HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-19Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
5:00 PM -Council Chambers
6:00 PM -Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach , California 92648
OR Virtual via Zoom Webinar
A video recording of 6:00 PM portion of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
ITEMS (Received After Agenda Distribution) -None
A motion was made by Posey, second by Moser, to recess to Closed Session for Items 1 -7 . With no
objections, the motion carried .
subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9). Name of case: California Renters Legal
Advocacy and Education Fund/THDT Investment, Inc. v. City of Huntington Beach;
OCSC Case No.: 30-2020-01140855.
subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9). Name of case: Californians for
Homeownership, Inc. v. City of Huntington Beach; OCSC Case No. 30-2019-
subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9). Name of case: Zago (Daphna) v . City of
Huntington Beach; Case No.: 30-2020-01174319.
Council/PFA Regular Minutes
April 19 , 2022
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subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9). Name of case: James Schoales v. City of
Huntington Beach; Worker's Compensation No. COHB-21-0110.
subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9). Name of case: Dale Shields v. City of
Huntington Beach; Worker's Compensation No. COHB-16-0273.
subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9). Name of case: Brandon Reed v. City of
Huntington Beach; Worker's Compensation No. COHB-17-0240.
7. 22-346 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT (Gov. Code section 54957(b)(1).) Title: City
Peterson , Bolton , Posey , Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Led by Councilmember Moser
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation .
8. 22-180 Rev. George Hooper of Community United Methodist Church and member of the
Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
9. 22-339 Mayor Delgleize called on Miss Huntington Beach Princess Jenny Thach to assist
with conducting the 4th of July fireworks stand lottery drawing
City Clerk Robin Estanislau presented a PowerPoint communication titled 2022 Non-Profit Firework
Stand Lottery, with slides entitled Public High School Winners (4), Private High School Winner, Miss
Huntington Beach 2022, Civic Organizations, Youth Sports, and Good Luck!
Civic Organization Winners (5):
1. American Legion Huntington Beach Post 133
2 . Patriots and Paws
3 . McKenna Claire Foundation
4. Friends of Huntington Beach Junior Lifeguards
5. Monarch Preschool
Civic Organization Alternates (3):
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April 19, 2022
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Apostolic Assembly of the Faith Huntington Beach , Orange County Gakuen, Inc. and Linden Tree
Youth Sports Winners (5):
1. Culture Football Organization
2 . Team 90 , Inc. dba California Rush
3 . HB Divers, dba Coast Divers
4 . Orange County Riptide Aquatics Club
5 . Huntington Beach Pop Warner Youth Football
Youth Sports Alternates (3):
Surf City Premier Youth Sports and Fitness, Golden West Swim Club, and Huntington Valley Little
City Clerk Estanislau announced that Huntington Beach Fire Department representatives would be in
touch with the winners on Wednesday, April 20 with instructions on completing the required permit
10. 22-209 Mayor Delgleize called on members of the Huntington Beach Interfaith Council to
describe the need for volunteers for the annual 'Day of Service' set for Saturday,
April 23
Marcia , Huntington Beach Interfaith Council member, described the multiple project sites where
volunteers are needed on Saturday, April 23. All of the details are available at www.ghbic.org . Mayor
Delgleize also announced the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council Annual Prayer Breakfast on
Thursday, May 5, 8 AM , at Community Methodist Church.
11. 22-326 Mayor Delgleize presented the Mayor's HB Excellence Award for the Month of April,
2022 to Fleet Operations Supervisor Cody Jahn in the City's Public Works
Mayor Delgleize introduced Cody and explained the awardee is selected by fellow employees to
acknowledge a co-worker who demonstrates humility, social awareness, passion , exceptionality,
integrity, and is always team oriented.
Denny Bacon, Public Works Operations Manager, described Cody as a leader who makes the hard
decisions look easy, and the easy decisions really , really easy, who through the years moved up to his
current position of Supervisor. He is responsible for 884 vehicles, including police cars, firetrucks,
tractors, and boats, plus all underground fuel storage tanks. Cody routinely interacts with nearly every
department and generally has the inside scoop on most situations .
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications received by her office following distribution of Council Agenda packet:
Awards and Presentations
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#9 (22-339) PowerPoint communication entitled 2022 Non-Profit Firework Stand Lottery submitted by
Robin Estanislau , City Clerk.
City Attorney's Report
#12 (22-292) PowerPoint communication entitled Community Prosecutor Program, City Attorney's
Office submitted by Michael Gates, City Attorney .
Consent Calendar
#16 (22-302) Five (5) email communications regarding adoption of Resolution No . 2022-10 establishing
a Permit Parking District "AA" submitted by Darren Sam, Senior Traffic Engineer, Public
Works Department.
#22 (22-358) Email communication received from Leisa Winston , Superintendent of the Huntington
Beach City School District regarding the proposed MOU between the City of Huntington
Beach and the Huntington Beach City School District (HBCSD).
PUBLIC COMMENTS -20 In -Person and 1 Call -In Public Speakers
The number [hh:mm:ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approx imate starting time in
the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/governmentlagendas.
Carol Rohr, Skandia Mobile Home Park Homeowners Association President, was called to speak and
described the efforts of Skandia homeowners to lobby for a City Charter Section 803 amendment
through the Charter Review Committee as well as the Mobile Home Advisory Board . Ms. Rohr further
supported the appointment of Mr. Tim Geddes to the Mobile Home Advisory Board to ensure a full Board
for their next quarterly meeting, or sug gested postponing the next meeting until there is a full Board .
(00 :38:34)
Sheila Lugenbuehl , a resident of Skandia Mobile Home Park, was called to speak and stated she
expected City Council to be much more proactive in representing the City's citizens. Ms. Lugenbuehl
also stated her support for the appointment of Mr. Tim Geddes to the Mobile Home Advisory Board
(MHAB). (00:40:36)
Michael Lugenbuehl, a resident of Skandia Mobile Home Park, was called to speak and asked that City
Council support a Rent Stabilization Ordinance (ROS) through an amendment to City Charter Section
803. (00:43:42)
Gina Alexander, Skandia Mobile Home Park Homeowners Association Vice President, was called to
speak and shared the efforts of Skandia Mobile Home Park residents seeking rent stabilization, and
stated her support for the appointment of Mr. Tim Geddes to the Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB).
(00:46 :36)
Dan Pantano , a resident of Skandia Mobile Home Park, was called to speak and asked for City Council's
active support for the seniors wanting affordable homes in Huntington Beach . (00:49:46)
Mary Jo Baretich, Manufactured Homeowners League Vice President, was called to speak and noted the
City Council can ensure affordable housing for the seniors, veterans and low-income residents by
supporting a carve out to City Charter Section 803 for a Rent Stabiliz ation Ordinance voted on by the
residents in November. (00 :52 :05)
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Pat Taylor, a resident of Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park, was called to speak and shared her
opinions on the importance of affordable housing and rent stabilization, and asked that City Council
support a carve out to City Charter Section 803 and a Rent Stabilization Ordinance for the November
2022 ballot. (00:55 :10)
Suzan Neil , a resident of Skandia Mobile Home Park, was called to speak and asked that City Council
respect the citizens who add value to the community and requested City Council support to address the
issues presented. (00 :57: 13)
Jeanne Farrens, a resident of Skandia Mobile Home Park, was called to speak and shared her opinion
that the City Council has demonstrated no desire to assist the City's mobile home park residents, and
stated that come November she will choose to not support any current Council candidate . (01 :00 :13)
Maureen was called to speak and shared previously communicated concerns about traffic poles added
along Delaware Street, which in her opinion have created a much more dangerous situation for vehicles.
She also noted that after providing her contact information, she has yet to hear from any Councilmember
in response to her concerns. (01 :03:19)
Kathryn Goddard , representing the Friends of Shipley Nature Center, was called to speak and thanked
Sean Crumby, Director of Public Works, Chau Vu , Deputy Director of Public Works, and Debra Jubinsky,
Public Works Sr. Administrative Analyst , for their support to maintain and improve the Nature Center.
Ms . Goddard noted that one of the Shipley Nature Center volunteers brought to everyone's attention the
availability of grant funds, and stated the Friends' support for Consent Calendar Item #17 regarding the
application forgrant funds from the State Department of Parks and Recreation . (01 :07:14)
Dave Shenkman, owner of the Kite Connection on the Pier, was called to speak and shared an update
on the recent 18th Annual Kite Party with a full house of 75 flyers, including about 35 first-timers , and
thanked the City for its support for another successful event. (01 : 10:01)
Eugene Conley was called to speak and shared photos of the neighborhood parking issues created by
people who are actually going to Huntington Central Park, and stated his opposition to Consent Calendar
Item #16 regarding establishing Permit Parking District "AA" affecting residents on Lakeview Drive and
Cliffview Lane because it will just push the Park visitors to the side streets in the neighborhood.
(01 : 11 :38)
Pano Frousiakis , a Candidate for City Council in 2022, was called to speak and shared his opinion that
Consent Calendar Item No. 22 regarding a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of
Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach City School District (Gisler Residential Project) is missing a
key player, American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), and the item should be postponed until all
parties are included in the discussion. Mr. Frousiakis also commended Council for Consent Calendar
Item No . 23 regarding prohibiting the unlawful possession of catalytic converters in the City . (01 : 13:23)
Alan Gandall , a 50-year resident of Huntington Beach and A YSO Area K Director in Central Orange
County, was called to speak and stated his concern that AYSO has apparently not been included in
Consent Calendar Item No. 22 regarding a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of
Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach City School District (Gisler Residential Project). Mr.
Gandall requested that this item be postponed until A YSO is included in the conversation to ensure
funds are properly allocated. (01 :16 :34)
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Amory Hanson , a Candidate for City Council in 2022 and Huntington Beach Historic Resources Board
Member, was called to speak and expressed his sadness at the passing of Mr. Anthony Soriano , who
was a member of the Surfrider Foundation and the Huntington Beach Environmental Board, and
encouraged Mayor Delgleize to adjourn this meeting in memory of Mr. Soriano. (01 : 18:50)
Noelle Collins, Families Forward, was called to speak and thanked Council for their partnership to
address family homelessness, summarized some of the successful outcomes of their efforts since 2018,
and stated support for Public Hearing Item No . 24 regarding the Annual Action Plan for Federal
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Entitlement
Grant Programs . (01 :20 :00)
Tim Geddes, a long-time resident of southeast Huntington Beach, was called to speak and reviewed his
civic service for the last 20 years. Mr. Geddes shared his opinions on Consent Calendar Item No. 14
regarding appointments to the Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB), and noted that unless Council
appoints a third At-Large Member tonight , a full MHAB will not be achieved for next week's quarterly
meeting and , in his opinion, that scheduled meeting should be postponed . (01 :21 :50)
Roger Noor was called to speak and shared concerns related to a wrongful towing incident experienced
by his son that resulted in his vehicle being held for over 69 hours. He provided an explanation of the
circumstances that led to the event, and requested that the City work to ensure proper hearing
procedures and followed , and pay all related expenses . (01 :24:51)
Bryan Costa was called to speak and stated his support for his friend's wrongful towing claim . (01 :28:28)
Caller Allison Plum , mobile home owner and Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB) Member, was invited
to speak and stated her opposition to Consent Calendar Item No . 14 (C) regarding the appointment of
Valeria Avila to the MHAB , and her support for Tim Geddes being appo inted as the At-Large Member to
ensure a complete Board for the meeting on April 28, 2022. (01 :31 :25)
Councilmember Carr reported attending meetings of the Youth Board planning for the Youth in
Government Day at City Hall on April 26, Downtown Business Improvement District Board, and a dinner
event to acknowledge the service of retired Orange County Business Council (OCBC) President Lucy
Dunn .
Mayor Pro Tern Posey reported meetings with the Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IRC); Local
Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO); and Orange County Vector Control Budget and Finance
Councilmember Moser reported attending meetings of the Youth Board; 25th Anniversary Celebration for
the Human Relations Committee; and announced the Human Relations Committee and Huntington
Beach High School District Annual Day of Dialogue on April 20 to encourage human d ignity.
Councilmember Kalmick reported attending meetings of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee
(IRC); Environmental and Sustainability Board ; and Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)
Citizen's Advisory Committee.
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Mayor Delgleize commented that nearly 200 residents are now attending OCT A's 405 Freeway Project
update meetings through Zoom vs approximately 20 people who previously attended the in-person
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT-Interim City Manager Sean Joyce informed Council that the Huntington
Beach City School District met earlier in the day and unanimously approved the MOU included in
Consent Item No. 22 on tonight's agenda .
12. 22-292 Community Prosecutor Program Update
City Attorney Michael Gates presented a PowerPoint communication titled Community Prosecutor
Program with slides entitled : History of the Community Prosecutor Program (5), Types of State Crimes
(Penal Codes), Recent Results, Deputy Community Prosecutor, Examples of Cases Prosecuted (3),
Diversionary Programs, and Community Prosecutor Program (2).
Huntington Beach Police Chief Parra stated his support for this effort to address quality of life issues for
residents, and noted many cases are being handled that might not otherwise be addressed .
Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated he would like to have received the PowerPoint communication at least a
day before the meeting, and asked for the report to include actual numbers to support the claim of crime
reduction. Mayor Pro Tern Posey also asked that future reports show code enforcement fines and fees
assessed vs how much is actually collected .
Councilmember Carr pulled #14; Councilmember Kalmick pulled #16; Councilmember Moser pulled #17 ;
and, Councilmember Bolton pulled #22 for further discussion .
13. 22-252 Approved and Adopted Minutes
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Posey to approve and adopt the City Council/Public Financing
Authority regular meeting minutes dated March 15 , 2022; and , approve and adopt the City Council/Public
Financing Authority special meeting minutes dated March 25, 2022; and, approve and adopt the City
Council/Public Financing Authority regular meeting minutes dated April 5, 2022; and, approve and adopt
the City Council/Public Financing Authority special meeting minutes dated April 6 , 2022 ; and approve
and adopt the City Council/Public Financing Authority special meeting minutes dated April 8 , 2022.
The motion carried by the following vote :
14. 22 -338
Peterson , Bolton, Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Approved appointments to the Mobile Home Advisory Board {MHAB) as
recommended by City Council Liaisons Carr and Kalmick
Councilmember Carr pulled this item to confirm with City Attorney Michael Gates that it is appropriate for
Council to also fill the remaining vacancy, and amended the recommended action to include the
appointment of Tim Geddes as an At-Large Member.
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A motion was made by Carr, second Bolton to approve the appointment of Scott Miller as At-Large
Member of the MHAB through August 4, 2024, the end of term for the current vacancy; and approve the
appointment of Carolyne Chase as Resident Member of the MHAB through August 4, 2024, the end of
term for the current vacancy ; and approve the appointment of Valerie Avila as Owner Member of the
MHAB through August 4, 2024, the end of term for the current vacancy; as amended to approve the
appointment of Tim Geddes as At-Large Member of the MHAB.
The motion as amended carried by the following vote :
15. 22-003
Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Reaffirmed adoption of Resolution No . 2021 -62 finding a proclaimed state of
emergency continues to impact the ability to meet safely in person, and allows
meetings of the City Council and all City boards, commissions and committees to
be conducted remotely as needed in compliance with new Brown Act provisions
identified in Assembly Bill 361
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Posey to reaffirm Resolution No. 2021-62, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California , finding that the proclaimed state of emergency
continues to impact the ability to meet safely in person ."
The motion carried by the following vote :
16. 22-302
Peterson , Bolton , Posey, Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
TABLED Resolution No. 2022-10 establishing Permit Parking District "AA" affecting
residents on Lakeview Drive and Cliffview Lane
Council member Kalmick pulled this item to allow for discussion and consideration of the opposition
communication received just prior to the meeting , and noted that historically this type of action has been
appropriate when a new multi-family development impacts neighborhood parking .
Councilmember Carr stated her opposition to this item because it will only push the issue onto other
neighborhood streets and it only affects 12 homes.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated his support for the comments made by Councilmembers Kalmick and Carr.
Councilmember Peterson shared his opinion that residents have followed the required process that
normally results in Council approval, and stated his support for either approving as presented, or
delaying a decision and requesting additional information.
Councilmember Carr responded by confirming that Cliffview Drive only has fifty percent (50%) of the
residents wanting permit parking, not the required seventy-five percent (75%), and therefore the item
should not be approved to include Cliffview Drive . Councilmember Car further stated it does not seem
appropriate to create a permit parking district for only eight residences.
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Bob Stachelski, Transportation Manager, noted that the seventy-five percent threshold is met when the
responses from the two streets are combined.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated that if there was a process that guaranteed approval , there would be no
need to bring it before City Council , and Council is required to be subjective in their decision to approve ,
or not.
Councilmember Kalmick noted that Council must approve, or not, parking districts that impact parks or
schools. He asked for clarification on whether the real issue is overnight parking, or proper space for
ride pick-up vehicles . He confirmed with Manager Stachelski that the red curbs were City authorized to
address visibility and safety issues , and are maintained by the City ; and if approved , this would be the
smallest parking district.
Interim City Manager Joyce stated if Council took no action on this item , staff would review for possible
alternative actions, and bring back at a later date .
Council tabled this item and took no action .
17. 22-278 Adopted Resolution No. 2022-13 authorizing the application for grant funds from
the State Department of Parks and Recreation through the Recreational Trails
Councilmember Moser pulled this item to note it is a great example of a public/private partnership, and
thanked everyone who collaborated to prepare the application.
A motion was made by Moser, second Delgleize to adopt Resolution No. 2022-13, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving the Application for Grant Funds from the
Recreational Trails Program" from the State Department of Parks and Recreation.
The motion carried by the following vote :
AYES : Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
NOES: None
18. 22-317 Approved the escheatment of Unclaimed Funds per Government Code Sections
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Posey to review and approve the transfer of $29,086.88 of
unclaimed funds from the City's Unclaimed Funds Liability Account to the City's Miscellaneous Revenue
Account 10000100.48550 in compliance with Government Code Sections 50050-50057 .
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Peterson , Bolton , Posey , Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
NOES: None
19. 22-286 Authorized the City Manager to purchase a vactor truck for the Wastewater Division
of Public Works for $629,047.84
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A motion was made by Kalmick, second Posey t o authorize the City Manager to purchase a vactor truck
in the amount of $629,047 .84.
T he motion carried by the following vote:
20. 22-290
Peterson , Bolton , Posey , Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Approved and authorized appropriations and execution of a Reimbursement
Agreement with 4972 Warner Avenue Owner LP for $243,920 to fund an
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to be prepared by LSA Associates , Inc. through
On Call Environmental (CEQA) Services contract dated April 5, 2022 for the
Huntington Beach Senior Living Project
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Posey to approve and authori ze the Mayo r and the C ity Clerk to
ex ecute a "Reimbursement -Planning -Agreement Between t he City of Huntington Beach and 4 972
Warner Avenue Owner LP for Cost s Incurred for Preparation of Environmental Impact Report for
Huntington Beach Senior Living Project" in the amount of $24 3 ,920 as prepared by the C ity A ttorney
(Attachment No. 1 ); and , approve an increase in t he Communit y Development Department's professional
services list ing authority by $243,920 for the preparation of the Huntington Beach Senior Living
Environmental Impact Report to ensure complian ce with Administrative Regulation Number 228 , Section
7 .1; and , appropriate funds as revenues are received in the amount of $243,920 from the General Fund
to the Community Development Department Professional Services Account 10060201 .69365 for the On
Call Environmental (CEQA) Professional Services Contract Task Order between the City and LSA
Associat es , Inc., wh ich is funded by a reimbursement agreement.
The motion carried by the following vote :
21. 22-301
Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalm ic k
Approved and authorized execution of Professional Services Contracts for On-Call
Transportation Engineering Consulting Services with Advantec Consulting
Engineers, Inc., AGA Engineers, Inc., FPL and Associates, Inc., KOA Corporation,
Linscott, Law & Greenspan Engineers dba LG2WB Engineers, Inc. and Michael
Baker International Inc .
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Posey to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute a $500,000 "Professional Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and
Advantec Consulting Engineers, Inc. fo r On-Call Transportation Engineering Services ;" and , approve and
authorize the Mayor and C ity Clerk to execute a $500 ,000 "Professional Services Contract Between the
Ci t y of Hunti ngton Beach and AGA Engineers , Inc. for On -Call Transportation Engineering Services ;"
and , approve and authorize the Mayor and City C lerk t o execute a $500,000 "Professional Services
Contract Betwe en th e City of Hunt ington Beach and FPL and Associates, Inc. for On -Call Transportation
Engineering Services;" and , approve and authorize t he Mayo r and City Clerk to execute a $500 ,000
"Professional Services Contract Between the Ci ty of Huntington Beach and KOA Cor poration for On-Call
Transportati on Engineering Services;" and, approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk t o e xecute a
$500,000 "Professional Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and Linscott , Law &
Greenspan dba LG2WB for On -Call Transportation Engineering Services;" and , approve and au t horiz e
the Mayor and City Clerk to ex ecute a $500 ,000 "Professional Services Contract Between the City of
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Huntington Beach and Michael Baker International, Inc. for On-Call Transportation Engineering
Services ."
The motion carried by the following vote :
A YES: Peterson, Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
NOES: None
22. 22-358 Approved and authorized execution of a Memorandum of Understanding between
the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach City School District
(HBCSD) -(Gisler Residential Project)
Councilmember Bolton pulled this item to confirm how A YSO is involved in the discussions related to
selecting lighted playing fields, and Chris Slama, Director of Community and Library Services , confirmed
that A YSO was included in a recent meeting with the City and Huntington Beach City School District , and
if this MOU is approved by Council, A YSO has agreed to be available for regular meetings as the specific
project moves forward . Director Slama also noted that this MOU is intended to benefit the whole
community, not just one user g roup .
Councilmember Bolton stated her support for this item .
A motion was made by Bolton , second Moser to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute a "Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington
Beach City School District -HBCSD;" and , establish a fund/account to deposit the $500,000 paid by the
developer to be used to fund a sports field lighting project on HBCSD property and appropriate the funds
to reimburse HBCSD for eligible project costs .
The motion carried by the following vote:
23. 22-311
Peterson, Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Adopted Ordinance No. 4251 adding Chapter 10.53 to Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic)
of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, prohibiting the unlawful possession of
catalytic converters in the City
Approved for introduction -April 5, 2022, Vote: 7-0
A motion was made by Kalmi c k, se cond Posey to adopt Ordinance No . 4251 , "An Ord inance of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Bea c h Adding a New Chapter 10.53 to Title 10 of the Huntington Beach
Municipal Code , Prohibiting the Unlawful Possession of Catalytic Conve rte rs in the City , and Making a
Finding of Exemption Under CEQA."
The motion carried by the following vote :
Peterson , Bolton , Posey , Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
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24. 22-269 Adopted Resolution No. 2022-15 approving Amendment No. 1 (Substantial) to the
2022-2023 Annual Action Plan, and Resolution No. 2022-16 approving the 2022-2023
Annual Action Plan for Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and
Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Entitlement Grant Programs
Deputy Director of Community Development , Steve Holtz, introduced Housing Manager Charles Kovac
who presented a PowerPoint communication titled 2022-23 Annual Action Plan and the Amendment No.
One (Substantial) to the 2021-22 Annual Action Plan, with slides entitled: Background (2), 2022-23
Anticipated Funding, CDBG Public Services, Revised CDBG Funding Adjustments, CDBG Capital &
Housing Preservation Projects, CDBG Administration, Revised CDBG Funding Adjustments, HOME
A/locations, Revised HOME Funding Adjustments, Recommendations, 2021-22 Action Plan Substantial
Amendment (2), Recommendations, and Questions.
Mayor Delgleize opened the Public Hearing for this item .
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications for this Public Hearing received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda
Public Hearing
#24 (22-269) PowerPoint presentation entitled City Council Public Hearing on 2022-23 Annual Action
Plan and Amendment No. One (Substantial) to the 2021-22 Annual Action Plan submitted
by Ursula Luna-Reynosa, Director of Community Development.
City Clerk Estanislau announced there were no public speakers .
Mayor Delgleize closed the Public Hearing .
A motion was made by Carr, second Moser to adopt Staff recommendations that the City Council
approve and authorize the following in compliance with the Consolidated Plan Procedures of 24 CFR
Part 91: conduct a public hearing for the 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan and Amendment No . 1
(Substantial) to the 2021 -2022 Annual Action Plan; and , adopt Resolution No. 2022-15, "A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving Amendment No. One (Substantial) to the
2021-2022 Annual Action Plan," and, adopt Resolution No. 2022-16, "A Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Huntington Beach, California , Approving the 2022-2023 Action Plan for Federal Community
Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Programs;" and , authorize the City
Manager to sign all necessary related documents.
The motion carried by the following vote :
AYES: Peterson , Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
NOES: None
25. 22 -270 Adopted Resolution No. 2022-18 approving a 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan
Substantial Amendment to receive $2 .2 million HOME Investment Partnerships -
American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds to address housing and homelessness
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Deputy Director of Community Development, Steve Holtz, introduced Housing Manager Charles Kovac
who presented a PowerPoint communication titled 2021-22 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment
Related to HOME-ARP Funding with slides entitled : Background, Eligible HOME-ARP Activities, HOME-
ARP A/location Plan, HOME-ARP Consultations, Proposed HOME-ARP Funding, Recommendations,
and Questions.
Mayor Delgleize opened the Public Hearing for this item .
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications for this Public Hearing received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda
Public Hearing
#25. (22-270) PowerPoint communication entitled 2021-22 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment
Related to HOME-ARP Funding, submitted by Ursula Luna-Reynosa, Director of
Community Development.
City Clerk Estanislau announced there were no public speakers.
Mayor Delgleize closed the Public Hearing .
A motion was made by Moser, second Bolton to conduct a public hearing; and, adopt Resolution No.
2022-18, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving a 2021-2022
Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment to Integrate the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan"; and, authorize
the submittal of the Allocation Plan to HUD for review and approval ; and , authorize the City Manager or
their designee to execute all necessary related documents.
The motion carried by the following vote :
Bolton, Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Councilmember Carr recommended seeing the The Waterman , a movie that chronicles the life of surfing
legend Duke Paoa Kahanamoku , currently showing at the Bella Terra Century Theater.
Councilmember Moser reminded everyone of the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
Community Service Day on Saturday, April 23.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey reported the Kiwanis Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Central Park was a big hit
attended by a record crowd.
Mayor Delgleize thanked all of the volunteers for participating in the very popular Easter Egg Hunt dunk
Councilmember Bolton reported attending the 25th Anniversary Human Relations Committee celebration ,
and appreciation for the historical video that reviews the hate incident that motivated Former Mayors
Ralph Bauer and Shirley Dettloff to create the Human Relations Commission .
Council/PFA Regular Minutes
April 19 , 2022
Page 14 of 14
ADJOURNMENT -8:38 PM in memory of Tony Soriano, former Environmenta l and Sustainability
Board Member, to the next regula rly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public
Financing Authority on Tuesday , May 3 , 2022, at 4 :00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers , 2000
Main Street , Huntington Beach , Cal iforn ia .
City Cle~ff~~ Council
of the City of Hunti ngton Beach and Secretary of
the Public Financing Authority of the City of
Huntington Beach , California