HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-05Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
4:30 PM -Council Chambers
6:00 PM -Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
OR Virtual via Zoom Webinar
A video recording of the 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM portions of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Present: Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Absent: None \.
ITEMS (Received After Agenda Distribution)
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications that were received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet.
Closed Session
#7 (22-300) Email communication received regarding price and terms of payment for the disposition of
real property located at APN numbers 111 -372-06 and 111-372-07.
A motion was made by Posey, second Carr to recess to Closed Session for Items #3 -8. With no
objections , the item passed .
1. 22-296 Mayor Delgleize Announced: Pursuant to Government Code§ 54957.6, the City
Council takes this opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated labor
negotiators: Sean Joyce, Interim City Manager and Brittany Mello, Administrative
Services Director, who will be participating in today's Closed Session discussions
regarding labor negotiations for: Surf City Lifeguard Employees' Association
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2. *22 -304 Mayor Delgleize Announced: Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.8, the City
Council shall recess to Closed Session to give instructions to the City's
Negotiators, Sean Joyce, Interim City Manager; Ursula Luna-Reynosa, Director of
Community Development; Sean Crumby, Director of Public Works, regarding
negotiations with Dave Hauser, Market Vice President of Republic Services
concerning price and terms of payment for the disposition of real property located
at APN numbers 111-372-06 and 111 -372-07.
subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9). Name of case: California Renters Legal
Advocacy and Education Fund/THDT Investment, Inc. v. City of Huntington Beach;
OCSC Case No.: 30 -2020 -01140855.
subdivision (d) of Section 54956 .9). Name of case: Californians for
Homeownership, Inc. v. City of Huntington Beach; OCSC Case No. 30-2019-
5. 22 -295 CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Gov. Code section 54957 .6.) Agency
designated representatives: Sean Joyce, Interim City Manager; also in attendance:
Brittany Mello, Director of Administrative Services, regarding the following: Surf
City Lifeguard Employees' Association (SCLEA).
Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section
54956.9 : Litigation threatened in December 21, 2021 letter from Cole/Huber, LLP.
54956.8.) Property: APN numbers 111-372-06 and 111-372-07; Agency negotiator:
Sean Joyce, Ursula Luna-Reynosa, Sean Crumby; Negotiating parties: Dave
Hauser, Market Vice President of Republic Services; Under negotiation: Price and
terms of payment for the disposition of real property.
54956.9(d)(4).): Tucker v. Huntington Beach Downtown Business Assoc.; 30-2022-
Peterson , Bolton, Posey , Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Led by Mayor Pro Tern Posey
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In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation.
9. 22-179 Reverend Amy Yoon of Surf City United Methodist Church and member of the
Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
CLOSED SESSION REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY -City Attorney Gates announced that by a
vote of 6 -1 (Posey -No), the City Council authorized his office to file on behalf of the City and
join the case of Tucker v. Huntington Beach Downtown Business Assoc.; 30-2022-01244827.
10. 22-284 Mayor Delgleize called on Victoria Alberty to present the Adoptable Pet of the
Ms. Alberty introduced S .A.F.E. Rescue Team founder Markelle and 7% month-old Dolly , a Malt ipoo who
is potty trained, and stated additional details can be found through https://saferescueteam.org .
11. 22-209 Mayor Oelgleize to Gall on members of the Huntington 8eaGh Interfaith CounGil to
Gall for volunteers for the annual 'Oay of ServiGe' set for Saturday, April 23
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act , City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications that were received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet.
Consent Calendar
#16 (22-227) Email communication received from Lexi Hernandez, QC Climate Equity Organizer and
Advocate from the Climate Action Campaign regarding the development of a
Sustainability Master Plan.
Five (5) email communications received regarding the development of a Sustainabil ity
Master Plan.
Ordinances for Introduction
#28 (22-249) PowerPoint presentation entitled Prohibiting the Unlawful Possession of Catalytic
Converters submitted by Sean Joyce, Interim City Manager.
PUBLIC COMMENTS -8 In-Person and 2 Call-In Public Speakers
The number [hh :mm:ss] following the speakers' comments indica tes their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/governmentlagendas.
Richard Smith, a homeowner in Skandia Mobile Home Park , was called to speak and asked that Council
do what is right by ensuring a carve out for mobile home parks for City Charter Section 803 is on the
November 2022 ballot. (00 : 18:28)
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Jeanne Farrens , a resident of Skandia Mobile Home Park , was called to speak and asked Council , if a
recommendation for amending Section 803 of the City Charter doesn't fall under the purview of the
Charter Revision Committee , where does it fall? Ms. Farrens further asked why City Council appears to
be refusing to help ensure that a carve out for mobile home parks for City Charter Section 803 is on the
November 2022 ballot. (00 :20:32)
Stephanie Deagle , representing American Cancer Society Relay for Life, was called to speak and
announced details for this year's Relay on Saturday, May 21, 9 AM to 9 PM , El Rancho Charter School,
181 South Del Giorgio Road , Anaheim , and invited Council and residents to participate in this fundraising
event. (00:23:47)
Arthur Estrada, a resident of Skandia Mobile Home Park , was called to speak and asked that Council
ensure a carve out for mobile home parks for City Charter Section 803 is on the November 2022 ballot.
(00:26 :30)
Nick Karavedas , resident of Huntington Beach and a local school teacher, was called to speak and
stated his support for Emily Hibard, a former student of his who is running for State Assembly on the
June 7, 2022 ballot. (00:28:26)
Michael Lugenbuehl , a resident of Skandia Mobile Home Park, was called to speak and asked that
Council do what is right by ensuring a carve out for mobile home parks for City Charter Section 803 is on
the November 2022 ballot. (00:30:22)
Sheila Lugenbuehl , Secretary, Skandia Homeowners Association (HOA), was called to speak and asked
that Council ensure a carve out for mobile home parks for City Charter Section 803 is on the November
2022 ballot. (00:33 :04)
Amory Hanson , a Candidate for City Council in 2022 and member of the Huntington Bea.ch Historical
Resources Board , was called to speak and shared his experience of trying , unsuccessfully, to see copies
of the recent applications for those seeking appointment to the Historical Resources Board , and asked
that Council ensure a proper response to his request for public records . (00 :35 :46)
Caller Allison Plum , owner of a manufactured home in Huntington Beach and member of the Mobile
Home Advisory Board , was invited to speak and shared her opinions regarding mobile home insecurity .
She also invited people to attend the next Mobile Home Advisory Boa rd meeting on Monday, April 25th
at 5 PM at City Hall , or via Zoom . (00 :38:00)
Caller Mark Sheldon , a 30-year plus resident of Huntington Beach , was invited to speak and stated his
concern on Consent Calendar Item #16, regarding a Professional Services Agreement for the
development of a Sustainability Master Plan , which doesn't appear to contain a specific deliverable date.
Mr. Sheldon also encouraged Council to utilize the services of the Huntington Beach Environmental
Board as needed throughout the process of developing a Sustainability Master Plan . (00:40 :00)
Mayor Pro Tern Posey reported attending meetings of the Huntington Beach Harbor Commission , and
Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG) where the new Orange County Business Council
(OCBC) Executive Director was formally welcomed , and recommended going to www.occog .com for
some short videos that explain the Housing Element and Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA)
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processes. Mayor Pro Tern Posey added that OCCOG is investigating how they can exit Southern
California Association of Governments (SCAG) and form their own municipal planning organ ization.
Councilmember Bolton reported attending a Southeast Area Community meeting to consider other
outreach efforts to allow residents to provide input on the changes to Edison Park.
Councilmember Carr reported attending meetings of the Southeast Area Community, Communications
Committee , Youth Board, and League of California Cities to review possible State legislation.
Councilmember Moser reported attending a Special Meeting of the Youth Board , and meetings of the
Central Park Collaborative , Homeless Task Force, and Human Relations Committee.
Councilmember Kalm ick reported attending meetings of the Communications Committee, and Orange
County Power Authority (OCPA) to review their Commercial launch.
Councilmember Moser pulled Item #16 , Councilmember Ka lmi ck pulled Item #23, Councilmember
Peterson pulled Item #15, and Mayor Pro Tern Posey pulled Item #22 for further discuss ions .
12. 22-276 Approved funding of $250,000 from the Park Development Impact Fund for
installation of new playground equipment and rubberized surfacing at Booster Park
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to authorize the appropriation of $250 ,000 from the Park
Development Impact Fund to account 22845029.82900 for the installation of new playground equipment
and rubberized surfacing at Booster Park .
The motion carried by the following vote :
13. 22-287
Peterson, Bolton , Posey , Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Adopted Resolution No. 2022-11 declaring weeds and rubbish a nuisance on
specific properties and scheduled a Public Hearing on May 3, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. for
protests and objections to the abatement thereof
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to adopt Resolution No. 2022-11, "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach Finding and Declaring That Certain Weeds Growing in the City ,
and Rubbish and Refuse Deposited on Public Ways and Private Property are a Public Nuisance; and
Fixing the Time for Hearing Protests and Objections to the Abatement Thereof."
The motion carried by the following vote :
Peterson, Bolton , Posey , Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
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14. 22-277 Adopted Resolution No. 2022-12 Approving City Staff to apply to the State
Department of Parks and Recreation for the Huntington Beach Sand to Snow
Outdoor Education Program through Outdoor Equity Grants Program Grant Funds
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to adopt Resolution No. 2022-12 , "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving the Application for Outdoor Equity Grants Program
Grant Funds."
The motion carried by the following vote :
15. 21-636
Peterson , Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Approved and authorized execution of a Parking License Agreement with Onni
Properties LLC to Lease 50 Parking Spaces at 7842 Warner Avenue for the Oak
View Pilot Parking Program (OV3P)
Councilmember Peterson pulled this item to confirm with Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins that this
item relates to the City subsidizing parking spaces for the Oak View Pilot Parking Program , and there are
enough spaces remaining to meet the needs of the church . He stated his opposition to the item .
A motion was made by Carr, second Moser to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute, "Parking
License Agreement" between the City of Huntington Beach and Onni Properties LLC as part of the Oak
View Pilot Parking Program .
The motion carried by the following vote :
16. 22 -227
Bolton , Posey , Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Approved and authorized execution of a Professional Services Agreement with
Buro Happold for the development of a Sustainability Master Plan; and, approved
appropriation of funds
Councilmember Moser pulled this item to acknowledge Council's sustainability efforts , commend staff for
the Request for Quote (RFQ), and to confirm this is a Council priority through a forward -thinking and
holistic approach. There was discussion on the types of community outreach that will be used through
the process, and confirmation that at this point it is expected to take 12 to 18 months for a deliverable
plan , however a date certain will be refined as the process moves ahead .
Mayor Pro Tern Posey reviewed the history of Council's sustainability efforts, and expressed appreciation
to Councilmember Mos e r for continuing to drive the momentum, noted that the Environmental Committee
will be involved at the appropriate time, and encouraged staff to also include the Orange County Power
Authority (OCPA) as efforts progress to ensure that Huntington Beac h remains an attractive place to do
business , live, work and play.
A motion was made by Moser, second Kalmick to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute a "Professional Services Agreement Between th e City of Huntington Beach and Bu ro Happold
for the Development of a Sustainability Master Plan;" and , approve General Fund budget appropriation of
$300 ,000 in account 10030101 .69365.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
NOES: Peterson
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17. 22-230 Approved and authorized execution of 3-year Professional Services Contracts in
the amount of $850,000 for On-Call Environmental (CEQA) Services with Psomas,
Michael Baker International, Environmental Science Associates, and LSA
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to approve and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to
execute $850,000 "Professional Services Contract between the City of Huntington Beach and Psomas,
for On-Call Environmental (CEQA) Services ;" and, approve and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk
to execute $850,000 "Professional Services Contract between the City of Huntington Beach and Michael
Baker International, Inc., for On-Call Environmental (CEQA) Services;" and, approve and authorize the
Mayor and the City Clerk to execute $850,000 "Professional Services Contract between the City of
Huntington Beach and Environmental Science Associates, for On-Call Environmental (CEQA) Services;"
and, approve and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute $850 ,000 "Professional Services
Contract between the City of Huntington Beach and LSA Associates, for On-Call Environmental (CEQA)
Services ."
The motion carried by the following vote :
AYES: Peterson, Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
NOES: None
18. 22-233 Approved and accepted the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES)
Violence Against Women Act Grant (LE21056860); authorized the Chief of Police to
execute documents; approved appropriations; amended the Professional Services
Listing to include provided domestic violence services; and, approved contract
Amendment No. 1 with Waymakers in the amount of $116,032 for continued
management of the Victim and Witness Assistance Services Program
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to accept the grant between the State of California,
Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and the City of Huntington Beach; and, assign
authority to the Chief of Police as the official to execute and sign for the award and to approve
amendments and extensions; and, approve the appropriation and expenditure of $270 ,857, of which
$203, 143 is to be fully reimbursed by the grant from Cal OES. The remaining $67 ,714 will be funded
from appropriations in the Police Department's budget; and, amend the Professional Services Listing to
include provided domestic violence services; and, approve and authorize "Amendment No. 1 to
Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Waymakers for Victim and Witness Assistance
The motion carried by the following vote:
Peterson, Bolton, Posey , Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
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19. 22-247 Accepted the lowest responsive and responsible bid, approved appropriations and
authorized execution of a construction contract with iBuild Spectrum in the amount
of $655,412.33 for the Harbour View Clubhouse Improvements Project, CC-1633
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by iBui ld Spectrum in the amount of $655 ,412 .33; and , authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following vote:
20. 22-260
Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Accepted the lowest responsive and responsible bid and authorized execution of a
construction contract with AME Builders, Inc., dba AME Roofing in the amount of
$619,506 for the Storm Water Pump Station Facility Improvements Project, CC-1657
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by AME Builders, Inc., dba AME Roofing in the amount of $619,506; and, authorize the Mayor
and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following vote:
21. 22-250
Peterson, Bolton , Posey , Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Approved and authorized execution of Professional Services Contracts with MCK
Americas Inc., and Rockwell Construction Services, LLC for On-Call Consulting for
Electrical Inspections Services
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute $750,000 "Professional Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and MCK
Americas In c . for On-Ca ll Consulting for Electrical In spections Services ;" and , approve and authorize the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute $750 ,000 "Professional Services Contract Between the City of
Huntington Beach and Rockwell Construction Services, LLC. for On-Call Consulting for Electrical
Inspections Services ."
The motion carried by the following vote :
22. 22-251
Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Directed staff to submit the 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress Report to the
California Department of Housing and Community Development and Governor's
Office of Planning and Research
Mayor Pro Tern Posey pulled this item to acknowledge Director of Community Development Ursula
Luna-Reynosa and her staff for compi ling the extensive data required for this thoro ugh report. He a lso
noted the numbers documenting progress being made on homelessness assistance .
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A motion was made by Posey, second Kalmick to approve the 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress
Report and direct staff to submit the APR to the California Department of Housing and Community
Development and Governor's Office of Planning and Research .
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES : Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
NOES: None
23. 22-285 Approved positions on legislation pending before the State Legislature, as
recommended by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC)
Councilmember Kalmick pulled this item to note that this early in the Legislative session many of these
items will likely change as they move through the process and therefore need to be on the "Watch" list,
with "Support" for AB 2496 , SB 986, SB 847 as amended, and Resolution No. 2022-17 to devote
resources to eliminate the threat of fentanyl.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated that fentanyl is a real threat to nearly everyone and he sees the Fentanyl
Resolution as a good start to addressing the issue .
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to approve one or more positions on State legislation, as
1. Support Watch AB 1611 (Davies)
2 . Support Watch AB 1657 (Nguyen)
3 . Support Watch AB 1658 (Nguyen)
4 . Support Watch AJR 24 (Nguyen)
5 . Support Watch AJR 25 (Nguyen)
6. Support Watch SB 953 (Min)
7. Support Watch AB 2177 (Irwin)
8. Support Watch SB 1036 (Newman)
9 . Support Watch SB 1079 (Portantino)
10. Support AB 2496 (Petrie-Norris)
11 . Support Watch AB 1653 (Patterson)
12. Support Watch AB 1659 (Patterson)
13. Support Watch AB 1984 (Choi)
14. Support SB 986 (Umberg)
15. Oppose Watch AB 1909 (Friedman)
16. Support SB 847 (Hurtado)
Approve a position on local policy:
17. Support and adopt Resolution No . 2022-17 to Eliminate the Threat of Fentanyl
The motion as amended carried by the following vote :
AYES : Peterson , Bolton, Posey , Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
NOES : None
24. 22-253 Adopted Ordinance No. 4250 amending Section 2.76.010 of the Huntington Beach
Municipal Code (HBMC) related to exclusions from competitive service
Approved for introduction March 15, 2022 -Vote : 6-0 -1 (Peterson absent)
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A motion was made by Kalmick, second Carr to adopt Ordinance No. 4250, "An Ordinance of the City of
Huntington Beach Amending the Huntington Beach Mun icipa l Code by Amending Section 2.76.010
Thereof Related to Exclusions from the Competitive Service."
The motion carried by the following vote :
Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
25. 22 -244 Adopted Interim Ordinance No. 4235 extending Urgency Ordinance No. 4249
regarding SB 9 Projects
Deputy Director of Community Development Jennifer Villasenor introduced this item explaining that
Urgency Ordinance No. 4249 would expire by April 15, unless extended through a Public Hearing and
Council action .
Mayor Delgleize opened the Public Hearing . (01 :07 :26)
City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental communications for this Public Hearing that were
received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet:
Public Hearing
#25 . (22-244) PowerPoint presentation entitled Senate Bi/19 submitted by Sean Joyce, Interim City
Email communication received from Dylan Casey, Executive Director for California
Renters Legal Advocacy and Education Fund regarding Urgen cy Ordinance No. 4249
regarding SB 9 .
City Clerk Estanislau announced there were no public speakers .
Mayor Delgleize closed the Public Hearing .
A motion was made by Posey, second Bolton to, after City Clerk reads by title, adopt Interim Ordinance
No. 4235 , "An Interim Ordinance of the City Council of the City Of Huntington Beach Extending Urgency
Ordinance No . 4249, Regarding Objective Standards for Urban Lot Splits and Housing Units Built in
Accordance with Senate Bill 9, Declaring the Urgency Thereof, and Making a Finding of Exemption
Under CEQA" (Attachment No. 1 ).
The motion carried by the following vote :
Peterson, Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
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26. 22-261 Adopted Resolution No. 2022-08 to approve Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) No. 21-
007 regarding Medical Services and Veterinary Clinics in the Beach and Edinger
Corridors Specific Plan (BECSP)
Director of Community Development, Ursula Luna-Reynosa , introduced Associate Planner Joanna
Cortez who presented a PowerPoint communication titled Zoning Text Amendment No. 21-007 with
slides entitled: Request (3), Analysis, Recommendation and Questions?
Mayor Pro Tern Posey confirmed with staff that this change is the result of a specific applicant for a
specific site, but is expected to benefit other sites as well.
Mayor Delgleize opened the Public Hearing . (01 :14:26)
City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced there was no supplemental communication for this item.
Luis Gomez, Go Urban Development and Former Economic Development Project Manager, C ity of
Huntington Beach, was called to speak and described the backstory for this item and the determination
of an individual desiring to set up a small business in Huntington Beach. Mr. Gomez asked that Council
approve this Zoning Text Amendment. (01 : 14:40)
Mayor Delgleize closed the Public Hearing .
Councilmember Peterson thanked staff for their efforts to make this change , and stated his support for
the item .
Councilmember Kalmick described his growing awareness of the need for evolving Zoning amendments
to meet the changing needs of the community, and stated his support for this item .
Mayor Pro Tern Posey commended staff for working to make it easier for businesses to be established in
Huntington Beach , and the importance of reimagining uses for property as economics and the
community change .
Councilmember Moser stated her support for this item .
A motion was made by Peterson , second Posey to approve PLANNING COMMISSION AND STAFF
RECOMMENDATION : finding that Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) No. 21-007 is with i n the scope of the
BECSP Program Environmental Impact Report No. 08-008 certified by the Planning Commission on
December 8 , 2009. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15163, no subsequent or
supplement to the EIR need be prepared for this ZTA and no further environmental review or
documentation is required (Attachment #1); and , approve Zoning Text Amendment No. 21-007 with
findings (Attachment No . 1) and adopt Resolution No . 2022-08, "A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach Approving an Amendment to the Beach and Ed inger Corridors Specific Pl an
(SP14) (Zoning Text Amendment 21-007)" (Attachment #2).
The motion carried by the following vote :
Peterson , Bolton , Posey , Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
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27. 22-291 Adopted Resolution No. 2022-14 Declaring Certain Public Property Exempt Surplus
Land Pursuant to the Surplus Lands Act (SLA)
Director of Community Development, Ursula Luna-Reynosa, introduced this item by explaining this
particular property is less than 5,000 square feet and therefore fits within an exemption that otherwise
wou ld require surplus property be first offered to affordable housing developers. Director Luna-Reynosa
added that the law requires this step before Council can consider a purchase and sale agreement.
A motion was made by Delgleize , second Kalmick to declare one City-owned property located near Holly
Lane and Main Street (APN 159-281-04) as "exempt surplus land" as defined in Government Code
Section 54221(f); and, adopt Resolution No . 2022-14, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach Declaring Certain Real Property Owned by the City (APN 159-281-04) is Exempt
Surplus Land Not Necessary for the City's Use Pursuant to the Surplus Land Act and Finding That Such
Declaration is Exempt from Environmental Review Under the California Environmental Quality Act,"
including written findings, supporting the declaration.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Peterson , Bolton, Posey , Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
28. 22-249 Approved for Introduction Ordinance No. 4251 adding Chapter 10.53 to Title 10
(Vehicles and Traffic) of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, prohibiting the
un lawful possession of Catalytic Converters in the City
Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins presented a PowerPoint communication titled Prohibiting the
Unlawful Possession of Catalytic Converters with slides entitled: Ba ckgro und (2), Catalytic Converter
Theft Statistics, Ongoing Prevention Efforts, Potential Prevention Efforts, Proposed Ordinance 4251, and
Councilmember Moser stated her support for this item that will enable the Huntington Beach Police
Department to be proactive when these crimes are committed . Councilmember Moser suggested more
frequent prevention efforts with enhanced communications.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey noted that there are currently three State Legis lative bills (AB 1653, AB 1659 and
AB 1984) regarding theft of catalytic converters that the Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC)
will be watching. Mayor Pro Tern Posey and staff discussed why theft of catalytic converters is a
misdemeanor, rather than a felony, and Mayor Pro Tern Posey state d this is a good start but he would
recommend finding ways to raise the consequence to the fe lony level.
Police Chief Parra stated his support for the ordinance as a good start and for further discussions with
City Attorney Michael Gates clarifying enhancements to make theft of catalytic converters a felony.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated his support for an annual review of the arrest and prosecution statistics to
evaluate the net effectiveness of this ordinance.
A motion was made by Delgleize, second Peterson to after City Clerk re ads by t itle , approve for
introduction Ordinance No. 4251 , "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
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Adding a New Chapter 10.53 to Title 10 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, Prohibiting the
Unlawful Possession of Catalytic Converters in the City , and Making a Finding of Exemption Under
The motion carried by the following vote :
Peterson, Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Councilmember Peterson expressed Happy Birthday wishes for Milt Dardis, an active resident of
southeast Huntington Beach who is very appreciated in the community .
Mayor Pro Tern Posey noted that April is Autism Awareness, Jazz Appreciation and Alcohol Awareness
month . Mayor Pro Tern Posey reported attending Curt Pringle's Annual Drive to benefit Working
Wardrobes this year; and Fullerton's State of the City event as a representative for Orange County
Power Authority and Orange County Vector Control.
Councilmember Carr gave a huge shout out to Don Ramsey for the Citizen's Award he received from the
Downtown Business Im provement Qistrict (DTBID), and congratulated four Huntington Beach Police
Officers Sergeant Downing, Sergeant Tunstall , Lieutenant White and Captain Svendsbo for recent
promotions. Councilmember Carr congratulated Crave Fitness and owner Taryn Nicole for reaching their
10th Anniversary, and thanked Community Services, Senior Center staff and everyone instrumental in
the implementation of a successful Senior Resources Fair.
Councilmember Moser reported attending the Spring Rise and Walk-a-then at the Senior Center, and
thanked Community Services, Council on Aging and Hoag Hospital for their part in this successful event;
the Huntington Beach Police Department Swearing In Ceremony , and congratulated HBPD's newest
members: Daniel Evans , Tyler Boswell, Thomas Connelly, Eric Lazaro , Christopher Pichedwatana , and
Nicholas Kent; Human Relations Cinema Showcase to celebrate Black History Month ; Assistance
League Fundraising Event ; Women in STEAM Event at Centra l Library; Women's History Event from
District 2 with Supervisor Foley; Senior Resource Fair; and Bolsa Ch ica Conservancy Interpretive Center
Grand Opening and Festival. Councilmember Moser announced that the Humans Relations Committee
is celebrating their 25th Anniversary on Thursday, April 7 , at 5:30 PM . Councilmember Moser
acknowledged the Lang sisters, students at Huntington Beach High School , for their successful
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fundraising effort.
Councilmember Kalmick reported attending the Demolition Ceremony for Park View School , and noted
the Ocean View School District plan to keep the land as open space. Councilmember Kalmick
announced that United Food and Commercia l Works (UFCW) averted a grocery workers strike ; reported
representing the City for the opening of the new Target Mini Store on Beach Boulevard near Garfield ;
attending the Senior Resource Fair; and thanked Police Chief Parra for rev iewing the issue of thefts at
the Bolsa Chica south lot and working with the Audubon Society, Bolsa Chica Land Trust, Bolsa Chica
Conservancy and Bolsa Chica Amigos to address the situation .
Councilmember Bolton reported she had the opportunity to speak at an Orange County Chapter of Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority, and speaking with Orange County Climate Coalit ion members .
Council/PFA Regular Meeting
April 5 , 2022
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Councilmember Moser asked that people say prayers for, and send cards of encouragement to long-time
ocean defender and Surfrider member Tony Soriano, Fountain Va lley Memorial Care Hospital, where he
is battling cancer.
Councilmember Moser congratulated Huntington Beach Marine Safety Captain Leslie Schwene, the first
female captain in the Department.
Mayor Delgleize gave a shout out to the recent graduates of the Hunt ington Beach Surf Class taught by
Phil and Carol Burtis ; announced a new Citizen's Academy will start on April 13th ; the Sister City
Association is planning a big Cherry Blossom Festival for March 2023 ; Saturday, April 16, Kiwanis Easter
Egg Hunt by the Central Park Sports Complex; and The Greater Huntington Beach Interfa ith Council will
host Community Service Day on Friday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23.
ADJOURNMENT -7 :54 PM to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City
Council/Public Financing Authority on Tuesday , April 19, 2022, at 4 :00 PM in the Civic Center Council
Chambers, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California.
City Cl~o~~=-Y Council
of the City of Huntington Beach and Secretary of
the Public Financing Authority of the City of
Huntington Beach, Ca lifornia