HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-12 (Spcl Mtg)Special Meeting Minutes Huntington Beach City Council City of Huntington Beach Friday, November 12 , 2021 7 :30 AM -Meeting Room D Huntington Central Library 7111 Talbert Avenue Huntington Beach, California 92648 7 :30 AM -HUNTINGTON CENTRAL LIBRARY (ROOM D, LOWER LEVEL) CALLED SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO ORDER -7:37 AM ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Peterson, Bolton , Delgleize , Carr, Posey, Moser, and Kalmick None ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS PERTAINING TO CLOSED SESSION ITEM (Received After Agenda Distribution) -None . PUBLIC COMMENTS PERTAINING TO CLOSED SESSION ITEM (3 Minute Time Limit) -None . RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION -7:38 AM A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize to recess to Closed Session Item No . 1 (21 -885). The motion carried by the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES : Peterson, Bolton, Delgleize, Carr, Posey, Moser, and Kalmick None CLOSED SESSION 1. 21-885 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1), the City Council shall recess to Closed Session to discuss the following personnel matter: Public Employment -Police Chief Recruitment At approximately 11 :00 a .m ., Council reconvened for a lunch break; at approx imately 12 :00 p .m ., Council recessed into Closed Session for further discuss ion on Item No. 1 (2 1-885). RECONVENE AND ADJOURN -The meeting was reconvened and adjourned at 1 :45 PM to the ne xt regularly scheduled meeting of Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 4:00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers , 2 000 Main Street, Huntington Beach , California . City Council Spec ial Meeting Minutes November 12, 2021 Page 2 of 2 INTERNET ACCESS TO CITY COUNCIL/PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AGENDA AND STAFF REPORT MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT http://www.huntingtonbeachca.gov ATTEST: City Clerk and e x-officio Clerk of the C ity Council of the City of Hunti ngton Beach , Californ ia Mayor