stated that Council needs to determine how agile they want to be in these situations . The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) presentation was postponed to the next regular meeting of June 3rd. Motion by Posey , second Delgleize, to recess into Closed Session for Items 3-6. With no objections the motion carried . RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION -5:36 PM CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT($) 2. 19-615 Mayor PetersoR to AnRounce: PursuaRt to Government Code § 54957.6, the City Council shall recess into Closed Session to meet with its designated labor negotiator: Lori AAA Farrell, Interim City Manager; also in attendance: Gilbert Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 4 of 22 GarGia, Chief FinanGial OffiGer, MiGhele Warren, DireGtor of Human ResourGes regarding labor negotiations 'Nith : City Treasurer CLOSED SESSION 3. 19-597 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: Frankie Choyeski v. City of Huntington Beach; Workers' Compensation Claim No. COHB 18 0026. 4. 19-598 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: Thomas Wilson v. City of Huntington Beach; Workers' Compensation Claim No. COHB 16 0346. 5. 19-599 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: Bedel (Richard) v. City of Huntington Beach, et al.; OCSC Case No. 30-2017- 00958740. 6. 19-605 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54956.9(d)(2), the City Council recessed into Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding potential litigation. Number of cases, three (3). 7. 19-614 Pursuant to Go'lernment Code§ 54957.6, the City CounGil shall reGess into Closed Session to meet with its designated labor negotiator: Lori Ann Farrell, Interim City Manager; also in attendanGe: Gilbert GarGia, Chief FinanGial OffiGer, MiGhele Warren, Director of Human Resources regarding the following: City Treasurer. 6:00 PM -COUNCIL CHAMBERS RECONVENED CITY COUNCIL/PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY MEETING -6:05 PM ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Brenden, Carr, Semeta , Peterson , Posey, De lgleize, and Hardy None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Led by Councilmember Delgleize INVOCATION In permitting a nonsectarian invocation , the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or be li ef. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation . 8. 19-539 Marie Knight, City of Huntington Beach Community Services Director CLOSED SESSION REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 5 of 22 City Attorney Gates reported that by a vote of 7-0 the City Council authorized the filing of a lawsuit against the Public Cable Television Authority (PCTA) to enjoin the PCTA from making purchases and large expenditures in an attempt to spend City of Huntington Beach contributions made to the PCTA prior to the City's withdrawal from PCT A. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 9. 19-554 Mayor Peterson called on Victoria Alberty to present the Adoptable Pet of the Month. Ms. Alberty announced that May 20 is National Dog Rescue Day, and introduced Connie with Ozzie and Friends Rescue who brought Sweetie . Sweetie is a 2-3 year old Dachshund who is in good health, up- to-date on her shots, likes other dogs, and is affectionate with people. More detai ls can be found at www.ozzieandfriendsrescue.org . Ms. Alberty also reminded everyone of the June 16 Wags and Wine fund raiser. 10. 19-434 Mayor Peterson proclaimed National Public Works Week May 19 through 25 and presented a proclamation to Public Works Director Travis Hopkins. Director Hopkins briefly described the services provided by the over 200 employees of the Public Works Department. He also announced the Public Works Open House at Surf C ity Night, Tuesday, May 21 , 5-9 p.m. at Main and Walnut, where staff will be displaying equipment, answering questions, and describing how they serve the residents . 11. 19-556 Mayor Peterson called on Kevin Elliott from Code Four to present a check for $10,000 from the Cherry Blossom Festival to the City's Sister City Association. Mr. Elliott provided a brief video overview of the recent Cherry Blossom Festival, and described a great community effort that attracted over 60,000 visitors during the three-day event. The $10,000 check was accepted by Frank Nakabayashi, President, Sister City Association, who expressed his appreciation for this contribution which will make it possible to send four high school students to Anjo , Japan , as ambassadors of Huntington Beach . 12. 19-425 Mayor Peterson called on City Clerk Robin Estanislau who presented the Mayor's Award to Donna Switzer, Deputy City Clerk. City Clerk Estanislau described Donna's progression of duties since beginning her employment as a Passport Agent in May of 2015, to her current position as Deputy City Clerk. She also discussed Donna's demonstrated leadership, teamwork and willingness to learn , and how the public, through phone calls, emails and letters, has acknowledged Donna for her warm and professional demeanor. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS (Received After Agenda Distribution) Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act , City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental communications received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet: Consent Calendar Item No. 29 (19-584) -Communication received from the Building Industry Association of Southern California , Inc., Orange County Chapter re : Expanding Use of Government Fees. Administrative Items Item No. 38 (19-613): Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 6 of 22 1) A PowerPoint communication received from Michael Gates, City Attorney, entitled City Attorney Proposal. 2) Email communication submitted by Lynn Unger. Item No . 39 (19-580) -Email communication submitted by Lynn Unger. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit) -8 Speakers The number [hh :mm:ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in the archived video located at http://www. surfcity-hb. org/governmentlagendas. Bob Wentzel was called to speak and shared some of his experiences at the National Comic Arts Festival held May 17-19, and thanked staff for a successful event. (01 :56 :56) Ralph Bauer, former Mayor and long-time resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and thanked the Council for approving the purchase of the Navigation Center. Mr. Bauer asked the Council for direction on several issues he would like to discuss directly with "decision makers." Mayor Peterson asked Mr. Bauer to complete a blue card for staff follow-up. (02 :00 :02) Barbara Devlin, a 50+ year resident of Huntington Beach, a member of Friends of the Library, and representing the Huntington Beach Library Book Discussion Group, was called to speak and asked that the City Council re-instate their no-cost monthly meeting place at Central Library . (02 :02 :51) Kathryn Levassiur, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and shared her opinions about the potential sustainable revenue from Short-Term Rentals, and encouraged the City to implement processes to regulate and tax this service which many residents are already providing . (02 :06:06) Bart P. & Diana McGrath, Founders of the Huntington Beach Concours d'Elegance, were called to speak and invited everyone to the 34th Annual Huntington Beach Concours d'Elegance to be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2 at Central Library. This event supports the Children's Resource Center wing at Central Library. (02:08:47) Kathy Carrick was called to speak and read parts of an article describing issues related to Navigation Centers in San Francisco , and expressed her hope that the City of Huntington Beach has a detailed plan to prevent the same issues from developing here . (02 :11 :21) Adam Wood, Building Industry Association of Orange County, was called to speak and stated opposition to Consent Calendar Item No . 29 (19-584) regarding Resolution No. 2007-17 to expand the permitted uses of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund . (02 : 14:2 6) Ryan Farsai was called to speak and shared his opinions about a United Nations report and Opportunity Zones in the U . S . (02 : 17:22) COUNCIL COMMITTEE -APPOINTMENTS -LIAISON REPORTS, AB 1234 REPORTING, AND OPENNESS IN NEGOTIATIONS DISCLOSURES Councilmember Posey reported attending an Association of California Cities -Orange County (ACC- OC) Golden Hub Awards event where the City of Huntington received three awards : 1) City Manager of Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Pa ge 7 of 22 the Year; 2) City Prosecutor Program; and 3) Sustainable Business Category for Certification of Local Businesses. Councilmember Posey also reported attending a Vector Control meeting , meeting with the Municipal Employee Organization (MEO), speaking with a representative of the Police Officers' Association (HBPOA), and the Economic Development Committee (EDC) visit to FormDecor Furniture Rental. Councilmember Carr reported meeting with the Municipal Employee Organization (MEO). Councilmember Brenden reported meeting with the Municipal Emp loyee Organizat ion (MEO), and attending the Public Cable Television Authority (PCTA) Board meeting. Councilmember Delglei z e reported attending the Orange County Transit Authority Board and Government Affairs meetings , and an Orange County Health Care meet ing . Mayor Pro Tern Semeta reported attending a Design Review Board meeting. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT -None CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT 13. 19-612 City Attorney reported on status of Councilmember Posey's initiative to explore options to challenge CalPERs (investment strategy) City Attorney Gates was able to share that Council has provided authorization to move forward with consulting with other legal ex perts regarding possible legal action and opportunities. Councilmember Posey briefly commented on an editorial he wrote two years ago , and his particu lar concerns related to the path of environmental social governance investing . He shared h is opin ion that a pas t investment strategy has not paid off well for its investors, and for municipal partners l ike us . He t hanked the City Attorney and his colleagues for their support. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Posey pulled Item No. 29 for further d iscussion . Councilmember Brenden pulled Item Nos. 15 , 23 , 26 , and 27 for further discussion. 14. 19-577 Approved the interim appointment of David Kiff to the position of City Manager until the ongoing national recruitment process is completed A motion was made by Brenden, second Posey to approve and authorize the appointment of David Kiff to the position of Interim City Manager. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES : Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgle ize, and Hardy None 15. 19-379 Accepted bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with California Professional Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $643,490 for the traffic signal Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 8 of 22 modifications at the intersection of Main Street and Utica Avenue/17th Street, and the installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Bolsa Chica Street and Pearce Drive -CC-1488; and, appropriated Traffic Impact funds for construction and authorized change orders not to exceed 15 percent Councilmember Brenden pulled this item to discuss with Transportation Manager Bob Stachelski some details on collision history and the expected traffic flow impact for the proposed installation of a new traffic signal at Bolsa Chica and Pearce Drive . A motion was made by Brenden, second Hardy to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by California Professional Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $643,490; and, appropriate $125 , 739 from the undesignated Traffic Impact Fee fund balance to Traffic Impact Fee account 20690007 .82700; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney ; and, authorize the Director of Public Works to execute change orders not to exceed a total of 15 percent of the contract construction costs or $96,524 . The motion carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES : 16. 19-381 Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy None Accepted bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. in the amount of $320,055 for the traffic signal modification at the intersection of Gothard Street and Center Avenue -CC-1489; and, appropriated Traffic Impact funds for construction and authorize change orders not to exceed 15 percent A motion was made by Brenden, second Posey to accept the lowest responsive and responsibl e bid submitted by Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. in the amount of $320,055 ; and, appropriate $45,209 from the undesignated Traffic Impact Fee fund balance to Traffic Impact Fee account 20690007 .82700; and , authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney ; and, authorize the Director of Public Works to execute change orders not to exceed a total of 15 percent of the contract construction costs or $48,008. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES: 17. 19-451 Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey , Delgleize, and Hardy None Accepted bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with Calpromax Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $229,000 for the traffic signal modification at the intersection of Newland Street and Slater Avenue -CC-1490; and, appropriated Traffic Impact funds for construction and authorized change orders not to exceed 15 percent A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Calpromax Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $229,000; and, appropriate $112, 150 of undesignated Traffic Impact funds to Traffic Impact project account 20690007.82700; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney; and, Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 9of22 authorize the Director of Public Works to execute change orders not to exceed a total of 15 percent of the contract construction costs or $34,350 . The motion carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES: 18. 19-453 Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy None Accepted bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with Alfaro Communications Construction, Inc. in the amount of $289,075 for the traffic signal modification at the intersection of Newland Street and Ellis Avenue -CC-1491; and appropriated Traffic Impact funds for construction and authorized change orders not to exceed 15 percent A motion was made by Brenden, second Posey to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Alfaro Communications Construction , Inc. in the amount of $289 ,075; and , appropriate $100,404 of undesignated Traffic Impact funds to Traffic Impact project account 20690007.82700; and , authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to e xecute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney; and, authorize the Director of Public Works to execute change orders not to e xceed a total of 15 percent of the contract construction costs or $43,361. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES : Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy None 19. 19-454 Accepted bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with International Line Builders, Inc. in the amount of $269,016 for the traffic signal modification at the intersection of Goldenwest Street and Heil Avenue, CC-1492; and, appropriated Traffic Impact funds for construction and approved change orders not to exceed 15 percent A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by International Line Builders, Inc. in the amount of $269 ,016; and , appropriate $130,680 of undesignated Traffic Impact Fee Fund Balance to account 20690007.82700; and, authori ze the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney; and , authorize the Director of Public Works to execute change orders not to exceed a total of 15 percent of the contract construction costs or $40 ,352. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES: 20. 19-441 Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey , Delgleize , and Hardy None Accepted bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with Alfaro Communications Construction, Inc. in the amount of $298,872 for the traffic signal modification at the intersection of Gothard Street and Slater Avenue -CC-1493; and, appropriated Traffic Impact funds for construction and authorized change orders not to exceed 15 percent Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 10 of 22 A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Alfaro Communications Construction, Inc. in the amount of $298,872; and, appropriate $49,325 of undesignated Traffic Impact Fee fund balance to Traffic Impact Fee account 20690007.82700 ; and , authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney; and, authorize the Director of Public Works to execute change orders not to exceed a total of 15 percent of the contract construction costs or $44,830. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES: 21. 19-495 Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy None Accepted bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with Select Electric, Inc. in the amount of $308,803 for the traffic signal interconnect on Newland Street from Ellis Avenue to Warner Avenue, CC-1494; and, authorized change orders not to exceed 15 percent A motion was made by Brenden, second Posey to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by Select Electric , Inc. in the amount of $308 ,803 ; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney; and , authorize the Director of Public Works to execute change orders not to exceed a total of 15 percent of the contract construction costs or $46,320 . The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES : 22. 19-560 Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy None Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract with PALP, Inc. dba Excel Paving Company in the amount of $2,916,192 for the Edinger Avenue Rehabilitation, Algonquin Street Rehabilitation, and Delaware Street Rehabilitation Project, CC-1575 A motion was made by Brenden, second Posey to accept the lowest responsive and responsible base bid submitted by PALP, Inc. dba Exce l Paving Company in the amount of $2,916 , 192.00; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES : Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy None 23. 19-478 Accepted the lowest responsive and responsible bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with All American Asphalt in the amount of $3,012,239 for the Residential Overlay of Maintenance Zone 6, CC-1579; and, appropriated additional Gas Tax and Measure M funds for construction Councilmember Brenden pulled this item to inform the public of the boundary streets for this project. Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 11of22 A motion was made by Brenden, second Semeta to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by All American Asphalt Company in the amount of $3,012 ,239 ; and , authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to e xecute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney; and , appropriate $175,000 from the undesignated Gas Tax (207) fund balance to 20790056.82300; and , appropr iate $775,000 from the undesignated Measure M (213) fund balance t o account 2 1390002.82 300 . The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES: Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy None 24. 19-565 Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract in the amount of $65,170.00 to MK Construction, Inc. for the Ocean View Estates (OVE) Parking Lot Expansion Project, CC -1580 A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid submitted by MK Construction , Inc., in the amount of $65 , 170.00; and , authorize the Mayor and C ity Clerk to execut e a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES: Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delg leize, and Hardy None 25. 19-569 Authorized an additional $35,745 in expenditures for MSC-520 Youth Shelter ADA Improvements and Roof Replacement project A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to authorize Publ ic Works to e x pend up to $71,490 , an additional $35 ,745 , in contingency funds to complete the construction of MSC-520 Youth Shelter ADA Improvements and Roof Replacement. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES: Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, De lgle ize , and Hardy None 26. 19-407 Adopted Resolution No. 2019-24 amending the City's Classification Plan by adding the Job Classification of Risk Management Analyst and establishing the compensation Councilmember Brenden pulled this item to discuss details with Human Resources Director Michelle Warren regarding the process to add a Job Classification as part of the Success ion Planning effort. A motion was made by Peterson, second Posey to adopt Resolution No. 2019-24 , "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the City's Classification Plan by Adding the Classification of Risk Management Analyst," and establish the compensation. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES: Semeta, Peterson , Posey , Delgleize , and Hardy Brenden, and Carr Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 12 of 22 27. 19-471 Adopted Resolution No. 2019-25 authorizing the City to levy the Annual Retirement Property Tax For Fiscal Year 2019/20 to pay for Pre-1978 Employee Retirement Benefit Levels Councilmember Brenden pulled this item to discuss details with Interim City Manager Farrell Harrison . A motion was made by Brenden , second Hardy to adopt Resolution No . 2019-25, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Levying a Retirement Property Tax for Fiscal Year 2019/20 to Pay for Pre-1978 Public Employee Retirement Benefits" of $0 .01500 per $100 of assessed valuation . The tax rate of $0.01500 would continue the ta x rate included in the current Fiscal Year 2018/19 Adopted Budget. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES : Brenden, Carr, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy Semeta, and Peterson 28. 19-559 Adopted and authorized recordation of Resolution No. 2019 -26 ordering the Summary Vacation of an existing Walkway Easement to the former Franklin School Site A motion was made by Brenden, second Posey to adopt Resolution No . 20 19-26, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Ordering the Summary Vacation of a Public Service Easement for Pedestrian Walkway Purposes Generally Located Between Spa Drive and the Former Franklin School in the City of Huntington Beach" (Attachment 1 ); and, instruct the City Clerk to record Resolution No. 2019-26 and the attached exhibits with the Orange County Recorder. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES : 29. 19-584 Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy None Approved as amended to bring Resolution 2019-34 back to Council as part of funding options for Homeless Navigation Center improvements adopted Resolution 2019 34 amending Resolution No. 2007 71 to expand the permitted uses of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Councilmember Posey pulled this item to state his concerns and opposition because in his mind this will just dilute the efforts to meet the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) requirements, and requested that the item be continued . Councilmember Delgleize asked Community Development Director Ursula Luna-Reynosa to explain the ordinance that determined the goals and objectives related to the Housing Element, including Homelessness , and the resolution that established the fee and use of Housing Element funds. Director Luna-Reynosa further explained staff believes this resolution will provide more flexibility in use of those funds. Cou ncil/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 13of22 Chief Assistant City Attorney Mike Vigliotta explained that this item does not increase or add fees , but only addresses how the funds can be used. Councilmember Brenden expressed concerns about changing how the funds co ul d be used . Councilmember Hardy and staff discussed current low-income hous ing projects and that housing production is required to receive Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) credit. Councilmember Delgleize asked staff for a report on the spending history for specific ca tegories i n the Housing Element. A motion was made by Hardy, second Brenden to bring Resolution 2019-34 back to Council as part of funding options for Homeless Navigation Center Improvements. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES: Brenden , Carr, Delgleize , and Hardy Semeta, Peterson , and Posey 30. 19-607 Adopted Resolution No. 2019-38 modifying benefits for Non-Represented Employees including the elected City Attorney, City Clerk and City Treasurer A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to adopt Resolution No . 2019-38 , "A Resolu t ion of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Modifying Benefits for Non-Represented Emp loyees Including the Elected City Attorney , City Clerk and City Treasurer." The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES : Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy None 31. 19-563 Approved and authorized execution of a Professional Services Contract with Bartel Associates, LLC in the Amount of $122,200 to perform Actuary Consulting Services A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to approve and authorize the Mayor and C ity Clerk to execute the "Professional Service Contract Between the City of Hunt ington Beach and Bartel Associates , LLC for Actuary Consulting Services ." The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES: Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey , Delgleize , and Hardy None 32. 19-570 Approved and authorized execution of a three year Professional Service Contract with Davis Farr LLP in the amount of $151, 120 to perform Financial Audit Services A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to approve and authorize the Mayor and Ci t y Clerk to e xecute the "Professional Service Contract between the City of Huntington Beach and Davis Far r LLP for Financial Audit Services." The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES : Brenden , Carr, Semeta , Peterson, Posey, Delglei z e , and Hardy None Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 14 of 22 33. 19-572 Approved and authorized execution of a Non-Exclusive License Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Continuing Development Incorporated (COi) at 17241 Oak Lane for child development programs A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the "Non-Ex clusive License Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Continuing Development Incorporated." The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES: Brenden , Carr, Semeta , Peterson , Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy None 34 . 19-575 Approved and authorized execution of Second Amendment to Site License Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and T -Mobile West Tower, LLC at Murdy Park A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to approve "Second Amendment to Site License Agreement" between th e City of Huntington Beach and T-Mobile West Tower, LLC ; and, authorize the City Manager, and City Clerk to execute the Second Amendment to Site License Agreement and other related documents. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES: Brenden , Carr, Semeta , Peterson , Posey, Delglei z e , and Hardy None 35. 19-576 Approved and authorized execution of a five -year License Agreement with Southern California Edison (SCE) for Gisler Park A motion was made by Brenden, second Posey to approve the "License Agreement" with Southern California Edison for the use of 10.5 acres of property known as Gisler Park (Contract No.9.2247), and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to e xecute any and all documents necessary to conclude this transaction. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy None 36. 19-590 Adopted Ordinance No. 4180 repealing Ordinance No. 4130 and adding Chapter 3.50 to the Huntington Beach Municipal Code relating to State Video Franchises. Approved for introduction May 6, 2019 -Vote: 7-0 Council /PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 15 of 22 A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey to adopt Ordinance No.4180 , "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Repealing Ordinance No. 4130 and Adding Chapter 3 .50 to the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to State Video Franchises." The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy None PUBLIC HEARING 37. 19-492 Adopted Resolution No 2019-31 to set municipal utility rates for water meters; Adopted Resolution No 2019-32 to set municipal utility rates for water commodity charges; and, Adopted Resolution 2019-30 to set municipal utility rates for sewer service charges Interim City Manager Farris Harrell introduced Interim Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins who introduced Public Works Department staff members including Chris Davis, Admin Analyst Senior, who presented a PowerPoint communication entitled City of Huntington Beach -May 20, 2019 -Water and Sewer Rate Adjustment with slides entitled Modernizing the Water Rate Adjustment Methodology; Water Rates Background; Proposed Monthly Water Meter Rate; Residential Water Meter Charges; Capital Charge; Sewer Rates (2); Monthly Impacts of Proposed Adjustments On Fixed Charges for a Single Family Residence; Comparison of Regional Agencies' Water Rates ;Proposition 218 Pro ce dures; Recommended Actions; and Questions. Mayor Peterson opened the Public Hearing for this item . City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced Supplemental Communication re ce ived for this item after distribution of the Agenda Packet: Item 37. (19-492) 2 items: 1) a PowerPoint communication received from Travis Hopkins, Interim Assistant City Manager, entitled Water and Sewer Rate Adjustment. 2) 376 written protests received regarding Resolution Nos. 2019-30, 2019-31 , and 2019-32 to set municipal utility rates for water meters, water commodity charges , and sewer service cha rges. Connie Ngo was called to speak and voiced her opposition to Public Hearing Item No . 37 (19-492) setting municipal utility rates for water meters, water commodity charges and sewer service charges. (03 :09 :37) Eva Weisz was called to speak and voiced her opposition to Public Hearing Item No . 37 (19-492) setting municipal utility rates for water meters, water commodity charges and sewer service charges. (03: 13:0 1) David Martin, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and voiced his opposition to Public Hearing Item No . 37 (19-492) setting municipal utility rates for water meters, wate r commodity charges and sewer service charges. (03: 13:50) Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 16 of 22 Mike Hewitt, a 24-year resident of Huntington Beach , was called to speak and voiced his support for decreased sewer service charges, and opposition to increased municipal utility rates for water meters, and water commodity charges regarding Public Hearing Item No. 37 (19-492). (03:15:54) City Clerk Estanislau clarified that the total number of valid written protests received is approximately 691 . There being no one else present to speak, Mayor Peterson closed the Public Hearing. Councilmember Delgleize and Manager Hopkins discussed details related to meter size, maintenance fee for the water system , the "water fee" listed on property ta x bills, and confirmed that notices are sent to all residents as well as property owners . Councilmember Posey and Manager Hopkins discussed the most compelling reasons for rate increases is to maintain fiscal sustainability; maintain a good credit rating which allows for borrowing, if necessary, at lower interest rates; the reserve policy sets aside funds to replace a water well which protects the cheapest source of water for the City ; and maintaining adequate reserve funds allows for quick infrastructure replacement such as in the case of an earthquake . Councilmember Posey stated his support for this item . Councilmember Hardy and Manager Hopkins discussed details relating to the drop in rate for multi-family units and increase for single-family units . City Attorney Michael Gates explained that State law controls the water rate methodology and formula , and an independent legal expert worked with the Public Works staff in determining these changes . Mayor Pro Tern Semeta pointed out that Huntington Beach rates are still low compared to neighboring cities . A motion was made by Hardy, second Delgleize to adopt Resolution 2019-31, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Adjusting Water Meter Rates, including a Capita l Surcharge Pursuant to Section 14.12.040 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code" and, adopt Resolution 2019-32 , "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Readopting the City 's Water Commodity Rates ;" and, adopt Resolution 2019-30, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Adjusting Sewer Service User Charges Pursuant to Section 14.54.020 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code." **FIVE AFFIRMATIVE VOTES ARE REQUIRED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTIONS** The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES: ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy Peterson 38. 19-613 Approved creation a new Chief Assistant City Attorney position; Adopted Resolution No. 2019-36 amending Non-Associated Salary Schedule for City Attorney and Chief Assistant City Attorney; Adopted Resolution No. 2019-35 Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 17 of 22 increasing the salary of the City Attorney; and, delegated authority to execute employment agreements for Chief Assistant City Attorney City Attorney Michael Gates presented a PowerPoint communication entitled City Attorney Proposal with slides entitled City Attorney Proposal; RECAP-New Approach/Philosophy; RECAP-Reorganization To Date; RECAP -Increased Productivity; RECAP -Increased Effectiveness (2); Senior Trial Co unsel; Part 1 of Proposal; Org Chart & Reclassification; Part 2 of Proposal; Proposed Salary & Comparison -Ch ief Assistant City Attorney; Part 3 of Proposal; Proposed Salary & Comparison -City Attorney; Budget Imp act of Proposals (2); City Attorney Proposal; and City Attorney Proposal -Questions. Councilmember Posey and City Attorney Gates discussed details related to dollars saved over-time, return of a City vehicle, income generated and received through the City Prosecutor program which is added to the General Fund , and the expected results if these proposals are approved . Councilmember Posey stated that if these proposals are approved , he would expect that there would be quarterly budget reports from the City Attorney's office . Mayor Pro Tern Semeta stated her support for the three proposals , and remi nded everyone that an elected official can only receive a salary increase through seeking C ity Council's approval. Councilmember Delgleize and City Attorney Gates discussed the proposed position and salary changes and the methodology used in preparing the 2019/2020 budget. Council member Hardy expressed her appreciation for the presentation and good work coming out of the City Attorney's Office, and stated her concern in supporting salary increases for top-level positions when hundreds of other staff have not received the same benefit. Councilmember Carr expressed her opinion that the City Attorney's Office would be management heavy if this item is approved , and supports increasing compensation for the two employees, rather than creating another position title, as the best way to proceed . Also, she cannot support a compensation increase for an elected official. Mayor Peterson expressed that the money saved every time the City Attorney's Office is successful in reducing or eliminating high-dollar lawsuits, and the department changes to reduce and maintain the budget , justifies his support for this item . Councilmember Delgleize stated her support for Councilmember Carr's comments. Councilmember Brenden reviewed some of the specific budget reductions which he applauded, but stated that in his opinion, it is counter-productive to then turn around and place most of those savings into salaries. City Attorney Gates explained that this budget honors the request for a one percent (1%) reduction. Councilmember Brenden and Human Resources Director Michelle Warren discussed that the cities selected for showing compensation comparables had to have a City Attorney with matching classifications, and every city that met the criteria is shown. A motion was made by Hardy , second Delgleize to approve the creation of a new Chief Assistant City Attorney position in the City Attorney's Office , with the compensation level to remain status quo. A substitute motion was made by Peterson , second Semeta to create a new Chief Assistant City Attorney position in the City Attorney's Office; and, adopt Resolution No . 2019-36 , "A Resolution of the Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 18 of 22 City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Modifying Salary and Benefits for Non-Represented Employees by Changing the Compensation of the Chief Assistant City Attorney Classification" amending Non-Associated Resolution 2016-50 Salary Schedule for City Attorney and Chief Assistant City Attorney; and , adopt Resolution No. 2019-35, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Modifying Salary of the Elected City Attorney ;" and , delegate authority to the City Manager/Interim City Manager and City Attorney to execute employment agreements for the Chief Assistant City Attorneys . The motion failed by the following vote : AYES: NOES: Semeta, Peterson, and Po sey Brenden , Carr, Delgleize, and Hardy The motion made by Hardy, second Delgleize to create a new Chief Assistant City Attorney position in the City Attorney's Office , carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES : Brenden, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy Carr A motion was made by Carr, second Peterson to adopt Resolution No. 2019-36, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Modifying Salary and Benefits for Non-Represented Employees by Changing the Compensation of the Chief Assistant City Attorney Classification" amending Non- Associated Resolution 2016-50 Salary Schedule for Chief Assistant City Attorney. The motion carried by the following vote : AYES: NOES : Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, and Posey Delgleize, and Hardy A motion was made by Peterson, second Semeta to adopt Resolution No . 20 19-35, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Modifying Salary of the Elected City Attorney." The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES : Brenden , Semeta, Peterson, Posey and Hardy Carr, and Delgleize A motion was made by Peterson , second Posey to delegate authority to the City Manager/Interim City Manager and City Attorney to execute employment agreements for the Chief Assistant City Attorneys. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES : Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy None Due to an outstanding commitment, Mayor Peterson asked that Mayor Pro Tern Semeta le ad the remainder of the meeting in his absence. Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 19of22 39. 19-580 Adopted Resolution No. 2019-33 to modify the compensation of the Elected City Treasurer to more appropriately align it with the responsibilities and duties of the position and bring it into alignment with comparable positions within the City A PowerPoint communication presented by Alisa Backstrom, City Treasurer, entitled Office of the City Huntington Treasurer -City of Huntington Beach with slides entitled: City Treasurer -Alisa Backstrom; City Treasurer -Selected Activities (2); Summary Investments; City Treasurer -Selected Accomplishments (2); City Treasurer -Salary Schedule; and Concluding Remarks. Councilmember Delgleize and City Treasurer Backstrom discussed that the position hours are compensated at 20 hours per week. Councilmember Carr and City Treasurer Backstrom discussed the position history related to transitioning to a part-time position when some responsibilities were moved to the Finance Department and only overseeing investments became the responsibility of the City Treasurer. Council member Brenden and City Treasurer Backstrom discussed that 20 hours per week was determ ined to be an average, and Treasurer Backstrom stated that she typically works over that amount of hours each week. Councilmember Hardy explained that to the best of her knowledge the salary, number of hours, and salary cap for this position were set by Council after the former City Treasurer was elected to the County Treasurer position. The need for a new position appointment provided the opportunity to meet the realities of the 2008 recession. Mayor Pro Tern Semeta stated her position that an elected official does not have the opportunity to receive step in creases as other staff do, therefore she supports this item . A motion was made by Hardy , second Delgleize to adopt Resolution No . 2019-33, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Modifying the Salary and Benefits for Non-Represented Employees Including the City Treasurer." The motion carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT: Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Posey, Delg leize , and Hardy None Peterson (left meeting at 9 PM) ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 40. 19-594 Created a new Assistant Chief Financial Officer position by approving for introduction Ordinance No. 4181; adopted Resolution No. 2019-37 amending the Non-Associated Salary Resolution to add the classification of Assistant Chief Financial Officer and establish compensation; and delegated authority to execute the employment agreement for the Assistant Chief Financial Officer Interim City Manager Farrell Harrison provided a detailed background for this item and introduced Chief Financial Officer Gilbert Garcia who presented a PowerPoint communication entitled Finan ce Department with slides entitled Finance Department Proposal, Net Neutral Budget Impact, City of Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 20 of 22 Huntington Beach Proposed Budget -FY 2019120 and Finance Department Proposed Organization Chart, Benefits, and Other Cities with Assistant Chief Financial Officer or Deputy Finance Director. Councilmember Posey confirmed with CFO Garcia that the proposed budget does not include the proposed Assistant Chief Financial Officer position , however the budget cuts have been identified should the Council approve the new position. There was further discussion on details related to Other Contract Services and Interdepartmental Charges budget line items. Councilmember Carr expressed concern that a staff position is being requested before the citywide Succession Plan has been considered, and that the requested position has not been budgeted for. Councilmember Delgleize and CFO Garcia discussed the proposed staff changes and line items that will be adjusted to keep the budget net neutral. Councilmember Brenden and CFO Garcia reviewed the proposed staff changes in more detail. Mayor Pro Tern Semeta expressed her support for looking at the succession plans department by department, agreed with the Interim City Manager Farrell Harrison that the Finance Department is the backbone of all City departments, and stated her support for this item. A motion was made by Posey , second Delgleize to after the City Clerk reads by title , approve for introduction Ordinance No. 4181, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Huntington Beach Municipal Code by Amending Section 2.76.010 Thereof Related to Exclusions From the Competitive Service" by adding the Assistant Chief Financial Officer; and, adopt Resolution No. 2019-37, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Modifying Salary and Benefits for Non-Represented Emp loyees By Adding the Assistant Chief Financial Officer Classification and Establi shing the Compensation;" and , delegate Authority to the C ity Manager/Interim City Manager and City Attorney to Execute Employment Agreements for the Assistant Chief Financial Officer. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: Brenden, Semeta , Posey, and Delgleize Carr, and Hardy Peterson COUNCILMEMBER ITEMS 41 . 19-595 Approved as amended item submitted by Councilmembers Brenden and Posey - Staff Report on Current Status of Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Process Council members Brenden and Posey made a joint presentation to describe history and details on the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) process . Their objective is to ensure that Council is fully aware of the process and takes action with full knowledge for Cycle Six which will become effective in October 2021. Councilmembers Brenden and Posey would like to see staff involved in the process, monitoring the process and providing monthly updates . Councilmember Posey explained that meetings are the first Monday of every month at 900 Wilshire Blvd., 17th Floor, Los Angeles, and are open to the public. The meeting agendas are public and available at scag.ca.gov. Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 21of22 Mayor Pro Tern Semeta, as the current SCAG Representative, stated she has involved staff who do observe the RHNA Subcommittee meetings via webcast, and she supports the effort to keep all parties aware and informed. She described the methodology used in the last cycle (assessment) as flawed, citing discrepancies in numbers between Huntington Beach and similarly situated cities. She stated her goal is to see the RHNA numbers more fairly and equitably proportioned. Councilmember Hardy provided a brief history of what happened in 2013 when the current RHNA cycle started, and explained that when changes were made to the Beach Edinger project is when problems developed . Councilmember Hardy asked that staff and Council look at creative solutions or additional options that may be available for inclusion in the new cycle . Councilmember Posey stated that the intentions for a Study Session are to ensure that Council is better educated, can be one step ahead and properly prepared. Councilmember Carr stated her support for being proactive and aggressive on this issue to ensure equitable RHNA numbers in line with other area cities . Councilmember Brenden expressed that the proposed Study Session is expected to result in action items for staff and will identify appropriate ways of communicating with the RHNA Subcommittee. Councilmember Posey stated that the Agendas are available on-line, as well as the timeline which shows the protest period, provides an email for comments, and that there is public comment time during meetings. Mayor Pro Tern Semeta clarified that Council needs to approve any public comments or responses that are presented to the RHNA Subcommittee. Community Development Director Ursula Luna-Reynosa stated that the final proposed RHNA methodology will be released in early July with public hearings scheduled for AugusUSeptember, and a Study Session before the public hearings would be very beneficial. A motion was made by Brenden , second Posey as amended to direct the City Manager/Interim City Manager to conduct, within 60 days, a Study Session on the RHNA 6th Cycle Planning process as it relates to Huntington Beach and to provide monthly updates throughout the remainder of the Planning Process. Study Session needs to include: 1) Current status report of RHNA Subcommittee work. 2) General overview of the new 6th Cycle RHNA methodology. 3) Review of all pending legislation that could change the RHNA requirement from a simple zoning compliance question to an actual housing production requirement. 4) An assessment of potential options to expand City engagement in the RHNA Planning Process. 5) A discussion of the impact of the City's falling short of its 5th Cycle RHNA (SB35 exposure, SB2 funds, park grants, decertified Housing Element). 6) Identifying RHNA unit eligibility credits. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Posey, Delgeize, and Hardy None Peterson Council/PFA Regular Minutes May 20, 2019 Page 22 of 22 COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS (Not Agendized) Councilmember Hardy congratulated the children recognized by the Children's Needs Task Force Youth Character Awards , and reported attending the National Comic Society (NCS) Fest. Councilmember Delgleize reported attending the 11th Annual Orange County Visitor Association (OCVA) Tourism Conference, making a Business Visit to Restaurant Depot, and thanked everyone who participated in the Specia l Meeting regarding ASCON issues. Councilmember Brenden reported participating in the JMG Golf Tournament which benefits the Boys and Girls Club of Huntington Beach, taking a tour of the homeless center at Lighthouse Church in Costa Mesa, attending the Sneak Peek OC Fair 2019, the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce Annua l Gala , the Children's Needs Task Force "Youth Character Awards -Bella Terra Wall of Fame ," the Nationa l Comic Society (NCS) Fest, and the Mercy House Annual Gala . Counci lmember Carr reported touring the Restaurant Depot, attending the NCS Fest Public Opening Reception , Speaking at the Chamber of Commerce AM Connect Breakfast , attending the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce Annual Ga la, the Mercy House Annual Gala , the Special Meeting regarding AS CON issues , and reminded everyone of the June 1st Al Ds Walk at the Pier. Councilmember Posey reported attending the Celebration in Honor of retired City Manager Fred Wilson, and touring the Huntington Beach AES power plant which is switching from ocean water to air cooling. Mayor Pro Tern Semeta reported attending a State Lands Commission meeting, the Senior Scam Stoppers Town Hall sponsored by Supervisor Steele , attending a Special O lympics Fun Raiser, and congratulated the City Attorney's Office, Antonia Graham, and Fred Wilson on their Association of California Cities -Orange County (ACC-OC) Golden Hub awards . ADJOURNMENT at 9 :55 PM to the next regu larly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority on Monday, June 3 , 2019, at 4 :00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach , California . INTERNET ACCESS TO CITY COUNC IUPUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AGENDA AND STAFF REPORT MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT http://www. hu nti ngtonbeachca. gov ATTEST: ~) 'IA-hwti.W CityCl~o~~y Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Secretary of the Public Financing Authority of the City of Huntington Beach, Ca lifornia ~<ii?:: ~r-Chair