HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-20Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting
Special Meeting of the Housing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
4:00 PM — Council Chambers
6:00 PM — Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
A video recording of the 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM portions of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Present: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
Absent: None
Councilmember Bolton expressed deep concerns about public accusations directed at City librarians and
staff related to Agenda Item No. 18 and the housing, display, and distribution of pornography and
obscenity in our public libraries. Noting that examples of reading material being described as “obscene”
seem to address LGTBQ topics, the agenda item itself actually points out that “Federal law strictly
prohibits distribution of obscene matter to minors,” which makes it questionable the that our public
libraries have been violating federal obscenity laws for so many years.
ITEMS (Received After Agenda Distribution) — None.
MAYOR’S CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: For Item #2, Labor Negotiations — Police
Management Association (PMA).
A motion was made by Burns, second McKeon, to recess to Closed Session for Items 1 — 3.
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section 54956.9(d)(2).): Number of matters: One (1).
2. 23-520 CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Gov. Code section 54957.6.) Agency
designated representatives: Al Zelinka, City Manager, and Peter Brown, Chief
Negotiator; also in attendance: Jose Rodriguez, Human Resources Manager;
Theresa St Peter, Interim Director of Human Resources; Travis Hopkins, Assistant
City Manager; Michael E. Gates, City Attorney; Eric Parra, Chief of Police; and
Sunny Han, Acting Chief Financial Officer. Employee Organization: Police
Management Association (PMA).
3. 23-519 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Pursuant to Government Code
§54957 for performance evaluation of the City Manager.
Present: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
Absent: None
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark.
4. 23-508 Huntington Beach Police Chaplain James Pike
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation.
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet, that were
uploaded to the City's website and Councilmember iPads prior to the start of the meeting:
City Attorney's Report Item #5 (1 PowerPoint communication, 1 email communication); Administrative
Items #15 (4 email communications); Councilmember Items #18 (1 PowerPoint communication, 621
email communications); and Item #19 (110 email communications).
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3-Minute Time Limit) — 117 Speakers
The number [hh:mm:ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http://www.surfcity-hb.org/government/agendas.
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Brenda Glim, a long-time Huntington Beach homeowner, was called to speak and thanked Huntington
Beach First Responders for their prompt response, professionalism, and skill on the night her husband
experienced a sudden cardiac arrest. Ms. Glim also stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18
regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach
Public Libraries (HBPL). (00:11:46)
Shirley Dettloff, a resident of Huntington Beach since 1964 and one of the authors of the Human Dignity
Statement, was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of Library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (00:14:49)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (00:17:46)
Laura Aydelotte, a resident of Huntington Beach who grew up here, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of Library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (00:20:46)
Kelly Jones, representing State Senator Dave Min’s Office, was called to speak and read Senator Min's
statement of opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of
Library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (00:23:52)
Gloria Lurie, a 36-year resident of Huntington Beach and retired teacher, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of Library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing
hate in Huntington Beach. (00:25:51)
Cathey Ryder, a resident of Huntington Beach since 1985, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of Library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and her support for Item #19 denouncing
hate in Huntington Beach. (00:27:05)
Diane Bentley, a 22-year resident of Huntington Beach, tutor in the Adult Literacy Program, and Friends
of the Huntington Beach Library member, was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember
Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of Library books and other materials within
Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (00:30:17)
Ian Mason was called to speak stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of Library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (00:32:42)
Karen Jackle was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of Library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (00:36:20)
Joanne was called to speak stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display
and circulation of Library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL).
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Laszlo Lak was called to speak stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display
and circulation of Library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL).
Pat Goodman was called to speak and shared opinions regarding Public Hearing Item #14 relating to
options for funding the Navigation Center; stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL); and stated support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (00:41:47)
Kathie Schey was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of Library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (00:44:40)
Andrew Einhorn, a long-time resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and asked that
Councilmembers cease protecting one of their peers for their past hate speech and establish an
independent committee to review the allegations. He also stated his opposition to Councilmember Items
#18 regarding selection, display and circulation of Library books and other materials within Huntington
Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach.
JoAnn Arvizy, a 50-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and read a letter on behalf of
Former Mayor and Councilmember Debbie Cook, that stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18
regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach
Public Libraries (HBPL). (00:49:53)
Sue Welfringer was called to speak stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL) (00:52:50)
Tony Daus, a 28-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (00:55:29)
Carol Daus, 28-year resident of Huntington Beach and Friends of the Huntington Beach Library
volunteer, was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (00:56:17)
Jeanne Paris, a 27-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated support for
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and stated opposition to Item #19
denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (00:59:36)
Delaine Bailey, a 9-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated support for
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:02:43)
Steve Quinn was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (01:06:29)
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Mayor Strickland called for a ten-minute recess to consult with Police Chief Parra and ensure
continued public safety for this meeting. (01:08:23)
When reconvened, Mayor Strickland announced that only those called to speak may be in the
area behind the podiums, and any signage brought by a speaker may be displayed at the time
they are providing comments at the podium. (01:16:20)
Steve Quinn completed his remarks in support of Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display
and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL),
after the short recess. (01:17:03)
Patti Pappas, a 43-year+ resident of Huntington Beach and former educator, was called to speak and
stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books
and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:17:59)
Ceason Baker was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (01:21:15)
Ann Palmer, a 30+ year resident of Huntington Beach, and Friends of the Huntington Beach Library
member, was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (01:23:52)
Elana K Arnold, Best Selling Author of books for children and teens, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:27:39)
T.J. England, a resident of Huntington Beach since 1967 and Former Army Nurse, was called to speak
and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library
books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:31:05)
Larry Hersh was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (01:32:36)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (01:35:48)
Betty Kanne, a long-time Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:39:31)
Allie Plum, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember
Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within
Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and stated support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (01:42:20)
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Barbara Richardson, a resident of Huntington Beach since 1973, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:45:01)
Shaheer Quader, a resident of Huntington Beach for over 40 years, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:48:16)
Richard Kelly, a 54-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:51:27)
Gary Casamento, a 40-year Huntington Beach homeowner, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:54:47)
Leslie Casamento, a 30-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (01:58:03)
Jignesh Padniar was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (02:00:06)
Laura Rocha, a 25-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:03:19)
Wendy Rincon, a life-long resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:07:00)
Sydney Rincon, a life-long resident, was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items
#18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington
Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:09:59)
Lisa Musil, a 20+-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated support for
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:13:08)
Stephanie Camacho-Van Dyke, LGBTQ Center—OC Director of Advocacy and Education, was called to
speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of
library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:16:20)
Martha Elliott, a 32-year Huntington Beach homeowner, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:17:58)
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Sarah McCourt was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (02:21:11)
Rabbi Stephen Einstein was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18
regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach
Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Items #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (02:24:27)
Mark Dixon, a 51-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (02:27:33)
"Skywalker" was called to speak and shared titles of books that he believes are brainwashing people to
support the radical left agenda. (02:29:21)
Valentina Bankhead, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated support for
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:32:32)
Laury Creyaufmiller, a resident of Huntington Beach since 1979, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:36:44)
Melanie Bergeland, a 37+-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition
to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:40:00)
Luanne Nichols Shoup was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL), and opposition to Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (02:41:54)
Avery Counts, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (02:45:07)
Kylie Bruce, a life-time resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:47:49)
Chris Kluwe, a 15-year Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (02:50:52)
Hannah Cole, a 4-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (02:54:11)
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Libby F was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (02:57:26)
Alexandra Winnik, alumna of Edison High School, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (03:00:39)
Amory Hanson was called to speak and stated support for Consent Calendar Item #8 regarding on-call
video production services for a two-year contract term. (03:03:49)
Susan Claudius was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (03:04:37)
Heidi Barlow was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (03:06:42)
Honie Abramowicz, 45+-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (03:09:24)
Laura Steingold, a 40-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (03:12:51)
Carin Meister was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (03:15:25)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (03:18:37)
Nicholas Radtke, an 8-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (03:21:52)
Susan Wexler, a 42-year resident of Huntington Beach, retired high school teacher and Library
Volunteer, was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (03:25:00)
Leslie Golson, a 30-year Huntington Beach resident and retired teacher, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (03:27:17)
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Randy Kokal, a 30-year Huntington Beach resident and Former Huntington Beach Planning
Commissioner, was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (03:30:05)
Bryson Miller, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated support for
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (03:34:30)
Scott Malabarba, a 20-year Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (03:37:41)
Melanie Tioleco-Cheng, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and read her 18-year-old
daughter's statement of opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and
circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL).
Nora Pedersen, a 35-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (03:43:50)
Roy C. McCord, a long-time resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (03:45:54)
Andreas Georgi, a 25-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (03:49:03)
Russ Neal, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember
Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within
Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and in opposition to Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington
Beach. (03:50:51)
Harika Kayi, a 21-year Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated support for
Councilmember Items #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (03:53:33)
Dana Lee, a life-long resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (03:56:48)
Nick McLachlan, a Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (03:58:24)
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Bethany Webb, a 45-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (04:01:37)
Buffy Channel, a 34-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (04:03:53)
Jeanne Farrens was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (04:08:04)
Arthur Estrada was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (04:11:20)
Kane Durham was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (04:13:23)
Heidi Vea was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (04:16:17)
Paula Schaefer, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to proposed
Resolution No. 2023-24's plan to add three attorneys to the City Attorney's Office, and opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (04:19:28)
Kathryn Goddard was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (04:22:33)
Terry Rose was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (04:25:17)
Dina Chavez, a long-time resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (04:28:32)
Cooper Carrasco, a life-time resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (04:32:20)
Unnamed Guest, a 36-year Huntington Beach homeowner and a school librarian, was called to speak
and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library
books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (04:35:27)
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Brian Vea, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember
Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within
Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (04:38:47)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (04:41:26)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (04:44:35)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (04:48:37)
Kathleen Johnson, Huntington Beach resident and Law Professor, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing
hate in Huntington Beach. (04:49:26)
Alicia Tan, Huntington Beach Public Library Intern, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (04:52:41)
Julie Evans, Huntington Beach resident and Public School Teacher, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (04:55:35)
At 10:59 PM, a motion was made by Mayor Strickland, second McKeon, to continue the meeting
past the hour of 11:00 PM. (04:58:51)
Aletheu Vean, Huntington Beach High School student, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in
Huntington Beach. (04:59:49)
Suzanne Hart, Retired School Teacher and Huntington Beach Public Library Volunteer, was called to
speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of
library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (05:02:31)
Tim Geddes, a 40-year Huntington Beach resident and former teacher, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and
other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Councilmember Items
#19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (05:04:15)
Jessamyn Garner, resident of Huntington Beach and OC Pride Board Member, was called to speak and
stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library
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books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and support for Item #19
denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (05:07:20)
Paul Horgan was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL), and support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (05:10:31)
Christine Padesky, a 40+-year resident of Huntington Beach and Licensed Clinical Psychologist, was
called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and
circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL), and
support for Item #19 denouncing hate in Huntington Beach. (05:14:56)
Vel Savalle was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL). (05:18:14)
Mike B., long-time resident and school teacher, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (05:20:44)
Tom Dillman, Huntington Beach resident and Gulf War Veteran, was called to speak and stated support
for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (05:23:58)
Linda, a long-time resident, was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18
regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach
Public Libraries (HBPL). (05:26:51)
Dr. Linda MacDonell, Former Huntington Beach Public Library Board Member and Former Human
Relations Task Force Member, was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18
regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach
Public Libraries (HBPL). (05:30:04)
Joyce Rilley was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection,
display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries
(HBPL) (05:31:35)
Jeanne Goodin, a long-time resident of Huntington Beach and Retired Teacher, was called to speak and
stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books
and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (05:33:06)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (05:35:44)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL). (05:39:43)
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Unnamed Guest was called to speak and stated support for Councilmember Items #18 regarding
selection, display and circulation of library books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public
Libraries (HBPL) (05:42:12)
Eva Rains, a resident of Huntington Beach and Edison High School graduate, was called to speak and
stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library
books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (05:45:20)
Jennifer Rojas, a resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to
Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library books and other
materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (05:48:37)
Dougan Be X, a two-year resident of Huntington Beach and Combat Veteran, was called to speak and
stated opposition to Councilmember Items #18 regarding selection, display and circulation of library
books and other materials within Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL). (05:51:09)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and shared opinions related to recent City Council decisions that he
believes could potentially place the City of Huntington Beach into bankruptcy. (05:54:17)
Mayor Strickland announced the appointment of Councilmember Burns as his replacement on the West
Orange County Water Board, and removed Councilmember McKeon and added himself to the Sister City
AB 1234 REPORTING — None.
5. 23-531 City Attorney’s Update on the Community Prosecutor Program
City Attorney Michael Gates presented a PowerPoint communication titled Community Prosecutor
Program Update with slides entitled: History of the Community Prosecutor Program (3); Program Goals;
Success of the Community Prosecutor Program; Common State Crimes California Penal Codes; Ex.
Theft; Ex. Vandalism; Ex. Public Intoxication; Ex. Resisting Arrest; Huntington Beach Municipal Code;
Diversionary Programs (2); Ex. Homeless Outreach (2); and Case Load Statistics May 1, 2022 - June 15,
Councilmember Kalmick asked for year-over-year statistics for the last 5 years. City Attorney Gates
noted there would be anomalies during the time of COVID-19.
Councilmember Bolton and City Attorney Gates discussed how hate crimes are handled, and noted that
generally speaking cases with a lot of witnesses or evidence usually stay with the District Attorney for
chain of custody reasons.
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City Clerk
6. 23-509 Approved and Adopted Minutes
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Van Der Mark to approve and adopt the City Council/Public
Financing Authority regular meeting minutes of June 6, 2023; and approve and adopt the City
Council/Public Financing Authority special meeting minutes of June 13, 2023.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
City Manager
7. 23-495 Approved the re-appointments of KC Fockler, Kathleen McGowan, Bud Benneman,
Joan Siegal, and Eric Bornstein to the Environmental & Sustainability Board as
recommended by City Council Liaisons Bolton and Moser
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Van Der Mark to approve the re-appointment of the following
current ESB members: KC Fockler and Kathleen McGowan for a 2-year term of July 1, 2023 through
June 30, 2025; Bud Benneman, Joan Siegal, and Eric Bornstein for a 4-year term of July 1, 2023 through
June 30, 2027.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
8. 23-503 Approved and authorized execution of Professional Services Contracts with Dorado
Creative, Inc., Tripepi Smith and Associates, and Marketworks for On-Call Video
Production Services for a two-year contract term
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Van Der Mark to approve and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute, "Professional Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and Dorado
Creative, Inc. for On-Call City of Huntington Beach Video Production Services"; and/ or approve and
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute, "Professional Services Contract Between the City of
Huntington Beach and Tripepi Smith and Associates for On-Call City of Huntington Beach Video
Production Services"; and/ or approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute, "Professional
Services Contract Between the City of Huntington Beach and Marketworks for On-Call City of Huntington
Beach Video Production Services."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
Community and Library Services
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9. 23-459 Approved reappointments to the Historic Resources Board (HRB), with terms to
expire June 30, 2027, as recommended by City Council Liaisons, Van Der Mark and
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Van Der Mark to approve the reappointments of Susan Nguyen,
David Wentworth, Sr., and Joseph Santiago for an additional term to the Historic Resources Board,
effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
Public Works
10. 23-455 Accepted the lowest responsive and responsible bid, approved appropriations, and
authorized execution of a construction contract with All American Asphalt in the
amount of $1,559,316 for the Saybrook Lane Rehabilitation Project, CC-1690.
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Van Der Mark to accept the lowest responsive and responsible
bid submitted by All American Asphalt in the amount of $1,559,316.00, and; authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
11. 23-467 Approved and authorized execution of a Cooperative Agreement with the Orange
County Flood Control District for the East Garden Grove—Wintersburg Channel
Flood Wall Improvements at Warner Avenue, Springdale Street, and Edwards Street
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Van Der Mark to approve and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute "Cooperative Agreement between Orange County Flood Control District and City of
Huntington Beach for Funding, Construction, and Maintenance of the East Garden Grove—Wintersburg
Channel (C05) Bridges at Warner Avenue, Springdale Street, and Edwards Street Improvements
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
12. 23-478 Accepted bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with Elecnor
Belco Electric, Inc., in the amount of $308,008, for the construction of a traffic
control signal at the Heil Avenue Fire Station (5891 Heil Avenue) (CC-1673)
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Van Der Mark to accept the lowest responsive and responsible
bid submitted by Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc., in the amount of $308,008; appropriate $68,827 of
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undesignated Traffic Impact Fee balance to Traffic Impact Fee account 20690020.82700; and, authorize
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a construction contract in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
13. 23-482 Adopted Resolution No. 2023-22 concerning the status and update of the Local
Signal Synchronization Plan (LSSP) for the Measure M2 Program; adopted
Resolution No. 2023-29 concerning the status and update of the Circulation
Element and Mitigation Fee Program for the Measure M2 Program; and adopted a 7-
Year Capital Improvement Program for the Fiscal Years 2023/24 through 2029/30 for
compliance with the renewed Measure M eligibility requirements
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Van Der Mark to adopt Resolution No. 2023-22, "A Resolution
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Concerning the Update of the Local Signal
Synchronization Plan for the Measure M (M2) Program"; adopt Resolution No. 2023-29, "A Resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Concerning the Status and Update of the Circulation
Element, and Mitigation Fee Program for the Measure M (M2) Program"; and adopt the 7-year Capital
Improvement Program (Fiscal Years 2023/24 through 2029/30) included as Attachment #4 for
compliance with the renewed Measure M eligibility requirements.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
14. 23-521 CONTINUED to June 26, 2023 at 5:00 PM with Public Hearing open — Request to
Consider Adopting Resolution No. 2023-24 to Adopt a Budget for the City for Fiscal
Year 2023/2024 and Authorize the Corresponding Appropriation and Transfer of $4.9
Million of AES Reserves and $3.9 Million of Equipment Replacement Reserves and
Return to a 12-year Paving Cycle; Resolution No. 2023-25 Establishing the Gann
Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 2023/2024; Resolution No. 2023-23 Levying a
Retirement Property Tax for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 to Pay for Pre-1978 Employee
Retirement Benefits; Resolution No. 2023-27 Amending the City's Classification
Plan by Adding the Classifications of Graphic Designer, Multimedia Officer, and
Municipal Records Manager; Resolution No. 2023-28 to Adopt a Revised General
Fund Reserve Policy; Resolution No. 2023-26 Acknowledging Receipt of a Report
Made by the Fire Chief of the Huntington Beach Fire Department Regarding the
Inspection of Certain Occupancies Required to Perform Annual Inspections in such
Occupancies Pursuant to Sections 13146.2 and 13146.3 of the California Health and
Safety Code; Approve and Authorize the execution of Amendment No. 2 to the
Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Mind OC for Pilot Mobile
Crisis Response Program; and Approve and Authorize the Execution of
Professional Services Contract between the City of Huntington Beach and National
Council for Community Development (NDC) for Technical Assistance Services
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Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet, which were
uploaded to the City's website and Councilmember iPads prior to the start of the meeting: (1 email
Public Speakers — 1
Amory Hanson was called to speak and stated his support for Public Hearing Item #14 (H), the addition
of three Classifications to the City's Classification Plan. (06:06:41)
Councilmember Kalmick shared his disappointment that this item is being continued, and advised
interested individuals to review attachments to the Monday, June 26, meeting agenda, specifically cuts to
services that may be proposed. (06:07:07)
A motion was made by Burns, second McKeon to continue to Monday, June 26, 2023 at 5:00 PM,
request to consider adopting Resolution No. 2023-24, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach Adopting a Budget for the City for Fiscal Year 2023/2024" (Attachment 2); and,
authorize the Professional Services included in the FY 2023/24 budget to be representative of the
services projected to be utilized by departments in FY 2023/24 (Attachment 3); and, authorize the
appropriation and transfer of the full balance ($4.9 million) of the AES Reserve from the General Fund to
the AES Mitigation Fund 1284; and, authorize the appropriation and transfer of $3,903,803 from the
General Fund Equipment Replacement Reserve to the Equipment Replacement Fund 324; and, approve
the return to a 12 year paving cycle; and, adopt Resolution No. 2023-25, "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach Establishing the Gann Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year
2023/2024" of $1,171,687,773" (Attachment 4); and, adopt Resolution No. 2023-23, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Levying a Retirement Property Tax for Fiscal Year
2023/2024 to Pay for Pre-1978 Employee Retirement Benefits" (Attachment 5); and, adopt Resolution
No. 2023-27, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the City's
Classification Plan by Adding the Classifications of Graphic Designer, Multimedia Officer, and Municipal
Records Manager" (Attachment 6); and, adopt Resolution No. 2023-28, "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach Adopting a Revised General Fund Reserve Policy" (Attachment 7) and
authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all administrative and budgetary actions necessary to
consolidate certain General Fund Assigned Fund Balances to the Economic Uncertainties Reserve in
order to meet the City's two-month Emergency Reserve requirement; and, adopt Resolution No. 2023-
26, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Acknowledging Receipt
of a Report Made by the Fire Chief of the Huntington Beach Fire Department Regarding the Inspection of
Certain Occupancies Required to Perform Annual Inspections in such Occupancies Pursuant to Sections
13146.2 and 13146.3 of the California Health and Safety Code" (Attachment 8); and, approve and
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute "Amendment No. 2 to Agreement between the City of
Huntington Beach and Mind OC for Pilot Mobile Crisis Response Program" (Attachment 9); and, approve
and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute "Professional Services Contract between the City of
Huntington Beach and National Council for Community Development (NDC) for Technical Assistance
Services" (Attachment 10).
The motion as amended carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
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15. 23-522 WITHDRAWN FROM CONSIDERATION — Future Development of 17642 Beach Blvd.
Receive and file this report, and provide direction to staff regarding future use of the Site.
16. 23-525 Approved Introduction of the Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between
the Huntington Beach Police Management Association (PMA) and the City of
Huntington Beach for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026.
Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins presented a PowerPoint communication titled Introduction of
Proposed Memorandum of Understanding with the Police Management Association (PMA) with slides
entitled: Overview; Proposed Memorandum of Understanding; Fiscal Impact; and City Council Options.
A motion was made by Strickland, second Van Der Mark to approve introduction of the proposed
Memorandum of Understanding between the Huntington Beach Police Management Association and the
City of Huntington Beach for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
17. 23-524 Adopted Resolution No. 2023-31 Approving and Implementing the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) between the Huntington Beach Police Officers’ Association
(POA) and the City of Huntington Beach for July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026;
and authorized appropriation of funds.
Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins presented a PowerPoint communication titled Consideration of
the Proposed Memorandum of Understanding with Police Officers' Association with slides entitled:
Overview; Proposed Memoranda of Understanding (2); Fiscal Impact; and City Council Options.
A motion was made by Strickland, second Van Der Mark to adopt Resolution No. 2023-31, "A Resolution
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving and Implementing the Memorandum of
Understanding Between the Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association (POA) and the City for July 1,
2023, through June 30, 2026;" and, authorize City Manager or designee to take all administrative and
budgetary actions necessary for implementation of Resolution No. 2023-31.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Kalmick, Moser, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, Bolton, and Burns
NOES: None
18. 23-532 Approved as amended Item Submitted by Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark —
Selection, Display and Circulation of Library Books and Other Materials within
Huntington Beach Public Libraries (HBPL)
Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark introduced her item by reading information included in the Issue
Statement that described problems with children exposed to obscene and age-inappropriate materials by
adults, federal obscenity laws, First Amendment protections, etc. She further explained that federal law
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would prevent her from displaying certain uncensored examples of obscene and/or pornographic
material found in children’s books that are included in her prepared PowerPoint titled, Huntington Beach
Library Children’s Books, with slides titled Books Currently Available to Children, Grades 7-12 (3),
Children Section Books Available to All Children, All Ages (3), Book Currently on Order for Children
Section Recommended Ages, 3-6 (2), and, Book Available for All, Including Children to Checkout (3).
Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark then provided a warning to parents that certain images and or excerpts
from books she was about to highlight, may not be appropriate for children.
City Attorney Michael Gates clarified for the record that his proposed role for this process is only to
review and provide a legal analysis and evaluation for First Amendment protections for books brought to
leadership as objectionable.
There was general discussion on possible ways that do not violate free speech to categorize books
according to age appropriateness.
Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark reiterated she is not proposing any books be banned nor restricting
materials for any specific gender, but rather putting safeguards in place to protect children and help
educate parents so they can make informed decisions about what is appropriate for their families.
Councilmember McKeon stated his opinion that a simple question needs to be answered: "Is
pornography to be allowed in a public library that is paid for by the taxpayer residents?" He stated his
support for guidelines and policies that protect children and allows parents to decide what is appropriate,
such as policies and regulations provided by the movie industry.
Councilmember Bolton shared her observation that media refused to show any images or text provided
to them as examples of pornography or obscenity because the examples were taken out of context. She
further shared her opinion the City Council has much more important issues to be spending their time on
because there are already procedures and policies in place to handle this concern.
Councilmember Bolton added her opinion that book sellers have already received a legal opinion on the
appropriate age level; librarians cannot be expected to have reviewed every single book on the shelves;
government at any level is not in the business of censorship; the system and policies in place are not
perfect; and parents are responsible to determine what their children see and read.
Mayor Strickland stated he believes that a majority of parents are probably not aware of the content of
the books used as examples for this discussion; his support for looking at possible options for ensuring
obscene and/or pornographic materials are unavailable to minors without parental approval in Huntington
Beach Public Libraries; and thanked Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark for educating the public.
Councilmember Moser stated her belief that with regards to the rating system, Mayor Pro Tem Van Der
Mark's argument misses the fundamental difference between voluntary guidelines adopted by private
industry, and the imposition of government restrictions on speech. She thanked the public for their
overwhelming support of the library system; described the slippery slope which can be created when
censorship is used; noted that appropriate policies and procedures already exist for handling potentially
objectionable library materials; noted that parents are able to view their family's library account online to
see which books have been checked out; and stated the City's Librarian confirmed to her that the City is
not associated with the American Library Association because of budget restrictions.
Councilmember Kalmick thanked the public for engaging in this conversation, and requested assistance
from the City Attorney to explain the constitutional rights of children, and his response to the concerns
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shared earlier by Councilmember Bolton on the City’s potential violation of federal obscenity laws in our
public libraries.
Councilmember Kalmick shared his opinion that "making obscene and/or pornographic materials
unavailable to minors" is an action of banning, and his belief that confusion exists in this conversation on
what folks consider a child vs. young adult, or adolescent vs. teenager, and that this whole effort is an
attempt to protect parents from allowing their children to see things which Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark
believes are inappropriate. Councilmember Kalmick stated he could not support this item because there
are already effective policies and processes in place.
Councilmember Burns stated he agrees that a lot of misinformation has come about regarding this issue;
he believes the real intent of this item is to protect children, and help parents to realize what is actually
available through the library; and he supports this item as it provides an opportunity to “check” what
appears to be expanding boundaries regarding what is considered obscene and/or pornographic.
City Manager Zelinka questioned if Mayor Pro Tem Van Der Mark and Council would consider having
staff return with options to address identified concerns at a Study Session in September.
An amended motion was made by McKeon, second Strickland to direct the City Manager to work with the
City Attorney to return to the City Council at a Study Session in August September of this year with
options to establish safeguards that would prevent minor access to age-inappropriate, obscene,
pornographic and/or sexually explicit materials in City libraries. a proposed Ordinance for the City's
Libraries and other public facilities making obscene and/or pornographic materials, both in hard copy and
digitally/electronically, unavailable to minors; with the City Attorney evaluating the materials under the
First Amendment. The Ordinance should also present the policy for procurement, which would include
new screening protocols for books/materials/content yet to be acquired by the Library or other City
facilities that are intended for children at our public facilities, by screened for obscenity and/or
pornography. The Ordinance should also present findings and authorities for "obscenity" within the
meaning of the First Amendment. I would also like to direct our City Manager to look into the process to
part ways with the American Library Association.
The motion as amended carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, and Burns
NOES: Kalmick, Moser, and Bolton
19. 23-534 Approved as Amended Item Submitted by Council Members Kalmick, Bolton, and
Moser — Denouncing Hate in Huntington Beach
Council Kalmick stated this issue should be addressed by City Council until the hate stops, and noted the
item is in direct response to the recent hate flyers distributed in southeast Huntington Beach.
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Bolton, for a Minute Action (which shall be deemed a Council
Resolution) that “The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach denounces antisemitism, white
supremacy, and anti-LGBTQ hate.
A substitute motion was made by Strickland, second Van Der Mark for a Minute Action (which shall be
deemed a Council Resolution) that "The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach denounces
antisemitism, white supremacy, and anti-LGBTQ hate" amended to also denounce hatred towards