HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuntington Beach Historic Resources Board - Bylaws - Approves. ,ke I too, k� BY—LAWS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH HISTORIC RESOURCES BOARD HUNTINGTON BEACH HISTORIC RESOURCES BOARD ARTICLE I Name This organization shall be known as the Huntington Beach Historic Resources Board. Unless otherwise indicated. the term "Board" as used in these By -Laws shall mean Huntington Beach Historic Resources Board, ARTICLE II Purpose The purposes for which it is formed are: (a} The Soard is the agency responisble far identifying and recording the historical assets of the community and for developement and implementing a program for their historical preservation. (b) The Board cooperates with the city agencies such as the Planning Commission to insure that historical preservation is considered in planning for the future developement of our community. (e)• The Board also coordinates the activities of local groups whose interest involve history or historical preservation,. such as local historical societies, libraries, and schools. Al It serves as a liaison between these groups and the state and federal agencies and preservation organizations. ARTICLE III Composition, Appointment of Members, and Compensation Section l: The Board shall consist of not more than eleven (11) voting members, all appointed by khe City Council. Section 2e. All members shall be residents of the City of Huntington Beach, and over one-half of the members shall be electors of the city. Section 3; All members shall serve without compensation, and none shall hold any ether office Section 4: Each member shall serve a term of three (3) years• • beginning July 1 and expiring June 30. � b t. J Section 5: Each member shall serve his term until his is appointed and qualified. If vacancies shall occur than by expiration of terms, they shall be filled by appointment for 'the unexpired portion of the terms by Council. other successor City the Section 6: Prior to the expiration of a member's term, the Executive Committee may make recommendation to the City Council the reappointment of the member. The Executive Committee may also recommend to the City Council new appointees for any vacancy. Section 7: The Executive Committee may recommend to the City Council that a member be removed from the Board. ARTICLE IV Officers - Terms Section 1: The elective officers of the Board shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary. Such officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year or a specified period with majority consent of the Board. Section 2: Election of officers of the Board shall be held annually at the first meeting in July. Section 3: The term of office shall commence immediately upon election. In the event the Chairman cannot complete his term of office, the unexpired term shall be filled by the Vice Chairman$ ARTICLE V Duties of Officers Section 1: Chairman: Shall preside at all meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee, represent the Board at public meetings, and make reports to the City Council, may delegate those duties to other members, and shall appoint all committees, including the Nominating Committee. Section 2: Vice Chairman: Shall assist the Chairman in the discharge of official duties; shall in the absence of the Chairman or in the case of his inability to serve, preside at all meetings and perform all the duties of the Chairman; shall be the Parliamentarian and insuze that the By -Laws and Standing Rules .are conformed to. Section 3: Secretary: Shall keep or cause to be kept true and . accurate records of the Board meetings and activities; maintain a current file of members and terms, By -Laws, Standing Rules, and related resoiutions of the City Council; .. E � . 1 arrange for stenographic and other services required by the Board. ARTICLE YI Committees Section l: At the first meeting in July the Board Chairman shall appoint the members of the Standing Committees and their Chairmen. Section 2: Each member of the Board shall serve on at least one Standing Committee. Section 3: Standing Committees may be dissolved and new '�� committees may be established by the Board. Section 4: The Chairman may appoint special committees, and they shall serve until their assignments have been completed. Section 5: The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be Ex-officio members of all committees. ARTICLE YII Executive Committee Section 1: 'Ihe Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, and the Chairman of each Standing Committee. . Section 2: The Executive Committee shall meet at a time and place designated by the Chairman. Section 3: The Duties of the Executive Committee: Outline goals • and priorities of the Board; establish procedures for conduct • of business; aid the Chairman in making decisions affecting the Board. Section 4: The Executive Board may take appropriate action in • the name of the Executive Committee. When the situation precludes calling a special general meeting. ARTICLE VIII Meetings Section 1: The Board shall meet at least once each month at a time and place determined by the Standing Rules. The Chairman or the Executive Committee may call additional meetings When necessary. -�- •r . .��� Y � Section 2: All meetings of the Board and its committees shall be open to the public and shall be subject to the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code S 54950, et seq.). Section 3: Names of the members present or absent shall he entered into the minutes. No member can be absent more than three consecutive meetings unless excused by the Chairman, Executive Committee, or the Board. Without this approval, the member's replacement may be recommended to. the City Council. Section 4: Any member of the Historic Resources Board may request the Executive Committee grant a leave of absence. The leave of absence may be granted if a member will be unable to attend regular Board meetings for a period not to exceed six (6) months. Approval of such a leave requires unanimous consent of the Executive Committee. During a leave of absence that person shall not be considered a member of the Board. Section 5: A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the current membership. A quorum must be present to conduct meetings. Section 6: Each member of the Board shall have one vote. No proxy votes will be permitted. The election of officers shall be by written ballot. All other votes shall be by voice. A roll call vote will be made at any member's request. Section 7: Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the . -Board's meetings, provided they are not inconsistent with the By --Laws or Standing Rules of the Council, city ordinances, or other laws. Section 8: The order of business will be in general as follows: a. Call to order/roll call. b. Approval of minutes of previous meeting. c. Correspondence. d. Report of Chairman and Executive Committee. e. Cammi,ttee reports. f. Unfinished business. g. New business. h. Announcements. i. Adjournment. ARTICLE IX Standing Rules Section 1: The Board may adopt Standing Rules covering meeting times, conduct of business, communications, and any other matters which do not conflict with these By -Laws. �I- • 't F• t� ARTICLE X Amendment of By -Laws Section l: Any new resolution or ordinance of the City Council which is in conflict with these By -Laws shall be considered an automatic change of the By -Laws. Section 2: The membership of the Board may amend these By -Laws by two-thirds note of the members present. Copies of changes must be given to .each member at a prior regular meeting or mailed to each member at least five (5) working days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is voted upon. ARTICLE XI Adoption Section l: The above By -Laws of the Huntington Beach • Historic Resources Board were approved on March 2, 1987. Section 2: These By -Laws and amendments thereto shall be subject to approval .by the City Council. REVIEWED��� APPROVED; APPRGVED AS TG FORM: • y Administrator C�f� City Attorney Certificate of Adoption I certify that I am the duly qualified and acting secretary of the Huntington Beach Historicai Resources Board and that these By -Laws were adopted by the Board •on Certificate of City Clerk I am the duly elected and qualified City Clerk and certify that these By -Laws were approved by the City Council on -5-