HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-19 rmMinutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
Regular Meeting and Special Meetings of the
Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency
City of Huntington Beach
Tuesday , December 19 , 2023
5:00 PM -Council Chambers
6:00 PM -Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach , California 92648
A video recording of the 6:00 PM portion of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Moser, Bolton , Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon , and Kalmick
(Received After Agenda Distribution) -None
A motion was made by Strickland, second by Burns to recess to Closed Session .
1. 23-1032 CONFERENCE 'J'.'ITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Gov. Code seotion 54957.6.) Agenoy
designated representatives: Erio Parra, Interim City Manager and Melanie Chaney,
Chief Negotiator; also in attendanoe: Jose Rodriguez, Human Resouroes Manager;
Theresa St Peter, Interim Direotor of Human Resouroes; Travis Hopkins, Assistant
City Manager; Miohael E. Gates, City Attorney; Soott Haberle, Fire Chief and Sunny
Han, Chief Finanoial Offioer. Employee Organization: The Huntington Beaoh
Firefighters' Assooiation (HBFA).
section 54956.9(d)(2).): Number of matters: One (1).
Council/PFA Regular Meeting
Housing Authority, Parking Authority and Successor Agency Special Meeting Minutes
December 19 , 2023 , Page 2 of 17
subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9). Page (John & Shaya) v. City of Huntington
Beach and Eric Scott Cunningham; OCSC Case No.: 30-2022-01280954.
Moser, Bolton , Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKeon, and Kalmick
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Led by Interim City Manager Eric Parra
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation , the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation.
4. 23 -985 Huntington Beach Police and Fire Chaplain Roger Wing
Council Committee Appointment Announcements: Item #5 -One (1) Staff Memorandum
Consent Calendar. Item #9 -One (1) email communication; Item #11-'-One (1) communication;
Item #20-One (1) Staff Memorandum and one (1) email communication
Councilmember Items : Item #25 -Twelve (12) email communications
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3-Minute Time Limit) -44 Speakers
The number [hh :mm :ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approximate starting time in
the archived video located at http ://www.surfcity-hb.org/governmentlagendas.
Andrew Einhorn , Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and shared his opinions on the recent
request by Council member Moser for a staff review on the feasibility and requirements for Huntington
Beach to become a Certified Autism Destination and urged a "No" vote on the March 5, 2024, proposed
Charter amendments. (00 :06 :54)
Jonathan Bonwit, Brightwate r Development resident since 2009 , was called to speak and stated his
opposition to Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Balsa Chica Senior Living Community Project.
Kathie Schey , City Archivist and member of the Historic Resources Board (HRB) for the past 15 years ,
was called to speak and shared her concerns regarding Councilmember Item #25 to establish a monthly
program for honoring the histo r ic heritage of the United States, State of California, and City of Huntington
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Beach, and announced her decision to resign from the HRB and her seven-year term as a member of the
Design Review Board (serving as Chair for three years). (00 :12:04)
Pat Goodman was called to speak and shared her opinions related to the purported affiliations of Mayor
Van Der Mark and the Council majority to extremist anti-tax , anti-immigration, and conspiracy theory
militia organizations which she believes makes them unfit to serve Huntington Beach and urged a "No"
vote on the March 5, 2024, proposed Charter amendments . (00: 14 : 18)
Don Kennedy, City Council Cand idate in 2024, Planning Commissioner and resident since 1962 , was
called to speak and stated his opposition to Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica Senior
Living Community Project. (00 : 17 :07)
Luanne Nichols Shoup , a fourth generation Huntington Beach property owner, was called to speak and
stated her opposition to Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community
Project. (00 :20: 19)
Jeanne Paris, 28-year Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak, congratulated Mayor Van Der
Mark and Mayor Pro Tern Burns, stated her opposition to Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa
Chica Senior Living Community Project, and stated support for Councilmember Item #25 to consider
establishing a monthly program to honor the historic heritage of the United States , State of California ,
and City of Huntington Beach . (00 :21 :07)
Ann Palmer, a 30+-year Huntington Beach resident , was called to speak and stated opposition to Public
Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community Project and stated support for
Council member Item #25 to consider establishing a monthly program to honor the historic heritage of the
United States , State of California, and City of Huntington Beach. (00:23:28)
Unnamed Guest was called to speak and urged a "No" vote on the March 5, 2024 , proposed Charter
amendments . (00:26 :40)
Michael Craigs , a seven-year Huntington Beach res ident, was called to speak and urged a "No" vote on
the March 5 , 2024, proposed Charter amendments . (00 :29: 15)
Barbara Shapiro was called to speak and urged a "No" vote on the March 5, 2024 , proposed Charter
amendments. (00 :32 :25)
Shammy D. was called to speak and urged a "No" vote on the March 5, 2024 , proposed Charter
amendments. (00 :35 :29)
Connie Boardman, Former Mayor and Councilmember for eight years, was called to speak and urged a
"No" vote on the March 5, 2024, proposed Charter amendments and shared her concerns regarding
Councilmember Item #25 to consider establishing a monthly program to honor the historic heritage of the
United States, State of California and City of Huntington Beach . (00 :38:49)
Ken Inouye , a 51-year Huntington Beach resident , was called to speak and shared his opinions
regarding the City's financial condition and reiterated his suggestion that a Financial Analyst Team be
created to help Councilmembers make decisions that have a financial impact, and asked
Councilmembers to revisit the recent request for a staff review on the feasibility and requirements for
Huntington Beach to become a Certified Autism Destination . (00:41: 18)
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Mark Tonkovich, Huntington Beach resident , was called to speak, congratulated Mayor Van Der Mark
and Mayor Pro Tern Burns, stated opposition to Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica
Senior Living Community Project, and stated support for Councilmember Item #25 to consider
establishing a monthly program to honor the historic heritage of the United States , State of California,
and City of Huntington Beach. (00:44 :09)
Michael Shoup was called to speak, thanked the Councilmembers for serving and making important
changes this past year and stated opposition to Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica
Senior Living Community Project. (00:46:40)
Deb Janus, 44-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and stated opposition to Public
Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community Project. (00:48: 15)
Synde, Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated opposition to Councilmember Item
#25 to consider establishing a monthly program to honor the historic heritage of the United States, State
of California and City of Huntington Beach . (00:49:42) '
Eric R. Massey was called to speak and asked that Councilmembers tell Connecticut officials to return
home and leave him alone . (00 :53:42)
Tim Geddes was called to speak and asked the Mayor to provide the standards used to determine Publ ic
Speaker time limits, urged a "No" vote on the March 5, 2024, proposed Charter amendments and stated
opposition to Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community Project.
(00 :56 :58)
Charlie Jackson, 22-year Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and stated support for
remaining with the Orange County Power Authority (OCPA). (00 :59 :53)
Brian Thienes , Appellant for Public Hearing Item #21 , was called to speak and stated opposit ion to the
Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community Project. (01 :01 :22)
Neal was called to speak and stated his opposition to Councilmember Item #25 to consider establishing
a monthly program to honor the historic heritage of the United States , State of California and City of
Huntington Beach and support for Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica Senior Living
Community Project. (01 :04 :32)
David Rynerson was called to speak and stated support for remaining with the Orange County Power
Authority (OCPA). (01 :07 :11)
Joette was called to speak and shared her opinions on the economy of California, evaluating library
books to determine suitability for children, the need to return to paper ballots with neighborhood polling
locations, and implementing Voter Identification requirements . (01 :09:38)
Unnamed Speaker was called to speak and urged a "No" vote on the March 5, 2024 , proposed Charter
amendments and stated opposition to Councilmember Item #25 to consider establishing a monthly
program to honor the historical heritage of the United States, State of California, and City of Huntington
Beach . (01 : 12:49)
Amory Hanson , Councilmember Candidate for 2024 , was called to speak and stated his support for
always allowing a full three minutes for Public Speakers. (01 :14 :57)
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Daniel Lak , Huntington Beach resident since 2015, was called to speak and shared his opinions
regarding potential ramifications for appointing Police Chief Parra as Interim City Manager. (01: 16:35)
Philip Rizzo accompanied by his son AJ , resident of Rhone Lane since 2004 , was called to speak. Mr.
Rizzo shared contents of a letter received from the Orange County Sanitation District (OC Sands)
demanding access to approximately 30 feet of their back yard, and asked Mayor Pro Tern Burns, as an
OC Sands voting Board member, to help find a better solution than what OC Sands is demanding .
(01: 19:48)
Scott Monastra, a Rhone Lane res ident since 1993 , was called to speak and shared contents of a letter
received from the Orange County Sanitation District (OC Sands) claiming his property is encroaching on
the utility 's easement behind his home, and noted he rece ived a Huntington Beach permit and project
approval for his pool in 1999 . He asked that Mayor Van Der Mark and Mayor Pro Tern Burns get
involved and support the residents dealing with OC Sands demands. (01 :23:07)
Tony Shahidi, owner of property on Rhone Lane since 2000 , was called to speak and shared he received
a letter from the Orange County Sanitation District (OC Sands) claim i ng his property is encroach ing on
the utility's easement behind his home and asked that Mayor Pro Tern Burns get involved and support
the residents dealing with OC Sands demands. (01 :26:44)
Clark Stephens , Rhone Lane resident since 1986, was called to speak and stated he received a letter
from the Orange County Sanitation District (OC Sands) claiming his property is encroaching on the
utility's easement behind his home, and OC Sands intends to build a wall cutting him off from access to
the back 30 feet of his property . Mr. Stephens asked that Mayo r Pro Tern Burns get involv-ed and
support the residents dealing with OC Sands demands. (01 :30 :02)
Mayor Pro Tern Burns asked that any Rhone Lane residents in attendance who received the OC Sands
letter to complete a blue card for follow -up communication . (01 :31 :35)
Derek Uerling , 30-year resident on Rhone Lane, was called to speak and shared his experience with the
OC Sanitation District and meeting their request in the 1990s to move his fence back by a foot when he
replaced the original fence . (01 :32:00)
James Peters, Californians for Liberty , was called to speak and shared his opinions related to voting in
Orange County and his belief that his vote has been stolen for the last 20 years . (01 :34 :03)
Cheryle Browning was called to speak and directed her comments to Councilmembers Moser and
Kalmick regarding how they deviated from normal procedures by appointing Ms . Bolton , a community
newcomer, to fill a Council vacancy rather than accepting Ms . Van Der Mark, the Council Candidate who
should have been selected based on number of votes received at the previous election . (01 :36 :54)
Urson Russell , a local resident, was called to speak and stated his support for local elections using paper
ballots which stay in the local voting district while being counted. (01 :40:02)
Tom Lawless , Legal Representative for the Developer of the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community
Project , was called to speak, described project changes made in response to community feedback , and
officially requested a continuance for the scheduled Public Hearing to allow for additional project
modifications, with the understanding that anyone signed up to speak during the Public Hearing have an
opportunity to speak during this Open Session. '(01 :42:46)
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Joy Bertoli was called to speak and stated her support for Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa
Chica Senior Living Community Project. (01 :45:48)
Kanan Durham was called to speak and directed his concerns and suggestions to Councilmember Item
#25 to consider establishing a monthly program to honor the historical heritage of the United States ,
State of California and City of Huntington Beach . (01 :46 :56)
Perry Clitheroe was called to speak and stated his support for Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the
Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community Project. (01 :50 :04)
Brian Genovese , Huntington Beach resident and realtor who signed up to speak during Public Hearing
Item #21 , was called to speak and stated his support for the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community
Project. (01 :52:24)
Tom Dillman, Huntington Beach homeowner, was called to speak and stated his opposition to Public
Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community Project. (01 :54 :14)
Christopher Lawrence Greaves, 20-year Huntington Beach resident , was called to speak and stated his
support for Public Hearing Item #21 regarding the Bolsa Chica Senior Living Community Project.
(01 :56:41)
Ellen Riley was called to speak and shared her opinion that local government officials should be focused
on preventing theft that is occurr ing from local retail businesses . (01 :57 :24)
5. 23-1038 Approved Mayor Van Der Mark's 2024 Council Liaison List
Mayor Van Der Mark introduced her 2024 Council Liaison List.
A motion was made by Van Der Mark, second Strickland to as recommended by the City Council, Public
Financing Authority, Housing Authority, Parking Authority, and Successor Agency : approve the 2024
Council Liaison List that includes appointments to citizen boards , commissions, committees , and task
forces as presented by Mayor Van Der Mark, as amended by supplemental communication. The City
Clerk certifies that FPPC Form 806 "Agency Report of Public Official Appointments" which is used to
report addit ional compensation that officials receive when appointing themselves to positions on
committees , boards or commissions of a public agency , special district and joint powers agency or
authority was posted to the City's website according to law prior to this vote.
Councilmember Kalmick referred to process documented in the Council Manual that has historically been
followed to support sha red Counci l representation on various citizen boards, commissions , and
committees. He objected to being excluded from appointment to any board , commiss ion , committee in
2024 , and stated support for consistency and continuity .
Councilmember Moser spoke in favor of continu ity and shared her opinion on the benefits of expanded
A substitute motion was made by Kalmick , second Bolton , to revise the recommendation to appoint
Councilmember Kalmick as primary liaison , and Councilmember Moser as alternate , to the Orange
County Sanitation District.
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The substitute motion failed by the following roll call vote :
AYES: Moser, Bolton, and Kalmick
NOES : Burns , Van Der Mark, Strickland, and McKeon
The original motion by Van Der Mark, seconded by Strickland, to as recommended by the City Council,
Public Financing Authority, Housing Authority , Parking Authority, and Successor Agency : approve the
2024 Council Liaison List that includes appointments to citizen boards , commissions, committees, and
task forces as presented by Mayor Van Der Mark, as amended by supplemental communication. The
City Clerk certifies that FPPC Form 806 "Agency Report of Public Official Appointments" which is used to
report additional compensation that officials receive when appointing themselves to positions on
committees, boards or commissions of a public agency , special district and joint powers agency or
authority was posted to the City's website according to law prior to this vote, carried by the following roll
call vote:
Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland, and McKeon
Moser, Bolton , and Kalmick
Councilmember Bolton pulled Item #7 and Councilmember McKean pulled Item #20 for further
discussion .
City Clerk
6. 23-1037 Approved and Adopted Minutes
A motion was made by Strickland , second Kalmick to approve and adopt the City Council/Public
Financing Authority regular meeting minutes of November 21 , 2023 ; and approve and adopt the City
Council/Public Financing Authority regular meeting minutes of December 5, 2023.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote :
Moser, Bolton, Burns , Van Der Mark , Strickland, McKeon , and Kalmick
7. 23-1036 Received and filed November Update of Activities for Citizen Boards, Commissions,
Committees (BCCs) and Regional Agencies
Councilmember Bolton pulled this item to share her concern t he attached report only contains website
links for each regional agency but does not conta in any description of decisions or activities with insight
and context. She also noted that three of the Councilmembers are currently not allowed to represent
their constituents with any of these various agencies .
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Councilmember Strickland responded that some of the meetings in this report are public meetings and
those agencies post their agenda and minutes for public access therefore it is not necessary to repeat
that information in this report.
A motion was made by Bolton , second Strickland to receive and file the November Update of Activities
for Citizen Boards , Commissions , Committees (BCCs) and Regional Agencies .
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Moser, Bolton, Burns , Van Der Mark , Strickland , McKeon , and Kalmick
8. 23 -1035 Received and filed the Maddy Act Local Appointments List -2024 (terms on City
boards, commissions, and committees that expire in 2024) informing the public of
openings and vacancies based on 2024 expiration of current members' terms
A motion was made by Strickland , second Kalmick to receive and file the Maddy Act Local Appointments
List -2024 showing vacanc ies that will occur on City boa rds, commissions, and committees in the year
2024, and direct the City Clerk to post the list at official posting locations (Civic Center, Huntington
Central Library, and Main Street Library). Copies of the Maddy Act Local Appointments List -2024 will
also be posted at all branch libraries and on the City's website.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote :
City Manager
Moser, Bolton, Burns , Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKeon , and Kalmick
9. 23 -717 Approved and accepted the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 State Earmark Funding of
$1,100,000 via the California Department of Housing and Community Development;
authorized the City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to execute documents; and
appropriated the funds into the FY 2023/24 Operating Budget
A motion was made by Strickland , second Kalmick to approve and accept the FY 2023-24 State Funding
of $1 ,100 ,000 via the California Department of Housing and Community Development awarded to the
City of Huntington Beach; and , authorize the City Manager and Chief Financial Officer as the officials to
execute any award-related documents to receive the funding; and, appropriate the funds totaling
$1 ,100 ,000 in the FY 2023/24 City Manager's Office , Homeless and Behavioral Health Division operating
budget (Business Unit 128130103.69365).
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
City Treasurer
Moser, Bolton , Burns , Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKeon , and Kalmick
10. 23-1023 Adopted Resolution No. 2023-59 approving the 2024 Investment Policy
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A motion was made by Strickland, second Kalmick to adopt Resolution 2023-59 , "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving the Statement of Investment Policy 2024 ."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Moser, Bolton, Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKean, and Kalmick
Community and Library Services
11. 23-1051 Authorized the appropriation of $160,500 from the AES Fund 1284 fund balance for
the design and installation of a new backstop and fencing for the City's north
softball field at Edison Park
A motion was made by Strickland, second Kalmick to authorize the appropriation of $160,500 from the
AES contingency fund balance 1284 to Account 128485005.82800 to complete the necessary softball
field backstop and fencing improvements at Edison Park.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Moser, Bolton , Burns , Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKean, and Kalmick
Community Development
12. 23-1031 Approved Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) No. 23-002 by adopting City
Council Resolution No. 2023-61 and request its certification by the California
Coastal Commission
A motion was made by Strickland, second Kalmick to approve Local Coastal Program Amendment No .
23 -002 by adopting Resolution No. 2023-61 , "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach Adopting Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 23-002 and Requesting Its Certification by the
California Coastal Commission," (Attachment No . 1).
The motion carried by the following roll call vote :
Moser, Bolton, Burns , Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKean , and Kalmick
13. 23-1044 Adopted Successor Agency Resolution Nos. 2023-04 and 2023-05 approving the
Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) and Administrative Budget for
the Huntington Beach Successor Agency for the period of July 1, 2024, through
June 30, 2025, in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 34177 and
related actions
A motion was made by Strickland , second Kalmick to adopt Resolution No . 2023-04, "A Resolution of the
Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach Approving the
Successor Agency Adm inistrative Budget for the Period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025 ;" and , adopt
Resolution No . 2023-05 , "A Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the
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City of Hunti ngton Beach Approving the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the Period July 1,
2024 -June 30, 2025 ('ROPS 24-25')."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote :
Moser, Bolton , Burns , Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKean, and Kalmick
14. 23-1058 Accepted and approved the Development Impact Fee (DIF) Report for Fiscal Year
2022-23 and to make findings as required by Government Code Sections 66006 and
A motion was made by Strickland, second Kalmick to adopt Resolution No. 2023-62, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to Accept and Approve the Development Impact Fee Report
for Fiscal Year Ending June 30 , 2023 , and to make the Findings as required by Government Code
Sections 66006(b) and 66001 (d)."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote :
Moser, Bolton , Burns, Van Der Mark , Strickland, McKean , and Kalmick
15. 23-1049 Adopted Resolution No. 2023-63 approving the application for Whale Tail Grant
Funds from the California Coastal Commission
A motion was made by Strickland , second Kalmick to adopt Resolution No. 2023-63, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving the Application(s) for Whale Tail Grant Funds
from California Coastal Commission ."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Moser, Bolton, Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKean , and Kalmick
Human Resources
16. 23 -1045 Adopted Resolution No. 2023-65 Amending the Memorandum of Understanding
Between the City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Police
Management Association by Adopting a Side Letter of Agreement
A motion was made by Strickland, second Kalmick to adopt Resolution No . 2023-65, "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Memorandum of Understanding between the
City of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Police Management Association by Adopting a Side
Letter of Agreement."
The motion carried by the following roll call vote :
Moser, Bolton , Burns , Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKean , and Kalmick
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17. 23-1041 Adopted Resolution No. 2023-64 modifying the pay schedule for part-time, non -
permanent and non-classified employees to comport with the State minimum wage
increase effective January 1, 2024
A motion was made by Strickland, second Kalmick to adopt Resolut ion No . 2023-64 , "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Approving the Pay Schedule for Part-Time Non-Permanent
and Non-Classified Employees Effective ·January 1, 2024," and authorize the City Manager or designee
to take all administrative and budgetary actions necessary to implement the revised pay schedule.
The mot ion carried by the following roll call vote :
Public Works
Moser, Bolton , Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKean , and Kalmick
18. 23-1054 Accepted bid and authorized execution of a construction contract with PALP Inc.
DBA Excel Paving Company in the amount of $4,398,952.10 for the Oak View
Streetscape Improvement Project, CC -1689; and authorized 15% in contingency
A motion was made by Strickland , second Kalmick to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid
submitted by PALP Inc . OBA Excel Paving Company in the amount of $4 ,398,952 .10 (Base Bid +
Alternate Bid Items (Schedule B)); and authorize the Director of Public Works to approve up to a 15%
contingency in potential construction change orders ; and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a
construction contract with PALP Inc. OBA Excel Paving Company in a form approved by the City
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Moser, Bolton , Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKean, and Kalmick
19. 23-1060 Approved and accepted the public improvements, released the securities for, and
accepted a Guarantee and Warranty Bond for the Huntington Gateway Phase II
Industrial Project
A motion was made by Strickland, second Kalmick to accept the improvements constructed and
dedicated for public use with the Huntington Gateway Phase II Industrial Project, and instruct the City
Clerk to record the Notice of Acceptance of Public Improvements (Attachment 2) with the Orange County
Recorder; and , accept Guarantee and Warranty Bond No . 800043002 (Attachment 3); the security
furnished for guarantee and warranty of public improvements ; and instruct the City Clerk to file the bond
with the City Treasurer; and , instruct the City Clerk to notify the developer, Huntington Gateway Industrial
II , LLC, of this action , and .the City Treasurer to notify the Surety , Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company,
of this action.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Moser, Bolton, Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKean , and Kalmick
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20. 23-1059 Approved amended two-year service agreement for downtown shuttle service
provider Circuit Transit, Inc. for a not to exceed amount of $1,535,426
Councilmember McKeon pulled this item to clarify w ith Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins that the
contract cost increase is due to expanded area and increased level of service. There was also
discussion on the contract option to reduce the amount if any grant funds are not available.
Councilmember Strickland confirmed that State funds have been approved and it is a matter of timing
and some of the funds received will be used as matching funds .
Councilmember Kalmick thanked staff and the City Attorney's office for negotiating an expanded service
area as well as increased level of service , and thanked State Senator Min for coming up with $350 ,000
for this service contract.
Assistant City Manager Hopkins thanked Public Works Director Chau Vu and her staff for their heavy
lifting on this project.
A motion was made by Strickland , second McKeon to approve the two-year service contract with Circuit
Transit , Inc . with a not-to-exceed amount of $1 ,535,426 ; and approve a budget appropriation in the
amount of $806 ,240 fo r the OCTA Project V grant funds into account 126390001 .69505 ; and grant the
City Manager the authority to execute the cooperative agreement between the City of Huntington Beach
and Orange County Transit Authority ; and approve a budget appropriation in the amount of $100,000
from the In-Lieu Parking fund to 30885101 .69505, as amended by Supplemental Communication
(clarifications to the annual contract adjustments; addition of a severability clause).
The motion as amended carried by the following roll call vote :
Moser, Bolton , Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKeon, and Kalmick
Chica Senior Living Community Project -Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-51
approving General Plan Amendment No. 21-004; introduction of Ordinance No. 4305
approving Zoning Map Amendment No. 21-003; adoption of Resolution No. 2023-53
approving Zoning Text Amendment No. 22-005; adoption of Resolution No. 2023 -52
certifying Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 21-004; and, consider appeals by
Council Member Burns and Brian Thienes of the Planning Commission's approval
of Conditional Use Permit No. 21-024
Councilmembers Bolton, Kalmick , Strickland , Moser and Mayor Van Der Mark disclosed ex parte
communications with both the Applicant and the Appellant for this item .
Mayor Pro Tern Burns and Councilmember McKeon disclosed ex parte communications with the
Hayden Beckman , Senior Planner, noted the Applicant's request made during Public Comments for a
continuance of this item to a date uncertain and asked for Council direction on whether to proceed with
this Public Hearing.
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City Attorney Michael Gates described the normal procedure, if Councilmembers chose to proceed with
the Public Hearing, and stated this is the time to decide whether to approve the Applicant's continuance
request. ,
Jennifer Villasenor, Community Development Director, clarified the options for Councilmembers are 1)
approve continuance of the Public Hearing to a date uncertain, which would require a re-notice of the
Public Hearing, including an updated staff presentation with the new Developer modifications, and
include Public Comments so there is opportunity for the public to address the modifications, followed by
Council action; or 2) open the current Public Hearing, and then close it because of anticipated
Mayor Pro Tern Burns confirmed with Director Villasenor that the existing appeals are not null and void
because of anticipated modifications but would continue as part of the item package. Director Villasenor
explained at the present time it is unknown if the modifications will be minor or will require being returned
to the Planning Commission.
A motion was made by McKeon, second Strickland to continue to a date uncertain per Applicant's
request, with no consideration of any of actions or alternative actions .
Applioant's Request (Proposed Projeot)
A) Certify Final Environmental lmpaot Report No. 21 004 (Attaohment No. 16) as adequate and oomplete
in aooordanoe with California Environmental Quality Aot (CEQA) requirements by approving City Counoil
Resolution No. 2023 52, "A Resolution of the City Counoil the City of Huntington Beaoh Adopting
Environmental lmpaot Report No. 21 004 for the Balsa Chioa Senior Living Community Projeot"
(Attaohment No. 2); and approve General Plan Amendment No. 21 004 and City Counoil Resolution No.
2023 51, "A Resolution of the City Counoil of the City of Huntington Beaoh Approving General Plan
Amendment No. 21 004" (Attaohment No. 3); and approve Zoning Map Amendment No. 21 003 and
approve for introduotion City Counoil Ordinanoe No. 4305, "An Ordinanoe of the City of Huntington
Beaoh Amending the Huntington Beaoh Zoning and Subdivision Ordinanoe to Rezone the Real Property
, Generally Looated on the South'l1est Corner of \/Varner Avenue µt Balsa Chioa Street from CG
(Commeroial General) to SP 19 (Balsa Chioa Senior Living Community Speoifio Plan)" (Attaohment No.
4); and approve Zoning Text Amendment No . 22 005 and City Counoil Resolution No . 2023 53, "A
Resolution of the City Counoil of the City of Huntington Beaoh .i\dopting Zoning Text Amendment No. 22
005 by Creating the Balsa Chioa Senior Living Community Speoifio Plan (SP 19) to Apply to Real
Property at the Southwest Corner of Warner Avenue at Balsa Chioa Street" (,AJtaohment No. 5); and
deny t'.vo appeals and uphold the Planning Commission's approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 21 024
i.~,ith findings and oonditions of approval (Attaohment No. 1 ).
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Moser, Bolton, Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon, and Kalmick
22. 23-1047 Approved Introduction of the Proposed Memorandum of Understanding Between
the Huntington Beach Firefighter's Association (HBFA) and the City of Huntington
Beach for January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2026
Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins presented a PowerPoint communication, for Items #22 and #23,
titled Introduction of Proposed Memorandum of Understanding with the Huntington Beach Fire
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Association (HBFA) with slides entitled Overview; Proposed Memorandum of Understanding (2); Fiscal
Impact; and City Council Options.
A motion was made by Strickland , second Van Der Mark to approve introduction of the proposed
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Huntington Beach Firefighter's Association and the City of
Huntington Beach for the period January 1, 2024 , and December 31 , 2026 .
The motion carried by the following roll call vote :
Moser, Bolton, Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland , McKeon , and Kalmick
23. 23 -1048 Approved Introduction of the Proposed Memorandum of Understanding Between
the Huntington Beach Fire Management Association (FMA) and the City of
Huntington Beach for January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2026
Assistant City Manager Travis Hopkins presented a PowerPoint communication titled Introduction of
Proposed Memorandum of Understanding with the Fire Management Association (FMA); with a slide
entitled Overview.
A mot ion was made by Strickland , second Van Der Mark to approve introduction of the proposed
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Hunt ington Beach Fire Management Association and the
City of Huntington Beach for the period January 1, 2024 , and December 31, 2026 .
The motion carried by the following roll call vote :
Moser, Bolton , Burns, Van Der Mark, Strickland, McKeon , and Kalmick
24. 23-999 Approved for introduction Ordinance No. 4303 and authorized requested changes
to Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 10.44.062 Relating to Parking -Time
Police Captain Oscar Garcia briefly described the proposed changes .
A motion was made by Kalmick, second Strickland to , after City Clerk reads by title , approve the
introduction of Ordinance No . 4303 , "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
Amending Chapter 10.44 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Relating to Parking -Time Limits" to
address special permits regarding parking time limits for recreational vehicles .
The motion carried by the following roll call vote :
Moser, Bolton, Burns, Van Der Ma rk, Strickland, McKeon , and Kalmick
25. 23-1063 Approved as amended Item Submitted by Mayor Van Der Mark, Mayor Pro Tern
Burns, and Council Member McKeon -Consider Establishing a Monthly Program
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to Honor the Historic Heritage of the United States, State of California, and City of
Huntington Beach
Councilmember McKeon introduced this item by describing his personal awareness of the rich history of
Huntington Beach that grew only after he was elected to City Council. He noted that currently the City's
efforts to acknowledge important historical events appears to be fragmented and disorganized between
different departments, and the intent of this item is to ensure all departments are working together to
maximize the use of staff time and resources. He described the effort as a collaboration including staff,
residents, and the Historic Resources Board (HRB).
Councilmember McKeon added he was the Councilmember that HRB member Kathie Schey referenced
in her Public Comments, and he was dismayed to hear her interpretation of their conversation . During
their conversation he intended to convey to Ms. Schey that many residents are not aware of the
incredible efforts of the HRB . Council member McKeon stated he anticipates that the proposed monthly
program will continue to include the topics of public safety and health such as pedestrian safety,
distracted driver awareness, breast cancer and autism awareness. He briefly described many topics that
could be included in various months throughout the year.
Councilmember McKeon amended the item and requested that the proposed topics for February (Civil
War Days) and August (Library Day) be switched; noted this item will not affect existing day and week
events and added that staff should return with a procedure for determining approval of day and week
Mayor Van Der Mark made a friendly amendment to include a Holocaust remembrance in January, and
Councilmember Strickland added Juneteenth.
Councilmembers Kalmick and McKeon discussed some generalities and details for implementing this
item . Councilmember Kalmick expressed his support for having high-level content written by qualified
professionals and shared his concerns about the apparent rush to implement this item with a focus away
from public policy and eliminating existing celebrations in the process.
Mayor Pro Tern Burns shared his dismay that somehow Kathie Schey felt slighted by this item when the
intention all along was to enlist the assistance of the HRB . He added his hope that Ms . Schey would
reconsider her resignation announcement.
Councilmember Strickland reviewed public policy items that were implemented in 2023 in rebuttal to
comments that this item is not focused on public policy.
Councilmember Moser recommended this effort be focused on adding new topics and enhancing existing
events . She added Council's responsibility is to focus on the immediate and tangible needs of the
community such as managing the budget, maintaining , and improving infrastructure to ensure public
safety, and fostering economic growth . Councilmember Moser asked why this item proposes a new
committee rather than assigning it to the existing Liaisons and HRB.
Councilmember Bolton confirmed with Councilmember McKeon that the HRB was not consulted before
this item was placed on the agenda, except for the conversation he and Ms . Schey had over the
Councilmember Bolton asked for a list of current events that would be eliminated if this item were to be
approved. She also asked why this item proposes to replace existing events rather than being focused
on enhancing existing and adding new events .
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Councilmember Bolton requested that Councilmember McKeon consider a friendly amendment by, in
addition to approving the monthly program as presented, include the commemorative months that the
C ity already has on t,he books . Councilmember McKeon denied the request.
A motion was made by McKeon , second Burns to request the City Manager to direct staff to implement
the 2024 monthly program listed above. In addition , form a Brown Act committee of 7-9 residents
appointed by two -Council liaisons to cont inue developing twelve-month programs (starting with 2025)
designed to celebrate and honor the rich historic heritage of the United States , California , and Huntington
Beach . Each month will be dedicated to a specific theme , highlighting significant events, landmarks, and
influent ial figures that have shaped the history of our Nation , State, and C ity . Through a series of
engaging activities utilizing our libraries and media resources , residents and visitors alike will have the
opportunity to explore, appreciate, and preserve the legacy of the history that led Huntington Beach to be
a great American city. (This series would be intended to be free of any identity politics and political
agendas .) The Committee would meet on a limited basis (1-3 times per year) to develop the twelve-
month calendar with their Council Liaisons and Staff Liaison to ensure that the City has the ability to
present the content. The Committee will then present the calendar to City Council for approval before
the start of the year; amendments may also be presented as needed. The Committee should be able to
enlist the assistance of the Historic Resource Board and City staff within reason via Council liaison
requests. All monthly themes hosted by the City must be included in this approved twelve-month
program and will therefore repeal and supersede all such monthly themes/celebrations previously
approved by Council. This effort excludes proclamations requested by outside groups and presented by
the Mayor per Administrative Regulation 512, as amended to include Holocaust Remembrance in
January, switch February (Civil War Days) and August (Library Day) themes, add Juneteenth; this
item will not affect existing day and week programs, and staff should return with a procedure for
determining approval of any new day and week programs.
The motion as amended carried by the following roll call vote :
Burns , Van Der Mark, Strickland, and McKeon
Moser, Bolton, and Kalmick
ADJOURNMENT-at 9:10 PM Strickland made a motion to adjourn , with a second by Burns, to the
next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council /Public Financing Authority on
Tuesday , January 16 , 2024 , in the Civic Center Council Chambers , 2000 Main Street , Huntington Beach ,
California .
The Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority regular meeting of January 3, 2024 , has
been cancelled .
AVAILABLE PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT http://www.huntingtonbeachca.gov
City Cleradex--officio Clerk of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach and Secretary of
the Public Financing Authority , Housing Authority,
Parking Authority , and Successor Agency of the
City of Huntington Beach , California
Council/PFA Regular Meeting
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