HomeMy WebLinkAboutApprove and Accept the California Office of Emergency Servic 20M Main Street, Huntington Beach,CA City of Huntington Beach ftH l(Lz 7-0 File #: 22-233 MEETING DATE: 4/5/2022 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members SUBMITTED BY: Sean Joyce, Interim City Manager VIA: Eric Parra, Chief of Police PREPARED BY: Ingrid Ono, Administrative Assistant Subject: Approve and accept the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Violence Against Women Act Grant (LE210568601; authorize the Chief of Police to execute documents: ap rp ove appropriations: amend the Professional Services Listing to include provided domestic violence services: and, approve contract Amendment No. 1 with Waymakers in the amount of $116,032 for continued management of the Victim and Witness Assistance Services Program* Statement of Issue: The Huntington Beach Police Department (HBPD) recently applied for and received a $203,143 Cal OES grant to help fund the Victim and Witness Assistance Services Program ("Program") managed by Waymakers. City Council is requested to approve the grant award for 2022 and approve Amendment No. 1 to the City's existing three-year contract with Waymakers for the continued management of the Program for services rendered through 2022. Financial Impact: To receive the Cal OES grant, the City must provide a match of$67,714, which has been budgeted in HBPD General Fund Account Number 10070203. The cost for the Program in 2022 is $270,857, with the grant award offsetting $203,143 in new revenue. A new grant fund will be established upon approval by City Council, and no additional appropriation of funds is necessary at this time. The Waymakers agreement is contingent upon receiving the Cal OES grant. Upon receipt, sufficient appropriations will be made available to fund the Waymakers contract into 2022. Recommended Action: A Accept the grant between the State of California, Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and the City of Huntington Beact);, and, B) Assign authority to the Chief of Police as the official to execute and sign for the award and to City of Huntington Beach Pawl of 3 Printed on 3/302022 ao /t. / �� power L%;slar"' File #: 22-233 MEETING DATE: 4/5/2022 approve amendments and extensions: and, C) Approve the appropriation and expenditure of $270,857, of which $203,143 is to be fully reimbursed by the grant from Cal OES. The remaining $67,714 will be funded from appr�riations in the Police Department's budget; and, D) Amend the Professional Services Listing to include provided domestic violence services; and, E) Approve and authorize "Amendment No. 1 to Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Waymakers for Victim and Witness Assistance Services." Alternative Action(s): Do not approve the recommendations, and direct staff accordingly. Analysis: The Police Department applied for and was awarded a Cal OES grant to prevent, investigate and prosecute crimes involving domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The grant, along with city matching funds, provide for a Victim Advocate and two part-time domestic violence investigators. The Victim Advocate is contracted through Waymakers' Victim Assistance Program and Interval House to assist victims and survivors to navigate legal processes and obtain critical services such as obtaining restraining orders, temporary housing placement and referrals to counseling and legal aid. The two part-time domestic violence investigators perform case follow-up and investigative work related to the domestic violence caseload. These investigators assist a full-time detective, allowing the police department to investigate domestic violence incidents in a timely manner, resulting in improved services to victims and a greater likelihood that future incidents will be prevented This collaboration has been in effect since 1998, and since the inception of the Violence Against Women Project the Advocate position, has been continuously funded through a series of grants. The grant also provides for a continued agreement with Interval House, offering priority shelter for domestic violence victims and their children from Huntington Beach on a 24-hour basis. The goal of the programs funded through the grant is to help heal families and thereby stop the cycle of violence. Without this grant, the current "wrap-around" model whereby victims receive services while the Advocate works closely with a Police Department investigator to form a cohesive team throughout the process would not be possible. The acceptance of the grant will pay for the collaboration involving the Police Department through December 31, 2022, and the cash match of $67,714 is included within the existing Police Department budget. Environmental Status: Not applicable. Strategic Plan Goal: Community Engagement Attachment(s): 1. Cal OES Grant Award Letter and packet City of Huntington Beach Page 2 of 3 Printed on 3/30/2022 c ..e 112d24 Ll�I'll.. File #: 22-233 MEETING DATE: 4/5/2022 2. Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Waymakers for Victim and Witness Assistance Services *z 3. Amendment No. t to Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Waymakers for Victim and Witness Assistance Services 6.-b" /D# &fiAct- DA tc IZ/ City of Huntington Beach Page 3 of 3 Pnnted on 3l30aO22 ._,.- m �... , GAVIN NEWSOM MARK S. GHILARDUCCI GOVERNOR Cal OES ®EC DIRECTOR GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES January 12, 2022 Kevin Johnson, Lieutenant Huntinqton Beach, City of 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2702 Subject: NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATION APPROVAL Law Enforcement Specialized Units Program Subaward #: LE21 05 6860, Cal OES ID: 059-36000 Dear Lt. Johnson: Congratulations! The California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) has approved your application in the amount of $203,143, subject to Budget approval. A copy of your approved subaward is enclosed for your records. Cal OES will make every effort to process payment requests within 45 days of receipt. This subaward is subject to the Cal OES Subrecipient Handbook. You are encouraged to read and familiarize yourself with the Cal OES Subrecipient Handbook, which can be viewed on Cal OES website at www.caloes.ca.gov. Any funds received in excess of current needs, approved amounts, or those found owed as a result of a close-out or audit, must be refunded to the State within 30 days upon receipt of an invoice from Cal OES. Should you have questions on your subaward please contact your Program Specialist. VSPS Grants Processing Enclosure c: Subrecipient's file 3650 SCHRIEVER AVENUE I MATHER, CALIFORNIA 95655 VICTIM SERVICES BRANCH TELEPHONE: (916) 845-8112 226 DocuSign Envelope ID: BF6CFOE6-F171-4DA6-9DF5-05F9D9A68D77 Cal OES Us On 9-3600 col OES# 050-00 FlPS S 059-36000 vsa c b r 71056860 ( \V) CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES GRANT SUBAWARD FACE SHEET S��C The COffornio Governors Office of Emergency Sen<ces(Cal OES)hereby rnakes a Grant Subawara of funds to the following: I. Subreclplent City of Huntlnaton Beach Ia.DUNS#:078143948 2. Implementing Agency: Huntington Beach Police Department 2a.DUNS#:078143948 3. Implementing Agency Address: 2000 Ivain Street H nfng' 3 ch 9264E-270^ (Street ICim IZIP.41 4. Location of Protect runtiriqlon Beach Or ore 92 6 48-27 02 (City) ICounfyl (Zip-4) S. DOaster/Program Title: tE-Law En`orcemenf Soecickea Units Program (EK)6. Iadormonce 1/1/2022 to 1 2/3 1 72022 Period: (Start Dote) (End Dote) 7. Indirect Cost Rate: N/A Federally Approved ICR(f applicable): % ttem Grant Fund A,Stafa 8.Federal C.Total D.Cash Match E.In-Kind Match F.Total Match G.Total Coll Humber Year $puree 8. 2021 STOP $203,143 $67.714 $67.714 $270,857 9. Seied Select 1100,A Select Select 117T Select Select 12. 1 Select Select total Project cost $203,143 203,143 S67.714 $67,7I4 $270.857 13.Certification-This Gran:Suboward consists of this title Page,the oppicafion lot the grant.which a attached and novae o part hereof,one the Assurances/Certiticctiorss.I hereby certify I am veiled with the authonly to enter Into INs Grant Subaword.and have me approval of the City/County 6narsdal Officer.City Manager,County Adminshator.Governing Board Choi.or Other Approving Body.The Subrecipienl certifies Ihel all funds received pursuant to INs agreement will be spent exclusively on the purposes specified in the Grant Subaward.The Subreciptenf accepts This Grant Subcword also agrees to odmirrster the grant Project in accordance wilh the Grant Subov and as well as all applicable state and federal laws,audit requiements.federal program guideines,and Cal OES policy and program guidance.The Subrecipient hxfher agrees!not the allocation of funds may be conlingenf on the enactment of the State Budget, 14.CA Public Records Act-Grant applications are subject:0 the California Public Records Act.Government Code section 6250 el seq.Da not out any Personally idemw`iable information or private information on this=Dficallon.If you believe that any of the information you are putting on INS application is exempt From the Pubic Records Act.Please 01tach a statement that indicates what portions of the appication and the basis for the exemption.Your statement that the information is not subject to the Pubic Records Act ova hot guarontee that the inforrtsotion we hot oe disclosed. 15.Official Authorised to Sign far Subreclplent- Name: Nion Harvey 8fle: Interim Chief of Police Payment Mailing Address: 20070Main Sire City:Huntington Beach bO Code+4:92648-2702 Signature: Data: I6.Federal Employer ID Number: 9 6000723 FOR Cal OES USE ONLY 1 my personal knowledge that budgeted funds ore avaBable for the cel�ee-czne` gomeyof this expenddure stated obove. H. 111112011 1 1 (� ty �y{�y 111112022 (ea7 acaT�6fF�e�' (Data) ternelnrd"5diignea+ (Dote) ENY. 2021-22 Chapter.21 SL. 18411 Item. 0690-102-0890 Pg m. 0385 as Ds FAIN S:15J0VW-2I-GG-00554-ST0P 07/01/21-06/30/23 n Fund. Federal Trust AL#: 16.588 S t/S ✓ Program: Law Enforcement Specialized Units Program Match Real.: 25%, C/IK based on TPC Project ID: OES21STOP000012 rEICET�11=-11SC: 2021-18411 Amount. $ 203,14391191 Gmm syev,.vd Fdc�Sneer Cori OFs 2.101 jke d 07=f q 227 CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL GRANT SUBAWARD INFORMATION 1 . Cal OES Contact Information Section: Governor's Office of Emergency Services Mark S. Ghilarducci, Director 3650 Schriever Avenue Mather, CA 95655 (916) 845-8506 (phone) 2. Federal Awarding Agency Section: Fund Federal Awarding Total Federal Total Local Year Federal Program Fund / AL# Agency Award Assistance Amount Amount 2021 Violence Against Women Act Office of Violence $13,650,000 $12,285,000 STOP / 16.588 Against Women Choose Choose on item. Choose an item. $ $ an item. Choose Choose on item. Choose an item. $ $ an item. Choose Choose an item. Choose on item. $ $ an item. 3. Project Description Section: • Project Acronym (Please choose from drop down): Law Enforcement Specialized Units Program (LE) • Project Description (Please type the Project Description): Providing funding that will assist law enforcement agencies in California to enhance or create specialized units to provide a coordinated response to victims of domestic violence and their children. 4. Research & Development Section: • Is this Subaward a Research & Development grant? Yes ❑ No Supplemental Grant Subaword Information-Cal OES 2-101 a (08/2020) 228 CaI OES FFICE - O OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Contact Information Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach l . Grant Subaward Director: Name: Kevin Johnson Title: Lieutenant Telephone #: 714-536.5918 Email Address: kiohnson@hbpd.org Address/City/ Zip Code (9-digit): 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2702 2. Financial Officer: Name: Kathy Boldwin Title: Accounting Technician II Telephone #: 714-536-5935 Email Address: kbaldwin@hbpd.org Address/City/ Zip Code (9-digit): 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2702 3. Programmatic Point of Contact: Name: Jana Harden Title: Victim Advocate Telephone #: 714-536-5957 Email Address: lharden@hbpd.org Address/City/ Zip Code (9-digit): 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2702 4. Financial Point of Contact: Name: Kathy Baldwin Title: Accounting Technician II Telephone #: 714-536-5935 Email Address: kbaldwin@hbpd.org Address/City/ Zip Code (9-digit): 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2702 5. Executive Director of a Non-Governmental Organization or the Chief Executive Officer (i.e., chief of police, superintendent of schools) of the implementing agency: Name: Julian Harvey Title: Interim Chief of Police Telephone #: 714-536-5905 Email Address: lharvey@hbpd.org Address/City/ Zip Code (9-digit): 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2702 6. Official Designee, as stated in Section 15 of the Grant Subaward Face Sheet: Name: Julian Harvey Title: Interim Chief of Police Telephone #: 714-536-5905 Email Address: lharvey@hbpd.org Address/City/ Zip Code (9-digit): 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2702 7. Chair of the Governing Body of the Subrecipient: Name: Kim Carr Title: Mayor Telephone #: 714-536-5553 Email Address: kim.carr@surfcity-hb.org Address/City/ Zip Code (9-digit): 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2702 Grant Subaward Contact Information -Cal OES 2-102 (Revised 10/2020) 229 Cal OES O OFFICE OFF EMERGENCY CY SERVICES Grant Subaward Signature Authorization Grant Subaward #: Lf u oS woo Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach Implementing Agency: Huntington Beach Police Department The Grant Subaward Director and Financial Officer are REQUIRED to sign this form. Grant Subaward Director: Financial Officer: Printed Name: Kevin Johnson Printed Name: Kathy Baldwin Signature: Signature: Date: Date: 1016er7.f ------------------------------------------------------------------- The following persons are authorized to The following persons are authorized to sign for the Grant Subaward Director: sign for the Financial Officer: Signature-7&0i� Signature: Printed Name: Scott Winks Printed Name: Scott Marsh Signature: Signature: Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature: Signature: Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature: Signature: Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature: Signature: Printed Name: Printed Name: Grant Subaward Signature Authorization - Cal OES 2-103 (Revised 10/2020) 230 ,. CaIOES GOVERNEMERR'SGE OFFICE IF Of EMEPGENCV SERVICES Grant Subaward Certification of Assurance of Compliance STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program Grant Subaward #: LE21 056860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach I, Julian Harvey (Official Designee; same person as Section 15 of the Grant Subaward Face Sheet) hereby certify that the above Subrecipient is responsible for reviewing the Subrecipient Handbook (SRH) and adhering to all of the Grant Subaward requirements (state and/or federal) as directed by Cal OES including, but not limited to, the following areas: I. Federal Grant Funds - SRH Sections 14.005 Subrecipients expending $750,000 or more in federal grant funds annually are required to secure a single audit pursuant to Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200, Subpart F and are allowed to allocate federal funds for the audit costs. Q Subrecipient expends $750,000 or more in federal funds annually. ❑ Subrecipient does not expend $750,000 or more in federal funds annually II. Equal Employment Opportunity -SRH Section 2.025 It is the public policy of the State of California to promote equal employment opportunity (EEO) by prohibiting discrimination or harassment in employment because of race, color, religion, religious creed (including religious dress and grooming practices), national origin, ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition (including cancer and genetic characteristics), genetic information, marital status, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions), gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, veteran and/or military status, protected medical leaves (requested or approved for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or the California Family Rights Act), domestic violence victim status, political affiliation, and any other status protected by state or federal law. Subrecipients certify that they will comply with all state and federal requirements regarding EEO, nondiscrimination, and civil rights. EEO Officer: Jose Rodriguez Title: Human Resources Manager Address: 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Telephone Number: 714-536-5917 Email Address: jose.rod6guez@surfcity-hb.org COAOC - STOP - Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 231 Page 2 of 15 ill. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990-SRH Section 2.030 The State of California requires that every person or organization receiving a Grant Subaward or contract shall certify it will provide a drug-free workplace. IV. California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) -SRH Section 2.035 The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et seq.) requires all Cal OES-funded Subrecipients to certify compliance with CEQA. Subrecipients must certify they have completed, and will maintain on Tile, the appropriate CEQA compliance documentation. V. Lobbying -SRH Sections 2.040 and 4.105 Grant Subaward funds, property, and funded positions must not be used for any lobbying activities. This includes, but is not limited to, being paid by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of any federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal grant or cooperative agreement. VI. Debarment and Suspension -SRH Section 2.045 Subrecipients receiving federal funds must certify that they will adhere to Federal Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension. The Subrecipient certifies that neither the Subreciplenf nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of federal benefits by a state or federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency. The Subrecipient certifies that it will not make any Second-Tier Subaward, or enter into any contract greater than $25,000, with parties that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded or ineligible for participation in Federal programs or activities. VII. Proof of Authority from City Council/Governing Board -SRH Section 1.055 Subrecipients accept responsibility for and must comply with the requirement to obtain a signed resolution from governing body (e.g., County Board of Supervisors, City Council, or Governing Board) granting authority for the Subrecipient/Official Designee (see Section 3.030) to enter into a Grant Subaward (and applicable Grant Subaward Amendments) with Cal OES. It is agreed that any liability arising out of the performance of this Grant Subaward, including civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the Subrecipient. The State of California and Cal OES disclaim responsibility of any such liability. Furthermore, it is also COAOC -STOP-Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 232 Page 3 of 15 agreed that Grant Subaward funds received from Cal OES shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled by the governing board. Subrecipients are required to obtain written authorization by the governing body (e.g., County Board of Supervisors, City Council, or Governing Board) granting authority for the Subrecipient/Official Designee (see Section 3.030) to enter into a Grant Subaward (and applicable Grant Subaward Amendments) with Cal OES. The Applicant is also required to maintain said written authorization on file and make readily available upon demand. Vill. Civil Rights Compliance -SRH Section 2.020 The Subrecipient complies with all laws that prohibit excluding, denying or discriminating against any person based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation in both the delivery of services and employment practices and does not use federal financial assistance to engage in explicitly religious activities. IX. Federal Services'Training"Offlcers`Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program Special Conditions l. Applicability of Part 200 Uniform Requirements and DOJ Grants Financial Guide The Subrecipient must comply with the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, as adopted and supplemented by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2 C.F.R. Part 2800 (together, the "Part 200 Uniform Requirements"), and the current edition of the DOJ Grants Financial Guide as posted on the OVW website, including any updated version that may be posted during the period of performance. The Subrecipient also agrees that all financial records pertinent to this award, including the general accounting ledger and all supporting documents, are subject to agency review throughout the life of the award, during the close- out process, and for three years after submission of the final Federal Financial Report (SF-425) or as long as the records are retained, whichever is longer, pursuant to 2 C.F.R. 200.333, 200.336. 2. Requirements Pertaining to Prohibited Conduct Related to Trafficking in Persons (including reporting requirements and OVW authority to terminate award) The Subrecipient must comply with all applicable requirements (including requirements to report allegations) pertaining to prohibited conduct related to the trafficking of persons, whether on the part of Subrecipients or individuals defined (for purposes of this condition) as "employees" of any COAOC-STOP - Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 233 Page 4 of 15 Subrecipient. The details of the Subrecipient's obligations related to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persons are posted on the OVW web site at https://www.justice.gov/ovw/award-conditions (Award Condition: Prohibited conduct by Subrecipients related to trafficking in persons (including reporting requirements and OVW authority to terminate award)), and are Incorporated by reference here. 3. Compliance with Applicable Rules Regarding Approval, Planning, and Reporting of Conferences, Meetings, Trainings, and Other Events The Subrecipient must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies, and official DOJ guidance (including specific cost limits, prior approval and reporting requirements, where applicable) governing the use of federal funds for expenses related to conferences (as that term is defined by DOJ), including the provision of food and/or beverages at such conferences, and costs of attendance at such conferences. Information on the pertinent DOJ definition of conferences and the rules applicable to this award appears on the OVW website at https://www.justice.gov/ovw/conference-planning. 4. Effect of Failure to Address Audit Issues The Subrecipient understands and agrees that the DOJ awarding agency (OJP or OVW, as appropriate) may withhold award funds, or may impose other related requirements, if (as determined by the DOJ awarding agency) the Subrecipient does not satisfactorily and promptly address outstanding issues from audits required by the Part 200 Uniform Requirements (or by the terms of this award), or other outstanding issues that arise in connection with audits, investigations, or reviews of DOJ awards. 5. Reporting Potential Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Similar Misconduct The Subrecipients must promptly refer to the DOJ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) any credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, Subrecipient, contractor, subcontractor, or other person has, in connection with funds under this award - (1) submitted a claim that violates the False Claims Act; or (2) committed a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, gratuity, or similar misconduct. Potential fraud, waste, abuse, or misconduct involving or relating to funds under this award should be reported to the OIG by- (1) mail directed to: Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice, Investigations Division, 1425 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite 7100, Washington, DC 20530; and/or (2) the DOJ OIG hotline: (contact information in English and Spanish) COAOC -STOP -Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 234 Page 5 of 15 at (800) 869-4499 (phone) or (202) 616-9881 (fox). Additional information is available from the DOJ OIG website at https://oig.justice.gov/hotline. 6. Compliance with General Appropriations-Law Restrictions on the Use of Federal Funds for this Fiscal Year The Subrecipient must comply with all applicable restrictions on the use of federal funds set out in federal appropriations statutes. Pertinent restrictions, for each fiscal year, are set out at https://www.justice.gov/ovw/award- conditions (Award Condition: General appropriations-law restrictions on use of federal award funds), and are incorporated by reference here. Should a question arise as to whether a particular use of federal funds by a Subrecipient would or might fall within the scope of an appropriations-law restriction, the Subrecipient is to contact OVW for guidance, and may not proceed without the express prior written approval of OVW. 7. Restrictions and Certifications Regarding Non-Disclosure Agreements and Related Matters No Subrecipient, or entity that receives a procurement contract or subcontract with any funds under this award, may require any employee or contractor to sign an internal confidentiality agreement or statement that prohibits or otherwise restricts, or purports to prohibit or restrict, the reporting (in accordance with law) of waste, fraud, or abuse to an investigative or law enforcement representative of a federal department or agency authorized to receive such information. The foregoing is not intended, and shall not be understood by the agency making this award, to contravene requirements applicable to Standard Form 312 (which relates to classified information), Form 4414 (which relates to sensitive compartmented information), or any other form issued by a federal department or agency governing the nondisclosure of classified information. a. In accepting this award, the Subrecipient: o Represents that it neither requires nor has required internal confidentiality agreements or statements from employees or contractors that currently prohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict) employees or contractors from reporting waste, fraud, or abuse as described above; and o Certifies that, if it learns or is notified that it is or has been requiring its employees or contractors to execute agreements or statements that prohibit or otherwise restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict), reporting of waste, fraud, or abuse as COAOC -STOP-Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/20211 235 Page 6 of 15 described above, it will immediately stop any further obligations of award funds, will provide prompt written notification to the federal agency making this award, and will resume (or permit resumption of) such obligations only if expressly authorized to do so by that agency. b. If the Subrecipient does or is authorized under this award to make Subawards, procurement contracts, or both: o It represents that (1) it has determined that no other entity that the Subrecipient's application proposes may or will receive award funds (whether through a Second-Tier Subaward, procurement contract, or subcontract under a procurement contract) either requires or has required internal confidentiality agreements or statements from employees or contractors that currently prohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict) employees or contractors from reporting waste, fraud, or abuse as described above; and (2) it has made appropriate inquiry, or otherwise has an adequate factual basis, to support this representation; and o It certifies that, if it learns or is notified that any Subrecipient, contractor, or subcontractor entity that receives funds under this award is or has been requiring its employees or contractors to execute agreements or statements that prohibit or otherwise restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict), reporting of waste, fraud, or abuse as described above, it will immediately stop any further obligations of award funds to or by that entity, will provide prompt written notification to the federal agency making this award, and will resume (or permit resumption of) such obligations only if expressly authorized to do so by that agency. 8. Encouragement of Policies to Ban Text Messaging while Driving Pursuant to Executive Order 13513, "Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving," 74 Fed. Reg. 51225 (October 1, 2009), the Subrecipient understands that DOJ encourages Subrecipients to adopt and enforce policies banning employees from text messaging while driving any vehicle during the course of performing work funded by this award, and to establish workplace safety policies and conduct education, awareness, and other outreach to decrease crashes caused by distracted drivers. 9. Additional DOJ Awarding Agency Requirements The Subrecipient agrees to comply with any additional requirements that COAOC -STOP-Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 236 Page 7 of 15 may be imposed by the DOJ awarding agency (OJP or OVW, as appropriate) during the period of performance for this award, if the Subrecipient is designated as"high- risk" for purposes of the DOJ high-risk grantee list. 10. OVW Training Guiding Principles The Subrecipient understands and agrees that any training or training materials developed or delivered with funding provided under this award must adhere to the OVW Training Guiding Principles for Subrecipients, available at https://www.justice.gov/ovw/resources-and-faqs- grantees#Discretionary. 11 , Compliance with Statutory and Regulatory Requirements The Subrecipient must comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, which may include, among other relevant authorities, the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, P.L. 103-322, the Violence Against Women Act of 2000, P.L. 106-386, the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005, P.L. 109-162, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, P.L. 1 13-4, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 34 U.S.C. §§ 10101 et seq., and OVW's Implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R. Part 90. 12. Misuse of Award Funds The Subrecipient understands and agrees that misuse of award funds may result in a range of penalties, including suspension of current and future funds, suspension or debarment from federal grants, recoupmeni of monies provided under an award, and civil and/or criminal penalties. 13, Consultant Compensation Rates The Subrecipient acknowledges that consultants paid with award funds generally may not be paid at a rate in excess of $81.25 per hour, not to exceed $650 per day. To exceed this specified maximum rate, Subrecipients must submit to OVW a detailed justification and have such justification approved by OVW, prior to obligation or expenditure of such funds. Issuance of this award or approval of the award budget alone does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of $81.25 per hour, not to exceed $650 per day. Although prior approval is not required for consultant rates below this specified maximum rate, Subrecipients are required to maintain documentation to support all daily or hourly consultant rates. 14. Publications disclaimer for STOP Formula Subrecipients The Subrecipient agrees that all materials and publications (written, web- COAOC -STOP -Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 237 Page 8 of 15 based, audio-visual, or any other format) resulting from Grant Subaward activities shall contain the following statement: 'This project was supported by Grant Subaward No.LE21056860awarded by the state administering office for the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice's STOP Formula Grant Program. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the outhor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the state or the U.S. Department of Justice." 15. Activities that compromise victim safety and recovery or undermine offender accountability The Subrecipient agrees that Grant Subaward funds will not support activities that compromise victim safety and recovery or undermine offender accountability, such as: procedures or policies that exclude victims from receiving safe shelter, advocacy services, counseling, and other assistance based on their actual or perceived sex, age, immigration status, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental health condition, physical health condition, criminal record, work in the sex industry, or the age and/or sex of their children; procedures or policies that compromise the confidentiality of information and privacy of persons receiving OVW-funded services; procedures or policies that impose requirements on victims in order to receive services (e.g., seek an order of protection, receive counseling, participate in couples' counseling or mediation, report to law enforcement, seek civil or criminal remedies, etc.); procedures or policies that fail to ensure service providers conduct safety planning with victims; project design and budgets that fail to account for the access needs of participants with disabilities and participants who have limited English proficiency or are Deaf or hard of hearing; or any other activities outlined in the solicitation under which the approved application was submitted. 16. Copyrighted Works Pursuant to 2 C.F.R. 200.315(b), the Subrecipient may copyright any work that is subject to copyright and was developed, or for which ownership was acquired, under this award. OVW reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work, in whole or in part (including in the creation of derivative works), for federal purposes, and to authorize others to do so. OVW also reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, in whole or in part (including in the creation of derivative works), any work developed by a Subrecipient of This award, for federal purposes, and to authorize others to do so. In addition, the Subrecipient must obtain advance written approval from the COAOC -STOP- Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021 ) 238 Page 9 of 15 OVW program manager assigned to this award, and must comply with all conditions specified by the program manager in connection with that approval, before: 1) using award funds to purchase ownership of, or a license to use, a copyrighted work; or 2) incorporating any copyrighted work, or portion thereof, into a new work developed under this award. It is the responsibility of the Subrecipient (and of each contractor, or subcontractor as applicable) to ensure that this condition is included in any Second-Tier Subaward, contract, or subcontract under this award. 17. Requirement to report actual or imminent breach of personally identifiable information (PII) The Subrecipieni must have written procedures in place to respond in the event of an actual or imminent breach (as defined in OMB M-17-12) if it - 1) creates, collects, uses, processes, stores, maintains, disseminates, discloses, or disposes of personally identifiable information (PII) (as defined in 2 C.F.R. 200.79) within the scope of an OVW grant-funded program or activity, or 2) uses or operates a Federal information system (as defined in OMB Circular A- 130). The Subrecipient's breach procedures must include a requirement to report actual or imminent breach of PH to an OVW Program Manager no later than 24 hours after an occurrence of an actual breach, or the detection of an imminent breach. 18. Unreasonable restrictions on competition under the award; association with federal government No Subrecipient may (in any procurement transaction) discriminate against any person or entity on the basis of such person or entity's status as an "associate of the federal government" (or on the basis of such person or entity's status as a parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of such an associate), except as expressly set out in 2 C.F.R. 200.319(a) or as specifically authorized by DOJ. The details of the Subrecipient's obligations under this condition are posted on the OVW website at htfps://www.jusiice.gov/ovw/award-conditions {Award Condition: Unreasonable restrictions on competition under the award; association with federal government), and are incorporated by reference here. 19. Determinations of suitability to interact with participating minors This condition applies to this award if it is indicated in the application for the award (as approved by DOJ), the DOJ funding announcement (solicitation), or an associated federal statute - that a purpose of some or all of the activities to be carried out under the award (whether by the Subrecipient) is to benefit a set of individuals under 18 years of age. COAOC -STOP -Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 239 Page 10 of 15 The Subrecipient must make determinations of suitability before certain individuals may interact with participating minors. This requirement applies regardless of an individual's employment status. The details of this requirement are posted on the OVW web site at https://www,justice.gov/ovw/award-conditions (Award condition: Determination of suitability required, in advance, for certain individuals who may interact with participating minors), and are incorporated by reference here. 20. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Part 42 The Subrecipient must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 42, specifically including any applicable requirements in Subpart E of 28 C.F.R. Part 42 that relate to an equal employment opportunity program. 21 . Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Part 38 The Subrecipient must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 38, specifically including any applicable requirements regarding written notice to program beneficiaries and prospective program beneficiaries. Among other things, 28 C.F.R. Part 38 includes rules that prohibit specific forms of discrimination on the basis of religion, a religious belief, a refusal to hold a religious belief, or refusal to attend or participate in a religious practice. Part 38 also sets out rules and requirements that pertain to Subrecipient organizations that engage in or conduct explicitly religious activities, as well as rules and requirements that pertain to Subrecipients and Subrecipients that are faith-based or religious organizations. 22. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Part 54 The Subrecipient must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 54, which relates to nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in certain "education programs." 23. Restrictions on 'lobbying" and policy development In general, as a matter of federal law, federal funds may not be used by the Subrecipient, either directly or indirectly, in support of the enactment, repeal, modification or adoption of any law, regulation or policy, at any level of government, in order to avoid violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1913. The Subrecipient may, however, use federal funds to collaborate with and provide information to federal, state, local, tribal and territorial public officials and agencies to develop and implement policies and develop and promote state, local, or COAOC -STOP -Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 240 Page 11 of 15 tribal legislation or model codes designed to reduce or eliminate domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking (as those terms are defined in 34 U.S.C. § 12291 (a)) when such collaboration and provision of information is consistent with the activities otherwise authorized under this grant program. Another federal law generally prohibits federal funds awarded by OVW from being used by the Subrecipient to pay any person to influence (or attempt to influence) a federal agency, a Member of Congress, or Congress (or an official or employee of any of them) with respect to the awarding of a federal grant or cooperative agreement, Second-Tier Subaward, contract, subcontract, or loan, or with respect to actions such as renewing, extending, or modifying any such award. See 31 U.S.C. § 1352. Certain exceptions to this law apply, including an exception that applies to Indian tribes and tribal organizations. Should any question arise as to whether a particular use of federal funds by a Subrecipient would or might fall within the scope of these prohibitions, the Subrecipient is to contact OVW for guidance, and may not proceed without the express prior written approval of OVW. 24. Compliance with 41 U.S.C. 4712 (including prohibitions on reprisal; notice to employees) The Subrecipient must comply with, and is subject to, all applicable provisions of 41 U.S.C. 4712, including all applicable provisions that prohibit, under specified circumstances, discrimination against an employee as reprisal for the employee's disclosure of information related to gross mismanagement of a federal grant, a gross waste of federal funds, an abuse of authority relating to a federal grant, a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a federal grant. The Subrecipient also must inform its employees, in writing (and in the predominant native language of the workforce), of employee rights and remedies under 41 U.S.C. 4712. Should a question arise as to the applicability of the provisions of 41 U.S.C. 4712 to this award, the Subrecipient is to contact the DOJ awarding agency (OJP or OVW, as appropriate) for guidance. 25. VAWA 2013 nondiscrimination condition The Subrecipient acknowledges that 34 U.S.C. § 12291 (b)(13) prohibits recipients of OVW awards from excluding, denying benefits to, or discriminating against any person on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or COAOC -STOP -Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 241 Page 12 of 15 disability in any program or activity funded in whole or in part by OVW. Subrecipients may provide sex-segregated or sex-specific programming if doing so is necessary to the essential operations of the program, so long as the Subrecipient provides comparable services to those who cannot be provided with the sex-segregated or sex-specific programming. The Subrecipient agrees that if will comply with this provision. 26. Non-supplantation The Subrecipient agrees that Grant Subaward funds will be used to supplement, not supplant, non-federal funds that would otherwise be available for the activities under this grant. 27. Confidentiality and information sharing The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the provisions of 34 U.S.C. § 12291 (b)(21, nondisclosure of confidential or private information, which includes creating and maintaining documentation of compliance, such as policies and procedures for release of victim information. The Subrecipient also agrees to comply with the regulations implementing this provision at 28 CFR 90.4(b) and "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the VAWA Confidentiality Provision (34 U.S.C. §12291 (b)(2))" on the OVW website at https://www.justice.gov/ovw/resources-and-faqs-grantees. 28, Requirements for Subrecipienfs providing legal assistance The Subrecipient agrees that the legal assistance eligibility requirements, as set forth below, are a continuing obligation on the part of the Subrecipient. The legal assistance eligibility requirements are: (1) any person providing legal assistance through a program funded under this grant program (A) has demonstrated expertise in providing legal assistance to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking in the targeted population; or (B) (i) is partnered with an entity or person that has demonstrated expertise described in subparagraph (A); and (ii) has completed or will complete training in connection with domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault and related legal issues, including training on evidence-based risk factors for domestic and dating violence homicide; (2) any training program conducted in satisfaction of the requirement of paragraph (1) has been or will be developed with input from and in collaboration with a state, local, territorial, or tribal domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking victim service provider or coalition, as well as appropriate state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement officials; (3) any person or organization providing legal assistance through this grant program has informed and will continue to inform state, local, territorial, or tribal domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault programs and coalitions, as well as appropriate state and local law COAOC -STOP -Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 242 Page 13 of 15 enforcement officials of their work; and (4) the Subrecipient's organizational policies do not require mediation or counseling involving offenders and victims physically together, in cases where sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or child sexual abuse is an issue. The Subrecipient also agrees to ensure that any Second-Tier Subrecipient or contractor will comply with this condition. The Subrecipient agrees that it will comply with this provision. 29. Hiring Documents The Subrecipient must keep, maintain, and preserve all documentation (such as Form 1-9s or equivalents) regarding the eligibility of employees hired using the funds. 30. Policy for response to workplace-related incidents of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, and dating violence The Subrecipient, must have a policy, or issue a policy within 270 days of the award date, to address workplace-related incidents of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, and dating violence involving an employee, volunteer, consultant, or contractor. The details of this requirement are posted on the OVW web site at hitps://www.justice.goy/ovw/award-conditions (Award Condition: Policy for response to workplace-related sexual misconduct, domestic violence, and dating violence), and are incorporated by reference here. 31. Requirements related to System for Award Management and unique entity identifiers The Subrecipient must comply with applicable requirements regarding the System for Award Management (SAM), currently accessible at https://www.som.gov. This includes applicable requirements regarding registration with SAM, as well as maintaining current information in SAM. The Subrecipieni also must comply with applicable restrictions on Second-Tier Subawards, including restrictions on subawards to entities that do not acquire and provide (to the recipient} the unique entity identifier required for SAM registration. The details of the recipient's obligations related to SAM and to unique entity identifiers are posted on the OVW website at https://www.justice.gov/ovw/award-conditions (Award Condition: Requirements related to System for Award Management (SAM) and unique entity identifiers), and are incorporated by reference here. 32. Performance progress reports and final report submission COAOC —STOP—Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 243 Page 14 of 15 The Subrecipient agrees to submit an annual report. Subrecipients must use the designated forms and/or systems made available by OVW for performance reporting, which identify the information that Subrecipients must collect and report as a condition of receiving funding. COAOC—STOP —Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021) 244 Page 15 of 15 All appropriate documentation must be maintained on file by the Subreciplent and available for Cal OES or public scrutiny upon request. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under the grant or termination of the grant or both and the Subrecipient may be ineligible for Subaward of any future grants if the Cal OES determines that any of the following has occurred: (1) the Subrecipient has made false certification, or (2) violates the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. CERTIFICATION I, the official named below, am the same individual authorized to sign the Grant Subaward [Section 15 on Grant Subaward Face Sheet), and hereby swear that I am duly authorized legally to bind the contractor or grant Subrecipient to the above described certification. I am fully aware that this certification, executed on the date and in the county below, ism de under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California. Official Designee's Signature: L Official Designee's Typed Name: Julian Harvey Official Designee's Title: Interim Chief of Police Date Executed: /0-(o-6f Federal Employer ID #: 95-6000723 Federal DUNS #: 078143948 Current System for Award Management (SAM) Expiration Date: 7/12/22 Executed in the City/County of: Orange AUTHORIZED BY: ❑ City Financial Officer ❑ County Financial Officer 0 City Manager ❑ County Manager ❑ Govefryin9 Boayd chair Signature: (�J� ( (C�t—, Typed Name: Oliver Chi Title: City Manager COAOC - STOP -Cal OES 2-104g (Revised 7/2021[ 245 Cal OES O OVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMEROENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Budget Pages Multiple Fund Sources Subreci lent: City of Huntington Beach Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 A. Personnel Costs - Line-item 2021 STOP 2021 STOP Total Amount Allocated description and calculation MATCH SALARIES: Full time Investigator 1 FTE @ 100% Full time Investigator will be assigned to domestic violence and restraining order violation cases. Main responsibilites will include reviewing cases, conducting follow up investigations, identifying suspects and submitting cases to the district attorney's office. Annual Regular Wages $51.46x40x52 = $107,037 Speciality pays: Longevity 10%x$107,037 = $10,704 Holiday 6%x$107,037 = $6,422 Advanced Post Cert 6%x$107,037 = $6,422 Education-BA 6%x$107,037 = $6,422 Total Annual pay (before benefits) $137,007 Only using $67,714 as match $67,714 $67,714 Two (2) Part-time Investigators 1,290 hours a year to work dornesfic violence and restraining order violation cases. Main responsibilities will include reviewing cases, conducting follow up investigations, identifying and arresting suspects, and submitting cases to the district attorney's office. Hourly rate: $47.61 Number of hours: 1290 Benefits: 1.45% FICA = $891 Workers Compensation .2% = $123 Total Cost: $62,431 .$62,4311 $62,431 Personnel Costs Fund Source Totals $62,431 $67,714 $130,145 PERSONNEL COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL ✓ V 1 $130,145 ✓ ii Grant Subaward Budget Pages Multiple Fund Sources - Cal OES 2-106a (Revised 10/2020) 246 Cal OES GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Budget Pages Multiple Fund Sources Subreci lent: City of Huntington Beach Grant_Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 B. Operating Costs - Line-item 2021 STOP 2021 STOP Total Amount Allocated description and calculation MATCH Contract for services with Waymakers Victim Assistance Program $116,032 $1 16,032 Will provide one full-time, specifically trained, state certified Victim Advocate, Domestic Violence Counselor, Rape Crisis Counselor working 100% in the Project providing services to victims of domestic violence and restraining order violations, providing outreach/resource materials to first responders and victims, assisting with protocols for responding to victims, assisting with training for first responders and other department personnel, assisting with Cal OES RFA's and RFP's, progress reports, statistical documentation, and site visits. Contract for services with Interval House Crisis Shelter $24,680 $24,680 Will provide one FTE state certified Domestic Violence Counselor to provide shelter based services to victims of domestic violence. Operating Costs Fund Source Totals $140,712 $140,712 OPERATING COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL ✓ $140,712 ✓ ii Grant Subaward Budget Pages Multiple Fund Sources - Cal OES 2-106o (Revised 10/2020) 247 J Cal OES GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMEROENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Budget Pages Multiple Fund Sources Subrecipient: City,of Huntington Beach Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 686 C. Equipment Costs- Line-item description 2021 STOP 2021 STOP Total Amount Allocated . and calculation MATCH Equipment Costs Fund Source Totals. EQUIPMENT COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL Total Grant Subaward Totals -Totals must 2021 STOP 2021 STOP project match the Grant Subaward Face Sheet MATCH Cost Fund SoutceTotals $203,143 $67,714 $276,657 ✓ ii Grant Subaward Budget Pages Multiple Fund Sources - Cal OES 2-106a (Revised 10/2020) 248 VSPS Budget Summary Report LE21 Law Enforcement Specialized Units Program Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Huntington Beach, City of Performance Period: 01/01/22 - 12/31/22 Law ENforcement Specialized Units Program Latest Request: , Not Final 201 A. Personal Services - Salaries/Employee Benefits F/S/L Funding Source Budget Amount Paid/Expended Balance Pending Pending Balance F 21STOP 62,431 0 62,431 0 62,431 L 21STOP 67,714 0 67,714 0 67,714 (Total A. Personal Services - Salaries/Employee Benefits: 130,145 �j 130,145 0 130,145 B. Operating Expenses F/S!L Funding Source Budget Amount Paid/Expended Balance Pending Pending Balance F 21STOP 140,712 0 140,712 0 140,712 L 21STOP 0 0 0 0 0 Total B. Operating Expenses: 740,712 0 140,712 0 140,712 . f C. Equipment L - - - — F/S/L Funding Source Budget Amount Paid/Expended Balance Pending Pending Balance F 21STOP 0 0 0 0 0 L 21STOP 0 0 0 0 0 Total C. Equipment: 0 0I 0 6 fi0 I Budget Amount Paid/Expended Balance Pending Pending Balance Total Local Match: 67,714 0 67,714 0 67,714 Total Funded: 203,143 0 203,143 0 203,143 Total Project Cost: 270,857 0 270,857 0 270,857 F/S/L (Funding Types): F=Federal, S=State, L=Local Match Paid/Expended=posted in ledger w/Claim Schedule, Pending=Processed, but not yet in Claim Schedule 01/12/22249 POW Cal OES GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Budget Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach How the project's proposed budget supports the objectives and activities: The proposed budget supports the objectives and activities by providing funds that directly support a certified Victim Advocate from Waymakers, a FTE Domestic Violence Counselor from Interval House, and three investigators, all who intend to work together to support victim-centered law enforcement strategies. The Waymakers Victim Advocate and investigators will be assigned to domestic violence and restraining order violation cases; they will focus on thorough investigation techniques, training for law enforcement personnel, victim advocacy support, and the enhancement of protocols for protective order violations. The Interval House Domestic Violence Counselor position will assist victims by providing crisis intervention via a 24/7 hotline, emotional support, social service assistance and priority shelter. How funds are allocated to minimize administrative costs and support direct services: Funds in this proposal for the three investigators are entirely allocated to direct services. Funds designated for Waymakers include a full-time certified Victim Advocate/Domestic Violence Counselor/Rape Crisis Counselor providing direct support services to victims and per the RFA, a 10% de Minimus rate of the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) base. Funds designated for Interval House are for one FTE Domestic Violence Counselor. Grant Subaward Budget Narrative - Cal OES 2-107 (Revised 4/2021) 2PO Cal OES GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Budget Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach Duties and time commitments that support the proposed objectives and activities: The entities are currently collaborating and in a position to immediately provide services should the Project be selected for funding. The three investigators will handle domestic violence and restraining order violation cases. Their responsibilities will include: reviewing in-custody, non-custody and preliminary investigation reports within 48 hours of the arrest or report, writing supplemental reports on cases requiring further investigation; gathering evidence including additional victim statements, witness statements, the identities of children in the home, reviewing previous incidents and criminal history, researching restraining orders in Orange County's WebDV and CLETS; completing case follow-up and discovery requests from the District Attorney's Office; providing consultation, guidance, and resources for patrol and HBPD personnel on effective domestic violence intervention and response techniques; serving as a point of contact with the victim service providers for mechanisms of interagency accountability; and working in close collaboration with the victim service partners. The proposed Project will contract with Waymakers for a Victim Advocate to work a 4/10 schedule, Monday-Thursday and be on-call 24/7 to respond to emergency requests by patrol and investigators. The services provided by the Waymakers Victim Advocate at HBPD will include: crisis Grant Subaward Budget Narrative — Cal OES 2-107 (Revised 4/2021 ) 221 Cal oEs GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF ENER GENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Budget Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach intervention (in-person and crisis calls), emergency assistance to meet basic needs, criminal justice system advocacy, accompaniment to law enforcement interviews and court, resource and referral advocacy, civil legal advocacy/restraining order assistance, and assistance with Cal VCB claims. The Project will contract with Interval House for a FTE Domestic Violence Counselor, who will offer priority shelter, including but not limited to a hotel when the shelters are full, provide crisis intervention through a 24/7 hotline, offer emotional support and social services assistance. This Project's proposed victim advocacy staff will provide: immediate in-person response to requests for advocacy by patrol and investigators on a 24-hour basis; consultation, resource materials and outreach materials to HBPD for the purpose of assisting officers and other law enforcement employees; assists with the development and/or revision of officer and advocate protocols; assists with the training of officers on responding to victims; and serves as a point of contact with HBPD for developing and initiating mechanisms of interagency accountability. Discuss the necessity of any subcontracts and any unusual expenditures: There are no subcontracts or unusual expenditures and no anticipated mid-year salary range adjustments. Grant Subaward Budget Narrative - Cal OES 2-107 (Revised 4/2021 ) 232 Cal HOES GOVERNOWS OFFICE OF EMERGEY SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach Problem Statement History of Involvement and Collaboration: In 1996, HBPD and the Waymakers Victim Assistance Program began a partnership to house a Victim Advocate onsite to provide trauma informed support and resources to victims. In 2012, Interval House, the local Cal OES-funded Domestic Violence Assistance Program, joined the collaborative team. This enhanced interdisciplinary service model includes an experienced team of law enforcement and victim advocacy personnel collaborating to assist victims on their pathway to healing. The proposed Project utilizes a Waymakers Victim Advocate to provide 24 hour emergency response and criminal justice system support for victims, and an Interval House Domestic Violence Counselor to provide an emergency hotline and screening for shelter based services. The long established collaboration between the partners allow the agencies to focus on the goals of thorough investigations, training for law enforcement, and immediate victim advocacy. Need for Expansion of Collaborative Efforts with Domestic Violence Service Providers: A high volume of domestic violence and restraining order violation calls challenge the community, and there is a significant need for experienced investigators, low enforcement training, and efficient coordination of victim services. HBPD is in a position to enhance our efforts to support victims by Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021 ) 2153 Cal OES GO VERNOR'S OFFICE 11 OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach collaborating with two victim service partners to immediately build connections to unique services. The evidence-based practice of utilizing an onsite victim advocate at HBPD and linkage to the confidential Interval House shelter location will provide victims with support and community bases resources to help disrupt the cycle of violence. Need for a More Effectively Coordinated Response to Domestic Violence Victims: Due to the long history of HBPD's collaboration with the partnering service organizations, the proposed Project has an established coordinated response to victims. That being said, streamlining communication with shelter services has been identified as an area for Project improvement. If selected for funding, we would have the opportunity needed to strengthen communication and referral strategies to ensure that proper support is offered to all victims. We will approach our work with victims from a platform of safety and trust building. Improvement Needed Regarding Advocacy for Victims and Their Children: Victims are often hesitant to seek assistance based on legitimate fears for their safety. They have special needs for confidentiality, navigating justice effectively, and emergency resources. The proposed Project will enhance upon the grant required partnership with a Cal OES-funded DVAP by collaborating with an on- Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021 ) �24 Cal OES OGYERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach site, certified Victim Advocate from Waymakers to coordinate services for victims of domestic violence and restraining order violations. The Victim Advocate will offer comprehensive services including, but not limited to: crisis intervention, follow-up counseling, emergency assistance to meet basic needs, community resource referrals, assistance with Cal VCB claims, case status updates, Marsy's Law information, accompaniment to law enforcement interviews and court hearings, and safety planning. Interval House will be utilized to offer a 24/7 hotline, emergency shelter screening, and social services assistance. This collaborative team is designed to ensure victims are provided comprehensive services, intensive case management, and enhanced safety planning. Need for Expanded Protocols for Ensuring a Consistent and Appropriate Response by Officers to Violations of Protective Orders: A review of on-going case investigations has revealed a need to enhance the protocols for protective order enforcement to support victim safety and ensure offender accountability. The key strategies for our team of investigators will be to focus on proactive investigation of suspects with prior history of violence or court order violations. The on-site Victim Advocate will enhance the proposed Project's service model by reaching out to victims to provide case updates, orientation to the criminal justice system, Marsy's Law information and safety planning. Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021) 35 Cal OES GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach Need for Additional Domestic Violence-Specific Training for Officers and Other Relevant Department Personnel: Due to turnover and promotional movement within HBPD, we have a continual need for officer/first responder training in the areas of domestic violence and protective order enforcement. On-going training is one of the most essential elements in successful implementation of department policies, procedures, and the proposed Project's objectives and activities. HBPD follows the POST requirements for domestic violence update training. If selected for funding, HBPD would strengthen our collaborative efforts with victim advocacy partners to offer additional in-house training to patrol/first responders. The additional training opportunities will help provide a consistent, effective, and compassionate response to victims. Need for Mechanisms of Interagency Accountability: Experience has shown that interagency accountability between HBPD, Waymakers, and Interval House is vital to the continued success of the partnership. Interagency accountability will be established by the Operational Agreements between the agencies. Each partner agency shares responsibility in supporting survivors. We recognize that it is imperative to consistently evaluate service protocols to ensure that they continue to serve the changing needs of both victims and law enforcement. Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021 ) 246 Cal OES GOYERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach Plan and Implementation to Meet Core Program Components Victim Advocacy: The proposed Project will meet the core program components through a coordinated effort of thorough investigations, immediate victim advocacy, training for law enforcement, and the enhancement of protocols for protective order violations. HBPD will contract with Waymakers for victim advocacy services to victims of domestic violence and restraining order violations, and Interval House for a FTE Domestic Violence Counselor for shelter based services. The Victim Advocate has 28 years of experience, has completed the Entry and Advanced Level Victim Advocate training and NOVA Crisis Response training, and is certified as both a Rape Crisis Counselor and Domestic Violence Counselor per Evidence Code Sections 1035.2 and 1037.1 (a)(1 ). The Victim Advocate will be stationed at HBPD with the investigators and support victims during investigations and beyond. The Interval House Domestic Violence Counselor will be conveniently located nearby at a confidential shelter location and receive referrals from patrol officers. The Project's victim service partners are in a position to provide innovative, accessible, culturally relevant, and trauma informed services on a 24 hour emergency basis. The non-emergency protocol is to reach out to victims, by phone or in-person, within 48 hours of the referral. The services which will support Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021) 237 UCal OES OOF FILE OFF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach the proposed Project's goals and objectives include: crisis intervention and follow up counseling in person or over the phone; emergency assistance with basic needs; justice system advocacy; accompaniment to law enforcement interviews and court; community resource referrals; civil legal advocacy; restraining order assistance; and CalVCB claim assistance. The victim service providers will also provide consultation, resource and outreach materials to HBPD; assist with officer and advocate protocols for responding to victims; assist with the training of patrol officers on responding to victims of domestic violence and their children; and serve as a point of contact with HBPD for developing and initiating mechanisms of interagency accountability. Investigations Component: HBPD will commit one full time sworn and 2 part time civilian investigators who will investigate at least 175 cases of domestic violence and restraining order violations. Crime reports will be reviewed by investigators within 48 hours, and referred to the Victim Advocate. The investigators will: write supplemental reports on cases requiring further investigation; gather evidence including additional statements from victims/witnesses and the identities of children in the home: review previous incidents and criminal history; gather restraining order information from a local database (WebDV) and CLETS; complete discovery requests from the District Attorney's Office; provide training Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021 ) �68 Cal OES GOVERNOR'SOFFICE OFEMERGENCY OF EMERGENENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach and consultation resources for patrol officers on effective domestic violence and protective order violation intervention and response techniques; serve as a point of contact with victim service providers for mechanisms of interagency accountability; and work in collaboration with the victim advocacy partners. Training Component: The full-time investigator and victim service partners will provide one training event to HBPD personnel which will include: the dynamics of power and control; identifying the dominant aggressor; crime scene investigation; evidence collection, firearms, search and seizure laws, offender dynamics and manipulation tactics, victim and suspect interview techniques, documenting and photographing victim's injuries, medical release and confidentiality, recording victim interviews whenever possible, noting children as being present and/or witnesses and notifying Child Protective Services, effective report writing techniques and legal requirements, writing detail-specific and comprehensive crime reports that can effectively be used in prosecution, restraining order cases, and family law court, types of protective orders, officer safety, and protocol for connecting with victim assistance providers. Plan for Interagency Accountability: The Project will be leveraging the established protocol for interagency accountability between the partners including availability for regular meetings, preparation of monthly statistical Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021 ) �S9 �ppy Cal OES l O EMERGENCY GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach reports, and Operational Agreements. Lieutenant Johnson will be the Project Director who oversees the day-to-day operations. Protocols for Protective Order Violations: The proposed Project plans to enhance protocols for ensuring consistent response to violations of protective orders and safety planning for victims. The key strategies will be to focus on proactive investigation of suspects with prior history of violence or prior court order violations. The Waymakers Victim Advocate will enhance this service model by reaching out to victims to provide case updates and safety planning. It is expected that monitoring of restraining order violations, evidence of law enforcement pursuit, and empowering victim safety planning may increase arrests, and lower the incidents of repeat or escalating acts of violence. 5ustainability: HBPD has been the proud recipients of continuous VAWA STOP funding through the LE Specialized Units Program since 1998. A unique feature is the proposed Project's victim service providers are non-profit entities that will allow for the Project to apply for government, public, private, and foundation grants to help sustain the Project. Each partner has stable and secure histories of fund development and will continue to pursue fundraising strategies to ensure the Project's future. Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021 ) go I � Cal OES GOVERNOR'SOF FILE OFFEMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach Capabilities: The proposed Project will utilize experienced law enforcement investigators and victim advocacy partners in order to achieve the goals and objectives. Training for patrol officers/first responders in the areas of domestic violence and restraining order enforcement will be conducted through the department's experienced instructors, including the Project's full-time investigator and Waymakers Victim Advocate who have been conducting department-wide training in these areas for many years. We meet and exceed the required POST training standards by offering on-going training each year. If selected for funding, the Project will have three assigned investigators who will hold a minimum of an intermediate POST certificate and have extensive investigative experience. The full time investigator holds an advanced POST certificate and has received specialized training beyond the academy level related to the investigation of domestic violence crimes in accordance with Penal Code 1 351 6-1 351 9 et of. He has been assigned to investigate domestic violence and restraining order violation cases since 2016. The three investigators will be assigned crime reports that have been taken by patrol officers. They will then review arrest and preliminary investigation reports within 48 hours of arrest or report, complete follow-up investigations including Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021 ) S�, l Cal OES l OOV EMERGES OFFICE F O EMERGENCYSERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach interviewing victims, witnesses, and suspects, write supplemental reports, gather additional evidence, identify children in the house, review prior history of violence, and research restraining order information from CLETS and WebDV (Orange County Superior Court's online restraining order database). They will use investigative tools such as evidence collection, search warrants, interviewing techniques, and surveillance equipment. They will examine records, track suspect activities, participate in arrest warrant raids, arrest outstanding suspects, and file cases with the Orange County District Attorney's Office. The investigators and Waymakers Victim Advocate assigned to this proposed Project will be co-located in the HBPD Investigations Division. The team will be able to meet on a daily basis to communicate updates and problem-solve about specific cases. The Interval House Domestic Violence Counselor will be conveniently located nearby at the business office and confidential shelter so victims can meet them locally for shelter and support services. Reasonable workspace, interview rooms, and meeting rooms will be available to all partners. Trauma can have a widespread impact on all aspects of a victim's life. This Project's proposed enhanced service model includes an in-house experienced team of three investigators and a Victim Advocate who have decades of combined experience assisting victims and holding offenders accountable. We Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021 ) 102 Cat OES GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach also partner with the Cal OES required Domestic Violence Assistance Program to offer shelter based services to victims in the community. The victim service agencies collaborate to promote victim empowerment. We help victims to find their voice and encourage them to use their voice to exercise their Marsy's Law rights and develop a pathway to healing. Early intervention in the immediate aftermath of the crime leads to stabilization of the victim and frequently leads to greater cooperation on the part of the victim. Implementing the Project since 1998, HBPD is a pioneer for the Cal OES Law Enforcement Specialized Units Program. We have assembled a dedicated team to work in ways that are inclusive, accessible, survivor-defined and trauma informed. All partners share responsibility in supporting survivors to promote empowerment from the critical time after a crime occurs through the process of recovery. If selected for funding, the Project will enhance its capacity to provide effective, victim-centered law enforcement strategies to address violent crimes against women, leveraging the nearly 23 years of experience and relationship building in the Huntington Beach community. Grant Subaward Programmatic Narrative - Cal OES 2-108 (Revised 4/2021 ) 12P3 Cal OES GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Operational Agreement Summary Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach Participating Date Signed Time Frame of OA Agency/Organization/Individual 1 . Orange County Rape Crisis Center 10/15/2020 01/01/21 to 12/31/23 2. Orange County Victim/Witness Program 10/15/2020 01/01/21 to 12/31/23 3. Orange County District Attorney's Office 10/16/2020 01/01/21 to 12/31/23 4. Interval House 10/15/2020 01/01 /21 to 12/31/23 5• to 6• to 7. to 8• to 9. to 10. to 11 . to 12. to 13. to 14. to 15. to 16. to 17. to 18. to 19. to 0. to Operational Agreement Summary - Cal OES 2-160 (Revised 1 1/2020) 264 r r • r r � • r r � r r • �- =; Chief of Police Julian Harvey Administrative Assistant In . Ono Deputy Director Behavioral Health Jason AUStin Patrol Division Special Operations Investigations Administrative Support Services C.ipt. Reilly Division Division Division Division Capt.Haught Copt.Winks Capt. Martin Kristin Miller Pal Detec4 Prolaonal Commu r 411!Otrti reau Standards Bureau Bureau I t. Mendez Lt. Nesmith Lt. Johnson Lt. Svendsbo Julie Reyn Day Watch Community Special Inv. Personnel/ or Outreach Bureau Bureau Backgrounds RecordsBu Lt Smith Lt. Garcia Youth Development Special i '.n1r1. \ 1-w1 on r. Human Reso ommander Bureauu VeronicaNavarrCommunit ki 3 C/D Lieutenants y Relations B City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach Police Department 2 Cal OES Law Enforcement Specialized Units (LE) Program Table of Organization 2022 M LM UPCRI Cal OES OOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMEROENCY SERVICES Non-Competitive Procurement Request Grant Subaward #: �UU V5 ApC Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach Total Procurement Amount: $24,680.00 Procurement: inlervol House Domestic Violence Counselor Required narrative justification is attached and meets the requirements of SRH Section 6.045: YES ❑■ NO I certify a non-competitive procurement is necessary for the contract/procurement identified on this form. Kevin Johnson /C 4~ Grant Subaward Director Name Grant Su ward Director Signature Date ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cal DES Approval Narrative response meets the requirements per Subrecipient Handbook Section 6.045. Yes N/A • Description of the product of service being procured • Description of why it is necessary to procure the good or service in a non-competitive manner • Addresses all elements for one or more of the following ➢ The good or services is available only from one source ➢ Public exigency or emergency for the required equipment will not permit a delay ➢ Competition is determined inadequate after solicitation ❑ D UjIl 01/05/22 Approved Denied Program Specialist Signature Date F Approved ® Denied W, smtoL 1/6/22 Unit Chief Signature Date Non-Competitive Procurement Request- Cal DES 2-156 (Revised 11/2020) 267 Law Enforcement Specialized Units (LE) Program City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach Police Department Non-Competitive Procurement narrative justification for Interval House The Interval House Domestic Violence Counselor will be utilized to provide a 24/7 hotline, emergency shelter screening, and social services assistance. HBPD patrol officers contact Interval House with referrals on domestic violence cases so that an immediate connection is offered to shelter based services. Interval House offers priority shelter for domestic violence victims and their children on a 24 hour basis including, but not limited to a hotel in Huntington Beach when the shelter is full. Interval House provides crisis counseling via the 24 hour hotline, and social services assistance. It is necessary to procure their service in a non- competitive manner because Interval House is the local Cal-OES funded Domestic Violence Assistance Program that is geographically in this area. Having the Interval House Domestic Violence counselor conveniently located nearby at the business office and confidential shelter allows victims to meet them locally at a safe location for shelter and support services. Interval House has been working in collaboration with HBPD and Waymakers since 2012. If selected for funding, the long established collaboration between the partners allow the agencies to continue our work, leveraging the years of experience and relationship building in the Huntington Beach community. The decision was made based on the grant requirement of contracting with a local Cal-OES funded Domestic Violence Assistance Program and Interval House is the program that is geographically in this area. 268 CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES SUBRECIPIENT GRANTS MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Subrecipient cltyof Huntington Beach Duns#078143948 FIPS# OP059-36000 Disaster/Program Title: Law Enforcement Specialized Units Program Performance Period: 01/01/22 to 12/31/22 Subaward Amount Requested: $270,857 Type of Non-Federal Entity (Check Box): ❑ State Gov. O Local Gov. ❑ JPA ❑ Non-Profit ❑Tribe Per Title 2 CFR § 200.331, Cal OES is required to evaluate the risk of noncompliance with federal statutes, regulations and grant terms and conditions posed by each subrecipient of pass- through funding. This assessment is made in order to determine and provide an appropriate level of technical assistance, training, and grant oversight to subrecipients for the award referenced above. The following are questions related to your organization's experience in the management of federal grant awards. This questionnaire must be completed and returned with your grant application materials. For purposes of completing this questionnaire, grant manager is the individual who has primary responsibility for day-to-day administration of the grant, bookkeeper/accounting staff means the individual who has responsibility for reviewing and determining expenditures to be charged to the grant award, and organization refers to the subrecipient applying for the award, and/or the governmental implementing agency, as applicable. Assessment Factors Response 1. How many years of experience does your current grant manager have >5 years mana ing rants? 2. How many years of experience does your current bookkeeper/accounting >5 years staff have managing grants? 3. How many grants does your organization currently receive? >to grants 4. What is the approximate total dollar amount of all grants your organization $s,000,000 receives? 5. Are individual staff members assigned to work on multiple grants? Yes 6. Do you use timesheets to track the time staff spend working on specific activities/ roects? Yes 7. How often does your organization have a financial audit? Annually 8. Has your organization received any audit findings in the last three years? Yes 9. Do you have a written plan to charge costs to grants? Yes 10.Do you have written procurement policies? Yes 11 .Do you get multiple quotes or bids when buying items or services? Sometimes 12.How many years do you maintain receipts, deposits, cancelled checks, >5 years invoices, etc.? 13.Do you have procedures to monitor grant funds passed through to other entities? Yes Certification: This is to certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the data furnished above is accurjDfe, cQrhplete and current. Signature: (A `horiz A ent) Date: Z/ a 6- Irint Name nd Title: Julian HVvey Phone Number: 714-536-5902 Cal OES Staff Only: SUBA WARD # 1-1'21 05 6860 EW Subrecipient Grants Management Assessment iRev.07/20191 269 Owl Cal OES GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Grant Subaward Service Area Information Grant Subaward #: LE21 05 6860 Subrecipient: City of Huntington Beach l . County or Counties Served: Orange County where principal office is located: Orange 2. U.S. Congressional District(s) Served: 48 U.S. Congressional District where principal office is located: 48 3. State Assembly District(s) Served: 72, 74 State Assembly District where principal office is located: 74 4. State Senate District(s) Served: 34, 37 State Senate District where principal office is located: 37 5. Population of Service Area: 199,223 US Census population estimate as of 7/1/19 Grant Subaward Service Area Information — Cal OES 2-154 (Revised 11/2020) 270 PILOFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND WAYMAKERS FOR VICTIM AND WITNESS ASSISTANCE SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the City of Huntington Beach, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and Waymakers, a non-profit California Corporation hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT." WHEREAS, CITY desires to engage the services of a consultant to provide victim and witness assistance services; and Pursuant to documentation on file in the office of the City Clerk, the provisions of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, Chapter 3.03, relating to procurement of professional service contracts have been complied with; and CONSULTANT has been selected to perform these services, NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by CITY and CONSUL TAN-T as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES CONSULTANT shall provide all services as described in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. These services shall sometimes hereinafter be referred to as the "PROJECT." CONSULTANT hereby designates Ronnetta Johnson who shall represent it and be its sole contact and agent in all consultations with CITY during the performance of this Agreement. 2. CITY STAFF ASSISTANCE CITY shall assign a staff coordinator to work directly with CONSULTANT in the performance of this Agreement. 20-9070240234agred surfiteUprofessional secs mn5vr I of 11 5/19.204082 271 3. TERM:TIME OF PERFORIIIANCE Time Is of the essence of this Agreement. The services of CONSULTANT are to commence on January 1 , 2021 `(the "Commencement Date"). This Agreement $fJPjrare4 AyGy2f emrw-!!t1'Yl r/M/Zo=! shall automata y terminate three (3) years from the Commencement Date, unless extended or sooner terminated as provided herein. All tasks specified in Exhlbit "A" shall be completed no later than three (3) years from the Commencement Date. The time for performance of the tasks Identified in Exhibit "A" an generally to be shown in Exhibit "A." This schedule may be amended to benefit the PROJECT if mutually agreed to in writing by CITY mid CONSULTANT. In the event the Commencement Date precedes the Effective Date, CONSULTANT shall be bound by all terms and conditions as provided herein. 4. COMPENSATION In oonsidemdon of the performance of the services described herein, CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT on a time and materials basis at the rates specified in Exhibit "B," which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference into this Agreement, a fee, including all costs and expenses,not to exceed One Hundred Nine Tbousand Seven Hundred Ninety Dollars($109,790). 5. FMRA WORIC in the event CITY requires additional services not included in Exhibit "A11 or changes in the scope of services described in Exhibit "A," CONSULTANT will undertake such work only after receiving written authorization from CITY. Additional compensation for such extra work shall bo allowed only if the prior written approval of CITY is obtained. 6. METHOD OF PAYMENT CONSULTANT shall be paid pursuant to the terms of Exhibit"B." 20407N9 M4vva SwBW*mttalmd a MOW 2 of I I 5/19.2040B2 272 7. DISPOSITION OF PLANS, ESTIMATES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS CONSULTANT agrees that title to all materials prepared hereunder, including, without limitation, all original drawings, designs, reports, both field and office notices, calculations, computer code, language, data or programs, maps, memoranda, letters and other documents, shall belong to CITY, and CONSULTANT shall turn these materials over to CITY upon expiration or termination of this Agreement or upon PROJECT completion, whichever shall occur first. "These materials may be used by CITY as it sees fit. 8. HOLD HARMLESS A. CONSULTANT hereby agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, elected or appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, expenses, judgments, demands and defense costs (including, without limitation, costs and fees of litigation of every nature or liability of any kind or nature) arising out of or in connection with CONSULTANT's (or CONSULTANT's subcontractors, if any) negligent (or alleged negligent) performance of this Agreement or its failure to comply with any of its obligations contained in this Agreement by CONSULTANT, its officers, agents or employees except such loss or damage which was caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of CITY. CONSULTANT will conduct all defense at its sole cost and expense and CITY shall approve selection of CONSULTANT's counsel, This indemnity shall apply to all claims and liability regardless of whether any insurance policies are applicable. The policy limits do not act as limitation upon the amount of indemnification to be provided by CONSULTANT. 13. To the extent that CONSULTANT performs "Design Professional Services" within the meaning of Civil Code Section 2782.8, then the following Hold Harmless provision applies in place of subsection A above: 20-907OP40234agree/sur(na/professional secs mayor 3 of 11 5/19-204082 273 "CONSULTANT hereby agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY and its officers, elected or appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, expenses, demands and defense costs (including, without limitation, costs and fees of litigation of every nature or liability of any kind or nature) to the extent that the claims against CONSULTANT arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of CONSULTANT. In no even( shall the cost to defend charged to CONSULTANT exceed CONSULTANf's proportionate percentage of fault. However, notwithstanding the previous sentence, in the event one or more other defendants to the claims and/or litigation is unable to pay its share of defense costs due to bankruptcy or dissolution of the business, CONSULTANT shall meet and confer with CITY and other defendants regarding unpaid defense costs. The duty to indemnify, including the duty and the cost to defend, is limited as provided in California Civil Code Section 2782.8. C. Regardless of whether subparagraph A or B applies, CITY shall be reimbursed by CONSULTANT for all costs and attorney's fees incurred by CITY in enforcing this obligation. This indemnity shall apply to all claims and liability regardless of whether any insurance policies are applicable. The policy limits do not act as a limitation upon the amount of indemnification to be provided by CONSULTANT. 9. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CONSULTANT shall obtain and furnish to CITY a professional liability insurance policy covering the work performed by it hereunder. This policy shall provide coverage for CONSULTANT's professional liability in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and in the aggregate. The above-mentioned insurance shall not contain a self-insured retention without the express written consent of CITY; however an insurance 20.9070240234agree/surrncVpro&ssional secs mayor 4 of 11 5/19-204082 274 policy "deductible" of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) or less is permitted. A claims-made policy shall be acceptable if the policy further provides that: A. The policy retroactive date coincides with or precedes the initiation of the scope of work (including subsequent policies purchased as renewals or replacements). B. CONSULTANT shall notify CITY of circumstances or incidents that might give rise to future claims. CONSULTANT will make every effort to maintain similar insurance during the required extended period of coverage following PROJECT completion. If insurance is terminated for any reason, CONSULTANT agrees to purchase an extended reporting provision of at least two (2) years to report claims arising from work performed in connection with this Agreement. If CONSULTANT fails or refuses to produce or maintain the insurance required by this section or fails or refuses to furnish the CITY with required proof that insurance has been procured and is in force and paid for, the CITY shall have the right, at the CITY's election, to forthwith terminate this Agreement. Such termination shall not effect Consultant's right to be paid for its time and materials expended prior to notification of termination. CONSULTANT waives the right to receive compensation and agrees to indemnify the CITY for any work performed prior to approval of insurance by the CITY. 10. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Prior to commencing performance of the work hereunder, CONSULTANT shall furnish to CITY a certificate of insurance subject to approval of the City Attorney evidencing the foregoing insurance coverage as required by this Agreement; the certificate shall: A. provide the name and policy number of each carrier and policy; B. state that the policy is currently in force; and 20-9070240234agred surfncUprofessional sves mayor 5 of 11 5119-204082 275 C. shall promise that such policy shall not be suspended, voided or canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice; however, ten (10) days' prior written notice in the event of cancellation for nonpayment of premium. CONSULTANT shall maintain the foregoing insurance coverage in force until the work under this Agreement is fully completed and accepted by CITY. The requirement for carrying the foregoing insurance coverage shall not derogate from CONSULTANT's defense, hold harmless and indemnification obligations as set forth in this Agreement. CITY or its representative shall at all times have the right to demand the original or a copy of the policy of insurance. CONSULTANT shall pay, in a prompt and timely manner, the premiums on the insurance hercinabove required. It. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR CONSULTANT is, and shall be, acting at all times in the performance of this Agreement as an independent contractor herein and not as an employee of CITY. CONSULTANT shall secure at its own cost and expense, and be responsible for any and all payment of all taxes, social security, state disability insurance compensation, unemployment compensation and other payroll deductions for CONSULTANT and its officers, agents and employees and all business licenses, if any, in connection with the PROJECT and/or the services to be performed hereunder. 12. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT All work required hereunder shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner. CITY may terminate CONSULTANT's services hereunder at any time with or without cause, and whether or not the PROJECT is fully complete. Any termination of this Agreement by CITY shall be made in writing, notice of which shall be delivered to CONSULTANT as provided herein. In the 20-9070240234agreelsurfnedprofcssional Svcs mayor Got I1 5/19-204082 276 event of termination, all finished and unfinished documents, exhibits, report, and evidence shall, at the option of CITY, become its property and shall be promptly delivered to it by CONSULTANT. 13. ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION This Agreement is a personal service contract and the work hereunder shall not be assigned, delegated or subcontracted by CONSULTANT to any other person or entity without the prior express written consent of CITY. If an assignment, delegation or subcontract is approved, all approved assignees, delegates and subconsultants must satisfy the insurance requirements as set forth in Sections 9 and 10 hereinabove. 14. COPYRIGHTS/PATENTS CITY shall own all rights to any patent or copyright on any work, item or material produced as a result of this Agreement. 15. CITY EMPLOYEES AND OFFICIALS CONSULTANT shall employ no CITY official nor any regular CITY employee in the work performed pursuant to this Agreement. No officer or employee of CITY shall have any financial interest in this Agreement in violation of the applicable provisions of the California Government Code. 16. NOTICES Any notices, certificates, or other communications hereunder shall be given either by personal delivery to CONSUL IANT's agent (as designated in Section 1 hereinabove) or to CITY as the situation shall warrant, or by enclosing the same in a scaled envelope, postage prepaid, and depositing the same in the United States Postal Service, to the addresses specified below. CITY and CONSULTANT may designate different addresses to which subsequent notices, certificates or other communications will be sent by notifying the other party via personal delivery, a reputable overnight carrier or U. S. certified mail-return receipt requested: 20-9070240234agree/surfnel/professional svoa mayor 7 of 11 5119-204082 277 TO CITY: TO CONSULTANT: City of Huntington Beach Waymakers ATTN: Lt. Chris Nesmith A7"1'N: Ronnetta Johnson 2000 Main Street 1221 L. Dyer Road, Suite 120 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Santa Ana, CA 92705 17. CONSENT When CITY's consent/approval is required under this Agreement, its consent/approval for one transaction or event shall not be deemed to be a consent/approval to any subsequent occurrence of the same or any other transaction or event. 18. MODIFICATION No waiver or modification of any language in this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and duly executed by both parties. 19. SECTION HEADINGS The titles, captions, section, paragraph and subject headings, and descriptive phrases at the beginning of the various sections in this Agreement are merely descriptive and are included solely for convenience of reference only and are not representative of matters included or excluded from such provisions, and do not interpret, define, limit or describe, or construe the intent of the parties or affect the construction or interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. 20. IN1'LiuRETATION OF THIS AGREEMENT The language of all parts of this Agreement shall in all cases be construed as a whole, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any of the parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held by an arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, void, illegal or invalid, such holding shall not invalidate or affect the remaining covenants and provisions of this Agreement. No covenant or provision shall be deemed dependent upon any other unless so expressly provided here. As used in this Agreement, the masculine or 20-9070240234 agree/surfnet/profmional sues mayor 8 of 11 5/19-204082 278 neuter gender and singular or plural number shall be deemed to include the other whenever the context so indicates or requires. Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to require the commission of any act contrary to law, and wherever there is any conflict between any provision contained herein and any present or future statute, law, ordinance or regulation contrary to which the parties have no right to contract, then the latter shall prevail, and the provision of this Agreement which is hereby affected shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent necessary to bring it within the requirements of the law. 21. DUPLICATE ORIGINAL The original of this Agreement and one or more copies hereto have been prepared and signed in counterparts as duplicate originals, each of which so executed shall, irrespective of the date of its execution and delivery, be deemed an original. Each duplicate original shall be deemed an original instrument as against any party who has signed it. 22. IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT shall be responsible for full compliance with the immigration and naturalization laws of the United States and shall, in particular, comply with the provisions of the United States Code regarding employment verification. 23. LEGAL SERVICES SUBCONTRACTING PROHIBITED CONSULTANT and CITY agree that CITY is not liable for payment of any Subcontractor work involving legal services, and that such legal services are expressly outside the scope of services contemplated hereunder. CONSULTANT understands that pursuant to Huntington Beach City Charter Section 309, the City Attorney is the exclusive legal counsel for CITY; and CITY shall not be liable for payment of any legal services expenses incurred by CONSULTANT. 20-9070240234apreel surOxVprofessioul sves mayor 9 of 11 5/19-204082 279 24. AT`FORNEY'S FEES In the event suit is brought by either party to construe, interpret and/or enforce the terms and/or provisions of this Agreement or to secure the performance hereof, each party shall bear its own attorney's fees, such that the prevailing party shall not be entitled to recover its attorney's fees from the nonprevailing pally. 25. SURVIVAL Terms and conditions of this Agreement, which by their sense and context survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement, shall so survive. 26. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 27. SIGNATORIES Each undersigned represents and warrants that its signature hereinbelow has the power, authority and right to bind their respective parties to each of the terms of this Agreement, and shall indemnify CITY fully for any injuries or damages to CITY in the event that such authority or power is not, in fact, held by the signatory or is withdrawn. 28. ENTIRETY The parties acknowledge and agree that they are entering into this Agreement freely and voluntarily following extensive arm's length negotiation, and that each has had the opportunity to consult with legal counsel prior to executing this Agreement. The parties also acknowledge and agree that no representations, inducements, promises, agreements or warranties, oral or otherwise, have been made by that pally or anyone acting on that party's behalf, which are not embodied in this Agreement, and that that party has not executed this Agreement in reliance on any representation, inducement, promise, agreement, warranty, fact or circumstance not expressly set forth in this 20.9070R40234agree/surf1)eVpr0fessi00n1 Svcs mny0r 10 01, 1 1 5119-204082 280 Agreement. This Agreement, and the attached exhibits, contain the entire agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersede all prior understandings and agreements whether oral or in writing between the parties respecting the subject matter hereof. 29. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall be effective on the date of its approval by the City Council. This Agreement shall expire when terminated as provided herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by and through their authorized officers. CONSULTANT, CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a Waymakers municipal carp" don of the State of Calif" 'a By: (yJJJ'' Ronnetta J.Johnson print name ITS:(cimJe one)Chairman/PreslQmrNlce Prealdent City Clerk 1ffi AND INTI'I ED APPROVED: - rdr ndc. (e . �nos print name IT'S: Almle one)Secretary/ChlefFlnandalOM=c AaL I P01 e, hief SeaWry-Treasurer R WEDr APPROVED: City Manager COUNTERPART APPROVED AS TO FORM: Q„ City Attorney 20-9mW4M4as,«dnrs,aupresmiangi m*w 11 of lI S/112W082 COUNTERPART 281 Agreement. This Agreement, and the attached exhibits, contain the entire agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersede all prior understandings and agreements whether oral or in writing between the parties respecting the subject matter hereof. 29. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall be effective on the date of its approval by the City Council. This Agreement shall expire when terminated as provided herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by and through their authorized officers. CONSULTANT, CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a Waymakers municipal corporation of the State of California By: Mayor print name ITS: (circle are)Chairman/PresidentNice President City Clerk AND INITIATED AND APPROVED: By: print name Interim Police Chief ITS: (circle one)Secretary/Chief Financial Officer/Asst. Secretary-Treasurer REVIEWED AND APPROVED: City Manager COUNTERPART APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4„ City Attorney P�� COUNTERPART 20-9070240234agree/surfneUprofessionnl secs mayor I I of I I 5/19-204082 282 EXHIBIT "A" A. STATEMENT OF WORK: (Narrative of work to be performed) The purpose of this contract is to continue the efforts of law enforcement agencies to enhance or create specialized units to focus special effort on the handling of violent crimes against adult women, including sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking. The specialized unit will accomplish this purpose through thorough investigation, immediate victim advocacy, and training for law enforcement officers. Thorough investigation leads to successful prosecution of cases, immediate victim advocacy provides victims with the support and resources to help disrupt the cycle of violence, and training assists departments in providing a consistent, effective, and compassionate response to female victims of violent crime. The Victim Advocate/Program Manager will collect and report demographic information on victims served. The project contracts with a local victim service agency (rape crisis or domestic violence agency) for one full-time advocate (or full-time equivalent). The advocate must meet the requirements of a domestic violence or sexual assault counselors as defined by the Evidence Code (Section 1035-1036.2 for sexual assault counselors and Section 1037-1037.7 for domestic violence counselors). The Huntington Beach Victim Advocate/Program Manager must have experience in assisting victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking crimes. The agreement shall cover a period beginning January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023, unless terminated earlier for cause or availability of funding. B. CONSULTAN"T,S DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: nadect Sconc: This project will provide comprehensive services for victims/witnesses of crime. The goals include providing services that will alleviate the trauma and devastating impact of crime on the lives of victims and their family members. Additionally, it is necessary to provide information to victims/witnesses of crime regarding the processes of the criminal justice system in order to encourage cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of the case. I. Victim/Witness Services. The Huntington Beach Victim Advocate/Program Manager will facilitate the development and/or revision of officer and advocate protocols for responding to victims and their children; facilitate training for law enforcement officers; maintain statistical and historical documentation relevant to the fulfillment of the LE grant requirements; assist with the preparation of grant progress reports; and participate and respond to funder site monitoring visits. The Victim Advocate/Program Manager is additionally responsible for the provision of comprehensive victim services as described in the California Penal Code Section 13835.5. Both the mandatory and optional services listed in the Penal Code will be provided including: 2. • Crisis intervention-provide timely and comprehensive responsive to the individual needs of crime victims. • Emergency assistance -directly or indirectly providing food, housing,clothing and cash, if necessary. 283 • Resow-ce and referral counseling - direct victims to agencies within the community. • Follow-up counseling - provide counseling to victims with problems resulting from crime. • Filing of compensation claims - assist victims in filing claims for compensation through the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Boards. • Property returns assistance - upon request of the victim, assist in obtaining the return of a victim's property held as evidence by law enforcement agencies. • Orientation -provide orientation tothe criminal justice system. • Courl accompaniment - provide accompaniment andsupport the victim inthecourtroom. • Presentations (criminal justice agencies) provide presentations.to and training of criminal justice system agencies. • Presentations (public) - provide presentations to public agencies and community groups. • Case status - monitor appropriate court cases to keep victims and witnesses apprised of the progress and disposition of their case. • Notification - upon request of the victim, provide notification to friends, relatives and employers of the occurrence of the crime. • Employer notification - upon request of the victim or witness, inform the employer that the employee was a victim or witness to a crime. • Restitution assistance - upon request of the victim, assist in the process of obtaining restitution for the victim. • Optional Services - as outlined in the Penal Code shall include but is not limitedto: • Employer intervention - assist the victim in resolving employment issues that arise as the result ofthe crime. • Creditor intervention - assist the victim in resolving creditor issues that arise as the result of the crime. • Crime prevention - provide information regarding crime prevention to individuals or community groups. • Temporary restraining orders- provide assistancein obtaining temporary restraining orders for victims. • Transportation- arrange for transportation to court for victims required to testify. • Waiting area - arrange for the provision of a victim/witness waiting room. • Victim Impact Statements - provide victims assistance in the preparation of victim impact statements for probation reports, sentencing and parole hearings. EXHIBIT A 284 3. Staffing Requirements. All staff must have met minimum education and experience requirements for the position, and be carefully screened for suitability. Offers of employment will be contingent upon successfully passing fingerprint and background checks. Supervision of staff will be the sole responsibility of the contracted agency. The following outlines general training requirements for the position. Victim Advocate/Program Manager. Staff assigned to provide victim/witness services by the contracted agency must complete the Entry Level and Advanced Advocate certification training requirements as established by the California Crime Victims Assistance Association and the California Office of Emergency Services. The contracted agency must provide specific training in domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking for advocates specializing in those areas of concern. Additionally, each advocate must be given no less than 16 hours of in service training each year. The position requires a minimum of five years experience in victim services. The current assigned Victim Advocate/Program Manager has 27 years of experience. C. CITY'S DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Pay contractor after an invoice is received from the contractor. 2. Negotiate rates with the contractor,as necessary. 3. Provide overall review ofthe services. D. WORK PROGRAM/PROJECT SCHEDULE: These services will be conducted within the contract period. It is understandable that some services will continue beyond the contract period if the services are ongoing. These ongoing services will not have any costs that wilt be assessed beyond the contract period. EXHIBIT A 285 EXHIBIT "B" Payment Schedule (Hourly Payment) A. Hourly Rate CONSULTANT'S fees for such services shall be based upon the following hourly rate and cost schedule: See attached Exhibit B B. Travel Charges for time during travel are not reimbursable. C. Billing I . All billing shall be done nionthl in fifteen (15) minute increments and matched to an appropriate breakdown of the time that was taken to perform that work and who performed it. 2. Each month's bill should include a total to date. That total should provide, at a glance, the total fees and costs incurred to date for the project. 3. A copy of memoranda, letters, reports, calculations and other documentation prepared by CONSULTANT may be required to be submitted to CITY to demonstrate progress toward completion of tasks. In the event CITY rejects or has comments on any such product, CITY shall identify specific requirements for satisfactory completion. 4. CONSULTANT shall submit to CITY an invoice for each monthly payment due. Such invoice shall: A) Reference this Agreement; 13) Describe the services performed; C) Show the total amount of the payment due; D) Include a certification by a principal member of CONSULTANT'S firm that the work has been performed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; and I For all payments include an estimate of the percentage of work completed. Upon submission of any such invoice, if CITY is satisfied that CONSULTANT is making satisfactory progress toward completion of tasks in accordance with this Agreement, CITY shall approve the invoice, in which event payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice by CITY. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If CITY does not approve an invoice, CITY shall notify CONSULTANT in writing of the reasons for non-approval and the schedule of performance set forth in Exhibit "A" may at the option of CITY be suspended until the parties agree that past performance by CONSUL.TANT is in, or has been brought into compliance, or until this Agreement has expired or is terminated as provided herein. I Exhibit B 286 5. Any billings for extra work or additional services authorized in advance and in writing by CITY shall be invoiced separately to CITY. Such invoice shall contain all of the information required above, and in addition shall list the hours expended and hourly rate charged for such time. Such invoices shall be approved by CITY if the work performed is in accordance with the extra work or additional services requested, and if CITY is satisfied that the statement of hours worked and costs incurred is accurate. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any dispute between the parties concerning payment of such an invoice shall be treated as separate and apart from the ongoing performance of the remainder of this Agreement. 2 Exhibit B 287 xrialt pa WAYMAKERS VAWA•Huntington Beach January 1, 2021 Through December 31, 2021 549 BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE ITEM DETAIL A. PERSONNEL SERVICES COST SALARIES: Mo. Sala ry Months LT Victim Advocate/Project Manager $6,880 11,50 1.00 79,120 TOTAL SALARIES 79,120 BENEFITS: Social Security/Medicare 7.65% 6,053 Workers Compensation Insurance 0.55% 435 State Unemployment Insurance 4 5%on 1 st$7,000 per employee. 302 Health Insurance Cost established by individual employee plan. 5,052 Dental Insurance Cost established by individual employee plan 488 Vision Insurance Cost established by individual employee plan. 68 WAYPOINTS-Employer Contribution to Flexible Benefits Plan 1,150 $501$751$l 00 per month based on length of service Basic Life&ADBD $6.52 per month per eligible employee 75 Long Term Disability $13.39 per month per eligible employee 154 Retirement 4% alter 12 mo of employment 3,165 Paid Leave Paid Out as a Benefit 1% of salary plus applicable payroll taxes 888 TOTAL BENEFITS 17,830 TOTAL SALARY AND BENEFITS 96,960 B. OPERATING EXPENSES COST Financial Audit 277 64,000 total agency audit cost X 0.433% Allocated shared cost of agency wide audit conducted under the guidelines of OMB Office Expenses/Program Supplies 1,420 123.48 per month X 11 5 months Staff Mileage-Training, Case Management 653 98.30 miles per month X 11.5 months X $0.5751 mile Liability Insurance 512 44 52 per month X 11.5 months INDIRECT COST: 10% DE MINIMIS OF MODIFIED TOTAL DIRECT COST (MTDC) 9.981 10%X$99,809 (MTDC)=$9,981 MTDC=Program Saladesand Benefits$96,950+Program Direct Operating $2.859 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 12,640 PROJECT TOTAL 109,790 EXHIBIT "B" Payment Schedule (Fixed Pee Payment) I. CONSULTANT shall be entitled to monthly progress payments toward the fixed fce set forth herein in accordance with the following progress and payment schedules. 2. Delivery of work product: A copy of every memorandum, letter, report, calculation and other documentation prepared by CONSULTANT shall be submitted to CITY to demonstrate progress toward completion of tasks. In the event CITY rejects or has comments on any such product, CITY shall identify specific requirements for satisfactory completion. 3. CONSULTANT shall submit to CITY an invoice for each monthly progress payment due. Such invoice shall: A) Reference this Agreement; B) Describe the services performed; C) Show the total amount of the payment due; D) Include a certification by a principal member of CONS ULTANT's firm that the work has been performed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; and E) For all payments include an estimate of the percentage of work completed. Upon submission of any such invoice, if CITY is satisfied that CONSULTANT is making satisfactory progress toward completion of tasks in accordance with this Agreement, CITY shall approve the invoice, in which event payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice by CITY. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If CITY does not approve an invoice, CITY shall notify CONSULTANT in writing of the reasons for non-approval and the schedule of performance set forth in Exhibit "A" may at the option of CITY be suspended until the parties agree that past performance by CONSULTANT is in, or has been brought into compliance, or until this Agreement has expired or is terminated as provided herein. 4. Any billings for extra work or additional services authorized in advance and in writing by CITY shall be invoiced separately to CITY. Such invoice shall contain all of the information required above, and in addition shall list the hours expended and hourly rate charged for such time. Such invoices shall be approved by CITY if the work performed is in accordance with the extra work or additional services requested, and if CITY is satisfied that the statement of hours worked and costs incurred is accurate. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any dispute between the parties concerning payment of such an invoice shall be treated as separate and apart from the ongoing performance of the remainder of this Agreement. Exhibit B 289 The bid/proposal process was completed by the Orange County Sheriff's Department. Waymakers won the competitive process. Proposals submitted to OCSD are not available at this time. Lt. Nesmith X5918 i 290 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND WAYMAKL'•RS FOR VICTIM AND WITNESS ASSISTANCE SERVICES Table of Contents 1 Scope of Services.....................................................................................................1 2 City Staff Assistance................................................................................................2 3 Term; Time of Performance.....................................................................................2 4 Compensation ..........................................................................................................2 5 Extra Work...............................................................................................................2 6 Method of Payment..................................................................................................3 7 Disposition of Plans, Estimates and Other Documents ...........................................3 8 Hold Harmless .........................................................................................................3 9 Professional Liability Insurance.............................................................................4 10 Certificate of Insurance............................................................................................5 11 Independent Contractorr............................................................................................6 12 Termination of Agreement.......................................................................................6 13 Assignment and Delegation......................................................................................6 14 Copyrights/Patents...................................................................................................7 15 City Employees and Officials..................................................................................7 16 Notices.........................................................................................7 17 Consent ....................................................................................................................8 18 Modification.............................................................................................................8 19 Section Headings .....................................................................................................8 20 Interpretation of this Agreement..............................................................................8 21 Duplicate Original....................................................................................................9 22 Immigration...............................................................................................................9 23 Legal Services Subcontracting Prohibited................................................................9 24 Attorney's Fees..........................................................................................................10 25 Survival.....................................................................................................................10 26 Governing Law ..................................................................................I......:...............10 27 Signatories.................................................................................................................10 28 Entirety......................................................................................................................10 29 Effective Date................................................................................. I 1 291 A� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE oAlel10Mnwo20 28121 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the pollcy(los)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed, If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to The terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may roculro an endorsement. A statement on this canlllcate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In Ilou of such endorsomenl a. PaoouceR Michelle Gonzalez Arthur J.Gallagher&Co. I o e 818-539.8630PAX Insurance Brokers of CA. Inc. .re&a I 505 N Brand Blvd Suite&0 Ro Michelle Gonzalez D .com Glendale CA91263 IIISURERa AFFORDING COVERADS NAICII INSURERA:Nonprofits'Insurance Alianco of CA INSURED WAYMMELt INSURERO:Service American IndamnItyCompany Waymakers 1221 E.Dyer Road,Suite 120 INSURER c: Santa Ana,CA 92705 INSURER D: INSURER E NSURER P COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:1233929237 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD , INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, ' EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAD CLAMS. ItI3R TYPE OF INSURANCE PO DCYIIUMBER SOD E M.U.Te P LISIITe A X COVAtERCLLLGENERALLIAGNITY Y 2020120SONPO 10/1/2020 10/12021 EACH OCCURRENCE S1000000 -5)MG11 TO REED CWMS-MADE ElOCCURocc,� $500000 I MED EXP(my me a1. $20000 PEPSOIIAL&ADVWARSY 31000000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERALAGGREGATE $3000000 X POLICY0JE'CT OLOC PRODUCTS-CCMPAPAOO $3000000 OTHER: 3 A AUTOMODILELIABILITY 202DI206ONPO 1011/2020 1011/2021 IF.INcId'anOL S 1,000,000 X Mr1AUTO RMLY UUIIRY(P.TO,.) 3 OWNED EClIEDULED ODDLY WlORY(Pen axNanl) 3 AUTOS ONLY AUTOS X HIRED X NONeWNED MNGE $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY 3 A X UMBRELLALM,a X OCCUR 20201206SUMB 1011/2020 10112021 e,CMo000RFEKCR 110.00111003 EXCESS LIAR CLAMS,I•VDa AGOREOAIa f10000000 can RETEMIONS f g WORKERS COMPENSATION SATIS0352400 1011/2020 VVI2021 X ER T AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YOU ANYPROPRIfi1`ORPAmNERALo1 TNfi I I e.L.FACHACCIORNT 31000000 CFFICER,LIEMOEREXCLUOEW MIA (Abndatcry In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1000000 U yyeea darulbo under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS babe, EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT 61000000 A Flgga!ryry 202012059DO 10/12020 1011/2021 LIMA $1,000.000 A Pro'utbnd We. 20201206ONPO 10/12020 101112021 Per Qa3n $1,000,000 ASilaeale $3.000.000 OESCMPTIO110P OPEPATIONSI LOCATWNSI VEHICLES(ACORD 101.AddtUuml Ramuka Schaduls,mey ba altachad R mere apace b m ubaal Policy:Imppropper Sexual Conduct APP VED ASLOFORMPoBcyd:2U201206ONPO Policy term:10/1/2020 to 1011/2021Carder:Nonpro8la'Insurance Alliance of CA _Per Claim:81,000,000,Aggregate:b1,000,000 4 MIC ACL E.GATES Policy:Excess Llebltlly Jam' CITY ATTORNEY Policy 4:HS2018210 03 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH See Yllsched... CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City of Huntington Beach Pollee Department 2000 Main St AUTHCRIZCORC L"1 eseg xTATNs Huntington Beach CA 82549 k I �2�t►� O�^7UC- w..01988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 292 AGENCY CUSTOMER ID:WAYMAKE-01 LOC 0: �Ro ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page 1 of 1 AGENCY NAMCG WEURED Arthur J.Gallagher 8 Co. Waymakers 1 1221 E.Dyer Road,Suite 120 PWCYNUMDER Santa Ana,CA 02705 CARRIER NNC CODE _ ePPecnve oAie: ADDITIONAL REMARKS i THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, _ FORM NUMBER: 25 FORM TITLE: CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Policy term:1011I2020 to 101112021 Cartier:Capitol Specially Insurance Co. 55,000,000 limit over NIAC Policy 9202012069UMB Nonprolits'Insurance Alliance of CA-A.M.Best 4:011845 RE:Diversion Program.City of Huntington Beach,its elected or appointed officials,agents,officers,ample ass,and volunteers are named additional Insured with respect to the operations of the named Insured per the attached Form NIAC-E81 02 19 that provides Addllianel Insurance,Primary 8 NonContdbulary far Public Entities, I , , I I I I I i I I i I I I , I I I ACORD 101(2008101) 02008 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 293 r ®QMI NONPROFITS INSURANCE ® ALLIANCE OF CALIFORNIA AHoad Jarinsnranco.ANaWfor NonpraPls. POLICY NUMBER:2020-12069 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY ENDORSEMENT FOR PUBLIC ENTITIES This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE i Name of Person or Organization: City of Huntington Beach Police Department 2000 Main St Huntington Beach CA 92649 A. Section II—WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include: 4.Any public entity as an additional Insured, and the officers,officials, employees, agents and/or volunteers of that public entity,as applicable,who may be named in the Schedule above,when you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement presently in effect or becoming effective during the term of this policy, that such public entity and/or its officers, officials,employees,agents and/or volunteers be added as an additional Insured(s)on your policy, but only with respect to liability for'bodily Injury",'property damaged or 'personal and advertising Injury'caused, In whole or In part,by: a. Your negligent acts or omissions;or b. The negligent acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf, in the performance of your ongoing operations. No such public entity or individual is an additional Insured for liability arising out of the sole negligence by that public entity or its designated individuals. The additional Insured status will not be afforded with respect to liability arising out of or related to your activities as a real estate manager for that person or organization. B. Section III—LIMITS OF INSURANCE Is amended to include; B.The limits of insurance applicahle to the public entity and applicable Individuals Identified as an additional insured(s) pursuant to Provision AA.above, are those specified In the written contract between you and that public entity, or the limits available under this policy,whichever are less. These Ilmlls are part of and not in addition to the limits of insurance under this policy. C. With respect to the insurance provided to the additional insured(s),Condition 4.Other Insurance of SECTION IV—COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS Is replaced by the following: 4. Other Insurance a. Primary Insurance This Insurance Is primary If you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement: (1) That this Insurance be primary. If other insurance is also primary,we will share with all that other insurance as described In c.below; or NIAC-E61 02 19 Page 1 of 2 294 0 NONPROFITS DI .INSURANCE ® ALLIANCE OP CALIUMNIA n Head/oNararaam n ttaartJorAfonpro/lts. POLICY NUMBER: 2020-12069 (2) The coverage afforded by this insurance Is primary and non-contributory with the additional Insured(s)'own insurance. Paragraphs(1)and(2)do not apply to other insurance to which the additional Insured(s)has been added as an additional insured or to other Insurance described in paragraph b.below. b. Excess Insurance 1 i This insurance Is excess over: 1. Any of the other insurance,whether primary, excess,contingent or on any other basis: (a) That is Fire, Extended Coverage, Builders Risk, Installation Risk or similar coverage for ..your work'; (b) That is fire, lightning, or explosion insurance for premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner; (c) That Is Insurance purchased by you to cover your liability as a tenant for"property damage" to premises temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner; or i (d) If the loss arises out of the maintenance or use of aircraft, "autos"or watercraft to the extent not subject to Exclusion g.of SECTION I—COVERAGE A—BODILY INJURY AND i PROPERTY DAMAGE. i (e) Any other Insurance available to an additional Insured(s)under this Endorsement covering liability for damages which are subject to this endorsement and for which the additional Insured(s)has been added as an additional Insured by that other insurance. (1) When this insurance is excess,we will have no duly under Coverages A or B to defend the additional insured(s) against any"suit"If any other insurer has a duly to defend the additional insured(s)against that"suit". If no other Insurer defends,we will undertake to do so, but we will be entitled to the additional Insured(s)'rights against all those other Insurers. (2) When this insurance is excess over other Insurance,we will pay only our share of the amount of the loss, if any,that exceeds the sum of: (a) The total amount that all such other insurance would pay for the loss in the absence of this Insurance;and (b) The total of all deductible and self-Insured amounts under all that other Insurance. (3) We will share the remaining loss,if any,with any other Insurance that is not described In this Excess Insurance provision and was not bought specifically to apply in excess of the Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations of this Coverage Part. c. Methods of Sharing If all of the other insurance available to the additional insured(s)permits contribution by equal shares,we will follow this method also. Under this approach each insurer contributes equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limit of Insurance or none of the loss remains,whichever comes first. If any other the other insurance available to the additional Insured(s)does not permit contribution by equal shares,we will contribute by limits. Under this method, each Insurer's share is based on the ratio of Its applicable limit of insurance to the total applicable limits of Insurance of all Insurers. NIAC-E61 02 19 Page 2 of 2 295 POLICY NUMBER: 2020-12069 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Named Insured: Waymakers CG 20 26 04 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION i This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s)Or Organlzation(s): Any person or organization that you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy, under a written contract or agreement Currently In effect,or becoming effective during the term of this policy.The additional insured status will not be afforded with respect to liability arising out of or related to your activities as a real estate manager for that person or organization. . Information required to complete this Schedule,if not shown above,will be shown in the Declarations. A. Section II—Who Is An Insured is amended to B. With respect to the Insurance afforded to these Include as an additional insured the person(s)or additional insureds, the following is added to organizatlon(s) shown in the Schedule,but only Section III—Limits Of Insurance: with respect to liability for"bodily injury","property damage"or"personal and advertising injury" If coverage provided to the additional insured is caused, In whole or in part, by your acts or required by a contract or agreement,the most we omissions or the acts or omissions of those acting will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the on your behalf: amount of Insurance: 1. In the performance of your ongoing operations; 1. Required by the contract or agreement; or or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of 2. In connection with your premises owned by or Insurance shown in the Declarations; rented to you. whichever Is less. However: This endorsement shall not increase the 1. The insurance afforded to such additional applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Insured only applies to the extent permitted by Declarations. law; and 2. If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement,the insurance afforded to such additional Insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. CG 20 26 04 13 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page 1 of 1 296 297 Z-,J✓ OATEU1Mra0MYYV) A`GIR& CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 1 Orv2020 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(&), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: II the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the pollcy(les)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of file policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on I tills certificate does not center rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsements. PRODUCER N, T CT Michelle Gonzalez Arthur J.Gallagher&Co. PHONE Egli'110. g18-539.8630 c No Insurance Brokers of CA.,Inc. ,MAIL i 505 N Brand Blvd,Suite 600 ADDtleas Michalle_Gonzalez(a)ai .com Glendale CA91203 INSURIURERAFFORDINOCOVERAGE RAW IT , 0 28293 INSURERA:Non roliits'Insurance Alliance of CA INSURED WAYMAXE-DI INSURER 0:Service American Indemnity Commany Waymakem 1221 E. Dyer Road, Suite 120 IIISUPFRC: Santa Ana, CA 92705 III9UNEN P , ItISUflafl F: _ I COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUFABER:433090098 REVISION NUMBER: I' THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD ! INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. JOR ____-.-.-__......._._._._._.___..AhBL gH'-__.___.. .__.__- ..POLIpp p� ppLlp-Y gam_ ..____.__-_.._....................... .... ... ', LTR TYPE OP INSURANCE W POLICYNO._MDER lM.VOD �Y LIIAIOUf(VYY LIAVi6 - , A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y 202012089NPO 10/12020 10H2O21 EACHOCCURRENCE $1,000,000 CLAWS-MADE El OCCUN PR ilra _5500.000 _ MEDEXP An ma wrwn s20,000_ _ PERSONAL S ADV vurunY 51.000.000_ OM AGGREGATE LIMIT APIPLIEIS PER: UENESAL AGGREGATE f3,00a,a00 X POLICY F-128 FILOC r,Aoo CTa-compioP AOa__63�000,OOD _-_- OTHER: 5 A AUTOMOBILE LIAOILITY 20201208914PO 10/12020 10112021 GQLSIVED SINGLE LIMIT 91.000.000 0 ,1X ANYAUTO BODILY INJURY(Perpoam) S OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Pe,acddmn) 9 AUTOS ONLY AUTOS X AUTOS ONLY X A OS ONON LY _PR�^EwITVDAMACE (1PP 0d0pffyyl) ... ._._..... ' 9 A X UV.BRELLALIAB X OCCOR 20201208DUMB 10112020 10112O21 EACH OCCURRENCE 910,000,000 E%C899 LIAR __ CIANISMAOE AaQPEOATE ___ 610,000000 CEO RETENTIONS _- _- S — B WORXEn6COMPENSATION SATIS0352400 101112020 10112021 X AIID EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN ANYPROPRIETOR'PARTNEWEXECUTNE ❑ NIA E.L.EACHACCIDENT 91000,ODD OFRCEIMMEMBEREXCLUDED? -�- • (Mandalwy In NH) EA.DISEASE EAEMPLOYEE S1000,000 U jym daacrWa andm 0 SCnIPTION OF OPERATIONS boa. E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT 91,D00000 A F Wwy 20201208000 0/12020 1011200221 �Llro� $1,000,000 A Pralammtl Ub 202012000NPO 101 0 $1.000.000 A9w°9b° $3.000.000 DESCRIPTION OPOPERATION9 ILOCA7ION91VEHICLE9 (ACORDIOI.AddlllonelRmniks OchrdWkntayboalta°had Umoraapacolsr"ulmd) Policy:Impropper Sexual Conduct Pollcylk 2020120B9NPO APPROVED AS TO FORM Policy term: 10/12020 to 1011/2021 Carrier:Nonprofits'Insurance Alliance of CA Per Claim:$1.000,000,Aggregate:$1,000.000 By. _ Nonprofits'Insurance Alliance of CA•A.M.Best 0:011845 Q., ICHAEL E.GATES RE:Diversion Program.City of Huntington Beach,Its elected or appointed officials,agents,officers,employees,arR3vffl Y", WedL%Wi1jon.I Insured NE See Attached... CITY OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City of Huntington Beach Police Department 2000 Main St AUTHORIZEOREP E9EIITATIV¢ Huntington Beach CA 92649 NttZVAMa�. 01980-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name end logo are registered marks of ACORD 2V 3 3952 AGENCY CUSTOMER ID:WAYMAKE-01 _ LOC A: 4C® ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page I of I nasecr HnniEo+eouneo A Arthur J.Gallagher&Go. Waymakers 1221 E.Dyer Road,Sulte 120 j POLICY HUMMER Santa Ana,CA 02705 I CARWR HAIC000E EFFeCTIVE OAIE: ADDITIONAL REMARKS THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE.TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER; 25 FORM TITLE: CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE with respect to the operations of the named Insured per the attached Form NIAC-E01 02 10 that provides Addilional InaL+fanee,Primary&Non-Contributory for Pub0c En110es.Endorsament to follow, i i I i ) i i i ACORD 101 (2008/01) ®2000 ACORD CORPORATION, All rights reserved. Thu ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 4§+Sa 3059 Amendment No. 1 to Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Waymakers for Victim and Witness Assistance Services See Category ID #600.10 Date: 01/01/2021 System ID#5411143