HomeMy WebLinkAboutDesign Review Board of the City of Huntington Beach - Bylaws- ` ^ ' 2 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD BYLAWS Section 1 Title. Pursuant to Article 985 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code the official title of this Board shall be "Design Review Board of the City of Huntington Beach" which may also be referred to as the Board. Section 2. Officers. The officers of this Board shall be a Chairman and Vice-Chalorman who shall be elected by majority vote of the Board and shall hold office for a period of one year and until their successors are elected. To f:i.11 a vacancy. -in the unexpired term of Chairman or Vice -Chairman, a member of the Board shall be elected for such unexpired term. An election of officers shal-IL be held at the f irst meeting in January of each year and the elected. Chairman and Vice -Chairman shall assume office at the second meeting in January of each year. No person shall occupy the office of Chairman or Vice -Chairman -for more than two consecutive terms. In addition, there shall be a Secretary of the Board which office shall be incumbent upon the Community Development Director or a person so designated by the Director. Section 3. Duties of Chairman and Vice -Chairman. The Chairman shall preside at the meetings of the Board and in case of his . absence or inability to act., the Vice -Chairman shall act, and in t:he- absence of -both the. Chairman and ' Vice. -Chairman, the Board shall appoint a Chairman pro tempore who shall serve only until such time as the Chairman or Vice -Chairman returns and is able to act.. and who for such period shall have all the powers and duties of the Chairman or Vice -Chairman. The Chairman shall have the power to make or second any motion and to present and discuss any matters notwithstanding the fact that he is the presiding officer of the Board. Section 4. Duties of the Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a full and true record of all proceedings of the Board, schedule matters for hearing and consideration by the Board, notify members of meetings at least three working days in advance and perform such other duties required by statute, law or by the Board. In case the Secretary is absent, a Deputy Secretary appointed by the Secretary shall act,' and. in the absence of both the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary, then the Chairman shall appoint a Secretary pro tempore who shall serve only until such time as the Secretary or Deputy Secretary returns and is able to act, and who for such period shall have all the powers and duties of the Secretary. Design Review Board Bylaws -2= (0883D) 7 Section 5. Meetings. All meetings of the Design Review Board shall be open to the public. Regular meetings may be held as needed on any Thursday of the 'month at..the hour' o.f.3:30 p.m. The Board may. reschedule or cancel a regular meeting upon request if all th.e pertinent notifications and parliamentary procedures are fulfilled. Regular meetings shall be held in the Community Development Main Conference Room of the Civic Center or an alternate location as designated by the Secretary of the hoard. A regular meeting may be adjourned to a date certain which shall be specified in the order of adjournment and when so adjourned, shall be a regular meeting for all purposes. In the event a regular meeting date falls on a legal holiday, such meeting date shall be deemed to be the day following such holiday. Section 6. Attendance. Regular attendance at meetings of the Board is required of all members to enable the Board to discharge the duties imposed upon it by law. A member absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings, without securing the consent of the Chairman, or unexcused absence from six (6) regular meetings, shall be deemed .to have resigned from the Board.. Upon majority vote of the Board, the Secretary shall notify the City Council of such resignation and request in the name. of the Board, appointment of a new member to fill the unexpired term of the member res1*9ning- Design Review Board Bylaws -3- {0883D) Section 7. Quorum,, At any meeting of the Design Review Board., a majority of said Board, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.- In the, event ther:e i s no quorum -at a' Board -meeting.. the Secretary. shall adjourn such meeting or shall adjourn to a date certain. Section 8-.. Order of Business. The order of business- for a regular meeting shall be: 1. Call to order by the Chairman, 2. Consideration of matters on the agenda prepared by the Secretary. 3. Any other business which may properly come before the Board. Section 9. Parliamentary Procedure. *IN The Parliamentary Rules as written in "Roberts Rules of order" shall, in general, govern the proceedings -of this Design Review Board, but the Chairman shall decide all questions of order, subject to appeal by the Board, and all appeals shall be decl"ded by a majority of the members present. The Chairman shall vote on all matters coming before the Board whether there is a tie vote or not. No member may vote at a meeting by proxy, or by any method other than being personally present and casting his Design Review Board Bylaws -4- (0883D) i vote. Every member present shall give his or her vote on all questions brought to.a vote. Every member present who shall not have properly disqualif ied himself or herself and.who-shall. remain .silent and fail to - record a vocal vote on any question brought to a vote, shall have his vote recorded as an affirmative or aye vote. Any member present who deems himself disqualified for any reason to vote upon any question may declare himself as disqualified and shall state his reasons for disqualificat,ion if called upon by a majority of the quorum present. Any such member who has so disqualified himself shall have that fact shown in the minutes of the meeting and shall not be required to vote upon the question on which he has disqualified himself and his failure to vote shall be recorded' as neither an aye nor nay vote. No application shall be. deemed. approved or denied without an affirmative vote of three (3) members of the Board., either for approval or denial. In the event the required affirmative vote • is not cast., the matter shall be continued to the next regular meeting or to a date certain agreed to by a majority of the members present. No motion shall be voted on until reasons for the motion of approval, conditional 'approval or denial are stated. The Director may administer a request submitted for Board action. "If. in the opinion of the Director, the request is of a minor nature, the Board Secretary should notify the Board of Design Review Board Bylaws -5- (o833D) 10 such act -ion, as an item of information., on the first regular Board meeting occurring after the decision ha& been made. Section 10.,.Changes in Bylaws. A majority vote of a'l 1 members entitled to vote shall be required to amend these bylaws. Copies of a proposed amendment shall be given to each member at a regular meeting or shall be mailed to each member at -least 5 days prior to a meeting, and may then be voted upon at the next regular meeting. Section 11. Adoption. Approved and adopted as the Bylaws of the Design Review Board of the City of Huntington.Beach this day of 19 Attest: er6io Martinez, Secretary Frank gins / Ch vi_/rlmlan e Design Review Board Bylaws -6- t 03•83D)