HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-07Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, October 7 , 2019
4:00 PM -Council Chambers
6:00 PM -Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
A video recording of the 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM portions of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Pursuant to Resolution 2001-54 Councilmember Carr requested and was granted permission to be
Brenden, Semeta , Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet:
Study Session
#1. (19-1006) PowerPoint Communication submitted by Oliver Chi, City Manager, entitled Fiber Optic
Master Plan and Implementation Roadmap .
#2. (19-1015) PowerPoint communication submitted by Oliver Chi , City Manager, entitled Funding
Availability for a Navigation Center I Homeless Shelter.
(3 Minute Time Limit) -1 Speaker
The number [hh :mm:ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http:llwww.surfcity-hb .org/governmentlagendas.
David Geddes was called to speak and stated his support for Study Session Item No. 1 regarding Fiber
Optic Master Plan, and shared his opinion that there are a number of areas within the City that are away
from residential neighborhoods and appropriate for a Navigation Center. (00:01 : 17)
Coun cil/PFA Regular Minutes
October 7, 2019
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1. 19-1006 City Facility Fiber Installation Prioritization and Fiber/Wireless Master Plan
City Manager Oliver Chi introduced Assistant to the City Manager, Antonia Graham who jointly with
Transportation Manager, Bob Stachelski presented a PowerPoint communication entitled : Fibe r Optic
Master Plan and Implementation Roadmap with slides titled : Purpose, Accomplishments, Introduction,
City Fiber Infrastructure by the Numbers, What is Fiber?, Existing Projects -Traffic Signal System,
Existing Projects -Information Systems, Prioritization, Anticipated Priority Projects, Funding
Mechanisms, and Nex t Steps/Recommendations.
Councilmember Posey confirmed with Assistant Graham and Manager Stachelski that fiber is necessary
for 5G technology which will be used by cell service providers.
Councilmember Delgleize and staff discussed efforts to ensure service will be available for businesses
coming to the former Boeing property .
Council member Brenden and Assistant Graham discussed the joint policy being developed , includ ing
discussions with utility and carrier companies which are interested in seeing a draft and providing their
input. Assistant Graham stated that the City is not interested in competing with providers, and intends to
use fiber only to connect City facilities. Councilmember Brenden requested a report on the joint policy as
soon as possible .
Mayor Pro Tern Semeta and Assistant Graham discussed potential funding from Air Quality Management
District (AQMD) for projects that reduce particulate matter.
Mayor Peterson and staff discussed technicalities related to fiber for traffic signal poles , bandwidth
requirements, and j oint trenches .
2. 19-1015 Housing Element and SB 2 Funds Discussion
City Manager Oliver Chi introduced Director of Community Development, Ursula Luna -Reynosa and
Deputy Director of Economic Development, Kellee Fritzal , and presented a PowerPoint communication
entitled : Funding Availability for a Navigation Center/Homeless Shelter with slides titled : Issue
Background, What is SB 2?, SB 2 Funds -Revenue Allocation, SB2 -Year 1 Funding(2), Orange County
SPA 's, SB2 -Year 1 Funding, SB2 -Year 2+ Funding(3), SB2 Funding Overview, Accessing SB2
Funding Requires An HCD-Compliant Housing Element, Other Possible Funding Sources to Address
Homelessness, and Questions & Feedback.
Councilmember Posey thanked City Manager Chi for the presentation and shared details for the
Summary 5-Year Cumulative Total of $3 .655M which is monies collected by the State from local real
estate transactions , and use of other resources . Councilmember Posey confirmed that neither the
Housing Element, nor SB 2, contain a construction mandate. City Manager Chi stated that this item
addresses two top concerns of residents : homelessness and housing density.
A motion was made by Brenden, second by Posey to recess to Closed Session for Items 4 -8. With no
objections, the motion passed .
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3. 19-1005 Mayor Peterson announced: Pursuant to Government Code§ 54957.6, the City
Council shall recess into Closed Session to meet with its designated labor
negotiator: Oliver Ch i, City Manager and Peter Brown, Chief Negotiator; also in
attendance: Robert Handy, Police Chief and Kelly Rodriguez, Assistant Police
Chief; David Segura, Interim Fire Chief and Michael Baumgartner, Marine Safety
Division Chief; Travis Hopkins, Acting Assistant City Manager, Chuck Adams,
Interim Chief Financial Officer and Michele Warren, Director of Human Resources
regarding the following: Huntington Beach Police Officers' A s sociation (POA), Surf
City Lifeguard Employees Association (SCLEA), and Management Employees'
Organization (MEO).
4. 19-1010 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54956 .9(d)(2), the City Council recessed into
Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding potential litigation.
Number of cases, two (2).
5. 19-1012 Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.8, the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to give instructions to the City's Negotiator, Oliver Chi, City Manager,
regarding negotiations with David Haaslo concerning price and terms of payment
for the disposition of real property located on a portion of 17881 Beach Blvd,
Huntington Beach, California.
6. 19-1001 Pursuant to Government Code § 54957.6, the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to meet with its designated labor negotiator: Oliver Chi , City Manager and
Peter Brown, Chief Negotiator; also in attendance: Robert Handy, Police Chief;
Kelly Rodriguez, Assistant Police Chief, Travis Hopkins, Acting Assistant City
Manager, Chuck Adams, Interim Chief Financial Officer; and Michele Warren,
Director of Human Resources regarding the following: Huntington Beach Police
Officers' Association (POA).
7. 19-1002 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54957.6, the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to meet with its designated labor negotiator: Oliver Chi, City Manager; also
in attendance: Travis Hopkins, Acting Assistant City Manager, David Segura,
Interim Fire Chief; Chuck Adams, Interim Chief Financial Officer; Michael
Baumgartner, Marine Safety Division Chief and Michele Warren, Director of Human
Resources regarding the following: Surf City Lifeguard Employees' Association
8. 19-1003 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54957.6, the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to meet with its designated labor negotiator: Oliver Chi, City Manager; also
in attendance: Travis Hopkins, Acting Assistant City Manager, Chuck Adams,
Interim Chief Financial Officer, and Michele Warren, Director of Human Resources
regarding the following: Management Employees' Organization (MEO).
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Pursuant to Resolution 2001-54 Councilmember Carr requested and was granted permission to be
Brenden, Semeta , Peterson, Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Led by Councilmember Delgleize
9. 19-976 Rev. Pattie Mercado, Spiritual Director of HB Center of Spiritual Living and member
of the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation .
10. 19-983 Mayor Peterson called on Field Representative Alex Gonzalez from Representative
Harley Rouda's office who presented a Congressional Record Certificate to
Normajean Janssen, daughter of Norma Gibbs, in honor of Mayor Gibbs' service to
the City of Huntington Beach
Mr. Gonzales read and presented a Congressional Record Certificate to Ms . Janssen in recognition of
the years of compassionate community service provided by Norma Gibbs , the First Female Mayor of
Huntington Beach .
11. 19-975 Mayor Peterson called on representatives from the 2019 Taste of Huntington Beach
who presented a check for $50,000 to Friends of the Children's Library
Susan Welfringer, co -manager and volunteer, 2019 Taste of Huntington Beach , presented a check for
$50,000 which represented the revenue generated by this year's event. Ms . Welfringer thanked the
sponsors , food vendors, wineries and breweries , multiple other vendors and non-profits that all
contributed to a successful event which broke attendance and revenue records .
12. 19-1013 Mayor Peterson presented commendation to Fire Chief David Segura in recognition
of National Fire Prevention Week and to promote HBFD's Open House on Saturday,
October 12 at Fire Station 1-Gothard from 1 Oam to 2pm
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Fire Chief Segura encouraged the community to attend the HBFD's Open House where Fire Department
services including marine safety, firefighting, emergency medical services , vehicle extrication, and
hazardous material responses will be showcased through demonstrations and educational materials.
13. 19-903 Mayor Peterson called on City Clerk Robin Estanislau who recognized local high
school students efforts to promote National Voter Registration Day, Tuesday,
September 24, 2019
City Clerk Robin Estanislau presented an overview of the process to promote National Voter Registration
Day which encourages students who will turn 18 before the March 2020 Primary Election to register to
vote, and students 16 or o lder to pre-register for voting . Students recognized from Ocean View High
School included: Bella Brannon, Taylor Ro, Diesel Merkle, Sage Frock, Kristen Cotton , and Margaux
Hart. James Bledsoe and Michael Caruso also assisted but were unable to attend this meeting .
City Manager's Report
#14. (19-1007) Email communication received regarding the air show.
Consent Calendar
#15. (19-912) Inter-Department Commun ication submitted by Robin Estanislau, City Clerk, regarding a
correction to the September 16, 2019, draft City Council minutes.
#17. (19-1009) Communication submitted to the City Council by Oliver Chi, City Manager, advising that
Recommended Action B) "Authorize the City Manager to execute and an all documents related to the
sale of 15311 Pipeline Lane, Huntington Beach, CA , and reimburse funds accordingly" is being
withdrawn from consideration.
#17. (19-1009) Email communication submitted by Gino Bruno regarding the sale of Pipeline Lane.
#17. (19-1009) Email communication submitted by Lisa Mosley regarding the proposed homeless
#18. (19-974) Eight (8) email communications received regarding proposed Residential Permit Parking
District "Q ."
#19. (19-970) Inter-Department Memo submitted by Tom Herbel, Acting Director of Public Works,
advising that the proposed Permit Parking district Z is being withdrawn from consideration.
#19 . (19-970) Eleven (11) email communications received regarding proposed Permit Parking District
#21. (19-965) Inter-Department Communication submitted by Robert Handy, Chief of Police, advising
that Recommended Action 'A' is being withdrawn from consideration.
#22. (19-966) Inter-Department Communication submitted by Robert Handy, Chief of Police, advising
that Recommended Action 'A' is being withdrawn from consideration.
#24. (19-994) Inter-Department Memo submitted by Kellee Fritzal , Deputy Director of Economic
Development, advising that the item is being removed and will be considered at the October 21, 2019
City Council meeting.
#24. (19-994) Email communication submitted by Amory Hanson.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit) -13 Speakers
Council/PFA Regular M i nutes
October 7, 2019
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The number [hh :mm:ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approx imate starting time in
the archived video lo cated at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/governmentlagendas.
Tim Geddes, a resident of Huntington Beach for over 35 years , was called to speak and stated his
opinions related to the social issues of affordable housing and homelessness, and encouraged the City
to step up with a better public relations job in explaining and promoting the options. (01 : 16: 15)
Amory Hanson, a candidate for City Council in 2020 and a member of t he Historica l Resources Board ,
was called to speak and stated his opposition to Consent Item No. 24 (Withdrawn) regarding the
International Surf Museum. (01 :19:18)
David Geddes, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and expressed appreciat ion for the
safe Air Show, support for the efforts regarding installation of fiber/wireless , Housing Element and SB 2
funding, and shared his opinions regarding options for addressing the issues of homelessness and low-
income housing. (01 :21:11)
James Peterson , Government Relations Manager, Southern California Edison , was called to speak and
provided some details regarding the recent electrical box explosion at Old World Village, and described
the continuing investigation and meetings with regulators. Mr. Peterson thanked the Huntington Beach
Fire Department staff for a quick response and co ntinued cooperation with the investigati on . (01 :23 :57)
Larry Schiel , a 30-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated his support for
Consent Item No. 19 (Withdrawn) to establish Residential Permit Parking District "Z". (01 :26 :30)
Kathryn Levassiur, a resident of Huntington Beach and Founding Member of the Huntington Beach Short
Term Rental Alliance , was called to speak and encouraged the City to implement processes to regu late
and tax a service which many residents are already providing . (01 :29:52)
Teresa Carlisle, Huntington Beach Art Center, was called to speak and announced the 2nd Annual Surf
City Art Fest on Sunday, October 13, 11 am -4 pm , with activities, art, music and food for kids and
adults . (01 :32:05)
Nicole Yates, a 21-year homeowner in Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated her support for
Consent Item No. 19 (Withdrawn) to establish Residential Permit Parking District "Z". (01 :32:55)
John Kells was called to speak and stated support for Consent Calendar Item No. 18 amending
Residential Permit Parking District "Q" simply to enhance safety . (01 :35 :14)
William King, a new resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated his opposition to
Consent Item No. 18 and Consent Item No . 19 (Withdrawn) regarding Res idential Permit Parking
Districts "Q" and "Z". (01 :37:47)
Robert was called to speak and asked that the City Council ensure clean air and environment for the
safety of Edison High School students who are in close proximity to the Ascon landfill project. (01:40 :16)
Ann Parker was called to speak and asked that Huntington Beach sign an amicus brief as a show of
support for the City of Costa Mesa to acknowledge the extent of the sober living home issues in Orange
County . (01 :40:31)
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October 7, 2019
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Amber was called to speak and asked that more information about the Ascon landfill project be made
available to the public , and expressed her concern especially for the safety and health of Edison High
School students and project area residents. (01 :43:48)
Councilmember Posey reported attending an Orange County Vector Control Board meeting ; a Southern
California Association of Government (SCAG) new member orientation and a Commun ity, Economic and
Human Development Policy Committee meeting ; and an Orange County Parks Commissi on meet ing.
Councilmember Delgleize reported attending an Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)
Mobility 21 meeting; a CalPERS meeting ; and several meetings on homelessness issues.
Mayor Pro Tern Semeta reported attending the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA)
Subcommittee meeting; and the Edge of Light art exhibit at the Huntington Beach Art Center.
14. 19-1007 Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins provided updates on the Ascon Landfill
Clean -up Site and AES Huntington Beach Energy Project; and, a recap of The Great
Pacific Air Show was provided by Community Services Director Marie Knight,
Interim Fire Chief David Segura, and Police Chief Robert Handy
City Manager Oliver Chi stated his appreciation for the excellent welcome that City staff and residents
have extended to him and his family.
Mayor Peterson announced that Consent Calendar Item Nos . #19 regarding Permit Parking District "Z",
and #24 regarding the International Surf Museum were withdrawn from consideration.
15. 19-912 Approved and Adopted Minutes
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve and adopt the City Council/Public Financing
Authority regular meeting minutes dated September 3, 2019, and the City Council/Public F inancing
Authority regular meeting minutes dated September 16, 2019, as amended by Supplemental
Communication , as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk ,
The motion carried by the following vote :
16. 19-951
Brenden , Semeta , Peterson , Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
Approved the September 2019 City of Huntington Beach Strategic Plan Update
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve the September 2019 Strategic Objectives
Update as contained within Attachment 1.
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October 7, 2019
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The motion carried by the following vote:
Brenden, Semeta , Peterson , Posey , Delgleize , and Hardy
17. 19-1009 Directed Staff to Explore Other Options for a Navigation Center and Authorize City
Manager to Sign Dosuments Required Fo r the Sale of Pipeline bane Property
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to direct Staff to evaluate other location options fo r a
Homeless Navigation Center.; and, authorize the City Manager to execute any and all documents related
to the sale of 15311 Pipeline Lane , Huntington Beach , CA, and reimburse funds accordingly as
amended by Supplemental Communication to strike Recommended Action B .
The motion carried by the following vote:
18. 19-974
Brenden , Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy
Adopted Resolution No. 2019-70 amending Residential Permit Parking District "Q"
affecting residents on Wrenfield Drive and Cobra Lane in Huntington Beach
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to adopt Resolution No . 2019-70, "A Reso lution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Permit Parking District "Q" Within the City of
Huntington Beach."
The motion carried by the following vote:
19. 19-970
20. 19-990
Brenden , Semeta, Peterson, Posey , Delgleize, and Hardy
establishing Permit Parking Distrist "Z" affesting residents along the Meil A>1enue
frontage road between Goldem•lest Street and Gothard Street
Adopted Resolution No. 2019-73 amending the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Budget to Carry
Over Unspent Appropriations from Fiscal Year 2018/19 for the Continuation of
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Projects
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to adopt Resolution No . 2019-73 , "A Resolut ion of th e
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Budget to Carry Over
Unspent Appropriations from Fiscal Year 2018/19," which incorporates and references the continua t ion
of funding . Exhibit A lists individual capital improvement projects and the ir respective carryover amounts
totaling $15,682,663 .
The motion carried by the following vote:
21. 19-965
Brenden, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
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Approved and authorized execution of Amendment 2 to the original three-year
contract with Waymakers (formerly known as Community Service Programs, Inc.
CSP), to add additional contract compensation in the amount of $62,447 for the
management of the Gang Prevention and Intervention Program
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute "Amendment No. 1 to Agreement Between the City of Hunt ington Beach and Community
Services Program, Inc. for Management of Gang Prevention and Intervention Program" for extension of
term ; and , approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute "Amendment No. 2 to Agreement
Between the City of Huntington Beach and Community Services Prog ram , Inc. fo r Management of Gang
Prevention and Intervention Program" for additional compensation , as amended by Supplemental
Communication to strike Recommended Action A.
The motion carried by the following vote:
22. 19-966
Brenden , Semeta , Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
Approved and authorized execution of Amendment 2 to the original three-year
contract with Waymakers (formerly known as Community Service Programs, Inc.
CSP), to add additional contract compensation in the amount of $77,950 for the
management of the Juvenile Diversion Program
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute "Amendment No . 1 to Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Community
Services Program , Inc. for Management of Juvenile Diversion Program " for extension of term ; and ,
approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute "Amendment No. 1 to Agreement between
the City of Huntington Beach and Community Services Program , Inc. for Management of Juven ile
Diversion Program" for additional compensation , as amended by Supplemental Communication to
strike Recommended Action A .
The motion carried by the following vote:
23. 19-973
Brenden , Semeta , Peterson , Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
Awarded and authorized execution of a construction contract with R. Dependable
Construction, Inc. in the amount of $720,000 for the Murdy Community Center
Improvements project, MSC-531; and, authorized project contingency expense not
to exceed $144,000
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to accept the lowest responsive and responsible b id
submitted by R. Dependable Construction, Inc. in the amount of $720 ,000 ; and , authorize project
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October 7, 2019
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contingency expense not to exceed $144,000; and , authorize the Mayor and City C lerk to execute a
construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following vote:
24. 19-994
25. 19-985
Brenden , Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy
ITEM WITHDRAWN FROM CONSIDERATION -Approve aRd authorize a 5 year Lease
AgreemeRt betweeR the City of MuRtiRgtoR 8eash aRd Visit MuRtiRgtoR Beach
(\lM8) for the IRtematioRal Surf Museum losated at 411 Olive A>.1 eRue aRd allo•N \lM8
to sub lease the Museum to SurfiRg Meritage Cultural CeRter (SMACC)
Waived Specific Event fees for the 2019 VISSLA International Surfing Association
(ISA) World Junior Surfing Championship event, October 26 -November 3, 2019
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to authorize the City Manager to waive related Specific
Event fees in the amount of $10,000 for the 2019 VI SS LA ISA World Junior Surfing Championship and
authorize use of the City Council Chambers at no cost on October 25, 2019, for a team manager
meeting.; OR deny the above requests for the 2019 event; OR consider alternative options .
The motion carried by the following vote:
Brenden, Semeta, Peterson , Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
Councilmember Posey expressed kudos to staff and Public Safety divisions for a well-run and organized
Great Pacific Air Show, reported attending the OCTax 9th Annual Roses , Radishes & The Royalty Award
Dinner, and announced that Friday, October 25, Association of California Cities -Orange County
(ACC-OC) will host a Housing Summit at the Disney Grand Resort where he will be a moderator and on
the speakers panel.
Councilmember Hardy reported attending the American Legion Post 133 Centennial Ce lebration , the
Memorial for Norma Gibbs, Surf City Sundown 10, dedication of the Westminster School District Office to
the Mendez Family, and Edison High School Hall of Fame dinner.
Counci lmember Brenden acknowledged Councilmembers Carr and Delgleize for running in the Surf City
Sundown 10, and Counci lmember Hardy for singing the National Anthem at the Surf City Sundown 10
and the Great Pacific Air Show; reported taking flight in the Police hel icopter, join ing Councilmembers
Posey and Delgleize to watch the Bushard Bridge take down over the 405 Freeway, taking a tour of the
Orange County Sanitation D istrict with Counci lmember Carr, a tour of the Bowerman Landfill in Irvine,
Kiwanis I nstallation dinner, American Legion Post 133 Centennial Celebration , Memorial for Norma
Gibbs, and stated his prayers are with the individuals injured in the Old World Oktoberfest e xplosion , as
well as Steve Carr, for a speedy recovery.
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October 7, 2019
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Councilmember Delgleize thanked Council member Carr for inspiring her to train for and participate in the
Surf City Sundown 10, thanked Normajean Janssen for sharing the very best of her mother, Norma
Gibbs, and stated her prayers are with those individuals injured at the Old World Oktoberfest explosion,
as well as Steve Carr.
Mayor Pro Tern Semeta reported attending the Association of California Cities -Orange County
(ACC-OC) Local Government Finance Committee meeting, the American Legion Post 133 Centennial
Celebration and thanked Kathie Schey for the static displays, memorial for Norma Gibbs, presented
commendations to Safe Passage Heals from Women Run Orange County, was Grand Marshall for the
43rd Old World Oktoberfest Parade, welcomed the Snowbirds and Thunderbirds in Los Alamitos for the
Great Pacific Airshow, and thanked Mr. Kevin Elliott and Code Four for an outstanding Air Show,
including the hundreds of volunteers, City staff and Public Safety divisions.
Mayor Peterson thanked Mayor Pro Tern Semeta for being his replacement at many events while he was
in Biarritz, France (Surf City Europe) laying the foundation for a new "Sister City" in preparation for the
2024 Olympics, encouraged people to watch social media for an announcement of an event to help Old
World recover, and expressed his best wishes for a speedy healing for Bernie Bischoff.
ADJOURNMENT -7:29 PM to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City
Council/Public Financing Authority on Monday, October 21 , 2019, at 4:00 PM in the Civic Center Council
Chambers, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
http://www. hu nti ngtonbeachca. gov
City Clefkal:ifu-officio Clerk of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach and Secretary of
the Public Financing Authority of the City of
Huntington Beach, California