HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-02Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Tuesday,August2, 2022
4 :00 PM -Council Chambers
6:00 PM -Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Ma in Street
Huntington Beach , California 92648
or Virtual via Zoom Webinar
A video recording of the 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM portions of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Bolton, Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser (arrived 4:03 PM), and Ka lmick
AND CLOSED SESSION ITEMS (Received After Agenda Distribution )
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, Assistant City Clerk Patty Esparza announced
supplemental communications received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet:
Study Session
#1 (22-598) PowerPoint presentation entitled City of Huntington Beach Pavement Management Plan
(PMP) Overview submitted by Sean Crumby, Director of Public Works.
1. 22-598 Residential Paving Program Update
Sean Crumby, Director of Public Works, introduced Chris Tanio, Principal Civil Eng ineer, who presented
a PowerPoint communication titled City of Huntington Beach Pavement Management Plan (PMP)
Overview, with slides entitled Background, Factors That Effect Pavement Life, What is Pavement
Condition Index (PC/)? (3), Huntington Beach Street Network, PC/ Comparison, Historic Performance,
Residential Maintenance Zone Map, Maintenance Zones, 9-Year Maintenance Map, Funding Analys is for
PMP and Recommendation, and Questions.
Mayor Delgleize thanked staff for this important report.
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Councilmember Kalmick stated his support for data-driven analytics and shorten ing the cycle.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey and Director Crumby discussed the variables considered when evaluating street
conditions and staff recommendation for a 9-year cycle.
Councilmember Moser thanked staff for considering several cycle options for Council's consideration ,
and discussed the challenges of maintaining alleys . Director Crumby explained that gas taxes and
Measure M funding cannot be used on alley ways. Councilmember Moser stated she would like to see
more communication informing residents of the plans for their neighborhood streets , and stated support
for the 9-year cycle to improve efficiency and performance, and having funds for other projects.
Councilmember Carr stated her appreciation for the dedication and commitment of Public Works staff,
past and present , for the Pavement Management Plan . She and Mayor Pro Tern Posey confirmed with
staff that residents can use the MyHB app or phone in any observed hazardous street conditions .
Councilmember Moser confirmed with Principal Civil Engineer Tanio that residents should not hesitate to
contact Public Works staff with their questions and observations, and staff is happy to meet one-on-one
to discuss and explain specific conditions.
There was further discussion on how landscaping, sidewalk, curb , gutter and street issues are all
addressed for each street maintenance project.
Mayor Delgleize announced the meeting was recessed to Closed Session.
2. 22 -542 Mayor Delgleize Announced: Pursuant to Government Code§ 54957.6., the City
Council takes this opportunity to publicly introduce and identify labor negotiators:
Al Zelinka, City Manager; also in attendance: Brittany Mello, Director of
Administrative Services, regarding the following: Huntington Beach Municipal
Teamsters (HBMT), Management Employees' Organization (MEO), Police Officers'
Association (POA), Police Management Association (PMA), Huntington Beach
Firefighters' Association (HBFA), Fire Management Association (FMA), Marine
Safety Management Association (MSMA), Surf City Lifeguard Employees'
Association (SCLEA), and Non-Represented (Non-Associated) Employees (NA).
3. 22-536 CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Gov. Code section 54957.6.) Agency
designated representatives: Al Zelinka, City Manager; also in attendance: Brittany
Mello, Director of Administrative Services, regarding the following: Huntington
Beach Municipal Teamsters (HBMT), Management Employees' Organization (MEO),
Police Officers' Association (POA), Police Management Association (PMA),
Huntington Beach Firefighters' Association (HBFA), Fire Management Association
(FMA), Marine Safety Management Association (MSMA), Surf City Lifeguard
Employees' Association (SCLEA), and Non-Represented (Non-Associated)
Employees (NA).
City Council/PFA Regula r Minutes
August 2 , 2022
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54956.9(d)(4).): Number of Matters: One (1) -PFAS (Water Contamination).
subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9). Name of case: Watson (Kathleen) v. City of
Huntington Beach, OCSC Case No.: 30-2020-01122818.
Peterson, Bolton , Posey, Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Ka lmick
City Clerk Robin Estanislau requested , and was granted , permission to be absent pursuant to City
Charter Section 310 (a).
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Led by Councilmember Kalmick
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief o r form of invocatio n .
6. 22-514 Charlie Niederman with Temple Beth David in Westminster, and member of the
Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
7. 22 639 Mayor Delgleize to Gall on \'iGtoria Alberty to present the Adoptable Pet of the
8. 22-594 Mayor Delgleize called on the Huntington Beach Marine Safety Division to honor
Junior Lifeguard Elizabeth Felten for her heroic act of saving the life of a six-year-
old boy
Mayor Delgleize introduced Huntington Beach Marine Safety Batta lion Chief Leach, Marine Safety
Captain Hamberg , Program Coordinator Ledezma , and Junior Lifeguard Elizabeth Felten . Ms. Felten
describe d the situation of being at a children's pool party where a non-swimm er was found unresponsive
in the deep end of the pool. She jumped in to assist and her screams for ass istance resulted in severa l
adults helping her pull the child from the pool and begin resuscitat ion . Thankfully the child was released
from the hospital the next morning . Ms . Felten stated how thankful she is for t he Huntingto n Beach
Junior Lifeguard training, and she looks forward to completing lifeguard tryouts when she is old enough.
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Ms . Felten was presented a Certificate of Appreciation and thanked for keeping a level head and
responding in an appropriate manner.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, Assistant City Clerk Patty Esparza announced
supplemental communications received by her office following distributio n of the Council Agenda packet:
Councilmember Items
#16 (22-659) Email communication received regarding recommendations from RWG report to Council
Action .
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minute Time Limit) -14 In -Person and 5 Call -In Speakers
The number [hh :mm:ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb .org/governmentlagendas.
Ryan Vigil, an Intern at the Huntington Beach Sports Complex and Sports Management Student at
Washington State University, and Destiny Sambrano, an Intern at the Huntington Beach Sports Complex
and student from Concordia University, Irvine , were called to speak and invited everyone to attend the 9
am -3 pm Get Active Huntington Beach event on Sunday, August 14. Proceeds will support Project Self
Sufficiency. (00 :52 :48)
John Buzan was called to speak and shared his opinions related to COVID injection trials, court-ordered
data release , and follow-up research findings related to the serious health consequences some people
are experiencing . (00:55 :01)
Mike Adams and Mary Lou Shatluck , Co-Chairs, Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation, were called to
speak and stated their support for Consent Calendar Item #1 O regarding the Memorandum of
Understanding between the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Art Center Foundation,
and to announce the current Art Center exhibition , Childhood Cl assics -One Hundred Years of Book
Illustrations, which is ava ilable until August 20. (00 :58 :02)
Kathy Carrick was called to speak and noted that it has been 56 days since June 7 when the
appointments of Catherine Johnson and Austin Edsell to the Historic Resources Board were pulled from
the Agenda with no explanation. Ms . Carrick read communications regarding this situation and
described the lack of Councilmember response to her efforts to determine what is going on. (00 :59:20)
Patricia Taylor, a 28-year resident of Rancho Mobile Home Park, was called to speak and shared her
frustration at lack of Councilmember support for a carve out to City Charter Section 803 for a Rent
Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) to be voted on in November 2022 . (01 :02 :24)
Russ Neal, a resident of Huntington Beach , was called to speak and stated his opposition to Consent
Calendar Item #14 regarding a resolution of the City Council in support of the action for Spent Fuel Now
Coalition, as well as opposition to the Environment America's Solar on Superstores initiative, and
opposition to Councilmember Item #16 regarding recommendations from RWG Report. Mr. Neal also
thanked Mayor Pro Tern Posey and Councilmember Peterson for voting against any cannabis taxation.
(01 :05:06)
Mike Bledsoe, a 25-year resident of Huntington Beach , was called to speak and shared his anger at the
lack of respect, civility and American values demonstrated by much of society today. He asked that
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people return to the process of discussion and voting rather than shouting or intimidation , and stated he
believes that Councilmembers are humans trying to do a good job. (01 :07 :33)
Kathy Neal, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated he r opposition to
Councilmember Item #16 regarding recommendations from the RWG Report for Council action . She
shared her opinion that a majority of the residents are concerned about the proliferation of crime i n
Huntington Beach. Ms . Neal also stated her opposition to any retai l cannabis business in Huntington
Beach . Mayor Delgleize asked Ms. Neal to complete a blue card for staff follow-up. (01: 10 :2 8)
Cathey Ryder, a resident of Huntington Beach since 1985, was called to speak and noted that
Huntington Beach was recently ranked #1 in the Nation by Wallet Hub for the quality of its services for
the residents . Ms . Ryder stated that she is proud of Huntington Beach , the City Council , and excepti onal
staff members. (01: 13:30)
Amory Hanson, a Candidate for City Council in 2022, and Vice Chair of the Huntington Beach Historic
Resources Board , was called to speak and stated his support for a carve out to C ity Charter Section 803
for a Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) to be voted on in November 2022, and asked that the City
Council at least vote on the recommendation made by the Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB).
Roger Noor was called to speak and provided an update regarding his personal ex periences with the
Huntington Beach Police Department regarding a towed vehicle, and noted that he has yet to receive a
rep ly to his communication to the City Attorney's Office . City Manager Zelinka asked Mr. Noor to
communicate directly with him and provided his business card. (01: 17:55 )
Byron Costa was called to speak and stated his support for his friend Roger Noor. Mr. Costa also shared
his own first-hand experience as a victim of crime in Huntington Beach years ago. (01 :21 :44)
Caller Jeanne Farrens , a resident of Skandia Mobile Home Park, was invited to speak and stated her
support for a carve out to City Charter Section 803 for a Rent Stabil ization Ordinance (RSO) to be voted
on in November 2022 . Ms . Farrens further noted her dismay to realize Huntington Beach
Councilmembers appear to be m'uch more concerned about supporti ng the cannabis industry than
supporting the citizens requesting assistance in dealing with unscrupulous mobile home park owners .
(01 :25:28)
Caller Ada Hand, a resident of Del Mar Mobile Home Estates, was invited to speak and as k ed City staff
where mobile home park residents are mentioned in the Housing Element for Affordable Housing , and
how staff is ensuring mobile home park owners are not selling to people under the age of 55. She noted
that if mobile home park owners are able to convert their park to condos , or even an all-age park, that
would make the affordable housing situation even worse in the City, and stated it appea rs to her that the
Senior Housing Overlay is just a bunch of words. (01 :28:38)
Caller Allison Plum , owner of a manufactured immobile home in Huntington Beach for nearly 10 years ,
and a member of the Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB), was invited to speak. She announced that
on September 14 the Mobile Home Resident Coalition will provide a Council Candidate Forum , at a
location to be announced . Ms Plum encouraged people to be well informed and vote not by party but
rather ethics and track record . (01 :31 :46)
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Caller Bobbi King , a res ident in the Del Ma r mobile home community, was invited to speak and stated
her support for a carve out to City Charter Section 803 for a Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) to be
voted on in November 2022. (01 :33:30)
Caller Mary Jo Baretich , a resident of Cabrillo Mobile Home Park for 40 years, was invited to speak and
stated her support for a carve out to City Charter Section 803 for a Rent Stabilization Ord inance (RSO) to
be voted on in November 2022. Ms . Baretich noted that she and Ada Hand are waiting to assist in a
current mobile Home Market Study by Chapman University Center for Demographics and Policy as an
update to the market study completed in 2002 by Cal State University Fullerton . (01 :36:44)
Councilmember Kalmick reported attending meetings of OC Sanitation, stepping in for Councilmember
Carr, and Orange County Power Authority (OCPA), plus touring a new research, development and
manufacturing business , TS Conductor, with Mayor Pro Tern Posey.
Councilmember Bolton reported attending meetings of the League of California Cities Legislature and
Regulatory Committee , and the Mobile Home Law Seminar hosted by the Golden State Manufactured
Home Owners Education Fund , and the Art Center's Children's Book Illustrations exhibit.
Council member Carr reported attending a meeting of the Mobile Home Advisory Board (MHAB), and
suggested to staff that the agenda for the next MHAB meeting include discussion on the Senior Housing
Overlay as well as policies to ensure mobile home buyers are 55 or older for Senior Mobile Home Parks .
She also reported having a conversation with members of the Huntington Beach Police Officers'
Association (HBPOA).
Mayor Pro Tern Posey shared his perspective of the TS Conductor site tour, and reported attending a
Harbour Commission meeting.
Councilmember Moser reported attending meetings of the Homeless Task Force and Huntington Beach
Police Department, the Communications Committee, and the Huntington Beach Central Park
Mayor Delgleize reported attending a meeting of the Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) Board,
and announced that the purpose of the City Council's Ad Hoc Legal Committee , which was composed of
herself as well as Councilmembers Bolton and Kalmick, has been completed.
City Manager Al Zeli nka reported that last week he attended new employee orientation and re cogn ized
Team HR for th eir hard work.
Sean Crumby, Director of Public Works, provided a brief update regarding the cleanliness and
maintenance of Downtown Main Street.
9. 22 -254 Received and Filed the City Treasurer's June 2022 Quarterly Investment Summary
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City Treasurer, Alisa Backstrom , presented a PowerPoint communication t itled City of Huntington Beach
Quarterly Investment Report, with slides entitled In ves tment Portfolio -Summary, In vestment Portfolio -
Investments by Type, Investment Portfolio -Quarterly Activity (April -June), In vestment P ortfolio -
Earnings, Investment Rates -US Treasury Rates -January 1, 2022-June 30, 2022, Sele cted
Investment Policy Compliance Requirements, and Summary.
Councilmember Carr and City Treasurer Backstrom discussed potential cont inued T reasury rate
increases and opportunities to move funds into higher rates if that becomes reality. City Treasurer
Backstrom stated the effort is to invest to match liabilities , and funds available for investing are generated
when property ta xes are due in April and December. City Treasurer Backstrom also stated she will be
closely reviewing bonds to determine if there will be opportunities to rebalance .
A motion was made by Posey , second Car r to receive and file the City Treasurer's Quarterly Investment
Report for June 2022 , pursuant to Section 17 .0 of the Investment Policy of the City of Huntington Beach .
The motion carried by the following vote:
Peterson, Bolton , Posey, Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Councilmember Moser pulled Item #10, Mayor Pro Tern Posey pulled Item #12, Councilmember Carr
pulled Item #13, and Councilmember Peterson pulled Item #14 for further discuss ions.
10. 22-280 Approved and authorized execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
between the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Art Center (HBAC)
Councilmember Moser pulled this item to publicly thank Public Speakers Mi ke Adams and Mary Lou
Shatluck for their statement of support, and acknowledged Art Center Director Kate Hoffman as well as
Library and Community Services staff for all that they do to elevate arts in th e commun ity.
A motion was made by Moser, second Delgleize to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
ex ecute the "Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Huntington Beach and the Hunt ington
Beach Art Center Foundation ."
The motion carried by the following vote :
AYES: Peterson , Bolton , Posey, Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
NOES: None
11. 22-469 Adopted Resolution 2022-43 Confirming Cost Report for Weed Abatement on
Private Parcels within the City for the 2022 Season
A motion was made by Delgleize , second Kalmic k to adopt Resolution 2022-43 "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach Confirm ing the Re port of the Publi c Work s Di rector Rega rding
the Cost for Weed Abatement on Private Property Within the City for the 2022 Season ," and di rect that
all charges listed thereon be certified to the Orange County 2022/23 Property Tax Roll.
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The motion carried by the following vote :
12. 22-644
Peterson , Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Approved Sole Source Procurement Request for Ferguson Waterworks 1083 for
Neptune Water Meters
Mayor Pro Tern Posey pulled this item to suggest that going forward with incremental sole source
procurements it would be important to include costs , even though the cost was previously discussed and
approved .
A motion was made by Posey , second Delgleize to approve the sole source procurement of Neptune
Water Meters from Ferguson Waterworks 1083.
The motion carried by the following vote :
13. 22-645
Peterson, Bolton, Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
Received and Filed a Short-Term Rental Update
Councilmember Carr pulled this item to request more details from Community Development Director
Ursula Luna-Reynosa . Director Luna-Reynosa noted that a comprehensive report is planned for October
after the busy season between Memorial Day and Labor Day when there will be more data to analyze .
Director Luna -Reynosa introduced Code Enforcement Officer Hoang who noted that the majority of
short-term rental complaints come from neighbors claiming hosts do not live on the property . Any trash ,
graffiti or noise compla ints are addressed as quickly as possible . Officer Hoang explained the process
for violation issues requires a notice of violation , and time for the host to comply . If there is not
compliance , then a citation is issued for $1 ,000 per violation, and at the present time there has been one
citation for not living at the property. He added that currently 56 complaints are being investigated for
hosted short-term rentals .
Council member Bolton noted that her review of the originally presented data seems to show that un-
hosted locations appear to have fewer "bad guest" complaints, while hosted locations appear to be
generating the most complaints, and thanked Director Luna-Reynosa for the report.
Councilmember Kalmick stated a table showing type of complaints would be helpful , and he found it
interesting that hosted locations appear to be generating the most income . Officer Hoang noted that
property owners advertising without permits are being informed they must get a permit within 15 days. If
there is no compliance, they get another 15-day notice which is followed by a $1 ,000 citation after 30
days. If there is evidence of continued violation there is a $1 ,000 fine each for advertising and not
having a permit. If violations continue, then the case is referred to the City Attorney's office for possible
prosecution , and at the moment there are no cases that have reached this status .
A motion was made by Bolton , second Kalmick to receive and file this report .
The motion carried by the following vote:
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Peterson, Bolton , Posey, Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
14. 22-654 Amended and approved positions on local policy issues, as recommended by the
Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Councilmember Peterson pulled this item to share his opinion that in reality most spent fue l is be ing
recycled and he does not support the Spent Fuel Now Coalition . Further, the City should not suggest or
recommend solar panels because in his opinion this should be strictly a personal decision , and therefore
he is opposed to this item .
Mayor Delgleize stated her support for the Spent Fuel Now Coalition .
Councilmember Carr noted the Spent Fuel Now Coalition Resolution shou ld reference Huntington Beach ,
not Newport Beach , and stated her support for this item.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey stated he sees supporting Environment America's Solar on Superstores as
encouragement, but not a mandate . He further suggested considering options in the future for
incentivizing rooftop solar, and noted his support for both policy issues in this item.
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Delgleize to approve one or more actions on the following policy
issues proposed by the IRC: adopt Resolution No . 2022-53 -"A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach in Support of the Action for Spent Fuel Now Coalition", as amended to change
Newport Beach to Huntington Beach, and; submit a Letter of Support for Environment America's Solar
on Superstores Initiative .
The amended motion carried by the following vote:
Bolton , Posey , Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Ka lmick
15. 22-583 Approved for introduction Ordinance No. 4258 approving Zoning Text Amendment
No. 22-003 to Chapter 222 (Floodplain Overlay District) of the Huntington Beach
Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance
Director of Community Development Ursula Luna-Reynosa noted the effort is to reduce flood insurance
rates for residents required to have flood insurance, and introduced Associate Planner Tess Ngyuen who
presented a PowerPoint communication titled Flood Ordinance Revisions, with slides entit led Request
(2), Background, Analysis, and Recommendation.
Mayor Delgleize opened the public hearing .
Assistant City Clerk Patty Esparza stated there were no public speakers.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act , Assistant City Clerk Esparza announced there was no
supplemental communication received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet.
Mayor Delgleize closed the public hearing .
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Councilmember Peterson and Associate Planner Ngyuen reviewed the new requirements and confirmed
these requirements apply to new construction .
A motion was made by Peterson, second Posey to after the Assistant City Clerk reads by title, find the
Zoning Text Amendment No. 22-003 categorically exempt pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 4501,
Class 20, which supplements the California Environmental Quality Act because the request is a minor
amendment to a zoning ordinance that does not change the development standards density or intensity
and does not authorize any physical development; and, approve Zoning Text Amendment No . 22-003
with findings per Attachment No . 1 ; and , approve for introduction Ordinance No . 4258 , "An Ordinance of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending Chapter 222 of the Huntington Beach Zoning
and Subdivision Ordinance Relating to the Floodplain Overlay District (FP1 , FP2, FP3) (Zoning Text
Amendment No. 22-003)."
The motion carried by the following vote :
Peterson, Bolton, Posey , Delgleize , Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
16. 22-659 Amended and Approved Item Submitted by Councilmember Bolton and
Councilmember Kalmick -Recommendations from RWG Report to Council Action
Councilmember Bolton introduced the item and requested that the City Attorney and City Manage r
Offices implement the training recommendations on the attorney/client relationship as presented in the
Richards Watson Gershon (RWG) report received in July, as well as determine if it is possible to get
attorney fee reimbursement for the employment litigation several years ago .
Councilmember Kalmick amended this item to request the staff response , describing how the
recommendations will be implemented, be brought back for Council approval in 45 days rather than 60
Mayor Pro Tern Posey clarified for staff the guidance should include a syllabus with a definition of the
roles of the City Attorney and Councilmembers, and a repeating schedule to ensure newly elected
Councilmembers receive proper training .
Councilmember Carr shared her support for a professional working relationship by having policies and
procedures which are routinely reinforced through training, following the model of most corporations .
Councilmember Peterson noted for purposes of clarification that Councilmembers can only direct the City
Manager, therefore "staff' in this item means City Manager.
An amended motion was made by Kalmick, second Bolton to direct staff to return to Council within 6G 45
days with guidance on how to effectuate the recommendations from RWG report.
The amended motion carried by the following vote :
Bolton , Posey , Delgleize, Carr, Moser, and Kalmick
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Council member Carr reminded people of the US Open of Surfing this next week, and noted several
highlights including the Inductee Reception for the Surfing Walk of Fame, and the 25th Anniversary
Remastered Classics , Searching for Tom Curren, showing at Huntington Beach High School Auditorium .
She also noted the great turnout for the Junior Lifeguard Pancake breakfast.
Councilmember Moser shared she participated in the Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting for Bud and
Gene's, the new restaurant at the end of the Huntington Beach Pier. She also participated in the staff ice
cream social to celebrate Parks Make Life Better at City Hall. Councilmember Moser congratulated
Huntington Beach Public Affairs Manager Jennifer Carey for being selected as the California Public
Information Crisis Communicator of the Year!
Mayor Pro Tern Posey reported attending the US Open and thanked Vans and Steve Van Doren for
sponsoring this year's event.
He also noted the Premier Girls Fast Pitch softball event from July 22 through August 7 at the Sports
Complex, and stated that in 2021 this event provided a $70M benefit to Orange County through hotel
room , transportation , and restaurant taxes.
Mayor Pro Tern Posey reported also attending the Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting for Bud and Gene's
restaurant which is focused on honoring the Huntington Beach lifeguard , surf and ocean cylture .
Mayor Delgleize congratulated the Junior Lifeguard Program for an outstanding and successful pancake
breakfast. She also reported attending the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Adam Voltari at the Scout
Cabin at Lake Park. Mayor Delgleize announced that the City of Hope Orange County Lennar
Foundation Cancer Center just opened in Irvine and noted that Lennar Homes donated $50M for th is
state-of-the-art facility.
ADJOURNMENT -8:27 PM. Mayor Delgleize announced that the August 16, 2022 , City Council/Public
Financing Authority meeting has been cancelled.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority is
on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, at 4 :00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 2000 Main Street,
Huntington Beach, California.
http://www. huntingtonbeachca. gov
City Cl~o~t=Y Council
of the City ·of Huntington Beach and Secretary of
the Public Financing Authority of the City of
Huntington Beach , Californ ia
. City Clerk-Secretary
City Council/PFA Regular Minutes
August 2, 2022
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