HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-07-15 Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, July 15, 2019
4:00 PM - Council Chambers
6:00 PM - Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
A video recording of the 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM portions of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Present: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
Absent: None
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications received by her office following distribution of the Council agenda packet:
Study Session
Item No. 1 (19-782) A PowerPoint communication submitted by Marie Knight, Community Services
Director, entitled Enhancing our Parks— Proposition 68 Competitive Funding Opportunities,
Item No. 2 (19-630) A PowerPoint communication submitted by Ursula Luna-Reynosa, Community
Development Director, entitled PHNA Process Overview.
(3 Minute Time Limit) — None
1. 19-782 Presentation on Proposition 68 Competitive Projects
Marie Knight, Community Services Director, presented a PowerPoint communication entitled Enhancing
Our Parks - Proposition 68 Competitive Funding Opportunities with slides entitled: Proposition Overview;
Schedule of Key Dates; Project Eligibility; Grant Criteria; Huntington Beach Eligibility; Proposed Park
Sites; Selected Parks; Location Maps; Carr Park- Sites Characteristics and Needs; Carr Park Site
Photos; Drew Park- Site Characteristics and Needs; Drew Park Site Photos; Schroder Park- Site
Characteristics and Needs; Schroder Park Site Photos; Themed Playground Examples (3); Public
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Process; Community Engagement: Interactive Input; Prop 68 - Green Infrastructure Grant; and
Councilmember Posey and Director Knight discussed possible sources of funding, and how the City's
status of not being "park poor" reduces the likelihood to be considered "competitive" or qualified for
consideration for funding. Director Knight explained most park grants are not available for rehabilitation
of existing parks, and indicated she will update Council on the process once the awards are announced
which should occur before the end of the year.
Councilmember Delgleize and Director Knight discussed the possibility of working with the School
Districts for those parks on school grounds.
Councilmember Carr confirmed with Director Knight that the on-line survey Proposition 68 link can be
found on the City's website, on the Community Services page. This survey will be available through
August 2nd. Councilmember Carr and Director Knight also discussed the upcoming "per capita" funding
opportunities for which criteria details have not yet been released.
Councilmember Hardy and Director Knight discussed various sustainability options might be available for
grant funds.
2. 19-630 Regional Housing Need Allocation Update
Ursula Luna-Reynosa, Community Development Director; Nicole Aube, Associate Planner; and Jane
James, Planning Manager, jointly presented a PowerPoint communication entitled RHNA Process
Overview with slides entitled: City Council Direction; Regional Housing Needs (RHNA); What is an
eligible RHNA unit?; Planning Target or Production Target?; 5th Cycle Noncompliance; 6th Cycle RHNA
Overview; New 6th Cycle RHNA methodology; 6th Cycle RHNA Timeline; Status of RHNA
Subcommittee; Opportunities for Engagement; and Questions.
Mayor Pro Tern Semeta explained that when the California Department of Housing and Community
Development (HCD) provides the overall numbers for a Southern California Association of Government
(SLAG) Region, only SCAG can appeal the numbers, not the individual cities.
Councilmember Hardy and Director Luna-Reynosa discussed the kinds of documentation required for an
appeal, the new process that may allow for inter-city coordination and opportunities that might change
during the course of a cycle. Councilmember Hardy acknowledged the dedication and efforts of the
Planning Department, which resulted in the City of Huntington Beach being the first city to have their
Housing Element certified.
Councilmember Delgleize expressed a desire to see monthly updates, and reviewed with staff the
requirements for an eligible RHNA unit.
Councilmember Posey and staff discussed whether Proposition 68 funding requires a Certified Housing
Element, and Councilmember Posey explained some objection details he and Mayor Pro Tern Semeta.
have presented as RHNA Liaisons. Councilmember Posey and staff discussed conditions that may
affect the RHNA numbers when moving from one cycle to the next, and possibly impacted by new
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Councilmember Brenden expressed his support for monthly updates and suggested that the timeline
milestones should determine the type of update, i.e., whether a written report, or Study Session
Mayor Pro Tem Semeta and staff discussed a snapshot of possible RHNA numbers based on two
potential scenarios, and noted the potential for a major increase in the RHNA numbers. Mayor Pro Tem
Semeta asked for a Council consensus to direct staff to continue to provide public comment letters at the
appropriate times to the RHNA Subcommittee. Mayor Peterson supported the request as long as either
Mayor Pro Tem Semeta or Councilmember Posey review and approve the letters as RHNA Liaisons.
Councilmembers Posey and Hardy discussed the potential for multi-jurisdictional cooperation, a process
whereby adjoining cities can work together on RHNA distribution. Staff explained that the opportunity for
a sub-regional delegation had been explored, and all Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG)
cities chose to not work collectively, and therefore that process is no longer available.
Mayor Peterson and staff discussed the current shortage of RHNA units is 410.
Mayor Peterson and Interim City Manager Kiff agreed that the monthly RHNA update will be part of the
City Manager's Report.
A motion was made by Posey, second Hardy, to recess to Closed Session for Item Nos. 3 -- 7. With no
objections, the motion carried.
3. 19-774 Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into
Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit:
City of Huntington Beach v. City of Fountain Valley, et al. (PCTA); OCSC Case No.
4. 19-775 Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(2), the City Council recessed into
Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding potential litigation.
Number of cases, two (2).
5. 19-776 Pursuant to Government Go 41 54.5(e) the G ty f` recessed into Closed
Session to die.nUS the public;employment of Gity Manan r
6. 19-786 Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into
Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit:
Tomasz Wysokinksi v. City of Huntington Beach; COHB-95-0139, ADJ4132089.
7. 19-787 Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into
Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit:
Gabriel Ricci v. City of Huntington Beach; COHB-18-0081.
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Present: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
Absent: None
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Interim City Manager Dave Kiff
8. 19-641 Deacon Tom Concitis of the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation.
CLOSED SESSION REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY — City Attorney Michael Oates announced that
Closed Session Item No. 5 (19-775), regarding the public employment of the City Manager, was not
discussed during Closed Session.
9. 19-729 Mayer Petersen Galled on Vinteria Alberty to present the Adoptable Drat of thco
10. 19-724 Mayor Peterson called on Community Services Director Marie Knight who
proclaimed July as National Parks and Recreation Month.
Director Knight thanked the staff of both Public Works and Community Services Departments for the
success of the many centers and programs offering activities to the community throughout the year.
Director Knight introduced Assistant Planner Nashya Sadono, Project Manager, who described the
KaBOOM Grant and process to create a dream playground for the Oak View neighborhood, which
included two preparation days and one build day. Over 300 volunteers participated in the process, which
was funded by Yokohama, and required over two months of planning.
Director Knight thanked Christina Weise, Marketing and Communications Specialist, Yokohama Tire
Corporation, as the main funding partner; Jessica Escalante, Children's Bureau, and Anna Clara,
Oakview Community, for their important participation in this very successful project.
11. 19-725 Mayor Peterson called on Marine Safety Chief Mike Baumgartner and Junior
Lifeguard Coordinator Mike Eich who recognized the Junior Guard Educational
Exchange Team managers from Tiarua and Piha, New Zealand, who made a
presentation to the City of Huntington Beach.
Chief Baumgartner described the Junior Guard Exchange program and introduced Coordinator Eich who
introduced the two Team Managers from New Zealand. The Team Managers described their volunteer
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lifeguard program and presented a plaque of appreciation for the 2019 Exchange opportunity.
Approximately 40 lifeguards, 14 - 17 years of age, from New Zealand participated in this year's program.
12. 19-726 Mayor Peterson presented commendations to members who participated and
completed the City's 3rd Annual Citizens Academy.
Mayor Peterson briefly described the City's Annual Citizens Academy and introduced the third class of
graduates, several of whom publically expressed appreciation for the great program.
13. 19-728 Mayor Peterson called on Fire Chief David Segura who presented the Mayor's
Award to Administrative Assistant Lorene Ernst.
Chief Segura introduced his Administrative Assistant Lorene Ernst and described her commitment to the
City and Fire Department staff as "above and beyond" as exhibited by her attention to details and
keeping the Chief on task. She also volunteers with non-profit organizations like the Youth Shelter and
3-1 Marines. Chief Segura thanked Lorene's family for their support, especially when he was hired and
Lorene changed a planned family vacation to ensure she was at the office to ensure a successful
onboarding process for him.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications received by her office following distribution of the Council agenda packet:
City Manager's Report
Item No. 14 (19-783), a PowerPoint communication submitted by Travis Hopkins, Interim Assistant City
Manager, entitled Ascon Landfill Site Update.
Consent Calendar
Item No. 17 (19-769), Email communication by Interim City Manager Dave Kiff requesting to delay action
on #F (Resolution No. 2019-51 supporting maintaining local control of energy solutions).
Item No. 22 (19-760), Communication submitted by Behzad Zamanian, Chief Information Officer,
requesting to remove Consent Item No. 22 from the agenda.
Item No. 24 (19-731), Four (4) email communications received regarding proposed Residential Permit
Parking District "Y".
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit)
The number(hh:mm:ss]following the speakers'comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/govemment/agendas.
Alexander C. Gonzales, Field Representative for Congressman Harley Rouda, was called to speak and
reviewed the Congressman's accomplishments for the last six (6) months, and encouraged the residents
of Huntington Beach to visit their website and not hesitate to communicate questions or concerns.
Kathryn Levassuir, Founding Member of the Short Term Rental Alliance, was called to speak and stated
her support for Consent Calendar Item No. 16 (19-750) regarding the Strategic Plan Update that includes
the Short Term Rental Study Session. Kathryn was joined by her grandson Donovan, who greeted the
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Mayor while Kathryn expressed Donovan's appreciation for the Sand Crabs program he is participating in
this summer. (01:38:12)
Betty Cox, a resident of Huntington Beach since 1976, was called to speak and shared her concerns
about the increasing fireworks noise and suggested a zero tolerance policy for Huntington Beach.
Rosemary Daley, a resident of Huntington Beach for 18 years, was called to speak and shared her
concerns about the increasing fireworks noise and stated support for Ms. Cox's comments. (01:42:34)
Gerald Chapman was called to speak and shared his concerns about what he sees as the lack of
enforcement for illegal fireworks, and asked the City to act before a home is lost due to the use of illegal
fireworks. (01:45:44)
Chuck Whitchurch, a resident since 1967, was called to speak and shared his concerns about the
increasing fireworks noise and negative effects on people and pets, and support for the comments made
by the previous speakers on this topic. (01:48:05)
Eric Richmond Massey was called to speak and shared situations of personal harassment, sting
operations and defamation that in his opinion were triggered by false accusations. (01:50:32)
Joe Lascola was called to speak and produced evidence of the non-Safe and Sane fireworks he found
on his property on July 5th, and encouraged the City Council to make changes to provide for a much
safer July 4th celebration for people and pets. (01:53:42)
Rick Huong, a 12-year resident, was called to speak and stated his support for Consent Calendar Item
No. 24 (19-731) regarding establishing Permit Parking District "Y". (01:56:41)
Amory Hanson, a Candidate for City Council in 2020 and Member of the Historic Resources Board
(HRB), was called to speak and stated his support for Consent Calendar Item No. 27 (19-761) regarding
approving the withdrawal of the City from the Public Cable Television Authority (PCTA). (02:00:05)
Amber was called to speak and shared her concerns about Ascon remediation project effecting the
safety of Edison High School students, staff and Edison Park visitors. (02:01:39)
Councilmember Brenden reported attending meetings of the Human Relations Task Force,
Communications Committee, Central Park Subcommittee, Orange County Senior Citizens Advisory
Committee, and the Senior Citizens Advisory Subcommittee on Legislative Issues meetings.
Councilmember Brenden also reported having a conversation with the Huntington Beach Police Officers'
Association (HBPOA).
Councilmember Carr reported attending an Orange Coast River Park meeting, and being a speaker at
the Chamber of Commerce AM Connect Breakfast.
Councilmember Posey reported attending the Orange County Business Council (OCBC) Workforce
Housing Forum, the Association of California Cities - Orange County (ACC-OC) Housing Ad Hoc
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Committee meeting, two Orange County Parks Commissioner trips: one to Newport Bay Conservancy
Interpretive Center, and a tour of Newport Harbor with Orange County Sheriff Harbor Patrol.
Councilmember Delgleize reported also attending the Orange County Business Council (OCBC)
Workforce Housing Forum, a Central Park Subcommittee meeting, and the Association of California
Cities - Orange County (ACC-OC) Board Strategic Planning meeting.
Mayor Peterson announced that beginning July 23 Surf City TV begins broadcasting and encouraged the
community to participate in the survey at www.huntingtonbeachca.gov to help determine programming
14. 19-783 Interim City Manager Kiff provided an update on the Ascon Landfill remediation
project; Police Chief Handy and Fire Chief Segura provided a recap of activities
related to the July 4, 2019 holiday.
Interim City Manager, Dave Kiff, presented a PowerPoint communication entitled Ascon Landfill Site
Update (3), and reminded everyone that this is a private sector site controlled by the Department of Toxic
Substance Control (DTSC), not the City.
Councilmember Brenden and Interim Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins discussed the air quality
monitoring equipment and processes used to ensure the safety of the environment.
Councilmember Hardy asked Interim Assistant City Manager Hopkins to read aloud the site website,
which is www.asconhb.com.
Councilmember Carr and Interim City Manager Kiff discussed the responsibilities and City's expectations
of the Technical Advisor, and how often residents can expect informational meetings to be held by the
Department of Toxic Substance Control (DISC), Ascon and/or the Air Quality Management District
Mayor Pro Tem Semeta and Interim City Manager Kiff discussed some of the new compounds being
added to the monitoring process, and Mayor Pro Tem Semeta assured the public that there would be an
update on the project at each Council meeting going forward until project completion.
Councilmember Delgleize encouraged concerned residents to sign up for email updates on the Ascon
website at www,asconhb.com,
Robert Handy, Chief of Police, provided an update on the 4th of July activities, including the fact that
residents in some areas of the City reported improved conditions this year, while residents of other areas
reported worse conditions than in the past.. Chief Handy provided an overview of the Police Department
efforts to keep the City safe, including the seizure of over 1,000 pounds of illegal fireworks, and four (4)
illegal fireworks citations on July 4th with a $500 fine each. The number of calls to the Police
Department this year, specifically regarding fireworks complaints, dropped by about twenty-six percent
(26%) this year compared to last year.
David Segura, Fire Chief, provided a 4th of July update including the fact that there were no reported
injuries related to fireworks. Chief Segura reported there were many emergency calls, and four fires due
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to improperly discarded fireworks. Chief Segura added that the support provided by neighboring cities
provided adequate service at all times, adding that Marine Safety had a very busy day on the beach, but
there were no significant injuries.
Police Chief Handy stated that the success of all July 4th events is a testament to the outstanding team
effort of staff from Public Works, Community Services, Marine Safety, Police and Fire Departments, as
well as Federal agencies.
Councilmember Delgleize and Chief Handy discussed the Police Department efforts to reach out in
situations reported by the residents as possible illegal fireworks activity. Chief Handy reported there
were 34 face-to-face contacts before July 4th this year with people who were suspected in the past of
illegal fireworks activity.
Councilmember Brenden and Chief Handy discussed the fine schedule, which doubles on July 41h.
Councilmember Brenden requested a follow-up report that compares the City's fine schedule with
surrounding communities, as well as what steps Huntington Beach takes to post and/or hand out
information on the dangers of Safe and Sane and particularly illegal fireworks, and Chief Handy agreed
to respond by memo to all Council members. Councilmember Brenden also suggested that firework
safety information could be included with utility bills in June.
Mayor Pro Tern Semeta stated that with Surf City TV, it should be possible to broadcast Public Service
Announcements regarding July 4th safety.
Councilmember Hardy pulled Consent Calendar Item No. 17 (F) regarding Maintaining Local Control of
Energy Solutions for further discussion.
15. 19-723 Approved and Adopted Minutes
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to approve and adopt the City Council/Public Financing
Authority regular meeting minutes dated June 17, 2019; and, approve and adopt the City Council special
meeting minutes dated June 29, 2019; and, approve and adopt the City Council/Public Financing
Authority regular meeting minutes dated July 1, 2019.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
16. 19-750 Approved the June 2019 City of Huntington Beach Strategic Plan Update
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to approve the June 2019 Strategic Objectives Update
as contained within Attachment 1.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
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17. 19=769 Took City Council Positions on Legislation Pending Before Congress and the State
Legislature as Recommended by the City Council Intergovernmental Relations
Committee (IRC) ; and CONTINUED TO THE NEXT IRC MEETING request to adopt
Resolution No. 2019-51 (Maintaining Local Control of Energy Solutions)
Councilmember Hardy pulled this Item to clarify that a Gas Company representative attended the
Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC) meeting but the Southern California Edison (SCE)
representative was not able to attend , and she asked to delay the vote on Resolution No . 2019-51 to
allow time for SCE to present their position on this item . Councilmember Hardy stated that in her
opinion , there is no urgency to adopt the proposed Resolution , and therefore she supports honoring
SCE's request to allow for their presentation to the IRC .
Councilmember Posey expressed his opinion there is no need to delay the vote , and explained that the
issue is whether the City wants to continue to allow local customers the ability to buy natural gas vs
going one hundred percent ( 100%) electricity. Councilmember Posey stated his effort is to ensure local
control of the issue and local consumer choice by supporting the adoption of Resolution No . 2019-51 .
Councilmember Delgleize stated she had attended a presentation on this issue by both the Gas
Company and SCE and she supports delaying the Council's vote until both the Gas Company and SCE
can respond to the IRC .
Councilmember Carr stated her current intention is to support the adoption of Resolution No . 2019-51 to
allow for local energy source choice, but she is open to the opportunity to consider additional information .
Councilmember Brenden stated his support for allowing the SCE representative to make their
presentation to the IRC . y
A motion was made by Posey , second Delgleize to approve a City position of Support on S . 2012
" Restoring Local Control Over Public Infrastructure Act" ; a City position of Support on Assembly Bill 1779
(Daly) — Recovery Residences ; a City position of Support if Amended on Senate Bill 438 (Hertzberg) —
Emergency Medical Services : Dispatch ; a City position of Support on Senate Bill 667 (Hueso) —
Recycling Infrastructure; and , a City position of Oppose on Senate Bill 330 (Skinner) — Housing Crisis Act
of 2019 .
The motion carried by the following vote :
AYES : Brenden , Carr, Semeta , Peterson , Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy
NOES : None
A motion was made by Posey, second Peterson to adopt Resolution No . 2019-51 , "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Supporting Maintaining Local Control of Energy Solutions . "
The motion failed by the following vote :
AYES : Peterson , and Posey
NOES : Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Delgleize , and Hardy
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A motion was made by Hardy, second Brenden to continue to the next IRC meeting the adoption of
Resolution No. 2019-51, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Supporting
Maintaining Local Control of Energy Solutions."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
18. 19-747 Approved the Appointment of Jeffrey Dahl to the Design Review Board as
recommended by Council Liaisons Mayor Peterson, and Mayor Pro Tern Semeta
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to approve the appointment of Jeffrey Dahl to the
Design Review Board for a term to expire on July 2023.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
19. 19-763 Approved the reappointment of Richard Moore and Faith Vogel for an additional
term to the Library Board as recommended by Council Liaisons Carr and Hardy
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to approve reappointment of Richard Moore and Faith
Vogel for an additional term to the Library Board effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2023.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
20. 19-742 Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract with Corral
Construction and Development, Inc. in the amount of$141,999 for the Central
Library Restroom Access Compliance, MSC-528.
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by Corral Construction and Development, Inc. in the amount of$141,999; and, authorize
project contingency expense not to exceed $28,400; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute
a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
21. 19-745 Approved and authorized execution of Amendment#1 to the Professional Services
Agreement with Enterprise Automation for On-Call Engineering Services for Water
and Wastewater Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system in the
amount of$300,000 and extending the term one year
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A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute "Amendment No. 1 to Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Enterprise
Automation for On-Call Engineering Services for Water and Wastewater SCADA System."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
22. 19-760 ITEM WITHDRAWN ApprAve and authorize eyes; ,#iGn of amendment No 2 to
PFOfnSSianrmal Cerrfine grm- t with e- o e Tenhnalogy, Inn in the
Enterprise Manaemen and
imnlemen#�ti�n n
1 Citywide pie I ang t (ELM) 1
listing autheFity by $60 nnn
23. 19-766 Approved a Ten-Year Lease Agreement with Kathy May's Restaurant in Huntington
Central Park located at 6622 Lakeview Drive
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to approve the "Lease Agreement between the City of
Huntington Beach and Kathy May's Restaurant, Inc.", for the restaurant building located 6622 Lakeview
Drive in Huntington Beach; and, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Lease Agreement on
behalf of the City.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
24. 19-731 Adopted Resolution No. 2019-46 establishing Permit Parking District "Y" affecting
residents on Marken Lane between Slater Avenue and Holland Drive
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to adopt Resolution No. 2019-46, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Establishing Permit Parking District "Y" Within the City of
Huntington Beach."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
25. 19-757 Adopted Resolution No. 2019-48 confirming reports of cost for weed abatement on
private property within the City for the 2019 season
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to adopt Resolution No.2019-48, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Confirming the Report of the Public Works Director
Regarding the Cost for Weed Abatement on Private Property Within the City for the 2019 Season"; and,
direct that all charges listed thereon be certified to the Orange County 2019/20 Property Tax Roll.
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The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
26. 19-759 Adopted Resolution No. 2019-49 Approving the Certification of Special
Assessments for Collecting Delinquent Civil Fines for Nuisance Violations of the
Municipal Code
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to adopt Resolution No. 2019-49, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Certifying Special Assessments for Collecting Delinquent
Civil Fines for Nuisance Violations of the Municipal Code."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
27. 19-761 Adopted Resolution No. 2019-47 Approving the Withdrawal of the City from the
Public Cable Television Authority
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to adopt Resolution No. 2019-47 "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving the Withdrawal of the City from the Public Cable
Television Authority."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize„ and Hardy
NOES: None
28. 19-767 Approved for introduction Ordinance 4185 repealing Huntington Beach Municipal
Code Section 2.101 relating to the dissolution of the Allied Arts Board (AAB)
Interim City Manager David Kiff introduced this item and stated staff was available to answer any
Mayor Pro Tem Semeta thanked all present and past members of the Allied Arts Board for their service
to the community, and shared that the next step for the City is the finalization of the Public Art Master
Plan. Community Services Director Marie Knight shared the process and expected timeline, including
future monthly progress reports.
Councilmember Posey shared his perception that dissolving the Allied Arts Board makes it appear on the
surface that there will no longer be a focus on "arts and cultural affairs" as described in the purpose of
the Allied Arts Board, and asked how the Public Art Master Plan will provide for a continued focus on
"arts and cultural affairs". Director Knight shared that under the guidance of the hired consultant, it is
expected that the community engagement process will define "arts and cultural affairs" for the Public Art
Master Plan.
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Director Knight and Mayor Pro Tern Semeta listed many of the other organizations within the City that
also focus on arts and cultural affairs. Director Knight noted that the current members of the Allied Arts
Board are on board with this next step and many of them remain actively involved in supporting this
Councilmember Carr stated her concern about dissolving the Allied Arts Board before the Public Art
Master Plan is in place, and supports the need to have monthly updates as the plan progresses.
Councilmember Delgleize, as a former member of the Allied Arts Board, expressed her appreciation for
what the Board has accomplished through the years and shared her expectation that the Public Art
Master Plan will be inclusive of"arts", and thanked Staff Liaison Kate Hoffman, Cultural Affairs
Supervisor, for her part in the expansion and growth of the focus on art.
Mayor Pro Tern Semeta recognized the current Allied Arts Board members Celeste Hamil, Pati Kent,
Paula Lazicki, Kara & Matt Rudin, Catherine Stip and Hek Valdez.
A motion was made by Brenden, second Hardy to, after the City Clerk reads by title, approve for
introduction Ordinance 4185, "An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Repealing Huntington
Beach Municipal Code Section 2.101 Allied Arts Board."
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
Councilmember Hardy reported participating in the EBS Products local business visit, and thanked the
July 4th Parade Board, Public Safety, Public Works, Community Services, Police and Fire staff
members, as well as the many volunteers for their work in providing another great July 4111 event.
Councilmember Brenden reported attending THE BASH, July 3rd Community Block Party @ 5th and
PCH, July 4th Pancake Breakfast, Surf City 5K Run, Parade, and Fireworks Show, 56th Annual Sunset
Beach Pancake Breakfast, Council on Aging Concert at the Senior Center, and working with Curtis Black
on his Boy Scout Citizenship Pin/Badge.
Councilmember Delgleize reported attending THE BASH, July 3rd Community Block Party @ 5th and
PCH, July 4th events, the Huntington Beach Citizens Academy Session 10 - Finance, the Huntington
Beach Fire Department 2019 Promotional Badge Pinning Ceremony, and the League of California Cities
- Orange County Division General Membership meeting for an update on homelessness presented by
California State Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva.
Councilmember Carr reported attending THE BASH, July 3rd Community Block Party @ 5th and PCH,
July 4th events, the Southwest & Downtown Area Police Update, the League of California Cities -
Orange County Division General Membership meeting for an update on homelessness presented by
California State Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva, the 56th Annual Sunset Beach Pancake
Breakfast, and visited Wise Place, a women"s homeless shelter in Santa Ana.
Council/PFA Regular Minutes
July 15, 2019
Page 14 of 14
Councilmember Posey reported attending THE BASH, July 3rd Community Block Party @ 5th and PCH,
July 4th events, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) 2019 Workforce Housing Forum, and
reminded everyone that the Housing Production/Jobs Production Score Card for Orange County can be
found at www.ocbc.org/research.
Mayor Pro Tem Semeta congratulated Stacey Hopper, the 4th of July Board, the volunteers and City
staff for another amazing July 4th experience, and noted that she had received a number of emails from
members of the community expressing appreciation for an awesome parade.
Mayor Peterson reported presenting the National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA) Mayor's Cup to
Luana Silva, Women's Open winner, and Ta) Lindblad, Mens Open winner. NSSA has been in
Huntington Beach for 41 years and promotes discipline and competitive excellence while supporting the
merits of academic achievement for young surfers. Mayor Peterson also reported attending THE BASH,
July 3rd Community Block Party @ 5th and PCH, July 4th events, Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Toby
Isaiah Elliott, and the Huntington Beach Fire Department 2019 Promotional Badge Pinning Ceremony.
Mayor Peterson explained that the City actually charges for certain services it provides for the July 41"
ADJOURNMENT — 8:12 PM to a Special Meeting of the City Council scheduled for 1:30 PM, Friday,
July 26, 2019 at Huntington Central Library, 7111 Talbert Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority is
scheduled for Monday, August 5, 2019, at 4:00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 2000 Main
Street, Huntington Beach, California.
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City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach
and Secretary of the Public Financing Authority
of the City of Huntington Beach, California
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ity Clerk-Secretary `� Mayor-Chair