HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-05 rmMinutes City Council/Public Financing Authority City of Huntington Beach Tuesday, December 5, 2023 6:00 PM -Council Chambers Civic Center, 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 A video recording of this meeting is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at www.surfcity-hb.org/government/agendas/ 6:00 PM -COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALLED TO ORDER -6:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Kalmick , Moser, Van Der Mark , Strickland, McKeon , Bolton, and Burns None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Led by Preston Van Der Mark INVOCATION 1. 23-983 Pastor Joe Pedick of Calvary Chapel of the Harbour In permitting a nonsectarian invocat ion, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS (Received After Agenda Distribution) Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act, City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental communications that were received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet, which were all uploaded to the City's website and Councilmember iPads: Invocation #1 (3 email communications). Conduct Election of Mayor/Mayor Pro Tern #6 (15 ema i l communications); #7 (3 email communications); #8 (5 email communications). PUBLIC COMMENTS (1-Minute Time Limit) -46 Speakers The number [hh:mm :ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in the archived video located at http ://www.surfcity-hb.org/qovernmentlaqendas . City Council/PFA Regular Minutes December 5 , 2023 Page 2 of 8 Without business decisions agendized and a large volume of speakers, Mayor Strickland announced Public Speakers will be provided one minute to deliver comments. Andrew Einhorn was called to speak and shared his opposition to many decisions made by the Council majority . (00:07:44) Delaine Bailey, Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated her opposition to the proposed Balsa Chica Senior Living Community project. (00 :08 :37) Patti Pappas, 44-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak, thanked Mayor Strickland for his service and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00:09:55) Don Kennedy , long-time resident of Huntington Beach , was called to speak, thanked Mayor Strickland for his service and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00: 10:34) David Rynerson, 25-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to the Council decision to withdraw from the Orange County Power Authority (OCPA). (00: 11 :50) Ann Palmer, 30+-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak, congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor and stated opposition to the proposed Balsa Chica Senior Living Community project. (00 : 13 : 11) Pat Goodman was called to speak and stated her opposition to appointing Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as Mayor of Huntington Beach. (00 : 14: 17) Cathey Ryder, a resident of Huntington Beach s i nce 1965 , was called to speak and stated support for following parliamentary procedure for the selection of the next Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern . (00: 15 :30) Laura Sire, 60+-year resident of Hunt ington Beach , was called to speak and stated her opposition to all of the proposed Charter amendments for the March 5, 2024 , ballot. She thanked all Councilmembers for address i ng and providing services for the home less in Huntington Beach. (00: 17 :00) Synde , Huntington Beach resident , was called to speak and stated her gratitude for the residents who are committed, educated, and remain involved in the process of sharing their opinions throughout the year. (00: 18 : 13) Meg Robinson, Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated support for following historical procedure for the election of the next Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern . (00 : 19:49) Terry Rose, 40-year Huntington Beach resident , was called to speak and stated her opposition to Preston Van Der Mark leading the Pledge of Allegiance and Pastor Pedick presenting the Invocation for this meeting. (00:20:43) Michael Craigs was called to speak and thanked Councilmember Bolton for her professional service to the community . (00 :22 :20) Russ Neal , Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and thanked Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark for her service. (00 :22:59) City Council/PFA Regular Minutes December 5, 2023 Page 3 of 8 Jocyln Rabbit-Sire , a resident since 1999 , was called to speak and encouraged Huntington Beach voters to educate themselves on the proposed Charter amendments for the March 5, 2024 , ballot and noted residents can still select their electric service options until sometime next year. (00 :24: 13) Unnamed Guest, 35-year resident , was called to speak and shared her opposition to many Council Majority decisions made this past year. (00 :25 : 19) Monica Asbury, Huntington Beach resident and Orange Coast Region of the Porsche Club President , was called to speak and invited everyone to bring an unwrapped gift to the Toys for Tots event on Saturday , December 9, at Central Park West from ,10 AM to 2 PM . (00 :26 :44) Unnamed Guest was called to speak and thanked Councilmembers Bolton, Kalmick and Moser for their serv ice this past year. (00 :28 :05) Kathy Carrick, a 48-yea r resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00:29: 10) Unnamed Guest was called to speak and thanked Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark for her inspiring service, and stated support for recent Council decisions related to children's access to inappropriate library materials, residents right to individual healthcare choices, support for Israel and opposition to the recent attacks by Hamas. (00:30:45) Lisa Musil, resident of Huntington Beach for over 10 years , was called to speak and thanked Mayor Pro Tern Gracey for her service and standing for what is right. (00:32: 11) Karen Carroll, long-time resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated her opinion that some elected City representatives appear to be associating themselves with extremist ideologies . (00 :33:04) Tim Geddes was called to speak and shared his opinion the recent effort by Councilmember Moser to explore the feasibility of Huntington Beach becoming a certified autism destination failed because the Council Majority abstained from voting only because this item was proposed by Councilmember Moser. (00 :34 :17) Mary Jo Ba retich was called to speak and stated support for following parliamentary procedures for the selection of the next Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern . (00 :35 :24) Mark Dixon , 50-year resident of Huntington Beach , was called to speak and shared his concerns related to many Council Majority decisions this past year. (00 :36 :35) Unnamed Guest was called to speak and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00 :38 :07) Butch Twining, 55-year Huntington Beach resident , Huntington Beach Planning Commissioner and City Council Candidate in 2024, was called to speak and thanked Mayor Strickland for his service this past year and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00:39 :12) Jeanne Goodin was called to speak and thanked Mayor Strickland for his service this past year and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00 :40:20) City Council/PFA Regular Minutes December 5 , 2023 Page 4 of 8 Suzanne Hart, 25-year Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated support for following parliamentary procedures for the selection of the next Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern. (00:42: 13) Neal was called to speak and shared his opinion the recent effort by Councilmember Moser to explore the feasibility of Huntington Beach becoming a Cert ified Autism Destination failed because the Council Majority abstained from voting . (00:43 :22) Unnamed Speaker was called to speak and shared her confusion as to why the Council Majority eliminated so many boards and comm issions , and opposition to the proposed Charter amendments on the March 5 , 2024, ballot. (00:44 :35) Lisa Ferraro, Huntington Beach resident for over 30 years , was called to speak and thanked Mayor Strickland for his service and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00:45:40) Bethany Webb , a 45-year Hunt ington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated her opposition to act ions of Mayor Strickland and opposition to selecting Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as newly elected Mayor. (00:46:36) Mary Kyle, 25-year resident , was called to speak and stated support for following parliamentary procedures for the selection of the next Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern and opposition to the proposed Charter amendments on the March 5, 2024 , ballot. (00 :47 :50) Amory Hanson was called to speak and thanked Mayor Strickland for his service and asked that the newly selected Mayor continue to be transparent and hold regular Town Hall meetings . (00:48:37) Heid i Vea was called to speak and thanked Mayor Strickland for his service and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00:49:39) Siwana Sarkus was called to speak and thanked Mayor Strickland and all the Councilmembers for their service and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00 :50 :36) Stanley Wolf, a resident of Huntington Beach since 1976, was called to speak and stated support for following parliamentary procedures for the selection of the next Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern. (00:51 :22) Marilyn Boehm, a 30-year resident , was called to speak and stated opposition to Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark becoming Mayor. (00:52:41) Kanan Durham , Pride at the Pier Representative, was called to speak and stated opposition to electing Mayor Van Der Mark and Mayor Pro Tern Burns for 2024 . (00:53:58) Unnamed Speaker was called to speak and shared her opinions on why Mayor Strickland and Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark are not qualified to serve on City Council. (00:55: 12) James Peters was called to speak and shared his opinions related to stolen votes in Orange County. (00:56:34) Minnie Murashko was called to speak and congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark as the newly elected Mayor. (00 :57:36) City Council/PFA Regular Minutes December 5 , 2023 Page 5 of 8 Unnamed Speaker was called to speak and thanked Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark for addressing the issue of children's access to library materials. (00 :58 :48) Erik Peterson, Former Mayor and Huntington Beach Councilmember, was called to speak, congratulated all of the Councilmembers for surviving this past year and reminded everyone to bring an unwrapped gift to the Toys for Tots event on Saturday , December 9, at Central Park West from 10 AM to 2 PM. (00 :59:43) Chad Williams, Candidate for City Council in 2024, was called to speak and asked people to remember his name , and the names Chad Williams , Don Kennedy and Butch Twining, all Candidates for City Council in 2024 . (01 :00 :55) COUNCIL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS -None AB 1234 REPORTING -None OPENNESS IN NEGOTIATION DISCLOSURES -None CITY MANAGER'S REPORT -None AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 2. 23-986 Mayor Strickland presented the Mayor's HB Excellence Award to Cathy Fikes, Senior Administrative Assistant, City Manager's Office Mayor Strickland described some of the behind-the-scenes responsibilities that are of tremendous importance to keeping Councilmembers prepared and on schedule as he presented the Mayor's Excellence Award to Cathy Fikes . Each Councilmember expressed their appreciation for her support this past year. Ms. Fikes expressed her surprise for the recognition after 23 years of service and thanked Councilmembers for an award she will cherish forever. 3. 23-987 City 2023 Retrospect/Comments by Outgoing Mayqr Strickland Mayor Strickland thanked his family, Huntington Beach citizens and his colleagues for the privilege of serving as Mayor. Mayor Strickland reviewed some of the highlights of this past year including fighting high density housing mandates, reducing the number of homeless individuals , supporting Police Chief Parra and Fire Chief Haberle to increase public safety, and cutting red tape and rolling out the red carpet for local businesses. He noted the many Town Hall and Community Coffee meetings he presided over as well as the Mayor's Round Table program and the Mayor's Spotlight Awards to acknowledge outstanding members of the community as additional accomplishments during his te r m as Mayor. 4. 23-988 Presentation by Mayor Strickland to Colleagues Mayor Strickland presented a gift to each Councilmember and floral bouquets to female support staff. 5. 23-997 Presentations by Community Members to the Outgoing Mayor City Clerk Robin Estanislau invited community members forward to make presentations to Outgoing Mayor Strickland . City Council/PFA Regular Minutes December 5, 2023 Page 6 of 8 California Senator Janet Ngyuen presented a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the Senate to acknowledge Mayor Strickland's year of service. California Senator Janet Nguyen presented a Certificate of Acknowledgement on behalf of the Senate to document Councilmember Van Der Mark as the first Latina in Huntington Beach to be selected as Mayor. A representative for Assemblyman Tri Ta presented a California Assembly Resolution to acknowledge Mayor Strickland's term as Mayor. A representative for Assemblymember Diane Dixon read her statement of appreciation for his service as Mayor. · CONDUCT ELECTION OF MAYOR/MAYOR PRO TEM 6. 23-1034 Election of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern A motion was made by Strickland, second Burns to set aside City Council Resolution No. 6320 and establish different procedures. A substitute motion was made by Bolton, second Moser to elect Councilmember Kalmick as the next Mayor. The substitute motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES : Kalmick, Moser, and Bolton NOES: Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon , and Burns A substitute motion was made by Kalmick, second Bolton to elect Councilmember Moser as the next Mayor. The substitute motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES : Kalmick, Moser, and Bolton NOES: Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, and Burns Councilmember Moser shared her concerns about Councilmembers continually deviating from established norms and procedures which she believes will lead to a lack of continuity and instability in Council's leadership. The original motion made by Strickland, second Burns to set aside City Council Resolution No . 6320 and establish different procedures, carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKeon, and Burns Kalmick, Moser, and Bolton 7. 23-989 Mayor Strickland called for a motion and second to elect new Mayor Mayor Strickland noted that Mayor Pro Tern Van Der Mark worked with him this past year attending all community events and stated she is qualified to become the first Latina Mayor for Huntington Beach . He added that she is a passionate person who deeply cares about people, will not stand down, and is willing to fight. City Council/PFA Regular Minutes December 5, 2023 Page 7 of 8 A motion was made by Strickland, second McKeon to select Councilmember Van Der Mark as new Mayor. The motion carried by the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES: Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, and Burns Kalmick, Moser, and Bolton Oath of Office administered to new Mayor Van Der Mark by Senator Janet Nguyen. Presentation of gavel by outgoing Mayor Strickland to new Mayor Former Mayor Strickland expressed his confidence in the abilities of newly elected Mayor Van Der Mark. Mayor Van Der Mark thanked everyone who turned out to support her and thanked Former Mayor Strickland for being an excellent mentor this past year . Presentation of gifts by new Mayor to outgoing Mayor Strickland Mayor Van Der Mark presented a plaque to Former Mayor Strickland for serving as the 85th Mayor of Huntington Beach and the Ultimate Challenge sculpture. New Mayor Van Der Mark presided over the remaining portions of the meeting. 8. 23-990 Mayor Van Der Mark called for a motion and second to elect a new Mayor Pro Tern A motion was made by Kalmick , second Bolton to elect Councilmember Moser as new Mayor Pro Tern. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kalmick, Moser, and Bolton NOES: Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, and Burns A motion was made by Van Der Mark, second McKeon to elect Councilmember Burns as new Mayor Pro Tern. The motion carried by the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES: Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, and Burns Kalmick , Moser, and Bolton Oath of Office administered to new Mayor Pro Tern Burns by Senator Janet Nguyen. COMMENTS BY NEWLY ELECTED MAYOR, MAYOR PRO TEM, AND COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember McKeon thanked Former Mayor Strickland for his leadership this past year and for making himself available to the community through many Town Hall meetings . Councilmember Moser noted the community deserves leadership that improves the quality of life for all residents, and encouraged residents to be engaged, be informed and be well. City Council/PFA Regular Minutes December 5, 2023 Page 8 of 8 Mayor Pro Tern Burns thanked community members for their support this past year and noted especially the support of former Councilmembers Ed Laird , Jim Silva, Erik Peterson and Assistant Cathy Fikes. Mayor Van Der Mark reflected on the historic significance of reaching this milestone, thanked her family for their selfless and unconditional support, the many community members who have trust and faith in her leadership and are helping to spread the truth. Mayor Van Der Mark shared her appreciation in Spanish to her mother. She thanked fellow Councilmembers Strickland, McKeon and Mayor Pro Tern Burns for their never-ending support. She thanked Police and Fire Officers and Marine Safety staff for keeping residents and visitors protected. Mayor Van Der Mark stated her focus is on what is best for Huntington Beach residents, not what is best for California or special interest groups. In reviewing the accomplishments of this past year she noted anonymous calls for code enforcement against local businesses were banned, the Annual Pacific Air Show was saved, withdrawing from the Orange County Power Authority, fighting high density development, putting parents first by ensuring they are involved in their children's book $elections at City Libraries, approval of a sound flag policy, putting the integrity of the City and election system before the voters, and standing against over-reaching mandates from Sacramento. Mayor Van Der Mark stated she accepts the position with a profound sense of humility and privilege and looks forward to being the face of this great City. ADJOURNMENT -at 8:02 PM a motion was made by Stickland, seconded by Burns to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California. INTERNET ACCESS TO CITY COUNCIL/PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AGENDA AND STAFF REPORT MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT http://www.huntingtonbeachca.gov ATTEST: City Clerk-Secretary City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and Secretary of the Public Financing Authority of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor-Chair